How to avoid the negative influence of transit Saturn? The influence of Saturn - how to come to an agreement with the universe, or the influence of planets on the fate and health of a person.

The planet Saturn rightfully occupies one of the most significant places in astrology. He is capable of turning a person's fate upside down. Saturn is destruction and creation, death and longevity, poverty and prosperity. Let's look at the characteristics of the heavenly lord of fate and look at how he influences human life.

Characteristics and meaning

The planet Saturn is not a completely unambiguous planet in its characteristics. The meaning of this celestial body depends on the direction in which it is explained - Vedic astrology, psychological or in relation to the horoscope. Let's consider the characteristics of the planet Saturn in classical and Vedic astrology. These directions precisely define the most important aspects planets.


Saturn is one of the slowest planets, the period of Saturn's revolution around the Sun is as much as 29.5 years. The planet is often compared to a strict mentor or teacher who strictly asks a person about all his sins. The “teacher” stays in a certain zodiac sign for a long time – up to 2.5 years. The main abode of the planet is in the houses of Capricorn and Aquarius. The greatest strength and reflection of the traits inherent in Saturn is visible in the sign of Libra. The opposite situation is reflected in the signs Aries, Cancer and Leo. Saturn has a good relationship with Pluto and Mars. Properties of the planet:

  • cold;
  • dry;
  • melancholic;
  • alienated;
  • lonely.

Wise and strict Saturn in astrology is responsible for restrictions in a person’s life, the formation of a worldview, and the development of one’s own system of priorities and values. The planet forces you to evaluate own behavior and adjust it according to its requirements - self-discipline, detachment, hard work and strong spirit.

Strong Saturn

The influence of Saturn on a person’s destiny cannot be underestimated. In astrology, it is customary to talk about the strong and weak influence of Saturn. The first characterizes a person with enormous power will. Such a concept as self-discipline is not alien to him; he knows how to control not only his behavior, but also his emotions. This is excessive careful man who will not plunge headlong into dubious activities. He is patient and knows that his time will come when the situation will work out in his favor. Hard work distinguishes people who have Saturn in a strong position. They are ready to work both day and night. Incredible perseverance and determination allow them to achieve their goals and solve complex problems. The ability to think logically does not prevent such people from looking at life and its obstacles from a philosophical point of view. They are moderately detached and do not go crazy in difficult and emergency situations. They are distinguished by a special sense of justice and honesty, which allows them to occupy high positions and good positions. Usually successful and wealthy, they lead quite ascetic image life.

Weak Saturn

A weak or negative influence of Saturn affects a person in exactly the opposite way. He is not brave or sociable. A person is characterized by excessive timidity, isolation, suspiciousness, and pessimism. He takes everything with hostility and is distrustful. Often such a person is characterized as a tyrant or despot; he is greedy and selfish. Moreover, these traits rarely lead to good - people with weak Saturn are even capable of murder. They are characterized by fanaticism. They are considered the complete opposite of individuals with a strong Saturn.


Saturn brings with it many problems of the material plane and health. The weak position of the planet is reflected in a person in the form of problems with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, blood, gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. When Saturn is negatively positioned relative to its sign and house, people often experience mental problems. Under the influence of Saturn, a person may have various injuries from falls and fractures. Since the planet is characterized as cold, most diseases arise from this reason - cold.

Saturn is the sign of old age, death and disease. But with a favorable location, the planet will bring many positive points, will allow you to grow spiritually and materially. In order to find out how Saturn influences a specific person, you need to look at the person’s natal chart.

Vedic astrology

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is given Special attention. This planet is considered one of the most formidable and terrible in relation to human health and well-being. Saturn brings hardship, trials and death. In this regard, both classical and Vedic astrologers have similar opinions. However, the Vedic discipline places special emphasis on the transit of Saturn through the zodiac signs and their houses. Thus, the transit of Saturn in houses numbered 12, 1 and 2 is considered one of the most painful and dangerous. The transit lasts as long as 7.5 years. It is called Sade-Sati and is characterized as a test for a person when the planet begins to strictly ask about all sins. This period of Saturn in Vedic astrology means “report on what has been done.” A person experiences troubles one after another, various pathologies and career problems appear. Sometimes an individual does not even understand why suddenly cloudless and successful life turns into a real hell. It is during the Sade-Sati period that people often turn to astrologers and clairvoyants for help.

If Saturn has a favorable location in natal chart, a person may not even notice the transit of the planet through houses 12, 1 and 2. For this reason, in Vedic astrology, much attention is paid to the transit and period of Saturn in a person’s life when drawing up horoscopes. Astrologers advise to treat the influence of Saturn correctly. There is no need to panic if the planet turns out to be weak in your natal chart or you are entering the Sade-Sati period. Saturn does not tolerate weakness and laziness. The planet can be appeased with the right lifestyle, which should include:

  • self-discipline;
  • hard mode;
  • prayer;
  • meditation;
  • detachment;
  • control over emotions;
  • asceticism.

Give Saturn what he loves and values ​​so much. As a result, the planet will ask you for all your sins, but more mercifully, without putting a person in a situation between life and death, health and illness, deprivation and well-being.

“Strict teacher” in the horoscope

In order to understand what influence Saturn has on a particular person, you need to know what sign the planet was in at the time of birth. Based on this, you can interpret your destiny; many questions will be answered. Let's take a quick look at each zodiac sign.

Saturn in Aries (weak)

As we already know, Saturn reflects its most negative manifestations precisely in Aries. People born when Saturn is in Aries are often irritated, grumpy, and pessimistic. They grumble about life, try to teach others, but they themselves do not want to explore the world. The best way out the situation will result in a change in lifestyle in favor of Saturn - self-discipline, asceticism, faith in God and Full time job above oneself.

Saturn in Taurus

This person is able to achieve his goals no matter what. He goes ahead, regardless of the opinions of others. He is often stingy and does not waste money. People born in the position of Saturn in Taurus are often persistent in achieving benefits.

Saturn in Gemini

A person loves to talk on any topic, but at the same time he can forget. “Language” very often becomes a problem for such people. You must be able to control your emotions and not argue too much in favor of only your point of view. Plus the position of Saturn in Gemini is a cold mind.

Saturn in Cancer (fall)

The position of the planet Saturn in Cancer is one of the most unpleasant. Life is constantly accompanied by troubles and problems. A person, as a rule, is pessimistic, sad and does not particularly enjoy life. Even if luck smiles on him, he will still be weighed down by heaviness and Bad mood. In this case, you have to pull yourself together and follow the rules of “communication” with Saturn - lead a modest lifestyle, not become limp, and work hard.

Saturn in Leo

Ambitious, stubborn, purposeful - these are the main characteristics of a person born in the position of Saturn in the sign of Leo. A person will not be lost, he will constantly achieve his goal, even if he knows that nothing will work out. Such people, as a rule, do not know how to accept or at least listen to other points of view.

Saturn in Virgo

This situation is quite interesting. People born in the position of Saturn in Virgo themselves begin to look for obstacles to achieving any goal. They always have problems even where there shouldn't be any. Very often obstacles are invented. Advice - try to take life more simply and simply achieve your goals without far-fetched problems.

Saturn in Libra (harmony)

When Saturn is in Libra at birth, the person is very lucky. This is the most harmonious combination in relation to this planet. Everything works out, things go exactly as the person intended. Any plans are destined to come true. As a rule, these are people who know how to clearly organize their lives, they are punctual and fair. Usually the person occupies a leadership position.

Saturn in Scorpio

The person is distinguished by pronounced restraint, both emotional and sexual. It is difficult for him to express his emotions, it is difficult to determine how a person born in the Saturn-Scorpio position treats you. He is prone to esotericism and loves mysticism. As a rule, he does not value what he has.

Saturn in Sagittarius

People trying to idealize everyone and everything. They are rather perfectionists, striving to teach people how to live correctly. Moreover, morality and purity come first. It's not very bad trait, but you need to observe moderation and not torment others with lectures on morality. Try to relax and do something useful. Find a hobby or learn to stick to the middle ground in your teachings.

Saturn in Capricorn(abode of Saturn)

This is the most favorable location on the planet. All the good traits and characteristics of Saturn are concentrated here - hard work, justice, the ability to control oneself, organize one’s life and everyday life. Such people succeed in everything, they are not afraid of difficulties. They overcome them with ease and don’t even notice the obstacles. To maintain success, you need to curb your arrogance. Saturn does not like pride.

Saturn in Aquarius

This position characterizes people who strive to understand the spiritual essence of themselves and the world. A person often joins various religious groups, he searches for himself and the meaning of life. Spiritual saturation sometimes brings troubles, sometimes people become real fanatics - this is the extreme of Saturn. It is necessary to learn to interact with both the soul and the material world - to find a middle ground.

Saturn in Pisces

This position of the sign and planet characterizes people who are incapable of making their own decisions. They prefer to sit in a corner and continue to go with the flow of life’s circumstances. This philosophy does not lead to a successful career. You need to pull yourself together and learn to manage life and make decisions. Otherwise, success will pass you by.

This General characteristics a person born in one or another position of Saturn. Character is influenced not only by the position of the planet, but also by other, no less important aspects. They are determined by the astrologer when drawing up the natal chart. Therefore, for a clearer and more specific interpretation, be sure to contact an astrologer for the map. Don't forget that you can build relationships with Saturn through humility, hard work, detachment and self-discipline.

The influence of Saturn on a person’s destiny is enormous and therefore Vedic astrology pays him quite a lot of attention. Only Saturn is capable of changing a person's destiny. The influence of Saturn on character is just as great, because our character makes our destiny. If you want to live happily and peacefully, you need to know what this planet has prepared for you and adjust your life according to it.

Saturn and the fate of man

Saturn is the planet that gives a person the strength to fight his karmic issues. In addition, it is his power that forces a person to work and bring practical benefit in order to remove the burden of karma. It is believed that the effect of the power of this planet is karmic, which means that a person is unable to change almost anything in the area that Saturn touches in his chart.

Saturn has been recognized as the most important of the nine planets, not only in India but also in other cultures. He was nicknamed the Master of Fates. In astrology, this planet has always been associated with illness, difficult trials, mourning, death, separation, deformities and various perversions. However, in terms of spiritual development it symbolizes asceticism, discipline and loneliness. Earthly attachments and illusions are destroyed by Saturn, and the more of them in your life, the more terrible the influence of this planet.

This planet brings suffering into a person’s life, which contributes to the development of his awareness, and many great people have chosen the path of restrictions and suffering for the sake of rapid progress. Saturn is an indicator of old age and can cause rapid aging, especially for those who lead a chaotic lifestyle. At the same time, he gives people who are prone to reasonable self-restraint and who follow a daily routine long life, as well as vigor and strength until old age.

Saturn and human character

Initially, a person’s character is formed under the influence of the three gunas material nature: mode of passion, mode of goodness and mode of ignorance. If you notice in yourself traits from the guna of ignorance or passion, try to rise and refine it to the guna of goodness.

If the energy of Saturn is present in a person’s life through the guna of ignorance, then he often has the following states: depression, enormous egoism, emptiness in the soul, despondency, atheism, blind anger, cruelty, and a tendency to violence. He is not able to see the Supreme will of God in everything, does not want to work, is lazy, is very proud and will easily betray for his own benefit. Inability to be patient, perform austerities and sacrifices to cause suffering to others. Criminal tendencies, paranoia and perversity.

Saturn in passion manifests itself as the conviction that work is the most important thing in life and a constant desire to change or complete something. Inability to rest and relax. Excessive caution, too serious attitude to everything in life, a fanatical desire to organize everything. Impatience, the habit of relying only on oneself, performing austerities to achieve selfish goals.

The guna of goodness is manifested by the energy of Saturn through such character qualities as humility, patience, modesty, asceticism, the absence of a false Ego, the absence of dependencies and attachments, an understanding of the temporary nature of everything material and at the same time the desire to appreciate every second that cannot be returned back. Truthfulness, loyalty, understanding that work is, first of all, working on oneself and one’s shortcomings, not wanting to be in illusion. Complete control of your emotions and desires, great endurance, great patience, excellent performing and organizational skills.

Bringing the influence of Saturn into goodness is not easy, but it is worth it. To harmonize, start by fulfilling all your responsibilities in the family, at work, in society without laziness and enthusiasm. Try to be humble and learn to see the will of God in everything. After all, Saturn, as the true keeper of time, shows us that everything in this world is temporary.

Spinel, black quartz.
Element: Earth.
Metal: Iron.
Day: Saturday.
Color: Blue.
Direction: West.
Influence: .
Abode: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Exaltation(Elevations): Libra.
Exile: Cancer, Leo.
Falls: Aries.
Friendly planets: , .
Hostile planets: , .
Strong Saturn: Prosperity, wealth, good position.
Afflicted Saturn: Poverty, arrogance.
Organs: Legs, nervous system.
Diseases: Joint pain, leg injuries.
Turnover in one sign/entire zodiac: 2.5 years / 30 years.
Symbols on the map:U

Traditionally, the “Time Lord” is associated with the darkest aspects of life - old age and death, decline and deprivation.

But he is also a great sage, mentor, legislator. It embodies our conscience.

Saturn creates prohibitions, but without them chaos and anarchy would reign in life.

The harsh planet is identified with the image of a father or other character who in childhood demanded discipline and imposed restrictions.

Saturn promotes growing up and teaches you to plan your life. In the tenth astrological house he is responsible for career, social status, ambition and reputation.

But there is another zone of influence: flea markets, garbage dumps, cemeteries, prisons, black market.

Saturn represents a wide range of professions: from managers, officials, judges to security guards, workers, hunters. He has been managing agriculture since ancient times.

A typical Saturnian dresses modestly and discreetly. He doesn't like to stand out from the crowd.

In the human body, the planet is associated with the musculoskeletal system, the skeletal system, and in tandem with Venus - with the skin.

Aspects of Saturn, their features and meaning

Strong Saturn and its positive conjunctions

They endow a person with healthy ambition, the ability to creatively process the experience accumulated over centuries and make valuable discoveries on its basis.

The highest form of successful connections is a philosophical way of thinking, renunciation material assets and inner freedom, inseparable from responsibility. A person devotes himself to selfless service to society.

A strong beneficent Saturn gives good health and longevity, a prosperous old age.

Weak Saturn means lethargy, apathy, lack of vitality. A person experiences self-doubt, is afraid of difficulties, and retreats in the face of obstacles.

Afflicted Saturn

Malefic Saturn poses an ominous threat. It produces cruel, vengeful, hopelessly inert characters.

Another type is complete losers. All their lives they are haunted by blows of fate. This leads to depression, which can lead to suicide.

Another gloomy touch in the picture of afflicted Saturn is serious illnesses: paralysis, epilepsy, gangrene, cancer.

Harmonious aspects of Saturn

They bring many positive aspects to life, guarantee stability and a clear idea of ​​their place in life.

Good Saturn is a symbol of constancy. Saturnian marriage is often late, but strong and reliable.

Man is not afraid of the prose of life. He enjoys concentrating on achieving realistic, practical goals. He slowly and methodically goes to his peaks and, in the end, reaches them.

But excessive prudence is not always appropriate. A conscientious employee may refuse a promising and interesting position for fear of not being able to cope with new responsibilities.

Tense aspects

They are fraught with many contradictions. So, for example, a leader verbally praises freedom, expects initiative from subordinates, and behaves like a dictator.

Or someone suddenly discovers that all his life he has worshiped the wrong ideals, did not understand his true calling in his youth, and passed by true love.

Tense aspects suppress the internal need for love and tenderness with external harshness. The result is loneliness.

Success in self-expression is hampered by memories of a harsh childhood, overshadowed by excessive parental prohibitions and restrictions.

Acting as a teacher, Saturn gives students more and more new lessons. The ascetic planet does not approve of people who are talented but frivolous, to whom everything is presented on a silver platter. The lessons need to be seriously taught and rethought.

This is the key to solving many life problems. You can cope with them only through work, development and self-discipline, that is, the way Saturn intended.

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The influence of Saturn on human life, what is it like? What you have today is the result of your thoughts and actions in the past. But it happens that a person strives with all his might to improve his life, takes the “right” actions, but the result is not pleasing: the family is not created or collapses, there are no children, inhibition in his career, despondency, financial difficulties, depression sets in, health problems appear. And health is undermined by insomnia, pain in the joints and spine, dental problems, and premature aging. This is all the influence of Saturn! By the way, 2015 is the year of Saturn!
Saturn- a formidable ruler of Fate. His day is Saturday, his number is 8, his color is black. His animal is the raven. Saturn is a harsh and serious, heavy and cold, space-compressing planet. Spheres of his influence: karma, fate, fatality, control, older people, the basis of all things, laws, norms and rules, the structure of things, rigidity, stability, pride, spirit of leadership, career, time, subsoil, real estate, isolation, folk wisdom, power, order, ancestors, parents, construction.

In health Saturn gives problems with the spine - if there is tension, calluses on the hands and feet due to a callous attitude to work, constipation, if a person isolates himself from people, joints creak, salt accumulates from poor communication with people, osteoporosis if a person whines, cries, complains , not self-confident, stooped, hunchbacked, if fate presses, problems with knees from pride. The entire skeletal system and skin are also in the sphere of its influence.

Saturn the most formidable planet, only he is the Arbiter of Fates. In many cultures Saturn considered the most significant planet of the nine planets Solar System. And it is in his power to make a beggar a king, and a king a beggar. If Saturn If you are happy with you, then good luck will accompany you all your life. In anger, he compresses, slows down, freezes and destroys everything. But it would be wrong to be afraid of this planet. Saturn must be understood. In our society, lies, manipulation for personal gain, slander, laziness, disrespect for elders, parents, and ancestors still flourish. Saturn does not like this and cannot be deceived. For example, for this reason, in families where there is no respect for each other, there is an atmosphere of discontent, Saturn begins to destroy the man. This manifests itself in different ways: in some cases, the husband begins to go “to the left,” in others, he falls into drunkenness and becomes an alcoholic, or, as an option, becomes a workaholic, but his income does not increase. And all because people have forgotten one law of the Universe, which our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers knew well and observed. This is the law of boundaries. According to ancient teachings, a man is the shores, freedom. Men are supervised by Saturn. A woman is a river, limitations. Without banks, the river will overflow and dry up. Children are the origins. Like the river, so are its sources.

According to the law of boundaries, all people occupy a certain position in the family, society, at work: Elders: God, husband, parents, son, boss, teachers, mentors. Saturn their patron.
Equals: friends, colleagues.
Younger: subordinates, children, women, students, younger brothers.
Such a hierarchy made it possible to maintain harmonious relationships in all spheres of life, but the propaganda of feminism broke all the foundations controlled by Saturn and tension in life has only grown since then. Men have become unaccustomed to seeing women as women and perceive them as rivals. But as soon as each of us takes note of this law and begins to implement it, most of the personal problems will disappear, because Saturn will replace anger with mercy. Therefore, it is not good for women’s relationships with Saturn when they are bosses in a male team. If among friends one takes the position of the eldest, then the friendship is over. It is more advantageous for women to be in a junior position in all respects. Saturn is favorable to such people.

Saturn is also responsible for fears: fear of death, fear public speaking, fear of losses. In being dissatisfied with a person, he drives him into these fears, creates feelings of tension, attachment, and dependence. Almost all of us are subject to these fears. How to deal with them? We must trust God that He will protect and organize everything the best way, avoid negative thoughts, in time to switch them to positivity and calmness, because it has been proven that dark thoughts attract dark events, and bright thoughts provide the protection of Angels.
How to find out right now if Saturn is favorable to you? Yours will help with this own feelings and the Huns according to which these feelings are classified. This is the gunna of ignorance, the gunna of passion, the gunna of goodness. To kind people Saturn merciful and supports them in all matters. The further from the guna of goodness, the more aggression Saturn shows towards a person.

Is it possible to receive Saturn's favor and support? In any Formula of the Soul there is Saturn. For some it is in the center of the Formula, for others it is in orbit. For some it is retrograde, while for others it is direct. The picture can be spoiled by the Black Moon. But, despite the Formula of the Soul, there are rules that, if followed, will help improve these relationships. You will see the results in your life.
The rules are:
1. On Saturday, rest is required, no cleaning. If you are used to cleaning on this day, then go to your parents. Cleaning there will be beneficial. And at home best time cleanliness is Friday (Venus day), when money rituals will also be successful. You can hold any gold object in water for about 20 minutes, and then use this water (take out the jewelry first) to clean your home. Such water works like a money magnet on Friday.
2. On Saturday it is good to meditate, cleanse the chakras, walk in nature, but not around the city, visit places of power and holy places.
3. On Saturday it is useful to have a fasting day, exclude meat (especially red) and wine, behave quietly, gently, and limit yourself in everything.
4. On Saturday, show respect to elders and parents, help them, and visit them.
5. Stars are not encouraged to wear black clothes every day. Alternatively, you can use Blue colour or purple. Black clothing is acceptable on Saturdays.
6. Scents are preferable on Saturday coniferous trees and incense
7. If you want to enlist the support of your family and ancestors, then visit their graves on Saturday. Mentally communicate with them. There is a ritual that is enough to do once a month. You need to boil the peas without salt and spices and feed them to the crows in the cemetery or in the place where they are found. While cooking the peas (about 2 hours), while stirring, you need to mentally or out loud read prayers and remember as many deceased relatives as possible. Your ancestors will become protectors, Angels - guardians of you and your family. you will feel inner peace and confidence.
8. On Saturday it is necessary to serve to the poor, the homeless, the crippled, the poor, and the elderly. But not everyone. We must focus on the state of the Soul. If, at the sight of such a person, you reach into your pocket for change, then do not be greedy. You don’t have to give money, you can buy food or just feed them. On Earth, these categories of people are representatives of Saturn, because in past life they didn't help anyone.
9. Learn to support positive attitude in any situation, remove despondency from life, concentrate on victory, the motto, mantra, attitude in the spirit of “there are no barriers, I can, I want, I believe” will help you.
10. You can go to the bathhouse.)))

PS: In the Soviet Union it was customary to register a marriage on Saturday. Young families received a blessing from Saturn: to live in restrictions, nothing superfluous, to work hard and a lot. Do you want one for yourself? family life? It is better to receive blessings from Venus: love, harmony, beauty and prosperity to boot. Therefore, the best day to start a family is Friday. Those who disagree can do as they please.

I bow before ShanIshvara, whose color is dark blue, before the one born into the world before the God of death, before the son of the Sun and Shadow. Vyasa

In myths all over the world, Saturn appears to us in the form of an ancient old man. He is the teacher, the keeper of wisdom, the champion of discipline, the lord of karma. In his hand there is a box with seeds - these are our karmas. In a sense, Saturn is the teacher of maturity and wisdom. It symbolizes driving force development that leads us to fulfill a life task or brings us closer to the highest goal of life. Under his stern and wise guidance, we get the opportunity to deal with the past and let go of everything unnecessary and unnecessary.

On the moral plane, Saturn is justice; he is the personification of Time itself, which sooner or later will lead each of us to perfection. There is no other principle that teaches us the basics of life as meticulously and pedantically as Saturn. Saturn's lessons are not the simplest; he teaches us by bringing to life fears, obstacles and vulnerabilities. What is the lesson? It is about overcoming these fears and obstacles with the help of internal work above yourself and a certain style behavior. The main thing here is consistency.

The influence of Saturn determines the time for everything. Saturn influences the timing and nature of the “harvest” we will reap. For example, to cook rice we need to do a number of actions: buy or grow rice, wash it, put it in a pan, pour water, etc. - all these functions are under the control of other planets. After everything is ready, we wait for the rice to cook. This moment, the expectation of the result of any action, is the domain of Saturn. Thus, the process of waiting is training with Saturn. Saturn keeps some of your work out of your control until harmony is achieved. He will not allow us to do certain things or get the results we want until we are ready.

We blame fate for what we are today, but in reality it is not a cruel fate. On this moment It’s good for us to be who we are now and to enjoy what we have. When we have mastered the next step, we will be given the next thing. We don’t know why certain things are not given to us, why our desires are not fulfilled. We think these things are good and so we ask for them, but when we actually receive them, they can make life difficult for us. Few of us really understand what we need. Thus, Saturn teaches us gratitude, the ability to live in the present moment and enjoy what we have.

Delays, obstacles and disappointments appear before the human mind due to the effects of Saturn and if we are not patient, we may lose our balance. This influence is especially noticeable during the period of planetary influence of the planet on human life, for example, during the period of “Sade-sati” or during the vimshotari dasha of Saturn, or during the period. If we become nervous and angry, we are faced with more and more expectations, and the more we wait for the result, the more disappointed and suffering we become. The inevitable, once accepted, will be more in tune with us. And when we don’t accept it, we are in confrontation with it, and this leads to even greater struggle and loss of energy. Please keep in mind that it is Saturn that teaches us the ability to wait and endure. Therefore, this strategy will only be relevant if you are going through a Sadu Sati period, a Saturn period or if you are currently going through a Saturn retro period. If you are in the Mars period, you will need initiative, assertiveness, but patience will still be useful.

Pain and isolation are also related to Saturn. Pain is a process of correction. Pain is nature's message that something needs to be fixed. Accept the message and try to correct the situation. Saturn thus teaches us the basics of life. How to eat, how to sleep, talk and work - all the “hows” of our behavior. He brings the knowledge of how to transcend the shackles we have placed on ourselves, and isolation and pain are his tools. Learn the lesson that life teaches you through pain.

Saturn allows us to develop through the laws of nature. When we don't follow these laws... he puts on such hydraulic brakes that we can't move. Whether we like it or not, we have to stop and look around - maybe there is something wrong in our way of acting? If there is no progress, this most likely means that we made a mistake. If we do not correct this error, further progress will be stopped. So Saturn says, “Your intentions are good, but I won’t let you become that way until you work through certain things.”

The physical body of Saturn - the planet itself, which we can see through a telescope, has many rings. These rings are a symbol of restriction and protection. Saturn is the planet that disciplines us so that we gain the necessary experience. He outlines the limits of what is permitted and stops us so that we do not expand too much and complicate life. The rings act as protection until we gain correct understanding, when such understanding is achieved they open up and wider limits are established for our protection. So, Saturn brings us knowledge of how to overcome the shackles that we have imposed on ourselves.

Quotes about Saturn from the book "Saturn - The Path to Systematic Growth" by K. Parvati Kumar.

