Favorable days for large purchases. Folk signs for a successful purchase

For many people, shopping in search of the right thing turns into a pleasant pastime or, on the contrary, causes despondency and stress.

A successful purchase will certainly improve your mood. And if the purchase was unsuccessful, you purchased a low-quality item or, with common sense, you don’t need it at all, you just threw your money away, as they say.

How astrology can help in terms of shopping. What the stars say.
How to make shopping a success so that every ruble is not wasted, and every purchase brings only joy.

Shopping astrology advises taking into account the day of the week on which you are going to the store. After all, from the point of view of astrology, every day has its own peculiarity.

Monday is the day of the moon.

The Moon is known to be the patroness of the family hearth.
Monday is a good day to buy things that will make your home even more comfortable. Be it cute trinkets or large purchases, for example upholstered furniture. On Monday it is good to buy clothes, curtains, bedspreads, soft to the touch and any food products.

Clothes purchased on Monday will allow you to be attractive to your future partner.
But the Moon’s circulation cycle is short and under its influence it is difficult to buy anything truly durable.
On Monday it is better not to buy things with a long service life of many years; at best, you will quickly get tired of them.
But any purchase on Monday will give a lot positive emotions. Shopping on Monday is useful for emotional people who are prone to mood swings.

Tuesday is under the patronage of Mars.

Mars loves speed.
Tuesday is good for shopping; if you don’t have too much time, you can quickly find your way around the store and quickly pick up the item you need. If you don't like long shopping trips, then Tuesday is your shopping day.

And if you like shopping and looking at products, postpone the purchase until Friday or Sunday.
Mars is a masculine planet. It’s good to buy products with masculine energy on this day.
Choosing a gift for men can also be timed to coincide with Tuesday.
You should not look for items that will allow you to decorate your home, but automotive-themed items, alcoholic beverages, clothing for men, sporting goods, goods for active rest appropriate on this day. For an active person, shopping on Tuesday will bring a boost of energy for the week, and if you are inclined to contemplation and a quiet life, then Monday is your day.

Shopping Wednesday

On Wednesday it’s good to buy inexpensive little things: jewelry, notebooks, fountain pens, nice little things for yourself and your loved ones, toys, children's things.
After all, the ruler of the environment is the planet Mercury, the planet of youth and impermanence.
It is also good to buy indoor plants on Wednesday.
But under the influence of Mercury, there is a risk of spending money on unnecessary trinkets on this day; a person is attracted to everything bright and shiny.
If you want to look younger, feel free to go shopping on Wednesday, you will pick up all the accessories, bright outfits youth style.

What's even better to buy on Wednesday.

Except indoor plants, trinkets for friends and family, on Wednesday it is good to buy goods with moving elements: bicycles, roller skates, clocks with a pendulum.
Mercury is the planet of information and buying books, a radio, and a TV on this day is quite appropriate on Wednesday.
But still, people who are impractical and prone to unjustified spending are better off staying at home, because Mercury is also a planet of the air element and there is a risk of wasting money.
But a successful purchase on this day will bring back the feeling of youth and the feeling of celebration for a long time.
On Wednesday it is good to go shopping for those who are engaged in rejuvenating the body, those who are oppressed by the burden of past years and who would not mind becoming younger in body and soul.

Astrology of purchases Thursday.

Thursday is a good day for shopping for those who want to buy a lot at once.
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of expansion.
It's hard to buy just one item on Thursday.
Buying a handbag on this day will lead to the purchase of many “necessary” items, from jewelry to cosmetics and other accessories.
On Thursday it is better to purchase a complete set of things in the same style.

Having bought some piece of furniture or curtains on Thursday, they may not harmonize well with your other things. The sofa doesn’t look right next to the chair, and the curtains don’t match either the wallpaper or the upholstery.
If you buy furniture, then a complete set. And if you are choosing a skirt, then buy a suit, otherwise your skirt will hang in the wardrobe without matching anything.
In any case, buying one thing on Thursday will not bring you satisfaction.

Friday shopping.

Friday is an ideal day for women's shopping. After all, this day is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and femininity.
Buying a set of underwear or clothes on Friday will make you feel attractive and desirable.
Friday shopping has a beneficial effect on women's self-esteem, but can be detrimental to family budget. Venus is a planet of the earth element and evokes many earthly desires.
When going shopping, I want both this and that. It doesn't matter how much it costs. After all, purchases made on Friday give a woman the opportunity to feel happy, desired, and simply like a goddess.

A husband who is looking for a gift for his wife will buy what she needs on Friday.
Friday is a good day to buy everything beautiful that can decorate your life. But if you are short on funds, then it is better to go shopping on Saturday.

Saturday shopping means shopping for practical, necessary things. This is not the day to buy cute trinkets for home comfort.
Saturn rules Saturday. It will help you choose a practical thing that will last a long time and cost very little.
For those who like to buy at sales, shopping astrology considers Saturday to be the best day for such shopping.
Saturn does not tolerate anything unnecessary, so it will help you choose what you really need.
If you buy a beautiful trinket or some luxury item on Saturday, it will not bring moral satisfaction. On the contrary, you will be haunted by the thought that you spent money on something that you could easily do without. Thoughts will go around in circles, you will regret, because with this money you could buy something useful for the family.

Therefore, on Saturday, stock up on the list and buy strictly according to it
Saturday is a good day for purchasing real estate, furniture, clothing and things necessary for everyday life and work.
Saturn is the planet of bosses, elders. On this day it is good to buy gifts for bosses or just older people. Even in clothes bought on Saturday you will look more respectable.

A successful purchase on Saturday will give you a feeling of stability and security.

Shopping by astrology on the day of the Sun - resurrection.

The sun is a source of joy and happiness and on this day it is difficult not to successful purchase.
Almost any item purchased on Sunday will delight and warm your soul.
It is useful for creative and cheerful people to go shopping on Sunday.
On this day it is good to buy gifts for loved ones and loved ones, luxury items.

Lunar days and Shopping

First lunar day
First lunar day you should refrain from making any purchases, both large and small. It should be especially emphasized - do not apply for a loan during this period, as this may lead to serious problems. Even if it seems to you now that you are completely creditworthy and no material problems are expected in the foreseeable future, still, do not do this, because nature itself will rebel against you. It’s better to do all this one day later, but be sure that nothing unexpected will happen.

Second lunar day
Now you should only buy what you really need, which will help you realize your plans for the current month. This could be a computer, laptop, some tools, clothing that is iconic in the society in which you are moving, and so on. In a word, something that will allow you to exist more effectively in society or make your life easier. But buying trinkets is extremely undesirable. If you make a wasteful purchase on the second lunar day, acquire something only at the behest of your fleeting whim, then you will doom yourself to senseless waste of money throughout the entire lunar month.

Third lunar day
It is highly undesirable to make any purchases on the third lunar day. But if you still want to do this, then repeatedly check the quality of the purchased product so that there are no problems later. The exception to today's rule is the purchase of items such as weapons, cutlery, gardening tools, etc., that is, those that involve "aggressive" use. Also note that if even the slightest tense situation arises during the purchase on the third lunar day, then it is better to abandon the purchase altogether, since later this thing will still not bring you joy, but will become the cause of various problems and disappointments.

Fourth lunar day
During this period, it is recommended to refrain from shopping, especially if the desire to purchase a particular product arose spontaneously. Today, hasty decisions do not lead to positive results, and this primarily concerns the purchase of expensive things. It’s better to devote the fourth lunar day to thinking about whether it’s worth spending money or not. The only exceptions to this rule are small purchases related to hygiene items - soap, toothbrushes, washcloths, napkins, towels, and so on.

Fifth lunar day
Today you can buy anything - from small items to household appliances, from children's toys to apartments. But you should be careful and study everything thoroughly before finally paying the seller. The fifth lunar day is a changeable time, then. What seems good today, tomorrow, no matter the hour, will appear before you from a different side. So don’t rush, but inspect everything carefully and only then pay the money. Now is also a good time for exchange in all areas - from simple barter to the exchange of low-quality goods for better ones.

Sixth lunar day
On the sixth lunar day, you should purchase only goods that are related to creativity and intellectual activity. These could be books, notebooks, notepads, pens, drawing supplies, music CDs, theater tickets, museum tickets, and so on. Problems may arise with the acquisition of everything else. Due to the fact that the day inclines people to think, you have a good chance of encountering two problems. Firstly, excessive suspiciousness and doubts, leading to a not entirely conscious decision to purchase this or that product. And everything bought in this condition rarely brings joy later. Secondly, you will simply be inattentive and not notice some important points, for example, the poor quality of the purchased item or its incomplete set. Also today you can buy children's clothing "for growth."

Eighth lunar day
On the eighth lunar day, you should only buy antique or used items. All other purchases will not bring joy; on the contrary, they will entail a bunch of various small problems.

Ninth lunar day
On the ninth lunar day it is not recommended to make purchases, neither large nor small. This period is intended solely for throwing away unnecessary things. If possible, try not to even buy food, make do with what you have, or go to a cafe, restaurant, canteen. Everything that is bought today is fraught with some kind of danger. It can cause frustration, waste of money, poisoning, and so on and so forth.

Tenth lunar day
On the tenth lunar day, family purchases are strongly welcomed, that is, those purchases that are made by all family members, for example, a house, a new car, a large Appliances, as well as those aimed at improving the well-being of the family. When purchasing a product, try to take into account the tastes of all family members affected by it. Special attention pay attention to older people, as they represent your family tradition, your roots, your source. Moreover, now favorable time for the purchase of children's goods, both clothes and toys, both food and books.

Eleventh lunar day
Favorable day for buying firearms, as well as firecrackers, firecrackers, explosives, dynamite and so on. In addition, you can purchase gas-burners, stoves, welders, candles, lighters, lamps, light bulbs and similar items. In a word, everything that is somehow connected with fire, both literally and figuratively. But you shouldn’t buy items related to fire protection, they will probably not work as you expect, or difficulties will arise during the purchase.

Twelfth lunar day
Now it is recommended to buy only what is related to spiritual growth, and first of all, sacred texts - the Bible, the Koran, and so on. Books on mystical practices, works on religion, inner growth, even psychology, if it helps you to embrace yourself. This includes works of art, helping in the search for truth.

Thirteenth lunar day
Now the main thing is not what you buy, but how you buy it, or rather, what quality of product you choose. It is very important on the thirteenth lunar day not to rush, but to approach the thing you are going to purchase with all responsibility. Study it carefully, examine the entire range and choose the best. During this period, you need to acquire only the very best, and only in this case will it bring you benefit and pleasure. If you yourself cannot assess the quality of what you are purchasing, then invite an expert to help you. Of course, it is better to give preference to expensive purchases in such a careful approach, so that the time spent on the choice itself is worth it. It would be stupid to spend an hour in the store and end up buying just a hair tie. Priorities in purchases on the thirteenth lunar day are distributed as follows - quality, style, originality (originality).

Fourteenth lunar day
Data period - best time to buy what you have long dreamed of. If you have been saving money for a long time, working hard in order to acquire a coveted item, then now is the time to do it. And it doesn't matter at all. whether it is big or small, a car, a house or just some trinket. The main thing is that it represents the fulfillment of your dreams. If there is no such purchase, then it is advisable to refrain from purchases, since in the end very unpleasant surprises may await you.

Fifteenth lunar day
A favorable day for all types of purchases. But if you even feel the slightest bit that they are trying to deceive you, ask for an inflated price or sell a low-quality product, and even if they speak impolitely to you, immediately refuse the purchase. This is a sure sign that the thing you want to buy now will not bring you joy. Wait a couple of days and try again. Otherwise, you will regret more than once that you purchased the product today, since in fact it turns out that you were really deceived or the purchase itself did not live up to your hopes. The fifteenth lunar day is the time to buy unambiguous goods - those that do not cause you even a shadow of doubt about the product itself, its price, quality, warranty service, or the expediency of the purchase.

Seventeenth lunar day
A good day for any purchases. It is especially favorable for purchasing toys (for children, Christmas trees, sex toys), for all kinds of prank toys, for flowers, wine and cognac, for everything that in one way or another brings joy and is associated with the holiday. The main condition: purchase the product with joy and in high spirits. Otherwise, the purchase will really not bring you joy. This is also a good time to buy vacation packages, travel tickets, and so on.

Eighteenth lunar day
On the eighteenth lunar day you can only buy mirrors and nothing else.

Nineteenth lunar day
This period is very favorable for buying animals. It is not recommended to purchase all other goods on the nineteenth lunar day, and this primarily applies to food products. Now you run the risk of buying something of poor quality, some product that can cause serious food poisoning.

Twentieth lunar day
The twentieth lunar day is the most best period for the purchase of sports equipment, from sneakers to dumbbells, from exercise equipment to T-shirts, from a swimming pool subscription to payment for the services of a personal trainer. It is also favorable now to buy anything related to movement - a car, a motorcycle, a horse, a bicycle, a ship, and the like. And finally, today you can purchase goods by mail or the Internet. But only if you are one hundred percent sure of the quality of the product being offered to you.

Twenty-second lunar day
Twenty-second lunar day - favorable period for all types of purchases, but especially for purchasing sweets and alcoholic drinks, in particular good wines and cognacs. The day is also suitable for purchasing goods that are in one way or another related to the holiday - air balloons, fireworks, wrapping paper, music CDs, stereos, garlands, etc.. In addition, now is a good time to buy everything that has to do with spirituality and mysticism, sacred objects, rosaries, figurines of gods.

Twenty-third lunar day
The twenty-third lunar day is an unfavorable time for shopping. And first of all, it is very dangerous to acquire weapons today, since no matter the hour, it can one way or another turn against you. So refrain from anything that is destructive, even if it is ordinary kitchen knife. Perhaps the only thing that can be bought relatively without problems during this period is sports equipment - dumbbells, barbells, exercise machines, expanders, and so on.

Twenty-fourth lunar day
On the twenty-fourth lunar day you can buy everything, but the best thing is what you have been saving money for for a long time. The purchase of a product should be a long-awaited event, its own prize, the fruit of your efforts. Then it will bring you the expected joy, and maybe even more. It is dangerous now to buy anything at the behest of a whim, an instant flash of desire. Products that you have not thought about, have not assessed the real need for them for you, will bring you grief. And first of all, this concerns the temptation to buy something cheaper. Remember, today, more than ever, the saying is true: the greedy pays twice.

Twenty-fifth lunar day
On the twenty-fifth lunar day, you can buy everything that is in one way or another connected with water and the sea - from shells and souvenir boats to live fish and aquariums, from life jackets and bath toys to inflatable pools and scuba gear. In addition, during this period, we can purchase something that helps us find ourselves and restore peace of mind. It can also be anything - books, aromatic oils, some trinkets, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it contributes to your calm, brings not violent joy, but peace.

Twenty-sixth lunar day
Shopping on the twenty-sixth lunar day is contraindicated. But this is the ideal time to submit goods for repair, inspection, and also to get rid of unnecessary things.

Twenty-seventh lunar day
You can buy almost anything, as long as the item is not too expensive for you. The more it costs, the a large amount will demand a “catch up”. For example, to purchase suitable accessories, additional wires, batteries, adapters, care products.

Twenty-eighth lunar day
This period is favorable for absolutely all types of purchases, both long-planned and those inspired by a passing whim, both for the purchase of insanely expensive goods and for the purchase of cheap small items. The main thing is to do everything with joy and calm. The only thing you shouldn’t do now is take goods on credit.

Twenty-ninth lunar day
On the twenty-ninth lunar day, it is recommended to give up all types of purchases. None of them will bring you joy. As a rule, goods purchased during this period are of poor quality. You may be deceived, you may make a mistake, overpay too much, or you may buy something that is not what you expected.

Thirtieth lunar day

The thirtieth lunar day is favorable for all types of purchases, but... if you are not purchasing them for yourself, then this is the time for buying gifts. If you show selfishness and buy things only for yourself, then they will not bring you the expected joy, but, on the contrary, will cause problems.

If you are going to buy something important and expensive, then it’s time to remember the folk signs and superstitions associated with purchases. They will help you make the right decision with your purchase and benefit from your purchase!

So, what were our ancestors guided by when they went to markets and bazaars?

  • Never buy anything with your last money, otherwise you will attract poverty, and the purchased item will not bring you joy.
  • If you have decided to spend all your money on a long-awaited item, then leave at least a penny in your wallet, so to speak, for divorce.
  • Don't buy from greedy sellers otherwise you yourself will become infected with his greed and bring financial problems upon yourself.
  • If the seller is the same gender as you- this is a bad omen. If you are a man, then buy from women. If you are a woman, buy from men.
  • If you want to bargain with the seller and lower the price, take off your hat and wipe your forehead with it. The price will be reduced according to your request!
  • Be sure to “wash” a successful purchase! This folk sign has a deep meaning. If someone used to buy something expensive, they would gather all their neighbors at the same table. Not to boast, but to avoid the envy of neighbors. Nowadays, it is customary to “wash” a purchase among close people or relatives, and not so that they do not envy, but so that the purchase lasts a long time and brings joy.
  • Don't go shopping on Monday- you will be left without money. The best days for shopping are Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Don't buy things second hand. If the item has already been used, then along with it you acquire the energy of its previous owner. Why do you need the burden of other people's problems and sins? If you nevertheless bought a used item, then cleanse it of other people’s energy. To do this, use special rituals and conspiracies.
  • Do not give money directly to the seller. Place them on the counter or table. If you transfer money from hand to hand, you may lose your money luck. Also, during the purchase and sale, do not take money from the hands of the seller - you can take his energy.

By following folk signs and superstitions about purchasing, you can attract good luck and buy the thing that will make you happy long years. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2014 09:15

Nowadays, the concept of shopping is associated not only with the purchase of necessary things. This process is perceived as one...

The dark time of day was previously considered something mystical and mysterious. After sunset people abandoned everything...

It has been scientifically proven that lunar phases greatly influence human life and the changes that occur in nature. The Moon also affects us during shopping. In this article we will tell you in detail when to shop for lunar calendar 2018 is possible, but when is it better to refrain from them.

2018 will start from 14 lunar day, which is considered the most favorable time for shopping according to the lunar calendar . According to astrologers, on this day you need to buy exactly what you have long dreamed of and saved money for. On the same good day for fulfillment cherished dream it will still be January 30.

16th lunar day of January 2018– one of the unfavorable days for shopping (the same will be January 19, 20, 25). If you plan to buy, for example, a TV, then on January 3 you can walk through the store with equipment to ask the price, take a closer look, but nothing more. But the next day, with an inspired mood, you can buy not only a TV, but also other things - toys, expensive alcohol, indoor flowers, travel and vacation packages. The main thing is not to spend all your money on this day, because the Moon will push us to do so.

January 5, 2018 It is not recommended to purchase anything unless it is mirrors or glass. The moon on this day will be under the influence of the zodiac sign Leo, which protects all fragile and reflective objects.

IN 19th lunar day according to the 2018 calendar astrologers advise us to avoid even grocery shopping (the same goes for 26 and 29 lunar days of January).Jan. 7 It is better to shop online if you need household items. In addition, on this day you can conclude a successful deal to purchase a home or vehicle. If you don't have time to do this in 20 lunar day of the calendar, then you can do this on day 21, as it will also be successful.

January 10, 2018 you can make an extensive list of everything you need from food, wardrobe, medicine, and go to the hypermarket. An equally successful day in this regard in the first month of 2018 will be January 16, 21. And here on the 23rd day of the lunar calendar Astrologers advise avoiding going to the store altogether. On January 12, you can only make purchases using a pre-prepared list. If you come to a store and, seeing something, want to buy it, then this is a provocation of the Moon, which can turn out badly for you.

25th lunar day of 2018 in January good for purchasing items related to the water element - aquariums, showers, bathtubs, and so on. Astrologers say that on this day it is also good to buy soothing aromatic oils.

January 15, 218best day for small purchases according to the lunar calendar. For example, this could be household chemicals and personal hygiene products.

January 18 and 18, 2018 we can buy things that we need to optimize our work process. This could be a computer, tablet, some kind of organizers, and so on.

January 22 and 28, 2018 astrologers advise buying items that are associated with intellectual and creative activity. It can be:

  • Books
  • Musical instruments
  • Theater tickets
  • Tools for drawing, sculpting and so on

January 24, 2018 You can buy something antique if you want. But such a purchase must be approached carefully so as not to lose sight of important details related to the quality of the product.

January 26, 2018- a great day to make purchases for the family or children. Astrologers say that all family members should be together while shopping on this day. This will bring them together and strengthen the relationship between them.

  • Candles
  • Flashlights
  • Light bulbs
  • Matches
  • Fairy lights

Lunar shopping calendar for February 2018

February 2018 will be in many ways similar to January, but there will still be certain nuances.

For example, February 1, 4, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24 and 28, 2018 It is better not to make any purchases because there is a possibility that you will spend a large amount of money, but at the same time you will purchase a product of poor quality.

February 2, 8, 10, 14, 20, on the contrary, you can confidently make purchases and have no doubt that they will be successful. Even if you take a chance and buy lottery ticket, there is a high chance that you will hit the jackpot.

  • Case for phone
  • Construction tool
  • Pot
  • Electric kettle

February 5th is a good time to shop for professional athletes. But lovers gyms and swimming pools can also successfully buy a subscription for a month of classes.

February 6 and 7, 2018, according to astrologers, there will be the most favorable time to buy a car, motorcycle or bicycle - any vehicle.

February 11 according to the lunar calendar 2018 You can devote yourself to a trip to the spa to completely relax and unwind. If you do not consider yourself a fan of such procedures, then simply buy a scented candle or any other item that acts on you as a sedative.

February 13, 17 dedicate yourself to acquiring everything that may be needed for the household. It is better not to make large purchases, especially spontaneous ones.

February 16, 2018– this is the first lunar day, on which it is very dangerous to make expensive purchases on credit. It may happen in the future that you simply cannot pay it off.

February 21 and 27 go to the theater or visit a bookstore to buy good book or a set of classical music CDs. Dedicate this day to spiritual enrichment.

23rd February 2018 You can update your jewelry and accessories box and purchase jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones.

25 February- a good day to spend it in a shopping center with your family. This is the time when you can successfully skimp and replenish the wardrobe of each member of the family with new fashionable things.

February 26 You can make a purchase to create comfort in your home. This could be either furniture or a home theater.

Lunar shopping calendar for March 2018

First day of the first spring month In 2018, astrologers recommend dedicating your time to buying gifts for your loved ones and friends.

March 2, 2018 do not do it large purchases. Also, do not make small purchases if you doubt even the slightest detail.

March 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 28 Astrologers forbid us to go to the store to buy anything. You are only allowed to go through different departments and look for something you need for yourself.

March 4 and 5, 2018– a good time to buy perfumes and accessories. You can also change mobile phone or computer tablet.

If you are planning to renovate your apartment, this is a great day to purchase finishing materials.

March 9, 2018 Astrologers advise those involved in livestock farming to buy livestock. Animals purchased on this day will become for you great source income.

March 10, 12, 16, 22, 31 you can make any purchases. Whatever you purchase, it will be of high quality and practical to use, will last you a long time and will not cause discomfort.

- a good day for making men's purchases, since on this day the Moon will be under the protection of Mars, that is, it will have a beneficial effect on men's energy.

March 19 and 30 Be careful when shopping. Try to purchase only essential items at economical prices. But on March 20, 2018, you can safely make major transactions - buy cars, apartments and land.

- a day on which only representatives of the fair sex can make any kind of purchases. Any item of clothing that a woman buys on this day will make her slimmer and more attractive.

March 25, 2018 can be devoted to grocery purchases, and the 27th - to purchases that will make your family life happier.

You can visit the temple to purchase church utensils for your home. It can be:

  • Icons
  • Candles
  • Home altars

Lunar shopping calendar for April 2018

April 1 do not make purchases of which you are not sure of the quality. Astrologers advise postponing shopping until another favorable day, for example April 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 29.

April 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27 completely refrain from going to shopping centers. The moon will be so aggressive that it may affect your mood negatively. And any purchases made in a bad mood will not last you long and will quickly deteriorate.

April 11, 17, 20, 22, 28, 30 you need to be extremely careful and not fall for the tricks of experienced sellers who will offer you to purchase an item you did not plan for. On this day, you can only buy what is on your list.

  • Nails
  • Office supplies
  • Animal feed

April 21 spend money on buying cinema tickets or visit a museum, exhibition - an event dedicated to intellectual development and growth.

April 25, 2018 You can make an important purchase - a car, a dacha, a house. The main thing is that all family members take part in the purchasing process.

Lunar shopping calendar for May 2018

May will start from the very beginning unfavorable day for shopping. By the way, there will be many such days in May 2018 - 4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th and 31st.

May 2, 7, 8, 14, 29 You can make any purchases, but it is important to be in high spirits, since all purchased items will be charged with our energy and be useful only in this case.

May 3 visit a stylist, choose a new wardrobe for yourself, but do not buy any clothes or shoes on this day.

the 6th of May– a great day to conclude a real estate purchase or sale transaction or purchase expensive equipment:

  • TV
  • refrigerator
  • Washing machine

May 10 you can safely go to the market or store to purchase everything you planned. It is important on this day not to give in to whims, so as not to waste your entire budget.

May 11, 2018 will be the day when you can come to the store, choose what you like and buy it right away. Such spontaneous purchases should fill you with positive emotions.

May 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27 astrologers allow us to make small purchases, without which we either cannot do without Everyday life, or they help us develop spiritually. A May 20, 28 and 30 you can purchase something more significant, but provided that you are absolutely sure of the quality of the desired purchase.

Lunar shopping calendar for June 2018

June 1, 2018- refers to the list have a nice day to make purchases for the first time summer month. This also includes the following dates: June 5, 6, 7, 13, 26, 27 and 30.

June 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28 It is recommended to approach your shopping carefully - buy only the best and highest quality, otherwise your purchases will bring you only disappointment and no pleasure.

4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 22, 29 June I astrologers do not advise buying even food. The Moon will be under the influence of wasteful Mercury, which is why we may spend money irrationally.

June 16 You can purchase food and personal hygiene products. You should not try to conclude important transactions for the purchase of real estate or a car, because they may not take place.

June 19 and 25 spend money on buying things that will stimulate your creativity or intellectual activity. Buy an encyclopedia or monograph by an outstanding scientist in the field that you are passionate about.

June 23 spend with your family. Buy your children and loved ones what they have long dreamed of, order a photo session so that you will remember this day for a long time.

Lunar shopping calendar for July 2018

If you decide July 1, 2018 to purchase something, then know that you are allowed to buy only glass household items:

  • Mirrors
  • Dishes

July 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 29 In general, it is better not to visit retail outlets or even try to purchase anything through online stores.

July 3 and 4– a great day to purchase modern sports equipment or uniforms online. Probability that you will be able to buy good thing at a bargain price, very high.

5'th of July The moon will be favorable if you decide to buy a new car. The purchase and sale transaction will go through quickly, and the new vehicle will serve you for a long time.

July 6, 12, 26, 27, 30- a time when you can buy everything that catches your eye in stores. You don’t have to limit yourself to any of your desires and don’t worry about spending money. Purchases made on this day will be very successful, and you will never regret purchasing them.

July 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28 shopping may be limited. Make a list of everything you need to buy and strictly follow it without giving in to temptations.

July 23- the day when you need to completely update your children's wardrobe. If you buy your children, in addition to clothes, some other toys or gadgets, this will improve your relationship.

Lunar shopping calendar for August 2018

The first day of August 2018 will begin with a ban on any acquisitions. Don't buy anything and August 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 27, 30.

Astrologers allow you to purchase some household items and products in limited quantities. August 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31.

August 3rd You can safely buy an apartment or house. At the same time, you can pay for this property not only in cash, but also with a credit card.

4, 5, 11, 25, 28 Augustsummer days, when you can afford to buy absolutely everything and at the same time be sure that your purchases will not ruin you and will bring you a lot of pleasure.

August 17 visit a paid exhibition or excursion to outstanding places in your city or region. Astrologers recommend spending money on buying new books and musical instruments on this day.

August 21 buy a gift for your loved one. Let this be exactly the thing that he has long dreamed of. A August 23 buy some spiritual item for your home. This could be an altar or a beautiful icon.

Lunar shopping calendar for September 2018

September 1, 2, 9, 23, 26, 2018- a wonderful time according to the lunar calendar, when you can give free rein to your desires and purchase many useful things for yourself and your loved ones. What can't you say about September 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 25, 28 when you should avoid even going to shopping centers.

September 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 27 Astrologers advise planning purchases, and it is better to avoid everything that is not included in the plans so as not to succumb to temptation.

September 6, 12 and 29- time to make such banal purchases as personal hygiene products, perfumes and cosmetics. It is better not to purchase shoes and clothes these days.

  • Detergents
  • Anti-mosquito

A 15th and 21st start updating your office. Buy:

  • Notebooks
  • Notepads
  • Pens with pencils
  • Drawing tools
  • Handicraft decor and so on

September 17 You can visit an antique store to buy some expensive item for interior decoration. It is also recommended to purchase jewelry on this day.

September 19 It's worth buying an expensive item for your parents. Astrologers say that the gift you purchased on this day for your loved ones is the key to your success in the future.

September 30th, according to the 2018 lunar calendar, a good day to buy a car or real estate.

Lunar shopping calendar for October 2018

The first day of October 2018 will be a good time to do your favorite shopping. You can, without limiting yourself in any way, purchase clothes, shoes, jewelry, electronic gadgets, real estate and other expensive things. The same is allowed to be purchased October 8, 15, 22, 25, 30.

October 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 24, 27 any purchases are prohibited. If you do not want to risk your money, then it is better to listen to the advice of astrologers.

October 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 31 You are allowed to make planned purchases that will be useful to you in everyday life. A list of everything you need should be made on paper so that you know exactly what is needed and what is not.

On October 16 and 29 plan to purchase a house, cottage or land if you were planning to purchase them. Better days in October 2018, you simply cannot find one for these purposes. A October 18 Pay attention to the purchases that your loved ones need. Buy something worthwhile for them and give it as a gift.

Lunar shopping calendar for November 2018

Start November 2018 with purchases you've been planning for a long time. To do this you will have 3 days - November 1, 2 and 3. Then you need to allocate time for this in November 5th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th.

November 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 30 Astrologers advise us to avoid going to shopping centers and buying some things or food.

To the very auspicious days for all types of purchases in November 2018 include 6th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 29th.

November 13 and 19- days that astrologers recommend spending in cinemas or museums. It is very important on this day not to skimp on purchasing expensive literature or exquisite objects of art.

November 27 and 28 you can make an excellent deal for the purchase and sale of property. Even if you make a purchase on credit, you will have a great chance of winning the most favorable conditions for yourself.

Lunar shopping calendar for December 2018

According to the lunar calendar 2018 December 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 31– the worst time for any acquisitions. If you do buy something, don’t be surprised if your purchases soon go bad.

December 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22 shopping is allowed, but it is recommended to buy only what you are confident in or what you have been planning for a long time.

December 5, 13, 25 you can buy any inexpensive things, some small household items or stationery.

  • Household appliances
  • Automobile
  • Land plot
  • Jewelry

There are not many days in December when you can make any purchase without any restrictions. These include December 6, 17, 21, 24, 29, 30.

Video “How does the lunar calendar affect our lives?”

Many of us know the signs that guide sellers in stores and markets. But if you don't stand behind the counter all day, then you need to consider signs and rituals for customers.

Then the purchased items will serve for a long time and delight the eye and heart. First of all, when planning a trip to the store, coordinate it with the numerological system proposed below. The fact is that cycles of subtle energies work according to their own celestial schedule. At one time they open the “gate” for good luck in a certain area, at another time they close it. All you need is to know what exactly you want to buy and have a regular calendar on hand. See what dates of the month are best to purchase certain products. Those days whose numbers are not indicated in the attached system are neutral for purchases. Number 4. On this day it is best to purchase precious stones. Number 5. Unfavorable day for shopping: money may be wasted, there is a high risk of overpaying or purchasing a low-quality item. Number 7. A good time to buy gifts. And it’s better to give them on the seventh day of any month. Number 13. A favorable day for signing important financial documents on purchase and sale. For example, for a house, apartment, car, cottage, yacht... It is also better to take out loans on this day. Number 14. The number 14 echoes the number 7 and is also great for buying and giving gifts. Number 18. It's best to stay away from stores. Try not to buy anything at this time, not even bread. Otherwise, the mood will be spoiled for the whole day, and the purchase will turn out to be defective, of poor quality or tasteless. Number 20. Don't pass by shoe stores. Shoes purchased on this day promise to be inexpensive, comfortable and durable. It is believed that in boots or shoes purchased under the influence of the number 20, you can meet your love and get married successfully. Number 21. The day of concluding important and large transactions concerning real estate, furniture, cars.
