The Orthodox name of Vasilisa in the church calendar. Vasilisa - the meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Vasilisa: “Royal”, “ruler”, “wife of the king”, “queen”.

Those with the name Vasilisa embody all the most best qualities: grace, beauty, intelligence, nobility, selflessness, sincerity. They are very responsive, sensitive to other people’s problems, and worry about other people as much as about themselves. However, such gentleness of their character is combined with such strong personal qualities as determination and stubbornness. The latter qualities cannot be called negative, since in life they help Vasilisa achieve their goals.

Among the positive qualities of Vasilisa, one can also highlight sincerity and selflessness. She comes to the aid of people absolutely selflessly, without asking for anything in return. Thanks to his determination, he will bring the work he has started to the end. And if she came to the rescue, she would definitely help. Also, Vasilisa does not have the habit of deceiving, even to save herself. Prefers to tell everything as it is, even if the truth is not always sweet. As you know, this quality in a person is priceless. People around her are drawn to Vasilisa, whom she willingly accepts into her circle.

Name days: January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4, September 16

Wise, beautiful...
All this is about you!
Shine on us as if it were clear,
Far star.

Be, Vasilisa, happy
Always, and on this day
Make wishes
Everything will come true, believe me.

After all, the name contains
To become your queen,
And therefore it is necessary
You should shine in everything!

Like the heroine of a fairy tale,
Vasilisa is good
Let's wish her luck
Let her soul sing
Let them knock on her door
Only laughter and miracles
Let her believe in herself
Shine will appear in your eyes!

Congratulations to Vasilisa
I will send you from my heart,
I want to wish you happy
So that fate is yours.

Regal and majestic
So that you go through life,
So that fate is your queen
And she was the hostess.

I wish you success
You walked the road straight,
To good luck
I flew after you.

I want to wish in life
Endless cruise
The happiest in the world
So that it was you, Vasilisa.

I want to say that Vasilisa,
Great actress.
She's also very beautiful
And her gaze is extremely accurate.

We wish you, dear,
More tenderness, without edge.
And fulfillment of desires,
And all the expectations in the world.

Vasilisa, always be
So beautiful and smart!
May success accompany you
Mistakes don't happen anywhere.

Inspiration warms the soul,
Let good luck in business.
And let your income grow forever,
Life was so perfect.

You are so beautiful, Vasilisa,
You are definitely good!
After all, you are slimmer than a cypress,
Beautiful body and soul!

I wish you to smile
To warm the world with a smile,
Swim in love and gold,
And feel free to drown in happiness!

What a wonderful, tender name,
And the hostess is extremely beautiful,
From now on I wish you, Vasilisa
Never be sad in vain.

Enjoy your fate like the gentle sun,
Catch admiring glances,
Let happiness knock on your window,
And compliments will rain down!

In the enterprise of destiny
You are undoubtedly the headmistress
You control your life
You, beautiful Vasilisa.

I wish you prosperity
Arrive in love and happiness,
Write it off already
All the problems and bad weather.

Let it work properly
Joy is always a department,
I wish to enjoy
A string of important things.

Vasilisa, congratulations
On this holiday for you,
Let there be a place for fun,
Don't be sad, always smile.

Be happy, fulfill your wishes,
Be sure to reach your goals,
Don’t give up your work and efforts,
Don't turn aside on the way.

And then everything will happen to you,
What have you been thinking about for so long?
The fairy tale will come true in your life,
“Happy Ending” will be like in the movies.

Dear gifts to you,
Pure and true love.
I wish you Vasilisa,
Burn joyfully with happiness.

Let them be in that house,
There is always prosperity and warmth.
So that those who are really needed
They didn't go far.

Let illnesses not come,
There will always be work.
And know that I really believe in you,
And I will never leave.

Congratulations: 16 in verse.

Vasilisa is a Greek name, ancient and truly royal. The male name gave birth to the female one - Vasilisa, but if boys are often called this name and its popularity has not fallen over the last century, then for girls these days it has become quite rare and original. And who patronizes girls with that name and when is Vasilis’ name day according to the church calendar - read our article.

Origin of the name

Its root comes from the Greek male nameβασίλιος (Vasilios), in Russian interpretation - Vasily, which means royal. This word also denoted the official title of Byzantine rulers - emperors.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa and fate

The name itself speaks about the character of its owner - queen, regal, powerful. A woman named Vasilisa will strive for the most inaccessible heights. It is not for nothing that in fairy tales Vasilis is bestowed with characteristic epithets: the Wise, the Beautiful.

Despite the image of a warrior, at heart Vasilisa is dreamy, naive and vulnerable. She strives to find happiness and sees it in family harmony.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

IN Orthodox tradition– The saint whose name is chosen by the parents to name their child becomes his Heavenly Patron, and the memorable day of the named saint closest to the birthday becomes Name Day. If Heavenly Patron There are several memorable days a year according to the Church calendar, and this also happens, then such days are called “small name days”.

  • Among the most revered and famous patroness of girls named Vasilisa in Orthodoxy is the martyr Vasilisa Rimskaya.

Saint Vasilisa lived under Emperor Nero and, together with Anastasia of Rome, professed the Christian faith during times of terrible persecution. Vasilisa and Anastasia, despite the prohibitions, buried the bodies of those killed according to Christian rites, and for this they were cruelly tortured and killed by Emperor Nero.

  • Vasilissa of Nicomedia- holy damsel.

His righteous life and with a faith that did not shake even in her torment for Christ, she converted many people and even the Nicomedia ruler Alexander himself to Christianity.

  • Venerable Martyr Vasilissa of Egypt- wife of Saint Julian.

She and her husband decided to dedicate themselves to God and lived in marriage as brother and sister. Subsequently, both took monastic vows, founded monasteries and became abbots in them. Vasilisa of Egypt was killed in 313 during persecution and glorified as a saint.

Vasilisa's name day dates in 2018

In 2018, according to the Church calendar, Vasilisa celebrates her name day eight times:

Congratulations on your name day

Congratulate a person on his name day - original sign attention and showing special affection towards a person. This tradition is not widespread in our time, because name day is a religious rather than a secular holiday, so few people know how to congratulate the birthday person and what to give him.

It is good if the gift corresponds to the theme of the holiday - a book describing the life of the saint, her iconographic image, a personalized pendant.


Origin of the name Vasilisa

Comes from the Greek word βασιλευς (basileus) - “king”. Female form named Vasily.

Characteristics of the name Vasilisa

a very calm and even timid girl. Vulnerable and touchy. Quiet and diligent. Doesn't like noisy games. She remains just as calm as an adult. Vasilisa is a homebody. She loves that guests come to her, and not she to them. Doesn't like to cook, with the exception of confectionery. Vasilisa does not like to do housework at all. Prefers to read and watch TV. Vasilisa only looks calm and balanced on the outside, but in fact, she is very vulnerable. She is hardworking, but not ambitious. Quite sociable. Likes animals. She is smart, educated, and has her own opinion about everything. Vasilisa is a very loyal person. She knows her worth and takes the admiration of men for granted. She has an easy, non-conflicting disposition.

Famous personalities: In Russian fairy tales there are heroines Vasilisa the Beautiful and Vasilisa the Wise.

Name Vasilisa - when is the name day?


Saint Vasilisa was one of the martyrs during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. As a 9-year-old girl, she was brought to trial, where Vasilisa very boldly confessed Christ. Everyone was amazed. The ruler promised her gifts, trying to persuade her to worship his gods. But Vasilisa was adamant. Also, beating with rods had no effect on her. Then they hung her upside down over the fire, but Vasilisa only thanked God. They threw her into a lit oven, but Vasilisa remained unharmed. They threw her towards two angry lions, but the lions did not touch the girl. Vasilisa's tormentor, Emperor Alexander, shocked by the miracle, repented and became a Christian.

Female name Vasilisa is a derivative of the male name Vasily. Both of them came to us from Byzantium and come from the Greek word “Basileus”, which translates as “king”. Based on this version, the origin of the name Vasilisa means “queen,” “ruler,” “royal,” “royal.”

Previously, the name Vasilisa was used in the church form “Vasilissa”. At the beginning of the twentieth century (after 1917) there was a modification of it “Vasilina”, which was in use back in Ancient Rome. This is what the mother of Emperor Julian II was called.

Many of Vasilisa’s qualities are embodied in the heroines of Russian fairy tales, Vasilisa the Wise and Vasilisa the Beautiful. With her main features she fully justifies the meaning of the name Vasilisa, since she is distinguished by many virtues.

She is characterized by thoughtfulness, strength of feelings, and self-love. She is the embodiment of purity of thoughts and the desire to do good deeds.

Those with the name Vasilisa openly express their emotions and respond to the pain of others. At the same time, they can be shy, which is often perceived by others as isolation. Lacking strong willpower, a woman named Vasilisa is capable of yielding to external pressure, but will not submit to it.

Some positive traits, characteristic of women named Vasilisa, can create a certain discomfort in their relationships with others. This is, first of all, excessive sensitivity, legend of great importance the subtlest emotional nuances, open admiration for everything beautiful. If this causes ridicule or misunderstanding among those around her, the Basilisk, due to her innate shyness, is able to withdraw and perceive all people with hostility.

As she grows up, she begins to feel inner strength, the power of the meaning of her name. Women people named Vasilisa are confident in themselves and are able to overcome any obstacles. This is largely due to:

  • high intelligence,
  • a harmonious combination of female intuition and male mentality,
  • quick response to various transformations.

Along with this, they cannot always easily “get along” with people, because they do not have the sociability necessary for this, or the ability to “turn a blind eye” to other people’s character flaws.

Actually, Vasilisa’s character is like a medal that has two sides. Her positive qualities are often interpreted by others exactly the opposite.

A heightened sense of justice turns into a manifestation of intolerance towards the shortcomings of others. And understanding one’s own shortcomings is expressed not in recognizing them, but in the desire to compensate for this by helping others. She does not use her powerful intuition for her own good.

Business qualities

Despite the contradictory perceptions of others positive aspects character, women named Vasilisa are invariably respected among colleagues. For them, its owner is, first of all, a sincere person who is capable of selfless compassion.

Most colleagues associate the name Vasilisa with a willingness to rescue people from trouble, even to the detriment of personal interests. Although the motives are noble, the altruism of the owner of the name Vasilisa can also be regarded as senseless conflict and autocracy.

Business women named Vasilisa are least interested in the material side of the issue. This can also cause misunderstanding, bewilderment and idle speculation among many employees.

Vasilisa Gennadievna Voronina (Russian actress)

  • Very often those named after Vasilisa find themselves in areas that require analytical-synthetic thinking: Scientific research, exact sciences, chemistry, genetics, psychology, brain physiology.
  • They can realize themselves in pedagogy, jurisprudence, financial and economic activities.
  • Organized in her work, the “royal” Vasilisa successfully copes with the responsibilities of a manager at the level of a workshop, team, or structural unit of a research institute.
  • A passion for hypnosis, the occult, and alternative medicine cannot be ruled out. In this case, the name Vasilisa can become a household name for a first-class healer.

Moral norms, spiritual qualities women named Vasilisa allow them to take place in social sphere, successfully engage in charity work. For them, this is an opportunity to fulfill a high life mission.

Love, family

WITH youth a girl named Vasilisa, as a rule, is a model of morality and strict rules of behavior. She is completely devoid of flirtatiousness and remains true to the motto “Die, but do not give a kiss without love.” This highly moral principle can prevent adult women named Vasilisa from starting a family. Therefore, in childhood, it is important for parents who gave their daughter the name Vasilisa to pay attention to this feature of her character and try to correct her behavior in every possible way. This implies high level trusting relationship between the child and adult household members.

For women whose name is Vasilisa, early marriages are doomed to failure. IN at a young age they lack restraint and tolerance. Although if the name Vasilisa is bestowed in September, then the family will be preserved thanks to the gentleness and diplomatic character of the keeper of the hearth.

She's wise loving wife and a caring mother, a hospitable hostess, who sincerely rejoices at the arrival of guests.

However, she herself is a homebody and does not really like to visit or appear “in society.”

  • She is not distinguished by any special culinary talents. Vasilisa does not like to cook at all, with the exception of gourmet confectionery.
  • She also doesn’t have much passion for household chores.
  • Her favorite activities are reading books and watching TV shows. He is distinguished by his love for animals.

Men with names are suitable for starting a family August, Alfred, Averyan, Vladlen, Vissarion, Gleb, Dmitry, Kirill,

Astrological characteristics

  • Zodiac sign – Virgo, patron planet – Mercury.
  • Her favorable plants are cornflower and ash. The totem bird is the dove.
  • Vasilisa's colors are greenish-silver, red, blue.
  • Warm colors (orange, brown) bring happiness.
  • Her talisman stones are amethyst, sardine, carnelian, amber.
  • Vasilisa's name day (days of veneration of her patron saints):
  1. 21 (January 8) – Vasilisa of Egypt
  2. September 16 (3) – Vasilisa of Nicomedia
  3. April 28 – Vasilisa of Rome.

Vasilisa's name day church calendar.

Vasilisa's name day in the church calendar. Day of the angel Vasilisa. Vasilisa of Egypt. Vasilisa Rimskaya. Martyr Vasilisa. Famous people with the name Vasilisa.

Female name Vasilisa has long come from the male name Vasily, and also translated from ancient Greek means king. Therefore the name Vasilisa has the meaning according to the translation as royal, Tsarina or Tsarskaya.
Angel Vasilisa's Day is celebrated several times throughout the year:

According to Orthodox church laws, the holy martyr Vasilisa is remembered precisely on these days, since for many historical years in different times lived the holy martyrs who bore that name. As a result, a tradition arose to celebrate the Day of the Angel Vasilisa several times throughout the year.

Let's find out about each Vasilisa individually, and what specific character traits and strengths did she have?

Vasilisa Rimskaya (April 28)

In the first century of the current millennium, two closest friends lived in the Roman Empire, their names were Anastasia and Vasilisa. One fine day, during the preaching of the sermon of the apostles Paul and Peter, the friends accepted the Christian faith and observed it throughout their lives until their death.

It is known that until 68 the Roman Empire was ruled by an emperor who was called Nero. From historical information it is known that it was he who in those days carried out various persecutions of people who believed in Christianity. He ordered people to be tortured so that they would renounce the Almighty, and in case of disobedience, he ordered the execution of martyrs. It was at that moment that two close friends Vasilisa and Anastasia became known, who buried the bodies of dead Christian believers in accordance with all church canons. After Emperor Nero learned about the girls’ deeds, he issued a decree that Vasilisa and Anastasia must be imprisoned and subsequently subjected to various tortures for their faith in Christianity. However, the girls along their own journey adhered to all Christian laws, which is why they were able to withstand the various torments that the emperor presented to them. As a result, they maintained faith in the Almighty. Neuron saw the disobedience of the girls, and in 68 he ordered them to be beheaded.

That is why The day of the angel of the holy martyrs Vasilisa and Anastasia is celebrated on April 28.

The temple servants claim that in order to perform a prayer service near their relics or venerate them, it is necessary to go to Rome, to the temple where the icon called mother of God The pacifier. Because it is there that a person can find the relics of holy friends.

Vasilisa of Egypt (January 21)

In ancient times, in the Egyptian year of Antinous, there were holy martyrs who were named like Julian and Vasilisa. Both saints were of noble birth, that is, they came from rich and noble families, as a result of which, at the insistence of their own parents, they were united in a sacred union, that is, they became husband and wife.

However, despite their origin and the creation of a family union, the holy martyrs were deeply religious people. Therefore, they dedicated themselves to the Almighty and throughout the entire marriage they did not enter into a close relationship, not only with each other, but also with no one else, thus, this Holy couple was able to maintain innocence, being in family union. Some time after the parents of these holy martyrs died, they founded a monastery for women and men, in which each of them became abbot, and therefore accepted monasticism.

Around the third century, the couple were imprisoned during the reign of the well-known emperor Diocletian. The emperor issued decrees to subject the holy martyrs to various, cruel tortures, but the couple was able to endure all the hardships and torments. At that time, Julian was able to convert one of his sons and the executioner himself, whose name was Kelsia, as well as his wife Marinella, to the Christian Faith. It was at that moment that many pagans turned their attention to the Christian faith, and some of them even went over to the side of the Orthodox faith, that is, they left paganism. However, subsequently the ruler Diocletian issued a decree, which stated that holy martyrs who adhere to Christian faith, should be beheaded with a sword, that's exactly what happened.

Based on this story, nowadays, on the day of remembrance, they celebrate Angel Day, that is, the name day of the Holy Martyr Vasilisa, this date is often celebrated on January 21. Servants of temples and churches on this day also remember Saint Julian, Marionella, Kelsius and other martyrs who were beheaded that day, and this happened, remember, in 313. Since then It is customary to celebrate Vasilisa’s name day on January 21.

Martyr Vasilisa: Orthodox name day September 16

It is known that in the third century Rome was ruled by Emperor Diocletian, who in turn carried out various persecutions of those people who believed in Christianity. However, from historical data, every person on the planet knows that in those days the most a large number of Innocent blood was shed precisely in Nicomedia. It was in the ancient city that Diocletian issued a decree that it was necessary to behead the heads of approximately 17,000 Christian believers. It is important to note that among so many people there were not only adults who suffered a lot of torture, but also small children.

It was at that time in Rome, namely in the ancient city of Nicomedia, that a little nine-year-old girl, whose name was Vasilisa, suffered. At that moment, Hegemon Alexander ruled the city and it was he who carried out the trial over the nine-year-old girl. Initially, he suggested that Vasilisa renounce her faith in the Almighty and bow to paganism, but the girl did not lose faith and remained true to her principles. Vasilisa entered into an argument with Hegemon Alexander and told him about the Most High Jesus Christ. After a while, Alexander said that at that moment he had the impression that it was not a small nine-year-old child who was talking to him, but an already mature adult.

Historical information They say that Vasilisa was subjected to various torments and tortures many times. Some claimed that initially she was only hit in the face. Other witnesses claim that she was tortured with rods all over her body until it was completely covered with peculiar ulcers. After which the little nine-year-old girl Vasilisa was hung up by her feet, so that her head was down, and a high fire was lit under her. Witnesses claim that at that moment no one could have harmed Vasilisa, not fire or animals, nothing could have killed the little girl. Then Hegemon Alexander, who was the ruler of the ancient city of Nicomedia, fell at the feet of Vasilisa and began repentance. Subsequently, after some time, the hegemon believed in the Almighty and Christian believers performed the rite of baptism, thus he left paganism.

Some time later, the ruler of Nicomedia died, and the little girl Vasilisa left the city. At that moment, she was walking through an almost deserted land, as a result of which she felt thirsty, but there was no stream nearby, so she stood on a low stone and asked the Almighty to send her water to drink and quench her thirst. At the same second when the girl finished offering her prayer, water began to flow from the stone on which she was standing in the form of a fountain. Vasilisa got drunk, lost her thirst and died. Many witnesses claim that it was near this stone, where the girl got drunk, that she was subsequently buried, since her body was found by the bishop some time later.

The Day of the Angel Vasilisa of Nicomedia is often celebrated on September 16, since historical data states that it was on this day that the little girl gave her own innocent soul to the Almighty.

Vasilisa’s name day according to the church calendar is March 23, April 29

In 251 - 258, Emperor Decius ruled in Rome, who was a certain follower of Diocletian, therefore, he continued the same cruel persecution of Orthodox believers. At the same time, he was able to capture all the ancient cities, as well as Corinth. Various sources say that a certain military leader named Jason was entrusted with the extermination of Orthodox Christians in this particular area.

One day he was informed that an Orthodox Christian believer named Kondrat lived near the city in desert lands. It is to him that all Orthodox believers flock to praise the Almighty and listen to him. Among such people was the young girl Vasilisa. Some time later, when the military leader found Kondrat and all his students, he not only exterminated them, but also committed them to martyrdom. Initially, Jason ordered the surrender of the Orthodox Christian people to be eaten wild animals, however, the animals did not touch the believing people; after such a defeat, Jason issued a decree that all Christians should be beheaded with a sword.

It is after such an event that it is believed that day of the angel Vasilisa and other martyrs who suffered in Corinth are celebrated either March 23 or April 29. To this day, in temples and churches, Orthodox believers remember the names of everyone who was killed at that moment.

Famous people with the name Vasilisa

Currently known to the world various women, who bear the name Vasilisa and at the same time are not only royal, wise, but also very strong.

    Vasilisa Kozhina was recognized as a heroine of the Patriotic War in 1812.

    Vasilisa the Wise is the well-known noblewoman of Russian folk fables and fairy tales.

    Vasilisa Melentyeva was at one time the sixth wife of the well-known Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

    Vasilisa was the name of the holy princess of Nizhny Novgorod.

    Vasilisa Chapaeva is a relative of the hero who is still famous to this day; she is currently training in the Cadet Naval Corps.
