Sources of financial resources. Financial resources: types, sources of formation and main areas of use

A trader, having a decent amount of starting capital, is able to short time get good result, increase income. To do this, it is important to play by the rules of the foreign exchange market and take into account the peak sales hours. On the Forex exchange, trading sessions are formed taking into account characteristic features trade representatives of different geographical zones. The schedule helps the user formulate and implement the optimal strategy. Let us tell you in more detail how Forex trading sessions are determined.

Why you need to know the trading session schedule

Novice traders have no idea when the most significant trading operations are carried out, and when visiting the market brings maximum profitability. It is important to make not only the right bets, but also good time. This is the basis of professional trading.

Newbies think that the resource is available around the clock, every day. This is not entirely true: the site is indeed open to the public at any time, but foreign exchange transactions go by specific periods. Therefore, there is no point in spending 24 hours a day on the site and trading on all transactions in a row. It is better to pay maximum attention to a specific period of time and achieve the desired result.

Forex trading sessions are the time intervals between the opening and closing of trading. Segments are formed based on the activity of certain regions. For example, European part completes deals, while the American one is just entering the market.

The work of the market is shaped in accordance with continental characteristics: in one part of the planet the working day is coming to an end, and in another it is just beginning. It is the use of cyclicality that allows brokers to organize transactions in optimal time when the largest players are present on the exchange.

Brokerages open trading on Monday at midnight European Central Time and close at 11:00 pm on Friday. This scheme has a close connection with the work of financial and credit institutions, stock exchanges and stock exchanges. They work on weekdays, on a five-day schedule. On the weekend, holidays all transactions are suspended.

Trading sessions change in an approved sequence, ensuring continuity of the trading process. Each period differs in the degree of volatility (rate fluctuations) due to the entry or exit of large clients. The level of profitability of the trader directly depends on this. If you choose a moderate line, the profit will be stable, but minimal. Aggressive struggle and competition will increase your income many times over.

The schedule of active Forex trading sessions according to Moscow time will allow the investor to plan his own time and prepare a strategy based on the degree of participation of major players. If we take into account the continental peculiarities of trading, users will receive the maximum possible profit and optimize their own tactics. At the same time, the trader does not have to spend days on the stock exchange waiting for a good deal.

It is important for every investor to allocate time and financial resources to contracts that bring the greatest benefit. Therefore, choosing the moment of opening and closing trading will allow the trader to conduct currency exchange transactions with the least effort according to the optimal scheme. A rational approach to trading is the first step to successful trading.

There are four trading sessions on the Forex exchange platform:

  • American;
  • Asian;
  • European;
  • Australian or Pacific.

For the first period, the capital of trading is New York, the second - Tokyo. The third group is represented by London, and the last by Sydney. Let's briefly talk about the main points of trading on the designated time periods.


The session represents trading exchange operations in the cities of Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong. According to Moscow time, the opening falls at three o'clock in the morning, trading ends at noon. Trading has a calm rhythm with interesting moments.

During this period, jumps in the exchange rate of the Japanese national currency (yen) are often observed. Fluctuations depend on the economic and political situation in Japan and the actions of the central state bank. According to statistics, the Asian session occupies about 15-17% of the total volume of trading on Forex.

An interesting moment for making deals is the beginning of the week. On Monday, professional traders actively bet on quote gaps due to the weekend pause. Trend movement is predicted using the event feed for Saturday and Sunday. This period is ideal for gap and news players.

From Tuesday to Friday, the session is characterized by relative calm, especially until 8-9 am Moscow time. The last three hours of work are characterized by peak investor activity. This is due to the fact that all players have already conducted an in-depth analysis of the market, assessed the trend and risks.

The session is characterized by low activity, liquidity and very often resembles fishing, when you have to wait for hours for a catch. The movement of rates occurs in narrow trading ranges, which is favorable for scalping. Moderate activity of the exchange allows beginners to test a new strategy and prepare for aggressive trading.


The session is at the junction of London, Asia and American trade. Therefore, this time is characterized by active exchange rate changes and price fluctuations. financial assets. For example, very strong volatility is observed in the euro.

Europe is represented by several largest financial institutions, one of which is London. All traders in the world constantly monitor changes on this exchange, actively analyze transactions and predict profitability. On Forex, the European session takes up about a third of all transactions.

The opening of the European Forex trading session is fixed at ten o'clock in the morning Moscow time, ending at 19:30. Main participants trading platform- French, Germans, British. Peak activity occurs at 11:00. The largest number of contracts are formed during the operation of the London Stock Exchange. At this time, there is a strong fluctuation in quotes due to the participation of the largest financial groups.

Additionally, this time includes the maximum number of foreign exchange transactions, since many banks are open. Closer to 13:00 there is a slight decline, traders go on a lunch break. Towards evening activity resumes. The main source of investment is the European currency.

The main feature of the European session is the strongest monetary movement and instantaneous exchange rates. Trading volume exceeds average, price changes are very difficult to predict. Often the trading strategy for this period of time is a continuation of the Asian session.


The main share of trading operations is represented by the leaders among the world exchanges, located in New York and Chicago. News published in the United States has a direct impact on the formation of a trend. The unstable economic situation of the state can cause sharp jumps in quotations, both in the direction of growth and unexpected decline.

The American Forex session starts at 16:00. Moscow time and stops working by 1 am. There is active trading in the dollar and other European currencies. As 7:00 pm approaches, the market experiences a decline in activity due to the end of the working day in Europe. It is at this time that experienced players promote the currency for their own interests.

The American session is a very bright period in the foreign exchange market. From the very beginning, there is an active release of contracts, an increase in liquidity, and the turnover of financial resources goes through the roof. This is due to the intersection of European and American trade.

Additionally, this time is characterized by large volumes of information received for processing after the release of news in Europe and the USA. Trading is based on sudden changes courses, reversals. The game is aggressive, risky, unpredictable, so it is especially important to use all possible insurance options.

The session consists of two stages: in the first, bets are made only on fundamental data, in the second, technical analysis. Major US players often play as a team, this can greatly influence the currency trend. The time is ideal for scalping; due to the volatility of financial assets, profitability is maximum.


This is the quietest time on Forex, trading volatility is at a minimum level. The session opens at midnight and ends at eight in the morning. The majority of traders take a wait-and-see attitude, simply observe, and do not make sudden attacks or turns.

The Pacific session is an excellent option for developing and testing strategies and gaining skills for novice players. This period is used by traders to automatic trading using robots. News published in the USA at 22:00 can have a strong impact on the price chart.

Trading activity increases at the start of the Asian session, which runs for six hours simultaneously with the Pacific session. The number of users is increasing, and capital turnover is growing. Players should not relax or let down their guard so as not to unexpectedly lose the bank.

Best time to trade Forex

Morning time (8:00-10:00) is characterized by a slow increase in the pace of the game, because courses are being formed and information on current news is being processed. This segment is suitable for traders planning to trade options with average returns.

At night (01:00-09:00) there is a decline in the activity of large investors, and there is a lull. Beginners use this period to gain basic skills, prepare tactics and make starting profits.

The peak trading times occur during overlapping sessions. The market is occupied by experienced traders who greatly influence quotes with capital turnover. Intensive trading is characterized by high volatility and liquidity.

Foreign exchange market opening hours

The foreign exchange market operates 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday. Some brokers are ready to offer clients to trade on weekends, but the effectiveness of such operations is minimal. Saturday, Sunday, international holidays and significant days- moments of complete calm on the stock exchange.

Forex trading sessions allow traders to optimize the trading process and choose the best working tactics. The Asian and Pacific sections are suitable for beginners to gain experience and formulate a strategy. The European and American sessions are characterized by high fluctuations in currency pair rates and asset liquidity. Each trader chooses a trading time that is convenient for him, taking into account his expectations and goals.

Hello, today's blog article will talk about about Fores trading sessions.
It should be noted that, as in any other job where important decisions need to be made, there are many external factors that need to be taken into account when trading Forex.
So, most of them, of course, come down to creating, as well as testing, maintaining discipline.

However, in addition, it is extremely important to know the general behavior of the market, namely, what directly affects its movement in different time days.

Attention, just below there is a widget from alpari, which will show you the time of each session, it is automatically updated, so bookmark this page to know the schedule

In the schedule of Forex trading sessions, it is traditional to distinguish three main Forex trading sessions (with Moscow time +3 GTM (+4 GTM)), namely:

  1. Asian trading session: 03:00 – 11:00 (or 04:00 – 12:00 summer time);
  2. American trading session: 16:00 – 24:00 (or 17:00 – 01:00 summer time);
  3. European trading session: 09:00 – 17:00 (or 10:00 – 18:00 summer time).

Additionally you can see forex trading session for Oceania and Australia, which falls in the morning: 01:00 - 09:00 (or 02:00 - 10:00 summer time).

Anyway, watch this video:


So I made this list:

Before full description each transaction, I will say that it exists, I will not talk about it on this page, be sure to follow the link and install it in.

Asian Forex trading session

During this Forex trading session, the most active transactions in the market are the conversion transactions of the dollar to the euro (EURUSD), dollar to the Japanese yen (USDJPY), euro to the yen (EURJPY), as well as the Australian dollar to the US dollar (AUDUSD).

It should be noted that exactly Asian trading session opens first and could set the tone for the market.

First, the Tokyo Stock Exchange enters trading, after which the Singapore and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges join it.

Most active in given time There will be exactly those market transactions with which the Japanese yen is directly related - trading is especially active in the USD/JPY and EUR/JPY pairs.

In addition, the euro/dollar currency pair also begins to trade. At the same time, despite a large number of transactions, special movement there is no forex market unless a Japanese bank intervenes.

However, one should pay attention Special attention at a certain hour of the Asian trading session, namely from one to two GMT, when in Japan itself the balance sheets of financial institutions are recorded.

It is noteworthy that it is at this time that Japanese banks are trying to fulfill the most important monetary transactions. At the same time, the state of the yen at a given time will indicate the general direction of the exchange rate, which will significantly help when trading this currency on Forex.

For example, there is even an advisor that trades only during the Asian session.

European Forex trading session

During this session, trading takes place in European financial centers. Thus, the volatility of the majors increases significantly after the opening of the London market.

It is the trading activity that decreases slightly at lunchtime, but by the evening participants again return to the market with the same activity.

Direct movements in rates during the European session can be significant, because Europe has a large amount of money.

American Forex trading session

The busiest movements on Forex begin precisely with the opening of the session in New York, when American banks themselves begin to work, and European dealers return from lunch.

It should be noted that the strengths of European and American banks are approximately equal, therefore, compared to the European session, no changes in the market, as a rule, occur.

Volatility may increase after the European session closes, especially on Friday before the weekend. Also, the American Forex session is marked by increased aggression in trading.

Pacific Forex trading session

This is the quietest time in the market. At this time, there are slight fluctuations in Forex, and therefore you should not expect the start of any trend.

By the way, the absence of such movement is due to the fact that in this Forex session, only Australia and New Zealand.

That is why you can rest and relax during the Pacific trading session until the Asian market re-enters the arena of action and opens another new session.

The Importance of Tracking Forex Trading Sessions

It is noteworthy that the beginning of the trading day is traditionally considered to be the opening of the Asian session.

At this time, traders are paying special attention to Asian currencies - the yen, yuan, Singapore dollar, and so on.

Since most Asian countries actively export goods, companies in this session adjust the prices of the national currency at their discretion.

However, this is a fairly quiet time, because the main activity begins with the opening of the European session.

In addition, it is in Europe that some of the largest and most popular exchanges are located, as well as the largest investment funds and others. financial institutions actively participating in trading, which is why this is the most active time in the schedule of trading sessions on Forex.

By the way, the market reaches its highest volatility with the opening of the London session at 10:00. Thus, activity is observed until 13:00-14:00, when dealers and brokers make their main transactions before the lunch break.

By the way, in schedule of forex trading sessions No less important is the opening time of the stock exchange in New York at 16:00. It is during the American session that European currencies are also actively traded, as European dealers return from lunch.

In addition, their American colleagues are also involved in the matter, namely aggressive American hedge funds, banks, as well as other firms directly interested in speculation on the stock exchanges, the most important statistical data from the United States is released.

Moreover, you should pay attention to the closing time of the European session. IN this moment Americans still continue to trade and are also left alone on the exchanges. They often take advantage of a “thin” market and can significantly move currencies in their own interests in the absence of funds.

Some tips on using a trading session schedule in Forex

In order to correctly assess the situation, directly based on the schedule of trading sessions on Forex, you need to pay attention to the following tips:

1. The largest number of transactions during the Asian session are made with the Japanese yen.

2. Direct activity in the European session occurs in two periods, namely 10:00-14:00, as well as 15:00-19:00.

3. There is no need to leave transactions unattended during the so-called “thin” market, because this is a transition time between sessions, when liquidity is still not enough to maintain a stable price chart, that is, strong impulses are possible.

4. By the way, during the New Year’s rally, the main banks and exchanges are closed for the holidays, companies withdraw funds only for summing up results, as well as for the reporting period. This is a long-term “thin” market in which it is necessary to behave with extreme caution.

5. It should be said that the opening of trading sessions is often accompanied by a gap after the weekend, so it is usually recommended to protect your orders with stop orders or close all transactions on Friday.

However, be that as it may, it is important to know and monitor the trading session schedule if you directly trade Forex. This, of course, is an additional tool, but not at all superfluous; following these rules will even allow you to successfully conduct business.

The Forex market is traded around the clock, but since different countries banks work 6-8 hours local time, trading sessions occur. Conventionally, there are 4 of them, although some argue that there are only 3 of them, not taking into account the important Pacific session.

Asian session

The opening of Asia begins the moment the banking day opens in Tokyo. The session starts at 03:00 Moscow time*. Following Tokyo, the day opens in Hong Kong and Singapore at 04:00 am. Tokyo closes at 11:00, Hong Kong and Singapore at 12:00. Ignoring possible session overlap, the Asian session starts at 03:00 and ends at 12:00.

Since Tokyo enters the market during the Asian session, it is logical to assume that there is active trading in those pairs whose ticket contains any Asian currencies - Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, Singaporean and Hong Kong dollar. The remaining currency pairs are in a flat, since the banking day in other regions has not yet begun.

If you trade in the morning, you trade the Asian session (if you trade RTS-MICEX, there is a separate Moscow session from 10 am), best currencies for trading there will be Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan against the US dollar. I do not recommend trading crosses such as HKD/JPY or CNY/JPY. If at the same time work in progress the central banks of Japan and Hong Kong, there will be a lot of noise in the market, it is better to trade these currencies against the US dollar at this time.

*Winter time indicated (astronomical).

European session

Europe opens at 09:00 in Frankfurt, Zurich and Paris. An hour later, at 10 am, the London Stock Exchange opens. The trick of Forex is its decentralization; there is always high liquidity due to the pooling of liquidity. Frankfurt, Zurich and Paris close at 17:00, London at 18:00. Based on this, the European session begins at 09:00 and ends at 18:00 Moscow time.

At this time, major currencies such as the euro, pound and franc are traded, as well as the Norwegian and Danish kroner. During the European session, the volatility of the above currencies is at its highest. At short intervals, a lot of news of medium strength is released, as well as several strong ones per day.

During the work of Europe, you should take a closer look at those currency pairs whose countries have already entered the market, as well as those outside the market, for example, euro/dollar, pound/dollar, euro/yen. Any trader should know this criterion for selecting pairs based on trading time; this will protect against unnecessary random fluctuations.

Best Forex Brokers

Alpari is the undisputed leader in the Forex market and today the best broker for traders from Russia and the CIS countries. The main advantage of the broker is reliability, confirmed by 17 years of work. Alpari gives traders the opportunity to earn and withdraw profits.

Roboforex is an international broker of the highest level with CySEC and IFCS licenses. On the market since 2009. Provides a range of innovative tools and platforms for both traders and investors. Famous for its excellent bonus program which includes a free $30 for beginners.

American session

The US market opens in New York at 16:00, then in Chicago at 17:00. America closes at 00:00 and 01:00, respectively. The American session range is 16:00-01:00. The maximum “viciousness” of the market occurs at 16:00-17:00, New York and Chicago overlap London on the Forex spot market.

During the American session, only American currencies should be considered for trading. It is best to work with the dollar and the Canadian dollar. Basically, the US dollar is located in the place of the second quote, for the convenience of calculating the volume. For the American session, any currencies with the US dollar and Canadian dollar are suitable.

Pacific session

Opening takes place in Wellington at 00:00, then in Sydney at 01:00. The Australian and New Zealand dollars are traded on the Sydney Stock Exchange, and a block of news on these currencies is also published. The session closes closer to the morning – 08:00 and 09:00. Pacific session time is 00:00-09:00.

The best trading opportunities may be for the Australian and New Zealand dollars against currencies not traded during this session. I recommend trading and. News on these currencies is often very strong, they are also influenced by news from China, so the movement may intensify in the Asian session.

Study the economic calendar carefully to learn how to predict strong price movements in the currencies you trade. Today there are a lot of methods for working with news, I recommend reading the powerful strategy that I use at the link -.

Best regards, Alexander Ivanov

The European trading session of the Forex market is one of the most popular among many traders. What do you need to know to trade profitably? How does time affect the value of a currency? What is the relationship between the work of the European market and international financial assets? We understand all the nuances of trading sessions. What indicators help a trader not to “oversleep” best time for transactions. Read more in the article.

Forex trading sessions

Every trader knows that the Forex market operates around the clock throughout working week. That is, from Monday to Friday, speculators around the world can enter into transactions to buy or sell assets. But the same state of affairs is not always observed during the day. In accordance with time zones, there is a certain relationship between quotes of national money. There are 4 main time intervals on the stock exchange:

  • Asian (Central Tokyo);
  • American (New York);
  • European (London);
  • Australian and Pacific (Sydney).

If you know the work schedule, that is, the time when they open and close, then you can maximum benefit realize your capabilities, effectively set the time and conditions of trade. Such sessions are periods of time during which work begins between banking institutions.

Trading session schedule

The American session, with a central point in New York, starts at 15:00 and closes at 24:00. Asian (Tokyo) starts working at 02.00 and continues to operate until 11.00. Sydney takes over at 24.00 and until 09.00. And the world center - London, operates from 10.00 to 19.00. For convenience, all times are indicated in Moscow.

As you can see, many hours of activity overlap. That is, the operating hours of currency exchanges have common points. Overlays can be observed from 3 to 7 pm (Moscow time). During this period, NY and London operate. Next, from 12 at night to 8 am - Sydney and Tokyo. And from 10 to 11 am Moscow time, London and Tokyo trade.

At this time, the volatility of some pairs is most active. And some traders build a trading strategy based on their trading time frames. Possession of this information allows you to concentrate on more suitable assets and trade profitably.

At different times, as already noted, currencies behave differently. For example, the yen is most active during the Asian session. But it’s better to deal with the euro during Europe’s work. American time is considered the most aggressive. During this period, the dollar can either take off or sharply lose its positions. Next we will look at the European session in more detail.

European trading session, its opening time and important features

European trading session - at this time the London session time comes into contact with the Asian and American trading hours. Since London is a major financial center with many large investors, it is at this time that there is a surge in trading activity and a strong impact on the value of assets, in particular the euro.

Europe opens at 08:00 Eastern Time. Frankfurt wakes up and starts trading. And only an hour later, at 9 am, London joins him. This period is a paradise for EUR trade enthusiasts. The exchange closes at 16.00 and 17.00 respectively.

During this time, speculation was carried out in all European finance. centers The volatility of the most popular currency pairs increases significantly after the opening of the London Stock Exchange. A slight decline can be observed closer to lunch. This is not surprising. After all, as they say, war is war, but lunch is on schedule. After a short respite, traders re-activate and speculate until the session closes. And if you observe, significant jumps in the euro-currency chart are visible throughout the day. After all, as you understand, while Europe is working, where the global size is concentrated money supply, there is interest.

Features of the European session

At the moment when Asian investors finish their trading, their competitors and colleagues from Europe are just starting their activities. Europe has many large financial institutions, with London at its center and closely watched by Forex traders. London has been considered the center of world trade for centuries. World domination highest level development, good location - all this only helps to confirm this status. And thousands of millions of financial transactions take place there every day. Most of them, of course, are big players. But if you count small traders who trade small amounts, the number of transactions is simply amazing.

The European area has the largest exchanges, which are in great demand all over the world. There are also many major investment funds and financial institutions. All this makes Europe the center of financial trading and so in demand among Forex players.

How the European trading session works

The main participants in the European session are Germany, France, London, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, and Zurich. Financial centers close at 19:30 (Moscow time). Time at which it is carried out greatest number transactions – 11:00 Moscow time.

Maximum volatility in London is observed at the opening of the stock exchange. That's when it happens maximum amount speculation. This is due to the fact that at this time all banks in Europe, and many more bank divisions throughout Asia and America, are actively starting to work.

Sometimes the exchange activity can continue until 13:00, while brokers and dealers conduct many basic transactions before lunch. After this, a slight decrease in activity will begin, but by the evening the activity will increase. Because there is a huge amount of money in Europe, the currency can fluctuate quite wildly when activity picks up during the European session. IN this period participants begin to bargain over the currencies of other countries such as: Swiss franc, Danish kroner, Euro and others. But when the stock exchange also opens in London, then the English pound is also included.

When the Asian session ends, it intersects with the European one, and its players are given the opportunity to snatch trends that began in Asia. When work comes to an end in the European session, the American session begins to work, and this happens every day, which is why you can trade on the Forex exchange around the clock.

Session indicators

Important aspects of European trade

Since European trading closely interacts with the other two sessions, moreover, the center of this session is the largest financial center, a huge part of the transactions that are carried out on Forex, for a given period of time, takes place in London.

The main feature of trade in Europe is the huge movement monetary units and quickly changing quotes. Due to the fact that the volume of trade that investors, traders and exchange participants carry out in London and its size is huge, trading in Europe is very different in that it has high volatility, that is, good price volatility in the market.

The trading session in Europe is also famous for its oscillatory movements. Due to the fact that, in the capital of financial trading, there are a huge number of dealers who can place an order, the first movement in the European session is often a false one. Participants try to determine where the stops will accumulate, how high the price will rise, in other words, they test the internal potential of the market, the support level and the resistance level. This dynamic between participants and traders is called the “London Fool”.

Sometimes it happens that, during the work of a certain session, the first movement is the most correct, and therefore everyone tries to join it, and because of this, the formation of a new trend begins, which in turn remains until the work begins in America.

It is known that experienced traders, it is not recommended to act actively during the lunch period from 2 to 4 days. Despite the fact that at this time there may be some movements and jumps in the market, they may be aimed at draining the currency. And this can ultimately lead to the loss and loss of many traders.

The market trend, as we know, can change its direction at the end of the working day and trading on the market, because many traders, before completing their activities on the Forex exchange, constantly write down and try to fix their profits received on the exchange.


Trading in the market flows from one to another, when the end of the working day comes at one end of the earth, then at the other end the working day is just beginning and trading, accordingly, is just starting.

We also note that European trade is not the best place for new employees to work. Trading involves various highly volatile currencies, which are influenced by many factors. Especially given the latest events (the UK’s announcement to exit the Eurozone), you can incorrectly predict the direction of the price and end up with a negative trade. However, experienced players can make good money on the difference in the European currency and receive a significant profit. The main thing is to strictly follow the chosen strategy and monitor the market situation.

*MSK - Moscow time
Asian session 3:00 - 12:00 Moscow time
City Winter time Summer time
Tokyo from 4:00 Moscow time until 12:00 Moscow time from 3:00 Moscow time until 11:00 Moscow time
Hong Kong from 5:00 Moscow time until 13:00 Moscow time from 4:00 Moscow time until 12:00 Moscow time
Singapore from 5:00 Moscow time until 13:00 Moscow time from 4:00 Moscow time until 12:00 Moscow time
European session 9:00 - 18:00 Moscow time
City Winter time Summer time
Frankfurt from 10:00 Moscow time until 18:00 Moscow time from 8:00 Moscow time until 16:00 Moscow time
Zurich from 10:00 Moscow time until 18:00 Moscow time from 8:00 Moscow time until 16:00 Moscow time
Paris from 10:00 Moscow time until 18:00 Moscow time from 8:00 Moscow time until 16:00 Moscow time
London from 11:00 Moscow time until 19:00 Moscow time from 9:00 Moscow time until 17:00 Moscow time
American trading session 16:00 - 1:00 Moscow time
City Winter time Summer time
NY from 17:00 Moscow time until 1:00 Moscow time from 15:00 Moscow time until 23:00 Moscow time
Chicago from 18:00 Moscow time until 2:00 Moscow time from 16:00 Moscow time until 0:00 Moscow time

Asian trading session The calmest one; strong movements are not common on it.

During European trading session the market can be either calm or active.

American trading session the most volatile (strong movement).

At opening of the trading session, there are sometimes strong movements in the forex market.

Also, about an hour before the session closes, the market may move.

Forex sessions - when is the best time to trade?

There are 3 Forex trading sessions: Asian, European and American. Knowing how long each of them lasts, we determine the time of our trading without sitting at the monitor around the clock. There are also preferences on which currency pairs It is better to trade in a certain session. Let's look at each of them in more detail.
The times listed below are Moscow summer time, GMT+3.

Asian Forex session.
Duration from 00:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning. At this time, the main Forex players are Japan, China and Australia (day in Asia and Oceania). It is logical to trade pairs with the yen and the Australian dollar. As a rule, the market is quite calm during the Asian session. The exception is the release of important news, most often at 3 or 3:30 am. Since for Russia the session falls just at night, when most Russians have their third dream, active trading It's better to leave it. If there are open positions, it is better to close them or set a stop loss.
From 6 to 9 am there is very low volatility in the market. The Asians have already finished trading, the Europeans will wake up soon, but there is almost no activity. It is better not to trade at this time.

European Forex session.
9:00-12:30. Very important time for trade. Europeans start their working day large banks and small speculators enter the market and begin to move the currency. Often the movement is pronounced enough to last more or less all day. Important news comes out at 12 - 13 o'clock. What to trade? Better than EUR/USD and EUR/JPY, which is logical.
Further. From 12:30 to 16:00. The British entered Forex, so our attention is directed to pairs with the pound (GBP/CHF, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, GBP/AUD, GBP/CAD). At 13-14 o'clock news for the UK is also published. We are carefully watching GBP/USD, American trading is ahead.

American Forex session.
Lasts from 16 to 21 hours. Volumes are growing in the market, there are many private speculators with decent capital, and large hedge funds are getting involved in trading. As you can see, this is the busiest time for a trader.
Americans can either break the previous currency movement or create their own. The period from 16 to 18 hours - during these 2 hours the activity in the market is highest, which many take advantage of by trading only in this period. At 16:30 the US news comes out - another reason to trade now.

21:00-00:00. Europe is getting ready for bed, Americans are closing their terminals, but Asians are just sitting down at their computers.
Most often, market volatility is low at this time. This does not apply to days when everyone is waiting for the results of a meeting of the US Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve System, like the Central Bank in Russia). At 22:15 their decisions are made public, which very often gives traders the opportunity to trade a little more.

Forex is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Be aware of a possible price gap on Monday morning. One of the popular trading strategies is based on opening a position opposite to the gap. In other words, we are counting on a rollback, a return of the price to the previous value. You can catch 20-40 points on this.

It is also worth taking into account swaps in your trading, which are calculated around midnight (for details, see the trading conditions of your dealing center). Sometimes it is better to close a position before the swap is charged, since they are often negative and quite significant, especially from Wednesday to Thursday (the time the triple swap is charged).

Consider Forex trading sessions in your trading practice. Save time and money. May fortune be with you!
