Famous people who left. Celebrities who died from cancer

In this post I will tell you about the most mysterious deaths Russian celebrities who died under strange and inexplicable circumstances. I advise you to read it; further you will learn a lot of interesting information.

Vasily Shukshin

His last year of life was very successful... Sergei Bondarchuk offered Shukshin the role of Lopakhin in the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” Filming began in August 1974 on the Don. By the beginning of October, Shukshin had almost completely completed the role; he only had to star in the last episode. On October 4 he was supposed to return to Moscow...

On October 1, Shukshin felt well. He called home from the post office in Moscow, went to the bathhouse, and watched the USSR-Canada hockey match on TV until late at night with everyone else. At the end of it they separated. At about nine in the morning Burkov went out into the corridor with the intention of waking up Shukshin. He recalls: “I knocked on Shukshin’s door. The door was not locked. But I didn’t go in. I was scared of something. I called out to him. It was time for him to get up for filming. He didn’t answer. Well, I think, let him sleep...”
From Burkov’s recollections: “I walked down the corridor and ran into Gubenko. “Nikolai,” I asked, “look at Vasya, he’s going to be filming soon, but for some reason he’s not getting up.” He came in. He started shaking him by the shoulder, the hand seemed lifeless, he touched the pulse, but it was not there. Shukshin died in his sleep, “from heart failure,” the doctors said.”

There is a version that on that fateful night a murder occurred on the ship “Danube”. After all, Vasily Makarovich never complained about his heart. Before filming, Shukshin underwent examination at the “Kremlin hospital”. According to the testimony of some members of the film crew, a day or two before the actor’s death, a certain man appeared on the set where the film “They Fought for the Motherland” was filmed. stranger. And no one knew where he came from and for what purpose he hung around there. And he disappeared immediately after the death of Vasily Makarovich.

Zoya Fedorova

On December 11, 1981, 71-year-old actress Zoya Fedorova was shot in the back of the head in her three-room apartment No. 243, building 4/2 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The murder has still not been solved. Among his possible motives are the actress’s alleged involvement in secret KGB operations (there were rumors about the KGB’s involvement in the murder) and her connection with the so-called “diamond mafia,” which consisted mainly of relatives of high-ranking Soviet officials and was engaged in the purchase and resale of jewelry and antiques.

Victor Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, at 12:15 p.m., at 35 km of the Soka-Talsi highway (Latvia), a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car collided with an Ikarus-280 regular bus. The driver of the Moskvich was the famous musician, leader of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi.

Official version: “the car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km/h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Tsoi lost control. V.R. Tsoi’s death occurred instantly...”
From the case materials:
"Ikarus-250" drifted off the road into the small river Teitupe, behind the bridge... The driver J. K. Fibiks, who works at the Tallinn branch of Latselkhoztehnika, escaped with minor bruises and fright. Before that, he took a tourist group to the airport and was returning back.
The new "Moskvich-2141" Y6832 MM was thrown 18 meters towards the bridge by a powerful blow. Only the rear bumper remained intact. Upon examination, it is noticeable that the impact on the car occurred from left to right, front to back. Apparently, the front bumper of the Ikarus went over the hood of the Moskvich straight into the cabin. The steering wheel is bent on the driver's side, the seats are knocked down, and the front panel is broken. The hood flew off, everything else was crushed."

A forensic medical examination showed that no alcohol was found in the blood of the deceased. Death occurred as a result of an accident from multiple injuries to the body. A criminal case was not initiated “due to the lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the drivers.” And, therefore, forensic, investigative and other examinations were not carried out.

Mike Naumenko

In August 1991, Mike Naumenko, the leader of the Zoo group, was found dead in his room in a communal apartment on Razyezzhaya Street: the cause of his death was a fracture of the base of the skull. Doctors determined that death occurred on August 27, 1991 from a cerebral hemorrhage.
The circumstances of his death remain largely mysterious. As rock journalist N. Kharitonov wrote: “With Tsoi, at least, everything was clear - if not in essence, then in form - how it all happened. Mike... simply disappeared, leaving no traces.”

The drummer of the Zoo group, Valery Kirilov, expressed a different point of view: according to him, Mike Naumenko really died from a cerebral hemorrhage, but it did not occur due to natural causes, but due to a fracture of the base of the skull as a result of a brutal blow dealt to him in the yard in time of robbery. This is evidenced by the loss of Mike Naumenko’s personal belongings.
There is also testimony from one teenager who allegedly saw Mike being lifted from the ground in the yard. After the attack, Mike did not die on the spot, but managed to go to his home, but there he completely weakened and lay unconscious for a long time, unnoticed by anyone in the communal apartment. When his loved ones finally found him and called an ambulance, it was already too late.
Alexey Rybin, producer of the album of songs by Mike Naumenko “Park of the MIKE period,” had his own version: “Alcohol is to blame, of course. The night before his death, Vasin drank heavily. Mike was bad, in a very serious condition, with a black face. In this state, falling with the back of his head on the asphalt was easier than a lung. Mike received a fracture of the base of the skull - a typical alcoholic death, when a person falls on his back in a deep intoxication."

Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov was killed on October 6, 1991. It all happened in the St. Petersburg Yubileiny Sports Palace: the singer was shot right outside the dressing room as a result of a brawl with his concert director Valery Shlyafman and Igor Malakhov. The second possible suspect in the singer’s murder, Shlyafman, now lives in Israel. The criminal investigation into Talkov’s death was suspended several years ago, but was not closed.

During the investigation into Talkov's murder, his administrator Valery Shlyafman became one of the main suspects along with Aziza's bodyguard Igor Malakhov, who started the shootout on October 6, 1991. After a series of examinations, the investigation came to the conclusion that the last, fatal shot was fired from Shlyafman’s pistol.
Funeral legendary musician, who died at the peak of his fame, were crowded. The burial site is to this day a place of pilgrimage for connoisseurs of his work, and much mystical is associated with the grave itself, as with Talkov’s life.

Igor Sorin

According to the official version, Igor Sorin, the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki-International", jumped from the sixth floor balcony of the Cosmos studio. At 7.10 am Igor was taken to the 71st city hospital. Doctors found a fracture of the first and fifth cervical vertebrae, bruised kidneys, complete paralysis of the lower body, and partial paralysis of the arms. The decision was made to operate. The operation was successful, but the artist’s heart could not stand it, and on September 4, the artist died.

Meanwhile, in July 2013, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov told in an interview with Evgeny Dodolev (Moscow-24 channel) that in fact there was a manslaughter: Igor’s neck was accidentally broken and then thrown out of the window to hide the circumstances of his death . Grigoriev-Apollonov clarified that he visited Sorin in the hospital - he was still conscious. “He had no bruises. Will you fall from the seventh floor without bruises?” continued “red-haired Ivanushka.” “Some karateka just broke his neck.” In this regard, on August 29, 2013, State Duma deputy Nadezhda Shkolkina sent a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Chaika with a request to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the death former soloist group "Ivanushki - International" by Igor Sorin.

Mikhail Krug

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug’s house in the village of Mamulino (Tver microdistrict) was attacked. In addition to the singer, there were four more people in the house - his wife, mother-in-law and children. The door of the three-story house was open.
Two unknown intruders entered the third floor of the house approximately between 23:00 and 0:15, where they found Krug's mother-in-law and attacked her, causing her bodily harm. Mikhail Krug and his wife Irina came running to the woman’s screams. The criminals opened fire with pistols. Irina managed to hide with her neighbors, and Mikhail received two heavy gunshot wounds, after which he lost consciousness for a while. The criminals fled the crime scene. Having come to his senses, Krug managed to get to the house of neighbor Vadim Rusakov, where his wife was hiding. Rusakov took him to Tver City Hospital No. 6. Meanwhile, the police and ambulance were called and found his wounded mother-in-law in Krug’s house. The children of the Circle were not harmed, as they were sleeping when the crime was committed. Mikhail Krug himself, despite the efforts of doctors, died on the morning of July 1.

The farewell funeral service took place on July 3 at 10 a.m. at the Tver Drama Theater. The funeral was attended by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev, Efrem Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, the Zhemchuzhny brothers, Vika Tsyganova, many leaders of the Tver region, including its governor, Vladimir Platov. The funeral procession of cars stretched for several kilometers. After the funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral in Tver, Krug was buried in the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery.
Various versions of the murder were built. For example, producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that this could be an attempted robbery. Shortly before the murder, Krug recorded an album under the working title “Tverichanka” (later released under the name “Confession”), for which he was supposed to receive a fee any day. This version was rejected by those who believed that Krug was sincerely respected in criminal circles, but it was this version that was the most popular at the beginning of the investigation. According to another version, Krug became the victim of a planned, and possibly contracted, murder.

Murat Nasyrov

According to the official version, Murat Nasyrov committed suicide. The prosecutor's office completed the investigation into the singer's death and, having found no evidence confirming the violent nature of his death, closed the case. On January 19, 2007, the singer jumped from the fifth floor, wearing a camera around his neck and clutching his own portrait to his chest.

The singer’s relatives stated: “For us, Murat’s death is still a mystery. But we know for sure: he definitely did not intend to die. But they could have pushed him to this!...
“Murat could have been poisoned,” says the singer’s brother. - This is our family's assumption. Three hours before the incident, he was sitting in a group, everyone was drinking a cocktail. Murat also drank. Then he left, and the girl Kristina from the company felt bad after the cocktail, she doesn’t even remember what happened to her next... And Murat came home...
From his brother’s story: “They show that Murat called Baglan Sadvakasov’s close friend from home: “Zhanna, everything is fine.” Do you know that he called from Natasha’s cell phone (the singer’s wife - approx.), which was at home? But Natasha herself was not at home When those events happened to Murat that he allegedly had an attack and wanted to commit suicide, they said that his daughter allegedly sent a message to her mother on her cell phone, but it turned out that she had a cell phone at home!”
“He was going to go somewhere. What happened, why did he dress so nicely? And then, where is that camera they are all talking about?.. And then the fact itself: who saw that Murat fell from the window? The real reason hard to find out. Murat took everything with him. But I am convinced: there was no suicide or accident."

Roman Trakhtenberg

The death of the famous showman, successful television and radio host Roman Trakhtenberg struck all his colleagues, close friends and the public. Roman Trakhtenberg was 41 years old, he said about himself that he had never been sick. On November 20, 2009, during a live broadcast of the “Trakhty-Bakhty” program on Mayak, he suddenly became ill. His co-host Lena Batinova recalls: “When some song was on the air, Roma said: “Batinova, I feel bad...” I took him to the window so that he could get some fresh air. The editors called an ambulance, but she didn’t I didn’t have time to take Roma to the hospital.”
According to the official conclusion of specialists, Trachtenberg died due to acute cardiovascular failure and coronary heart disease, and he also had liver problems. Experts explained that the causes of death were obvious: Trachtenberg had a weak heart. An average dose of alcohol was found in Roman’s blood; there were no traces of drugs.
Before his death, Roman often spoke on air about constant dreams in which he invariably died. Just a few hours before the tragedy, in his last live broadcast, he pathetically noted: “I want to die on stage...”.

Vladimir Turchinsky

Vladimir Turchinsky died on December 16, 2009 in his country house in the village of Pashukovo, Noginsk district. According to experts, Turchinsky’s death occurred as a result of acute coronary insufficiency. Upon the death of Vladimir Turchinsky, investigators checked the medical institutions where he was observed for the last six months of his life. One of the clinics that was checked first was a hospital in the Begovaya area, where Dynamite performed a blood purification procedure.
His friends said: “Volodya was supposed to stay in the clinic for 24 hours after the transfusion, but instead he immediately went home to spend the night. And the cardiac arrest began in a dream: if it had happened during the day or in the hospital, the person could still have been saved. he was mad... All because of this rejuvenation"

Vladislav Galkin

On February 27, 2010, at about 14:00, Vladislav Galkin was found dead in a Moscow apartment. The day before, the actor’s father sounded the alarm, telling a family friend that Vladislav had not been in touch for more than a day. Friends arrived at the actor’s apartment, but no one answered the doorbell. The rescue team was called and opened the apartment door at 14:07. According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down.

During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found. An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest. The death certificate lists the cause as “cardiomyopathy (sudden cardiac arrest).”
In the program “Man and the Law,” Vladislav Galkin’s father, actor Boris Galkin, provided facts on the basis of which one can make an assumption about deliberate murder. So, on February 19, Vladislav Galkin withdrew $136,000 from the bank, which he intended to spend on renovations in an apartment purchased after separating from his wife. According to his father, the actor kept money at home (which the alleged customers and perpetrators of the crime might have known about); in addition, SMS messages containing threats were sent to Galkin Jr.’s phone, and a few days after the visit to the bank, bruises appeared on the actor’s face.
According to Boris Galkin, abrasions and bruises were visible on the body of the already dead actor and during the initial medical examination immediately after the discovery of the corpse. The amount indicated by Galkin Sr. was not found during the search of the apartment. The father was also embarrassed by the presence of a bottle of cognac and a bag in the room next to the body. tomato juice: After Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, he stopped drinking alcohol and went on a diet. Boris Galkin’s version is also supported by a family friend, doctor Mikhail Zakharov, who suggests that the characteristic bruises and hemorrhage indicate death as a result of strangulation

Alexander Belyavsky

On September 8, 2012, in the center of Moscow, People's Artist Alexander Belyavsky died by jumping out of the window of his apartment. The performer of the role of Fox in the Soviet TV series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” died on the spot as a result of hitting the ground, law enforcement agencies reported.
According to preliminary data, the 80-year-old actor jumped out of a window on the landing between the fifth and sixth floors of a residential building. At the same time, he lived on the second floor and, after suffering a stroke, had difficulty moving. The actor's eldest daughter Nadezhda claims that even if he could climb the stairs to the fifth floor on his own, it is unlikely that he could climb onto the windowsill. She is absolutely sure that her father’s death was a tragic accident. He could have fallen out of the window due to heart problems.

Andrei Panin

On March 7, 2013, Andrei Panin was found dead in an apartment on Balaklavsky Avenue. The cause of death was initially listed as an accident. The actor was found lying on the floor in his apartment, and experts initially believed that he fell from his own height and hit his head.
However, some time later, forensic experts came to the conclusion that the artist was severely beaten before his death. The actor suffered multiple fractures of the vault and base of the skull, a severe brain contusion, abrasions on his knuckles and bruises on his knees. Strange sounds and groans were also heard by neighbors who did not pay due attention to them.

“They beat me with hard, blunt objects. Wooden legs from stools and chairs. And also with bottles,” experts say. They said that in Panin’s wounds they found glass shards that got there during the blows. Panin also had at least three serious wounds on his head.
A close friend of the artist, Boris Polunin, stated that at the time Panin’s body was found, the entire apartment was covered in blood. “There was blood in all the rooms,” he said. According to him, Andrei Panin was found in the kitchen, while the balcony was closed and supported by a kitchen table and chairs.
Investigators have opened a criminal case into the death of actor Andrei Panin in Moscow. The case was initiated under Part 4, Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim through negligence).

In contact with

Cancer - terrible disease, which is very difficult to fight. He is not stopped by either the social or financial situation of his victim. Money can delay, but not reverse, cancer. Celebrities who have died from this deadly disease.

Zhanna Friske, 40 years old

On June 15, 2015, singer Zhanna Friske died at the age of 41. In 2014, doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor. In January 2014, family and friends reported that the tumor was inoperable. The artist was treated first in the USA, then underwent rehabilitation in the Baltic states and continued her treatment in China. In recent months, the singer lived in a country house near Moscow.

Steve Jobs, 56 years old

The ideas of this genius were always ahead of their time. He drove the entire global mobile community crazy and finally gave the world the iPhone 4S. After a 3-year battle with the disease, Steve died due to pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Marcello Mastroianni, 72 years old

In recent years, the actor has been seriously ill. He had pancreatic cancer. Being seriously ill, Mastroianni continued to play. He, being a lover of life, worked until the very end. Before going on stage in the evening, he underwent chemotherapy in the morning.

Linda Bellingham, 66

In 2014, actress and TV presenter Linda Bellingham died at the age of 66. Linda battled colon cancer, which subsequently spread to her lungs and liver. The disease was diagnosed in July 2013. At the beginning of 2014, the actress announced that she no longer intended to continue treatment and refused chemotherapy. She explained her decision by saying that she wanted to live the remaining time calmly, without exhausting herself with difficult procedures.

Edith Piaf, 47 years old

In 1961, at the age of 46, Edith Piaf learned that she was terminally ill with liver cancer. Despite her illness, she overcame herself and performed. Her last performance on stage took place on March 18, 1963. The audience gave her a five-minute standing ovation. On October 10, 1963, Edith Piaf died.

Joe Cocker, 70

On December 22, 2014, in Colorado, at the age of 70, the outstanding blues singer Joe Cocker, who became one of the stars of the legendary Woodstock festival, died of lung cancer.

Linda McCartney, 56 years old

In December 1995, Paul McCartney's wife underwent surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor. The cancer seemed to have receded. But not for long. In 1998, it turned out that metastases had even affected the liver. On April 17, 1998, she became very ill. Heartbroken, Paul and his children did not leave his dying wife a single step, but the illness turned out to be stronger than his feelings. She did not live until the “pearl wedding” - the 30th anniversary of her marriage - a little less than eleven months, leaving her husband with four talented children.

John Walker, 67

John Joseph Mouse was born on November 12, 1943 and was known in the music industry as John Walker, founder of the band The Walker Brothers. Along with two other team members, Scott and Harry Walker, he rose to fame in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. On May 7, 2011, John Walker died of liver cancer at his home in Los Angeles.

Jon Lord, 71

On July 16, 2012, Jon Lord, keyboardist for the legendary rock band Deep Purple, died of pancreatic cancer.

Patrick Wayne Swayze, 57

In 1991, Patrick Wayne Swayze was named the "sexiest" man alive. Patrick fought alone against pancreatic cancer, forcing his positive attitude everyone to believe that he almost won. However, on September 14, 2009, he passed away.

Luciano Pavarotti, 71 years old

The famous trio, Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras shocked the entire world of classical music and opera. Unfortunately, on September 6, 2007, the trio lost Pavarotti, who died of pancreatic cancer.

Jacqueline Kennedy, 64 years old

In January 1994, Kennedy Onassis was diagnosed with lymph gland cancer. The family and doctors were initially optimistic. But by April the cancer had metastasized. Until her death, she did not show at all that anything was wrong. She died on May 19, 1994.

Dennis Hopper, 74

On May 29, 2010, prostate cancer claimed the life of Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper. He is known for the films Rebel Without a Cause and Giant.

Walt Disney, 65 years old

His animated films will stand the test of time. He may have lived too short a life and died on December 15, 1966 from lung cancer, but his ideas live on and his characters have long crossed the boundaries of the screen and been embodied in theme parks and attractions around the world.

Jean Gabin, 72 years old

The cause of death of the famous French theater and film actor was leukemia.

Juliet Mazina, 73 years old

Giulietta Masina, the faithful companion of the brilliant Federico Fellini, a great actress herself, created on the screen the standard image of a sad clown, a fragile but determined woman with a crystal clear soul and an open heart. Towards the end of her life, Mazina, a heavy smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer. She didn’t tell anyone about her illness, not even her husband, she refused chemotherapy, and was treated at home, in fits and starts, in secret. Continuing to take care of her husband until his last days. She died on March 23, 1994, having outlived Federico Fellini by only five months.

Charles Monroe Schultz, 77

The creator of entertaining little comic book characters: Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock, Charles Monroe Schulz entertained generations of children in weekly newspapers. The legendary artist's comics have been translated into 21 languages ​​and published in 75 countries. He died on February 12, 2000 while undergoing treatment for cancer.

Yves Saint Laurent, 71 years old

In April 2007, doctors diagnosed the famous designer with brain cancer. Yves Saint Laurent died on June 1, 2008 at the age of 71 in Paris, where he came for treatment. According to newspaper publications, two days before his death, Saint Laurent entered into a same-sex marriage with Pierre Berger.

Bob Marley, 36 years old

In July 1977, Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma on his big toe (appearing there as a result of a football injury). He refused amputation, citing fear of losing the opportunity to dance. In 1980, a planned American tour was canceled when the singer lost consciousness at one of the first concerts: the cancer had progressed. Despite intensive treatment, Bob Marley died on May 11, 1981 in a Miami hospital.

Wayne McLaren, 51

Legendary ad man Marlboro, a stuntman, model and rodeo rider, became an outspoken anti-smoking advocate once he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He struggled long and hard with his illness, but it turned out to be stronger.

Ray Charles, 73

Iconic American composer and performer, one of the most famous musicians of the 20th century Ray Charles died in 2004 at the age of 73. The cause of his death was a long and serious illness, apparently liver cancer, which began to manifest itself back in 2002. According to the recollections of relatives, in recent months Ray could no longer walk and almost did not speak, but every day he came to his own RPM studio and did his job.

Gerard Philip, 37 years old

The French theater and film actor starred in 28 films. In May 1959, Gerard suddenly felt sharp pains in his stomach. X-ray showed inflammatory process in the liver. Philip underwent surgery. But the disease was incurable - liver cancer. Only his wife, Ann, knew about this, and she did not reveal herself to the end. Gerard Philip died on November 25, 1959, at the age of thirty-seven.

Audrey Hepburn, 63 years old

In mid-October 1992, Audrey Hepburn was diagnosed with a tumor in her colon. On November 1, 1992, surgery was performed to remove the tumor. The diagnosis after surgery was encouraging; the doctors believed that the operation was done on time. However, three weeks later the actress was hospitalized again with acute abdominal pain. Tests showed that tumor cells had again invaded the colon and adjacent tissues. This indicated that the actress had only a few months left to live. She died on January 20, 1993.

Anna German, 46 years old

In the early 80s, Anna German was diagnosed with cancer - a bone tumor. Knowing this, she went on her last tour - to Australia. When she returned, she went to the hospital, where she underwent three operations. Two months before her death, Anna wrote: “I am happy. I was baptized. I accepted my grandmother’s faith.” She died in August 1982.

Hugo Chavez, 58 years old

On March 5, 2013, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died from complications of cancer. In 2011 he was diagnosed cancerous tumor in the pelvic region - metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma. The cause of Hugo Chavez's death was complications caused by a course of chemotherapy.

Evgeniy Zharikov, 70 years old

The famous Soviet and Russian actor Yevgeny Zharikov, the star of such immortal films as “Ivan’s Childhood”, “Three Plus Two”, “Born of the Revolution”, was seriously ill in the last years of his life. In 2012, he died in the Botkin hospital. Zharikov was sick with cancer.

Anatoly Ravikovich, 75 years old

The actor who played the spineless Khobotov in Pokrovsky Gates did not resemble this character in any way in life. He was a knight, sharp with his words, a real St. Petersburg intellectual. Anatoly Ravikovich has changed a lot in the last year: he lost weight, his vitality was being sucked out of him by illness - oncology.

Bogdan Stupka, 70 years old

The cause of Bohdan Stupka’s death was a heart attack due to advanced stage of bone cancer.
“He didn’t like to complain, so few people knew about it,” said the actor’s son Ostap Stupka. “The disease progressed quickly.

Svyatoslav Belza, 72 years old

On June 3, 2014, music and literary critic and TV presenter Svyatoslav Belza died in Munich after a short stay in a German clinic. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Lyubov Orlova, 72 years old

One day, while returning home from voicing her last movie“The Starling and the Lyre” Orlova started vomiting. Doctors at the Kuntsevo hospital, where the famous patient was taken, decided that she had stones in her gallbladder, and set the day for the operation. However, Orlova did not have any stones. Immediately after the operation, the surgeon called her husband Grigory Alexandrov and said that Lyubov Petrovna had pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis was hidden from her. She knew nothing and felt much better. One day she even asked to bring a ballet barre to the ward, where she was used to starting every day. Alexandrov brought a machine, and his dying wife did gymnastics for an hour and a half a day. She moaned in pain, but continued. She died in the Kremlin hospital.

Oleg Yankovsky, 65 years old

In 2008, Oleg Yankovsky began to have health problems. The actor turned for help to a Moscow clinic, where he complained of feeling unwell. The examination first showed ischemic disease heart disease and after a course of treatment, Oleg Ivanovich was allowed to go home. But the pain returned and on the eve of 2009 the actor was hospitalized. He was given a terrible diagnosis: late stage pancreatic cancer.
Oleg Yankovsky went on an expensive trip for treatment German clinic, which was famous for its experience in the therapeutic treatment of cancer. But the doctors could not do anything. As a result, the actor interrupted the course of treatment and returned to his homeland. On May 20, 2009, Oleg Yankovsky passed away.

Lyubov Polishchuk, 57 years old

In March 2006, the actress finished filming “My wonderful nanny" - his last role. Lyubov Grigorievna, who was literally bedridden due to a spinal injury, was diagnosed with cancer - sarcoma. The actress experienced unbearable pain. Her condition was so serious that the clinic doctors who examined the patient had to prescribe narcotic analgesics. On November 25, 2006, relatives were unable to wake up the actress; she fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital. She died on November 28, 2006.

Klara Rumyanova, 74 years old

Absolutely everyone who grew up watching good Soviet cartoons knows her. The voice of Klara Rumyanova is spoken by Cheburashka, the Hare from “Well, Just Wait!”, the Kid who was friends with Carlson, Little Raccoon, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - it’s impossible to list all the cartoons she voiced. In 2004, Rumyanova was recognized as the main “animated voice” of all times. A small concert tour of Russia was planned for the actress’s 75th birthday, but all plans were canceled out by illness - doctors discovered breast cancer.

Boris Khimichev, 81 years old

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia Boris Khimichev died on September 14, 2014, in Moscow at the age of 82. The cause of death was inoperable brain cancer. He was diagnosed with this in June 2014. He “burned out” from this disease in two months.

Valentina Tolkunova, 63 years old

Tolkunova fought against cancer for several years. In 2009, she had a brain tumor removed; she had previously had a mastectomy and several courses of chemotherapy. However, in 2010 the disease began to progress sharply. The singer was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer with metastases in the brain, liver and lungs. Journalists reported that Valentina Vasilyevna refused chemotherapy and did not even transfer to the oncology center. She died on March 22, 2010.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva, 77 years old

In recent years, the actress has suffered from a serious cancer - brain cancer. She lost a lot of weight, had a crazy headache, and began to faint. And then, at the very end, I could no longer even walk on my own; I could only move in a wheelchair. Nadezhda Vasilyevna Rumyantseva died on an April evening in 2008, she was 77 years old.

Georg Ots, 55 years old

At a flourishing age, Ots fell ill with brain cancer. Ots fought for life as much as he could: he underwent eight severe operations and an eye amputation, but continued to work almost until the end of his life. Six months before his death, before another operation, he began to sing right in the hospital room. I could not refuse the women who recognized the great singer in this man, tormented by illness. Ots died on September 5, 1975.

Valery Zolotukhin, 71 years old

Valery Zolotukhin died in 2013 from brain cancer. In the last days of his life, the actor was in a stable and serious condition. In order for the body to cope with a serious illness, doctors were forced from time to time to put the artist into a medical coma. However, on the eve of his death, Zolotukhin’s condition especially worsened - his organs began to fail one after another. In the end, the actor's heart stopped. The doctors were powerless against the brain cancer that was literally “consuming” the artist.

Oleg Zhukov, 28 years old

A member of the group Disco Accident in the summer of 2001, while on tour, began to complain of headaches. In August 2001, Oleg was diagnosed with a brain tumor. On September 3, he underwent surgery. Zhukov continued to perform with the group “Disco Accident”, but in November he stopped touring due to a sharp deterioration in his health. He died of a brain tumor on February 9, 2002 at the age of 29.

Ivan Dykhovichny, 61 years old

Dykhovichny knew about the terrible diagnosis - lymph cancer and in recent months he had been preparing his closest relatives for his death.
“When I was diagnosed with lymph cancer and told I had three or four years to live, I thought that, given my age, that was quite a long time. And I also thought that the worst thing was to start feeling sorry for myself,” Dykhovichny said in an interview a year before his departure.

Maya Kristalinskaya, 53 years old

The singer had lymphogranulomatosis - cancer of the lymph nodes. Maya got sick when she was 28 years old. She was treated best doctors. From time to time she underwent chemotherapy and radiation. The disease was contained. In 1984, her illness worsened, and she only managed to live for another year.

Elena Obraztsova, 75 years old

The greatest singer of our time, Elena Obraztsova, died in January 2015 in a clinic in Germany. Immediately after the death of the prima, no one could accurately name the diagnosis and causes of Elena Vasilievna’s death. Only a few hours later, information was made public that the cause of Obraztsova’s death was a serious illness - blood cancer. The immediate cause of death was cardiac arrest, which could not withstand grueling treatment.

Nikolay Grinko, 68 years old

By the age of 60, Nikolai Grigorievich already had more than a hundred roles. He was given the title of People's Actor. Grinko began to get sick. A strange malaise put him to bed for several days and then released him. Doctors could not make a diagnosis. Later the cause was determined – leukemia, blood cancer. Died April 10, 1989.

Alexander Abdulov, 54 years old

Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008 from lung cancer. The disease was discovered very late, and after the diagnosis was made, the actor lived only a little over four months.

Mikhail Kozakov, 76 years old

The famous Russian actor and director Mikhail Kozakov suffered from lung cancer. In the winter of 2010, Israeli doctors found Mikhail Mikhailovich had lung cancer in the final stages. Modern medicine cannot cure this disease in this form, but patients undergo radiation and chemotherapy to prolong life. Died on April 22, 2011.

Anna Samokhina, 47 years old

In November 2009, Anna began to have severe stomach pain. At first, she did not pay attention to this, planning to relax in hot India. But at some point the pain became unbearable, and the actress turned to a gastroenterologist. Having performed an endoscopy on her, the doctor was horrified. And he made a terrible diagnosis: stage IV stomach cancer. Russian and foreign doctors could no longer help at this stage of the disease. The prescribed chemotherapy also did not help. The actress died on February 8, 2010.

Oleg Efremov, 72 years old

One of the greatest Russian actors and theater directors, a national favorite. Heavy smoker. I tried to quit smoking several times, but I couldn't cope with it. bad habit. In the last months of his life, Efremov had difficulty moving and sat at rehearsals, connected to a device that ventilated his lungs. And in his hand was the constant cigarette. Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov died of lung cancer.

Anatoly Solonitsyn, 47 years old

Tarkovsky's favorite actor. We remember him from the films “Andrei Rublev”, “Solaris”, “Mirror”, “Stalker”. Died of lung cancer. The operation didn't help.

Rolan Bykov, 68 years old

In 1996 he underwent surgery for lung cancer, and a couple of years later the disease returned. He felt that he had not done everything in life that he could have done. Before his death, he told his wife Elena Sanaeva: “I’m not afraid to die... You won’t have time to grieve. You will have to finish what I didn’t finish.”

Ilya Oleynikov, 65 years old

In July 2012, Oleinikov was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the actor underwent chemotherapy. At the end of October, he was hospitalized from the set with a diagnosis of pneumonia. After some time, he was put into a state of artificial sleep so that the body could cope with septic shock acquired after chemotherapy, and was connected to a ventilator. The situation was complicated by serious heart problems, as well as the fact that the actor smoked a lot.
Without regaining consciousness, he died on November 11, 2012 at the age of 66.

This article is dedicated to those who died too early, before even reaching the age of 40.

Talgat Nigmatulin- pirate from "Pirates of the 20th Century" (35 years old, killed).
In the early eighties, Talgat Nigmatulin joined a sect that included journalists, writers, and artists. The sectarians professed a doctrine called the “Fourth Way,” which was a mixture of Zen Buddhism and esotericism.
At the beginning of February 1985, a split occurred in the sect of Mirza and Abai: several students from Vilnius decided to break off relations with the sect. Abai himself went to the scene to clarify the situation. He decided to invite Nigmatulin to his place to “extort” money from the recalcitrant, but Talgat refused to participate in the racketeering, for which he paid with his life.
On the night of February 10-11, 1985, in the center of Vilnius, at number 49 on Lenin Street, in the apartment of the artist Andrius, five “healers” with particular cruelty beat and kicked an unresisting karate champion until noon on 11 February, death did not occur from injuries to internal organs incompatible with life. Talgat's body was found in the bathroom; 119 injuries were found on it.

Yan Puzyrevsky- Kai from “The Snow Queen” (25 years old, suicide).
Puzyrevsky's successes in work contrasted with troubles in family life. He got married at the age of 18, but the marriage was unsuccessful and the couple decided to divorce.

On April 3, 1996, Puzyrevsky came to his wife’s apartment (with whom he was living separately by that time) to see one and a half year old son. The actor picked up the child and said, “Sorry, son!” jumped out of a 12th floor window. By an incredible accident, the child got caught in the branches of a tree and remained alive, but Puzyrevsky himself died.

Igor Nefedov- “Accident - the daughter of a cop”, “Murder on Zhdanovskaya”, etc. (33 years old, suicide).
Until 1988, he was very popular and acted in films with famous directors. But then a turning point came - they stopped inviting Igor. The actor started drinking, started skipping rehearsals, and was eventually fired from Tabakerka. According to friends, he was prone to suicidal shocking behavior.
Igor was married twice, both times unsuccessfully.

On the morning of December 2, 1993, after another quarrel with his wife and two bottles of vodka, he went out onto the landing and hanged himself.

Alexey Fomkin- Kolya Gerasimov from “Guest from the Future” (26 years old, died in a fire).
After serving in the army, Alexey went to work at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky, but three months later he was fired for systematic absenteeism. After the theater, he went to work at a construction site as a painter, but soon quit there too.

Left Moscow and went to Vladimir region, to the small village of Bezvodnoye, where he settled alone in an empty house. In the village he got a job and became a miller. In Vladimir, Alexey Fomkin met future wife Lena. After the wedding, he moved to his wife from Bezvodny to Vladimir.

On February 22, 1996, Alexei and his wife were invited by friends to celebrate Soviet Army Day. On the night of February 23-24, 1996, the apartment suddenly caught fire, everyone except Alexei managed to escape. During the fire, he was sleeping, so he was unable to leave the apartment in time and died from smoke suffocation.

Nikita Mikhailovsky- Roma from “You Never Dreamed of” (27 years old, died of leukemia).
He died in London on April 24, 1991 at the age of 27 from leukemia. Dying, he recalled the film “You Never Dreamed of It,” comparing himself and his wife Katya with the characters in the film, and told his wife: “Everything will be fine with us, like Roma and Katya, you’ll see.”

Sergey Shevkunenko- Misha from “Kortik” (35 years old, killed by killers).
In total, for 5 convictions, Shevkunenko spent 14.5 years in institutions of the penal system.
In the early 1990s, Shevkunenko served his sentence in the Vladimir Central Prison. At the same time, Nikolai Godovikov, who played the role of Petrukha in the film “White Sun of the Desert,” was there.
After his release, he was again arrested and sentenced to three years in prison for possession of stolen icons. Having been released in 1994, he continued his criminal activities and created criminal group, had the nicknames “Chief” and “Artist”.
On February 11, 1995, at approximately 10:30 p.m., Sergei Shevkunenko drove up to his house. He dismissed the guards and entered the entrance.
...The first bullet hit Shevkunenko in the stomach. The second - into the closed elevator doors. According to neighbors, they heard a cry: “Stop, you bastard! I’ll kill you anyway!” He could have been saved if not for a fatal mistake. Having dropped into the apartment, Sergei forgot to take out the keys.

The killer began to open the lock with the keys he left behind. In response to the noise, 76-year-old mother Polina Vasilievna ran out of the bedroom. She immediately realized what was happening and tried to stop the criminal from entering the apartment. But the forces were not equal. The killer managed to open the door slightly and fired twice.
The bullets hit Polina Vasilievna in the head. Death came instantly. Seeing his mother’s death, Sergei shouted to the whole house: “What are you doing, bitches! What are you doing...” But there was nowhere to wait for help. He was finished off with one shot to the head.

Tikhonov Sergey- leader of the Redskins and Malchish-Plokhish (21 years old, hit by a tram).
The artist Sergei Martinson doubted whether he should play in the film “The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish,” but when he met Seryozha and acted out a sketch with him: “Will you give me some honey gingerbread? ...Will you give me two? ...Now give me halva, and more, otherwise I won’t tell you...” he agreed.

After graduating from school, he tried to enter VGIK, but was not accepted. Served in the Soviet army. April 21, 1972 died after being hit by a tram

Dmitry Egorov- handsome guy from Scarecrow (32 years old, cause of death not really established).
On October 20, 2002, Dmitry Egorov went out for a walk and did not return. The mother received a call from the police and was told that he had died. The death certificate says it was from “heart failure,” but, according to some sources, Egorov’s temple was pierced.

Mikhail Epifantsev- boy from “The meeting place cannot be changed” (30 years old, heart).
I could not enter the theater institute. After serving in the army, he worked at the Albom studio, then at the Kitch youth studio. Then he got a job as an optics salesman in a store. Suffered from depression. He died in 1998 from heart failure.

Marina Levtova- 60 films (40 years, accident)
Marina Levtova died tragically on February 27, 2000 in the village of Razdory, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
At some point, the driver of the first snowmobile did not see a deep ravine. The snowmobile dived down at high speed. Daughter Dasha escaped with broken bones, and Marina hit her head on a tree.
The driver lay in a coma for six months and died seven years later from complications received after the accident. Marina Levtova was taken to the Odintsovo hospital with a traumatic brain injury, but nothing could be done to help her.

Irina Metlitskaya- teacher from “Doll” (35 years old, leukemia).
Irina Metlitskaya died of leukemia on June 5, 1997.

Maria Zubareva- “Face” (31 years old, cancer).
She worked at the Moscow Theater named after. Pushkin. She became widely known after her work in the film “Face” and the main role in the first Russian TV series “Little Things in Life”. However, the discovery of cancer did not allow him to continue working on the series.

She died of cancer on November 23, 1993.

Evgeny Dvorzhetsky- Edmond Dantes from The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If (39 years old, car accident).
On the morning of December 1, 1999, Dvorzhetsky drove his car for a consultation at the Institute of Immunology; doctors suspected he had asthma, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. On the way back, the actor died when his car collided with a truck.

Vladimir Smirnov- Bazin from “Courier” (about 40 years old, killed).
From one interview with the leading actor Fyodor Dunaevsky:
- Remember Volodya Smirnov, who played my friend Bazin in “Courier”? He was killed several years ago.
Vovka Smirnov was a heavyweight. His “garbage” was washed away.

Oleg Dal, died at 39
On the set of a lyrical comedy in Kyiv after dinner with actor Leonid Markov, Oleg Dal said goodbye and said: “That’s it, I’m off to die”...
On March 3, 1981, the body of a talented, outstanding Soviet actor was found in a hotel room. An empty vodka bottle stood nearby. The heart attack was triggered by drinking alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, who was “wired up” with a “torpedo.”

Elena Mayorova, died at 39 in 1997.
A few years before tragic death The beautiful and incredibly talented actress began to drink uncontrollably. I drank alone more often. On August 23, 1997, in a state of passion, she doused herself with gasoline and burned to death.

In the past year, many people have passed away, whose names will remain in Russian and world history. Among them are famous actors, musicians and statesmen.


Feltsman Oscar Borisovich

Oscar Feltsman. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Oscar Feltsman was born in Odessa. Already at the age of five he began to learn to play the violin, and a little later the piano. Oscar Feltsman's first piano piece, entitled "Autumn", appeared when he was barely six years old. His compositions included operettas and musical comedies.

Feltsman collaborated with various poets, including Andrei Voznesensky, Rasul Gamzatov, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky and many others. Feltsman's hits were performed by masters of the national stage: Leonid Utesov, Mark Bernes, Muslim Magomaev, Maria Pakhomenko, Joseph Kobzon. In recent years, the composer has created a number of chamber works, including poems by Marina Tsvetaeva.

Oscar Feltsman was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, second, third and fourth class, for his outstanding contribution to the development of the Russian Federation. musical art and perennial creative activity, as well as the Order of Friendship for his great personal contribution to the development of Russian art. In 1989, Feltsman received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Vyakhirev Rem Ivanovich

Rem Vyakhirev. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Soviet and Russian manager, statesman, one of the founders of the Gazprom company.

Rem Vyakhirev was born in the village of Bolshaya Chernigovka, Kuibyshev region, and was the eldest child in a family of rural teachers. After graduating from school, he entered the oil faculty of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute, from which he graduated in 1956 with a degree in oil and gas field development. He worked for fifteen years in the Kuibyshevneft association. In 1971, he was appointed head of the Orenburggazdobycha department.

In 1973, Vyakhirev met Viktor Chernomyrdin, and in 1976 he became the head of Orenburggazdobycha. From 1983 to 1985, Vyakhirev served as Deputy Minister of the Gas Industry of the USSR, at the same time, on the initiative of Chernomyrdin, the Gazprom company was created.

Since 1992, Rem Vyakhirev served as head of the concern's board. Under him, the company entered the European gas market.

In 2004, Forbes magazine included Vyakhirev in the list of the richest people in Russia.

He died on February 11, 2013 at the age of 79 at his dacha in the Moscow region. He was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow.

German Alexey Yurievich

Alexey German. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Film director, classic of Russian black and white cinema.

Alexey German Sr. went down in cinema history as a director, screenwriter, actor and producer. He was born into the family of a writer and screenwriter, author of the script for the film “My Dear Man” by Yuri German and Tatyana Rittenberg. Alexey German's career began in the theater. After graduating from Leningrad state institute theater, he served first at the Smolensk Drama Theater, and then at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater.

In 1964, German came to Lenfilm, where his first work was the film "Workers' Village", in which he was the second director.

Alexey German's directorial debut was the film "Road Check". Work on the film was completed in 1971, but it was released only in 1985. “Road Check” was followed by “Twenty Days Without War” (1976) and “My Friend Ivan Lapshin” (1984). The last film completed by Herman was “Khrustalev, car!” - was released in 1998.

For many years, Alexey German worked on a film based on the Strugatsky brothers’ novel “It’s Hard to Be a God,” but this film was never released during his lifetime.

Alexey German was the recipient of numerous awards and prizes. In particular, his work “My Friend Ivan Lapshin” received the State Prize of the RSFSR in 1987, and a year later “Check on the Roads” was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

The director died on February 21, 2013 at the age of 75 in the clinic of the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg. He was buried on February 24 at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Van Cliburn

World-famous American pianist, first winner of the International P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Van Cliburn was born in Shreveport, Louisiana. He began studying piano at the age of 3, and at 13 he gave his first solo concert.

The pianist gained worldwide fame after winning the first International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow in 1958, which became a sensation - at that moment the Cold War was in full swing. His speech was accompanied by an eight-minute ovation. According to legend, the decision to award the gold to Cliburn was made personally by Nikita Khrushchev. At that time, the pianist was only 23 years old.

The competition became a turning point in Van Cliburn's biography. After his triumph in Moscow, he gained worldwide fame, and at home - in New York - he was greeted as a national hero. The time of continuous performances began. Sometimes the musician had to play 150 concerts a year. But in 1978, Van Cliburn stopped touring to spend more time with his ailing mother. He resumed performing only in 1987 - after he played at a reception in the White House in Washington on the occasion of the visit Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev.

Throughout its musical career Van Cliburn spoke before US presidents, representatives royal families and leaders of countries in Europe, Asia and South America, visited the USSR on tour.

The pianist was awarded many awards, including the Russian Order of Friendship. The Russian Academy of Sciences named one of the stars in the constellation Lyra after Van Cliburn, and his name is immortalized in the American Classical Music Hall of Fame. A recording of Tchaikovsky's First Concerto performed by the maestro in 1958 was placed in the US National Academy Hall of Fame.

The pianist returned to Moscow several times, and as part of the First International Festival of Master Classes “Glory to the Maestro!” I even gave a series of master classes.


Hugo Chavez

Hugo Chavez. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Venezuelan statesman and military leader, President of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013

Hugo Chavez was born in the city of Sabaneta in western Venezuela.

In 1975, he graduated from the Venezuelan Military Academy with the rank of junior lieutenant, then served in the airborne units. In February 1992, Chavez led a failed attempt coup d'etat. In 1994, he created the V Republic Movement. In 1998, he took the post of president of the republic, and two years later he won the presidential election for the second time. In 2002, Chavez survived an attempt to overthrow him as president. In December 2006, he won the next presidential election.

Hugo Chavez was called the leader of the Bolivarian revolution. He is one of the founders of the political-economic bloc Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America /ALBA/, the author of regional projects in the field of production and marketing of hydrocarbons, in particular Petrocaribe, Petrosur, as well as in the field of media - the Telesur TV channel.

Chavez managed to change the country's foreign policy, making Venezuela short term a respected regional leader who led the movement against neoliberalism in the Western Hemisphere.

Chavez is buried in the Museum of the Revolution in Caracas. The coffin with his body is placed in a marble sarcophagus and mounted on a pedestal in the shape of a flower, surrounded by water.

Panin Andrey Vladimirovich

Theater and film actor. Honored Artist Russian Federation.

Andrey Panin was born in Novosibirsk. Two years later the family moved to Chelyabinsk. Then, when Andrei was six years old, he moved to Kemerovo, where he lived for sixteen years. It was the city of Kemerovo that Panin considered his homeland. The actor graduated from the local Institute of Culture and then moved to Moscow. In 1990, he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and became an actor at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. His stage works include roles in the plays “Three Sisters”, “The Miserly Knight”, “Marriage”, “Deadly Number” and others.

The actor gained fame thanks to the films “Mom, Don’t Cry” by Maxim Pezhemsky and “Mother” by Denis Evstigneev. Mass popularity came to Andrei Panin after the television series “Brigada” directed by Alexei Sidorov. Panin's popularity was also facilitated by the success of the television series "Kamenskaya". In addition, Andrei Panin created bright, memorable images in the films “Driver for Vera”, “Full Moon Day”, “Poisons, or The World History poisoning" and "A Horseman Named Death", "Blind Man's Bluff", "Morphine" and many others.

The circumstances of the actor's death are unclear. According to one version, he died as a result of an accident, according to another, he was killed. Andrei Panin was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery.

Mamyshev-Monroe Vladislav Yurievich

Russian performance artist Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe died

Famous performance artist, creator of "Pirate Television", laureate of the Kandinsky Prize.

The artist was born in Leningrad. Studied at literary school No. 27, from which he was expelled for drawing and distributing caricatures of members of the Politburo.

Since 1986, he began working with the group "New Artists", created by Timur Novikov. Mamyshev is known for his performances, where he dressed up as famous people - the first heroine of his transformations was Marilyn Monroe. In this image, Mamyshev performed several times at concerts of the Pop Mechanics group by Sergei Kuryokhin. Around this time, the artist adopted the pseudonym Vlad Monroe or Mamyshev-Monro.

In 2000, the artist found a new image for himself - the Soviet film star Lyubov Orlova. In 2003, Mamyshev took part in the scandalous exhibition “Beware of Religion!” In 2007, the artist won the Kandinsky Prize in the category media project of the year for original version full-length film "Volga-Volga", where Monroe played the role of Dunya Petrova.

Mamyshev-Monroe's latest exhibition, "Polonium", prepared jointly with photographer Grigory Polyakovsky, was held at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. It was dedicated to the premiere of the play of the same name at the Polytheater, where the artist played the role of Polonius.

On March 16, Mamyshev-Monroe drowned in a hotel pool on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Buried in St. Petersburg.

Berezovsky Boris Abramovich

Boris Berezovsky died

Boris Berezovsky is one of key figures Russian politics of the 1990s, entrepreneur and scientist.

In 1989, Berezovsky became one of the founders joint stock company"LogoVAZ". From December 1994 to December 7, 1996, he was the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of JSC Public Russian Television.

In May 1994, Berezovsky created the All-Russian Automobile Alliance (AVVA), within the framework of which he headed the project to create a domestic “people's car.”

In 1996-1997, Berezovsky served as Secretary of the Russian Security Council, then became an adviser to the head of the Russian Presidential Administration Yumashev, and in April 1998 he was appointed Executive Secretary of the CIS.

Since 2000, the businessman has lived in the UK, since 2003 - as a political refugee. Since 2001, he has been wanted on charges of fraud, money laundering and attempted violent seizure of power.

On the morning of March 23, 2013, Berezovsky was found dead in his home in County Surey. According to police, the businessman's death was caused by hanging. Berezovsky was buried on May 8 in Surrey

Zolotukhin Valery Sergeevich

Actor and director Valery Zolotukhin died

Actor and director.

Valery Zolotukhin was born in Altai in peasant family. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an actor and in 1958 he entered the musical comedy department of GITIS. After graduating from the institute in 1963, he received an invitation to the Mossovet Theater, where he worked for a year.

In 1964, the artist moved to the Taganka Theater, where he worked until his last days.

In addition to acting in the theater, Zolotukhin actively acted in films; his role as Bumbarash in the film of the same name brought him national fame. His track record includes roles in the trilogy "Master of the Taiga", the detective story "The Missing of a Witness", the historical film "The Tale of How Tsar Peter Married the Blackamoor", the films "Night Watch" and "Day Watch", "The Master and Margarita", " Dead Souls" and many others.

After the artistic director, Yuri Lyubimov, left the Taganka Theater, Zolotukhin took his place. At the beginning of March 2013, he was forced to resign from this position due to poor health. Since 2003, Zolotukhin has also been the artistic director of the Altai State Youth Theater.

He was buried in his homeland - in the village of Bystry Istok in Altai.


Margaret Thatcher

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher dies

Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1979 to 1990. Thatcher became the first and so far only woman to hold this post.

Thatcher was able to lead Britain out of the economic crisis of the late 1970s using tough and unpopular measures, including the privatization of state-owned companies and the refusal to support unpromising enterprises. She also initiated a military solution to the conflict with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, which ended in British victory.

For services to the nation, Queen Elizabeth II granted Thatcher the title of Baroness in 1992.

In the last years of her life, Margaret Thatcher was seriously ill; the cause of her death was a stroke. According to the will of the deceased, she was buried next to her husband in the cemetery of a military hospital in London's Chelsea district.

Livshits Alexander Yakovlevich

Alexander Livshits. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Russian economist, Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996-1997, Vice President of the Russian Aluminum holding in 2001-2013.

Livshits worked for the Russian government in the 1990s. He became Minister of Finance and Deputy Governor from Russia at the IMF in 1996, also receiving the post of Deputy Prime Minister.

In 1997, Livshits left the government, becoming the representative of the president on the National Banking Council, as well as deputy head of the presidential administration, where he worked until 1998. In 1999, the economist was Russia's special representative to the G8.

A year later, Livshits left the government, heading the board of the Russian Credit bank. A year later, he changed his job again, moving to Rusal. It was in the aluminum company that Livshits worked in recent years. IN political life country, the former minister practically did not participate.


Balabanov Alexey Oktyabrovich

Alexey Balabanov. Photo: ITAR-TASS

In 1981, Balabanov graduated from the translation department of the Gorky Pedagogical Institute, and in 1983-1987 he worked as an assistant director at the Sverdlovsk film studio. In 1990 he graduated from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors.

Among his works are the films “War”, “It Doesn’t Hurt Me”, “About Freaks and People”, “Cargo 200”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Morphine” and others.

The director’s latest film, “I Want Too,” was released on Russian screens in mid-December 2012. It tells about a mystical bell tower to which people go in the hope of finding happiness. The director played himself in one of the episodes of the film, during which he dies.

Alexey Balabanov died suddenly while working on another script at the Dunes sanatorium in the city of Sestroretsk. He was buried at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Schmidt Sigurd Ottovich

Sigurd Schmidt. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Famous Russian historian and local historian.

The scientist taught at the Russian State humanitarian university, headed the department of Moscow studies and was an emeritus professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 1944, Sigurd Schmidt graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, and in 1949 he began teaching at the Moscow Institute of History and Archives, on the basis of which the Russian State University for the Humanities was created. In 1965, Schmidt received a doctorate in historical sciences, and five years later he became a professor. In 1992 he became an academician Russian Academy education. Schmidt, the author of more than 20 books and a large number of articles, was known in the country as a brilliant popularizer of history.


Segalovich Ilya Valentinovich

Russian programmer, co-founder of Yandex.

Ilya Segalovich was born in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) in the family of geophysicist, USSR State Prize laureate Valentin Segalovich.

In 1986, he graduated from the geophysical faculty of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. After graduating from the institute, Segalovich worked as a programmer at the All-Union Institute of Mineral Resources, where he wrote geophysical information systems in Fortran. In the early 1990s, together with his classmate Arkady Volozh, Segalovich came up with the word “Yandex” to refer to the technology for searching unstructured information that they were developing. Subsequently, Segalovich was at the origins of the creation of the most popular search engine on the Runet, and in recent years he served as technical director of Yandex.

In September 2012, Segalovich was diagnosed with cancer. On July 27, 2013, he died in a London clinic. Buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow

Todorovsky Petr Efimovich

Peter Todorovsky. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Pyotr Todorovsky was born in the city of Bobrynets in Ukraine. Since the summer of 1943, he was a cadet at the Saratov Military Infantry School, and since 1944, he was the commander of a mortar platoon as part of the 93rd Infantry Regiment of the 76th Infantry Division of the 47th Army of the First Belorussian Front. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degree, and medals. After the war, until 1949, he served as an officer in a military garrison near Kostroma.

In 1954, Todorovsky graduated from the cinematography department of VGIK and made his debut as a cameraman at the Moldova-Film film studio. For ten years he worked at the Odessa Film Studio.

As an actor, he starred in the films “It Was the Month of May” and “The Quagmire.”

In 1983, he directed the famous film “A War Romance,” which was nominated for an Oscar in the category Best movie in a foreign language."

The director wrote music for most of his films.

Pyotr Todorovsky died on May 24, 2013 in Moscow at the age of 88. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


Gorshenev Mikhail Yurievich

The best performances of the group "The King and the Clown"

Musician, lead singer of the group "The King and the Jester"

Mikhail "Gorshok" Gorshenev was born in the city of Boksitogorsk Leningrad region. He began studying music while still at school. In 1988, together with classmates Alexander Balunov and Alexander Shchigolev, he founded the group "Kontora". In 1990, Andrei Knyazev joined them. That same year, they named their group "King of the Jesters", which then received its current name. The musicians released their first studio album, “A Stone to the Head,” in 1996. In total, the group recorded 12 studio albums; in 2005, Mikhail Gorshenev released the solo album “I am an alcoholic anarchist.”

He was buried at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.


Peskov Vasily Mikhailovich

Famous journalist, traveler, writer, one of the hosts of the program “In the Animal World”.

In his youth, Vasily Peskov was interested in photography. One day, an employee of the regional newspaper “Young Communard” saw his photographs and invited him to work. This was the impetus for the start of journalistic activity.

Three years later, Vasily Mikhailovich was invited to work for the newspaper " TVNZ", where for many years he hosted the columns "Window to Nature" and " Taiga dead end"Many of his essays formed the basis of books. Thus, in 1960, “Notes of a Photo Reporter” were published, and three years later, Peskov’s books “Steps on the Dew” and “Wait for Us, Stars” became famous.

Peskov's documentary story "Taiga Dead End", published in 1990, gained the greatest popularity. It tells the story of Old Believers hermits who fled to the Sayan taiga in the Republic of Khakassia in the 1930s. In the book, Vasily Peskov tells how he established contact with settlers and won their trust.

In 1991, another collection of essays by Peskov, “Wanderings,” was published, where the journalist talks about East Africa, Hungary and the Alps. His last book, Alaska is More Than You Think, was published in 1994.

Despite his rich literary heritage, many remember Vasily Peskov from the program “In the Animal World,” which he hosted from 1975 to 1990.

The journalist died in Moscow at the age of 84. According to Peskov's will, his ashes were scattered in his homeland, in the village of Orlovo, Voronezh region.

Soviet and Russian cinematographer who won worldwide fame his collaboration with directors Andrei Tarkovsky and Sergei Bondarchuk

Vadim Yusov was born in the Leningrad region. In 1954 he graduated from the cinematography department of VGIK and at the same time began collaborating with the Mosfilm film studio. In 1960, he first worked with Andrei Tarkovsky on the set of the short film “The Rink and the Violin.” Since 1983 – head of the Department of Cinematography at VGIK.

Vadim Yusov's filmography includes more than 20 films. Among them are “Andrei Rublev”, “Solaris”, “Ivan’s Childhood” by Andrei Tarkovsky; "I'm Walking Through Moscow" by Georgy Danelia; “They Fought for the Motherland”, “Boris Godunov” by Sergei Bondarchuk and others.

In recent years, Vadim Yusov collaborated with Oleg Dorman in the films "Interlinear" and "Own Voice", as well as with Andrei Proshkin in the film "Orange Juice".

Vadim Yusov is buried at Novodevichy Cemetery


Yakovlev Yuri Vasilievich

Actor Yuri Yakovlev died

Actor, People's Artist of the USSR.

Yuri Yakovlev was born in Moscow into the family of a lawyer. IN post-war years studied at evening school, while working as an assistant mechanic. In 1948, he tried to enter VGIK, but the commission recognized him as not “cinegenic.” Then Yakovlev went to the Theater School. B. Shchukina.

In 1952, the actor came to the Vakhtangov Theater, where he worked for more than 60 years. Among his roles are Sorin in “The Seagull” by A. Chekhov, Dudukin in “Guilty Without Guilt” by A. Ostrovsky, Karenin in “Anna Karenina” by L. Tolstoy, Pantaloon in “Princess Turandot” and many others. In total, Yuri Yakovlev played more than 40 roles on the theater stage.

In 1955, Yuri Yakovlev made his debut on the big screen in the role of Prince Myshkin in the film “The Idiot” based on the novel of the same name by F.M. Dostoevsky.

Among the actor's most famous film works are the house manager Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha/Tsar Ivan the Terrible in Leonid Gaidai's film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession", Ippolit in the main New Year's film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath", Lieutenant Rzhevsky in " Hussar ballad", Patsak B in the dystopian comedy "Kin-Dza-Dza".

The actor died on the night of November 30, 2013 in a Moscow hospital after a long illness. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


Nelson Mandela

Died ex-president South Africa Nelson Mandela

The first black president of South Africa, one of the most famous activists in the fight for human rights during the apartheid period. Winner of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.

Nelson Mandela was born in the southeast of South Africa. In 1943 he began studying law at university.

During his student years, Mandela joined the Youth League of the African National Congress (ANC), which was engaged in the fight against apartheid. In 1953, the South African government banned him from speaking at public events. In 1956, he was accused of treason, but then acquitted.

By 1960, when the authorities banned the ANC, Mandela had already become the recognized leader of the organization. In 1961, he headed the ANC military organization, and three years later he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1990 he was released.

In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In the first national elections in South Africa with the participation of an African majority in 1994, Mandela was elected president of South Africa. He remained at the head of state until 1999.

Nelson Mandela died on December 5, 2013 at the age of 96 at his home. He was buried on December 15, 2013 in his ancestral village.

Kalashnikov Mikhail Timofeevich

Small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov dies

Famous small arms designer

Mikhail Kalashnikov was born in the Altai region into a large peasant family. In 1930, the family was dispossessed and exiled to the village of Nizhnyaya Mokhovaya, Tomsk region.

In 1938, Kalashnikov was drafted into the Red Army. During his military service, he developed an inertial counter to count the number of shots from a tank gun, adapted a TT pistol for effective firing through slits in a tank turret, and created a device for measuring the service life of a tank engine. For the latest invention, the commander of the Kyiv Military District, General Georgy Zhukov, awarded Kalashnikov a personalized watch.

In August 1941, Kalashnikov went to the front, but a few months later he was seriously wounded in the battles near Bryansk. While on a six-month vacation, he developed his first model of a submachine gun. In July 1942, Kalashnikov was sent to a scientific testing site, where the submachine gun underwent full-scale testing.

In 1945, Kalashnikov took part in a competition to develop an assault rifle chambered for the 1943 model. Based on the results of competitive tests, the AK-47 assault rifle was adopted by the Soviet Army at the beginning of 1949. Then Kalashnikov received the Order of the Red Star and Stalin Prize first degree "For the development of a weapon model."

Since 1949, he worked in the department of the chief designer of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant. In addition to the AK-47, Kalashnikov created a modernized AKM assault rifle with a caliber of 7.62 millimeters and a modernized AKMS assault rifle with a folding stock. After the transition to the 5.45 mm caliber, the AK-74, AKS-74U, and AK-74M Kalashnikov assault rifle models were developed. In total, the Kalashnikov design bureau created more than a hundred samples of military weapons.

In 1971, based on the totality of research and design work and inventions without defending a dissertation, Kalashnikov was awarded academic degree Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Kalashnikov wrote several books of memoirs: “Notes of a gunsmith designer” (1992), “From someone else’s threshold to the Spassky Gate” (1997), “I walked the same road with you: Memoirs” (1999), “Kalashnikov: the trajectory of fate” (2004 ), “In the whirlwind of my life” (2007), “Everything you need is simple” (2009). He was a member of the Russian Writers' Union.

This year has become the last for many Russian celebrities: unfortunately, many talented musicians, actors and directors have passed away. Russian celebrities, who died in 2016, left a significant mark on the history of domestic show business.

And although today these artists are no longer with us, the memory of them will be preserved for more than one generation thanks to their creative heritage.

Russian celebrities who died in 2016:

Alexandra Zavyalova

Actress and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. On February 3, 2016, Alexandra Zavyalova met a tragic fate -. The star of Russian cinema did not live just a few days before her 80th birthday. It is known that the artist’s last years were spent in poverty; she huddled in an apartment with her son, who suffered from alcoholism and repeatedly beat his mother.

Zavyalova is remembered by Russians for her roles in the films “Aleshkina’s Love”, “The Hippocratic Oath”, “Meeting at the Old Mosque” and “White Clothes”.

Natalya Krachkovskaya

Death overtook the Russian cinematographer at the age of 78.

Nina Arkhipova

Actress, People's Artist RSFSR Nina Arkhipova died on April 24, 2016 at the age of 94. Until the last day of her life, Nina Nikolaevna devoted herself to creativity, being the leading actress of the Moscow Satire Theater.

She has more than a hundred roles in the theater, and she has also starred in several dozen films: the last of them, “White Man,” was released in 2012.

Alexey Zharkov

The actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation died on June 5, 2016. Zharkov first appeared on screens in 1962, when he played the role of Petya in the film “Hello, Children!”

Back in 2012, Alexei Dmitrievich’s health was shaken by a stroke, and after a new attack, the actor died.

DJ Grad

DJ Grad - aka Anatoly Satonin. “Soul” of club culture in Russia and post-Soviet countries, when he returned from a St. Petersburg tour to Moscow. The DJ passed away on May 24, 2016 - he was only 40 at the time of his death.

DJ Grad has been famous on the club scene since the 1990s. It is known that on the way home, his heart stopped right in the taxi.

In Moscow. Russians remember Alexey Daineko for his roles in popular TV series; he has about 30 roles to his name, the most memorable ones being in the TV series “Truckers-3”, “Balzac Age, or All the Men Are Svo...”, “Karpov”, “Cop in Law-5” "

The actor also tried out for directing; in 2006, the Russian Federation saw his film “Smiling at the Eternity of the Universe.”

Anton Yelchin

Actor - a native of Soviet Leningrad, a rising Hollywood star in Los Angeles, America.

Although actor career Anton Yelchin and received rapid development in the United States, the Russians were proud of the successes of their fellow countryman in Hollywood: Yelchin played in the films “Star Trek” and “Terminator: May the Savior Come.” A Jeep Grand Cherokee, which, by an absurd accident, rolled straight towards the actor.

Konstantin Berezovsky

Film director Konstantin Berezovsky died in the summer of 2016. Death overtook the Russian cinematographer on June 24 at the age of 87. It was thanks to this director that Russians saw the famous film “Three and a half days in the life of Ivan Semyonov - a second-grader and second-year student.”

Rostislav Yankovsky

The list of celebrities who died in 2016, unfortunately, was supplemented by actor, People's Artist of the USSR Rostislav Yankovsky. IN Soviet time the actor shone in many iconic films. In particular, he had more than 160 theatrical roles and several dozen roles in films.

IN last time the film with Rostislav Yankovsky appeared on screens in 2010 - the film “Revenge”, in which Yankovsky played the role of Beglov, closes the list of the actor’s TV roles. theater and cinema June 26, 2016.

On the day of his 83rd birthday, Vladimir Zemlyanikin. On October 27, 2016, it became known that the Honored Artist of Russia, the oldest actor of the Sovremennik Theater, died in the hospital.

The artist began working at the Sovremennik Theater in 1959 and worked there until his death. He played his first role in the film in 1954; it was the painting “Certificate of Maturity”. Vladimir Mikhailovich’s first popularity came after the role of Serezha Davydov in Lev Kulidzhanov’s film “The House Where I Live.”


Russian actor October 31, 2016 after a long illness at the age of 102. For almost a month, the actor was treated at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. Vladimir Mikhailovich during his lifetime was recognized the oldest players actor on the planet and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Viewers remember him from the films “The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd”, “Carnival Night”, “June 31” and many others. His last film work was the role of the Legend Man in the film “Run, Catch Up, Fall in Love.”


One of the most famous Russian clowns on tour in Rostov-on-Don on November 2, 2016. Doctors named the cause of death as cardiac arrest. The artist’s widow said that her husband did not complain about his health, but was simply resting after work. She saw her husband already lifeless, called the doctors, but they only stated the death of Oleg Popov.

- legendary circus performer. He performed in the arena for more than fifty years. In 1969 he was awarded the title " National artist THE USSR". In 2010, the artist was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation, and in 2015 he became a laureate of the “Circus Legend” award.

In Moscow on November 25, 2016, at the age of 90. The legendary Soviet designer was one of the creators of the MiG-29 multi-role fighter.

Ivan Mikoyan was born in 1939, graduated from the Aviation Technical School in Stalinabad and the Air Force Engineering Academy. Zhukovsky. For development combat aircraft the specialist was twice awarded the USSR State Prize.,

During his career, the actor performed more than a hundred roles. His last work was the film “Alien War,” which was released in 2014.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Turkey December 19, 2016. The killer was identified immediately, since the crime was committed in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses. The criminal died during a shootout with the guards.

Andrey Gennadievich worked as the Russian Ambassador to the DPRK from 2001 to 2006, and from 2009 to 2013 - Director of the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Starting from July 12, 2013, he worked as the Russian Ambassador to Turkey. He played one of the most important roles in normalizing relations between Turkey and Russia.
