Dynamics of performance and its consideration when drawing up lesson schedules. H.1 Students’ mental performance and fatigue

How to keep students productive in the classroom
achieve certain results.
There is an indicator that quite clearly reflects the functional state of the body and its
dynamics. This is an indicator of performance. In everyday life we ​​often use this
term, we apply it to the characteristics of a schoolchild’s activity: “a child with low
efficiency”, “he has a high efficiency”, meaning by this the ability
act purposefully
performance is highly dependent on external conditions and functional state of the body.
For example, the performance of a six-year-old first-grader decreases quite quickly - about this
signals general “motor restlessness”. After 1520 minutes of the lesson, the number of non-listening
fidgeting, distracted, minding their own business, or even just children playing
is growing catastrophically fast. It seems: just a second - and it will be easy to gather their attention
impossible. Motor restlessness is defensive reaction the child's body. It's like he
switches off, giving yourself rest without bringing your body to the point of fatigue. Yes indeed,
An attempt to moderate the motor restlessness of children with words does not give results, and only
rational switching from one type of activity to another, changing types of activities
allows you to put off fatigue.
It is known
Let's consider the basic patterns of mental performance. These patterns
we must not only know - they must be taken into account when organizing the pedagogical process,
Based on these patterns, build a lesson, school day, week.
At the beginning of work, there is a gradual increase in mental indicators
performance, development, adaptation to activity. Then comes the period
optimum, then the first signs of fatigue appear - decreased attention, pace of work,
motor restlessness. This is something that can be noticed. At the same time the tension increases
some physiological functions - this is not visible to the eye, but the functional “price” of the work
increases, but with an effort of will you can still continue working. If at this moment not
adjust, do not adjust the load value if you continue to work with the same
intensity, fatigue will set in and performance will drop sharply. If you carefully
to understand the changes in performance during each lesson, day of the week, then we will find
all these periods. For example, let’s take a lesson: the first 35 minutes are practice. But this period
can be reduced if you immediately create a situation of interest, play, concentrate and attract
children's attention to the work ahead. Then - the optimum, the period of the highest
performance. How long does it last? 1015 minutes, but this period can be extended if
alternate activities, maintain interest and high motivation. In the same time
it must be remembered that the high intensity of even very interesting and varied work
cannot last more than 20 minutes. Next comes next period– compensatory
perestroika. It's time to give the children a break, a distraction. It could be a physical education session,
breathing exercises, minutes of relaxation, eye exercises, etc. After such a rest
510 more minutes provided efficient work, and besides this, by the end of the lesson there won’t be much
a sharp decline in performance.
Today I want to offer you several options for physical education, finger games,
breathing exercises.
Physical education sessions, finger games
Fingers doing exercises
To be less tired.
And then they are in the notebook
They will write letters.
(Clench and unclench their fists)

Fingers came to visit,
Knock, knock, knock - they knocked on the door.

Only the door was not opened for them:
They thought there was a terrible beast there.
(Tapping with fingertips on the desk)
Fingers stretched out together,
Now you need to hook them up.
Which finger is stronger?
Who will squeeze others faster?
(Interlock straightened fingers, squeeze them and unclench them)

I peel vegetables for cabbage soup.
(Clap your hands)
How many vegetables do you need?
(We spread our arms to the sides)
Three potatoes, two carrots,
One and a half heads of onion
Yes, a parsley root,
Yes, a little cabbage.
(Massage the fingers of the left hand)
We quickly went down to the river,
They bent down and washed.
One two three four,
That's how nicely refreshed we were.
And now we swam together.
You need to do this manually:
Together - once, this is breaststroke,
One, the other is a rabbit.
Make room quickly, cabbage,
You make the pot thick.
(Massage the fingers of the right hand)
Once! Two! Three!
(Clap your hands)
The fire is lit.
(Rub our palms together)
Stump, get out.
(Knock fists)
We all swim as one, like a dolphin.
Went ashore steep
And we went home.
We take the pen correctly,
Place it on your middle finger
Now let's press it with a big one,
And we use our index finger,
To make her swing.
What is it that we hear?
This is the rain making noise on the roof.
And now I'm going stronger
And it hits the roof faster.
(Tap with fingertips
by desk)
Let's straighten our hand,
Turn your palm up,
Let's pull our fingers -
Let's bend our wrist.
(Bend your wrists one by one)
So that we can get fire,
Three palms against palms.
Suddenly your palm sparkles,
And the paper will light up.
(Rub palm against palm)
We raise our hands up,
And then we lower them,
And then we'll separate them
And we’ll quickly press you to us.
And then faster, faster,
Clap, clap more cheerfully.
We wrote, we wrote,
And now everyone stood up together.
They stomped their feet,
Hands patted
Then we squeeze our fingers,
Let's sit down and start writing.
Our finger got used to order.
In the morning he does exercises:
One - tilt, two - tilt.

That's how deftly he gallops.
“I’m stronger for sure!” ­
Molvit right hand.
“Why? No!” ­
The left argues back.
(They clasp their hands into a “lock” and pull
different sides)
We stomp our feet,
We clap our hands!
One two three four -
We stomp our feet.
One two three four -
We clap our hands.
Stretch your arms wider -
To complete the tasks,
We need to rest a little.
Well, guys, let's stand together.
You need to shake the bones.
Hands up, bent back.
Now let's do the tilts.
Is everyone ready for the exercise?
We worked great.
Don't mind taking a break now
And charging is familiar to us
Comes to class for lesson.
Above the hand, above the heel,
Smile more cheerfully!
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs,
Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically.
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms.
And to the right! And further
We wrote, we wrote,
Our fingers are tired.
You jump, fingers,
Like sunbeams.
Jump, jump,
We are blinking eyes,
We shrug our shoulders!
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
Once they sat down, twice they stood up.
Everyone raised their hands up.
One-two, one-two,
It's time for us to get busy!
One two three four.
Bend over - three, four
And jump on the spot.
On the toe, then on the heel,
We all do exercises.
One two three four five,
Now keep your backs straight.
We will walk on the spot.
Quietly, let's all sit down
And let's close our eyes.
Remember everything you repeated
Without my prompting.
We'll jump like bunnies
We'll all become more cheerful right away!
We stretched and sighed,
Have you rested?
Have a rest!
Over your left shoulder!
All the guys stood up together
And they walked on the spot.
Stretch on your toes
And they turned to each other.
We sat down like springs,
And then they sat down quietly.
We galloped onto the meadow.
The wind shakes the grass,
Tilts left to right.
Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny,
Have fun on the lawn.

A neighbor was sitting next to me at the desk.
I closed my eyes and my neighbor was gone!
Now don't turn your head,
And we can’t find anyone in our class!
We would like the teacher to say:
“Let's open our eyes, guys!”
We correct posture:
We bend our backs together,
To the right, to the left we bent,
They reached their socks.
Shoulders up, back and down
Smile and sit down.
Our rest is a physical education minute,
Take your seats.
Step in place left, right,
One and two, one and two.
You keep your back straight -
One and two, one and two!
And don’t look at your feet -
One and two, one and two!
One two three four five!
We can all count
We also know how to relax:
Let's put our hands behind our backs,
Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easy.
Pull up on your toes
So many times
Exactly as many as fingers
We have a nice posture.
We squeezed our shoulder blades together.
We walk on our toes
And then on your heels.
Let's go softly, like little foxes,
Well, if you get tired of it,
Then let's all go clubbing,
How bears go into the forest.
On your hand!
One two three four five,
We clap our hands.
One, two - head up,
Three, four - arms wider,
Five, six - sit down quietly.
Let's sit and relax
And then we’ll start deciding.

We counted and got tired
Together we all stood up quietly.
Hands patted
They stomped their feet.
Sat down, stood up, stood up, sat down
And they didn’t hurt each other.
We'll rest a little
And let's start counting again.

(Methodology by E.M. Mastyukova)
"The Flower Blooms"
IP: hands on the back of the head, elbows together (unopened bud).
Execution: slowly, rising on your toes, stretch your arms up and to the sides - inhale (flower
blossoms). Return to the starting position - exhale. Slowly, 46 times.
“Lifting the load higher”
IP: basic stance, hands down, in front, clenched in fists.
Execution: slowly raise your arms to the level chest- inhale. Return to original
position – exhale, 68 times.
"The forest is noisy"
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
Execution: tilt to the right – inhale. To the starting position - exhale, tilt to the left - inhale, in
starting position – exhale, 56 times.
"The grass is swaying"
exhale, 45 times.
IP: basic stance, arms down.
Execution: raise your arms up, smoothly shake your hands – inhale, lower your arms down –
"The grass is growing"
IP: kneeling, hands to shoulders.
Execution: raise your arms up, swing smoothly to the right and left - inhale. Place your hands on your shoulders
– exhale, 35 times.
I.p.: deep squat, hands clasping knees (small fungus).
Execution: slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides, moving your head back a little - inhale
(the fungus has grown), to the starting position – exhale, 68 times.
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body.
Execution: take a deep breath and, as you exhale, slowly bend to the right (the right hand slides
along the body to the knee, left - up to chest level). While inhaling, return to the starting position; That
or to the left. 45 times in each direction.
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.
Execution: take a deep breath without changing the position of your hands; turn to the right - exhale;

When preparing for a lesson, the performance of students should be taken into account. Here is a table reflecting the dynamics of the weekly performance of middle school students.


1 lesson

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7


















Here IN means high performance of children, this is a favorable zone, WITH- average performance, satisfactory zone, N- low performance, unsatisfactory zone.

With reduced performance, a decrease in the student’s mental functions occurs - perception, attention, memory, interest, will, etc. At the same time, physiological functions are also disrupted - the pulse rate changes, increases blood pressure, breathing rate, body temperature, sweating, etc. increase.

The most important factor in increasing the effectiveness of a lesson is maintaining high level students' performance. What are the ways to increase the performance of children in satisfactory and even unsatisfactory zones? Let's imagine how fatigue occurs. Each type of activity is controlled by a specific part of the cerebral cortex. Long-term engagement in homogeneous activities causes inhibition in the corresponding area, which affects neighboring areas. A protective, or transcendental, inhibition of nerve cells occurs, their functioning stops, that is, the ability to respond to stimuli. Light, monotonous, long-term work also causes fatigue. Fatigue sets in quickly when doing uninteresting work.

If it is reasonable to switch students from one type of activity to another, then in the sixth lesson their performance may even improve. Thus, it is recommended to change activities up to 3-5 times in zone B, up to 5-7 times in zone C, and up to 9 times in zone H.

How can this change occur? The story is taught), accompanied, if possible, by a demonstration of clarity, and is replaced by students’ work with the book (reading the text, working with reference material, with drawings, answering questions at the end of the paragraph, etc.), composing problems, solving them, selecting examples, etc. . P.

Situations should be avoided when the teacher changes teaching methods, but the students’ activities are of the same type. In middle classes, the duration of continuous speaking by the teacher should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

It is necessary to consider the place and duration of students’ independent work in the lesson. If at the beginning of the lesson you are given independent work for 18-20 minutes, this will adversely affect the performance of children: it is difficult for them to concentrate on learning new material.

The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the decrease in students’ performance and definitions pedagogical conditions, correct alternation of mental and physical activity and maintaining a possible level of performance sufficient to study and consolidate educational material during school day.

Goal: to identify the characteristics of the dynamics and levels of performance in junior students school age during the school day.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, physical education is considered as a means of correction (Voronkova, Aksenova, Barkov). Physical education is an integral part of a comprehensive system of educational work, which is aimed at solving educational, educational and therapeutic tasks. Numerous studies indicate the primary role of movements in the development mental functions child and the presence of a close connection between indicators of physical and mental qualities in younger schoolchildren. Everyday physical activity is a natural need of a growing organism and an indispensable condition physical development, improving health and increasing the body's resistance. Skillful use of specially selected and correctly dosed physical exercise during the period of development, helps to stimulate the ordering of relevant processes, achieving a significant increase in performance.

Performance is understood as the level functionality body, characterized by the efficiency of work performed over a certain period of time.

At educational work Schoolchildren quickly develop fatigue and sometimes overwork.

Fatigue is a temporary loss of performance caused by intense and complex mental work).

An important condition, which determines the effectiveness of the educational process is a high level of mental and physical performance in the process of educational activity. When teaching children, it is necessary to properly organize the educational process, which should include physical education classes.

The study of schoolchildren's performance is carried out on the basis of a study of quantitative and qualitative parameters of activity (speed of information processing, productivity, accuracy).

To achieve this goal, the following methods were used:

Corrective test of the Landolt ring in the interpretation of Sysoev.

Correction test for Bourdon-Anfimov letter tables.

Methods for studying mental performance, counting according to Kraepelin.

Students with attention deficit disorder have average level performance. This suggests that children with this level, as a rule, quickly begin a task, but after a short amount of time they begin to make mistakes due to a low level of productivity, stability and concentration. After fatigue arises, they become restless, interest in work decreases, tension in mental and physiological functions increases, and volitional efforts increase to maintain the necessary productivity and quality of activity. If you continue to work in this state, the number of tasks completed decreases, errors appear, and your mood worsens. Some students have above-average performance, which means they have a high level of productivity and attention span. Children can concentrate their attention on the proposed task, complete it with average speed while allowing a small number of errors. Low level performance is high fatigue, increased distractibility and lack of interest in work. An analysis of the dynamics of mental performance showed that the factors of fatigue, first of all, include the order and number of the lesson, because indicators of mental performance in students are subject to change during the school day. Most children experience two pronounced increases in performance: the first – from 8 to 11 o’clock, the second – at 16-17 o’clock.

The most productive work occurs in the third lesson and worsens by the fifth.

Analysis of the literature and the data we obtained during the ascertaining experiment allowed us to formulate recommendations for normalizing performance in the classroom.

The conditions for increasing students' performance in the classroom were identified.

In overcoming difficulties caused by decreased performance, physical training breaks are of great importance.

Students need regular physical education sessions in class. The use of physical education minutes is necessary in all lessons at school. The effectiveness of using physical education minutes - relieving fatigue, finding peace of mind, strengthening the spine, feet, hands, preventing myopia, shaping beautiful posture, relieving congestion caused by long sitting at a desk, increasing mental performance, etc. The widespread use of physical education minutes in school lessons increases the efficiency and effectiveness of school students’ learning new knowledge.


When preparing for a lesson, the performance of students should be taken into account. Here is a table reflecting the dynamics of the weekly performance of middle school students.



1 lesson

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7






Here, in means high performance of children, this is a favorable zone, WITH - average performance, satisfactory zone, N - low performance, unsatisfactory zone.

With reduced performance, a decrease in the student’s mental functions occurs - perception, attention, memory, interest, will, etc. At the same time, physiological functions are also disrupted - the pulse rate changes, blood pressure rises, respiratory rate, body temperature, sweating, etc. increase.

The most important factor in increasing the effectiveness of a lesson is maintaining a high level of student performance. What are the ways to increase the performance of children in satisfactory and even unsatisfactory zones? Let's imagine how fatigue occurs. Each type of activity is controlled by a specific part of the cerebral cortex. Long-term engagement in homogeneous activities causes inhibition in the corresponding area, which affects neighboring areas. A protective, or transcendental, inhibition of nerve cells occurs, their functioning stops, that is, the ability to respond to stimuli. Light, monotonous, long-term work also causes fatigue. Fatigue sets in quickly when doing uninteresting work.

If it is reasonable to switch students from one type of activity to another, then in the sixth lesson their performance may even improve. Thus, it is recommended to change activities up to 3-5 times in zone B, up to 5-7 times in zone C, and up to 9 times in zone H.

How can this change occur? The teacher’s story (5-7 minutes), accompanied, if possible, by a demonstration of clarity, is replaced by students’ work with the book (reading the text, working with reference material, with drawings, answers to questions at the end of the paragraph, etc.), composing problems, solving them, selecting examples, etc.

Situations should be avoided when the teacher changes teaching methods, but the students’ activities are of the same type. In middle classes, the duration of continuous speaking by the teacher should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

It is necessary to consider the place and duration of students’ independent work in the lesson. If at the beginning of the lesson you give independent work for 18-20 minutes, this adversely affects the performance of children: it is difficult for them to concentrate on learning new material.

How to improve student performance

in speech therapy classes

Intensification of the educational process, unfavorable environmental factors, prolonged exposure to a sensory-impoverished environment of closed rooms and confined spaces, lack of movement, excessive enthusiasm for methods of “intellectual” development - leads to a deterioration in the health of schoolchildren. Everyone will agree that schooling is one of the most difficult moments in a child’s life, both physiologically and socially-mentally. Specific volume loads increases greatly compared to the preschool period. During the first year of study, unfavorable changes in the health status of children are noted: due to prolonged work with small numbers and letters, vision deteriorates, due to decreased mobility and improper sitting at the desk, posture is disturbed, an increase or decrease is noted. blood pressure, there is a decrease in body weight, children become irritable. All these disorders indicate fatigue and overwork of the child’s body.

The urgency of the problem of preventing schoolchildren from fatigue is caused by the fact that children living in the north are in harsh climatic conditions, where there is a deficiency of light and ultraviolet radiation in winter time, which has an unfavorable effect especially on younger schoolchildren, since it is they who earlier experience a decrease in performance during classes and fatigue develops faster.

An experienced teacher can immediately notice the initial signs of fatigue: the child cannot concentrate on the task, handwriting becomes sloppy, the number of errors increases sharply, etc.

Educational activity does not exclude fatigue, but any lesson should be structured in such a way that fatigue is minimal, and cases of overwork are completely excluded. The working time increased from lesson to lesson.

Any work we perform has several phases: the working-in phase, the phase of optimal stable performance, the phase of decreased performance (fatigue), and before the end of the work there comes a short-term phase of increasing performance. Each phase can be changed in duration.

General educational institutions must create conditions to satisfy the biological need of schoolchildren for movement, it is necessary to correctly determine maximum volume study load students. Teachers must carefully consider lesson structure. It should include several types of activities, and children should be taught how to relieve tension, get rid of fatigue, i.e. rest properly.

On speech therapy classes children come after school from an extended day group, of course already tired, so I start classes with a foot massage. Students enter the office barefoot along the massage path. After walking along it, they plunge into a dry pool with balls. This is where the lesson itself begins. The kids know: while swimming in the pool, you need to find balls that have tasks or letters attached, from which you will need to assemble a word, and then perform a phonetic analysis of it. The time spent in the pool is no more than 3 - 4 minutes, but believe me, this is enough to relieve muscle fatigue and create a situation of interest. Performance is established at a relatively high level and lasts for 10 – 15 minutes. To lengthen this phase to 20 minutes by the end of the first half of the year, you should alternate activities as often as possible and allow some tasks to be completed both while sitting at a desk and standing. The optimal sustained performance phase is followed by a 5-minute rest period.

First, we relieve tension from the eye muscles. The panel turns on " starry sky" Children watch the smooth twinkling of the stars for 1 - 2 minutes. Or I suggest they do eye exercises. For the first exercise you need to hang it over the board Balloons different colors and sizes.

Exercise No. 1.

Place your elbows on the table, rest your chin on your palms, and keep your neck straight. At the speech therapist’s command, move your gaze from the green ball to the blue one, then to the red one, etc.

Exercise No. 2.

Close your eyes tightly for 2–3 seconds, open them and look out the window. Close your eyes again, stretch your arms forward, open your eyes and look at your fingertips.

You can use eye exercises using a computer, different kinds exercises can be found on the discs.

At the end we carry out a set of physical training sessions, which consists of 3-5 exercises and includes arm movements, flexion and extension of the fingers, shaking the hands, exercises such as stretching, squats, and jumping. Never use physical education lessons like: the teacher throws a ball to a child and asks a question about the topic being studied. Remember that mental performance has also reached high limits and nervous system rest is needed. Invite the children to complete the following set of physical education exercises:

Physical education lesson No. 1.

We raise our hands to the sky.

We wave to our friend Gleb.

We sprinkle grains for the chickens.

We stroke the cat's back.

Physical education lesson No. 2.

Get up on your toes

And reach for the sky.

Now sit down 5 times

And dance a waltz with your neighbor.

Physical education lesson No. 3.

Hares in a forest clearing

They jumped and frolicked.

Suddenly a fox crept up to them -

They ran away in all directions.

A physical education session can be educational in nature.

Teddy bear cub

I ran away from my mother yesterday.

I wandered through the forest for a long time...

And I got to the lake.

He sees a frog jumping.

A heron stands in the reeds

He twirls his long neck.

A beetle glides across the water surface.

“How can I find my mother?”

After a timely physical education session, performance is maintained for 10-15 minutes, and at the end of the lesson, offer the children a game.

In my practice I also use non-traditional methods of relieving fatigue, namely aromatherapy. Back in 1939, philologist D.I. Shatentein first substantiated and experimentally proved that some olfactory stimuli affect many functions and especially performance. You can reduce the level of fatigue with the help of aromas of lavender and rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus. You can use scented lamps only after consulting a doctor and with parental permission. The speech therapist must know for sure that students studying at the speech center are not allergic to aromatic oils.

Using these methods in the classroom allowed me, and I hope it will help you, dear colleagues, to increase the performance of students and avoid their fatigue.
