Emin Agalarov married for the second time: the first photos from the wedding, the bride’s dress and celebrity guests. How Alena Gavrilova conquered Emin Agalarov: interesting facts about the singer’s newly-made wife Life in the capital

Emin Agalarov is a singer, author and composer, known to fans as Emin, heir to one of the richest people in Russia Araz Agalarov, co-owner of the mega-concern Crocus Group, a talented entrepreneur and father of two sons.

We can say with confidence that this man was able to competently manage the benefits provided to him. However, his life path is not at all replete with beaten paths: through thorns to the stars - these are the words that can be used to describe his story.

early years

The love story of Araz Agalarov and Irina Grill can easily be called a classic - they were classmates at school, and after graduating from university (he was a polytechnic, she was a pedagogical university) they tied the knot. In the city of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on December 12, 1979, their first-born son, Emin Aras-oglu, was born. A little later, a daughter, Sheila, appeared in the family.

The Agalarov couple lived quite modestly, but always tried to provide their children with everything they needed - from parental warmth to material goods. Emin himself has strictly adhered to this position since he had children.

In 1983, the Agalarov family moved to another capital - Moscow, choosing to live in a not very quiet area - Chertanovo. Here Amin began going to the district secondary school, where he ended up in a dysfunctional company. Sensing something was wrong in time, the father, based on his life experience, decided to protect his son from bad influence and sent him to study in Switzerland.

Emin – Forget you (2015)

A closed private boarding school with its strictest discipline presupposed the development of strength of character. Until his 15th birthday, the boy grew up according to army regulations. But even in this environment, his innate businessman streak did not allow him to sleep peacefully. He organized card tournaments for money with his classmates, thus earning money for small personal needs.

Business and Crocus Group

The period of the “dashing 90s” found Emin in the USA. Here he began to be frantically drawn to business. In parallel with his studies in college, majoring in “Business Management in the Financial Industry,” he tried himself in various areas of trade: an online store with watches and nesting dolls, consulting customers in an electronics store, selling shoes. Later, being already wealthy and successful person, Emin noted that this experience gave him the opportunity to realize the true value of money and became the impetus for his business career.

While developing his personality through the work of an ordinary salesman, Emin became more and more involved in his father’s business and in 2012, upon returning to Moscow, the Agalarov tandem of father and son began working at full capacity.

Now their development company Crocus Group, founded in 1989, specializes in the construction and operation of exhibition and trade facilities under the leadership of first vice-president Emin Agalarov and owner Araz Agalarov. The Agalarov holding company owns several residential complexes, the grandiose trade and exhibition complex Crocus City, and even the Myakinino metro station.

Musical career of Emin Agalarov

Combining the traits of a pragmatist and a creative personality, Emin also tries himself in the musical path. Just imagine how eclectic his musical taste is: from infancy, brought up on melodic romances performed by his grandmother, in a more conscious age he took Elvis Presley, the “king of rock and roll”, as his ideal star.

One of Emin’s first performing “tests” took place at the age of 18 on the American show “Open Mic Night”. Then there were performances in bars, seemingly “for themselves.” However, even then, having felt a strong rush of adrenaline from going on stage, the one who in just a few years would gather a large horde of fans at solo concerts, decided that he was not going to retreat from what he loved.

Emin - On the edge

With a busy work schedule, it would seem that there is no time left for hobbies and relaxation. However, Emin’s perseverance and hard work marked the year 2006 with the release of his first album entitled “Still”. Next, a whole series of discs will be released: “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion”.

2012 was a landmark year for the star, performing under the pseudonym Emin, with a nomination for “Discovery of the Year” at the international Grammy Awards and a performance at Eurovision as a guest star from his native country.

In the same year - the release of the solo album “After The Thunder” with the feasible participation of producer Brian Rowling and collaboration on the same platform with pop diva Jennifer Lopez.

2013 – significant performance at the Miss Universe competition. This already productive period ended with a very important event for fans of his work - the release of the first Russian-language album “On the Edge” with 14 tracks in the track list.

2014 has just come into its own, and this worker has already presented his second album in Russian to the audience. “Frankly” included several duets with masters of the domestic pop scene: Grigory Leps, Stas Mikhailov, Soso Pavliashvili and Ani Lorak considered it an honor to record with a talent that was gaining popularity.

Emin and Ani Lorak – I can’t say

In the same year, the sensational hit “I Live Better than Everyone” won the Golden Gramophone. But Emin had no time to rest on his laurels - he went on tour around major cities Russia. In 2015, the result of the singer’s creative research was two more discs – “8 in the Fall” and “More Amor”.

European and Russian chat rooms quite often open their first steps to the hits of the singer Emin, and tickets for his concerts sell out in innumerable quantities. It’s hard not to notice such a bright star, stubbornly burning at any cost, in the firmament of show business. But at the beginning creative path critics did not favor Emin at all. “Just sing, sing for your own pleasure,” the artist seemed to justify himself then.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov

In his interviews, Emin has repeatedly confessed that he can like absolutely any girl, but this does not mean that it will be easy for her to get along with him. After all, by his own admission, he is not at all as sweet as he seems at first glance. A wealthy handsome man, a dream and ideal for many representatives fair half humanity, and chose a wife appropriate to his status. Neither more nor less - the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

"Sea of ​​Revelations": exclusive interview Emina Agalarova

Leyla Aliyeva, an Azerbaijani beauty, captivated Emin so deeply that the plan to win her heart, in his opinion, had to strictly follow the traditions of her people. Emin asked her father's permission before simply starting to court the girl.

In 2006, after some time of the candy-bouquet period, the couple legalized their relationship. It was decided to celebrate this event not with one, but with two magnificent weddings- in Baku and Moscow. Emin and Leila were congratulated on their marriage by many significant personalities, including Vladimir Putin and George Bush.

In two years happy couple I became at least twice as happy. After all, two charming twin babies were born at once - Mikail and Ali. After this event, some discord began in Emin’s family, and the reason for this was the coldness in the relationship with his wife, which was followed by travel: he to Moscow, she and the children to London.

Emin tried to spend every weekend with his family, but time took its toll. No longer wanting to imitate an outwardly prosperous family life, On May 30, 2015, Emin and Leila published a confession about their separation in three languages ​​on their pages on social networks. “We remain friends” was the final verdict of this couple.

Nothing really changed in the lives of Emin’s sons after their parents’ separation. Just like Araz and Irina once did, Emin and Leila set the well-being of their children as the goal of their lives. Moreover, even after the breakup, Emin enjoys communicating with Leila’s adopted daughter, Amina Aliyeva.

In a recent interview with HELLO! Emin Agalarov admitted that he “tries not to hide anything” from his fans and that his “heart is busy.” Emin also did not hide who he was for a long time. Today, the vice president of the Crocus Group and a popular artist published a new joint photo with his beloved, model Alena Gavrilova, who received the title “Miss Mordovia” in 2004. This time she is not captured from the back, does not turn away from the camera and is not hiding behind a motorcycle helmet - Emin and Alena are posing on the embankment of Gorky Park during a romantic walk around Moscow.

Have a wonderful romantic mood to everyone,” Emin wrote on Instagram.

Emin first appeared with Alena in the spring of this year - the couple first appeared at the HELLO! magazine awards. “The most stylish in Russia”, and then at the charity ball of the Mikhail Rudyak Foundation. Alena, although she did not pose for the camera, did not hide her face.

Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov at the HELLO! magazine awards

As you know, Emin was previously married to Leyla Aliyeva, who bore him two sons - Ali and Mikail, and Alena Gavrilova was the common-law wife of businessman Rustam Tariko, from whom she has a son, Rustam.

Emin Agalarov is one of those who causes envy among many young people. And this is not surprising! The young man is rich, has a good appearance, sings well, has connections in the highest echelons of power in several countries and enjoys the attention of women. Moreover, he has a huge army of fans who are interested in everything related to their idol. After his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva, everyone was curious who would become his girlfriend. Finally, in the summer of 2016, reports appeared in the media that Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova were a couple. This article will tell you about the personal life of lovers before they met each other and how their romance developed.

Who is Emin Agalarov

The singer's name has been on everyone's lips for a long time. Emin is 37 years old and released his first album in 2006. It is difficult to list all the singer’s professional awards. Among the most significant are the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year, Fashion People awards, etc.

In addition, Emin is successful businessman and the son of one of the richest people in Russia - Aras Agalarov. He serves as the first vice president of his father's group of companies, the Crocus Group.

Emin Agalarov’s biography, personal life and creativity are constantly in the spotlight of thousands of fans, both in his homeland (Azerbaijan), and in Russia, and in neighboring countries.

who is she and what does she do

And Emin Agalarov and his new girl They learned early what fame is. However, if the springboard to success young man became his parents’ money, then in the case of the girl, her father and mother rewarded her with model appearance.

In general, about the youth of Emin Agalarov’s current girlfriend, Alena Gavrilova, on this moment practically nothing is known.

The girl was born in the capital of Mordovia, Saransk, in 1987. She was graduating from an ordinary high school when she decided to take part in a beauty contest. Unexpectedly for everyone, Alena received the title “Miss Saransk” and the right to take part in republican competitions. After a long preparation, which included learning how to behave on stage, working with a choreographer, etc., the long-awaited performance took place on the main stage of the capital of Mordovia. To the delight of her friends and relatives, Alena was recognized as the most beautiful girl in the republic. Now she was waiting for an all-Russian competition and a trip to Moscow.

Life in the capital

Although the country was recognized by another participant in the Miss Russia 2004 competition, Alena Gavrilova was among the 10 finalists. The charming girl was noticed by representatives modeling business. After the completion of the competition, Alena received an offer from several well-known agencies and remained to work in the capital.

Although Gavrilova failed to become one of the most famous top models in Russia, she regularly posed for glossy magazines and demonstrated toilets from famous ones on the catwalks. Russian designers. In particular, the girl repeatedly participated in shows of Valentin Yudashkin’s collections.

Personal life (civil marriage)

During all-Russian competition Alena Gavrilova’s beauty was noticed not only by representatives of modeling agencies. She drew the attention of the owner of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, whose fortune at that time was estimated at 5 billion US dollars. At that time, he was on the verge of divorce from Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two daughters - Anna and Eva.

There were rumors that Tariko had cheated on his wife before, but the last straw in the woman’s cup of patience was her husband’s relationship with Alena Gavrilova. Be that as it may, the businessman divorced and began to live with a beautiful model, who was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man was 25 years older than her. True, Tariko had no intention of marrying Alena. At least during the entire time they were together, Rustam never proposed to her.

Birth of a child

In 2007, the girl gave Tariko a son, Ruslan. For him, as a Muslim, the birth of a boy was a great joy, and he literally idolized the baby.

In addition, the businessman spoiled Gavrilova as best he could. In 2008, he made a beautiful, broad gesture by purchasing at Natalia Vodianova’s charity ball for $320,000 the right to name an orchid recently discovered in Madagascar, Alena.

However, the fairy tale did not last long. In 2009, reports appeared in the media about the breakdown of relations between Tariko and Gavrilova. The way Alena treated Osipova came back to her like a boomerang. Journalists learned that the businessman had an affair with an even younger beauty, Sofia Rudyeva, who received the title “Miss Russia 2009.” The most interesting thing was that Gavrilova, thanks to the patronage of Tariko, herself participated in the organization of this beauty contest.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov

While Alena Gavrilova was building a relationship with Rustam Tariko, the singer was not alone either. In 2006, he married This marriage was a union of equals, since both families were not inferior to each other in either wealth or influence. Of course, it was rumored that the young people united their destinies at the request of their parents, but wedding photos both the bride and groom were glowing with happiness. Leila gave Emin two sons. However, the appearance of children did not strengthen this union. His wife moved with the boys to London, and Emin very soon got tired of living in two countries. When Leila and Emin realized that they were better off without each other than together, the marriage broke up. However, the singer and his ex-wife They remained friends, meet often and raise children together.

The beginning of a new novel

The first reports that Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov were together appeared in the summer of 2016. However, subsequently the young people reported that they had been dating since the spring.

The seriousness of the relationship between Alena and Emin Agalarov, whose biography and personal life are constantly discussed in the press, can be evidenced by the fact that the young man introduced the girl to his father and sons. He went with her on vacation to Saint-Tropez, where his relatives were. There, in a private setting, the Agalarovs celebrated Alena’s birthday, who simply glowed with happiness.

Good love

In April 2017, Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared before the audience in the singer’s new video. The song it was filmed on was called Good love. The filming of the video, directed by him, took place in several villas in Beverly Hills. During the work, a curious incident occurred. The police arrived, called by neighbors. They were frightened by the noise coming from the villa, where someone was constantly being “drowned” in the pool.

Anniversary in purple tones

Your 30th anniversary new love Emina Agalarova - Alena Gavrilova - celebrated August 7, 2017. The party was organized on a grand scale. 3 dresses were ordered for this event. First, Alena dazzled everyone with her chic pale lilac dress. In it, she posed against the backdrop of a stand completely strewn with roses and decorated with the initials AG. Then the girl came out to the guests in a golden, short dress. Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova danced a slow dance. At the same time, the singer repeatedly kissed his girlfriend in front of the guests. A photo of Emin tenderly hugging Alena was published on Instagram and greatly pleased the performer’s fans and those who like his new girlfriend. They began vying with each other to make assumptions about how soon Emin would propose to Alena. However, the year is already ending, and information that the young people are going to get married still has not appeared.

Now you know what kind of relationship connects model Alena Gavrilova and Emin. How long their relationship will last and whether it will develop into something more is unknown. In the meantime, the young people are happy and feel good together.

The famous singer invited HELLO! to his home in New York to talk about American tours, ambitious projects and the fact that love has appeared in his life again.

Emin Agalarov prepared for recent concerts in the USA with particular excitement. Firstly, because success in a country where show business has reached unprecedented heights is worth a lot, and secondly, it is also nostalgia for his youth, which passed in the suburbs of New York - New Jersey. It was here that Emin came to study in 1994, here he took his first steps in business and music - once in this area of ​​the Big Apple, Emin’s first performance in front of the public took place as part of Open Mic Night. Later he bought a house here - next door to his mother Irina and sister Sheila.

Emin, your American tour ended at the end of May. How many cities have you visited?

Five cities, six concerts, and in between there were a lot of interesting things: rehearsals with guest musicians, interviews for American media - life was very busy.

Did you perform only English-language songs or Russian ones too? What was the audience like at these concerts?

The audience was very diverse, but mostly American. My tour was initiated by US public television, PBS, after the broadcast of my concert. And this TV channel is like the First in Russia: it is in every home. Then they chose the cities where there was the greatest reaction to the broadcast. This is amazing because I became the first Russian-speaking artist of Azerbaijani origin whose concert was shown on PBS. Due to the busy schedule of preparations for the Zhara festival and busyness with business projects, some cities had to be abandoned. They gave two whole concerts in Miami, because tickets for the first were sold out instantly. New York and Hartford were also sold out. The sold-out show in Chicago was an absolute shock for me, because I had never been there and could not even imagine that there would be so many of my listeners in this city. It so happened that most of the audience were Americans, a little older than my audience here in Russia, because I sang classics after all. In Hartford, I was joined by world-famous guitarist Nile Rodgers, and in New York and Los Angeles by the legendary David Foster. Of course, out of 20 songs I sang only three in Russian and the entire performance was in English.

At the concert in New York, Emin was joined by famous musicians - Grammy Award winners David Foster, Nile Rodgers and Chris Botti
Foster accompanied Emin on the piano in the songs Still, Woman, “Forget You” and others. Botti took the stage to perform the trumpet part in Joe Cocker's legendary song You Are So Beautiful. And Rogers appeared with his guitar in the most dance part of the show, which included new song Emina Good Love

How did it happen that your concert was shown on American television?

They have a practice of showing concerts of foreign performers recorded in special places. For example, Yanni at the Acropolis. This is done to discover new names for the American audience. At one time, Andrea Bocelli became known in the USA. And so they offered me to record a concert at Palace Square in St. Petersburg, and for higher rating invite David Foster. He and I happen to have a mutual acquaintance, co-owner of the Nobu restaurant Meir Teper: Foster goes to his restaurant in Los Angeles. And as they were talking, Foster asked: “There’s a guy who’s a musician who wants me to take part in his concert, what can you say about him?” And Mair replied: “Agree to everything this guy offers you!” Thanks to Foster's participation, a repertoire of classic English-language pop songs and the fact that the concert took place in a historical place, the ratings were very high. The channel was pleased. I think that friendship with these people will soon develop into something broader. IN next year I am planning to hold an international day as part of the Zhara festival, to which I will bring artists from all over the world, and we will be able to show their performance on American television. This is my dream, which I hope will come true.

Ambitious plans!

As always, we play big.

In New Jersey, were you able to see your mother and sister? They live there after all.

Yes, Mom and Sheila live next door. I bought this house when Leila ( ex-wife Emina, Leyla Aliyeva. - Ed.) was pregnant. We went to give birth in the USA, and according to Azerbaijani traditions, it is customary for children to be brought to their father’s house after birth. Ali and Mikail spent the first months of their lives here, then I lived here alone when I came to America.

This house's interior is similar to your Moscow apartment. You apparently love spacious, sun-filled rooms. And the main thing is to have somewhere to put musical instruments.

This required condition! In every house or apartment where I live, I try to put some kind of keyboard instrument, so that when I’m in the mood, I can compose music. For example, the songs “On the Edge”, “Still” and many others were written in a Moscow apartment.

With the release of an album, a musician’s repertoire is updated, but are there songs that you perform at every concert?

This is definitely the song "Still". She is my first big hit, written back in 2005. "Still" gave the title to the album that was released a year later. It was simply unforgettable when, during the last tour in New York and Los Angeles, David Foster himself accompanied me on this song. After all, he wrote a huge number of hits - he has 16 Grammys!

Since we are talking about America, I would like to remember the 2013 song “In Another Life”. The current US President Donald Trump starred in the video. How did this happen?

We held the Miss Universe competition at Crocus City Hall, and, as you know, Donald Trump is the owner of the competition. During preparation, we became friends with him. And at some point I thought that it would be stupid to have close by in Moscow legendary person, 90 most beautiful girls and not use it to make a video. I pitched the idea to Mr. Trump and the only thing he said was, “How long will it take?” I replied that no more than 15 minutes, and we shook hands. The shooting was scheduled for 8 am. By that time, the actors and I had already rehearsed the scene. Trump came and asked, “What should I do?” “It’s simple, Mr. Trump, you have to fire me.” He said: "Okay. I can do this." He sat down at the table and fired me in one take. But now there is a story that the 45th President of the United States starred in my video.

Can you describe him, what kind of person he is?

I can absolutely say that he is very talented and purposeful and knows how to combine entertainment with business like no one else. As we all see, this brings Trump good results, and I learned several lessons from communicating with him.

Is it true that you wanted to jointly build Trump Tower in Moscow?

We had this idea. The Crocus City project has 14 skyscrapers, which we plan to build in the near future. One of the towers will be called Agalarov Tower, and we thought it would be symbolic to name the neighboring one Trump Tower. You will get two real estate icons - Russia and America, two prominent representatives development. Agalarov Tower will be built in any case, but whether Trump’s tower will be nearby, we’ll see when his presidential term ends. Now Donald has completely different concerns.

Let's get back to your clips. Just recently you presented a new one - for the song "Good Love". And your girlfriend Alena Gavrilova starred in it. Why did you suddenly decide to declare your new love in this way?

Alena and I have been together for several years, and I have already offered her several times to star in my video, but she always refused, saying: “I will only agree to a very special song.” When I played “Good Love” for her, Alena said that this is my best English-language song - my songs in English are closer to her than in Russian. I immediately took her at her word: “Since you’re the best, you promised to star in the video!” In general, she had nowhere to go, and you saw the result - Alena turned out to be very harmonious in her role.

How did you meet Alena?

Accidentally. He came over and introduced himself.

So you were the initiator?

Yes, because I liked her very much. We knew nothing about each other - neither who I was nor who she was. But after some time it turned out that Alena liked my song “Miss America”; it was on her playlist. She shared this track on her Facebook page, not even knowing that I live in Moscow. When Alena showed me that 2012 recording, I joked: “See, you fell in love with me even before you met me!”

In several interviews you said that sometimes you look at lovers and don’t understand what they see in each other. What did you find in Alena?

In short, I definitely found happiness in her. Alena - friend, ally, reliable partner through life. She understands me. I am sure that Alena will not let you down or betray her. She is the reliable support that every man is looking for. We feel good together.

Did Alena get along with your sons?

It is still too early to discuss this topic.

Ali and Mikail are already eight years old, and now even from photographs on Instagram it is clear that they are different in character. This is true?

Absolutely different! Ali is more artistic, he already runs his own YouTube channel and posts some videos. He always asks how many followers he has. And Mika is more organized - probably a future mathematician or businessman. He easily performs even complex mathematical calculations in his head. Sometimes Mika comes to Moscow without Ali, spends time with me at work, and is interested in how things work.

Are you raising your sons the same way your father once raised you?

I am trying to apply the educational principles laid down by my father, but so far things are not working out very well, because we live in different time and in different circumstances. I grew up in the Soviet Union, in fairly modest conditions. And my children live in modern times and other incomes. But I want to instill in them the same thing that my parents instilled in me—the desire to strive for something. This, you see, is not an easy task, because when children have everything, they don’t really want to strive for anything. But I hope that I can come to a golden mean - give them motivation without limiting them too much.

Now you are in a close relationship with your father, he is yours main advisor. Was it always like this or did this closeness come with age?

Of course, I had a period of protest. But as soon as I began working with my father, I became convinced over and over again that, no matter how inapplicable his ideas or advice might seem to me for a given specific situation, in the future he was right in 99 percent of cases. This was especially true for business. So now I listen to his every word, because my father’s experience, his knowledge, his success speak for themselves. I am grateful to my parents for the life they gave me, for their upbringing, for the opportunities. And in the case of the father - also for absolutely complete freedom in work, the right to make decisions, sometimes wrong, but never be criticized. On the contrary, the father always says: “You were wrong, but you gained experience and next time you won’t make a mistake.”

“In every house or apartment where I live, I try to put some kind of keyboard instrument, so that when I’m in the mood, I can compose music,” says Emin

Is there any parenting advice you could pass on to your children?

Probably the most important thing is to realize your dreams and set impossible goals. I apply this advice every day.

Organize a festival in your hometown, For example?

Yes. I am very happy that this year we are holding the second music festival in Baku, right on the shores of the Caspian Sea. We will have more than 80 of the most famous artists, four days of broadcast on Channel One. "Heat" is a large-scale project into which we are putting all our efforts.

You are currently filming a new comedy by Marius Weisberg. What kind of picture is this?

I am not only acting, but also producing this film. It's called "Night Shift". I have known Marius for 20 years, we are friends, and at some point he invited me to participate in his project. At first I was skeptical about his offer to play one of the roles, but I liked the concept, I believed in it, and Marius convinced me that the hero would be up to my standards. So I took a risk.

And how did you feel about filming?

Tomorrow is my last day, but now I have the feeling that everything worked out.

On stage and in business, you are used to being in charge. A acting profession- very dependent. The director is in charge on the set. Was it easy for you to get used to this?

I know how to trust people. In the case of filming, I feel that the director knows his work and has a good idea final result, which means there is no reason to worry. Marius did not offer me anything that would go against my position in life, so I boldly follow him to his directorial victory and, I dare to hope, my acting one.

Do you have many people whom you can trust as much as Marius?

No. Marius is not just a director, he entered the top ten most successful directors according to Russian Forbes this year. On the list next to him are Fyodor Bondarchuk, Timur Bekmambetov, and this rating came out before I decided to produce New film Marius and play in it. That is, this once again confirms, perhaps, that in some ways I was right. Although in creativity it happens that not every next single by an artist is a hit and not every next movie by a director is a hit. But still, I feel like I'm in sync with the right character.

As a business person, are you not afraid of risk?

Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. Business is always a risk, creativity even more so.

You manage to combine everything - business, music, and now cinema. This is very different areas. How do you manage to belong everywhere?

It seems to me that everything works differently here: if you have a great desire, if you are ready to achieve results, and delve into every detail, then the chances are very high. If I had to launch a ship into space, then, believe me, I would figure it all out, and I would succeed. It's only a matter of time.

Emin Agalarov is a famous singer, businessman, and organizer of music festivals. With the help of his talent, perseverance and hard work, he managed to conquer the heights not only in commerce, but also to win recognition from the capricious and fickle show business. Not everything in his career and personal life went smoothly, but he was used to achieving everything on his own, going through a sea of ​​failures in order to achieve oceans of success.

Biography of Emin Agalarov

Emin Aras Ogly Agalarov was born in Azerbaijan, in the city of Baku. His parents knew each other since school. After school, my father entered the Polytechnic Institute, and my mother entered the Pedagogical Institute. Having received higher education, the couple decided to get married. In December 1979, they had their first child, Emin, then the family was replenished with a daughter, Sheila.

Emin in childhood

Joint photos with Muslim Magomayev

In 1983, the Agalarov family decided to move to Moscow. They settled not in the quietest area of ​​the capital - Chertanovo. At some time, Emin’s dad noticed that the boy had gotten involved with bad company. To protect his son from wrong acquaintances, Aras Agalarov decided to send him to a Swiss boarding school. Educational establishments Such a plan is known for its strict rules; they teach independence early, provide excellent knowledge and develop a strong character.

Until the age of 15, the guy was in conditions close to those in the army. But, despite the harshness of the situation, Emin managed to spend time with his classmates card games with real money bets. Business skills already began to emerge in the young businessman. The money received from the “illegal casino” in an elite boarding house was used for the student’s pocket expenses.

Emin in his youth, with his mother and sister

After 15 years, Emin continues his studies in America. He enters the prestigious American college "Marymount Manhattan College", which is located in one of the richest areas of New York - Manhattan. The young man decided to master all the intricacies of modern business and chose the specialty of financial manager. Here he also combines his studies with attempts to start his own business and provide himself with a stable income.To this end, he opened his own website, in which the main products were souvenir nesting dolls and electronic watches.

Emin Agalarov's first steps in big business

An entrepreneurial spirit manifested itself in Emin’s character from the very beginning. youth. From the age of 13, he constantly strived for financial independence. Future big businessman I made my first money working as a consultant in shoe and electronics stores and selling souvenirs from my own online store. Emin claims that the skills acquired in those years became valuable experience, which was useful for the development of his more serious business. It was then that he learned the value of money.

After graduating from American college, the young man became interested in his father’s business. Since 2012, Emin is a certified specialist and a person with practical experience entrepreneurial activity, becomes part of the management of the large holding Crocus Group. It was founded by Emin's father back in 1989. Crocus Group builds and leases retail and exhibition real estate. To this day, Emin Agalarov holds the position of first vice president of this largest Russian company.

Father and son Agalarovs are leaders of the largest holding company

Creativity and musical talent of Emin Agalarov

Emin combines seemingly two incompatible natures. One is a practical businessman, the other is a lyrical soul of a musician. They coexist remarkably well in his character and are expressed in the excellent vocal creativity and business qualities of a sharp businessman. Emin’s grandmother instilled a love for music. She performed touching and tender romances on which she was brought up a little boy. Growing up, he also showed good taste in music - he liked the rock and roll compositions of Elvis Presley.

Emin with grandmother

For the first time, the aspiring musician tried to perform a song on the well-known show “Open Mic Night” in America. Then he was only 18 years old, and he felt how exciting it was to go on stage and how much adrenaline was released into the blood when the aspiring singer met the audience.

The first album, 'Still', was released in 2006. Other collections of songs followed. Now their names are known to all fans of the artist’s work - “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion”, “Wonder”. The musician began to appear more and more often on the most prestigious stages of the world. He chose a pseudonym for his work that is completely in tune with his name - Emin.

Singer Emin's performance at Eurovision in 2012

Another achievement of that time was the release of the album “After the Thunder”, after which the organizers of the Jennifer Lopez tour invited Emin to perform at her concert in Baku.

Next, the artist, already popular in many countries, decided to release two Russian-language albums. Collections of songs entitled “On the Edge” and “Frankly” were released in 2013 and 2014. The last of them included several duet songs. Sang with Amin famous artists domestic pop artists such as Ani Lorak and Grigory Leps.

Emin and Ani Lorak - “I Can’t Tell”, “Call Me”.

One of the recent joint work– Emin and A-Studio’s song “If you’re near”, the video for which was released in 2017.

IN musical creativity Emin’s business acumen also came in handy. In 2016 and 2017, he became the organizer of the “Heat” festival, which was held in the city of Baku. Most likely, this event will become an annual celebration of Russian music.

Emin is actively preparing for the Heat festival

Personal life: wife and children of Emin Agalarov. Marriage to Leyla Aliyeva and affair with Alena Gavrilova

Emin's first wife is Leyla Aliyeva, the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan. He began to court the first Azerbaijani beauty according to all the canons required by customs. He first asked permission from the girl's father, who allowed him to care for his daughter. Some time later, in 2006, the couple decided to formalize their relationship.

In 2008, their family welcomed two twin sons - Mikail and Ali. It seemed like family happiness can last forever, beautiful and famous couple radiated happiness.

But there was discord in the family and at some point the couple decided to live separately. Emin left for Moscow, and Leila took the children with her and went to London. The family was reunited only on weekends. It is unknown how many years such a life apart could have lasted. But the couple decided to dot all the i's. In May 2015, they officially announced their separation. At the same time, both Emin and his ex-wife Leila emphasized that they remained friends. Now Emin takes care of his own sons with love and tenderness adopted daughter Layla.
