Academic title academician. Positions, degrees and titles at the university

The main intellectual potential of the state is its scientific personnel, concentrated mainly in academies, research institutes (SRIs) and universities of the country.

Research institutes created specifically for organizing and conducting scientific research and development.

Higher educational institutions (HEIs) train bachelors, specialists and masters, scientific and teaching personnel for various sectors of the economy; conduct scientific work of a theoretical and applied nature, which is the basis for training personnel of all qualification levels; carry out advanced training for teachers of higher and secondary specialized schools and specialists employed in various industries, Agriculture, culture, etc.

Scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences are awarded, and the academic titles of professor, associate professor and senior researcher are awarded to persons with higher education, deep professional knowledge and significant achievements in a certain branch of science, in teaching.

Ph.D - science degree. Assigned by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to persons who have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, as a rule, in the relevant branch of science and who have publicly defended their doctoral dissertation in the council of a university or scientific institution, which is granted the right to accept and defend doctoral dissertations. A dissertation for an academic degree is a qualified scientific work completed personally in the form of a specially prepared manuscript or a published scientific monograph. It contains scientifically based theoretical or experimental results put forward by the author for public protection, scientific statements, is characterized by unity of content and testifies to the applicant’s personal contribution to science. A dissertation for a doctor of science is a large scientific work (the volume of the main text is within 250-300 pages of typewritten text), which presents the research carried out by the author. It must meet one of the following requirements: a) obtaining new scientifically based results in a certain branch of science, which together solve an important scientific problem; b) implementation of new scientifically based developments in a certain branch of science, which provide a solution to a significant applied problem.

PhD - the first academic degree awarded since 1934 to persons with higher education who have passed candidate exams and defended a candidate's dissertation. A dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is a qualified scientific work with a volume of main text ranging from 100-150 typewritten pages (for social sciences and humanities 140-180 typewritten pages), designed according to State standard. It must contain research conducted by the author that meets one of the following requirements: a) obtaining new scientifically based results, which together solve a specific scientific problem that is important for a certain branch of science; b) obtaining new scientifically based or experimental results, which together are essential for the development of a specific direction for the development of a branch of science.

Professor(from Latin Proffesor - to teach) - academic title, position of university teacher. The title of professor is awarded by the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. Academic title professors are awarded to doctors of science working in universities of 3-4 levels of accreditation and equivalent institutions of postgraduate education, in scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and a number of industry academies, research institutes and organizations equivalent to them, interindustry industry scientific and technical complexes and interindustry associations in the positions of head department, professor, rector (vice-rector for educational and scientific work). This title is also awarded to persons working as the head (chief) of a research department, chief (leading) researcher, or as a director, deputy director, academic secretary, who has the academic title of associate professor and at least 5 years of teaching (scientific) work experience. , printed scientific and scientific-pedagogical works (at least 10 works, including monographs), published after defending a doctoral dissertation, which have trained at least 3 candidates of science and are involved in teaching activities.

Senior Researcher – academic title and full-time position in research institutes and universities. Assigned by decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission board under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Assistant professor(from Latin Dosens - teaching), academic title and position of teachers at universities in a number of countries. Assigned by the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The academic title of associate professor is awarded to doctors and candidates of science working in the positions of associate professor, professor, head of department, rector (vice-rector for academic and scientific work), in universities of 3-4 levels of accreditation and equivalent institutions of postgraduate education. Applicants for the title of associate professor must have successfully worked in the specified positions for at least a year, have at least 3 years of teaching experience in universities and five printed scientific, methodological and scientific works, which are used in pedagogical practice and published after the defense of the dissertation in leading (faculty) scientific publications of Ukraine and other countries.

A special place is occupied by membership in the academy, which allows you to have an academic title.

Academician – full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, state academies and some branch academies. In the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine there are also the titles of honorary academician and foreign member, in the Academy of Sciences of states - honorary member. Membership in the Academy indicates recognition of great achievements in the development of science.

Corresponding Member – an academic title practiced in the CIS countries and some other countries. Elected for outstanding achievements in the development of science. Scientific institutions have the right to nominate candidates for corresponding members. public organizations and individuals. The corresponding member is elected by secret ballot in the relevant departments of the academies of sciences and approved by the general meeting of the academy.

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In the scientific field and higher educational institutions, there is a qualification system that makes it possible to establish a scientific hierarchy of scientific and pedagogical personnel - academic degrees and titles. In our country, the awarding of academic degrees and the titles of associate professor and professor is somewhat different from other countries. As a rule, the academic title “Assistant Professor” is awarded and “Professor” to Doctors of Science, although there are exceptions. In other countries, academic degrees vary significantly in qualification requirements, title, award and approval procedures.

In order to obtain academic degrees, you must first write and defend a dissertation, and this is a rather voluminous scientific work that can contain from 150 to 500 pages of scientific text. Is it possible not to write a dissertation on many sheets, but on quite legally successfully defend yourself? It is possible, although it will not be entirely easy. A dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science can be completed in the form of a scientific report, which should present a brief summary of the research results. Such a report must be supported big amount previously published scientific works that are of serious importance for science. In addition, the applicant must be well known to the scientific community for his research and discoveries in his field of activity.

We already wrote once about what types of titles exist, what the structure of titles is and how they are awarded to applicants. Let's talk about what's special Russian structure academic degrees.

Why are they needed at all? This is a qualification and ranking system researchers, their career ladder, so to speak, signs of achieving certain heights in science and/or teaching. Having a degree can raise your profile and influence pay, even in business enterprises that may be able to boost their business reputation with such employees.

Academic degrees

Nowadays a mixed system has developed in Russia. Of course, the country strives to integrate into the international system, so the Bologna process system was partially introduced, according to which graduates from universities bachelors And masters(4- and 6-year courses, respectively), and partly sataraya remained with certified specialists(5 year course). A bachelor's degree is already evidence of receipt higher education , and also gives the right to obtain a PhD degree.

However, until full accession to the Bologna process, bachelor's and master's titles are not academic degrees, as in Europe and the USA, but qualifications of university graduates together with a specialist degree (qualification).

Instead of a single highest scientific degree of doctor, two degrees are awarded in Russia

  • PhD
  • Ph.D

according to the German system inherited from the USSR. Both degrees are awarded by the Academic Council of the Higher Attestation Commission and approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

To obtain a candidate's or doctor's degree, it is necessary to defend a dissertation at a meeting of a special council that is created at a university or other scientific institution. However, you can become a doctor only after receiving a candidate's degree. Although there is no prohibition to receive highest degree in another branch of science or specialty (for example, a chemist can become a Doctor of Economic Sciences, only for medical and veterinary sciences a higher medical education is required).

Academic titles

In Russia, titles are divided into 2 categories, which in turn can be by university department and by specialty, that is:

  • academic title professors by specialty;
  • academic title associate professor by specialty;
  • academic title professors by department;
  • academic title associate professor by department.

All titles are assigned by orders of the Minister of Education and Science upon the recommendation of the Higher Attestation Commission. However, each category has different requirements for obtaining it.

To be awarded the academic title of professor in a department, you must be at least a candidate of science; to obtain the title of associate professor, you may not have an academic degree, but then other qualification requirements will be stricter.

The title of professor in the department implies authorship (co-authorship) of textbooks or manuals, and for a professor in the specialty, the main criterion is the number of candidate dissertations defended under his supervision (at least 5, for a professor in the department 2 is enough). In addition, the title of professor in the department can be awarded to major specialists who have made a recognized contribution to the world and Russian science, pass through the associate professor level by Russian legislation not necessary.

This is the structure of academic degrees and titles for researchers and specialists according to current Russian legislation. As a rule, students, or rather graduates, who want to receive scientific degree, you need to take a course, at the end of which you pass the appropriate exams and defend your candidate's dissertation. If your goal is not to enrich the world's treasury of scientific knowledge, such a degree will still be a big plus, it will present you as a specialist with deep theoretical knowledge, which will be in demand in the labor market. Many people combine graduate studies, dissertation writing, and work in commercial organization. This, by the way, relates to the question of why and who needs academic titles and degrees.

If you decide to work as a teacher, then you need to be familiar with the positions in university departments: assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, know what the difference is between them, and what requirements a candidate for each position must meet in order to have an idea of ​​what you need to be prepared.

If you already have experience in scientific and pedagogical activities, perhaps you have defended your PhD thesis, but you doubt the correct understanding of what a position, academic degree, academic title is, you will also find explanations in this article.

If you are just being idlely curious, who is superior: a professor or a doctor of science? Also look for the answer in the article.

How to get a job as a teacher at a university?

+ Improve your diploma

If you want to work as a teacher in the future, and there is still enough time before graduating from a specialized university, then do not waste it and work on your grades. This sounds trivial, but in practice it turns out to be true: employers really look at the grades in the diploma, and the higher they are, the more possibilities employment opens up for you, but no one needs C students.

If the diploma has already been received, and nothing can be changed, then, unfortunately, I do not know of any cases of teachers with C grades in specialized disciplines working at the university (Do you know such cases? Share them in the comments!).

+ Write a resume with a photo

The finished resume must have a photo, so it will be easier for the employer to combine and remember as one whole: you, your resume and the interview with you. Imagine, he/she may have a bunch of pieces of paper in his/her desk, taking out some kind of resume, it will be difficult for him/her to remember the person, the interview with him/her, and the impression made on him/her; if there is a photograph, the question is removed.

+ Contact the head of the department personally

If you are confident in your desire to find a job as a teacher and have a ready-made resume, the next step is to find contacts with the head of the department of the university where you would like to work, because it is she/he, and not some other official of the university, who knows whether her/his free bets, or when they become available. Knowing the last name, first name, patronymic, work phone number of the department head, you need to contact her/him, and, in the event of a vacancy, you will be invited to an interview.

At the same time, talking with the department head by phone increases the chances of scheduling an interview compared to sending a resume by email.

Think about it, why should you sit around for a couple of weeks waiting for a possible response from an employer to your resume, and why should the employer go through the extra trouble of looking for a meeting with you? It’s better for you to immediately receive an answer: “yes, we have vacancies, come for an interview,” or: “no, and there are none in sight,” and move on, look for other options for solving the problem, how to get a job as a teacher at a university. The employer, in his position, usually does not have to “run around” for personnel; in the university, as a rule, there are few vacancies, and it is appropriate for the candidate who wants to get a job to show ABOUT greater initiative.

+ Choose a good time

A well-chosen job search time will help you successfully get a job as a university teacher.

Typically, the workload between teachers is distributed over the ACADEMIC year, and it starts on September 1. They begin to pre-distribute the load in the spring.

As you know, the academic year is divided into 2 semesters, and teachers most often quit, read: places become vacant, at the beginning of the semester.

From the above it follows that around May or June the head of the department will approximately know whether he/she will need new teachers for the next academic year. => it is better to contact the head of the department in May, June.

But in any case, things often don’t turn out as planned, and here too: some teacher found another job and decided to quit; he usually does this from the beginning of the 1st semester, less often - from the beginning of the 2nd semester. => you can monitor vacancies at the end of August, beginning of September, end of December, January.

It happens that in the middle of the year someone leaves somewhere, then the head of the department has to worry about finding someone, but in the middle of the academic year it is very difficult, everyone is settled and working in their places. This is where he/she opens the folder with the accumulated resumes of candidates, and your photo in the resume can serve you well: he/she will vaguely remember one, barely another, but will remember you and invite you for an interview!

How is the competition to fill a vacant university teaching position held?

I will answer. Regarding the first point: information about truly vacant places in university departments is not submitted either to labor exchanges or published on the Internet; on the second point: posting announcements about a competition to fill vacant positions at a university is a formality, fulfilling the requirements of the competition procedure, and for each position there is already a real person who is now applying, and a little earlier held this position, his term of employment has simply expired agreement.

The fact is that this happens in accordance with the practice accepted at universities, in view of following the Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (at least in 2015):

" 1. Present Regulations<…>determines the procedure and conditions for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff in the organization carrying out educational activities on implementation educational programs higher education and additional professional programs, and concluding employment contracts with them for an indefinite period or for a certain period no more than five years.
3. The conclusion of an employment contract to fill the position of a teaching worker in the organization, as well as transfer to such a position, is preceded by election by competition to fill the relevant positions (hereinafter referred to as the competition). "


Practice shows that the agreement with the teacher is employment contract for a period of up to 5 years (this can be either 1 year or 3 years, or another figure up to 5), I am not aware of cases of approval of open-ended contracts, this happens, perhaps, with eminent professors (if you know the circumstances, examples when conclude with teachers open-ended contracts, tell us in the comments).

So, in order to occupy a certain position at the department, you need to go through a competition, which means confirming your suitability for this position. Competitions help keep teachers on their toes and force them to develop, since a suitable candidate is usually a teacher who meets the following requirements: has undergone advanced training, published science articles, released educational methodological manuals with work experience, and more.

Among the stages of the competition, the following can be distinguished: the applicant fills out a package of documents, the candidate’s report to the members of the department in which he claims to continue working, the candidate’s approval at a meeting of the institute/university competition committee, the candidacy’s approval by the academic council of the institute/university - this is in brief.

Positions at the university in ascending order

The lowest position of a university teacher is assistant . He, just like other teachers, conducts practical or seminars, But Not may be allowed to give lectures. An assistant's salary is the lowest, but the requirements for a candidate for this position are minimal - work experience of at least 1 year, and after graduating from graduate school there is no requirement for work experience.

The following position in the university in ascending order is - Senior Lecturer . The teacher in this position is also Not allowed to give lectures. But the requirements for an employee applying for it are quite high: work experience of at least 3 years and, in the case of a candidate of science degree, work experience is also required. In addition, the candidate for the position must present the results of conducting research and methodological work: availability of published scientific articles, publication of teaching aids.

For the vast majority of teachers who have not defended their PhD thesis, and therefore do not have a PhD degree, the position of senior lecturer is the ceiling for development in a department at a university.

Job title associate professor at the department at the university is given in the presence of an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (that is, successful defense candidate's dissertation) and experience in scientific and pedagogical work, that is, work at a university as a teacher for at least 3 years or the academic title of associate professor.

Senior lecturer and associate professor, the difference, as we see, is as follows:

Senior Lecturer is a position below associate professor.

Having a PhD degree is the main condition for an applicant for the position of associate professor.

The necessary scientific and pedagogical work experience seems to be the main requirement for an applicant for the position of senior lecturer.

University teaching positions also include: Professor , only a teacher who has an academic degree of Doctor of Science (and therefore has defended his doctorate dissertation), or the academic title of professor, as well as work experience of at least 5 years.

The difference between an associate professor and a professor is as follows:

The position of associate professor is lower than that of professor.

Having an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (or the academic title of Associate Professor) is the main condition for those applying for the position of Associate Professor.

The academic degree of Doctor of Science (or the academic title of professor) is presented necessary requirement for an applicant for the position of professor.

Position and degree

Now you know what positions teachers can occupy in the department, but I also mentioned such a concept as an academic degree - it’s worth dwelling on it in more detail.

There are two academic degrees in Russia: Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences.

To obtain PhD degree , you need to enroll in graduate school, after which you must defend your thesis - Scientific research dedicated to a specific problem.

What does graduate school in Russia provide and why go there? Does graduate school give you a deferment from the army? Included in seniority? What are the benefits when getting a job? Postgraduate studies and work, how to combine? What is the duration of postgraduate study? What forms of postgraduate study are there? Is there any part-time graduate school? How is part-time graduate school different from full-time? What is the graduate school process like? What does postgraduate study without defense give?

Doctor of Science degree awarded after the successful defense of a doctoral dissertation written during doctoral studies. You can enroll in doctoral studies only if you already have a PhD degree.

Is assistant professor a position or an academic degree? Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference?

Thus, answering the question: is an associate professor a position or an academic degree? We can say that an associate professor is a position held by a teacher in a department who usually has an academic degree of a candidate of sciences.

Associate Professor and Candidate of Sciences, what is the difference? The difference between an associate professor and a candidate of sciences is that, as you already know, an associate professor is a teaching position in a university department, and a candidate of sciences is an academic degree awarded to him as a result of the successful defense of a candidate's dissertation.

What is the difference between a doctor of science and a professor? Who is higher, professor or doctor of science?

Doctor of Science and Professor - the difference is that Doctor of Science is an academic degree awarded to a researcher who has defended a doctoral dissertation. And a professor is a teaching position in a university department, which can be held, in the vast majority of cases, by a teacher with a doctorate degree.

In my opinion, it is impossible to answer the question: who is higher, a professor or a doctor of sciences, because these concepts relate to different systems ranking of scientists.

Professor is the highest position in the department: assistant -> senior lecturer -> associate professor -> PROFESSOR.

Continuing the topic raised in the article “Profession, specialty, specialization... Let’s figure it out!”, I propose to touch on academic degrees and titles, as well as positions associated with them, in order to better understand these familiar, at first glance, concepts.

Academic degree

An academic degree is a title that is assigned to an applicant by the scientific community and certifies his competence in a certain scientific field. Most CIS countries inherited the system of academic degrees from the USSR (Ukraine is one of them), so today a representative of domestic science can become:

  • candidate of sciences
  • Doctor of Science

The academic degree is awarded to the applicant by an authorized state body. In the USSR it was called the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK). As a rule, in the CIS countries the name of this body has not changed. The decision to award the academic degree of a candidate or doctor of sciences is made by the Higher Attestation Commission based on the results of defending a dissertation (candidate's or doctoral dissertation, respectively).

The defense of the dissertation takes place in a specialized scientific council - a community of respected scientists who are engaged in science on a certain topic and can give a competent assessment of the applicant’s work. As a rule, specialized scientific councils are opened in universities or research institutes so that the personnel working in them can defend themselves “without leaving home.” If there is no advice on your specialty in your home institution, you can go to a neighboring one.


The graduate school is a starting "incubator" for the training of young scientific personnel. As a rule, full-time graduate students become students immediately after graduating from a university. You can become a correspondence graduate student (or simply an applicant) without reference to the date of graduation, but having a diploma of higher education is practically prerequisite for admission to graduate school.

With a successful combination of circumstances, the main one being the defense of a candidate's dissertation, the graduate student becomes a candidate of science. Although there are exceptions, and an academic degree is awarded without defending a dissertation, one can imagine how powerful the scientist’s contribution to science must be in this case.

Candidate of Sciences is the most common academic degree among the scientific and teaching staff of universities and employees of various research institutes. As a rule, a candidate's degree entitles you to a small increase in salary (in Ukraine - about 15%), and also opens up prospects for obtaining the position of associate professor (see below) or similar.


A candidate of sciences who has decided to finally conquer the scientific pedestal becomes a doctoral student. To do this, you can enroll in doctoral studies, which, theoretically, will free you from some job responsibilities(for example, reduce the teaching load at a university). But you can be a doctoral student “in absentia” - just write a doctoral dissertation without any changes in your work.

It is believed that a doctorate degree is the highest criterion of a scientist’s competence and viability, therefore the requirements for preparing a doctoral dissertation (and its defense) are significantly higher than for a candidate’s dissertation. Although in formal terms there are no significant differences between these processes.

Doctor of Science is a much less common academic degree, since not all candidates of science want (strive, can) become doctors. In terms of preferences, a doctoral degree allows a scientist to apply for the position of professor (subject to some other conditions), as well as count on a higher salary supplement.

Positions for candidates and doctors of science

It is important to understand that an academic degree is not automatically associated with the position held by a scientist. Typically, the “layout” for positions that scientists occupy at a university (and for which they apply) is as follows.

No position

A graduate student may not have any position and work at the department only scientific work. The position is also not needed by a part-time student or applicant.


The assistant can be a graduate student or even a candidate of science.

Senior Lecturer

Former graduate students (who have not become candidates, but have accumulated some experience) or candidates of science can work for senior lecturer positions. This position is considered somewhat “transitional”, when a person without an academic degree simply needs to be supported morally and promoted from assistant.

Assistant professor

As a rule, candidates of sciences hold the position of associate professor. Sometimes doctors.


The position of professor is usually awarded to a doctor of science. Candidates of Sciences work as professors very rarely (this position is for very respected scientists).

The real picture of the distribution of positions

It is worth saying that a candidate or doctor of sciences can apply for any position, but this position is not always “available”. In reality, the situation often develops in such a way that candidates for a long time work as assistants or senior teachers, and doctors of science work as associate professors, since the university does not allocate new staff positions in the departments. This process is highly bureaucratic, and the struggle for a “place in the sun” among scientific and pedagogical workers is a common occurrence.

It is a widespread practice that after defending a candidate's dissertation, the position of associate professor is automatically “opened” to a young scientist. This is usually the prerogative educational institution. But such a temporary position is not permanent, and in order to gain a foothold in this position, a young candidate of sciences should take care of obtaining the academic title of “Associate Professor”.

Academic title

Academic titles are similar to some positions in the higher education system, so they are often confused or considered the same thing. An academic title is awarded to a person with a certain academic degree some time after defending his dissertation if he has fulfilled a number of requirements (for example, published a series of scientific papers, written teaching aids, prepared textbooks, etc.).

Assistant professor

The academic title "Associate Professor" is not the position of Associate Professor. The academic title of "Associate Professor" is usually awarded to candidates of science. This title gives the scientist the right to heaven O a larger increase in salary (in Ukraine it is 15...25%).


The academic title "professor" is not the position of professor. As a rule, the academic title of “professor” is awarded to doctors of science. Accordingly, upon receiving the title of “professor,” the scientist’s salary also increases.

I hope that this information sheds at least a little light on how the system of state science and education is structured. Of course, in this system there are many more “intermediate” concepts, positions, titles. Whenever possible, Dystlab will try to explain them in new publications.
