Characteristics of Julia Taurus. Diminutive forms of the name Yulia

Ambitious, but at the same time timid, witty and touchy, romantic and irritable. Name Julia, given to the girl, forms a contradictory, but very extraordinary nature.

Origin and history of the name Julia

Regarding where it came from female name Julia, there are two main theories. According to one, it has Greek roots and is translated as fluffy or curly. Another version of the origin of the name Julia refers to Roman history. It is believed that its root is Latin word, which means “July” - that is, the one born in July. Or - a woman from the Yuli family. This family name originated from Yul (Ascania), the son of the hero of Roman mythology Aeneas, founder of the city of Alba Longa.

IN church calendar The secular name Julia corresponds to the Christian name Julia. It is first found in the second half of the 3rd century. The patron saints of women bearing this name are the virgins Julia of Carthage (July 29) and Julia of Ancyra (November 19, May 31). Accordingly, on these dates, according to Orthodox calendar, Julia is having Angel Day.

The meaning of the name Julia, encrypted in letters

It is believed that names containing 4 letters characterize a person as smart and practical. Other qualities include a calm character and balance. If we carry out a semantic-phonetic analysis and consider separately the meaning of each of the letters that make up this name, the portrait of Yulia will look like this:

Letter " YU" Romanticism, amorousness, emotional vulnerability, the ability to self-sacrifice, a tendency to impulsive actions.

Letter " L" The ability to understand and appreciate beauty, artistic creativity, artistry.

Letter " AND" Practicality and healthy skepticism, kindness, striving for harmony, sensitivity, gentleness, spirituality.

Letter " I" The ability to achieve what you want, the feeling self-esteem, the desire to win love and respect, understanding and correct assessment of one’s feelings, desires, and aspirations.

The character and fate of Julia: personal qualities

This woman, as a rule, is distinguished by a subtle sense of humor, observation, and a sharp, lively, inquisitive mind. She is resourceful, even resourceful. They usually say about such people - “they will come out unscathed.”

At the same time, she is timid, not too decisive, and secretive. Julia always tries to control her feelings well, suppress her fears, and hide her emotions. Because of this, he sometimes gives the impression of being too cold and arrogant. At the same time, she can be overly irritable, not always restrained, she can make too hasty and rash decisions, she is not alien to risk and a certain amount of adventurism. When a stressful situation occurs, she is able to react with lightning speed, quite harshly - the feeling of fear will come to her later. This is a strong-willed woman, however, unless there is a serious need, she will prefer not to show this side of herself. But if the need for this has arisen, it is better not to stand in its way - Yulia will sweep away all obstacles to achieving her goal.

Julia is the owner of well-developed intuition. He knows how to listen well to his interlocutor, and the main thing is to hear and understand him. She is distinguished by her honesty and knows how to be responsible. What she categorically does not accept is having someone else’s point of view imposed on her. She can hardly forgive betrayal or betrayal; she is characterized by resentment and resentment.

Very ambitious, strives to be the best in everything she does, be it career, household or motherhood. Always ready to help relatives and friends, lend a shoulder. But she rarely asks for help, since it is very difficult for her to do this.

Most often, a woman with this name has a creative hobby. She loves photography, embroidery, and will not refuse to visit the theater or an interesting exhibition.

Julia, born in the spring, has the following qualities:




Craving for creative professions;

Cheerful disposition and easy character.

Julia, born in summer , usually:



Likes animals;

Does not tolerate hypocrisy and lies.

For autumn Julia characteristic:

Aptitude for science;




Winter Julia:


Loves everything mysterious;

Has a talent for storytelling;

Lucky in commerce.

What does the name Julia mean for a girl?

Little Yulia is a real spinning top, a child with a very fickle character and frequent mood swings. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he has fun, sometimes he makes noise beyond measure, and sometimes he suddenly becomes sad. It is very difficult to argue with her, and almost impossible to argue with her. This is an active and emotional girl, touchy, but kind, lively, and very capable. She always strives to be the best among her peers. But laziness prevents its improvement. Yulia is bored doing one thing for a long time. Therefore, for example, in school years It is very difficult for her to sit at her desk all day. Parents should pay attention to this trait in order to correct it in time - to find what and how to captivate and interest this little fidget. The girl is not very keen on studying, but she studies well, because she understands that it is necessary. In addition, she is smart, has excellent memory and the ability to generalize. He is interested in science fiction, the supernatural, and loves reading.

Yulia always has enough friends, but most likely she will not become the main ringleader. But she knows how to adapt to any company and mood, she can be needed by everyone, but at the same time she doesn’t stand out too much.

As a teenager, Julia is calm, reserved, peaceful and caring. She excels in her studies, giving her parents a reason to be proud, and shows good organizational skills. But she still lacks the makings of a leader.

The meaning of the name Julia for a woman (love, family, friendship)

Adult Julia is honest in relationships. Expects the same from a man. This woman is quite reserved, but having found her other half, she is ready to show all her sensuality. However, if a man is unable to constantly hold her attention, he hides all bright emotions behind a mask of feigned coldness. At the same time, realizing her femininity and attractiveness, Julia sometimes uses this to manipulate representatives of the stronger sex.

She can search for her chosen one for a long time. One of the reasons is excessive demands and unwillingness to make concessions. On the other hand, Yulia is trusting, sees positive qualities in a potential partner and does not notice shortcomings, so in her life there are many disappointments, difficult and painful partings. But, having finally met her destiny, she is able to fully devote herself to this relationship.

Housework does not give her much pleasure. To do everything well, Julia needs a certain mood. The daily routine is definitely not for her. But she is very hospitable, always happy to have friends, whom she knows how to welcome and feed deliciously. By the way, Yulia is very trusted friend, friendly relations can support from childhood and throughout life. She doesn't have many friends, but these are the people she trusts absolutely.

In matters of motherhood, the name Julia means not just a loving, but almost fanatical mother. After the baby is born, it’s easy to put career on the backburner; the main thing is family. She will also become a good grandmother, she will be happy to help her grown children and grandchildren, pamper her with pies and homemade pickles.

What does the name Yulia mean: energy, health

As a child, Yulia is prone to respiratory diseases. She often experiences laryngitis and pharyngitis, which can become chronic with age. The owners of this name may develop problems with their teeth quite early.

If we talk about the energy of the name Yuli, then we should not forget about his male origin. This can leave an imprint on the character, giving the girl persistence, lust for power and the desire to do everything exclusively in her own way.

The talisman stones of this name are:

Jade (help in achieving goals);

Lapis lazuli (prosperity);

Sapphire (strengthening intuition);

Amber (help in finding love).

Mascot plants:



Animal mascots:

Dragonfly (fast reaction);

Deer (purity).

The character and fate of Yulia: professional qualities, career

For a girl with this name the choice suitable professions very wide. Thanks to his commercial abilities and good logical thinking, he can work in a bank or in trade. Art, creativity and activities related to communication are Julia’s strong point. She can show herself well as:

Art critic;



Medical worker;



She is hardworking, very obliging, and careful. However, he tries to avoid any difficult tasks in his work. She does not like to be lectured, but she herself does not seek to lecture anyone. Has difficulty coping with deception, failures, and dishonest treatment of oneself. But she will definitely hide her emotions, outwardly remain calm and dispassionate. For Julia it has great importance opinion of society, she is not averse to showing off for the sake of good impression About Me. If something goes wrong, she will rather find an opportunity to blame others, but will always justify herself.

In general given name accompanied by luck and success in almost any field of activity. This is facilitated by such character traits of Yulia as a constant desire for excellence and determination.

The review contains big and small secrets of the name Yulia.

Julia is a secular/secular form of the Christian name Julia. The first mention of the name Julius dates back to the second half of the 3rd century.

There are two versions of the origin of this name:

  • Greek: from ϊουλος - fluffy, wavy, curly;
  • Latin: lulia - July or Julius - belonging to the Julius family.

Patron saint named Julia. When is Julia’s name day, Angel’s Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

Main dates:

  • Virgin Julia of Ancyra, martyr. Honoring (new style): May 31, November 19.
  • Virgin Julia of Carthage, martyr. Honor (new style): July 29.

Dates for venerating locally revered saints:

  • Blessed Juliana Vyazemskaya, martyr. Honor (according to the present day): January 3, June 15.
  • Juliania of Murom. Honor (according to the present day): January 15.
  • Juliana of Ptoleamid, martyr. Honor (according to the present day): March 17, August 30.
  • Juliana of Amisia, martyr. Honor (according to the present day): April 2.
  • Juliania of Moscow. Honor (according to the present day): May 16.
  • Juliana, martyr. Honor (according to the present day): July 5.
  • Blessed Virgin Juliania of Olshanskaya. Honor (according to the present day): July 19.
  • Juliania, martyr. Honor (according to the present day): August 31.
  • Julia of Lisbon, martyr. Honor (according to the present day): October 14.
  • Juliania of Iliopolis, martyr. Honor: December 17th.

The secret of the name Julia

Inquiring minds are still trying to answer the question of how they affect a person sound vibrations spoken words, incl. proper names. Why do some sound combinations give us unpleasant associations, while others give us a feeling of happiness? Why do some people feel comfortable with their name, while others hate it with every fiber of their being? Scientist and researcher Velichko F.K. suggested that every word we pronounce has its own rhythm and vibrations. If these waves do not coincide with a person’s internal vibrations, he feels discomfort and anxiety.

What vibrations does the name Julia give to the Universe? Analysis in the table.

The secret of the name Julia: semantic-phonetic analysis of the name

What nationality is the name Yulia?

This form of the name is common in Eastern European countries.

Name Julia, Julia: origin and meaning, popularity

The name's popularity peaked in the late 70s. - early 80s.

According to 2016 statistics, the name Yulia is in 30th place in the list of popular female names.

The origin and meaning of the name is described in detail at the beginning of the article.

Julia - decoding of the name from Greek

IN Greek the word "ϊουλος" means: fluffy, wavy, curly.

Name Julia, Julia in English, Latin, different languages

In the table (see below) you can see how the name Julia is written and sounded in English, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, and German.

Here are the diminutives given name.

Name Julia on different languages

In addition, the variants of the name Julia in Dutch, Portuguese, Finnish, French, Swedish and Japanese sound interesting. The diminutive forms of the name are especially pleasing with their diversity.

The name Julia in different languages

How is the name Yulia written in the passport?

Julia: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

The more options for a name, the better for its owner. After all, each new combination of sounds carries different vibrations and affects a person differently.

Short name: Julia.

Diminutive forms of the name: Liya, Lu-Lu, Lyulenka, Lyulka, Lyulyanya, Yulek, Yulenka, Yulets, Yulechka, Yulka, Yultsya, Yulchik, Yulchenok, Yulyusya, Yulyanya, Yulyasya, Yulyasha, Yulyashka, Yusik, Yusichka, Yuska, Yusya.

Julia: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Julia is secretive, fearful and indecisive. But he knows how to carefully control his fears. Because of this, others get the impression that Julia is a cold, dispassionate and arrogant person.

IN at a young age requires constant attention and care from parents, and in adulthood - from their partner. At the same time, he is a very strong-willed person, although he tries not to demonstrate this side of his character unless absolutely necessary. If the need does arise, it is better not to stand in its way: to achieve her goal, Julia will, without hesitation, sweep away all obstacles.

IN stressful situation acts quickly and harshly. Fear comes to her post factum.

Has well-developed intuition. Add to this a lively and inquisitive mind, good memory, the ability to listen and hear, and you will understand why Yulia becomes excellent lawyers, psychologists, and teachers.

Julia is quite ambitious. If she chooses a career, it means she will become the best in her profession. If Julia tries on the role of wife and mother, she will be the best in this too.

As a rule, there are a lot of books in Julia’s house, including books about art. Enjoys visiting museums, art galleries, theaters. Has a creative hobby: drawing, photography, embroidery, etc.

Very honest and responsible. Doesn't tolerate lies. Has a hard time dealing with betrayal (both from a partner and from friends).

She does not tolerate someone else’s point of view being imposed on her.

Touchy and vindictive.

With all this, her close friends adore her for her hospitable home, her willingness to lend a shoulder and help with sensible advice.

The most difficult words for Julia: “I need help.” Julia tries to solve all her problems on her own.

Name Julia: sexuality, marriage

Name Julia: sexuality, marriage, relationships

Monogamous. Becomes very sensual and sexually active when she finally finds her other half. However, if the partner could not hold her attention, all her sensuality and activity are hidden behind external coldness.

Very honest. He expects the same from his partner.

In relation to children, she is simply a fanatical mother. If a child needs a star from the sky, Julia will get it.

A wonderful hostess.

Name Julia: health and psyche

These two concepts depend, not least of all, on heredity.

Julia lives by the principle: “You are healthy as long as you have the strength not to see a doctor.” Accordingly, you will never hear complaints about health from Yulia. She is tireless and very resilient.

But this does not mean that Yulia does not have problems. She needs to take care of herself and be more attentive to her health.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Julia: compatibility with male names

List of male names compatible with the name Julia, incl. as a middle name is presented below.

What middle names are suitable for Julia

Congratulations on Angel Julia Day: short, in verse and prose

Remember that Julia is a subtle person who senses lies well. Julia doesn't need an ode to flattery. It is enough for her to hear a few warm but sincere words.

Congratulations for Yulia #1

Congratulations for Yulia #2

Congratulations for Yulia #3

Congratulations for Yulia #4

Congratulations for Yulia #5

Song with the name Yulia, Yulia

  • "Girl of July"; performer: Chameleon.
  • "Kisses of Julia"; performer: Evgeny Osin.
  • "Red-haired girl Julia"; performer: Tim Skorenko.
  • "Yulechka"; performer: Malvina.
  • "Julia"; performer Andrey Razin.
  • "Julia"; performer: Na-na.
  • "Julia"; performer: Oscar Kamionsky.
  • "Julia"; performer: Yulia Savicheva.
  • "Yulka"; performer: Mark Vinokurov.
  • "Yulka"; performer: Night Patrol.
  • "Yulka's anniversary"; performer: Slava Bobkov.
  • “Julia, Julia, Yulka, Julia”; performer: Vladimir Krakhmalev.
  • "Julia"; performer Aramis.
  • "Julia"; performer: Marcel.
  • "Julia"; performer: Carte Blanche.
  • "Julia"; performer: Lena Temnikova.
  • "Julia"; performer: Blue Bird.
  • "Julia"; performer: Scheherazade.

Tattoo with the name Julia, Julia

Name tattoos are still in trend. In the photo: several interesting ideas for the English version of the name Julia.

Tattoo with the name Julia #1

Tattoo with the name Julia #2

Tattoo with the name Julia #3

Tattoo with the name Julia #4

Tattoo with the name Julia #5

Name Julia: intuition, intelligence, morality

Intuition is well developed. In most cases, it is intuition that saves Julia in critical life situations.

Julia is smart, loves to solve puzzles and read Detective stories. However, Yulia is lazy when it comes to mastering some disciplines. And it's not a lack of mental potential. The point is a lack of interest in the subject being studied.

Julia has strict moral principles. You can rely on her for everything: from “arriving on time for a date” to “changing the world for the better.” Julia never stoops to lie. It is easier for her to tell the truth, even a very unpleasant one, than to lie and dodge.

Name Julia: hobbies, activities, business

Whatever Julia chooses for herself, she will achieve everything maximum heights. And all thanks to his perfectionism and perseverance. Most often, her hobbies are related to art and creativity, and her work activity is related to communication.

Pendant with the name Julia made of gold: photo

Julia loves to look perfect. Beautiful decoration, presented as a gift, will not leave them indifferent.

Pendant with the name Julia made of gold #1

Pendant with the name Julia made of gold #2

Pendant with the name Julia made of gold #3

What zodiac sign does the name Julia fit into?

The name is revealed to the maximum in those born under the sign of Libra.

Talisman stone for the name Julia

  • Lapis lazuli. Will bring prosperity and success.
  • Nephritis. It will highlight the beauty of its owner and help in achieving her goals.
  • Sapphire - a symbol of purity and purity - will enhance intuition.
  • Amber will help Julia in finding her loved one.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Julia

The name Julia has powerful solar vibrations.

Perhaps that's why

  • the sunflower became the totemic flower of the name,
  • plant - vine,
  • tree - oak.

Totem animal named Julia

The name has two completely incompatible totems: dragonfly and deer. Which, in general, is not surprising. The dragonfly bestows its ward with a quick reaction, and the deer indicates her purity.

Numerology of the name Julia

To compile a complete numerological portrait of a person, you need to make calculations taking into account the last name (by to my own father), first name and patronymic (after one’s own father). When compiling such a characteristic, it is also taken into account

To choose a nickname for yourself by name, go to the section “Name Julia, Julia in English, Latin, different languages” of this review.

Famous people, celebrities named Julia: photos

A photo gallery of beautiful and talented Yulia serves as confirmation of all the above characteristics.

Yulia Peresild, actress

Yulia Vysotskaya, actress, TV presenter

Yulia Lipnitskaya, athlete

Video: Yulia Savicheva – Yulia

Julia is one of the ancient names that is still chosen for girls today. According to one version, the name Julia comes from the ancient Greek name Iulos, meaning “curly”, “fluffy”, which corresponds to this beautiful female name. According to the Latin version, this is the female version of male name Julius. According to the third version, it originated in Scandinavia, where it means “born at Christmas.”

In the world it is distributed under English name Julia, there are other options: German - Julia, French - Julie, Spanish - Julia, Portuguese - Julia, Italian - Julina, Corsican - Gyulia. Provençal - Giulio, Ukrainian - Yulia, Czech - Yulie, Danish - Yulie, Irish - Yule, Greek - .

Affectionate form of the name: Yula, Yulchik, Yulyusya, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulya, Yulchanka, Yulyashka, Yulchonok, Yulchonochek, Yusya, Yuska, Yulyusya.

In Russia it is common as a female name, for men it beautiful name rarely called.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Julia celebrates Angel Day twice a year:

  • May 31 - patroness of the Virgin Julia of Ankyra, martyr.
  • June 29 - patroness of the Virgin Julia of Carthage, martyr.


A distinctive feature of Julia is stubbornness and touchiness. As a child, it is difficult to argue with her; she will do everything her own way. Explosive, impulsive, but quickly moves away and is the first to come to terms. During her school years, Julia's character softens, which helps her make friends easily. As an adult, Julia is surrounded by friends who like her excellent sense of humor, easy-going and sociable character.


Julia's fate largely depends on the time of year of birth.

Winter - An intelligent, purposeful woman who treats men coldly, uses them only as a sexual object. But, having fallen madly in love, she is ready to do anything for her object.

Vesennaya - A creative and comprehensively developed person, always surrounded by friends. Her husband will have to come to terms with the fact that her friends are important.

Summer - An affectionate and patient woman, attentive to her loved ones. Always stands up for the weak. Adheres to life principles.

Autumn - An uncommunicative and reserved woman, she makes mistakes in personal relationships, which is why they don’t work out for her.


Julia's goal is a happy marriage, so she is selective in men and will not let just anyone get close to her. Julia weeds out weak-willed mama's boys at the very beginning of the courtship stage. The future husband will have to try very hard to make Yulia fall in love with him, but in her person he will receive a reliable wife, a wonderful housewife and a wonderful mother.


Julia has a sharp mind, she can achieve a lot in her profession, but for the sake of her husband and children, Julia can sacrifice her career. Because of developed logic well versed in trading, banking sector, can be famous actress. The best option for her is individual entrepreneurship, the main advantage of which is a free schedule.


Despite her strong and resilient body, Yulia is susceptible to colds. Second weakness- teeth. Since childhood, it has been almost impossible for Yulia to go to the dentist, which is why they often have dental problems in adulthood.

Horoscope for the name Julia

Aries - Loves to be the center of attention, strives for popularity. He knows how to manipulate people, his character quickly changes from an affectionate cat to an angry lioness. She loves when men give her gifts.

Taurus - A selfish, assertive person who knows how to use other people to achieve her ambitious goals. Always follows through with his plan. She takes everything from men without giving anything in return.

Gemini - An eccentric woman with an artistic touch, she loves a life full of entertainment. No worthwhile task is completed. He changes men like gloves, without stopping for long on any one.

Cancer - A conservative, slightly nervous woman who has a hard time accepting changes in her usual way of life. Often things are not completed due to lack of haste. Popular with men.

Leo - Very beautiful, able to achieve success in her intended business. Easily gains the respect of others. She is always surrounded by fans, but only a man with an iron character can tame her.

Virgo - Wise, responsible for her actions, knows how to stand firmly on her feet, and is financially secure. Often elevates himself above all people. It is difficult for men to achieve it due to the excessive demands placed on them.

Libra - Calm, soft-tempered, freedom-loving woman. Anyone can easily be attracted to interesting and easy communication. Often this kindness is just a mask for a tough woman.

Scorpio - Unfriendly, intractable nature, with whom only strong man. She goes to her intended goal “over corpses”, sparing no one, which is why she has no friends. People are afraid of her not only at home, but also at work; despite her uncompromising attitude, she acts fairly.

Sagittarius - Independent, moving forward without looking back. She is loved at home and at work, despite her straightforwardness. She is open in love, without demanding anything in return.

Capricorn - Hardworking, unsociable nature, who does not allow friends into her personal life. Before making a decision, it will take a long time to weigh the pros and cons. He almost never makes mistakes in choosing a profession and a life partner.

Aquarius - Doesn't let anyone into his inner world, prone to depression. Those around her do not like her for her straightforwardness. Only a patient, caring, loving person can become her husband.

Pisces - Endowed with a huge imagination, not devoid of intuition, which helps her to do things in life right choice. Tries to avoid routine work. She will only get along with a balanced man.

A girl named Julia, born under the auspices of Aries and its origins, will grow up to be spectacular and sincere, popular and respected, but changeable. It will not be easy to predict her - today she is kind and positive, but tomorrow she will become a tough and rude predator. The future spouse must be able to flatter beautifully.


Taurus gives birth to a nature named Julia, who is narcissistic and persistent, harmful and impatient, manipulating the world around her and able to show persistence in achieving her goals, with a difficult character. She loves “material joys” and courtship, but will not sacrifice freedom for them.


Geminis have a restless and frivolous, but artistic and cheerful nature. Adventurism, a huge flow of ideas, imagination, dreaminess - all this is good, but there is no sense of purpose. It is difficult for such a lady in her personal life - there is no constancy, there is only love for passion.


Cancer - this zodiac sign promises mannerism, grumbling, imbalance, emotionality, dependence on mood and slowness, especially in making decisions, for the girl named Julia. But there is also constancy - with this you don’t have to worry about tomorrow, because everything is calculated down to the smallest detail.

a lion

Leo will give Yulia beauty, narcissism, success, superiority, charm and a realistic outlook on life. But there is also self-interest - it will easily resort to deception and lies for the sake of profit. Selfishness also manifests itself in relationships with men, and hence poor compatibility with masculine signs.


Virgo - under this zodiac a girl will be born who is reasonable, pragmatic, proud, purposeful, but dependent on material wealth. There will be no place for laziness and frivolity in her life, but there is a place for inflated conceit - she doesn’t care about the opinions of the people around her, she loves only herself.


Libra - those born under the auspices of this zodiac sign will become a soft, cheerful, calm, independent and impressionable lady. She is eloquent, attractive, knows how to listen and delve into a problem, but is tough in relationships with the opposite sex. Able to adapt to the environment.


Scorpio will endow the girl with the name Julia, who appears under his protection, with lust for power, rigidity, unceremoniousness, excessive straightforwardness and rudeness. A born leader, he will not yield leadership to anyone and will defend it by any means.


Sagittarius - here in the person named after Julia, such traits as openness, independence, categoricalness, ruthlessness in criticism, justice and fidelity reign. She will become an excellent wife and loving mother. Will be successful workers in areas where criticism or a sober view is required (judging, etc.).


Capricorn - compatibility with men is not great, because he will look for an ideal, a knight on a white horse. Inherent factors such as determination, hard work, prudence, practicality, honesty, isolation. They often say about such women that “she is from another reality.”


Aquarius will give young Yulechka a secretive and indifferent nature, a complex and secret character that cannot be understood by the people around her. But this is a changeable nature - having met true love, wake up, change, become ideal woman, faithful wife.


Pisces are the main features of this sign, manifested in those named by this name: pragmatism, prudence, intuition, creativity and unsociability. This one will dream of a family, loving husband, and children - career, noisy companies, fun and acquaintances she does not need.

Additional information

Short and diminutive options: Julia, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulyusya, Lyusya.

The name Julia in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 朱莉婭 (Zhūlìyà). Japanese: ジュリア (Juria). Gujarati: જુલિયા (Juliyā). Hindi: जूलिया (Jūliyā). Ukrainian: Yulia. Greek: Τζούλια (Tzoúlia). English: Julia (Julia).

Origin of the name Julia in different languages

10. Type. Julias are secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem, the vine, they require care in order to bloom in time. Happy marriage or interesting work for them is the goal of life.

11. Psyche. They avoid conflicts with society and the world, they are a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.

12. Will. Julia does everything not to show the strength of her character. But there is a will, and right time she makes herself known.

13. Excitability. Very strong and combined with quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.

14. Reaction speed. In order not to show that this situation frightens or worries them, Yulia restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely impassive.

15. Field of activity. They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Either they choose to live at home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or they combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.

16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.

17. Intelligence. Yul has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

18. Receptivity. If Julia and others like her become attached to someone, then it will be for a long time, and perhaps forever. Very careful, often long years waiting for their fairy prince.

19. Morality. These women have a sense of self-worth, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. Julia is equally friendly with both men and women and has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonesty.

20. Health. Impeccable. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only weak point in their body is the internal secretion organs.

21. Sexuality. They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.

22. Activity. It takes a lot of tact and at the same time perseverance to develop activity in these girls. Yulia considers imposing her point of view on someone reprehensible.

23. Sociability. They overcome their difficult life problems on their own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.

24. Conclusion. You need to understand them well so as not to inadvertently offend. Julia does not like to discuss her character flaws and dreams that the prince from a fairy tale understands them perfectly...

Characteristics of the name Julia according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - “curly”. With an unbridled imagination, a touchy and vulnerable girl. Significant changes in mood are noticeable when the cheerful, playful and noisy Yulenka suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic for no particular reason. In this state, it is best to leave the girl alone: time will pass, and she will be the same again. It is difficult to argue with her, she stands her ground until the last moment, and is reluctant to admit her mistake. She is somewhat timid, does not like to watch horror films, and cannot stand the sight of blood. Adult Yulia is thrifty, thrifty, and a good cook. What is there in her pantries!

Julia devotes almost all her time to her family, housekeeping, and the well-being of her relatives; work and professional growth are of little interest to her, so colleagues often get the impression of Yulia as a lazy person. Julia is lucky in her marriage, the doors of her house are always open to friends and relatives. Guests come to Yulia willingly, she is not stingy, loves to chat with her friends, gossip a little, sincerely rejoices at the successes of her friends, and is not envious.

Julia is hampered by stubbornness, which has characterized her since childhood. She will not follow other people's advice even in cases where she knows that they are quite reasonable. This character trait prevents Yulia from finding mutual language with her mother and mother-in-law, which is why she prefers to live apart from them. Many Julias are passionate book lovers; reading is their favorite pastime. They won’t let their husband get bored and will always bring variety to his life. family life. The husband usually loves Julia and obeys her in everything. These women selflessly love their children.

Positive traits of the name

Julia is gifted with a unique sense of humor, sharp mind, observation, resourcefulness. She is capable of showing such resourcefulness that she will always “come out of the water unscathed.”

Negative traits of the name

Julia is prone to risk, adventure, speculation, making hasty decisions, incontinence and irritability, and internal tension. The main danger for her is unwanted acquaintances, because of which Julia can get into trouble before she senses something is wrong.

Choosing a profession by name

Julia has good commercial abilities and developed logical thinking which can be demonstrated in banking and trade. Julia can become good manager, producer, actress.

The impact of a name on business

In general, the stars promise Julia good luck, happiness, financial success and high position in any field. You can’t just be extravagantly generous with friends and family. Julia has a tendency to “show off.”

The influence of a name on health

Julia is in good health, only in later years are heart ailments and swelling of the legs possible.

Psychology of the name

Usually Julia is very artistic, and it is not known when she is playing and when she is telling the truth. When communicating with her, take into account her inherent passion and rancor. When it seems to you that she reacted calmly to some event, keep in mind that in fact this event left a deep mark on her soul.

Julia and pets

Yulia usually loves animals, and often has a dog in her house. She prefers large breeds of dogs: Great Dane, Bulldog, Shepherd. Julia herself is involved in her upbringing, takes her to a professional trainer, monitors her vaccinations, diet, and strictly adheres to the recommendations of specialists. Her dog grows up loved and happy with his existence. In the evenings, Julia loves to walk with her pet. More often he gets male dogs. Possesses strong will, is capable of raising any dog. The dog becomes most attached to her and considers her the owner.

Julia can give a variety of nicknames, She does a great job with any dog.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Julia, which parents gave to their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn girls this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: 69 (5th place)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Famous people named Yulia

Yulia Lermontova ((1847 – 1919) chemist, first woman doctor of chemistry)
Julia the Elder ((39 BC - 14 AD) daughter of the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus)
Yulia Samoilova ((1803 - 1875) née Palen; Russian aristocrat, friend of K.P. Bryullov)
Yulia Drunina (Russian Soviet poetess)
Julia Lennon ((1914 - 1958) mother of John Lennon, who dedicated the famous song “Julia” to her)
Yulia Borisova (theater and film actress (b. 1925))
Yulia Voznesenskaya ((born 1940) writer, poet, author of the books “Notes from the Sleeve”, “Women’s Camp in the USSR”, etc.)
Julia Nyberg (Nyberg) ((1784 - 1854) Swedish poetess)
Yulia Daneshvar ((1912 – 1948) Turkmen painter and graphic artist)
Yulia Menshova ((born 1969) Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter)
Yulia Tymoshenko ((born 1960) surname at birth - Grigyan, then changed to the surname of Telegin’s mother; state and political figure Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007 - 2010))
Julia Roberts ((born 1967) American actress, winner of the Oscar for Best Actress (in the film Erin Brockovich, 2000), one of the highest paid actresses in the world, whose films have brought in profits of over two billion dollars at the global box office. On April 29, 2010, for the twelfth time she topped the list of “most beautiful people planets" according to People magazine.)
Julia Ormond ((born 1965) British stage, film and television actress, winner of the Emmy television award in 2010)
Julie Andrews ((b.1935) English film actress and singer)
Julia Frank ((born 1970) German writer. Daughter of director Jürgen Semisch and actress Anna Katharina Frank, granddaughter of the sculptor Ingeborg Huntzinger, great-great-granddaughter of the artist Philipp Frank]. Laureate of the German Book Prize (2007), shortlisted for the annual award of the British newspaper The Independent " behind best work foreign prose - the novel “Midday” (2007; translated into English - “The Blind Side of the Heart”, 2010).
Julia Goerges (German tennis player)
Yulia Obertas (Russian and previously Ukrainian figure skater who competed in pairs figure skating)
Yulia Latynina (Russian journalist and writer, author of fantasy novels and political and economic detective stories based on Russian reality; known in journalism as a political commentator, economic analyst and active polemicist)
Yulia Rutberg (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
Julie Delpy (French and American film actress, director and singer)
Julie Zenatti (French pop singer)
Giulia Grisi ((1811 - 1869) Italian opera singer (soprano))
Julia Navarro ((born 1953) Spanish writer and publicist)
Julia da Costa ((1844 - 1911) Brazilian poet and writer)
Yulia Lipnitskaya ((born 1998) Russian figure skater (singles), Olympic champion 2014 in team competitions, multiple winner of gold and silver awards in international competitions both among juniors and adults, despite the fact that at the time of participation V Olympic Games in Sochi she was only 15 years old. Yulia Lipnitsaya became one of the youngest Olympic champions in the history of figure skating.)
Iulia Hasdeu ((1869 - 1888) Romanian poetess)
Julia Osvat ((1908 - 1994) Hungarian opera singer (soprano))
Julia Kristeva (Bulgarian and French psychoanalyst, semiotician and philosopher)
Yulia Latynina (Russian journalist and writer)
Yulia Chicherina ((born 1978) Russian pop-rock singer)
Yulia Savicheva ((born 1987) Russian pop singer)
Yulia Vakulenko (Ukrainian tennis player)
Yulia Nesterenko (Belarusian track and field athlete)
Juliana Berners ((c.1388/1400 - c.1460) semi-legendary English writer of the 15th century, was the abbess of the monastery, but despite this, she wrote works on topics that were interesting to her before entering the monastery - heraldry, falconry , hunting and fishing. Interest in these works continued into the 19th century, and were especially popular in the 16th century. Only after her death these works were published (in 1486). She is considered the first woman in history to write works on such topics. )
Giuliana Rancic ((born 1975) nee DePandi; American journalist, television presenter, actress, screenwriter and producer)
Juliana of Norwich or Norwich ((1342 - ca. 1416) English spiritual writer, mystic, theologian, the first English woman to write a book - “Sixteen Revelations Divine love"(c.1393))
Julianna Rose Mauriello ((born 1991) American actress)
Julianna Gill ((born 1987) American actress)
Julianne Nicholson ((born 1971) American actress)
Julianne Hough ((born 1988) American professional dancer ( ballroom dancing) and country singer. She starred in the film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".)
Julianne Phillips ((born 1960) American model and actress)
Julianne Moore ((born 1960) real name - Julie Ann Smith; American actress. Four-time Oscar nominee, Emmy and Golden Globe award winner, winner Berlin Film Festival, three-time winner of the Venice Film Festival.)
Julianna Margulies ((born 1966) American actress)
Julia, Saint Julia of Corsican ((presumably 5th century) Martyr of Corsican, patroness of Corsica)
Julia Alvarez ((born 1950) American writer of Dominican descent)
Julia Marichal ((1944 - 2011) famous Afro-Mexican actress)
Julia de Burgos ((1914 - 1953) Puerto Rican poetess. Along with Gabriela Mistral and Alfonsina Storni, she is considered one of the largest poetesses in Latin America.)
Julie Couen ((born 1982) French tennis player, winner of 20 ITF tournaments)
Julie Ege ((1943 - 2008) Norwegian actress and model. In 1962 she was a contender for the titles of “Miss Norway” and “Miss Universe”. She starred in the films “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”, “The Deadly Sins of the Magnificent Seven”, “Madness” "and others)
