Wild animal wolverine. Beast wolverine

The Sami living on the Kola Peninsula call the wolverine a forest demon. They believe that the wolverine originated from an accidental relationship between a she-bear and a badger. And in fact, in the appearance of wolverine there are features reminiscent of these animals. The dark brown thick fur is from a bear, and the dense body and short strong legs are from a badger. The wide foot of the wolverine matches that of a bear; sometimes novice hunters confuse its tracks with those of the “master of the taiga.” It is precisely because of its huge paws that the wolverine is extremely agile in winter, as it glides across the snow like on skis.

Wolverine is a unique beast. With a relatively small size - the average animal weighs 12-15 kg - the wolverine is not afraid to engage in a fight with a bear. A lone wolf will not even try to measure his strength with her, but will prefer to leave his prey to her. Only a pack of wolves is dangerous for a wolverine, but even in a pack, wolves prefer to avoid the wolverine. In a fight, the wolverine relies on its powerful claws and indestructible jaws, the compression force of which reaches 900 kilograms.

The wolverine prefers not to meet with humans, but N. N. Rukovsky describes a case when the animal, defending a den with cubs, attacked a forester, inflicting several serious wounds on him. At the same time, “the forester actively defended himself with an ax from the predator who deftly attacked him, but never managed to hit her.” Under normal conditions, a wolverine, sensing a person, will bypass him. But he will certainly destroy hunting winter huts, huts, caches with food or prey, if he can get to them. The wolverine will definitely check all the hunting traps it encounters on its way. She is not afraid to approach housing, where she can attack livestock.

Wolverine is a forest tramp. Each animal chooses a significant area of ​​forest (up to several hundred square kilometers), which it constantly explores, covering up to 70 kilometers per day. Because of its slowness, the wolverine prefers not to hunt, but to pick up carrion and the remains of someone else's meal or fight off prey from other predators. But it can dig up mouse holes, hunt hares and large birds sleeping under the snow or sitting on nests. Doesn't disdain plant foods, eating mushrooms, berries, young shoots and succulent roots. Sometimes in winter he catches fish, standing for a long time near the hole in order to throw the fish onto the ice with a sharp blow of his paw.

The wolverine will not fail to attack young deer and elk, and even adult animals if they are wounded or weakened. Most often, large animals become her prey in winter, when she literally exhausts them with continuous hours of pursuit, trying to direct them to places with deep snow, which is not an obstacle for her. It usually hides its half-eaten prey and lies down to rest nearby. It will go after new prey only when it has eaten everything clean. Unlike wolves, she kills an animal only if she is going to eat it.

The wolverine makes a den only when it is about to bear offspring, and this happens once every two to three years. Her pregnancy lasts a long time, up to 9 months. Up to 3 cubs are born, which reach their sight in the fifth week of life. Wolverine is a caring mother; the young remain under her care until next summer, and only after mastering all the wisdom of forest life do they go to look for free areas of the forest for themselves. In some cases, young animals can stay with their mother longer.

Wolverines are rarely kept in zoos, and encounters with them in the forest are great luck. It is rarely hunted specifically, and in a number of regions its shooting is generally prohibited. It is curious that despite her love for examining traps, she herself falls into them very rarely. Wolverine has coarse but beautiful fur with a light stripe on the sides and whitish spots on the chest. Its fur has a unique property: it is never covered with frost.

It is the wolverine, and not the wolf, that is the true orderly of the forest, eating a significant amount of carrion and hunting sick and weakened animals.

Due to its secrecy, the wolverine is one of the least studied animals northern forests. If you happen to see one in the wild, consider yourself very lucky.

Who is Wolverine? Wolverine is one of the most interesting, beautiful and rare representatives predators of Russia. It mainly lives in the taiga zone, even in the forest-tundra. Well, in the summer it also moves along river valleys.

According to legend, " forest people"(not to be confused with the "forest brothers"), living in the Yenisei taiga, considered the wolverine a sacred animal, which they treated with respect and did not hunt for it. A similar belief existed among various tribes of North American Indians. And among the Sami, inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula , she is considered the personification of demonic forces.

Wolverine - carnivorous mammal mustelidae family, the only representative of the genus Gulo(which translates from Latin as “glutton”). The wolverine has two subspecies - " Gulo gulo gulo" (which is found here) and "Gulo gulo luscus" (originally from North America).

This is a strong and beautiful, very cautious and at the same time daring, confident and dangerous animal, which also leads a solitary lifestyle. And very, very rarely, for example, near large carrion, several individuals can gather at the same time. Usually hunters are practically unable to see this. Killing a wolverine is the same as killing another hunter just like you. So that...

The wolverine makes its lair under uprooted roots, in rock crevices and other secluded places; and comes out to feed mainly at dusk. Unlike most mustelids, leading sedentary image life, the wolverine constantly wanders in search of prey throughout its individual territory, which occupies up to 3 square km. And, by the way, he periodically visits absolutely all corners of his possessions.

Wolverine can eat anything. A wolverine can catch a hare, a rodent, and a bird as live prey. Sometimes the wolverine even hunts ungulates, although choosing cubs, sick or weakened animals. In addition, the animal fishes in rivers and eats game caught in traps. She picks up leftover food from large predators and eats dead animals.

By the way, it can attack a person and eat the body. True, in the summer the wolverine prefers animal food to plant food - berries, roots, and, of course, it also destroys bird nests, eats snakes and even insects. By the way, he loves honey. Wolverine is an indispensable forest orderly, a regulator in the wild. Its existence is necessary for the taiga nature.

“I was born and raised in Chukotka, 200 km from the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant. So, they say that the Chukchi consider the wolverine to be a Yeti: they are very revered and afraid of it. They even try not to cross its path. It seems like it can even take prey from a bear, in the sense that the bear leaves the wolverine and doesn’t get involved. I even had photos of how the wolverine stopped the geologists’ all-terrain vehicle - and it wasn’t afraid, the infection! It seems like no one knows where it can come from and where it can go - Yeti, one in a word! ... And we all also said that if she decided to hunt you, you can put yourself on the menu of her table: a very cunning and smart animal and at the same time knows how to wait and keep watch! "

Wolverine looks very clumsy and clubfooted, it seems that it is something between a badger, a small bear and a wolf, but in reality, it is a close relative of the kuni. Wolverine is a very agile and hardy animal. She spends most of her time on the ground, but she also climbs trees quite well, and can even descend from them upside down. One can only be amazed at the strength of a wolverine: it weighs a pound, and can handle a deer weighing up to one and a half centners.

Wolverine is a patient hunter. As a rule, she watches for prey in ambush, hiding along the path, climbing over ravines, or climbs small trees and suddenly rushes at the approaching animal, using all the remarkable capabilities of her body, all the claws and all the fangs.

Indigenous people of the tundra write about the wolverine: "... good luck to you, on Far North, more precisely in Chukotka... I knew the facts and even the details of wolverine attacks on humans. Wolverine's understanding that there is a person in front of her does not deter him from attacking. If you get lost in its habitats, don’t even think about stopping. She follows on your heels. You are her food..."

All processes associated with the breeding of offspring in wolverines are greatly extended over time. The female usually reproduces once every two years. The rut, which begins the breeding season, occurs in the summer and early autumn. Intrauterine development continues up to 10 months.

In March-April, the female most often gives birth to 3-4 helpless cubs, covered with juvenile hairs of a grayish-yellow color, weighing only about 100 grams. Childbirth and the first stages of postnatal development occur in snow dens. Until 3-4 months, babies feed mainly on mother's milk; by the end of this developmental period they are fully formed like little wolverines, spend most of their time with their mother outside the den, and begin to receive meat.

Unlike many other animals, and in particular mustelids, the male also takes all possible part in supporting the additional family, bringing the food he has obtained. At 5-6 months, puppies begin to try to chase live prey on their own, while they are not yet larger than themselves. Wolverines spend their first winter together with the female, learning to hunt large ungulates; by the end of the cold weather, they are fully grown and the family breaks up. The lifespan of this animal is up to 15 years.

The wolverine usually moves in leaps, somewhat sideways and as if stooping; all its movements, deceptively, look somehow clumsy. In winter, the wolverine almost never falls into the snow thanks to its wide paws. This allows her to make very long migrations, easily covering 20-50 kilometers per night. Has sharp eyesight.

Wolverine makes sounds similar to a fox's yelp, but much rougher. You won't be confused if you're a hunter. Hairline the wolverine's is thick, long, and rough. Color ranges from light to dark brown. From the base of the tail, along the sides of the body to the back of the head, a wide light gray stripe stretches (called the “harness”). Wolverine fur is of little value, but is notable for the fact that it does not freeze in the cold.

Indigenous people of the tundra write about the wolverine: “she’s not afraid of people, she steals food and seems to lure her into the thicket. The Khanty don’t advise meeting her.... In our area, she bit a man to death and crippled a girl, tore apart a cow... she was cut up all over, as if with a knife... "

Wolverine is an almost mythical animal. Secretive and cautious, she leads a solitary lifestyle. It is rare to see two species of predators coexist in the same territory. Wolverine is so difficult not only to photograph, but also to simply see, that he appears to be a ghost.

This is one of the few animals that remain completely untamed even after many generations of life in captivity and - constantly, always - show extreme aggression towards humans....

Wolverine - belongs to the mustelidae family. This is a large predatory wild animal, looking more like a bear or a badger.

It lives in northern Eurasia and the upper half of North America. Alpine meadows, forested areas, and tundra are suitable habitats for the wolverine.

The animal is very well adapted to cold and harsh climates; even 50 degrees below zero does not frighten it. In conditions wildlife prefers to be away from people.

Average between... Inhabitant of the north...

The weight of the animal ranges from 9 to 30 kg. Hind legs longer than the front ones, so the body is curved upward. The tail is short but bushy. The wolverine's huge paws help it move around in its habitat. The animal walks just like a bear - clubfoot and has long hooked claws.

The jaw is powerful with sharp teeth. Poor eyesight compensated by excellent hearing and sense of smell. The animal is densely covered with long and coarse fur of black and Brown with a golden stripe that runs along the entire body.

In its life, the wolverine spends almost all its time protecting its territory - up to 1500-2000 km from other representatives of its sex. And only for a few weeks the male and female come together to create offspring. Wolverine is a wild animal and dangerous predator, in cases of external irritation, it becomes aggressive and makes sounds similar to grunting, growling, and yapping.

1 . The wolverine's body is covered with brownish-black fur with light brown stripes running along the sides. The fur is long, thick, and waterproof, which allows the wolverine to withstand harsh conditions. weather its habitat.

2 . This animal has a stocky build, a short tail, a large head and small ears. The paws have pads and large claws that help the wolverine walk in the snow.

3 . Wolverines are loners, but they need a lot of space to roam. Wolverines travel 15-20 kilometers per day, searching for food. Some individuals travel 70 kilometers.

4 . For food, wolverines attack caribou herds and also feed on corpses left by predators. Due to their need for extensive habitat, wolverines can be found in remote places tundra, taiga, and also in arctic forests. They prefer areas uninhabited by people.

5 . Wolverines are distinguished by their innate curiosity, courage and cruelty, as well as omnivory. In the summer they eat berries, all kinds of plants and edible roots, which make up only a small part of their diet. Being predators, wolverines travel long distances in search of their main dish - meat.

6 . Rodents and rabbits are the main and easy prey for wolverines. However, if given the opportunity, they will also attack large animals such as deer and caribou. And as mentioned above, they do not disdain the corpses of animals left behind by other predators. Eating carrion allows wolverines to survive winter when food is scarce. Wolverines also tear through the snow in search of wintering animals.

7 . Wolverine skillfully climbs trees and swims well. This is an energetic animal that can walk long distances without stopping to rest.

8 . This is a nocturnal animal. However, if necessary, she can change her sleep and wake patterns. Like bears in wolverine poor vision However, hearing and smell are very good.

9 . Males mark their territory with a special smell, and sometimes they also mark food supplies. Males are inherently polygamous, so they share their territory with several females. Although wolverines are solitary, members of the same family can play together.

10 . Females dig holes to give birth to cubs, of which there are usually two or three in one litter, or in early spring, or late winter. The cubs remain with their mother until they are two years old, when they reach sexual maturity to produce their own offspring.

With its absurd shape and short legs, the wolverine develops low speed, but due to its endurance it drives the victim, and the latter, exhausted, finds itself in a hopeless situation. It is not difficult for Wolverine to recapture prey from wolves and lynxes; it even happened that wolves became victims of large individuals of wolverines.

Adult wolverines have no enemies in their habitat. They can repel a predator 5 times their size. The wolverine does not attack people unless you drive it into a corner. In this case, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, and the predator becomes very dangerous.

Wolverines manage to survive in harsh conditions and multiply quickly. In the past, wolverines were killed in large quantities because of their beautiful fur, which was used to make jackets. Currently, wolverines are protected.

Video: Wolverine - description...

A distant relative of the sable and marten, and somewhat similar to a bear cub, the wolverine is known for its courage and ferocity. There are many legends about her, which say that she is capable of defeating an animal much larger than herself in battle and can even attack a person.


Different peoples call wolverine differently: devil bear, skunk bear, nasty cat, messenger of the devil. This says a lot about her character.

What does a wolverine look like - description of the animal:

  • weight from 9 to 25 kg;
  • body length without tail - 110 cm;
  • powerful body with well-developed muscles;
  • rounded wide head with strong jaws capable of chewing even large bones;
  • small black eyes;
  • round, widely spaced small ears;
  • wide webbed feet;
  • long curved and very sharp claws;
  • thick and stuffed fur of a brown-brown color does not absorb water, does not freeze or freeze;
  • average life expectancy is 5-7 years.


The wolverine animal lives in the Arctic Circle: North Asia, Scandinavia, North America, Siberia and Eastern Europe. Where do wolverines live? For life, these animals choose forest-tundra, wooded areas and bushes. They live only in areas with a cold climate, choosing remote places, away from people.

Where does the wolverine live in Russia:

  • Siberia;
  • Ural;
  • Far East.

Lifestyle and habits

Wolverine is a solitary animal, they live at a great distance from each other and jealously guard their territory from attacks by strangers. The home range of one individual can extend over a distance of up to two thousand square kilometers. Marks its territory with secretions from the anal glands. She is well oriented in her area, uses animal trails for movement and sometimes arranges ambushes in trees.

The wolverine animal, although not very fast, is very hardy. He loves to wander around his lands and can easily walk up to 30 km per day. This animal climbs trees well and swims well, has excellent hearing and excellent vision.

Wolverine - what kind of animal is this? This is a very cautious, cunning, strong and aggressive animal with excellent sense of smell.

Moves slightly sideways, with a slight gallop and a slight stoop. It does not have a permanent shelter; it constantly moves around its territory, mainly in the dark. And only during the period of feeding her cubs can she be seen during the day. After the hunt, it takes refuge under trees, on hills or under rocky overhangs. In extreme cold, it digs small holes in the snow.

Only the female sets up a permanent den for breeding. Usually these are dens in the roots of trees. In mountainous areas, it chooses rock crevices and small caves for dens.


This predator is almost omnivorous. The main diet is ungulates. In winter, it does not disdain anything and often eats up the remains of large predators, and sometimes takes it away from smaller animals. In the spring it looks for bird nests and wasp larvae, and in warm weather also feeds on berries. Fish, rodents, and upland game are also included in the wolverine’s diet.

The animal often drags animals caught in traps and steals food from hunters, large predators and stores under stones or in ice crevices. In general, these animals often steal and hide everything that is in bad shape.


The rut lasts from late spring to mid-summer. After mating, females enter embryonic diapause. If there is little food, the embryos die. If the food supply is sufficient, then at the end of winter the fetus begins to develop, and in February the female produces offspring.

Usually 1-2, rarely 3-4 cubs appear. They feed on mother's milk for up to three months, then switch to animal food. From six months of age, young animals begin to hunt independently, and in the second year of life they reach the size of an adult animal.


Rarely does anyone manage to see this animal and hear a wolverine scream, because this animal is secretive and extremely cautious. Not everyone, even the most experienced hunter, will deliberately hunt wolverine. The fact is that, thanks to its developed intelligence, the animal bypasses traps placed in places where the wolverine lives and easily escapes the chase. She is not afraid of dogs and thanks to her strength, agility, powerful jaws and sharp claws almost always come out victorious in a fight with a dog.

In rare cases, a pack manages to drive an animal into a tree and keep it there until the hunter arrives; As a rule, the prey are very young animals.

Sometimes hunters set traps right in the hut if they go on for a long time. Wolverine, known for his nasty character, will not miss an opportunity to get in there to steal something from supplies or just to cause mischief.

Using poison in baits is useless. Thanks to its keen sense of smell, the animal senses the smell of chemicals and does not accept such bait.

Some fishermen use a homemade trap - a pinch-rod, over which the bait is suspended. Trying to get the bait, the predator climbs onto the plane, gets its paws between the poles, pinches itself with its weight and cannot get out of there.

Most often, a wolverine becomes prey completely by accident when hunting other game.

Wolverine is a valuable and rare trophy; this animal is not easy to find in the forest, much less to catch.


Many more interesting facts you will find in the video about the life of wolverine.

Wolverine combines two main qualities in his behavior - caution And insolence. She is not afraid of a person, but she tries not to meet him. For hunters this is a rare catch. Stealth helps the wolverine avoid danger, and agility and dexterity make it a serious opponent. Among the peoples of the North, the wolverine has a reputation for being unkind, mysterious creature . The Sami call it “the devil’s animal” because of the red glow in its eyes.

Residents of Chukotka nicknamed the wolverine yeti, since it is impossible to predict its appearance and disappearance. The Norwegians came up with the unusual nickname “mountain whale” for the animal. It characterizes large sizes individuals and their main habitat.

According to the scientific classification, the wolverine is separated into a separate genus, belonging to mustelid family. Zoologically, it is close to such animals as marten, badger, sable, and otter. However, it is several times larger than them. From a distance, the silhouette of a wolverine resembles that of a bear. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula have a belief that wolverine is a bear cub that could not grow up.

In fact, the size of an adult is comparable to the size of a dog, about 1 meter long. Tail 20 cm. Average weight 10–14 kg. Large males can gain 20–35 kg. Animals of both sexes do not have noticeable differences.

The head is round on a massive short neck. The ears are small and hairless. The wolverine has well-developed sense organs. Excellent vision and hearing. Strong strong jaws, allowing you to crush the bones of victims.

At first glance, Wolverine seems clumsy and clumsy. The body is squat and dense. The fur is long, thick, and hard to the touch. It has remarkable water-repellent properties. The coat color is predominantly dark. The head and neck are brown, there are light stripes on the forehead and body. The muzzle is black. During the year, the animal sheds twice, replacing its thicker winter coat with a short and sparse summer coat.

The paws are thick with wide feet and hooked, sharp claws. The hind limbs are longer than the front ones, which gives the animal a special gait. He moves slowly, but is incredibly persistent. She can cover a distance in a day 85 km.

To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say that “the paws feed the wolverine.” The structure of the limbs gives the animal several important advantages:

  • the wide foot is ideal for moving on loose snow and does not allow the animal to fall through;
  • claws help to deftly climb a tree and ambush among the branches.

Where is it found?

Wolverine is a rare beast. Its habitat is concentrated in temperate zone: central and northern parts of Eurasia and North America.

It settles in remote taiga areas, tundra and forest-tundra, deciduous forests. Can live among rocks in mountainous areas.

If necessary, it moves to live in peat bogs and wetlands. It is found on the Arctic islands, but does not tolerate severe frosts.

Wolverine is a born nomad. She is constantly on the move. As a rule, one the animal controls a territory of 100–200 square kilometers. Makes a round, moving from place to place.


Wolverines are known for their endurance and tirelessness. These qualities help them in hunting. Predator able to pursue prey for a long time until she is exhausted. They live and hunt wolverines alone. It is very rare that they organize a joint hunt for big game. In this case, two or three wolverines act thoughtfully and harmoniously. When one pursues the beast, others wait for him in certain place and suddenly attack. Game taken by surprise is eaten together.

They are unpretentious in food and are content with any prey. Can get by without food for more than 7 days. However, they became famous for their gluttony. Therefore we received Latin name"glutton". Energy reserves accumulate in the body in the form of fat.

Favorite food is carrion. It has the ability to smell the blood of a wounded animal or the smell of decaying remains from several kilometers away. Prefers to eat animals killed by other predators. But the wolverine herself became famous as a successful hunter. Usually hides in a tree waiting for suitable prey. He jumps from above onto his back and breaks his spine or gnaws an artery with his teeth. He eats most of the meat immediately, and hides the rest in reserve. The wolverine hunts various ungulates (deer, roe deer, elk), wild birds, rodents. In summer, it destroys nests in search of eggs. Fishing in the river in winter. Does not disdain plant foods: plant roots, berries, nuts, mushrooms.

And, above all, the wolverine performs a sanitary function. It is estimated that out of 10 ungulates eaten by it, only three were obtained independently. The rest are prey taken from others or carrion. Since sick individuals die first, the wolverine is also at risk of infection. Forest nurses themselves often die from infections.

The animal is active at night. During the day, the wolverine rarely goes hunting, preferring to hide in a shelter. The beast does not have a permanent lair, because it is always on the move and does not stay in one place for a long time. It roosts during the day in rock crevices and trees. In winter it makes holes in the snow.


They live apart. They are found at the beginning of the mating season, in spring and early summer. Males compete for the right to possess a female. They engage in fights to the death. The couple has been living together for about a month. The male then leaves to return briefly when the babies appear.

Wolverines are characterized by the so-called. latent pregnancy. The fertilized egg is delayed in development for some time (from several weeks to several months). The mechanism of embryo development starts in all females at the same time.

Therefore, despite different periods of conception, babies are born in the same period (February-March).

The female cares little about arranging a comfortable den. Cubs can be born among a pile of stones or tree roots. In one litter 2–3 kids.

Stages of growing up:

  1. at birth, very tiny 70–100 g, blind, defenseless. The mother actively feeds them with milk, and the young quickly gain weight;
  2. by the first month they already reach 400 g and open their eyes. They switch from a dairy diet to a meat diet. During this period, the returning male provides great assistance. He brings food for the female. The mother feeds the babies half-digested meat;
  3. By three months they have grown and weigh 3 kg. With the onset of warm weather, the female and her offspring begin to lead a nomadic lifestyle. Mother teaches young wolverines hunting skills;
  4. By autumn, the cubs become completely independent, but continue to live with their mother until they are 2 years old. Then the female drives them away, and the young disperse in search of their own hunting territory. At the same time they reach sexual maturity.

Methods of self-defense

The animal clearly limits its possessions. Males mark conspicuous places with a pungently smelling secretion, which is secreted by the anal glands. Ability spray an unpleasant-smelling liquid, like skunks, another one of interesting features wolverines.

Animals try to avoid meeting an evil, foul-smelling enemy. Taking advantage of this advantage, the wolverine sometimes becomes so impudent that it drives much stronger rivals away from their prey.

Wolverines have almost no enemies in the wild. The animal behaves cautiously and secretly. In case of danger, it defends itself with sharp teeth and claws, dousing the enemy with caustic “deodorant.”

Relationship with a person

Among hunters, the wolverine beast has gained a reputation as a nasty predator. She often eats animals caught in a trap. Close to human habitation it can attack domestic animals and steal food. Her bad behavior turned people against her. At any opportunity, the beast was mercilessly killed.

In addition, wolverines are hunted for their skins. By appearance they are inferior in beauty to other representatives of the mustel family.

The value of the skin is in its water-repellent qualities. The fur is warm and does not freeze in the winter cold. That is why it costs more than sable skin. Many zoos are willing to pay large amounts for living individuals. Wolverines are rarely seen in captivity. The caught young quickly adapt to new conditions, get used to humans, and become tame. Nevertheless, being in zoos, wolverine offspring quickly die.

In the wild, the animal can live up to 10 years, in captivity up to 17 years.
