How to make money on binary options for a beginner. Recipe for becoming

If speak about profitable work with options and other financial instruments, you need to understand that there is no strategy in trading " golden grail».

Most traders will have a hard time accepting this, but it is true. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of traders in the world, each of whom is an individual. No trading plan can be equally good for everyone. The basis for finding an ideal strategy is the investor’s internal understanding of the very principle of trading and his place in this process.

There is nothing more constant in the market than its variability, therefore, when considering certain strategies, we can only talk about the probabilities of income.

Before you make money on options, it is worth highlighting 3 main types of trading strategies:

  1. Aggressive Strategies, which include the purchase of an outright “CALL” or “PUT”.
  2. Conservative Strategies using the principle of low profit/low risk. This approach is well characterized by covered selling of a call option. The use of this strategy does not require the investor to form his own position on the market. In the event that a trader makes a slight mistake, he may still be left with a small profit. If the miscalculation turns out to be significant, then the loss will be critical for the deposit.
  3. The third type has nothing to do with guessing the direction of movement. It dominates here neutral approach, which makes it possible to make money on options on a temporary premium. The best thing this method works on long corridor price fluctuations when a trend cannot form. A striking example would be the sale of straddles and the proportional sales of put and call options.

Video: how and how much you earn on options

Strategies for making money on options

There are concepts that combine several approaches at once, combining, for example, conservative and neutral strategies. A calendar bull or bear spread is traditionally a position with no specific direction. This strategy is characterized by the fact that the trader will wait for the market to move only after the expiration of the next one.

Almost all strategies related to the expiration of instruments and changes in the prices of subsequent contracts have the same operating principle. Income is generated through the sale of such contracts. The generated profit will compensate for the costs of purchasing long-term options on the same instrument. Consequently, long-term options for the trader will cost less, and the break-even point upon entry is much closer than with a regular purchase.

The most interesting thing is that most strategies can be implemented in several ways at once.

Example. Opening a long position in a stock and hedging it by purchasing a put option is an alternative to simply buying a call option on the same stock. Both options guarantee limited risk and unlimited profit potential. But the structure of these two approaches is strikingly different. A stock + put purchase requires much more funds in the account, while a pure call purchase requires much lower collateral.

  • There are pros and cons to each approach. In the case of shares, the investor will receive dividends. If the growing movement begins to be protracted, he may leave the papers for the long term.

Most alternative positions show the same dynamics. Buying a straddle and the reverse hedging method (opening a short stock and buying a call option) have commensurate dynamics of earnings on options (not to be confused with). If you modify the example described above, you can add the purchase of a call option to the long stock. In this case, a “straddle” + long position on the underlying asset will be formed. It will combine the two alternatives, maintaining the receipt of dividends and the existence of the underlying asset in the form of shares. The risk in such a situation will be only slightly higher than usual (equal to the cost of the call option).

The most important thing in making money on options is that a trader must understand two factors: the essence of his chosen strategy (the circumstances under which he will make a profit) and his psychology (in what situation the market pressure will be the least for him).

The ability to choose exactly how to build your portfolio solves a key issue in the approach to . There is inherent risk in any market approach. If there was a certain “Grail”, but it did not suit the goals and capabilities of the trader, then this “Grail” would be useless. Despite this, you cannot build a trading plan based only on investment goals. Such aspiration is very often broken by the harsh reality of the stock market. Working strategy should represent a synergy between the trader’s personal qualities and the current market situation. Even the most conservative strategies for making money on options can lead to losses.

Example. Let's look at the most conservative trading strategy with capital sharing 9 to 1. If an investor purchases a package of government bonds for 90% of the portfolio, and invests the remaining 10% in options trading, then if he loses the “options” part of the portfolio (even completely), he will receive a stable annual income that will cover his possible losses. On the other hand, some bonds may be restructured or even defaulted on. There is a chance that the income from the options will then cover the cost of the conservative part.

But an experienced investor will notice

That there is always the possibility that a bond default will occur simultaneously with losses from the speculative part. Yes, this chance is not great, but it exists. Just as there is a risk of bankruptcy of the bank where the deposits are located or physical destruction of the investor’s rental space. The difference is that one person will calmly endure losses on the stock exchange (in case of default), another will be satisfied with compensation after the bankruptcy of the bank (where he kept the deposit), and the third will sleep peacefully without worrying about real estate (which is slowly but surely depreciating ).

Separation by mathematical expectation

If you approach the issue of making money on options mathematically, you can make a small top strategy with a profit-to-loss ratio.

From the point of view of mathematical expectation, the first place is selling options, both straddle positions and one-sided ones.

The chance of making a profit here is very high, but the complexity of this approach lies in the fact that the trader must feel the market very strongly so that in conditions of sold volatility he does not end up with an unlimited loss. This factor can be smoothed out by at least partial covering of opened positions. This is a very difficult strategy from a psychological point of view.

In second place is the concept of short loss and unlimited profit.

Examples here include both classic “” positions and versatile purchases of “put” and “call” options. Depending on the investor’s desire, the strategy can be complicated by purchasing the underlying asset in the form of shares or futures. The main idea is to limit losses and allow profits to grow. The limitation in this situation will not be the classic stop, but the option price, which is included in the risks.

In last place is the spread trading strategy.

It is built around the purchase of options " in money" And " out of money" IN more In-the-money contracts are purchased in order to obtain a higher interest rate while reducing the risk of losing your investment. The main disadvantage is the depressing effect on the position of the temporary premium, which will burn out each time before the option expires. The chances of making both big losses and big profits are the same, so the trader will have to beat both the market and himself each time, earning either before the premium disappears, or including this factor in the costs.

Making money on options - main conclusions

Although expected value the strategy will be positive, the concept may not be suitable for the trader, since the most unlikely events tend to happen from time to time. TheoreticalProfit is also not an indicator of the suitability of a trading plan. The determining parameter is risk. An investor can start trading only if he is ready to bear losses in the worst case scenario.

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Nowadays you rarely meet a person who is not tormented by thoughts of where to earn extra money. The needs of the people are growing, and salaries are clearly not keeping up with this growth, so people are looking for ways to provide themselves with additional income. At first glance, there are a lot of such opportunities, but when you start to get acquainted with them in more detail, you often experience disappointment.

For example, why not put funds on deposit in a bank and after a while receive a more substantial amount. But upon closer examination it turns out that bank interest barely cover inflation, and this is at best, that is, there is no income to speak of. Real estate transactions can bring good income, but you also need to invest a lot of money, which you don’t have. Well, and so on.

For many, making money online is a lifesaver. Not everything that is offered here brings good income, but there are also quite profitable options, one of which we will consider today.

Top binary options according to the editors

Name Advantages
  • Min. deposit: 5$
  • Min. rate: 1$
  • Bonus: first 5 transactions with 100% insurance
  • Profitability: 87%
  • Min. deposit: 5$
  • Min. rate: 1$
  • Bonus: up to 100% on deposit
  • Profitability: 90%
  • Min. deposit: 600 rubles
  • Min. rate: 60 rubles or 1$
  • Profitability: up to 90%
  • Min. deposit: 300 rubles
  • Min. bet: 100 rubles or 1$
  • Bonus: up to 100% on account replenishment
  • Profitability: up to 85%
  • Min. deposit: 100$
  • Min. rate: 5$
  • Bonus: up to 100%
  • Profitability: up to 90%

First, let's figure out what it is? This is a kind of contract with clearly defined conditions regarding the direction of changes in the price of an asset over a certain period of time. If the conditions specified in the contract are met (the value of the asset for the specified time behaves exactly as specified in the option), then the buyer of the BO receives a certain reward, the amount of which is also indicated in the contract. If the agreed conditions are not met, the participant's loss is equal to the cost of the option.

For example, you know that currently 1 EUR costs 1.1734 USD, but you think that this price will not last long and in just 10 minutes the euro currency will rise in price. In order for your premonitions to bring you profit, you enter into an agreement for, say, 50 “bucks” with a profitability percentage of 80%. 10 minutes pass and the rate actually rises (by how much, it doesn’t matter), which means for you a profit of $40. Well, if you didn’t guess correctly and the euro fell in price, then you lose your fifty dollars. Sometimes, although very rarely, the price remains at the same level, then the buyer gets his money back.

The mechanism, you see, is very simple and understandable, which allows even beginners to earn money. Although, there are quite a few subtleties and features here, mastering which requires special training, so don’t relax, no one just gets money.

The variety of brokerage offers regarding the terms of the contracts we are considering is very large. Having gained some experience, you will be able to choose the most attractive of them, but first you should understand at least the basic types:

1. Call/Put or up/down is one of the most common options, when purchasing which you only need to correctly predict the direction in which the price will move (as in the example we described). The percentage of profitability for such BOs depends on the selected currency pair, the time period for which the agreement is concluded and market conditions, and can reach 90%.

2. In/Out or range - here you bet that the value of an asset will be in the range you specify after some specific time. Profit in this case also depends on a number of factors, including the size of the range, the expiration date of the option, and the same market conditions.

When concluding an agreement, you indicate the specific boundaries of the range (upper and lower) and the time during which the rate, in your opinion, will not go beyond the designated boundaries. If after this time the price has not crossed either the lower or the upper limit, then you have won.

3. One touch or contact is a fairly highly profitable type of BO, since it is not enough to guess only the direction in which the value of the asset will move, but you also need to indicate the level that it will reach within a certain time. And even if during the designated time period the price rises above the specified level (or reaches it), and then again falls even lower original value, the option will still be considered successful, because the main condition (reaching the specified mark) will be fulfilled.

Yes, we will tell you how to make money binary options. But how much exactly, and what is needed for this, we will talk below. This financial instrument can bring a fairly high income, a maximum of about 90% of the amount you invested. But if this money were given very simply, then we would already be surrounded by only millionaires, and if nothing like this is observed, it means that there are pitfalls, features, subtleties - call it what you want. The main thing is that you understand that the simplicity and ease of making money like this is rather apparent, but in fact it requires knowledge, experience, self-discipline, and much more.

The first thing you should always remember is that this is not roulette, where bets are made at random and everything is decided by chance. It is because of this attitude that more than 90% of market participants “merge” in the very first weeks of work.

Judge for yourself. The most likely trading outcome in case of predictions made at random is 50/50. That is, half of the trades are profitable, half are unprofitable. But since the loss is 100% of the amount, and the gain is only part of it (within 75-90%), then the result, in any case, will be disastrous. This means that this activity is contraindicated for those who are not ready to spend time and effort on training and treat BO as serious work.

Of course, there are no 100% winning strategies in principle. But even the most simple of them can raise the number of successful transactions to 55-60 percent, or even higher. Thus, you can earn money, but this requires certain preparation, availability profitable system and mandatory adherence to trading rules.

So, how to make money on binary options and what kind of profit can you expect? The profit will be greater than larger size your deposit and bet amount. But there are still risks to be aware of. After all, here you can either get rich or lose all your invested capital.

To avoid risking money in vain, practice on a demo account before starting real trading. And take your time, devote at least 1-2 weeks to such training, and also better month. And only after receiving consistent positive results, start trading for real. By the way, we do not recommend betting more than 5% of the deposit at a time; this is the maximum acceptable risk.

For those who want to at least roughly calculate the potential profit, we present clear example. Let's say your starting capital is 10,000 rubles. You listened to our advice and concluded a dozen transactions, in each of which you risked exactly 5% of the deposit (500 rubles). Out of 10 trades, 7 were successful, and 3 brought you losses. With a profitability of 80%, your profitable transactions enriched you by 2800 rubles (7 * 500 * 0.8), and on unprofitable contracts you lost 1500 rubles. Your net profit will be 1300 rubles or 13% of the initial capital. This is approximately how your income will be calculated in percentage terms (plus or minus). This is a normal indicator, and you should not neglect risks in the pursuit of excess profits.

Making money on BO is becoming more and more popular, but this type of activity, like any other, has not only advantages, but also a number of disadvantages that you need to know about before deciding whether this activity is suitable for you or not. Pros:

1. The main advantage is probably that when concluding an agreement, you already know what your probable losses may be and compare them with potential profits. That is, you choose an asset, the term of the contract, the amount and type, take into account the profitability shown by the broker and can draw a conclusion about how the possible profit compares with the probable loss. In other words, you can manage risk, and that's worth a lot.

2. Second positive point– availability of BO trade. You don't need to have big money to open a deposit. With some brokers you can do this even with 10 dollars.

3. The good news is that here you can quickly increase your capital, up to 20% in a week, and this while adhering to a moderate level of risky operations.

4. Well, and what is especially important for beginners, the process of trading BO is simple and understandable, and does not require such a deep analysis of information as, for example, trading currencies. Of course, you can’t take it lightly, but, you see, simply predicting where the price will move next on a short time frame is easier than predicting its future value and not “missing” the optimal moment to purchase or sell an asset.

As usual, there are also some drawbacks, and they scare away some users, although, with desire and skill, they can be minimized. Minuses:

1. If we talk about dishonesty (fraud) of some brokerage companies, which actually occurs, then there is only one way out - to be more careful in choosing a broker, take the time to study reviews and ratings, as well as search for a company that meets well-known criteria ( time spent on the market, presence of registration, etc.).

2. Many are frightened by the riskiness of such a business, as discussed in every article on this topic (we did not fail to remind you of this point), but it is worth considering that an investment business without risk does not exist at all. Anyone who wants to work in this field must come to terms with this thought. And then, there is such a thing as risk diversification.

3. Or here’s another annoying drawback - in the case of BO, as a rule, it is impossible to close a deal before the expiration date. That is, when trading currencies and noticing a negative trend, a trader has the opportunity to close the transaction ahead of schedule and avoid more serious losses. But when buying a binary option there is no such opportunity, you have to come to terms with the inevitable losses. To avoid risking too much money, just don't bet large amounts.

Of course, we cannot guarantee that following these tips you will trade extremely successfully, but they will protect you from some of the most common mistakes and allow you to stay in the market:

1. Monitor the market situation. Without knowing the market situation, you should not enter into transactions. And in general, before you get down to business, learn to analyze the market. Study the factors influencing fluctuations in the value of assets, do not miss important news, and try to draw the right conclusions from all of the above and predict the future behavior of the exchange rate. It takes time to learn these necessary things, at least about a month. To learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, use a demo account. Thus, before the start real work you will be able to hone the necessary skills.

2. Important factor For successful trading– the number of transactions and their expiration time. This type of trading has the advantage of options expiration time, which is sometimes only 60 seconds. But there is also a certain danger here. With such a short time period, dozens of trades can be concluded in an hour, and some traders do just that in pursuit of big money. But think for yourself, is it possible to take for short period so many balanced, informed decisions? Naturally not. Therefore, you should not bury yourself and lose common sense, believe me, greed is yours worst enemy. Ten and a half options a day is quite enough. After all, fast and extremely profitable short-term trading has back side– quick loss of deposit and long-term disappointment.

3. Strive not for quantity, but for stability. If you are taking your first steps in the market, it is better to choose a broker with a small minimum deposit and an equally low minimum rate. Remember that at first the main thing for you is not to earn more, but to gain experience and preserve what you have. By the way, without risking a lot of money, you and the brokerage company will check for integrity and quality of service.

4. Should I follow the Martingale strategy? If you are not aware, this strategy involves increasing bets after losing trades. But professionals do not advise doing this, but doing exactly the opposite - reducing the volume of investments in BO so as not to lose everything.

5. Keep statistics. An individual transaction, whether it is super successful or a failure, special significance does not have. And even several successful or unprofitable operations in a row are also not an indicator; this happens quite often. You can evaluate your success only after fifty or even hundreds of transactions. If they collectively show a negative result, then you need to reconsider the strategy, identifying its weaknesses.

6. Control your emotions. If someone thinks that he is emotional condition has no influence on the success of trading, then he is deeply mistaken. It has, and even more than you can imagine. Ideally, a trader should be completely devoid of any emotions during work. But this is ideal, and in real life you need to learn to at least manage them.

Here are a couple of examples. Success accompanies you, transactions one after another bring profit and there is a temptation to earn even more (simply put, your greed is showing). And how to do it? Of course, increase the bet, or even risk the entire deposit. As a result, the strategy is on the side, deals are concluded chaotically and hastily. Everything ends a complete failure and a nervous breakdown.

Another unacceptable emotion is fear of losing. It forces you to act out, increasing the degree of risk and ignoring the rules. Everything ends as in the previous case.

And finally, don’t forget about 5% per transaction (or better yet, even less). And also about the fact that the main thing is to learn to trade without losses, then profits will come.

Do we recommend turning to such a tool for making money as binary options? Yes. This is not the most difficult and quite promising way to improve your financial situation. But only if all the rules listed above are observed. Good luck!

- I receive this question more and more often, and in order not to answer it endlessly, I decided to write a separate article on this topic.

The binary options market is developing rapidly and, I think, for at least several decades, it will attract traders with its simplicity.

So, for beginners there is quite simple instructions How to make money on options from $50 a day...

How can a beginner start making money on binary options?

If you don’t understand well what binary options are, how they work and whether you can really make money with them, then I recommend reading first

It is clear that first you need to choose a broker with whom you will be comfortable trading. There are a lot of really high-quality brokers and the choice is quite large.

All of these brokers have an excellent training program, where beginners who want to make money on binary options will receive all the necessary initial knowledge. In addition, beginners are not always ready to invest substantial capital from the very beginning. I understand them; doubts still plague them.

That's why brokers offer substantial bonuses to your deposit. The only thing you should pay attention to is the terms of the bonus. Naturally, it will need to be worked off, because this money is not given to you as a gift, but given for development, as a subsidy or loan, if you want...

But, if you intend to seriously make money with binary options, then you will earn the bonus and significantly increase your deposit. It all depends only on you and on your attitude to work.

If you are in the mood for a serious wave, then you can register with all the recommended brokers, and then choose which one you like best.

Yes, I completely forgot to say that beginners get access to the Finmax broker for assistance in trading. You should not disdain them, as they are quite good help.

How can a beginner learn to make money on binary options?

Of course, first you need to study well The educational center. There you can also sign up for free webinars for clients. There are both open ones, for those who want to trade, but do not dare to start, and closed ones, for those who have already made a deposit and started trading.

You can watch an example of one of the webinars he conducts:

I think you will learn the basics pretty quickly. The main rule of trading is to follow the trend! How to determine a trend, see It’s quite easy...

It is important to understand from the very beginning that trading binary options with 100% profitability is simply impossible! Even if you follow all the rules of the strategy, you will still have losses. In these cases, you need to control yourself and not try, at any cost, to cover the loss.

It's important to achieve 80/20 profitability, but even 60/40 is fine to start with! What does this mean?

This means that you cannot afford to lose more than $30 out of $100. That is, if you have a goal to earn $50 per day, but today you have a loss of $30, then trading is stopped for today.

After all, it’s better to earn $50 tomorrow than to lose your entire deposit today, isn’t it?

Also pay attention to daily and weekly market reports. This will help you decide which direction to think in.

How can a beginner earn $50 on binary options today?

It is clear that with a deposit of $100 there are fewer opportunities to earn $50 per day than with, say, $1000. And not everyone can afford to make a deposit of $1000. So let's take $300.

Remember that you cannot lose more than 20% of your deposit? Do you need to earn $50? $300-20%=240, right? That is, you cannot lose more than $60. What does it look like in real life?

When trading a $20 option, you cannot afford more than 2-3 losing options. Honestly, from my 2 years of experience trading options, I have never had this happen! Three losses in a row can only happen to those who play binary options.

If you have identified a trend, then this simply cannot happen! The ideal option for getting $50 is two positive trades in a row. Let's do the math. The profit from the option is 70-80%.

Therefore - 20+70%=$34. Even with just one trade, you are almost there. You can enter the market again, or stop there. As they say, a bird in the hand is better...

Because the next option may be unprofitable and you will then have to buy another one to achieve the goal. But, be that as it may, don’t forget about 20%! In general, the mathematics is quite simple.

But there are situations when you are wrong and the first option turns out to be unprofitable. Personally, in this situation I use . Because if you correctly identified the trend, but received a loss, it means you were simply in the market at the wrong time. That is, we ran into a small pullback.

And the next option will cover the loss of the previous one.

I’ll repeat it again - it’s simple! Approach trading as work, not as play, and even if you are a complete beginner, you will make good money on binary options!

Don't forget that there are tons of options trading tools that you can learn and apply! But in order to get started, you first need to register with one or all of the proposed

Cause now you know how a beginner can make money on binary options, is not it? Good luck in learning and trading!

And this time I will tell you how a beginner can make money on binary options. But let's start with another question - is it possible to make money here at all? It is certainly possible to earn money, but to do this you need to fulfill a number of conditions and prepare for the upcoming work. If you don’t take your new activity seriously, you will most likely lose your deposit. However, do not think that the preparation will be difficult; in fact, you should follow only a few rules and spend your time studying all the necessary information.

Many traders followed this path, did everything conscientiously and now can proudly show screenshots of their income, which are posted in almost every article of mine. If you want to join their number, read this article to the end and follow all my recommendations. First of all, I recommend watching a video about one simple strategy, and also registering with a broker:

What is the reason for the losses?

I won’t lie, not everyone makes money on the options exchange, although theoretically everyone can make money. The thing is that some beginners are unconscious about trading, go to the stock exchange unprepared and, of course, lose money. But this is not the fault of the exchange, brokers or anyone else, the trader himself is to blame, because he had the opportunity to earn money, which he did not use. Agree if you come to new job unprepared, you will fail, and so will options.

The main mistake of beginners is the lack of a trading strategy, and some do not even have a basic understanding of the exchange. Of course, deliberate trading under such circumstances does not work; a person simply starts trying to guess, starts playing in a casino, and in a casino, as many people know, people lose more money than they earn. But the fact is that binary options are not a casino, and it is quite possible to make money here, even for an ordinary person, but before that, a beginner must prepare, study the trading strategy and choose a reliable broker.

  1. Before attempting anything at all related to trading and foreign exchange markets, we should get some basic knowledge, because we cannot read before we learn the alphabet. Without fundamental information, most articles about trading will pass you by due to complex terms and principles that are not yet clear. But don’t be afraid, now you no longer have to go through the entire Internet in search of useful information like I had to do. Knowing the problems of beginners, which are the same both five years ago and now, I created a book in which I simply and in detail outlined everything that a person needs to properly assimilate material written by experienced traders. I admit, at one time I studied all this for about a month, and you have the opportunity to master the basics in less than an hour.

  1. I wouldn’t believe it myself, but it’s a fact: most of all in my articles I tell people to trade according to a strategy, and most of all my readers do not follow this very rule. Guys, is it really all that difficult? The strategies that are given in the table below are not simple, they are elementary, you just need to not be lazy, devote a couple of hours of your time and thoroughly study 3-4 trading steps, and then apply all this on the stock exchange. This is the only way to make a profit, otherwise you won’t be able to make money on binary options.

The best binary options strategies for beginners!

Strategy By trend Against the trend According to the selection scale Signals According to the news Martingale
Difficulty level (1-10) 2 4 3 1 4 1
Recommended deposit 200$+ 250$+ 200$+ 150$+ 300$+ 500$+
Type of analysis Technical Technical Psychological Technical Fundamental Technical
Accuracy (number of profitable trades out of the total number) 7/10 8/10 7/10 7,5/10 9/10 5/10
Profitability (% of initial deposit per month) 50% 65% 55% 50% 60% 55%

Why do you need a strategy? The thing is that without a strategy, the options exchange turns into a casino, because you begin to guess the direction of the chart, and using the strategy you can analyze the market. For beginners, the analysis is quite simple, it comes down to a banal determination of the trend and entering the market at the right moment, but, nevertheless, this must be done in order to receive your 50-60% profit per month. Otherwise, I don’t see any point in going to the stock exchange at all; you’d better go to a casino, at least you’ll get some pleasure there, but the effect will still be the same.

  1. The third part of the answer to the question “How can a beginner make money on binary options?” is to choose a reliable broker who will fulfill his duties honestly and provide good trading conditions. Personally, I recommend four companies to choose from, with whom I have traded personally and whose integrity I am completely confident in.

The best binary options brokers!

At the moment I trade mainly with a broker, because... I think its platform is the most convenient for most strategies. I recommend watching his video review:

  1. If you want to earn money quickly and a lot, open trading accounts with at least $250, or better yet, more. The thing is that a decent deposit opens up new opportunities. You can use and trade without risk, or use , which increase the profitability of any trading vehicle by up to 300%. Agree, more than convincing arguments? This may seem like a lot of money to you now, but think about this: on average, a professional is able to double his deposit in less than a month. Suppose you are not a professional, you will make stupid mistakes, you will be unlucky. But even under such circumstances, using overclocking and averaging, you will easily earn about 65% per month. You open an account with 300 dollars, in a month there will already be 500, and in another month – all 850 dollars.

  1. Another important advice– never stop there, improve yourself and your strategy to get even more profit. Of course, most professionals stop at some point when they have earned enough from their point of view, but self-improvement is necessary not only for the sake of money, but also for one’s own sake. Let me brag a little: I personally am currently trading with average profit at 60-70% per month, this is enough for me, but if I want, I can double the deposit in a few days, and I like it. It is quite possible that, having earned starting capital on the stock exchange, you will go into business or engage in professional investments, and all the experience gained during trading will certainly be useful. Many modern American oligarchs began their careers on the stock exchange, rising from the bottom, and then went into big business. It is quite possible that some of you will also succeed.
  1. Now you can choose any of the trading strategies I have proposed for beginners, but then, over time, try to create your own, more professional, complex and profitable. No, of course, you can earn money this way, but, as for me, it’s simply a shame for a professional not to have his own experience. Now it may seem to you that you will not be able to, that you will not succeed, but the stock exchange changes a person, and changes for the better. Believe me, in 2 years you won’t know previous version yourself, you won’t be able to understand how you didn’t come up with real ideas before. I’m telling you this from my own experience now, so you can believe it.
  1. If you want to quickly gain experience, communicate with other traders, share your best practices and adopt the best practices of your colleagues. Trading is not a business where there is fierce competition. Here, if someone starts earning more, your income will not change, and communication is always useful, especially with smart people, new ideas are born, new goals and plans arise. Also, when you reach the level of a professional, share your experience with others, as I am doing now, because the more you help others, the more will come back to you in return. At least that's how it should be in human society.

Where can I get information?

As I already said, earlier, in search of useful information, you would have to literally go through all the garbage on the Internet bit by bit, but now that the PAMM-Trade project has been launched, you can find everything you need on this site. In the tables throughout this article, you could choose a trading strategy and a broker; read my other articles devoted to a variety of aspects and subtleties of trading; if you lack motivation, study the success stories of my students in the appropriate section. At the moment, when I am writing these lines, the site already has almost everything a beginner needs, but if some point is not covered, ask questions in the comments to any article and, if the question was interesting, wait for the release new article dedicated to your problem.

On to completion!

So, how can a beginner make money on binary options? I think the answer is clear - follow all the advice written above. If you do everything correctly, you will definitely achieve success; I don’t know a single person who could not make money by following all these recommendations. The only thing is that you shouldn’t be lazy, because now, at the very minute you are reading the last lines of this article, your future is being decided. Will you beg for a meager salary, work “for your uncle” and not be able to afford what you want, or will you achieve success and, like me and my students, become wealthy and respected people? But we have a free country, and I cannot tell you how to live, so the choice, as always, is yours!

Sincerely yours, Viktor Samoilov!

Is it possible to make money on binary options without investments? What earning strategies are suitable for beginners? How to trade correctly and where is the best place to start?

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine! With you is Alexander Berezhnov, one of the founders of the site

In this article we will talk about investments, or rather about a very profitable and interesting financial instrument - binary options.

Now people have a great opportunity to earn money in the financial markets without leaving home.

Students and pensioners, businessmen and employees play on the stock exchanges and make a decent income from this activity.

Most people start from scratch and only after some time achieve success here.

Do you also want to be one of them? Then sit back and read the article to the end!

1. Binary options - is it possible to make money on them?

The development of the world's financial markets is making huge strides, and technology, of course, does not stand still either.

New and new ones appear trading instruments. Along with the now classic options, binary derivatives* appeared, which also became no less popular than trading on the Forex market.

You can find out more about what Forex is and whether you can make money on it.

Derivative is a type of financial contract in which the parties have the right or undertake obligations to perform certain actions with the underlying asset.

The underlying asset means securities, goods , currency .

First of all, using binary options is an opportunity to make a profit by trading on various markets around the world through a broker*.

Broker– a specialized company (legal entity) that carries out transactions in financial markets on behalf of the client, since individuals by law they cannot play on the exchanges on their own.

The meaning of binary options is not to purchase an asset (stock, currency, commodity), but to purchase a special contract that has certain expiration dates. All operations are carried out via the Internet.

There are several types of binary options (derivatives):

  1. 60 seconds. It is a type of standard option with an expiration date* of one minute. Quite a popular type of option among scalpers* and short-term traders*. This type of option is not recommended for beginners due to its high level of unpredictability.

    Expiration– expiration of the contract (option).
    Scalper– a stock speculator (trader) who plays on minor fluctuations in the price of an asset, trying to make money on each minimal price movement.
    Short term(day trader) – a speculator who carries out trading operations on the stock exchange, usually with an open position from 1 to 3 days.

  2. Digital option. A classic type of derivative that involves making a forecast where the price will be after a certain time interval: above or below the current level.
  3. One touch. The option is characterized quite high level profitability (within 400%).
  4. Range. The principle of operation is simple, whether the price remains within the set price range or not. If it remains, the trader makes a profit.

Complex binary options:

  1. Constructor(OptionsBuilder). Allows you to record the profit/loss ratio;
  2. Black dragon(Pro Options). Represents professional look options, which gives the trader the opportunity to exit the market at any time required, regardless of the expiration date. An excellent tool when using a position hedging strategy.

2. A real example of the profitability of the binary options market

The example uses the classic “Up-Down” option. The graph shows that the exchange rate of the US dollar to the European currency is constantly changing.

The trader, having previously familiarized himself with the trading situation, makes a forecast based on which in ten minutes the US dollar exchange rate will fall and will be lower than its current level.

An option worth $1,000 is purchased with the expectation that the price of the asset will decline.

If the forecast turns out to be correct and the dollar exchange rate has decreased, the broker pays the trader, on average, 70% of the profit (or more) of the bet amount invested in the transaction.

Ultimately, by investing just $1,000 you can earn 700 dollars Total in 10 minutes trade.

This example clearly shows what a trader does to successfully play financial market. Although, without risk, you definitely won’t be able to earn such amounts every time. This is a warning for those who still have rose-colored glasses.

How to learn how to truly profitably trade binary options will be discussed in the article.

3. Trading binary options - where to start and what to pay attention to

By following these rules, your probability of making a profit will increase many times over, and the risk of making a loss will decrease, so go ahead, friends, to the heights of stock trading!

Try it, because as you know:

He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t make money on the stock exchange :)

Step 1. Select a broker for trading

Before starting trading, a trader should choose the broker that is most suitable for him.

Brokers in the binary options market are quite diverse; there are both reliable companies and not so reliable ones.

The most important thing is to follow simple rules and make the right choice.

How to choose a binary options broker:

  • the broker must work for at least one year;
  • have permits and certificates;
  • have good customer service and a clear interface of the trading terminal (programs for making transactions).

When choosing brokerage company Be sure to pay attention to customer support, as well as the possibility of opening a minimum deposit.

The broker meets all these criteria.

Olymp Trade– a reliable broker who has a license from the Russian regulator TsROFR, and is also a member of the international Financial Commission. This is confirmation of the high quality of services, and guarantees each trader deposit insurance, comprehensive support and prompt resolution of all emerging issues.

The company won the “Fastest Growing Broker of 2016” nomination in the binary options category according to ShowFX World.

International experts appreciated the qualitative leap in the development of the Olymp Trade trading service in 2016. For example, payments to traders have increased 9 times compared to 2015, the number of assets has doubled and new functions have appeared on the platform.

It’s convenient that a novice trader can order a free call from an Olymp Trade manager. A personal manager will tell the trader about trading strategies and answer questions.

In some cases, you can find brokers who give you the opportunity to try yourself in the binary options market without investing.

In order not to invest money and just try yourself as a trader, just open a demo account and practice trading on it.

Watch this short video on how to make money on binary options with Olymp Trade:

Step 2. Open an account

We open a trading account with one of the binary options broker companies.

To do this you will need to enter:

  • First Name Last Name;
  • e-mail;
  • Password;
  • Phone number.

You will also need to indicate your country and accept the terms and conditions of working with the broker.

After completing the registration procedure, you can open a trading account without any problems.

Step 3. We undergo training on a demo account

Before you start trading with your own money, you should definitely test your knowledge and chosen trading strategy on a demo account.

Such an approach will provide an opportunity not only to test yourself and protect yourself from unpredictable losses, but also to adjust the algorithm used (trading strategy).

It is worth noting that even many professional traders often use a demo account to test new trading systems they have developed.

One of distinctive features terminals for trading binary derivatives - is simplicity and convenience, which is perfectly combined with speed and technical knowledge.

On the left side are available assets, which, by the way, can be adjusted using a filter, leaving only the most necessary ones.

In the right corner of the terminal there is a price chart, which is simply irreplaceable for graphic strategies. All information about completed transactions is located immediately below the graphical display of the price.

The preparatory stage for starting your binary options trading has now ended. By the way, approximately the same sequence of actions awaits you if you are planning to trade on Forex or the stock market.

And if you consider stock trading as one of the ways to make money (and not the easiest), we recommend that you read our article “”.

4. Trading strategies - what to choose for a beginner to trade binary options

All trading algorithms existing today are divided into several large categories, which differ from each other in the basic principles of making trading decisions by a trader:

  • simple strategies;
  • indicator algorithms;
  • graphic trading systems.

For a more precise understanding, let's look at them in more detail.

Simple Strategies

Simple trading algorithms are a collection of basic tools that take into account key market analysis.

They are based on the fundamental principles of pricing, and therefore relieve the trader of the need to install additional analysis systems. Among the most popular are:

  • rapid daytime breakthrough;
  • strangle;
  • strategy 60 seconds;
  • trend reversal at the top or bottom point of the chart.

All of these strategies were primarily created for novice traders. They are simple and easy to practice, and do not require a significant amount of knowledge.

An excellent option for a profitable start in binary options.

Indicator Strategies

The basis for concluding a transaction using these strategies is the signal given by the technical indicator.

The most common indicator strategies are:

  • ChinkouSpan;
  • precise entry;
  • RSI index;
  • Ichimoku cloud;
  • MACD divergence.

Almost every novice trader gives his preference to indicator systems, due to the erroneous opinion that such trading is quite simple.

In reality, everything is done differently.

In order to trade profitably using indicators and oscillators, you must have significant experience in concluding real transactions, as well as a good understanding of the sequence of operation of a particular instrument (technical indicator).

Graphic trading systems

Chart trading strategies in the derivatives market are based on careful analysis of the price chart.

Here, the trader’s task is to recognize in time the emerging graphic pattern (the figure that the price draws on the chart), and to use the latter in time for the benefit of his trading account.

Quite a few graphic patterns are now known, but the most tested are: Head and Shoulders, Pennant, Wedge, Doji and Three Indians.

All these schemes will help you make a more stable profit here.

5. Trading on a real account

Before you start trading with real money, you should know that no trading strategy will make a trader rich if he does not want it.

In other words, it does not matter how many indicators a professional speculator's algorithm includes.

Their only goal is to catch a trend, and this is where every beginner should start.

But before we move on to analyzing the strategy, let’s clarify what a trend* is.

Trend- unidirectional price movement, in which each subsequent maximum and minimum of the quote exceeds the previous one.

Downtrend in reverse order

The main point of trading with a trend is to buy cheaper and sell more expensive, or vice versa, when trading on a decline in price.

Algorithm of actions when trading with a trend:

1. First, you should determine the general direction of the trend, whether it is ascending or descending;

2. We expect a price correction to the lower resistance level of the price channel (in the case of an uptrend);

3. After the price has touched the lower level and pushed off from it, you can enter the market with the expectation that the quote will rise even higher. Therefore, a classic Call option contract is purchased.

If work in progress for a decline, the “Put” contract is bought.

Example transaction:

We must not forget that the trend following strategy in financial markets works especially well over long time intervals - from several days to several months.

A logical continuation of trading binary options on the real world is capital management in financial markets. Below we talk about the basic rules for managing risks and your capital for novice traders, so that you avoid critical losses on your trading account.

6. Capital management (risk management)

One of the conditions for stable and profitable trading in the market is money management. No matter how profitable a trading strategy is, it cannot guarantee 100% profitability on every new trade.

Know that you cannot trade without risk at all, there is always risk!

The market is constantly changing, and therefore careless, aggressive and sometimes emotional trading can virtually nullify previous successes with just one unprofitable trade. To prevent this from happening, the following rules must be followed:

  • invest no more than 30% of the entire trading account size in one transaction;
  • risk no more than 5% of the invested funds (per one transaction order);
  • never try to win back, it is better to rest a little after a losing trade, and also be a little distracted;
  • at the initial stage, conclude no more than 3 transactions per trading session.

Following these rules will help you effectively protect your account from possible severe drawdowns.

7. Conclusion

Dear friends, summing up the review of binary options trading, we can conclude that earnings here are absolutely real, and in some cases it is even more than on Forex or when trading shares on the stock exchange.

The main thing is to adhere to a number of simple rules:

  • strict adherence to the trading strategy;
  • strict compliance with money management and trading risk requirements;
  • avoiding emotional trading and attempts to “win back” when losses occur.

And, of course, we should never forget to improve, including in the financial market, which, as we know, is fickle and always presents unexpected surprises.

It is difficult to make money on derivatives without investments, but you will still need money to start making a profit here.

The only exception concerns experienced traders who can take someone else's capital into trust* and receive a percentage of the profits he makes by trading with his investor's borrowed funds.

Trust asset management– this is a form of commercial interaction between the manager (in our case, the trader) and the investor (the person who gives money to management).

At the same time, the trader receives a percentage of the successful management of the investor’s account, but the investor bears the risk of losses, since he expects to receive higher percentage on invested capital than can be provided by conservative investment instruments, for example, a bank deposit.

Binary options trading is one of the many ways to make money online.

If you are interested in the topic of making money online, be sure to study our article “”. The information in this article will expand your knowledge regarding ways to make money using the World Wide Web.

And for beginners who are starting to learn the basics of stock trading from scratch, we strongly recommend not to rush and not trade options with their last money.

Friends, if you are still interested in the question, is it possible to trade without risk at all?

Answer: 100% no!

This video clearly demonstrates a successful game on the stock exchange with a broker.

We wish you profitable transactions in the financial markets!

If you liked the material, like the end of the article and leave your comments on the topic.
