Strategy for the development of a system for training workers and the formation of applied qualifications in the Russian Federation for a period of up to a year. Recommendations for developing a strategy for a specialist training program

The mentoring system implemented in the company makes it possible to provide advanced training for young employees who do not have the necessary experience without interrupting their work and to reduce the adaptation time for experienced employees hired. The purpose of introducing a mentoring system is to develop applied professional competencies.

From the article you will learn:

  • What does the term “mentoring” mean?
  • When is it most justified to build a mentoring system at an enterprise?
  • What to consider when implementing a mentoring system.

Mentoring system in the company

The term “mentoring” implies the transfer of knowledge and control over its assimilation from a more experienced specialist to a beginner starting his career. professional activity or a qualified employee hired by the company. Moreover, if in the case of a young specialist this may be general knowledge and skills, then in the case of a qualified employee undergoing an adaptation period, knowledge related to the specifics is transferred production activities company, its organizational structure and culture.

Provided that the enterprise has experienced and qualified employees who have undergone special training and are willing to participate and develop the mentoring system in the company, it has many advantages compared to the system of trainings, internships, coaching, training and training centers. The main advantages include relatively low costs and the fact that the acquired knowledge and skills are tailored to the specifics of the enterprise, which cannot be achieved even with the help of high-quality training.

When is it necessary to build a mentoring system at an enterprise?

Of course, in the case when the enterprise team is stable and there is no big gap between employees of different age groups, when the effective development of the company does not require implementation latest technologies, there is no particular need to build a mentoring system.

In this case, the newcomer’s immediate supervisor or work colleagues can help him quickly adapt or master the basics of the profession. The introduction of a mentoring system, according to practitioners, is justified and even necessary in cases where:

  • the company has almost no middle-aged employees, and the bulk of the employees are young people without education or after graduating from educational institutions, who need to be “further educated”;
  • The staff turnover rate is high, and at the same time, specialists who come to work need to be brought up to date as quickly as possible;
  • it is necessary to reduce the cost of searching for specialists, increasing the adaptability of qualified employees recruited;
  • the company is planning an expansion and will need as soon as possible introduce a large number of new employees with applicable labor standards;
  • working conditions at the enterprise are characterized by high degree dangers and professional risks and mistakes made by beginners due to lack of experience can literally cost too much;
  • the enterprise uses innovative techniques and technologies from the field of know-how, descriptions of which are difficult to find in publicly available instructional materials;
  • at the core career growth Every employee of the company, regardless of the level of position held, is focused on corporate culture and philosophy.

Where to start implementing a mentoring system in an organization

From what has been said above, it is clear that the cornerstone of the mentoring system is experienced and qualified mentors. Moreover, such specialists cannot be hired or invited from outside - they need to be raised within the enterprise, because they are carriers of corporate values ​​and culture. In addition, the mentor must have certain teaching talents and be willing to share existing knowledge and practical experience.

The mentoring system implemented at the enterprise should provide not only high quality mentoring, but also to guarantee the conscientious attitude of mentors to fulfill their responsible mission. The quality of mentoring can be improved through special training for mentors and the introduction of a system for their motivation. For mentors, you can conduct internal and external trainings, seminars, and meetings with more experienced mentor colleagues. Increased prestige and recognition of the value of their activities can be used as non-material incentives to motivate mentors. Material remuneration for them can be “tied” both to the number of “sponsored” and to the assessment of effectiveness according to certain criteria.

Initially, the mentoring system should be developed taking into account the target audience, and the selection of mentors should be made with this in mind. For example, if the target audience is young workers, it is advisable to attract experienced skilled workers 50-60 years old as mentors; When we're talking about about young specialists after universities, engineers, technologists and managers aged from 30 to 50 years can become mentors for them.

The enterprise needs to develop a local normative act- regulations on mentoring, which will regulate the development and implementation of a mentoring system and will establish criteria for assessing its effectiveness.

Development of a mentoring system

The mentoring system is part of the personnel management system, it is connected with other HR systems, so it is also important to keep it up to date, meeting the realities of the current moment. It is necessary not only to achieve its optimization by assessing the effectiveness of mentoring activities, but also to ensure the development of the mentoring system through managing its effectiveness, using the latest methods and learning technologies, providing feedback.

As part of the improvement and development of the mentoring system at the enterprise, the mentoring model used is adjusted based on the results of regular assessment of its effectiveness, adjustments are made to the set of regulations used, to the mechanisms for selecting mentors and their training.

Attached files

  • Regulations on employee certification (form).doc
  • Job description dactylologist instructor (form).doc
  • Job description of the head of the personnel training department (form).doc

Available to subscribers only

  • Regulations on employee certification (sample).doc
  • Job description of a dactylologist instructor (sample).doc
  • Job description of the head of the personnel training department (sample).doc
Annex 1

to the Strategy for the development of the workforce training system

and formation of applied qualifications until 2020
The current state of the initial vocational training system
and average vocational education In Russian federation

  1. general characteristics

The training of qualified workers and mid-level specialists is an integral part of the education sector and one

one of the important components of ensuring sustainable and effective development human capital and social economic development Russian Federation as a whole.

The domestic sphere of primary and secondary vocational education and training has gone through a difficult historical path formation - from scattered workshops and craft schools to a network of factory schools and beyond,
to a full-fledged system of vocational schools and technical schools. At the same time, at all stages of its development, the system initial professional
and secondary vocational education was formed in accordance
with the socio-economic situation in the country, providing in different periods historical development state with qualified workers
and mid-level specialists in the real sector of the economy and the social sphere.

Fundamentals of the system currently operating in the Russian Federation primary vocational and secondary vocational education laid down
in the middle of the last century, when the education system was first highlighted,
and then the initial and average levels vocational education.

This system covers training in primary vocational, secondary vocational education and vocational training in institutions of primary vocational education (hereinafter - NPE) and secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SVE), as well as in training centers of enterprises and in departments of universities.

The existence of a set of levels of professional education,
as well as additional professional education and training allows citizens of the Russian Federation to choose different ways (trajectories) of obtaining professional education and advanced training.

The Russian vocational education system underwent significant changes in the period from 2008 to 2012 in line with the general processes of democratization of social life and the formation of a market economy.

An important event of this period was the transfer of federal state ownership to the subjects of the Russian Federation. educational institutions secondary vocational education in accordance
with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011.
No. 2413-r.

“On education in the Russian Federation” and state program Russian Federation “Development of Education for 2013-2020” has set a new vector for the development of the vocational education system
And vocational training.

In this Strategy, the workforce training system

and the formation of applied qualifications covers the field of education, including the implementation of educational programs, training results
for which they correspond to levels 2 to 6 of qualifications for the development of professional standards:

vocational training programs (vocational training, advanced training and retraining in the professions of workers (employees);

training programs for skilled workers (employees)
and training programs for mid-level specialists ( educational programs secondary vocational education);

practice-oriented bachelor's programs (higher education programs).

2. Key indicators
The system of primary vocational and secondary vocational education includes the state and non-state sectors.
At the same time, the training of workers with primary vocational education is carried out only in state educational institutions.

The public sector of the system for training skilled workers (employees) and mid-level specialists is an extensive network, including:

4,444 state educational institutions (including
1,719 NGO educational institutions and 2,725 secondary vocational educational institutions);

212 state educational institutions of higher professional education implementing NPO and SVE programs

(including 33 higher educational institutions implementing NGO programs,
and 179 higher educational institutions implementing vocational education programs).

The total number of students is 2,779.9 thousand people, including: 472.4 thousand people study in NGO institutions; secondary vocational education institutions – 1,984.4 thousand people; 9.9 thousand people study in higher educational institutions under NGO programs; 207.2 thousand people are studying in secondary vocational education programs in higher educational institutions.

Total in all types of public educational institutions
817.0 thousand people are studying under NGO programs, and under secondary vocational education programs –
2,319.1 thousand people. In 2012, 686.8 thousand people were accepted into NGO programs,
for secondary vocational education programs – 729.0 thousand people, which in total amounted to
1,137.9 thousand people.

In the public sector, graduation from NGO and SVE programs

in 2012 amounted to 936.8 thousand people, of which: according to NGO programs -
435.5 thousand people; under secondary vocational education programs – 501.3 thousand people.

State educational institutions of vocational education occupy a predominant place in the training of workers

and mid-level specialists.

In the non-state sector, mid-level specialists are trained in institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education, as well as training of workers

under short-term professional training programs based on corporate training centers. In total, there are 256 non-state educational institutions of secondary vocational education.
with a total population of 102.7 thousand people and 16 structural divisions of higher educational institutions implementing vocational education programs, with a total population of 3.3 thousand people.

Over the past 5-7 years, in the state system of training workers, there has been a tendency to annually reduce the number of institutions, reduce enrollment and reduce the number of graduates of NPO and vocational education institutions.

The situation is influenced by both an unfavorable demographic trend caused by a decline in the birth rate in the 1990s, and a shift in public preferences regarding the choice of educational trajectory in favor of higher education.
Financing the initial vocational training system

and secondary vocational education
In 2012, the consolidated budget of NGOs and SPOs amounted to
188,659.0 million rubles.

With an increase in the consolidated budget of NGOs and SVE in absolute terms by 8.3 percent, the share of the consolidated budget of NGOs and SVE

in the total volume of the consolidated budget for education decreased
from 9.7 percent in 2008 to 7.4 percent in 2012.

In the period from 2010 to 2012, the majority of federal educational institutions of NGOs and vocational education were transferred to the regional level, and therefore there is a tendency to increase the share of the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the total volume of the consolidated budget of NGOs and vocational education. If in 2006 the share of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in the total volume of the consolidated budget of NGOs and SPOs was 39.5 percent, then in 2011 it is 26.5 percent.

Also, in the last five years, an active restructuring of the network of NGO and SVE institutions has been carried out, which has led to a redistribution of the volumes of the consolidated budgets of NGOs and SVE in the direction of increase
by 17.3 percent of the share of the consolidated budget of the SPO.

According to research, the average annual budget of one educational institution of the secondary vocational education system ranges from 50 to 100 million rubles. According to expert estimates, the average statistical structure of the budget of a secondary vocational educational institution is distributed as follows: 70-90% - the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 10-20% - employer funds, 5-10% - own funds.

Thus, against the backdrop of an increase in the total volume of funds allocated
from budgets different levels on the field of education, and along with the trend
to an increase in absolute funding volumes, there are signs of a decrease in the share of expenses for NGOs and SVE in the consolidated budget
for education. Costs are falling at the fastest rate
on NGOs, which is associated with structural changes in the vocational education system. The main burden of financing NGOs and SPOs continues to be borne by budgets of various levels government controlled. The potential of extra-budgetary funding, including from employers, is underutilized.
Employment of graduates and conscription into the Armed Forces

Russian Federation
In 2012, the distribution of graduates of the vocational education system by employment channels full-time training is characterized by the following proportions:

got a job: 54% of graduates with secondary vocational education, 55% of graduates

with NGOs (from 2009 to 2012 this figure decreased by 2% in SPO
and 5% in NGOs);

called up for military service: 17% of graduates with secondary vocational education,

22% of graduates with NPO;

continued their studies: 19% of graduates with secondary vocational education, 13% of graduates

with NGOs;

are on maternity leave: 3% of graduates with secondary vocational education,

5% of graduates with NPO.

In general, it should be noted regarding high level employment of graduates of the vocational education system at the NGO level,

and SPO, which is for last years is at least 90 percent, which was facilitated by measures taken to adjust the structure
and volumes of training, promoting the employment of graduates (creation of specialized employment assistance services on the basis of educational institutions of vocational education, organizing internships for graduates, career guidance work and so on.).

An important point that continues to actively influence the employment process of graduates is their call for military service

into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Personnel potential
In vocational education institutions that train workers and mid-level specialists, there are:

NGOs - 185.5 thousand full-time employees, including 19.1 thousand managers, 86.5 thousand teaching staff, 42.1 thousand industrial training specialists;

SPO – 342.3 thousand people, including executives
26.9 thousand people, teachers 136.3 thousand people, industrial training masters 11.7 thousand people.

Per one teacher in NGO institutions there are

10 people, in secondary vocational education – 12 people studying.

Almost one hundred percent of teachers in secondary vocational education institutions,

and in NGO institutions, 87.7 percent of teachers and 36.0 percent of industrial training masters have higher professional education.

There are about 200 doctors of science and 4.3 thousand candidates of science working in the system of primary vocational and secondary vocational education.

One of the problems in staffing vocational education is the aging of teaching staff. It became especially acute
in NGO institutions, where the main share is made up of teachers and vocational training masters aged 36 to 59 years (65 percent), and about
11.5 percent are teachers and industrial training masters over 60 years old.

The country's annual need for specialists in blue-collar professions, which according to the forecast for 2015 is about 2 million people, is met by the vocational education system for approximately half. In general, this corresponds to the situation in other countries, where the fifty-fifty ratio is distributed between the education sector and, accordingly, the system of training workers as a result of retraining and obtaining new professions.

First steps

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy in October last year, D.A. Medvedev noted: “For the economy to develop, we need professional workers, which we really lack.”

Unfortunately, until recently Russian system“working hands settings” were in a difficult situation. Young people were trained without taking into account real personnel needs, orientation towards the labor market was very rough, graduates of colleges and technical schools usually worked outside their specialty, they lacked practical experience, and real knowledge of production. In recent years, the government of the country has been trying to correct this situation.

Within the framework of the national project “Education”, the task of adapting vocational and technical education to the needs of specific industries and regions was solved, bringing training as close as possible to production. At that time, financial support was provided to educational institutions that successfully implemented modern programs. In total, from 2007 to 2009, about 9 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget and almost the same amount was attracted by the regions on co-financing terms, and employers' funds in this process amounted to 63 percent.

During the period of implementation of the national project state support received 32 best regional comprehensive programs development of vocational education in ten priority sectors of the economy. The systemic effect of these efforts is that today, in all territories, regions and republics of the country, own programs development of the vocational education system. To train workers and specialists, new elements of educational infrastructure were created, which became points of growth in local vocational education systems. 400 resource centers and 12 interregional sectoral resource centers have been formed, uniting 333 technical schools and colleges from almost 70 regions of Russia.

The subject becomes the object

New approaches to solving the problem are outlined in the federal target program for the development of education for 2011–2015, with the main emphasis placed on state support regional systems vocational education. The government proceeds from the fact that all these educational institutions should still be regional, and only the regions can feel how things are, how to level out imbalances in the labor market and have a real forecast of the need for human resources.

Today creation modern system professional training has become an area of ​​joint responsibility and partnership between the state, the business community and educational organizations.

In 2014 and 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the federal target program “Development of Education,” will continue state support for regional programs for the development of vocational education. An annual allocation of at least 1 billion rubles is provided for these purposes. The main elements here are:

  • achieving compliance of the qualifications of graduates of professional educational organizations with the requirements of the economy (each region will ensure a high proportion of graduates who get jobs in their specialty);
  • consolidation of resources of business and government educational organizations for the implementation of development programs, therefore, prerequisite there will be co-financing;
  • ensuring a variety of programs for the formation of professional qualifications provided to various categories of the population, including adults throughout their working life.

For further modernization, it is necessary to create conditions for the successful socialization of students. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation considers it fundamentally important that in each subject of the country that will receive a subsidy to support its program for the development of vocational education, the forecast of the need for workers for the decade is detailed and clarified in the context of professions and volumes of training, and the network of educational organizations and their profile are brought into line with these prospects. In 2014-2015, support will be provided to 45 regional development programs.

Pilot projects

The ministry plans to carry out the formation of model vocational education organizations in accordance with the project “Training workers for the socio-economic development of regions”, developed together with the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and International Bank reconstruction and development. The time frame covers 2014-2018, pilot projects will be supported in a dozen regions for distribution throughout the country best practice, standard solutions, educational materials and simulators. It is planned to create about 50 vocational education organizations that meet the most modern requirements, in which modular training programs for workers will be developed or updated, devoting at least 50 percent of the time to practical training on the territory of the enterprise or training and production site.

In the pilot regions, it is planned to form modern infrastructure units of the vocational education network, which will ensure interaction between the labor market and educational organizations, prepare students for participation in interregional, national and international professional skills competitions, educational and methodological support for the activities of the regional network throughout Russia, training and advanced training in working professions with the help of short targeted programs. Planned amount of project financing through a loan World Bank will amount to 12.8 billion rubles. The task of improving the training system for workers and mid-level specialists is related to the development of its flexibility in responding to challenges innovation economy in the context of globalization, improving quality in accordance with the priorities of regional economic development, expanding opportunities for various categories citizens in acquiring the necessary qualifications throughout their working career.

Promising directions in regional programs for the modernization of vocational education should be the following: the formation of a new infrastructure for vocational education and training (VET), the concentration and optimization of resources for training; development of content and technology; strengthening the role of business in the development and functioning of the software system; ensuring accessibility and social protection of students.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sees two priority tasks.

Firstly, optimization of the network of educational institutions of non-profit and secondary vocational education.

In recent years, two types of educational institutions have emerged:

  • single-industry multi-level institutions, characterized by a high degree of specialization, since they are focused on the needs of a specific customer, for example, educational institutions for training personnel for aviation, metallurgical or chemical industry;
  • multidisciplinary educational institutions in regions where there is no stable demand for one or more specialties, characterized by high flexibility of programs, including additional vocational training, the ability to quickly change the content of education to meet market needs and created, as a rule, as a result of the reorganization of several educational institutions (and this too the result of optimization processes in the field of secondary vocational education and training of workers), or technical schools and colleges located in small towns, rural areas and serving as socio-cultural centers.

Federal Law No. 273 allows, on the basis of both types of educational institutions, to create, together with employers, a flexible infrastructure for training personnel in so-called short and long programs.

These can be departments and structural divisions at enterprises, resource centers, collective access centers, multifunctional centers of applied qualifications.

The second most important goal is to increase human resources. There are 220 thousand teaching staff working in vocational education institutions, including 40 thousand industrial training masters. Many of them don't have teacher education. And such realities as the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the task of expanding the categories of studying citizens, require continuous improvement of pedagogical qualifications. Therefore, it is important to develop a methodological network in the vocational education system, create city, regional scientific and methodological centers, and form interregional councils for vocational education.

We should not forget about the aging of teaching staff. In NGOs and secondary vocational education institutions, more than 50 percent of teachers and vocational training masters are between the ages of 36 and 59, and another 10 percent have crossed the 60-year mark. The problem of improving the quality of human resources can only be solved through the joint efforts of educational institutions and employers. This could be the attraction of teachers from the real sector of the economy to the secondary vocational education system, advanced training and internships for teachers and industrial training specialists.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012, the salaries of teachers and masters of industrial training of secondary vocational education will be brought to the average for the economy only by 2018. Based on the results of monitoring in 2012, in the NGO system it averaged 62 percent of wages in the economy as a whole, and among employees of secondary vocational education institutions - 80 percent.

About centers of applied qualifications

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On implementation measures public policy in the field of education and science" the task was set to form multifunctional centers of applied qualifications that provide training on the basis of secondary (full) general education, including by transforming existing NGO and SPE institutions into such centers. The implementation of the decree should ensure bridging the gap between the needs of the economy for skilled workers and the real level of their training in the system of vocational education and vocational training.

What kind of centers are these? They are organizations or structural divisions of organizations that carry out activities to implement short, intensive, practice-oriented programs. Their development will ensure coverage of all age groups of the population from 15 years old, and respond flexibly and quickly to technology updates. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sent to the authorities executive power subjects of the federation guidelines on the formation of multifunctional centers of applied qualifications.

The priority of the center’s activities is the training of personnel capable of working in highly productive workplaces, in industries that ensure the modernization and technological development of the economy of the country and its constituent entities. The qualifications that graduates receive after completing their studies in such programs usually correspond to levels three to six.

Decisions on the creation of centers by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the federation exercising management in the field of education are made based on an analysis of strategies (programs) for the economic development of the region, the needs of the labor market for highly qualified personnel, as well as the possibilities of meeting these needs with the existing network of vocational education.

An important factor that can influence both the decision to open a center and the choice of mechanisms for its creation is the readiness of organizations - potential consumers of personnel for one or another form of participation in its creation and activities.

As a rule, centers of the Russian Federation are formed on the basis of existing subordinate NPO and SVE organizations, the selection of which is carried out taking into account their compliance with such basic requirements as developed interaction with employers and their associations, equipping with modern equipment necessary for practice-oriented training, personnel ensuring its preparation potential.

The educational center professional qualifications as an independent organization can be created either by establishing a new organization, or by reorganizing the founder of existing organizations, including NGO and vocational education institutions, or by amending the charter of existing institutions of this level of professional education.

New opportunities

How does the ministry intend to concentrate its efforts?

1. Create conditions for increasing the economic independence of educational institutions, including by:

  • more active transfer of educational institutions to autonomous ones;
  • ensuring equal access to budget funds for educational organizations of various organizational and legal forms.

2. To help reduce investment risks when investing in the educational sector through development public institutions management of vocational education, which includes supervisory and trustee boards.

3. Provide opportunities to improve the efficiency of management of educational institutions.

The Ministry is developing a whole package of initiatives in the field of expanding public-private partnerships and increasing the financial sustainability of educational institutions. They raise questions about subsidies interest rates entities investing borrowed funds in the development of personnel training infrastructure are granted the right to enter into concession agreements for property owned by state budgetary institutions with the right of operational management.

The possibility of granting the right to educational organizations that are budgetary institutions to be founders and participants - including jointly with other persons - of business entities, which may include educational and industrial training centers and small youth enterprises, is also being considered.

The introduction of new economic mechanisms requires completely different qualifications of the leadership of educational institutions. It is necessary to organize advanced training and professional retraining of heads of technical schools and colleges, organize work in the regions to form a personnel reserve and appoint heads of colleges, taking into account the opinions of employers.

Development horizons

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has prepared and posted on the official website a Strategy for the development of a system for training workers and the formation of applied qualifications in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. The ministry board reviewed this project and generally approved it.

The most important goal of implementing the document is to create in the country a modern system for training workers and the formation of applied qualifications, capable of providing high-quality and effective training in accordance with the needs of the economy and society, flexibly responding to socio-economic changes and challenges of the innovative economy, providing ample opportunities for various categories of citizens in acquiring the necessary skills and applied qualifications throughout their career.

One of the foundations for the effectiveness of an educational organization today is the demand for graduates in the labor market. This criterion was included in monitoring the effectiveness of universities last year. But it is worth noting that it is no less important for institutions of secondary vocational education.

The main postulate included in the strategy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is to ensure that graduates’ qualifications meet the requirements of the economy. Employers' needs for labor resources should be implemented in conjunction with educational organizations.

To achieve this goal, it is planned to carry out a number of activities aimed at consolidating the resources of business, government and educational organizations in the development of a system for training workers and mid-level specialists.

The draft strategy provides for the updating of regional programs for the development of vocational education, taking into account the introduction of the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

The training of skilled workers is carried out in vocational schools, as well as in training centers and directly in production. In the past, the number of workers trained directly at the enterprise was several times greater than the scale of training of workers in the vocational education system - although it is worth noting that the training was carried out in relatively simple professions that do not require long terms development.

The personnel policy of an enterprise in terms of personnel training can have a different focus - from a focus on short-term interests, on training highly specialized workers who can perform one or two specific operations, to a focus on long-term interests (training generalist workers on the basis of serious theoretical training).

Much depends on objective and subjective factors: the choice of an enterprise development strategy, the type of production, the depth of the operational division of labor, the financial condition of the enterprise, the economic literacy of the enterprise management, etc.

A modern training system should take into account both the interests of the enterprise in filling vacant jobs more quickly, saving on costs associated with training costs (but do not forget the proverb “The miser pays twice” - meaning the need to spend on subsequent training and retraining), and the interests of the worker - to receive full-fledged professional training (although some may be satisfied with the quick time frame for training and subsequent receipt of earnings). Further, it is necessary to take into account that personnel training is a licensed activity. In other words, an enterprise, before obtaining a license to conduct it, is obliged to prove its ability to implement it at the level of the requirements of established training quality standards.

An important task of personnel management at an enterprise is the correct determination of the number of workers who should be trained in a particular profession, as well as the choice of forms of personnel training. In determining the volume of training, they proceed from the general need for personnel, the personnel strategy in the labor supply of the enterprise (for example, external labor recruitment is often used only for the lower grades), balance calculations of the labor force needs in a professional context and sources of its replenishment, from professional plans. qualification promotion of own workers. At the same time, it is important to skillfully combine forward planning(based on identifying the real needs of the enterprise for personnel) with constant adjustments to plans, which should take into account changes in the structure of production and labor mobility (primarily due to staff turnover).

Another important task of personnel management is to assess the possibilities of ensuring an appropriate level of training for workers in fairly complex professions at the enterprise, and in its absence, to find a more rational way to solve this problem using other educational structures, i.e. focus on training on the side. Here the following must be taken into account:

  • - the structure of the necessary professional training in terms of its complexity and timing, according to the requirements for the theoretical and practical components of training;
  • - the presence at the enterprise of appropriate material resources and qualified teaching staff, experience in personnel training;
  • - financial capabilities of the enterprise for training personnel on the side.

For professions for which the enterprise will conduct training independently, the question of the forms of such training is decided. For other professions - on placing orders for training in educational institutions of the state personnel training system or at industrial enterprises, specializing in the provision of educational services.

Training of new workers (who have not previously had a profession) is carried out at the enterprise on an individual, group and course forms training. Such training should include not only industrial training, but also the study of a theoretical course to the extent that ensures the development of professional skills of initial qualifications necessary in automated production conditions. The duration of such training ranges from 3 to 6 months, depending on the complexity of the acquired specialty. The training ends with passing a qualification exam and assigning the worker a certain tariff category.

At individual form During training, each student is assigned to a highly qualified worker, foreman or other specialist - or is included in a team, where his industrial training is supervised by a foreman or another member of the team. The theoretical course of individual training is studied by the student independently.

In the group form, students are united into training teams and perform work according to curriculum under the guidance of foreman-instructors. Number of members study groups is established depending on the complexity of the profession being studied and production conditions.

The course form of training is used to train workers in particularly complex professions that require a significant amount of theoretical knowledge and development various types jobs that cannot be mastered on the job. Theoretical training at the same time, it is carried out in training centers or in specialized (including licensed private) educational institutions.

For modern stage characterized by an expansion of the scope of personnel training activities at some enterprises and a curtailment of this activity, accompanied by a reduction in the number of employees in personnel training departments, at others.

Rendering paid services some enterprises, others began with manufacturing enterprises new technology, who organized courses for workers at enterprises - customers of this new equipment.

Currently, enterprises also train personnel in traditional professions that are not directly related to the specifics of the products of the basic enterprise itself. For example, the Regional Personnel Training Center (RCTP) "EVRAZ - Siberia" has the appropriate licenses and conducts training for both its own and third-party employees in 444 specialties, including such “exotic” ones as waiter and tourism manager.

The market for services in the field of personnel training from one enterprise to another - as a form of personnel training - is more consistent market economy: need in labor force is satisfied on a contractual basis between enterprises (regardless of their industry) located in close proximity to each other.

The learning process itself in the conditions of contractual relations is determined by the interests of the parties involved, which determines the differences in the timing, content, and methods of professional training. Moreover, training on a contractual basis for an appropriate fee is a kind of guarantee for the actual employment of the employee.

In the case of concluding a triple contract (enterprise - employee - educational institution), the responsibilities of each party are stipulated:

  • - enterprises - in relation to the place of work, organization and remuneration, elements social services. At the same time, the requirements for the employee’s skill level and the terms of his mandatory service are specified. The latter is provided if special material support was provided to the employee during training at the expense of the enterprise;
  • - educational institution-- in relation to the timing and quality of training;
  • - employee - in relation to consent to occupy a given workplace and training or retraining.
