How to deliciously marinate mackerel for smoking. How to smoke mackerel at home, simple recipes

Purchasing quality mackerel is not difficult, and many people are adept at choosing fresh fish. For those who have never had to deal with this before, here are some recommendations. To purchase a good product, you need to pay attention to the smell. It should not be bright or have an unpleasant odor. It is also important to look at the appearance. Fresh mackerel has a smooth surface without greenish spots. It is elastic, resilient and not loose. Fish eyes can also tell about quality. If they are cloudy, glassy and sunken, then the goods have been sitting for a long time.

Having purchased mackerel, you will need to first prepare it for hot or cold smoking. It's quite simple and the process won't take much time. It is necessary to rinse the carcass thoroughly. Then you can leave it as a whole or cut off the head and gut the insides. Now it will be completely ready for smoking.

How to smoke mackerel with liquid smoke

Liquid smoke is a flavoring agent that gives the product a smoky taste and corresponding color. You can use it to cook fish in your apartment. The standard recipe is quite simple, so even novice cooks can handle it without difficulty.


  • fish – 5 pcs.;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid smoke – 80 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - liter.

Smoked mackerel at home with liquid smoke is made as follows. First you need to prepare the brine. Pour water into a deep saucepan and boil, then add sugar and salt to it and turn off the burner. Now you need to pour in and mix everything well.

After the brine has cooled, you need to lower the mackerel into it. It should remain in liquid smoke for about 3 days. Place a press on top, and then place the container in the refrigerator.

Smoking mackerel in liquid smoke

After three days fish smoked with liquid smoke will only need to be washed and can be served. If everything is done correctly, the taste will be excellent and will pleasantly surprise both guests and loved ones.

Recipe for mackerel in onion skins and tea

People who want to cook fish with only natural ingredients can use onion skins. It, together with brewed strong tea, will give the necessary shade and taste. In order for the recipe with onion skins to turn out as it should, you must strictly follow the instructions.


  • mackerel – 2 pieces;
  • water - liter;
  • onion peel - about two handfuls;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • black tea – 2 teaspoons;
  • laurel leaf – 3 pieces;
  • allspice – 5-10 peas;
  • crushed coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pour water into a saucepan and mix it with onion peels. The recipe calls for the liquid to be brought to a boil and then simmered for 15 minutes. Now turn off the broth, let the onion skins cool and strain. IN clean water you need to put the tea in, boil it and turn it off. It must be infused for 15-20 minutes, after which it must also be strained.

Smoking mackerel in onion skins and tea

The decoction with onion skins and the liquid from the tea should be mixed, adding spices, salt, sugar and laurel leaves. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the resulting brine over the fish. You will need to place a press on top, and then put the mackerel in onion skins and tea in the refrigerator for three days. It is recommended to turn the fish from side to side once a day so that it is equally colored on all sides. A decoction with onion peels and tea will give it the necessary color and taste.

Smoking mackerel with tea leaves

Hot smoking mackerel at home can be done with regular black tea. The recipe must be followed strictly according to the instructions to achieve the desired taste.


  • mackerel – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • black pepper – 10 peas;
  • coriander seeds – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • black tea – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • rice – 150 g.

First you need to boil the water, adding sugar, salt, pepper, coriander and 1 tablespoon of tea. After 20 minutes, turn off the brine and cool. They will need to pour the fish and let it sit in it for about a day. After this, you will need to hang it by the tails so that the remaining brine drains off.

About a day before cooking, you need to take the rice, fill it with water and let the liquid absorb. Already swollen grains need to be mixed with black tea (take 1 tablespoon). The resulting mixture should be wrapped in foil, leaving a small hole for smoke. After this, you should place the foil with tea on the bottom of a metal container, for example, a pan. Next, you need to light the fire and wait until the mixture starts to emit smoke, as this is necessary for the hot method.

Ingredients mixed with black tea

Now you need to place a grate inside on which to place the mackerel. Place the lid on top so that there are no holes left. The heat should be reduced to medium. The fish should first be smoked for half an hour on one side, and then turned over to the other and cooked for another 30 minutes. After this, the recipe with tea and rice will be completed. If necessary, the time can be increased slightly, but keeping fish in a homemade hot smoker for too long is not recommended.

Mackerel with liquid smoke and onion skins

In order to avoid cooking mackerel in a hot smoked smokehouse, you can marinate the fish in onion skins and liquid smoke. The meat will be tender, aromatic and pleasant to the taste. This recipe can even be used for festive occasions, as the dish turns out really successful.

Ingredients for smoking mackerel in liquid smoke and onion slurry


  • mackerel – 2 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • onion peel - 3 full cups;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • salt – 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquid smoke - 3 tbsp. spoons.

To properly marinate fish in onion peels, you will need to do the following. You need to pour water into a pan and put it on the stove. To ensure that there is no dirt in the husk, you will need to rinse the ingredient and then put it to boil. You need to boil for about 20 minutes.

The broth must be strained, then add salt, sugar and pour in liquid smoke. Everything needs to be mixed and allowed to brew. Next, the recipe requires that the fish be placed in brine. It is advisable to remove the mackerel's head, tail and entrails.

You need to marinate in the husk for two days at room temperature. For convenience, you can keep the fish in a jar. It is even acceptable to use a plastic two-liter bottle without a neck.

If you want to achieve the most unusual taste, you can add spices as you wish. They will give the dish a pleasant aroma. If all the listed ingredients were used, you will be able to get a real delicacy. The main thing is not to rush in this matter and not to shorten the marinating period, since in just two days the product will be sufficiently smoked.

You can serve by cutting into pieces and garnishing with greens along with onion rings. The fish will be an excellent snack, which will be in no way inferior to the store-bought version.

A piquant taste is obtained from smoked mackerel. To properly smoke fish at home, carefully follow the advice in the article.

How to smoke mackerel - choosing and preparing fish

To achieve good result When smoking fish, choose the right carcass. As you know, it only has the first freshness; the second is already rotten!

  • If you purchase, then choose carcasses without ice. A good product has a smooth skin without damage. Their presence indicates re-freezing.
  • It is necessary to have whole fins that are pressed to the body.
  • Determine the quality of fresh fish by smell. A rotten product gives off a strong aroma, matte skin, and greenish spots.
  • You can determine the time a fish has been on the counter by its eyes. When they are cloudy and sunken, the product is stale.
  • Regardless of the recipe, the fish must be prepared for smoking. You will spend little time on this, but you will achieve a rich taste in the meat.
  • First of all, gut the carcass and rinse it well under running water.
  • If desired, you can cut off the fish's head.

How to smoke mackerel - the hot method

This option for preparing fish involves the use of a special smokehouse. It allows you to achieve a traditional taste in fish.

  • Rub the prepared carcasses with a mixture of salt and spices. Leave in the refrigerator for 5 hours, then dry with a napkin. Place the mackerel on top of the grill, spaced apart. This is necessary so that the smoke can envelop the fish entirely.
  • Prepare your smoker. Lay the sawdust first, then the bark and leaves. Place a grill with fish in it, close the lid tightly and put on fire. Smoking time depends on the size of the mackerel.
  • The hot smoking method involves cooking fish at high temperature behind a short time. At the same time, the product has a rich woody taste.

How to smoke mackerel - cold method

The method of cold smoking fish is increasingly popular among housewives. With it, the meat turns out tender, with a bright fishy taste and all the beneficial properties of the product are preserved.

  • Rub each carcass well with salt, wrap it in cloth and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then remove the fish, rinse off the salt, and hang in a cool place.
  • After the carcasses are dry, place them on the grill and place them in the smoking device.
  • This method of preparing the product is different from hot. The smokehouse has a different design. In it, smoke is supplied through a long pipe, where it is cooled. The temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, which is why the cooking time can reach a day.

How to smoke mackerel - without using a device

If you do not have a special structure for smoking, then you can prepare mackerel with a spicy taste in several ways.

How to smoke mackerel with liquid smoke

IN grocery stores You can find liquid smoke on the shelves. Its use in a recipe gives the finished dish a smoky flavor and inherent color. Cooking fish with liquid smoke is quite easy.


  • medium-sized fish – 5 pcs.;
  • coarse salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid smoke – 80 ml;
  • cold water – 1 l.

Cooking process:

  • First prepare the marinade. Boil water, add sugar and salt. Wait until the grains dissolve. Remove from heat, add liquid smoke solution.
  • Pour the cold brine into a container. Dip the prepared carcasses into the liquid and place pressure on top.
  • Advice. For convenient marinating, mackerel can be placed in plastic bottle or a jar.
  • Leave the fish to salt for three days in a cool place or place it on the refrigerator shelf.
  • Then rinse the carcasses, dry them and serve.

How to smoke mackerel in onion skins

Liquid smoke is an artificial additive. For lovers of natural ingredients, a recipe for smoked mackerel using dry onion skins is suitable.

Prepare foods:

  • mackerel – 2 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • whole bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion peel - 2 cups;
  • water – 1 l.;
  • brewing black tea;
  • spices and seasonings to taste.


  • Place the onion skins in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Leave to simmer for 25 minutes, then remove from heat. Strain the mixture from the onion peel. Pour boiling water over black tea and boil for 5-10 minutes.
  • In a separate container, mix the husk decoction, tea leaves and spices. Pour marinade over prepared carcasses.
  • Install the press, put them in the refrigerator for 3 days. During salting, turn the fish over every 5-6 hours.
  • After the specified period, remove the mackerel and hang it to dry. Only when the fish is completely dry can it be eaten.

How to smoke mackerel with tea

There is another way to smoke mackerel using dry tea leaves. This option involves smoking at home without purchasing a special device.

For two mackerel carcasses you will need the following products:

  • dry black tea – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l.;
  • spice mix for fish - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rice – 170 gr.


  • 2 days before smoking the mackerel, prepare the rice. Pour it into a deep container, add water, and leave the grains to swell. Then mix the cereal with half the tea and place on foil. Punch a small hole on top for smoke.
  • Prepare the brine. Pour spices, the second part of tea, salt and sugar into boiled water. Boil it for 20 minutes, then cool.
  • Place the fish in a salting container, cover with marinade and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Then drain the brine and dry the carcasses with paper towels.
  • Place the foil with the tea and rice mixture on the bottom of the pan. Place it over medium heat and wait until smoke starts to appear.
  • Place a grill with fish on top. Close the container tightly with a lid and reduce heat.
  • Smoke the carcasses for 30 minutes on each side. Then cool and eat.

The good taste of fish depends not only on the ingredients and method of preparation, but also on the secrets of smoking. Be sure to use them when working with the product.

  • If you bought mackerel frozen, you need to defrost it before using it. Do this at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Before smoking fish in the device, dry the carcass well with napkins or place on a kitchen towel.
  • When gutting carcasses, be sure to remove the black film inside. It adds bitterness to the finished dish.
  • Do not add to the brine a large number of soy sauce. This will give the meat a subtle aroma and dark color.
  • Keep juicy smoked fish It's possible if you don't cut it into pieces. Therefore, cook mackerel whole or without the head.

How to smoke mackerel - proper storage

Depending on the method of preparing fish, its shelf life varies. This is how cold smoked carcasses have the longest shelf life. It is up to 60 days.

  • The hot smoking process will preserve mackerel for a month.
  • The shortest period of freshness is for smoked fish, which is prepared using onion skins, liquid smoke or tea.
  • In addition, smoked carcasses must be stored in a cool place with low humidity. Ventilate the room frequently to provide fresh air.
  • If you store ready dish in the refrigerator, then wrap it in cling film. This way the strong aroma of smoked fish will not transfer to other products.

Smoking mackerel at home is easy. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and follow all the recommendations listed. Only then will you get fish with a rich taste and pleasant aroma.

See another recipe for smoking mackerel here:

Mackerel is ideal for smoking. Mackerel can be smoked hot or cold. The first method is to cook fish at a temperature of 80–120 °C. Hot smoked fish cannot be stored for a long time, no more than 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

Cold smoking of mackerel is a longer process at a temperature of about 30 °C. This is not heat treatment, but saturation of the product with smoke. If prepared at home, it will be stored for 10–14 days.

At home, it is best to smoke mackerel in a smokehouse using a hot method. It's easier, faster and safer because the fish is cooked.

Hot smoking

To smoke mackerel in a smokehouse, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fatty fish (several pieces of the same size);
  • ground black pepper;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the fish: remove the insides of the fish, you can leave the heads. Rinse under running water and dry with towels.
  2. Rub the carcasses with moth, pepper and seasoning.
  3. Place the fish in a container and cover with film. Place in the refrigerator for at least three hours, ideally overnight.
  4. Place a thin layer of wood chips into the smoker. You can take alder, bird cherry or apple.
  5. Place currant leaves on the grill so that the fish does not stick, then the carcasses (head to tail) so that there is space between them.
  6. Close the smoker and smoke over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Mackerel cooks very quickly and turns out juicy and tasty, imbued with the aroma of smoke and seasonings.

Pickling methods

You can marinate mackerel for smoking in other ways.


Recipes for smoked mackerel differ in the composition of the marinades.

To make a seasoned marinade, you need the following ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • a teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • three pieces of cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric;
  • one bay leaf;
  • five coriander grains;
  • seasoning for fish (optional).


  1. It is better to cut the fish before it is completely defrosted - it is more convenient. Gut it, cut off the head, wash it.
  2. Mix salt, turmeric and sand. Grate the carcasses both inside and outside, put coriander, cloves, and chopped bay leaf in the belly.
  3. Cover the fish with cling film and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. In the morning, rinse the fish under running water, dry and place in the smokehouse for 30 minutes.

If you don’t like the bitterness of turmeric, you don’t have to put it in the marinade.

In brine

To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • 4 liters of water;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 kg salt;
  • 75 ml lemon juice;
  • allspice;
  • garlic powder;
  • two teaspoons of ground white pepper;
  • spoon of onion powder.

Mix all ingredients until salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

Cut the mackerel into fillets and place it in a container (not metal) and pour in the marinade so that the fish is completely covered with brine. Place in a cool place for half an hour

While the fish is marinating, prepare the smoker. Grease the grate with oil to prevent the mackerel from sticking. Remove the fillet from the brine, rinse, air dry and place the fillet skin side down on a rack. Close the smokehouse with a lid, and after smoke appears, smoke for about 20 minutes.

Benefits and harms

Smoked products, including mackerel, cannot be considered healthy. It’s tasty, but harmful, so you can’t eat it a lot and often. If fresh fish- source useful substances, then pre-salted and treated with smoke, it acquires many harmful properties.

The main harm of smoked mackerel is the high content of salt and carcinogens. It should not be eaten by people with hypertension, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases.

In onion skins

This mackerel is not actually smoked. It resembles it thanks to onion skins and tea leaves, which give it its characteristic color.

What do you need:

  • two large mackerel;
  • two large handfuls of onion peels;
  • three large spoons of salt;
  • one and a half spoons of sugar;
  • ½ cup of strongly brewed tea;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • black peppercorns;
  • allspice peas;
  • a teaspoon of coriander seeds;
  • two bay leaves.

Preparing the marinade:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  2. When it boils, add the onion skins and cook for about 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, then strain.
  3. Add sugar, salt, coriander, pepper, bay leaf to the broth and stir. After this, pour in the tea leaves, cover with a lid and let cool.
  4. Cut the mackerel: gut it, cut off the heads and rinse thoroughly.
  5. Place the carcasses in a bowl of suitable size and fill with brine, place a flat plate on top and place a weight. Place in the refrigerator for two to three days. The mackerel needs to be turned over periodically so that it is evenly salted and colored.
  6. Remove the fish from the marinade, place on a paper towel and leave to dry for 1-2 hours. To make the process go faster, turn it over sometimes. The fish can be hung by their tails to drain the liquid.
  7. Lubricate the surface of the carcasses vegetable oil, after which you can cut and serve.

By appearance This mackerel is very similar to smoked mackerel and has an original taste.

Cold smoking

This is a more responsible process that requires strict adherence to cooking technology.

If for the hot method you need a smokehouse, in which the source of smoke is located directly under the food chamber (you can smoke on a grill or on a fire), then for the cold method you need another unit, where the hearth is located at a distance so that the smoke has time to pass through the chimney cool down.

A smokehouse for cold smoking consists of a compartment for products, where there are grates or hooks for hanging products, a smoke source remote at a distance, and a chimney connecting the smoking chamber to the fire source.

Both the preparation process and the recipe for smoking mackerel are different. It is important to remember how much time to smoke. If you do everything right, the fish will not disappoint.

What you need for dry salting:

  • mackerel - several pieces;
  • salt – 100 g per 1 kg of fish;
  • sugar – 10 g per 1 kg of fish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • peppercorns.

Gut the mackerel and rinse. Grind and mix all ingredients for pickling. Rub each carcass inside and out with the dry mixture, place in a bowl, sprinkle the fish with salt on top and put in the refrigerator for two days. It is important to remember to periodically turn the fish over.

Wet pickling involves preparing a brine, which requires the following ingredients:

  • 120 g of salt per 1 liter of water;
  • bay leaf and other spices to taste.

Bring water to a boil, add salt, bay leaf and other spices. When the salt has dissolved, remove the container with brine from the stove and cool. Place the prepared mackerel in a bowl and pour in brine so that the fish is completely covered with it. Three medium carcasses require approximately 1 liter of marinade. Keep in the refrigerator for two days.

When two days have passed, you need to check how the fish has been salted. To do this, cut off a small piece and try. If there is too much salt, the fish needs to be soaked for about two hours. Then rinse the mackerel thoroughly in running water and hang it out to dry by the tails, spreading the belly and inserting matches.

When excess moisture has drained, the fish can be placed in the smoking chamber prepared for use - hung on hooks or laid out on grates

The smokehouse is closed, the countdown will begin from the moment when smoke breaks out from under the lid.

The process should take place at a temperature of 20 to 30 °C for 12 to 24 hours.

If smoking is carried out using a smoke generator, then you need to pour wood chips into it, set it on fire and turn on the compressor.

After the process is completed, hang the fish on fresh air for a few hours. Only after airing can you try cold smoked mackerel.

This fish can be stored for no more than 14 days in the refrigerator.

We can be very incompetent in such matters as the origin of certain products that we eat. This continues until we decide to prepare the dish ourselves.

You need to be extremely careful with seafood, as the slightest sign of lack of freshness can lead to dire consequences. When buying fish in a store, it will be useful to compare its expiration date and the time spent in transit.

While a boiled or fried product is safe, the same cannot be said about smoked fish. For these reasons, it became necessary to become more familiar with the living conditions and lifestyle of mackerel, because some details can significantly change the recipe for your favorite dish.

What kind of fish

Mackerel is a close relative of perch, as evidenced by its characteristic stripes on its back and small scales. The spindle-shaped body shape, along with the gray-blue coloration, are characteristic distinctive features. Mackerel carcasses can measure in excess of half a meter, but the average length of commercial fish varies between 30 cm.

In some countries this fish is better known as mackerel, but "Mackerel" is its official name.

All fish of the mackerel family have additional fins. The pointed head is covered with shields that protect the eyes. The presence of small teeth indicates the predatory lifestyle of the fish. Science identifies only four types of mackerel:

  • Atlantic;
  • Japanese;
  • African;
  • Australian.

The largest is the African fish. We see Atlantic representatives on our shelves.

Despite the name, mackerel finds refuge in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean. Commercial mackerel fishing is carried out in the White, Black and Baltic Seas. In general, the habitat of fish is very diverse. It stretches to the shores North America. In Russia, large fishing centers are concentrated on Far East and in the Baltic.

The fish does not tend to go to the bottom, so mackerel catches are always numerous. Thanks to the additional fins, it copes well with various whirlpools and currents. Leads a gregarious lifestyle, however, as befits individuals considered perfect snack for many predators.

The taste qualities of mackerel make it quite popular in the seafood market, but the benefits of a large amount of vitamins and microelements add to its popularity.

The task of any cook is not only to prepare a tasty dish, but also to preserve as much as possible beneficial properties. After all, the vitamins that we get from fish meat allow us to fight various diseases ourselves.

Full chemical composition Mackerel meat is represented by proteins, fats, acids, cholesterol, a whole complex of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine. The calorie content of any fish is quite low, but mackerel occupies a leading position. There are 190 kilocalories per 100 grams. However, you should not be afraid of such indicators. Fish is very healthy even for diet lovers.

There is some bad news for smoked meat lovers: smoke-processed fish large quantities May be harmful due to carcinogen content. It is advisable to use such dishes as snacks, somewhat limiting yourself from their excessive consumption.

Several ways to prepare fish for smoking

If the addition of one or another component is called a new recipe, then there can be several dozen of them. Fundamentally in various ways There are only a few methods for salting and marinating mackerel for subsequent smoking.

The main task of preparing fish is to cut it and treat it with a substance that has preservative properties. The most accessible for homemade remedy - salt. It removes moisture from the meat fibers, thereby forming unfavorable environment for the growth of bacteria. All marinade recipes can be divided into three types:

  1. dry salting;
  2. liquid marinade;
  3. spiced marinade.

Simple Ambassador

We are not inclined to give preference to any type, but experts recommend using as little seasoning as possible for mackerel so as not to take away the true taste of the fish and the smell of smoke. For those who share this opinion, we will provide the first method of salting.

To salt mackerel for subsequent smoking, you need to prepare coarse salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, and suitable utensils. Bay leaf crushed and mixed with salt and pepper. The resulting mixture is sometimes called a dry marinade. Each carcass must be generously seasoned with the resulting composition, placed in a container and sent to the refrigerator.

Some varieties of fish are recommended to be marinated under pressure. Mackerel meat is quite tender, so it will quickly salt without additional pressure. In 6-8 hours the fish will be ready, it just needs to lie in the refrigerator all this time. Typically, this method of salting is used for cold smoking, since preserving the natural taste and maximum quantity useful substances.


Liquid marinade is more suitable for hot smoked mackerel. Salt dissolved in water is able to penetrate the fibers of the fabric, simultaneously splitting them. To better dissolve the salt in water, the latter is heated to boiling point.

Add salt, sugar, black peppercorns and lemon juice. For four liters of water you should take a glass of sugar and half a kilogram of salt. The amount of pepper and lemon depends on your desire. The fish is poured with brine after it has cooled and sent to the refrigerator. After a few hours, it will absorb a sufficient amount of salt and seasonings. Adding lemon allows you to quickly marinate fish, since lemon juice itself is an excellent preservative and actively breaks down fiber.

Spicy Ambassador

There are quite a lot of fans of spicy salting among us. It differs from simple one in the large content of various flavoring additives. General principle, which allows you to marinate mackerel for smoking, remains unchanged, but the combination of spices depends on the imagination of the cook.

Now it is possible to find on sale various bouquets that are traditionally used in national cuisines. But if you suddenly decide to make a marinade at home, then the ingredients at hand will suffice.

The fish is placed in a bowl and sprinkled with salt on top. Here, salt is purely a flavoring additive, so you shouldn’t add too much. Black pepper, basil, dill, and thyme go well with the taste of fish. The onion is cut into rings and placed between layers of carcasses. Alternatively, you can use onion stuffing by finely chopping it and stuffing it into the belly of the fish. This onion marinade works great against microbes and allows you to quickly prepare meat or fish. If an open bottle of white wine has stagnated at home or in the country, you can add it to the marinade. The combination of meat with wine gives a subtle hint of taste.

A few nuances in the preparation process

Almost every reader would like to see in front of him step-by-step algorithm, which would help to properly smoke mackerel. But there are also those who selectively want answers to the most popular questions. Let's look at some practical tips.

  • Choosing the right product half guarantees a positive result. To ensure that smoking mackerel at home does not result in spoilage of the product, you must choose fresh fish. In the absence of one, the chilled version is also suitable. Only as a last resort can you trust frozen mackerel, but only after a painstaking check the right conditions storage, shelf life, condition of carcasses.
  • When cutting, you should not remove the skin, as it can easily be removed from a smoked fish, but in the process itself it will play an important role, retaining the released liquid. As a result, the meat will be more tender and juicy.
  • When the insides are removed, make sure that the black film covering the cavity is also removed, otherwise a bitter taste cannot be avoided. The head can be left, but the gills must be cut out.
  • After salting with dry marinade, you will have to get rid of excess salt. This can be done by wiping each carcass with a napkin, or soaking the fish in water for a couple of hours.
  • It is not recommended to cook salted fish immediately. Before sending it to the smokehouse, you need to dry the carcasses a little so that excess moisture comes out of the fibers, this will protect the fish from spoilage.

Where does smoking begin?

The last stage of preparing the long-awaited delicacy begins with lighting a fire. Many people ignore this advice, and then it becomes too late. The fact is that a fire made in advance guarantees a constant temperature at which the product can be smoked efficiently.

An air grill will save you from such subtleties, but a real fire is a symbol of outdoor recreation. After this, alder chips are placed on the bottom of the smokehouse. When hot smoking, provision should be made for the possibility of liquid accumulation in a special tray. The mackerel will not smoke for long. After 30-40 minutes, you can open the smokehouse to determine the degree of readiness of the fish. If the fin comes off easily, it's ready.

It will take several days to smoke mackerel using cold smoke. All this time you need to constantly monitor the temperature of the smoke. It should not exceed 27°C degrees, but many home-made devices do not provide this option.

This means you just need to keep the fire burning, but not increase its intensity.

As soon as the carcasses are covered with a golden film, the fish is ready. It can be stored for a long time if you only observe the temperature regime.

Those who do not have the opportunity to go outdoors can imitate smoking at home in the oven as much as possible. Marinating carcasses is carried out using the method described above, but you will have to add a little chemistry. Before placing the fish in the oven, it must be moistened with “liquid” smoke. Dishes smoked in this way differ in taste and benefits from natural products, but irresistible desire trying your favorite delicacy will force you to sacrifice some aspects.

Hello everyone, dear readers! Glad you visited this page! Today we will talk about how to make a marinade for hot smoked mackerel. In fact, there are a large number of recipes, the most important thing is the sequence of the cooking process of such a special product.

The further taste of the fish depends on the marinade, and experts testify to this in many videos from the Internet. I will reveal some secrets and observations in this article.

A quick way to marinate fish is to prepare the pickle using ingredients that are always available in any kitchen. So, in order to add more flavor, you should use simple recipes that even an inexperienced cook or a novice can follow.

Simple marinade

What will you need? It’s easy to prepare, you just need to take:

  • fish, about 1 kg
  • prepare water – 2 liters
  • lemon juice – 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • a few bay leaves
  • a glass of salt and the same amount of sugar
  • onion peel
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • black pepper - peas.

Preparation process: boil water, add salt and sugar, add a few bay leaves and onion peels. Next, add lemon juice and chopped garlic cloves. Cook it all over the fire for 10-12 minutes, after which do not forget to cool the brine. Leave the mackerel in it for 120 minutes, after which you take it out and dry it, and at the end you begin the hot smoking process.

Marinade with laurel and coriander

What do you need? The recipe is extremely easy, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • fish – 2 pieces
  • water about one liter
  • sugar and salt 3 dessert spoons each
  • a little pepper and coriander - 1 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaves - 5-6 pieces
  • a little clove spice

How to cook? First, pour one liter of water into the pan. Next, start the process of boiling the fish, then add salt and sugar. At the end, as soon as the dish has boiled, throw the remaining ingredients into the pan. It is necessary to soak the mackerel in this brine a little and a lot - 12 hours. At the end, just hang it by the tail for a few hours so that the water drains from it.

These types of marinades are completely suitable for preparing not only fish in a smokehouse, but also for making the dish more refined and rich in the aromas of spices.

Some tips and tricks for preparing mackerel before smoking

It would seem that at home it is virtually impossible to make the same dish as it is served in elite expensive restaurants. But this is a completely erroneous opinion of those who are lazy to spend extra hours on the cooking process. An important step The best place to start with hot smoking is washing the product and properly cleaning it.

You can smoke the fish along with the entrails and head, as I do. But I still recommend gutting large carcasses completely, and completely separating the head and tail from the main part. The trick is that it would be correct to cut the carcass into steaks. And the latter are easier to marinate in pieces, because each one can be soaked in prepared brine or sauce.

Do not remove the scales, because they can retain moisture and trap harmful substances contained in smoke. After you have processed the pieces, dry them, or better yet, blot them with regular water. paper napkin. And at the end, start marinating.

Reviews from many Internet users indicate that there are still many gentle and incredible recipes preparations. I will share one of them with you now:

Alena, 32 years old: “Hello everyone, I would like to briefly share my signature recipe for mackerel marinade. It's simple: take 1.5 liters of water, 5 cloves, 3 tbsp. l. salt, a little allspice and cumin (no more than 1 teaspoon), dry red wine. The whole trick is in the alcohol, so boil the water with salt and cloves for 15 minutes. Cool, add other ingredients and stir it all. It is the wine that will make the fish pieces tender, juicy and aromatic. Bon appetit!".

I liked this recipe because it is quite simple and memorable. Besides, who would have thought that red dry wine Can be used for hot smoked mackerel! This is incredible!
Dear readers, as you can see, what to do delicious marinade– you don’t need many ingredients.

You just need to take the main products that are in every kitchen, and hot smoked mackerel will become one of your main dishes. Subscribe to articles and share useful information with us in social networks! Bon appetit everyone, and see you again!
