I want to sneeze but I can’t find a reason. Why do people sneeze? Reaction to external conditions

Every person has experienced a situation in which they felt the urge to sneeze, but were unable to do so. Many people know how to sneeze on purpose: to do this, it will be enough to detect the necessary allergen and inhale it. There are many techniques that help specifically induce sneezing.

Why do we sneeze?

This process is inherent in human nature, and it arises as a reaction of the body to any changes. This can be either infections and inflammations of the nasopharynx, or a speck of dust that accidentally gets into the nose. We sneeze when the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is irritated. There are times when you need to sneeze on purpose, for example, before an important meeting; there are a number of ways to do this.

Sneezing is good for human health. According to Chinese sages, it improves well-being, and in the presence of viruses, removes them from the human body. Modern medicine supports the view that sneezing is beneficial unless it is the result of a medical condition that needs to be treated.

Methods that provoke sneezing

If a foreign particle gets into your nose, but you still cannot sneeze, you can use some folk remedies and methods to help cause this process. Below are ways to answer the question of what needs to be done to sneeze.

  1. The most common option is to use a feather to tickle the nasal mucosa. To do this, you need to carefully insert the object into the nostril and move it slightly. If the technique does not help, the problem is that the person is not relaxed. To achieve the effect, all muscles of the body must be relaxed and calm.
  2. If we turn to not only effective, but also useful ways, you can drip your nose with beet juice or Kalanchoe juice. This option will not only cause a sneeze, but will also have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane. In addition, the nasal canal can be instilled with ordinary clean water.
  3. You can use water in another way: take a glass filled to the brim and dip the tip of your nose there for a couple of moments - the result should be instant.
  4. You can use a cotton swab or take a piece of cotton wool and twist it into a turunda. Carefully insert into the nasal passage and tickle - the reaction will be immediate.
  5. Some people react to bright light. If there are no clouds in the sky, look out the window and look at the sun. It may be enough to simply look at an artificial light source, such as an incandescent light bulb.
  6. Among the methods telling how to make yourself sneeze, it is worth highlighting ground black pepper. Take a pinch of this spice and inhale lightly. It is important to avoid getting into large quantity pepper into the respiratory tract. To do this, it is recommended to pour the pepper into a saucer and cover it with gauze, then inhale.
  7. You can try inhaling cold air. If the weather outside is not conducive to such an experiment, use the cold from the freezer.
  8. A common and proven method is to use snuff or sneezing powder, which can easily be found in a pharmacy.
  9. Try plucking your eyebrows. The eyelid muscles are irritated during this procedure and will contribute to sneezing. If it doesn’t help, just massage the bridge of your nose or gently scratch the area near your eyebrows.
  10. There is evidence that mint can also cause sneezing. Chew a mint or gum. You can also chew a regular mint leaf.
  11. Among the effective techniques is one more: place your palm on your lips, extended into a tube, and try to make a sound. You can also extend your tongue and touch it to the junction of the hard and soft palate.

If a foreign object is stuck in the nose, which is in the way and does not come out even with the help of sneezing, you should immediately consult a doctor to get qualified help. In addition, read the article “

The human body is a perfectly tuned mechanism that reacts with lightning speed to any kind of irritant. The nasal passage is especially active in this regard.

What is sneezing

Small particles entering the nose cause watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing. This is a natural need of the body that cannot be restrained, since viruses can penetrate further - into the middle ear or maxillary sinuses. Sometimes you just need to sneeze to get rid of foreign object in the nose, accumulation of dust particles and cleansing of the nasal passages, but it does not work. Therefore, every person should know how to force themselves to sneeze if necessary. This reflex appears already at birth. In both children and adults, it is expressed as a short-term phenomenon, taking no more than a couple of minutes. Sneezing occurs when itching occurs in the nasal passage, accompanied by contraction of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm. The air pressure at this time is very strong, it allows you to quickly clear the nasopharynx and remove all small particles from it.

Causes of sneezing

In order to understand how to make yourself sneeze, it is necessary to consider the causes of this manifestation. Pathological processes in the body do not always affect it. One possible factor may be the presence of strong aromas, abrupt change temperature environment, the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity, very bright light or allergic reactions. Celebrity allergist Neil Kao claims that a sneeze begins with nerve endings. All people nervous system arranged the same way. But the signals transmitted from it to the brain and back can go in different directions. The brain is informed that a foreign object has entered the nose and should be quickly disposed of.

Why do you need to know how to sneeze on purpose? Sneezing plays important role in protecting the immune system and our body as a whole. It helps clear the nasal passages. Writer Patti Wood claims that a sneeze can reach speeds of up to 100 mph and release more than a hundred thousand germs into the air. That is why people around us cast negative glances at such a harmless and even beneficial reaction of the body. It is interesting that a person does not sneeze while sleeping, since the body and its nerves are asleep. But physical activity, on the contrary, can cause sneezing. When hyperventilation of the lungs occurs, the mouth and nasal passages dry out, causing its appearance. The longest period of continuous sneezing was recorded in England. The record holder was Donna Griffitz. She sneezed for 978 days with virtually no breaks.

What Norwegian experts say

Scientists from a Scandinavian country have described how to sneeze if you can't. According to them, one of the most effective options is a bright light source. There is a direct connection between it and the nerve endings. That is why people, leaving dark room in the sun or vice versa, they suddenly begin to sneeze. Another way is to inhale spices. Almost everyone has tried it on themselves and remembers the consequences. Any hot spice (black pepper or chili) will quickly trigger the desired reflex. This should be done carefully so that the hot seasoning does not get on the sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes. Experts from Norway say that regular chewing gum or mint oil can also cause a sneeze. If you don’t know how to make yourself sneeze, but you really want to, start chewing it intensively.

Such a cosmetic procedure as eyebrow plucking, according to Norwegian scientists, provokes the appearance of the desired reflex no less strongly. The reason lies in the large number of nerve endings located on the face. They become irritated and activate a nerve signal that triggers sneezing. The last, fifth way to sneeze was carbonated drinks. They cause a tingling and tickling sensation in the nose, which leads to sneezing.

Traditional methods

The most common option among people is an ordinary feather. All you have to do is insert it into your nose and tickle it. There may be no reaction if the person is tense. It is best to lie down, take a comfortable position and relax. Many people don’t know how to sneeze on purpose, but they use this method quite successfully as a funny joke. And it works really well. The feather can be seen with an ordinary cotton swab or hair, the main thing is that the effect on the mucous membrane is not strong, but irritating. People successfully replace hot spices with flour, which provokes the desired reflex no less quickly. But the best of the old recipes is the use of special varieties

Treating the baby

How to sneeze for a child if the baby has a runny nose and his nose is clogged big amount mucus? It definitely needs to be removed. Despite the fact that all of the above sneezing methods are very simple, not every parent will agree to use them when it comes to a small child. Such an experiment can lead to injury to the mucous membrane and its long recovery. And the child himself is unlikely to like such a procedure. In such situations, a more relevant method would be to instill Kalanchoe juice into the nose or rinse with saline solution.

Interestingly, ancient Chinese medicine described how to make yourself sneeze. Doctors of those times offered relief from unpleasant symptom by removing cold from the body. It is when sneezing that a person gets rid of all the accumulated mucus, preventing the proliferation of many diseases, clearing the airways and filling the body with warm positive energy.

Having figured out how to sneeze if you can’t, it’s worth noting an important fact. If there is a foreign object in the nose that cannot be removed on your own, you should immediately seek help from the nearest clinic.

What to do when you want to sneeze, but you can’t?

    You can carry snuff or a feather with you if you are not happy with this situation with the unsatisfied desire of the sneezer! On the contrary, I usually like to hold back, especially on public transport, so I rub and press on the bridge of my nose so that the desire to sneeze goes away!

    Do you want to sneeze?? You need to do the following. As soon as your nose itches before sneezing, you need to raise your head up and try to turn your face towards the sun. Eyes must be closed. A sneeze is guaranteed.

    I always do this when there is difficulty in producing a sneeze.

    I also noticed that I have difficulty sneezing before the allergic flu in autumn period. If I wanted to sneeze three times and didn’t sneeze, that’s it, the flu is guaranteed. I then take three Flukold tablets in order and everything goes away within a day. The sneezing stops, and along with it other symptoms - watery eyes, headaches, fever.

    When you want to, but cannot, sneeze, just look at a bright light (for example, the Sun or even an ordinary glowing light bulb). At the same time, it is important to raise your head. Irritation of the nasal mucosa occurs, which leads to sneezing.

    Even a dog can sneeze after looking at the Sun.

    Do you mean you need to hold back a sneeze because right now you can’t? In this case, I intensively rub the bridge of my nose, right at the very place that is closer to the space between the eyebrows - I really don’t know what works there, but the desire to sneeze goes away!

    It turns out there is a whole science to learning how to make yourself sneeze! There are many methods, and which of them will be effective for you should be tested experimentally. By their nature, methods of causing a sneeze are divided into irritating and respiratory. The first type includes pulling out hairs from the nostril or eyebrows, massage of the bridge of the nose, massage with the tip of the tongue of the border area between the hard and soft palate, tickling with a soft object in the nose and irritation by bright light of the optic nerves (looking at the sun). The second type includes inhaling pepper, coriander, cumin or other spices through the nose, inhaling sneezing powder through gauze, inhaling cold air, for example from a freezer, and inhaling water through the nose.

    In addition to these methods, there are options with throwing your head back or taking a sip of fizzy soda.

    You urgently need to find sneezing tobacco (if not, dry mustard will do), take a handful with two fingers, insert it into the nostril and draw it in, followed by a long-awaited cough.

    If you have a cold, you can buy cough suppressants (the well-known Bronholutin or Bromhexine); it is not advisable to take these medications when you do not have a cold.

    Looking at the sun usually helps me sneeze. I don’t know, I’ve never had a problem where I couldn’t sneeze. I like to sneeze and I do it with pleasure. Sometimes, in order to sneeze faster, I breathe quickly through my nose. This method forces you to endure a lot and then breaks through. A sneeze is a small orgasm :-).

    Smell spices, such as ground black or red pepper, and sneeze.

    If you want the desire to sneeze to disappear, just rub the bridge of your nose, the desire to sneeze will go away and you won’t sneeze. Do as you see fit.

But it must be borne in mind that such methods may not always bring success, especially when a small object is stuck in the nose.

Some techniques for artificially inducing a sneeze

Almost throughout the existence of mankind, in order to specifically sneeze, people have used the following methods:

  1. You can start sneezing if you tickle the mucous structure of the canal on your nose with some object. Most often, thread or bird feathers are used for this. Any of these objects can be carefully placed into the nostril and lightly tickled - this usually leads to sneezing. But in some cases this method does not produce the desired effect. This all happens because the person is not relaxed, and sneezing requires complete relaxation of the whole body.
  2. There are many people who, in order to sneeze on purpose, need to look at a bright source of light. Usually, all they need to do is look at the sun (if there are no clouds in the sky). Artificial light sources, such as a light bulb, are also suitable.
  3. To start sneezing, many patients just need to smell ground pepper. But a small amount of black pepper is suitable for this; you cannot do this with red pepper. Powder particles get on the mucous membranes, causing severe irritation, and then a sneeze.
  4. There are publications on how to specifically make a person sneeze violently. As one of the authors writes: “I can suggest using Kalanchoe juice. It is successfully used to relieve children of mucus in the nose. A few drops of juice are dropped into the nose - after this a person may sneeze not once, but several times. But it should be noted that it does not always and does not help everyone.”

The methods described above can basically free the nasal canals from dust, mucus from a runny nose, and dirt. But they don’t help much if an object is stuck in the nose. To eliminate this problem, it is best not to try to induce an artificial sneeze, since in this case the object may not only not fly out of the nasal canal, but also damage the mucous membranes of the organ. Therefore, in such cases, it is best to seek help from a doctor - he will remove the stuck object with special devices.

Other possibilities for making a sneeze

In order to specifically induce a sneezing process, it is best to irritate the mucous parts of the nasal passages with some object.

Several methods can be used to achieve this effect.

Instead of the above method of tickling the nostrils with a feather or thread, you can successfully use a long hair.

For example, it is recommended to take an ordinary cotton swab - they are sold in pharmacies - and push it into the nostril so that it moves beyond the cartilage. After this, it is twisted, and this causes severe irritation of the nasal cavity, which leads to a sneeze.

By analogy with black pepper, you can smell flour - in many people it causes strong and numerous sneezes.

But it is better to use special varieties of snuff for such experiments - this is enough the old way guarantees the desired effect.

In some cases, the sneezing process is also caused by washing powder, but it is better not to do this, since sometimes such exposure causes the development of allergies.

For some people, to obtain the desired irritation in the nasal cavity, it is enough to pinch their eyebrows. From such exposure they begin to have a fairly strong sneezing process.

Some patients claim that to initiate a strong sneezing process they need (if nothing else is available) to apply a painful type of irritation to the nostril. To do this, they feel the hair growing there in the nasal canal and then pull it. Such an effect almost instantly leads not only to a sneeze, but also to a stream of tears from the eyes. But not everyone can tolerate this, so it’s better not to experiment.

In some cases, irritation in the nostrils can be caused by simply squeezing and unclenching them with your fingers. A person begins to sneeze if there is inflammation in the nasal canals and a little mucus has accumulated. But this method does not guarantee 100% success.

All the methods described above for inducing an artificial sneezing process are quite simple - even Small child. Another thing is their effectiveness. They may not always lead to success due to individual characteristics the body of every person. In any case, if you need to remove an object stuck in it from your nose, you should consult a doctor so as not to injure the nasal cavity.

How to intentionally sneeze

Every person has experienced a situation in which they felt the urge to sneeze, but were unable to do so. Many people know how to sneeze on purpose: to do this, it will be enough to detect the necessary allergen and inhale it. There are many techniques that help specifically induce sneezing.

Why do we sneeze?

This process is inherent in human nature, and it arises as a reaction of the body to any changes. This can be either infections and inflammations of the nasopharynx, or a speck of dust that accidentally gets into the nose. We sneeze when the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is irritated. There are times when you need to sneeze on purpose, for example, before an important meeting; there are a number of ways to do this.

Sneezing is good for human health. According to Chinese sages, it improves well-being, and in the presence of viruses, removes them from the human body. Modern medicine supports the view that sneezing is beneficial unless it is the result of a medical condition that needs to be treated.

Methods that provoke sneezing

If a foreign particle gets into your nose, but you still cannot sneeze, you can use some folk remedies and methods to help trigger this process. Below are ways to answer the question of what needs to be done to sneeze.

  1. The most common option is to use a feather to tickle the nasal mucosa. To do this, you need to carefully insert the object into the nostril and move it slightly. If the technique does not help, the problem is that the person is not relaxed. To achieve the effect, all muscles of the body must be relaxed and calm.
  2. If you turn to not only effective, but also useful methods, you can drip your nose with beet juice or Kalanchoe juice. This option will not only cause a sneeze, but will also have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane. In addition, the nasal canal can be instilled with ordinary clean water.
  3. You can use water in another way: take a glass filled to the brim and dip the tip of your nose there for a couple of moments - the result should be instant.
  4. You can use a cotton swab or take a piece of cotton wool and twist it into a turunda. Carefully insert into the nasal passage and tickle - the reaction will be immediate.
  5. Some people react to bright light. If there are no clouds in the sky, look out the window and look at the sun. It may be enough to simply look at an artificial light source, such as an incandescent light bulb.
  6. Among the methods telling how to make yourself sneeze, it is worth highlighting ground black pepper. Take a pinch of this spice and inhale lightly. It is important to prevent large amounts of pepper from entering the respiratory tract. To do this, it is recommended to pour the pepper into a saucer and cover it with gauze, then inhale.
  7. You can try inhaling cold air. If the weather outside is not conducive to such an experiment, use the cold from the freezer.
  8. A common and proven method is to use snuff or sneezing powder, which can easily be found in a pharmacy.
  9. Try plucking your eyebrows. The eyelid muscles are irritated during this procedure and will contribute to sneezing. If it doesn’t help, just massage the bridge of your nose or gently scratch the area near your eyebrows.
  10. There is evidence that mint can also cause sneezing. Chew a mint or gum. You can also chew a regular mint leaf.
  11. Among the effective techniques is one more: place your palm on your lips, extended into a tube, and try to make a sound. You can also extend your tongue and touch it to the junction of the hard and soft palate.

If a foreign object is stuck in the nose, which is in the way and does not come out even with the help of sneezing, you should immediately consult a doctor to get qualified help. Additionally, read the article “Why does the body need sneezing.”

All materials are for informational purposes only.

Before using the information received, consult your doctor.

Questions and suggestions:

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It’s very painful when you want to sneeze, but for some reason you can’t: someone distracted you, someone said in advance “Bless you!” (this usually happens to me) and so on.

Here, of course, it all depends on what you want: to sneeze or not to sneeze.

In order to sneeze, you need to smell something consisting of small particles, for example, flour or ground black pepper. If you have at home indoor plant Kalanchoe, you can drip its juice into your nose, then you will get a sneeze like from a machine gun, and for one thing it will also prevent a runny nose.

Distraction usually helps me get rid of the desire to sneeze, for example, listening to music or doing something interesting.

If you still want to sneeze, then take in as much air as possible into your lungs and, as it were, imitate the beginning of a sneeze. Then the subconscious will, as it were, tune in and can continue this for you.

If it still doesn’t work out, but you want to sneeze, then just remove this desire. Usually the urge to sneeze begins with an itchy nose.

So blow your nose and scratch the inside of your nostrils. The urge to sneeze should disappear for a while.

Irritation in the nose: I want to sneeze, but it doesn’t come out

Recently I encountered this problem: my nose itches very much, as if I was about to sneeze heavily, but I don’t sneeze. Sometimes liquid came out of the nose, just a little, it didn’t look like snot, like water. This happened for two days. I tried to sneeze, but it didn’t work, and then suddenly I succeeded and everything went away. I would like to know what it is - allergies, rhinitis?

Most likely it's an allergy to something, you just need to find out. If not, then there may have been some kind of injury recently, and because of this, the respiratory system has become compromised.

This condition may be caused allergic reactions for some pathogen. You need to identify what you are allergic to and eliminate the causative agent, and you can also use Delufen spray, which helps well with rhinitis and allergies.

You most likely have an allergy to something, but it should go away soon. Unless it's running, of course. But if everything is bad, consult a doctor, he will tell you what to do.

I understand that everything went well for you. This means you don’t have to worry, and if you don’t understand the situation where you had a sneeze, then amateurs won’t advise you anything worthwhile, it’s better to go to a specialist.

I also think it's an allergy. The only problem is that the cause of the disease is not known. What irritant affects you? And there are a lot of them. Wool, plant fluff, cold, dust, etc.

This has happened - most often it is due to allergies. In our world, we are surrounded by many different things that cause such an insignificant reaction in us; we simply do not pay attention to them.

If there were no obvious factors for the occurrence of allergies, then perhaps the virus was the irritant. The immune system coped, so there was no severe runny nose.

Discharge of a liquid similar to water from the nose, itching in the nose, and the desire to sneeze are signs of an allergy. To get rid of these phenomena, you need to wash your face and rinse your nose with cool water and take an antiallergic drug.

I do not advise you to use various drops and sprays for the nose, thus curing rhinitis temporarily; you can get polyps in the nose, after which surgery will be required.

It looks like an allergy. For the future, if allergies appear, try Prevalin spray. It saves you from allergic rhinitis with a bang.

I still advise you to clear your nose by dropping Kalanchoe juice into it. There may be congestion in the maxillary sinus, let all the excess come out. At the same time, take some allergy pills.

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What to do when you want to sneeze, but you can’t?

What to do when you want to sneeze, but you can’t?

You can carry snuff or a feather with you if you are not happy with this situation with the unsatisfied desire of the sneezer! On the contrary, I usually like to hold back, especially on public transport, so I rub and press on the bridge of my nose so that the desire to sneeze goes away!

Do you want to sneeze? You need to do the following. As soon as your nose itches before sneezing, you need to raise your head up and try to turn your face towards the sun. Eyes must be closed. A sneeze is guaranteed.

I always do this when there is difficulty in producing a sneeze.

I also noticed that I have difficulty sneezing before the allergic flu in the fall. If I wanted to sneeze three times and didn’t sneeze, that’s it, the flu is guaranteed. I then take three Flukold tablets in order and everything goes away within a day. The sneezing stops, and along with it other symptoms - watery eyes, headaches, fever.

When you want to, but cannot, sneeze, just look at a bright light (for example, the Sun or even an ordinary glowing light bulb). At the same time, it is important to raise your head. Irritation of the nasal mucosa occurs, which leads to sneezing.

Even a dog can sneeze after looking at the Sun.

Do you mean you need to hold back a sneeze because right now you can’t? In this case, I intensively rub the bridge of my nose, right at the very place that is closer to the space between the eyebrows - I really don’t know what works there, but the desire to sneeze goes away!

It turns out there is a whole science to learning how to make yourself sneeze! There are many methods, and which of them will be effective for you should be tested experimentally. By their nature, methods of causing a sneeze are divided into irritating and respiratory. The first type includes pulling out hairs from the nostril or eyebrows, massaging the bridge of the nose, massaging the border area between the hard and soft palate with the tip of the tongue, tickling the nose with a soft object, and irritating the optic nerves with bright light (looking at the sun). The second type includes inhaling pepper, coriander, cumin or other spices through the nose, inhaling sneezing powder through gauze, inhaling cold air, for example from a freezer, and inhaling water through the nose.

In addition to these methods, there are options with throwing your head back or taking a sip of fizzy soda.

You urgently need to find sneezing tobacco (if not, dry mustard will do), take a handful with two fingers, insert it into the nostril and draw it in, followed by a long-awaited cough.

If you have a cold, you can buy cough suppressants (the well-known Bronholutin or Bromhexine); it is not advisable to take these medications when you do not have a cold.

Looking at the sun usually helps me sneeze. I don’t know, I’ve never had a problem where I couldn’t sneeze. I like to sneeze and I do it with pleasure. Sometimes, in order to sneeze faster, I breathe quickly through my nose. This method forces you to endure a lot and then breaks through. A sneeze is a small orgasm :-).

Smell spices, such as ground black or red pepper, and sneeze.

If you want the desire to sneeze to disappear, just rub the bridge of your nose, the desire to sneeze will go away and you won’t sneeze. Do as you see fit.

Sneezing is a natural process of self-cleansing of the nose from a small foreign object, a particle of dust, or bacteria that has accidentally entered it. In general, this is a natural process, but if you need to sneeze and it doesn’t work, there are other ways to induce it. However, it should be remembered that if some small object got into the nasal passages, and it was not possible to induce sneezing or it was possible, but it turned out to be fruitless, then you should not waste time, but you should see a competent specialist - an otolaryngologist.

  1. Nasal drops. Place Kalanchoe juice or beetroot juice into your nose. You can put some drops in your nose plain water. Or take a glass of water and dip the tip of your nose into it, shallowly. After a few seconds, take it out, this may cause sneezing.
  2. Sniff it. Smell the black (not red!) ground pepper. However, you need to be careful not to get too much of it into your respiratory tract. So you can take a pinch of pepper, throw it up and inhale deeply. Or pour it onto a plate, cover the top with gauze, bend over and inhale slowly. Instead of pepper, you can use other chopped spices. It also helps to take a sniff of tobacco. Or just breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. The pharmacy sells sneezing powder, purchase it and follow the instructions.
  3. Tickling (irritation of the mucous membrane). Take a handkerchief, roll it into a tube and rub it in your nose with the sharp tip. The same can be done with paper napkin. Twist the cotton swab at the very nostrils (not deep!). You can make a thin cotton cord - a turunda - and stick it deep into your nose. Tickle your nose with a feather. Try pulling a hair out of your nose.
  4. Light. Try sitting with your head tilted back. And then look at the sun. Or just look at the bright light. Next to the optic nerve is the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sneezing. Therefore, stimulation of one nerve can provoke irritation of another.
  5. Cold. Breathe in cold air. If he is not outside, then open the freezer and take a deep breath.
  6. Products. Chew a mint leaf, mint candy, or chewing gum. As a last resort, try drinking mint tea. Drink sparkling water.
  7. Brows. Try plucking your eyebrows. Irritation of the eyelid muscles can stimulate sneezing. Or gently scratch the area near your eyebrows. Gently massage the bridge of your nose, it helps some.
  8. Have fun. Learn to sneeze just like that. This can lead to actual sneezing. Or try to imitate the sounds that elephants make. Place your palm on your pursed lips and hum. Try to arch your tongue and scratch the area where the hard palate and soft palate meet.
Don't sneeze just for fun. And if something serious gets into your nose, then use methods of “self-medication” only until you see a doctor. It is the specialist who must get foreign bodies from the nasal passages! Don't put off visiting him!
