How to correctly approve job descriptions sample. Order “On approval of the new edition of job descriptions

Important! The employer independently decides in what order to draw up job descriptions (hereinafter - DI) and make changes to them (see letter of Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6).

Typically, the rules for registration and approval of DI are determined by a special regulation on DI. Thus, the regulation may stipulate that in order to approve the DI, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. You can learn more about this from the article at the link: Sample order on the development of job descriptions. In general, to approve a DI, a special mark (approval stamp) on the first page may be sufficient, if this is the procedure provided for by the internal documentation and document flow rules of the organization.

Who approves and signs job descriptions

As we have already indicated above, the procedure for approving DI will be determined by employers independently.

Note! Usually this function rests with the head of the organization. Visas from the legal and human resources departments of the enterprise may also be required, depending on the procedure provided for by the regulations on DI.

As an exception, we can identify situations when the procedure for approving DI is introduced at the level of competent government agencies. In this situation, separate and structural units must be guided by the general regulations approved at the level of the relevant department (for example, Appendix 5 to the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated August 11, 2009 No. 1458, etc.).

How to approve a job description: general procedure

Normal approval process job description in a private organization includes at least one of the following:

  • Applying on the first page of the DI the stamp “I approve”, containing such details as the name of the position of the head of the organization, his full name, signature, date of affixing the stamp (see clause 3.16 of GOST R 6.30-2003).
  • Issuing an order to approve the DI. Such an order may also simultaneously contain an order to put into effect approved DI and/or cancel previously valid DI and other instructions (more on this below).

Note! Often, applying the approval stamp is quite sufficient, although the regulations on DI may require the need to perform all the above actions.

Order on approval of job descriptions

Important! There is currently no standard/unified example of such an order, so an organization can develop it independently, taking into account the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 and local documentation.

In this case, the structure of the order could be as follows:

  • name of the document, place and date of publication;
  • purpose of issuing the order;
  • order on approval of a specific list of job descriptions;
  • other related orders of the manager (for example, on the implementation of approved DI, carrying out measures to familiarize employees with the text of approved DI);
  • an order to assign responsibility for the execution of an order to a specific person;
  • manager's signature;
  • a note confirming familiarization with the order of the person responsible for its execution.

Such an order can be drawn up based on the template we offer at the link: Order for approval of job description - sample.

Thus, the procedure for approving job descriptions is determined by the employer independently in local documentation. Wherein this order may not provide for the need to issue an order to approve the DI; a special approval stamp may be sufficient.


BASIC EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL No. 8 “Ekos”, Dolgoprudny



________________ № __________


On approval of the new edition

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Federal State educational standard primary general education training and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 000n “On approval of the unified qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and employees, section “ Qualification characteristics positions of education workers"


1. Approve the new edition of the job description of a primary school teacher (Appendix 1) and the job description of the deputy director for water management (Appendix 2).

2. Put into effect the specified job descriptions from 09/01/2011.

3. Familiarize all primary level teachers with the new job descriptions general education and deputy director for water management.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Head teacher


Annex 1

to school orders

Job description

teachers primary classes

I. General requirements to the primary school teacher

1. The teacher must know:

Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues; Convention on the Rights of the Child;

fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary for solving pedagogical, scientific-methodological and organizational-administrative problems at the initial stage of a general education institution, pedagogy, psychology, age-related physiology, school hygiene;

methods of teaching subjects and educational work, programs and textbooks that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

requirements for equipment and equipment of classrooms and utility rooms;

teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science;

law basics, scientific organization labor, design technologies and effective means business communication;

2.3. Makes up thematic plans work on academic subjects and extracurricular activities for the academic quarter and a work plan for each lesson and lesson.

2.4. Monitors the availability of notebooks in academic subjects for students, compliance with the order of their design and maintenance established in the school, and compliance with a unified spelling regime.

2.5. Follows the following procedure for checking student workbooks: in grades 1–4, all class and homework of students is checked daily.

2.6. Conducts in a timely manner according to schedule installed by the program and the curriculum, the number of tests, as well as the necessary educational excursions and classes.

2.7. Checks control dictations and tests in mathematics in grades 1–4 for the next lesson.

2.8. Enters into the class journal all grades for tests for the day of the month when they were conducted.

2.9. Works on errors after verification tests.

2.10. Keeps student test books throughout the school year.

2.11. Organizes, together with the school librarian and parents, extracurricular reading for students.

2.12. Ensures that students are included in various shapes extracurricular activities.

2.13. Works closely with other teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

2.14. Ensures compliance of curriculum in subjects, as well as programs of extracurricular activities with the new Federal State Educational Standards.

2.15. Masters and implements new educational programs, uses a variety of techniques, methods and means of teaching and education to ensure the achievement of educational goals.

2.16. Carries out control and evaluation activities in the educational process using modern methods assessment in the conditions of information and communication technologies (conducting electronic forms documentation, including an electronic journal and student diaries).

3. Rights.

A primary school teacher has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Standard provision about educational institution, School Charter, collective agreement, Internal labor regulations.

The teacher has the right to make decisions that are binding on students and to take disciplinary measures in accordance with the Charter of the institution.

4. Responsibility

4.1. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the teacher is responsible for:

for the implementation of educational programs not in full;

for the life and health of students during educational process And extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher;

for violation of the rights and freedoms of students determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the institution.

implementation of orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”;

safe conduct of the educational process;

taking measures to provide first aid to the victim, prompt notification of management about the accident;

instructing students (pupils) on labor safety during training sessions, educational activities with mandatory registration in the class register or the Student Instruction Register on occupational health and safety;

organizing the study of labor safety rules by students, traffic, behavior at home, etc.;

monitoring compliance with labor protection rules (instructions).

4.2. In case of violation of the institution's Charter, the terms of the collective agreement, the internal labor regulations, this job description, or the director's orders, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, a teacher may be dismissed under Art. 336, clause 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


main comprehensive school No. 8 "ECOS" Dolgoprudny

(Dolgoprudny, Paveltsevo microdistrict, 25 Congress street, telephone).

Appendix 2

to school orders

dated ____________ 20___ No._______

Job description

Deputy Director for HR

1. General Provisions

1.1. The deputy director for educational work is appointed and dismissed by the director. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the deputy director for educational work, his duties may be assigned to the deputy director for educational work or a teacher from among the most experienced teachers.

Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order from the director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.2. The deputy director for educational work must have a higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience in teaching or leadership positions and also own design technologies, know the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards at the primary level and recommendations for their implementation in a general education institution.

1.3. The deputy director for educational work reports directly to the school director.

1.4. Teachers, educators, and class teachers are directly subordinate to the deputy director for educational work.

1.5. In his activities, the Deputy Director for educational work is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and regulations of the subject of the Federation and educational authorities of all levels according to issues of education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the charter and local legal acts of the educational institution (including internal labor regulations, orders and directives of the director, this job description), employment contract. The Deputy Director for Educational Work complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Main activities

The main areas of activity of the deputy director for educational work are:

2.1. Organization of the educational process at school, its management and control over the development of this process;

2.2 Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations in the educational process at the initial stage of the educational institution.

2.3. Methodological management of the teaching staff.

3. Job responsibilities

The Deputy Director for Educational Work performs the following job responsibilities:

3.1. Participates in the process of development and implementation of a project for modernizing the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard:

 to determine the necessary changes to the goals of the primary school level;

 to determine the necessary changes in the primary school curriculum;

 to analyze the compliance of the content of existing subject educational programs with the new Federal State Educational Standards and determine the necessary changes;

 to analyze the conformity of the used educational technologies new Federal State Educational Standards and determination of necessary changes;

 to analyze the compliance of existing implementation conditions educational program new Federal State Educational Standards and determination of necessary changes;

 to analyze the compliance of existing methods and organizational mechanisms for monitoring the educational process and assessing its results with the new Federal State Educational Standards and determining the necessary changes;

 participates in the design and implementation of the organizational mechanism for managing the implementation of the project for modernizing the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard;

 ensures the preparation and conduct of final certification of students at the primary level of an educational institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standards;

3.2. Controls:

 the process of developing a project for modernizing the educational system of the primary level of a general education institution in accordance with the new generation Federal State Educational Standard, including:

 identifying necessary changes to the goals of the primary school level;

 identifying necessary changes in the primary school curriculum;

analysis of the compliance of the content of existing subject educational programs with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identification of necessary changes;

 analysis of the compliance of the educational technologies used with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identification of necessary changes;

 analysis of the compliance of the existing conditions for the implementation of the educational program with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identification of necessary changes;

 analysis of the compliance of existing methods and organizational mechanisms for monitoring the educational process and assessing its results with the new Federal State Educational Standards and identifying the necessary changes.

3.3. Periodically informs the pedagogical council and the management of the educational institution about the progress and results of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards of general education at the initial stage of the educational institution.

3.1. Organizes current and forward planning school activities.

3.2. Coordinates the work of teachers, educators, other pedagogical and other workers, as well as the development of educational, methodological and other documentation necessary for the activities of the school.

3.3.Ensures the use and improvement of methods for organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies, including distance learning.

3.4. Monitors the quality of the educational (teaching and upbringing) process, the objectivity of assessing the results of students’ educational activities, the work of clubs and electives, ensuring the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard; attends classes and other activities training sessions conducted by school teaching staff, analyzes their form and content, and brings the results of the analysis to the attention of teachers.

3.5.Organizes work on preparing and conducting exams.

3.6. Organizes educational work for parents (persons replacing them).

3.7. Provides assistance to teaching staff in mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies.

3.9. Organizes educational, methodological work.

3.10. Provides control over study load students.

3.11. Creates a schedule of training sessions and other activities educational activities, ensures high-quality and timely replacement of lessons for temporarily absent teachers, keeps a log of missed and substituted lessons.

3.12. Ensures the timely preparation, approval, and submission of reporting documentation, maintains, signs and submits to the school director a time sheet for the teachers and teaching and support staff directly subordinate to him.

3.13.Participates in staffing the school, takes measures to maintain the student population.

3.14. Participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff, organizes the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills, and improves their qualifications.

3.15. Makes proposals for improving the educational process and management of the educational institution, participates in the work pedagogical council schools;

3.16.Takes part in the preparation and conduct of certification of teaching and other employees of an educational institution.

3.17.Takes measures to equip classrooms, workshops with modern equipment, visual aids and technical means training, replenishment of libraries and teaching rooms with educational, methodological, fiction and periodical literature.

3.18. Monitors the state of medical care for students, compiles lists of school employees subject to periodic medical examinations.

3.19.Complies with labor safety rules and fire safety;

3.20. Complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, in in public places, corresponding to the social position of the teacher.

4. Rights

The Deputy Director for Educational Work has the right, within his competence:

4.1. Be present at any classes conducted with school students (without the right to enter the classroom after the start of classes unless absolutely necessary and to make comments to the teacher during the lesson), having warned the teacher the day before.

4.2. Give mandatory instructions to teachers and junior service personnel.

4.3. Bring students to disciplinary liability for offenses that disrupt the educational process, in the manner established by the rules on rewards and penalties.

4.4. Participate:

· in the development of educational policy and school strategy, in the creation of appropriate strategic documents, in the development of a project for the introduction of a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards;

· in the development of any management decisions concerning issues of educational activities and methodological work;

· in the certification of teachers and the work of the pedagogical council, the Council for the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard;

· in the selection and placement of teaching staff.

4.5. Make suggestions:

· on the beginning, termination or suspension of specific innovative projects at the initial stage of an educational institution;

· to improve educational activities and methodological work;

· on encouragement, moral and material stimulation of participants in educational activities.

4.6. Monitor and evaluate the progress and results of group and individual activities teachers at the primary level of an educational institution, to veto developments that are fraught with overload of students and teachers, deterioration of their health, violation of safety regulations, which do not provide for prevention, compensation and overcoming possible negative consequences.

4.7. Improve your skills.

5. Responsibility

5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons the charter and internal labor regulations of the school, legal orders of the school director and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by this instruction, including for non-use of the rights granted by this instruction, as well as the adoption of management decisions that resulted in the disorganization of the educational process.

The Deputy Director for Educational Work bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

5.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution may be relieved of his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation. Federation "On Education". Dismissal for this offense is not a disciplinary measure.

5.3. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of an educational institution is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.4. For damage caused to the school or participants in the educational process (including moral damage) in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, as well as failure to use the rights granted by this instruction, the deputy director for educational work at the initial stage of the educational institution bears financial responsibility in in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships by position

Deputy Director for Educational Work:

6.1. Works irregular working hours according to a schedule based on a 40-hour working week and approved by the school director.

6.2. Independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter. The work plan is approved by the school director no later than five days from the beginning of the planned period.

6.3. Submits a written report on its activities to the director.

6.4. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the school director, and familiarizes himself with the relevant documents against signature.

6.5. Endorses orders from the school director regarding the organization of the educational process.

6.6. Systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with teaching staff at the primary level of the educational institution, deputy directors, and the Council for the Introduction of the New Generation Federal State Educational Standard.

6.7. Acts as the director and his deputies during their temporary absence (vacation, illness, etc.). The performance of duties is carried out in accordance with labor legislation and the charter of the school on the basis of the order of the director.

6.8. Transfers information received at meetings and seminars to the director immediately after receiving it.

The list of employee job responsibilities is contained directly in his job description, which he must adhere to and comply with.

As well as all disputes that arise between an employer and a subordinate, as a rule, are resolved by referring to the same instructions.

Job description– this is an internal organizational and administrative document containing a specific list of the employee’s job responsibilities, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, his rights and responsibilities, as well as the qualification requirements for the position held.

Purpose of the job description

The job description performs the following functions:

  • Establishes certain requirements for the qualifications and specific position of an employee, taking into account his knowledge and education
  • structures the employee’s job responsibilities (list of works, tasks)
  • establishing limits of employee liability.

Important! The main purpose of a job description is to determine for an employee the range of his duties, rights, and responsibilities.

Purposes of using a job description

If a job description has been concluded with an employee, the employer has the right to:

  • prove the refusal to hire due to the non-compliance of the applicant (applicant for the position) with the established qualification requirements requirements for a specific position or work performed;
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • evaluate the quality of the employee’s work during the probationary period;
  • assess the quality of the employee’s performance of the job function;
  • prove the employee’s inadequacy for the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications confirmed by certification results;
  • prove the legality of applying a disciplinary sanction to an employee for failure to perform or improper performance of his job duties.

Job description submission form

There are two instructions:

Type of instructionsDecoding
Standard job description for a specific positionuniversal for all employees for this position. All relevant employees familiarize themselves with it under their personal signature. To ensure that legal requirements are not violated, it is necessary to stipulate job responsibilities in the text of the employment contract.
The job description is drawn up as a separate documentindicating a list of job responsibilities, issues of subordination, interaction, etc.) and is drawn up as an appendix to employment contract. In this case, the main text of the contract may not contain a list of job responsibilities, but a link to this appendix is ​​required.

The need for an order to approve job descriptions

In practice, it is impossible to do without approved job descriptions. In order for this to be legally correct, it is necessary to issue an order stating what must be drawn up and signed by employees. In the event of legal disputes over the dismissal of an employee for failure to comply with job descriptions, you can easily be reinstated in the workplace if such instructions are missing or there is no order for its publication and approval.

Structure of the order on the introduction of job descriptions

The legislative framework does not establish a specific type of order, but based on practice, it is recommended to include the following points:

  • Indicate the name of the document and what it talks about
  • Formulate the need to publish this document, indicate the instructions that are referred to and guided by
  • The text of the order itself

Important! The document must be signed by the manager. Employees assigned to ensure the development of these instructions and control must also sign their acquaintance.

Drawed up on the official letterhead of the enterprise.

As a result, it is better to indicate a list of positions for which instructions are approved, as well as the date from which they come into force. The order cannot be later than the instruction itself.

Sample order for approval of job descriptions


On approval of job descriptions

In order to improve working conditions and comply with current legislation, to specify the responsibilities of employees

I order:

1. Approve job descriptions of employees according to the staffing table

2.Introduce employees to signature

3.Compliance monitoring of this order I leave it behind

General Director Potemkina M.O.

How and where is the order stored?

According to the Legislation of the Russian Federation, all orders must be stored in the archives of the enterprise. Documents that are not part of the employee’s personal file, such as an order, must be kept for seventy-five years. If the organization has been liquidated, then all data must be transferred to the city archive or legal successor.

The main thing in drawing up an order for approval of instructions:

1.observe the time frame so that the order issued is either on the eve of the instruction itself or on the same day

2.issue it on the organization’s letterhead, indicating the details

3. must be endorsed by the director, and the signatures of all responsible persons are also required

4.monitor its implementation and conclusion of the job description with each employee

Employees need to:

1. Carefully study your job descriptions, and if you disagree with any point, notify the employer about this, in order to avoid omissions in the future

  1. sign the instructions after all the circumstances have been clarified

Keep a sample order for approval of job descriptions on hand - a ready-made example of the correct execution of the document!

From the article you will learn:

A job description (JI) is an organizational and administrative document establishing the responsibilities and powers of an employee who holds a certain position. For each position in the staffing table, the employer develops separate instructions, which are subsequently used:

  • in the process of selection and hiring of personnel;
  • to familiarize new employees with job functions;
  • upon implementation wage systems and ranking of positions;
  • for effective distribution of responsibilities between employees;
  • in certification activities and career planning;
  • as an argument when considering labor disputes.

Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

A complete directory of job descriptions for all sectors of activity.

Download documents on the topic:

The employer decides what provisions to include in the document and chooses the wording himself. You can focus on both current professional standards and qualification reference books, and to local norms (for example, to regulations on structural divisions).

The scale of the project and the number of specialists involved in it are also determined by the employer. Someone creates a special working group, while others limit themselves to appointing one responsible person. Sometimes, in order to successfully solve a problem, it is necessary to involve competent specialists from a variety of departments - personnel and legal departments, production departments, and office management services. To kickstart the development process, we publish job description order, a sample of which is worth considering in more detail.

Order on the development of job descriptions: sample 2017

A standard sample order on job descriptions-2017 consists of two parts - stating and administrative. The stating part sets out the reason why there was a need to approve the instructions. Here it is advisable to refer to legislative norms and the objective needs of the enterprise. The administrative part contains direct instructions to the performers.

In addition to a set of standard details (information about the company, date and place of publication, signature and seal) that any sample order on job descriptions contains, the 2017 sample should include:

  1. names of positions for which DIs are developed;
  2. information about the employees responsible for working on the project;
  3. the period allotted for the preparation of documents.

Practice shows: the more precisely the development deadlines are specified, the easier it is to control the process step by step and as a whole. Control over the implementation of the order is usually assumed by the general director of the organization or his deputy. There are no strict requirements for the design and structure of the document.

Each new local act put into effect by order of the employer. IN in this case you will need an order approving the job description, a sample of which is presented in our database personnel documents and is available for download to all subscribers. It is published only after the final approval of the draft DI with all interested parties, including the trade union, if such a requirement is specified in collective agreement or other local acts.

If at the local level the need for coordination with the elected body representing the interests of employees is not fixed, the employer is not obliged to take into account the opinion of the trade union when developing the DI. For more information about situations in which it is impossible to do without the approval of trade union representatives, read the thematic materials " We take into account the opinion of the trade union: how to formalize it correctly?" And " Vacation schedule and trade union».

The order is drawn up in free form. A standard sample order for approval of a job description in 2017 contains:

  1. employer details;
  2. the name of the approved DI (if there are several instructions, all names must be listed in the administrative part of the document);
  3. date of approval;
  4. an indication of the need to familiarize all affected employees with the DI;
  5. information about the persons responsible for implementing the order.

Since the requirements for the structure and content of the document are minimal, the employer can use any wording at its discretion. As an example, a standard order for approval of job descriptions is usually used.

Important: it is not at all necessary every time you implement new instructions, issue a separate administrative document. The number of DIs put into effect simultaneously is not limited in any way, and a sample order for the approval of job descriptions - several at once - is quite simple in design and is not much different from the example above.

The order is certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of its head. From this moment the new DI comes into effect. But you can only demand compliance with any points of the instruction from employees who are familiar with its contents. Therefore, the order must be signed by all officials mentioned in it, who are tasked with bringing the instructions to the knowledge of field personnel.

Most often, these are heads of departments, branches and services, whose responsibilities include familiarizing subordinates with local regulatory documentation. Every time you hire a newcomer, remember Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and familiarize him with the internal regulations, provisions and instructions before signing employment contract. The mandatory stages and little-known nuances of the employment procedure are covered in detail in the article “ How to apply for a job».
Download in.doc

Download in.doc

What to do if changes in DI affect labor function employee, read the article “ We change and supplement the job description" The expert’s recommendations will help organize a review of the terms of the employment contract in full compliance with the standards labor law. We also recommend that you read the article “ How to draw up an additional agreement to an employment contract" With clear examples registration of agreements concluded with personnel.

Refusal to apply job descriptions is not considered a direct violation of labor laws and does not threaten the company with a multi-thousand-dollar fine. But during the inspection The GIT inspector will definitely request them. And in general, it is stupid to deny the benefits that a set of well-written DI can bring to an employer. Therefore, do not put off their development for a long time. And if the projects are already ready for approval, all that’s left is to issue an order to introduce job descriptions (the 2017 sample will help you draw up the document correctly) and monitor the process of its implementation.

Approximate sample

Limited Liability Company

"Personnel Officer"

Order on the procedure for developing, agreeing and approving job descriptions

Moscow N 23 01.11.2009

I order:

1. HR service LLC "Kadrovik" compose general scheme job descriptions of employees of the organization. Deadline - until November 10, 2009. Responsible - Kryukov R.A.

2. Heads of departments and workshops instruct competent employees to develop according to the scheme job descriptions for each employee of their department in accordance with staffing table. Deadline - until November 25, 2009. Responsible: Zarubin O.O., Saparmurdinov K.Ch., Nekorchevyy N.G., Leshchenko P.K.

3. The legal service of Kadrovik LLC ensures that job descriptions comply with the requirements Russian legislation. Responsible - Zimko U.Yu.

4. The head of the labor protection department must ensure that the job descriptions of employees of Kadrovik LLC comply with labor protection requirements. Responsible - Shurochkina A.Ya.

5. After agreeing on job descriptions with the legal service and the labor protection department, the heads of departments sign the instructions and submit them to the secretariat for approval general director. Deadline - until 05.12.2009. Responsible - secretary Voronin O.L.

General Director Gnedykh A.R. Gnedykh

We have read the order.

A copy was received for storage and use at the workplace.

HR Department Inspector R.A. Kryukov Kryukov 01.11.2009 Head of the purchasing department Zarubin O.O. Zarubin 02.11.2009 Head of workshop No. 1 Saparmurdinov K.Ch. Saparmurdinov 01.11.2009 Head of Shop No. 2 Nekorchevy N.G. Nekorchevy 02.11.2009 Head of the transport department Leshchenko P.K. Leshchenko 02.11.2009 Head of legal service Zimko U.Yu. Zimko 01.11.2009 Head of the labor protection department Shurochkina A.Ya. Shurochkina 01.11.2009 Secretary Voronina O.L. Voronina 01.11.2009
