Fortune telling by a gypsy prince overseas. Comic fortune telling by a gypsy woman for a woman’s anniversary

Once on Epiphany evening the girls wondered... Well, the girls wondered with all seriousness, but you and I will indulge in funny comic fortune-telling games that will make a great laugh on the New Year or any holiday.

Let's tell fortunes using a book

To do this, take any fiction book, for example, from the classics or children's fairy tales, ask a question and name the page and line.

Questions for fortune telling from a book

Questions could be:

1. What does Mr. X think of me?

2. What awaits me at my new job?

3. Where will I meet my betrothed?

4. How will we spend next year?

5. What do I need to pay attention to?

6. How can I get the attention of Mrs. N

7. What will lead me to success

8. My biggest flaw

9. Who likes me

10. What will the New Year give me?

What might happen:

Question: What to do at home together

Answer: “The heat made her sleepy. Of course, it would be great to weave a wreath" (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll)

Question: Where will I meet my betrothed?

Answer: “Would you like to join our expedition?” (Children of Captain Grant - Jules Verne)

Fortune telling by songs

Prepare a play-list (selected songs) in advance. Take interesting Russian songs, mix both folk and popular ones, you can add children's songs. It's good to have at least 100 songs.

You can start comic fortune-telling using songs.

  1. Open your player, where the entire list of songs (playlist) is visible - for example, Winamp.
  2. Ask a question (for example, as in the paragraph above for book fortune-telling),
  3. Close your eyes and roll the mouse wheel back and forth,
  4. Now poke at random.
  5. A song will sound - the answer to your question.

Predictions from a bag

A very easy to implement and pleasant element of the holiday is to arrange fortune telling from a bag; it can be just a beautiful bag or a specially sewn bag. There you put pre-rolled pieces of paper with short wishes for the guests and offer to pull them out.

Short New Year wishes in verse

  1. All the happiness in the world awaits you! And also - your own apartment!
  2. You have wonderful style! A car is waiting for you!
  3. Good luck will smile on you! There will be a new dacha for you!
  4. May adversity leave you. Your income will increase!
  5. New luck awaits you! There will be an addition to the family!
  6. You won’t be bored in vain, because there will be new friends!
  7. Inspirational impressions! Amazing travel!
  8. Don't let worry bother you. A new job is waiting for you!
  9. Happiness and success await you. You are the best to study!
  10. Catch your luck by the tail! Career growth awaits you!

Chinese fortunes for cookies

If you are a big crafter, you can bake fortune cookies.

There is a simpler option - bake a cake that you know how to do and print a circle with pictures-predictions by sector (keys, car, baby, money, love, etc.) on a plate. Place this piece of paper on a dish (you can also cover it with thin transparent cellophane), and place the cake on top.

And so the person takes a piece of cake and at that moment sees what the prediction was under his sector.

It’s even easier to print out a circle with numbers in sectors, and attach the transcript on a separate piece of paper.

Wishes for Chinese cookies or magic bag

  • To have success, you need to look externally and internally as if you already have it.
  • The funniest desire is to please everyone. Remember - you are not a dollar
  • A person deserves as much happiness as he himself is able to give to others
  • Best the enemy of the good
  • What we pray for is what we receive. Be afraid of your desires
  • How does a winner differ from a loser? The winner was able to rise one time more than fall
  • In life, everyone has a main and a secondary thing, don’t waste your energy on trifles
  • Just do what you have to do and come what may.
  • Don't be afraid of the crisis - it brings new opportunities
  • Every person in your life will either become a friend or be your teacher.
  • Take time for your home
  • Between worries, between tasks, you will sometimes lie on the sofa
  • Don't be surprised when an old friend suddenly comes back to you
  • Look at everything positively. When God closes a door, he opens a window
  • Don’t look back at authorities, act as you personally think is right
  • Do what you can with what you have, from where you are.

How fun it is to guess with a group

If one treats comic fortune telling with humor, it becomes good fun For the company. Just don’t make bad wishes, let them all be kind, funny or philosophical

When a person pulls out a wish, he must read it out loud.

It is imperative to involve every person, do not bypass anyone. You can arrange fortune-telling for everyone so that they can tell fortunes for themselves and no one is to blame :)

But there is a funnier option, which is also suitable if a person is embarrassed to participate. Then you will have to involve third parties.

It will look like this:

Host: Sasha, what does Julia want to know?

Sasha: where will she meet her betrothed in the new year!

And now let Yulia herself name a line in a book or point at random to a song.

The answer will amuse everyone and Yulia will be interested in learning about herself, but she did not have to reveal her innermost thoughts, Sasha did it for her.

Find out more about interesting ways tell your fortune in the next video

Gypsies in bright outfits with incendiary dances, hysterical guitar plucks, soulful romances, the inevitable fortune-telling and flowery speech, generously sprinkled with compliments and jokes - always a show, always a celebration at any event. This page contains scenes with gypsies for the anniversary, but they can be easily transformed for any holiday: new year party, wedding, corporate event and others entertainment activities- both family and collective.

For gypsy outfits you will need multi-colored bouffant skirts, large bright scarves and multi-row beads. And gypsy men can be dressed up in red shirts, hats with bright ribbons, and tucked their trousers into boots. Of course, this is the minimum, so proceed according to your capabilities and feasibility.

The role of a gypsy does not necessarily have to be played by a beauty, because the purpose of the skits is not to charm the hero of the day and the guests, but to amuse. Therefore, your fortune teller may have the appearance of a kikimora, be of very respectable size, or even dressed as a man - it all depends on where and for whom the entertainment is being held. The main thing is that your actor is talkative, resourceful, witty and knows how to improvise well.

"Fortune Tellers" gypsy cards can be printed on cardboard in a much larger format than regular cards. Print a “shirt” on one side, and on the other there may be options: wishes, predictions, images, photographs - focus on the purpose of the cards and don’t forget about humor! If you want to make the “cards” reusable so that you can use them at other holidays (if you are a toastmaster, for example), then laminate them and select a box of the appropriate size.

The “cards” that your fortune teller uses can be not only props, but also become an interesting gift for the hero of the day. In this boring shirt you can make anniversary inscriptions or depict the hero of the occasion. For such cards, also choose beautiful gift packaging. After finishing the number, put them in it and solemnly present it to the hero of the day as a souvenir.

Scenes with gypsies at the anniversary can be separate numbers, alternating with other entertainment, or they can be given a certain part of the event, announcing to those present that a gypsy camp has come to visit them. Alternatively, everyone present suddenly found themselves in a gypsy camp. All this is very easy to play out if you have several scenes with different characters and the participants of the holiday performing their roles.

Surely, the children present at the holiday will take part in the costume show with great pleasure, so either invite the guests to prepare gypsy outfits for the children in advance, or stock up on a bunch of scarves and beads to make a quick improvisation.

Another wonderful character in gypsy shows is the scientist bear. If you have a suitable clubfoot outfit, then you can shock your guests with bear dances and other things, dressing a man of suitable dimensions.

A gypsy show on anniversaries and other holidays is not difficult, but fiery and bright! Improvise, put a lot of imagination and humor into your rooms, and your guests will remember the holiday for a long time!

“Gypsy in Love” (anniversary celebrant)

To the melody of the song “Shaggy Bumblebee”, a Gypsy comes out limping with a bouquet.

(Name of the hero of the day)! soul!
How good you are!
You bloom like a scarlet rose!
But I still won’t recover from chondrosis.

Apparently you didn’t recognize me, beauty?
I was in love with you three times!
Once - when I was still in school.
Then I dreamed about you at night!

And another time - when you got ready to get married,
Yes, I have left leg I'm tired.
Otherwise I would have stolen you, dear.
You were the only one so beautiful!

And for the third time I fell in love,
When I was treated at the sanatorium.
How I saw you, (name),
My heart began to ache!

This is what chondrosis does to men...
Oh, I brought you five roses.
I give you the first rose for good luck,
Let the second and third bring good luck,
Fourth rose - health, success,
And the fifth is your ringing and gentle laughter.

Well, I almost forgot again,
When I was rushing to you alone,
There is a horse in the neighboring camp
I bought (name) for you!

One of the guests comes out to the music and, together with the Gypsy, they take the hero of the day in a circle.

“Yes, gypsy, that’s right, it was...” (to the hero of the day)

Our life is a continuous endless road with turns and potholes. And she rushes forward like a gypsy wagon, counting down minutes, weeks, years along the way. And only in this big anniversary like this, we have the right to stop the carriage for a moment and turn back time, remembering what we have lived and experienced

You hear?
Some noise was heard at the door.
The gypsy camp will be happy
Congratulations on your glorious anniversary!

Pour the wine, black-browed ones,
May our feast be more joyful.
Here are the young gypsies
Showed up at our door!

Gypsy women enter the hall to the music and sing.

We know, even though nature is capricious

"Fortune Teller"
From the film “Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville...”

We know, even though nature is capricious,
It will not change either the century or the people.
Appears new fashion -
We, gypsies, are invited to the anniversary!
Today we came to the holiday,
To sing, dance, tell fortunes.
May you all be filled with joy,
So that there is no thought of being bored!

Well, what can I say, what can I say.
That's how people are built.
And we celebrate the anniversary
Today we will be friends.

So welcome us
Guests are welcome, friendly.
We offer a new toast,
Everyone needs to drink wine!

Gypsy 1 (to the hero of the day):
How long have we been waiting for you?
We're waiting!
We don’t dare to pour it without permission!

Gypsy 2:
Wait, don't rush, friend,
You drink this liquid now.
Come out, dear, to the center of the circle,
Gypsies will tell fortunes for you!

Gypsy 1 (shows a deck of cards):
Here is a deck of fortune telling cards -
Take one for yourself.
I'll tell you, beautiful
There was something in your destiny.

Remove the first card
And answer quickly:
“Yes, gypsy, that’s right, it was,
But I forgot about that!”

Here's the six of hearts -
The grooms stood in a row
The girl drove them crazy...
Do the cards tell the truth?

Anniversary girl:
Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 2:
Here's a knight of the cross
He came to you and told you to accept.
He became your favorite.
Does the map tell the truth?

Anniversary girl:
Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 1:
You always stood your ground
And even now your gaze is stubborn.
But it came in handy in life...
Do the cards tell the truth?

Anniversary girl:
Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 2:
Pour the wine quickly
Let it sparkle in the glasses.
There is a reason, and we drink very friendly,
May everything turn out well!

Gypsy 1:
We wish you miracles and luck,
There are many loyal and devoted friends.
We cheered you up
On your wonderful anniversary!

“Hereditary fortune teller. Services"

Witchcraft firm Magic The Sfera'
Experienced magician and necromancer of the 5th level Spider Tarantula Sphere

- I’ll help you in a quarry, a hole, a ravine, under a bush...
— Restoration of karma, barracks, aqueduct.
- I take cockroaches out of a drinking binge, a dead end, and take them across the street, along Susanin’s route...
- Love spell, lapel, twist, turn, topsy-turvy, back and front...
- I see the future, remember the past, ascertain and shape the present...
—Trance, hypnosis, card tricks, weather forecast…
— I charge water, vodka, creams, anti-dandruff shampoos, new Fairy, batteries...
- I bring back the infidels, lead the lost, warm the cold, sing to the sober, love ****.
— Fortune telling by hand, on cards, dominoes, solving riddles...
— Fortune telling using coffee grounds, old brew, bouillon cubes.
— 100% black magic, 81% white, 78% green, 63% blue, 15% red.
— Work for personal plot: conspiracy against the Colorado potato beetle, removing spoilage from tomatoes.
— Flights in a mortar, on a broom, a broomstick, a Samsung & Son vacuum cleaner...
- I’m organizing a coven, a hut, a brawl, barbecues, ...
— We sell church, car, and hemorrhoidal candles.
— Work from photos, screenshots, sketches, amateur sketches, isometric drawings.
- And I can also use a typewriter... and not only with a washing machine and not only with a typewriter...

"Gypsy Fortune Teller"

This number is good for New Year, but you can also perform it on an anniversary, going around the guests. The largest paragraph is for the hero of the day, the rest is for the guests.

It sounds like a gypsy romance. A gypsy appears in the hall.

- Oh, my handsome one, why are you looking at me like a cat at sour cream? Do you think I will deceive you? I’ll tell you, my dear, this: when you drink, you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, you can drink less.

So let's pour Russian vodka into overseas glasses and drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be someone to share any mood with. Let's drink to you and your friends!

Give me your hand, my golden one! I’ll tell you my fortune, my dear, and tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big boss. Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested.
You will have a car. I just can’t tell if it’s a white Bentley or a green Oka.
Ah, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will pay off the apartment for debts.
Now give me a coin, my little rich man, and gild my pen, for the fact that I told you fortune. Do you think I'm lying? No one has ever complained about me, what I won’t say is coming true!

And you, my beauty, are laughing in vain. I see night in your eyes! Dark night, dark, but passionate! And also, my yacht, your husband will leave you! He'll be gone in the morning! He’ll run for beer, he’ll feel bad, take pity on the guy, run away yourself!

And your thoughts, my clear falcon, are not good, oh, not good! Don't you know what's in your head? So I'll give you a hint! Better yet, I’ll show you! (Further depending on the situation, impromptu).

Game "Sound Thoughts".

"Gypsy Aza"

A gypsy woman enters the hall and sings verses in the gypsy manner (melody is optional Yu).

Good evening, gentlemen. I am the gypsy Aza,
I came here directly to you by order.
On the table, oh piles, oh oh piles.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this one is mine.

Anniversary girl, dear,
I see you are happy.
How many friends are there?
hurry up and pour some for them all!

What can I tell you, gentlemen, -
I'm glad to meet you!
I will dance for you
a whole long evening.

The bracelets on my hands are slowly clicking,
And all the men touch me by my skirt.
Say na ne, na ne, na ne, I am not an obsession!
I can tell you fortunes for a fee.

Gild my pen, just don’t be scared,
Don’t even try to find a better Aza.

My handsome man, all your dreams will come true,
And your heart, dear, will be filled with happiness.

Give me your right hand, or maybe your left,
I will always do everything for free for my friends!

The gypsy woman walks around the table and tells fortunes.

You will live well, swim in luxury,
and you yourself know who to enjoy for a long time.

And I’ll tell you: smile, honey,
because with your smile you are very beautiful.

And I’ll tell you - go for it! And you won't miss!
Happiness is nearby - don’t yawn! You'll run into him soon.

And I look into your eyes, I see luck in them,
because this time it can’t be different!

You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren,
Then it will be fun and there will be no boredom.

Our life is changing
everything in her is changeable,
but luck awaits you,
and love will come to you.

Three lines on the hand
lily petals:
it's you and it's him
and this is the two of you already.

Here the mobile phone rings, they call urgently,
I just never have days off!
I move my arm, I jump my leg,
Well, you are good, clap your hands.

Ay na ne, na ne, na ne.
Oh, Aza is leaving,
And your business card,
here he leaves it for you.

Oh, you winter nights,
everything is covered with frost,
You call sometimes
I'll come to you then!

"Gypsy - fortune teller"

A gypsy woman enters the hall and addresses the guests:

Good people, I will try to surprise you.
And I am surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will guess the riddle?
He will find out his fate.

So, my riddle:
Who has a heel behind their nose?

The gypsy woman approaches the one who guessed the riddle and begins the fortune telling with him. Then he goes around other guests.

Let's continue the fortune-telling - gild the pen...
I wish my predictions come true!

You will be fat and ruddy,
You will raise geese and chickens.
My husband will drive up on a tractor,
will shout loudly: “Smoke break!
Serve dinner, wife,
And a bottle of wine!”

Surprises await you in life:
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
The house is huge
Blooming garden
The husband is rich and doesn't drink
And there are plenty of other miracles!

Your house will be a full cup,
There is always an influx of guests there,
And your wife is the most beautiful of all,
There will be seven children.
And one day you come drunk:
An uneven step, a dull look...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

If you want to be happy,
So here's some advice for you:
Eat a kilo of salt for breakfast
And a big bag of sweets.
Then drink it with vodka.
You'll be happy for the life of you!

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white Volga
With a yacht flying in the azure waves.
With bronze tan on strong shoulders.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied meat from offal
And compote of dried products.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret:
So you'll become a cook!

If it doesn't come out of you
Sissies and crybabies,
That's what life will give you
Brand new bucks!

My husband will buy earrings
And fashionable boots
He will carry it in his arms
and don’t ask for half a liter!

When you wake up one day, you see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle he will pick up, lovingly,
And he will take you to distant lands.

There are many ways and things to do in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the road is wide
It will not become a narrow path!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
Then you will benefit from a shoe lace!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known throughout the area as a millionaire!
Because an uncle will be found in America
He will leave you an inheritance without looking!

This is the news you received:
No salty food today!
And then, lo and behold, you’ll give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Salty foods make babies!

So as not to get bored,
We need to sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people.
If people are happy -
You will become a pop star!

You will be a noble knight,
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to stand up for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

There are many miracles in life,
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

I was chatting here, joking...
But still someone didn’t like it.
I see someone's sad eyes...
Well, there will be songs and dances for you!

Predictions from a bag

A gypsy woman can predict not only on cards or read fortunes by hand, but also have a bag with predictions in the form of small pieces of paper rolled into a tube.

You can also glue predictions to candy and give them to guests, or bake them in cookies (a popular pastime in some countries). The game can be played for any holiday, and the predictions can be varied.

Prediction options:

  • 1. If you take the initiative, success will follow.
  • 2. Important news will come very soon.
  • 3. The answer to your question is connected with some man, perhaps well known to you.
  • 4. Something new will come into your life that will significantly affect your personality.
  • 5. Your hopes are not in vain!
  • 6. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
  • 7. You're on on the right track! Do not stop!
  • 8. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
  • 9. The results of the business you have in mind may disappoint, or they may greatly surprise you.
  • 10. The problem is not where you think it is.
  • 11. Forward and only forward: the thing you are thinking about is right!
  • 12. Your goal is achievable!
  • 13. Success will come if you don’t listen to anyone’s advice.
  • 14. The time of doubt and hesitation has come for you. But don’t worry – everything will work out!
  • 15. Time must pass from sowing grain to harvest.
  • 16. Live an ordinary life, but in an unusual way.
  • 17. Remember that true partnership can only exist between complete individuals.
  • 18. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
  • 19. Gain comes from what you have to part with.
  • 20. Act not in accordance with old authorities, but in accordance with what you consider right for yourself.
  • 21. It's time to finish the old and start new.
  • 22. Don't expect too much and don't think about the end result.
  • 23. Finish first what you started.
  • 24. Be patient and if your decision is right, the Universe will support it.
  • 25. Don't get emotional.
  • 26. Take a closer look at your health.
  • 27. Enjoy your luck and share it with the people around you.
  • 28. Focus on the present.
  • 29. Don't expect quick results.
  • 30. Go with the flow of life without judgment or trying to understand it.
  • 31. Trust what happens to you.
  • 32. Reflect and do not rush into action.
  • 33. The time has come to take action, even if it requires you to jump into the void.
  • 34. Don’t try to stubbornly show your WILL.
  • 35. Unexpected news awaits you.
  • 36. Look in the mirror and you will see a charming face.
  • 37. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth, and then your thoughts.
  • 38. This week your wish will come true.
  • 39. Be more careful on Thursday - an interesting event awaits you.
  • 40. Everything will be fine! Just believe!
  • 41. A new acquaintance awaits you.
  • 42. Expect a surprise. Very soon!
  • 43. All your wishes will definitely come true.
  • 44. You will soon find your lost thing!
  • 45. You will be very surprised by something!
  • 46. ​​You will do a useful thing!
  • 47. If you want to have success, you have to look like you have it.
  • 48. The best is the enemy of the good. Don't overdo it!
  • 49. The stupidest desire is to please everyone.
  • 50. What we pray for, we receive.
  • 51. The only difference between a winner and a loser is that he rises one more time than he falls.
  • 52. In life there is the main thing and the unimportant, and we often waste our energy on trifles.
  • 53. Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad as it could have been!
  • 54. Do what you must, and come what may.
  • 55. back side crisis - new opportunities.
  • 56. When God closes a door, he opens a window for you.
  • 57. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
  • 58. Never be afraid to do what you don’t know how to do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic!
  • 59. It’s better to regret what you did, rather than what you didn’t do.
  • 60. He who stands still goes back.
  • 61. Whatever is not done is for the better.
  • 62. No one is defeated until he admits himself defeated.
  • 63. Struggle is always justified if you know what you are striving for.
  • 64. Don’t strive to be a hero until they call you.
  • 65. These people and these events in your life ended up here because you yourself brought them here. What happens to them next depends on you.
  • 66. Never ask anyone for anything, especially those who are stronger than you - they themselves will come and give everything.
  • 67. Only fools are lucky once. Smart people are always lucky.
  • 68. Evil is not what goes into a person’s mouth, but what comes out of them.
  • 69. Do what you can with what you have where you are.
  • 70. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t start anything. And if you don’t start anything, then nothing will happen.
  • 71. Today the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday has just arrived.
  • 72. There are no hopeless situations: even if you are eaten, you at least have two options.

Sometimes, when celebrating an anniversary or any other holiday, you begin to notice that some of the guests stop being active and just sit and relax. And here it is necessary to take measures, otherwise others will follow them and fun party risks going into the half-sleep stage. What measures will help? Try playing a game called - comic predictions! Short and funny predictions in verse, suitable for any occasion. For example, for an anniversary or for the new year, on February 23 and even on March 8! And all because the predictions are universal and even for teenagers and children at school they can be used with a little editing. Well, let’s not bore you, but let’s move on to the game and poetry.

Predictions in verse.

1. In the first ten days of January,
Your dream will come true.
Get ready for this event
Have a glass and calm down!

2. If you wake up at four in the morning on Saturday,
The weekend will be a blast!
You will redo everything,
After all, you will have plenty of time!

3. In summer, autumn and spring,
Everything will be fine with you.
Just wait out the winter
Sit in a warm house.

4. Different color put on socks
And everything will be okay for you.
And if others laugh,
You can just smile back.

5. In summer you will fly to the sea,
And when you return, you will surprise your friends.
You will have a little belly,
Well, approximately, about two months.

6. And luck will soon smile on you,
And your life will take a new turn.
The main thing is not to oversleep your luck,
We have to sit and wait for her.

7. Put money in the bank,
And say it three times - so!
And then just wait
And live beautifully on interest.

8. You will have a new car,
But something will be lost from you.
As soon as you get the car,
IN family budget you will find a hole!

9. At the end of the week you,
There will be a lot to do.
These batteries are for you
May you manage to do all this!

10. Always in your house,
There will be delicious food.
Just go to the store more often,
Yes, leave there with your bags full.

11. You will be incredibly lucky!
Soon you will have the opposite.
Soon all your dreams will come true,
The main thing is to believe and just wait.

12. If you try hard,
Then everything will work out for you.
And if everything works out for you,
Then all wishes will be fulfilled.

13. It took you a long time to achieve this,
And finally you have arrived.
Friends are waiting for a big feast,
You will have your own apartment!

14. And you need to try a little,
And there is no need to be ashamed of it.
Just a little bit of luck
And soon you will have a new addition to your family!

Do you know how to play such predictions? Everything is simple here - you write down all the predictions by numbers on a piece of paper, and the guests take tickets with numbers out of the bag. When they take it out, they show or call the ticket number, and you read out the prediction under this number.

By the way!
We have beautiful templates with numbers for any similar game.
You can watch them and download them for free for your needs.

A variant of comic predictions with movie titles.

This version of the game is interesting because movie titles can be interpreted in different ways. And therefore the game turns out to be lively, and all the guests take part in the discussion. The game is played according to the following rules:
- the guest says he is waiting for me in the future... and takes out one card on which the name of the film is written. And he reads it out. It may turn out like this: in the future, a carnival night awaits me! Or maybe so: in the future... an office romance awaits me!
In general, this option turns out to be funny when guests or the host comments on what is happening.
Next, look at the list of films that are suitable for the game:
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  • If you work hard and hard in the new year, you will receive a reward in the form of a bonus.
  • If you get up early in the new year, you will never be late for work.
  • You can’t work like a horse in the year of the pig - it will set you back a whole year. It will take you a long time to choose a TV channel to watch in New Year's Eve— On January 1st you will wake up with a remote control in your hands.
  • New Year of the Pig is good for those who like to sleep. Count the stars and sleep like a baby.
  • On the morning of January 1, leave the entrance and look to the left - you will see a bright and brilliant future.
  • How many peas you eat from Olivier - so many wishes will come true in the new year.
  • Champagne finished on the morning of January 1 will remind you of the past year.
  • A hat lost on January 1 means buying a new one.
  • A frying pan given to your wife for New Year is a sign of a bump on your forehead. And a fur coat means love and mutual understanding.
  • A passion for cakes and chocolates in the new year means updating your wardrobe.
  • In the new year you will be promoted at work - your office will move to the floor above.
  • In the new year you will find many new, exciting... household chores.
  • By giving your wife a piece of jewelry for the New Year, you ensure yourself a well-fed life for the whole year.
  • After such a delicious New Year's treat, you will be fighting off guests all year.
  • If you are a big boss in the new year, you will gain 50 kg.
  • In the new year, your pragmatic interest will develop into a romantic passion.
  • In the new year you will meet great love. Very big. So 120 kilograms, no less.
  • This coming year, avoid the cold from your significant other. Otherwise you will be sick all year.
  • Taking off career ladder this year, watch your step so that there are no dizzying consequences.
  • Keep it clean. Wash your hands before eating. If your hands are dirty, you will get contagious diseases.
  • In the morning, after the New Year's feast. Beware of a heavy blow. Stepping on the scale.
  • In the new year, move forward boldly - and wealth awaits you.
  • A visit to the fitness club and swimming pool in the first quarter of the coming year will lead to envious glances from your friends in the next two quarters.
  • For those who are passionate about fishing, fishing happiness will come in the new year. Will open next to the house
  • Fish and seafood store. There will always be a catch to report to your wife.
  • In the new year you will have everything you want. And you won’t get anything for it. New, exciting journeys await you... to the countryside. Don't be upset - this is also a change of scenery.
  • This year a strong explosion is expected - all your envious people will burst.
  • In the coming year, all the doors of supermarkets and boutiques will open for you. And my husband’s fat wallet will lose a lot of weight.
  • This year you will find a treasure... You will discover your husband's stash, which he saved all last year.
  • In the new year you will learn a lot of new and useful things. They will give you an encyclopedia.
  • In the new year you will be attacked. Luck and success will attack you and you will not be able to fight them off.
  • Beware. Very soon. Very soon. Great... love awaits you.
  • Yours creative success, as a personal makeup artist, will be noticed by many men this year.
  • Your charm and beauty are preparing a happy meeting for you in the new year

New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. Great time to get together and eat tasty food, make gifts and share wishes. Children see the magic in it that Santa Claus visits homes, leaving gifts there. And so that he knows which ones exactly, the children write letters. For adults, New Year is also a time of waiting for a miracle. After all, they make wishes, make plans and believe that it will definitely turn out better than the previous one.

That’s why the game of New Year’s predictions is so popular. Moreover, these are comic predictions regarding various topics. There are allegorical ones, where there are hints or lengthy expressions. There are accurate ones that reflect existing reality. There are many options to play similar game. The main thing is to prepare in advance.

Comic predictions based on films and songs

A great opportunity to have fun with company when festive dinner eaten and there is dessert left ahead. Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea New Year's predictions I'm sure you'll like it.

How to apply:

Predictions can be hidden in special cookies.

  • you can bake special cookies by putting notes with funny predictions inside them instead of filling;
  • inflate a dozen multi-colored balloons and give the players a needle in turn so that they burst them - place notes inside;
  • print out colorful candy wrappers, place notes inside, then wrap them in them chocolate candies and serve it to guests for dessert;
  • write a dozen prophecies on identical pieces of paper, fold them and put them in a box or hat - let the guests take them out one by one;
  • make short prophecies and assign a number to everyone, tell the guests at the feast the numbers or ask them to choose for themselves (for example: “Name the numbers 1-10 one by one”).

Fortune telling using films or songs coming year more interesting. The results are funny sayings.

For example, find suitable song titles:

  • Dark night;
  • Night, night (Factor 2);
  • New turn;
  • One day the world will bend under us (c) (Time Machine);
  • Goodbye;
  • Wait, steam locomotive - from the film, Yu. Nikulin / G. Vitsin sing;
  • Nadezhda - A. German;
  • Abnegation – Fleur;
  • They won’t catch up with us - Tattoo;
  • Furry bumblebee;
  • White Rose;
  • Winged swing;
  • Combat;
  • The wind of change;
  • Tenderness – M. Kristalinskaya;
  • The beautiful is far away;
  • There is only a moment;
  • Ah, what a woman!
  • White Rose;
  • Farewell, love - A. Makarsky;
  • Memories – Factor 2;
  • I'll stay - City 312;
  • Love - Dan Balan.

Interesting! You can make prophecies not just by taking the name, but by turning on the composition you got and listening to it. It will be a real musical evening. Many songs carry deep meaning and make you think.

Examples of predictions that can be made based on films of the current years:

"The evening of memories will end unexpected meeting. Perhaps an old school or college friend will come?”

“Goodbye to the love of delicious donuts! The New Year will definitely start with a new advanced diet!”

“A mysterious stranger will send you white roses. Who is he? The answer will surprise you. Perhaps a fan or an old friend?

“The year will fly by like a winged swing - up, when you’re lucky and the work is going well, then down, when difficulties arise. Keep swinging, the black stripe will definitely give way to a white one.”

"When it comes dark night without the moon, make a wish. It will come true soon."

"The usual life after New Year's holidays will end. The wind of change is inevitable! At first the changes will seem like an unpleasant surprise to you, but then you will realize that everything is going well.”

Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of ​​​​New Year's predictions will certainly appeal to you.

Movie titles

You can guess by songs or movie titles. It's simple, at the same time original way get comic predictions for New Year 2019. Then the guests themselves will be involved in the procedure of deciphering the “prophecy”, and most of the results will be cool. A list of movie titles to be used should be compiled in advance or written later, with the guests. Let them remember the pictures, and the presenter will write them down. In a column, without numbers. Then, the players name the numbers and the presenter finds the desired name in this list. Using it, he predicts for the year, adding a version of the decoding on his own, or he will first distribute paper notes to everyone with the names.

For example:

A striking design option for predictions.

  • Predator;
  • Armageddon;
  • Curse of the Nun;
  • The smell of a woman;
  • Taming of the Shrew;
  • The escape;
  • Sex and the City;
  • Groundhog Day;
  • Deal with the devil;
  • Stranger;
  • Quiet place;
  • Titanic;
  • Big jackpot;
  • Reincarnation;
  • The Wedding Planner;
  • The Forty-Year-Old Virgin;
  • Love affair at work;
  • Zigzag of luck;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Matchmakers;
  • Long road in the dunes.

Examples of predictions for the new year:

“A big jackpot awaits you!” – clearly concerns money.

“The taming of the obstinate is awaiting” - perhaps the authorities will take special measures to “educate” a careless employee, or this “surprise” concerns the home. Will you have to raise your child more strictly?

“A colleague has been eyeing you for a long time. Previously, he did not try to take active action. The office romance will begin suddenly. A stormy whirlpool of passions will swirl! Be extremely careful and trust your intuition!”

“The reincarnation of a forgotten project will bring unexpectedly successful results, even though you have to try!”

“Be careful, you will have to unite the team when the boss entrusts you with a new major project. Work as a united front, otherwise you will sink like the Titanic!”

“The ominous curse of the nun awaits you! Perhaps your beloved mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come soon?

“Wait for the matchmakers! Is your beloved niece really getting married?

Lines from songs

At the same time, train your memory by remembering the lines of some favorite compositions or names of paintings. You can print them out on pieces of paper in advance and hand them out to your guests.

Song excerpts suitable for forecasts (for next year):

“Forget him, forget him” (c) “Hands up.”

“Such tenderness on the mirrors” (c) Maxim.

“A million, a million, a million scarlet roses” (c) A. Pugacheva.

“Oh mom, I’m going crazy!”

“Don’t listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything” (c) Max Korzh.

“But when everyone leaves, stay, sit next to me” (c) Olga Marquez.

“I really want to be with you, but sorry, dear, I have a lot to do” (c) Vitya Ak-47 - Sorry, dear, I have a lot to do.

“And even if the whole world turns to dust, I will carry your heart in my hands” (c) Olga Marquez.

“Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man’s world"

“Wait a little longer. We will show you the way” (c) “The path.

"I am free! Like a bird in the sky!”

“How lucky you are, my bride” (c) Mumiy Troll.

“Dad bought a car” (c) A. Pugacheva

“Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome” (c) P. Volya.

“Only, a glass of vodka on the table!” (c) G. Leps.

“The plane easily carries me away” (c) Valeria.

“For a week, until the second. I’ll go to Komarovo!”

“If you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket. So everything is not so bad today” (c) “Kino”.

Interesting! Each line is a ready-made prophecy; participants only need to choose! Somewhere there are hidden wise wishes, somewhere a reason to laugh, and at the same time to think.

In addition to lines from various famous songs or movie titles, you can write your own humorous predictions. At the same time, add meaning so that, in addition to being a joke, they bring benefits to the players.

Examples of prophecies for this year:

Drink tea regularly and never get sick

Interesting texts for New Year's comic predictions.

yours keyword will become: "Rapidly"

Your career will develop rapidly in the new year,

Salaries will also increase rapidly.

Rapidly - relationships will strengthen,

Quickly - you have to run when the boss calls.

Quickly - the premium will be accrued.

Quickly - the working year will fly by and a leisurely (no need to rush here) vacation will begin!

Look more cheerful - everything will turn out great in the new year.

Predictions in verse.

Happiness will come in your personal life,

At the same time, income will increase.

He will live calmly, without worries and no worries.

Smile more often - and fate will answer you with a smile!

The year will definitely be successful,

You will calmly solve all the assigned tasks.

Fulfill the plan, distinguish yourself with diligence,

And the bosses will praise you after noticing this.

Ask for a bonus, don’t be shy.

At the same time, you’ll get a raise sooner!

The prince is waiting for you, he arrived long ago. White horse, stable job, a bouquet of flowers - I collected everything. All that remains is to convey to him the answer: “Yes!” and take a step. Look around, he's nearby!

What was dreamed for a long time will certainly come true in the new year,

Unexpected troubles will go away unnoticed.

Definitely expect

The arrival of a harmful relative!

He will grumble constantly

But it will bring good luck and unexpected income.

He’ll come for a short while and check on everything,

At the same time, it will take away problems, sadness and troubles!

Don't be sad, better open the door wider.

Is this how you want to celebrate this New Year?


Let happiness into the New Year.

Nadezhda will come with him, stay for a while,

Take her out of the way too.

Love will pass freely, it is impossible to contain it.

With her you can safely expect good luck when visiting.

Prosperity will gradually approach the threshold,

He will carefully examine the house, the threshold and the surroundings.

He decides that he should stay, the people are nice, it’s cozy here.

Gather this company at your place, treat them to tea,

If they wish or suggest something, write everything down.

Feed her delicious food, read fairy tales and put her to bed.

Now you always live with them!

It will be long, even dreary and difficult. It will take enough time, perhaps it helps the nerves. But the result will definitely justify all the investments - a new home!

Soon in the coming year you will become the victim of a surprise attack. In the evening, after all the New Year's holidays, a group of unknown people will find you. Among them is luck, it will hold tight. The active ringleader will be love, who is also the organizer of the attack. The third is prosperity, and inspiration will come with them.

It is worth warning - the attack will succeed and you will no longer be able to escape.

Smile more often, then you will receive an unexpected offer. The director of a toothpaste manufacturing factory will want to work with you.

Your wealth in the coming year will increase significantly after winning a million dollars! Be careful, do not waste money on trifles.

On the holiday, your many relatives will unexpectedly remind you of themselves. Everyone will invite you to visit, feed you delicious food and give you a gift!

You will feel like a prisoner of a time machine - you will have to work a lot and it will seem as if you have returned to the Year of the Horse. However, the results will be worth the time and effort invested!

The end of the year will bring a series of strong shocks. Your success will amaze your envious people, competitors and other ill-wishers.

Expect a stranger to visit. He will appear on Sunday morning and shock you. Perhaps it's the postman? Will give you a notification that you have won a million dollars! We'll have to let him in!

You will lose seven things: failure, debts, an unpleasant acquaintance, resentment, misfortune and a bad habit.

You will get seven things in return: love, prosperity, luck, inspiration, hope, happiness and a bonus.

Be careful, the word “big” haunts you. If there is a salary, you will get a big one, if there is a project, they will entrust you with a large one, if there are gatherings, then they will be large-scale, where many people will gather! So try to use this word wisely! Then the big boss will certainly be pleased with you.

The year will fly by! Get a cool car and have a great vacation at your favorite resort. Your life will change dramatically, and your cool boss will give you a stunning bonus!

Looking for destiny? Be sure to visit a nudist beach and look around carefully. Perhaps your happiness will find you and settle down next to you in the new year!

A lot of things will pass you by in life. Only a few things will remain: happiness, prosperity, good health and good luck.

Prepare dinner, decorate the Christmas tree and open the door: Santa Claus will definitely come to visit! Give him a treat and entertain him with conversation. At the same time, tell him about your plans. In return, the kind old man will bring you a wonderful gift!

Bottom line

When composing the text of notes, you need to focus on the age and hobbies of the audience. The main thing is not to offend, but to make those present laugh. If there is a company with children, it is better to avoid vulgarities. If all the guests are relatives or friends and they have been communicating for a long time, you can add snippets of pleasant memories to the prophecies.

It would be a good idea to write several individual messages aimed at a specific recipient. His hobby, professional activity and character will be clues.
