Folk games for Maslenitsa for children. Games for children for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa has always been the time of the spring equinox, the time when all nature comes to life and wakes up. Rituals and traditions associated with Maslenitsa date back to the pre-Christian period. The ritual side of this celebration includes shades of ancestral culture; it also correlates with the transitional period of nature, when everything comes to life and carries the function of stimulating fertility. This is due to the fact that Maslenitsa always preceded the start of field work. Also, Pancake week precedes the beginning of Lent, during which believers do not consume dairy products. But on Maslenitsa this is allowed, hence the name. A special tradition has become folk festivities on Maslenitsa, the burning of an effigy symbolizing winter, visiting, all kinds of fun, fortune telling, and, well, where would we be without Maslenitsa.

Burning the pesky winter

Now, as many years ago, the scarecrow remains one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa. It personifies winter, which by this time is time to go home and give way to spring. Usually men, women and children in the whole village collected straw in one place, and then made a doll out of it, dressed it in clothes. women's clothing, yes brighter. They tied a scarf on the scarecrow’s head, put on a skirt and jacket, and carried it in a sleigh throughout the village. Then they burned it, throwing Pancake Day pancakes into the fire. The children danced and danced around the fire. This glorious ritual has survived to this day and attracts the participation of residents of both small villages and large cities.

Games and competitions

The Ice Pillar is a competition that is held on Maslenitsa. Some kind of tall pillar for him cold water and gifts are hung at a sufficient distance from the ground. To get them, you need to climb onto this pillar and not slide off it. The strongest and most persistent always win.

Another folk pastime is felt boot throwing. Of course, it is better to do this outdoors. The essence of the game is simple: you need to throw the felt boots as far and accurately as possible.

Children really like this game "Golden Gate". For her, two of the players (this can be adults) stand in the center, holding hands and raising them up so that they form a goal. The kids become a “train” one after another and go through the gate. At some point, the gate “closes,” that is, the adults give up and catch one of the children. The one who is caught also becomes a gate and the “locomotive” decreases. The game continues until the gate catches everyone.

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Easter is a bright, joyful holiday. The day before, it is customary to bake and bless Easter cakes and paint eggs. But ancient traditions include not only visiting church and meals, but also a variety of entertainment, games. Most of them are connected specifically with colored eggs - they are beaten, rolled, hidden...


The most famous Easter game- rolling eggs. It requires a small board or piece of cardboard - a “skating rink”. You need to roll paints off of it. The winner is the one whose egg “runs away” further. Possible options games. For example, it’s a good idea to put different prizes at the bottom of the board or cardboard. When the egg that one or another player rolls touches the prize, the winner will take it.

Testing eggs for strength is another popular Easter pastime. Participants games sit opposite each other and roll the paints so that they collide. Whose egg cracks loses. The winner takes the egg. You don’t have to roll them, but just beat the eggs against each other. The one whose remains intact will win. If it's a shame to break it Easter symbols, you don’t have to hit them, but simply spin them on a flat surface. Players spin their eggs on command; the one who spins the longest wins and takes away their opponents' eggs.

There are also mobile ones games, which were traditionally played and played on Easter. For example, a relay race. It requires two tablespoons and two colored eggs. All participants are divided into teams and stand in a line. The first player holds a spoon in his hand and runs to the “Finish” mark, and then back. Then he passes the spoon with the paint to the second player and everything is repeated. You games The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Another Easter activity is searching for eggs. Adults usually hide them, and children look for them. Whoever finds the most wins. You can develop a complex scenario, divide the children into several teams, make up clues for each, or write poems indicating the places where the paints are hidden. Or put a note next to each egg indicating where to look for the next one. Another option is to search for eggs “blindly”. The player first looks where the paint is, determines the number of steps to it, and then he is blindfolded, and he must reach the egg and take it. In general, it all depends on the imagination of the organizers games.

Video on the topic

Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday, adapted to Christianity. This is the farewell to the boring one cold winter, and the last week before Lent. The symbol of Maslenitsa is a pancake - round and bright, like the sun.

So that the holiday does not come down to the usual eating of pancakes, you can spend fun competitions in a forest clearing, in which both children and adults can participate.

Cut out circles with a diameter of about 25 cm from thick cardboard - they will represent pancakes. Instead of mugs, you can use plastic plates. Participants are divided into 2 teams. At the start, a stack of “pancakes” is placed in front of each team. In the first round of the competition, the “pancakes” must be carried to the finish line one at a time, sandwiched between two sticks. The sticks can be held in both hands or in one hand, as desired. Each participant moves the “pancake”, comes back and gives the holders to the next one. The team that moves all the pancakes first wins.

In the second round, the “pancakes” need to be moved back, holding them between the knees. Here participants will have to cover the distance by jumping.

In the third round, participants are tied to each other in pairs by their left and right legs. Each pair takes one pancake and carries it from start to finish. The next pair starts when the previous one has finished.

Draw 2 large circles, mark their center and invite teams to throw “pancakes” for accuracy from a distance of several steps. The distance will depend on the wind and the weight of the “pancakes” so that they are not blown far to the side. The team whose circles are closest to the center will win.

If there is sticky snow on Maslenitsa, hold a competition for the best snow sculpture. The winners can be determined in several nominations: for the most unusual sculpture, for the most beautiful, for the largest... The main thing is that each participant feels like a creator and receives his share of praise.

A traditional Russian game is tug of war. Just make sure that the rope is strong so that there are no injuries.

Dogs of this breed were bred for northern latitudes like sled dogs. They are hardy and persistent, not afraid of cold and winds. People loved huskies so much that they began to raise them as pets in big cities. But few people can afford a dog, let alone a husky. Because this breed requires special care. Therefore, such recreation centers where cheerful dogs entertain will be of interest to many.

Holidays with a husky involve not only communication with a shaggy friend, but also active games in the snow, “catching up”, and also sledding. A team of several dogs will easily and cheerfully give you a ride with the breeze.

Huskies are friendly, cheerful, playful, kind and affectionate dogs. They are very active and will not tire of entertaining you and your children for a couple of hours. You will get tired faster. Recreation centers with huskies will be of interest not only to adults, but also to older people, and even more so to children. You can not only frolic with a dog, but also take a quiet walk and breathe in the fresh winter air.

After all, the main rule of husky centers is a great love for dogs. After such a busy weekend you will gain a lot positive emotions, which will erase all your weekly negativity, and slight fatigue will only be a joy.


  • What you need to know to learn how to drive a dog sled

Since the pleasant time of thaw has arrived, everyone goes outside, everyone has more vital energy. Accordingly, it needs to be directed in a pleasant direction, which is why games for children and competitions for Maslenitsa are organized, here are a few of them:

  • “Handkerchief” - handkerchiefs tied at different heights are torn from the jump by the boys, after which they give them to the girls they like.
  • “Cockerels” - in a drawn circle, guys, standing on one leg, try to push each other beyond its limits without using their hands.

Throwing felt boots

The essence of the game is in the name.
Like, goodbye, felt boots!
Throwing at a distance, accuracy, closeness of the fall of the second felt boot from the first.
Suitable for large hall, but better, of course, for the street.

Running with obstacles

Two guys are participating in the relay race.

  • Put on a Russian shirt
  • Belt yourself with a sash
  • Eat a banana
  • Whistle
  • Kiss the beauty

One beauty. She is kissed by the one who completed the previous stages first.

This kind of relay race can be carried out in the summer, say, in a camp.
On the beach, guys need to run to the water: take off their baseball cap, jacket, shirt, sneakers, trousers, and dive into the water. Who is first?


The players stand in pairs, one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver - the burner. Those playing say the words in a chant:

“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay a little longer
Look into the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes scream:
- Gu, gu, I'll run away.
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!”
After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other’s hands before the burner stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner lights up again.
The game is repeated.
If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.
Rules of the game:
The burner should not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players as soon as they run past him.


All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.
Participants braid a “braid” - they hold hands through one another, crosswise.
The members of the first team step towards the other team, which is standing still at that time, and say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her health!” They say the second half of the sentence while walking backwards. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up at the back and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone gets confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and are again braided into the “net.”
Usually after this “extra” hands appear.

"The Owl and the Birds"

Before the competition begins, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an eagle owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen. At the signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

"Broom on the forehead"

Now try wearing a broom on your forehead for as long as possible.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.


The driver and the driver are selected by lot. The korchaga is covered with a scarf and placed in the center of the circle formed by the participants in the game. The driver, in secret from the pot, gives all the players names: “bird”, “flower”, etc. Then he stands near the pot and calls each of the players in turn, pronouncing his new name. The person called approaches the person sitting, lightly hits him with his hand and, returning to his place, claps his hands. After this, the driver takes the handkerchief from the pot and asks who hit him. If the driver guesses correctly, the one who struck sits in his place; if not, the pot remains in the center of the circle, and the game continues.

You need to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with joy. Our ancestors were very fond of Maslenitsa festivities. During Maslenitsa games on the street for children were organized here and there - the children ran around, had fun, played snowballs. Of course, there were Maslenitsa games for adults: fist fights, slides, ice pillars.

Have you decided to devote Maslenitsa week to having fun? fresh air and joyful moments? We will be happy to tell you about funny Games for Maslenitsa for all ages!

Maslenitsa games on the street

Snowy winter calls you outside, and frost stings your cheeks. Even at -20 you will be warm if you actively move and play.


What can I say - pick up the sled and go find the slide! And then - your fantasy: take turns riding, linking several sleds into a “train”, and racing down the hill. The main thing is to remember about safety, bruises and bumps are not our friends.

Shooting Range

You'll need a target and a keen eye. The target can be a fence or a blank wall. You can prepare in advance and make targets yourself from wooden shields.

ice column

Fun games and activities for Maslenitsa that came to us from the past. For fun, you need a tall pole, which must first be doused with water in order to freeze. We are already hanging various gifts on the ice pillar. The participants’ task is to remove these gifts. Climbing on ice is not an easy task! The winner is the one who can get the top prize.

Snow fortress

If the winter has pleased you with an abundance of snow, you can build two improvised fortresses, and then, breaking into teams, destroy the building of the opposing team with snow volleys. The goal is to destroy the enemy’s castle, not the opponents themselves, don’t get carried away!

Throwing felt boots

Throwing at a distance, accuracy and closeness of the fall of the second felt boot from the first. The game is simple, it’s much more difficult to get felt boots!

Tug of War

The main thing is to divide into mixed teams, i.e. there should be both boys and girls in one team. Otherwise, the outcome of the tug-of-war is known in advance. You can arrange a family competition - the Ivanovs against the Petrovs. Or you can call one team “Spring”, the other “Winter” and make a prediction - who will win - spring or winter.

Also, for variety, teams can stand with their backs to each other and measure their strength in this position. Tug-of-war – great games for Maslenitsa on the street for children.


Draw a circle on the snow (this is a frying pan). All players join hands and jump on one leg, trying to push each other into the circle. Whoever got into the circle was “sintered” in a frying pan. The players' task is not to get into it.

Gamesfor Maslenitsa on the street for children

To keep kids from getting cold and bored outside, offer them these simple, but fun and active games:


You can start the game with the well-known “stream”. Children are divided into pairs and stand next to each other. The kids hold hands, arms raised up, forming a gate. The last pair runs under the gate and becomes the first, and so on until everyone has passed the stream. A child without a partner is appointed as a driver. It moves 5 steps away from the stream. Everyone sings the song “Burn, Burn Clearly”:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out!
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
- Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, the first couple scatters on both sides of the stream, and the driver must catch one of them before they stand at the end of the stream and hold hands. If the driver manages to catch someone, they become the last pair, and the one who is not caught becomes the driver.


Children stand in a wide circle, each with their hands behind their backs. The leader - "Zarya" - walks with a ribbon in his hands around the round dance and sings:

Dawn - lightning,
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined
Let's go get some water!

As soon as sung last words songs, the driver puts a ribbon on the shoulder of one of the children in the round dance and runs away. The child must take the ribbon and run with it in the other direction. Each of them strives to take the vacant place in the circle. The one who managed to take his place remains in the circle, and the remaining one becomes “Zarya”. You can add an element of round dance rotation, having previously discussed in which direction it will spin


For this game you will need a rope, 3-5m long, with a bag of sand tied at the end. Children stand in a circle, the leader spins with a rope, and the rest must jump over. Whoever is hit by the rope is eliminated from the game.

Riding on a broom

First you need to prepare an obstacle course - place pins or other objects in a row. The child’s task, riding a broom, is to run between obstacles without hitting them. The one who knocks down the minimum number of pins wins.

Indoor Maslenitsa games

Indoor games for children during Maslenitsa differ from others only in the limited space. But if the house has a minimum of furniture and a maximum of square meters, you can safely play the games described above. And the following children's games for Maslenitsa are quite suitable for other holidays, so take note.

Find yours

Participants are divided into two equal teams. Everyone is blindfolded and dispersed around the room. One team meows, the other grunts. Whichever team gets together faster wins.


For the game you need to prepare a lot of artificial flowers. Children are divided into two teams and sing the chant:

Spring, Red Spring,
Come, Spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With the heavy rains,
With abundant flowers.

During the singing, the driver scatters flowers around the area. As soon as the song ends, the children begin to collect flowers. The team that collects the most flowers wins.

Fist fights

Don't worry, kids won't have to wave their fists! The battle will take place through long balloons. This game has 2 advantages: children have fun, and parents train their lungs!

Pancake race

To organize a fun pancake race, prepare in advance some pancakes made of paper or felt, two kitchen spatulas and 4 chairs. Divide the participants into 2 teams. The task of this relay race is to transfer all the pancakes on a shoulder blade from the first chair to the second by each team member in turn.

As you can see, games and competitions for Maslenitsa can be very diverse. The main thing is to enjoy spending time with family and friends!

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people. Many people love him for his carefree disposition, for fun entertainment after a cold winter. For parents with small children, this is a fertile time for joint games, exciting fun, and communication with their baby. In addition, participation in holiday festivities can be used as a means of developing and educating your child. Appears good opportunity enrich children's knowledge about folk traditions, see with your own eyes all the traditional actions, teach preschool children the rules of communication and behavior in mass event. In Maslenitsa games for children, you can expand your knowledge about folk art: ditties, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, chants. If you can’t go with your child to a city party and take part in general entertainment, it’s easy to organize such a holiday in your immediate environment: in the family, at the dacha with relatives. However, not all parents know how to properly use holidays for educational purposes and how to prepare young children for them. Meanwhile, experts remind you of the need to adhere to special rules.

Rules for preparing preschoolers for the holiday

Important: in order to holiday entertainment did not become stressful for preschoolers, psychologists advise preparing for such events in advance.

The experience of kindergarten teachers has allowed us to draw up a number of rules that will help parents:

  1. We must remember that holidays- this is not only pleasure and fun, but also vanity, close communication with strangers. All this can become a source of stress for children. Planning your holiday ahead of time will help prevent problems from arising.
  2. It is best to think in advance about how to prepare your child so that a long and noisy party does not negatively affect his daily routine. Teachers remind that the child should get a good night's sleep and have a hearty breakfast. Before leaving the house, it is undesirable to excite him with an irritated tone or excessive lectures. In the evening we need to prepare for winter activities warm and comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, sleds for sliding downhill and other necessary items.
  3. On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable to discuss all actions with the child, which will create additional interest in the event. With an older preschooler you can make up joint program entertainment. Tell the little one about the rules of behavior during the party, so as not to get caught difficult situation. Preliminary preparation and instruction are important, since they allow you to save good mood throughout the entire event.
  4. Parents need to understand that their expectations of certain behavior from their child must correspond to his character, psychological characteristics, age. If a preschooler is calm, you shouldn’t expect him to have fun like the active kids. Conversely, it is impossible to demand from an energetic child not to participate in lively events.

What should you tell children about Maslenitsa?

In order for children to be interested and understand the idea of ​​the holiday in which the family is going to participate, it is necessary to tell in an accessible form about its content. You can read books to preschoolers, look at pictures on the Internet. And yet, an emotional, accessible story from an adult will help the child better feel the upcoming event. IN in this case, what can parents tell their children about Maslenitsa?

Maslenitsa is a holiday symbolizing farewell to a boring winter and a welcome to the long-awaited spring. The tradition of Maslenitsa days has always been wild fun and manifestation of generosity, as our ancestors considered this to be the key to rich harvests and abundance in the coming year. The holiday lasted for seven days, each day was named and celebrated in a special way. The main treat all week is pancakes, symbolizing the spring sun. Cheerful design The event involved the construction of a straw doll or stuffed animal, named after the Maslenitsa holiday. The scarecrow was placed on the main square where the festivities took place (you can give a preschooler a small straw doll). Calling on the sun, they tried to please Maslenitsa, shouting out calls:

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa,
Come visit us
To a wide yard.
Ride in the mountains
Roll in pancakes
Make your hearts laugh!

Traditional for the holiday were competitions and round dances. People sang, joked, and made fun of Maslenitsa. On the last Maslenitsa day, a straw doll was burned, rejoicing in the upcoming spring days. Simple but exciting entertainment: sleigh rides, taking snow forts - attracted both children and adults.

Entertainment during Maslenitsa holidays

Traditional entertainment will keep children interested and willing to participate in fun activities.

Important: When organizing Maslenitsa games for children, the main thing is to choose the right game activities according to the age and capabilities of the child.

Fathers and mothers will bring great pleasure to the children, who will also take an active part in fun and competitions. This achieves a great educational effect, unity between parents and children, which can be difficult to achieve. Therefore, adults should take the opportunity to communicate, play, compete with their children, and encourage them for their achievements achieved. In folk pedagogy there is exciting games, competitions that can be organized at home if for some reason parents do not go with their child to mass entertainment. Preschool children attending kindergarten know and love traditional fun; parents teach children at home during family leisure time. On holidays like Maslenitsa, it is simply necessary to use the creative potential of the people (ditties, nursery rhymes, songs) to expand knowledge about traditions and develop children's skills.

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, we will not praise you enough,
Come visit us in our wide yard
Play with the kids and ride the slides!

"Pancakes in a frying pan"

Children of all ages enjoy the entertainment. Adults take an active part in it; preparation is minimal: draw a round playing field (frying pan). The participants hold hands tightly and try to push each other into the circle so that the pancake player is “baked” in the frying pan. The winner is the participant who is never in the circle. At the end of the game, everyone is treated to pancakes.

"Merry buffoons"

In this theatrical action, parents prepare hats and learn a song, for example, based on a poem by L. Orlova:

I am a cheerful Buffoon!
Look, I'm not bad.
For a penny (preferably five)
I will jump and dance.
I won't let you get bored!
Who's ready to be naughty?

The players wear buffoon hats; you can simply sew bright balls (bells) to the child’s hat. To the chorus, children imitate the lolling habits of a bear at a fair, the important gait of a cockerel, and the fight of goats with their foreheads. It's good to use fun background music.

"Hurdy organ"

With the participation of children different ages. To carry out the fun, an adult needs to dress up as an old organ grinder, pick up a monkey or parrot toy, a music box like an organ grinder, and write notes for children pretending to be “customers.” The entertainment will be more interesting if souvenirs are prepared for the participants, which need to be hidden in different places. The presenter sings a song about a barrel organ or reads a nursery rhyme:

I never part with my old barrel organ,
She gives everyone joy and drives away sadness!

An adult, pretending to be an organ grinder, shouts: “Happiness is for sale!”

Children-"buyers" pull out notes, the organ grinder reads out their contents, for example: "Look for your happiness under the Christmas tree", "Your happiness is behind the bench."

"Let's ride the carousel"

A classic outdoor game for preschoolers of any age, well known to children in kindergarten. The leader (an adult or a senior preschooler) raises a stick with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Participants choose a ribbon, the presenter spins in place, depicting a carousel. The players perform rhythmic actions, singing along with the leader:

Barely, barely, barely
The carousels began to spin.
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run!
Hush, hush, don't rush,
Stop the carousel.
One-two, one-two,
The game is over.

"Blow up, bubble"

Classic old-time entertainment, familiar and loved by all preschoolers. The round dance game is often played in kindergarten. For the game action, you need to stand in a circle and perform certain movements in accordance with the words:

Blow up, bubble,
Big, big, ( participants gradually expand the round dance, the “bubble” inflates)
Stay like this
And don't burst!
He flew, flew, flew ( the players hold hands and run in a circle)
And I touched a thread.
The thread fell, ( everyone stops)
The bubble is gone!
Bang! Burst: shhhh ( the circle narrows, the bubble “bursts”)!

"Old Malanya"

Fun for all the kids, it makes those playing very happy. It’s good if adults take part, whom children can imitate. At first, the parent is chosen as the driver (“Malanya”), then the role can be transferred to an older preschooler. The players stand in a circle, the driver is in the center. To the words of the nursery rhyme (it can be sung in chorus), the driver performs various funny actions, the rest of the participants reproduce them:

At Malanya's, at the old lady's
Lived in a small hut
Seven daughters, seven sons,
All without eyebrows ( eyebrows are covered with hands).
With eyes like that ( "Malanya" shows funny eyes, playing copy),
With such ears, with such noses, ( the driver makes mischievous faces),
With such a mustache, with such a head, with such a beard.
We didn’t eat anything, we sat all day,
They looked at her and did something like this... ( a cheerful pose is depicted, which is copied by all players).

The participant who shows “Malanya” the most fun wins and receives a prize.


Ancient entertainment will fit perfectly into the atmosphere and will create a cheerful mood for adults and children. Maslenitsa is the right time for such ancient fun. First you need to tell the children who the dudar is (plays the pipe) and what a deck is (a thick cut down tree). An adult first becomes the leader, and then the role is transferred to the children. Entertainment requires a large area, so they play on the playground. Participants dance in a circle and rhythmically say or sing:

Dudar, dudar, dudarishche, old, old old man.
It's under the deck, under the damp, under the rotten one.
Dudar, dudar, what hurts?

Dudar says plaintively, pointing to any part of the body, for example: “My finger is sore.” The players laugh and grab the neighbor’s finger and move on.

Or: “Little hand hurts,” they hold hands, continuing the round dance with the words: “Dudar, dudar, what hurts?”

Dudar cries: “The barrel is sick,” the participants laugh and grab each other’s sides, the game continues.

The fun ends with the words of the dudar: “Nothing hurts!”

Everyone runs away, the leader catches them.

"Let's ride horses"

Maslenitsa events are impossible without horse riding. During the festivities, you can ride with your children on a horse-drawn sleigh. At home, skating is simulated by a game. An adult ties bells to a beautiful ribbon and offers to make a “harness”, putting the ribbon on one child - this is a “horse”. The children grab the ribbons and shout:

Knock-knock, tra-ta-ta, open the gate!
Open the gates! We're leaving the yard! But!

With these words “the horse is running”, the children run after it, ringing the bells. When the kids have played enough, the presenter says: “Whoa, horse, stop!”

To diversify the game of “horses,” it will be interesting to dramatize the nursery rhyme “Like thin ice...”:

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell.
A little white snow fell
Vanechka, my friend, was driving.
Vanya was driving, in a hurry,
He fell from his horse.
He fell and lies there
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Two girlfriends saw
Soon they ran up to Vanya.
Soon they ran up to Vanya,
They put him on a horse.
They put Vanya on a horse,
They showed the way.

Maslenitsa is a traditional time for fun with snow; preschoolers will enjoy playing “Snow Fortress”, “Snow Shooting Range”, “King of the Hill” with their parents.

Important: V outdoor games With snow, adults should not leave children unattended to avoid injury.

The whole family can take part in such Maslenitsa games for children as “Tug of War”, “Burn, Burn, Clear...” and other similar entertainments. We wish you a merry wide Maslenitsa!
