How to quickly learn to move objects with your mind. How to learn to move objects with your mind


Start with “moving the void” exercises. Look anywhere and subconsciously “move the void.” This will teach you to concentrate your attention and gaze.

Try to relax your body muscles, but your arms should still move. Exercise persistently until the tension in the muscles during movements subsides.

Start practicing moving material things. Take a small piece of paper and fold it in half perpendicularly twice. Insert a sewing needle or pin into the lid, plug, lump. Place a folded piece of paper on the middle of the needle.

Try to focus on the solar plexus, feel with your hands how the warmth moves from it. Feel the slight tingling and warmth on your fingertips. If you turn your palms towards each other, you should feel some tension, as if there is an inflated balloon.

Relax, sit comfortably. The place for the exercise should be well lit. Bring your hands to the piece of paper and, concentrating, try to turn it over with the power of your thoughts.

At this moment, don’t think about anything, relax, get all thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply. You just have to want the leaf to turn and see this process internally.

Don't get discouraged or doubt your abilities. If you don’t succeed right away, then rest assured that success will come after three to five days of constant training.

Remember: the most important thing in this matter is faith in yourself and your abilities. If you are confident in yourself, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

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  • how to move with your mind

In the world we are familiar with, the skill of movement, or, is nothing more than an illusion. Simply put, focus. In order to demonstrate such a trick, for example, to your children, you don’t have to be Copperfield. Let's try to move an object mentally at home.

You will need

  • - powerful magnet
  • - table or board
  • - a small metal object


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Not all metals and alloys are susceptible to magnetism. Choose products that attract well.

When demonstrating a trick, try not to touch the magnet on the inside surface of the table, this can ruin everything.

If the table is quite thick or has any technological protrusions, this may complicate the task. Dining tables consisting of only a table top and legs are ideal.

Helpful advice

Lean closer to the object of “telekinesis”, make distracting movements so that the viewer does not pay attention to the left hand.
Alternatively, a magnet can be attached to the knee. In this case, both your hands will be free, but you will lose some freedom of movement of the object.

Telekinesis is the ability to move items with just the power of thought. More than once, scientists have described cases of non-contact movement of things, but they could not give a scientific explanation for these facts. Most often for the ability to move items thinking, as well as playing music, requires a certain gift, but this can be achieved by hard training.

You will need

  • - a plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • - thread.


First, take care of yours. Perhaps there were already people in your family who owned . Ask yours and your grandparents. If you are lucky enough to have paranormal owners in your family tree, it will be much easier for you to move items without touching them. In addition, you can even do without training, since your abilities can awaken at any moment.

If it’s not found in your family, don’t be upset, you can achieve everything on your own. Find some point (if you have new wallpaper without stains, draw it yourself) and concentrate your attention on it every day for 15 minutes. You should sit comfortably and be relaxed. Imagine that rays are emanating from your eyes and resting on a point.

After you have learned to concentrate your attention without any problems, complicate the exercise. Now look continuously at the point, while rotating your head. If this exercise was easy for you, draw on the second point slightly lower than the first and, concentrating on the top, smoothly move your gaze to the bottom. You should have the feeling that your gaze is glued to the top point and is pulling it down.

Take the plastic one and place it in front of you on a hard chair. At the same time, sit on the floor. Making passes over the glass (which ones exactly - your intuition will tell you), use the power of thought to move it from its place. If you do this exercise carefully and regularly, results should appear within a week.

Take a match, tie it by a thread and hang it up. Now, making passes with your hands, try to make the match turn around its axis. The result should also appear within a week.

Once you have successfully mastered the exercises of moving a plastic cup and a match, you can move larger items, guided by the same principle.


  • How to learn telekinesis
  • how to lift an object with your mind

Concentrating attention and thoughts requires a lot of mental energy. Any external stimuli can distract a person from the object of concentration. It can also be difficult to concentrate when doing routine work. Special exercises and a fresh look at familiar things will help you maintain a steady interest in the problem you are considering.


An important factor for concentration is the absence of external stimuli. When you are reading a book, writing or thinking about something, any sound or movement can distract your attention. It is most difficult to concentrate in crowded and noisy places. If you work at home, and your loved ones are watching TV, loudly and constantly asking questions, you will not be able to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Try to isolate yourself as much as possible from external irritants. Find a secluded and quiet place where you can be more productive. If you can’t find a place, try to mentally isolate yourself from the events happening around you. Imagine that your head is in a large glass ball, and all external sounds bounce off it without reaching your attention.

When you need to concentrate on routine work or a boring lecture that doesn't excite you, try to find something new in it. Look at familiar things from a different perspective. Let's say you're listening to the tenth report at a conference, your attention wanders and thoughts left in an unknown direction. Imagine yourself encountering the topic presented for the first time, as if you accidentally walked into the hall. Find points in the report that might interest you. This may be a different opinion from yours on things already in place, some previously unstudied figures, facts and formulations of terms. You may be interested in the speaker's unusual speaking style and ability to access complex material.

Learn to concentrate thoughts special exercises will help. Place any object in front of you - an apple, a vase, Matchbox or watch. Focus your attention on the selected object. Look at it from different perspectives. Pay attention to color, volume, shape, sensations when touching an object. Try to keep your attention clearly and think about the subject for at least two minutes. As soon as you notice that your attention has moved away from the object of concentration, gently bring it back and continue the exercise. Do the exercise every day for 5-10 minutes. Soon it will be easier for you to control thoughts.

Concentration - the ability to fixate attention at one object for a certain period of time. However, the pace modern life, the abundance of information and routine tasks often makes it difficult to concentrate on one thing. This especially affects work or study. How can you learn to push everything unnecessary into the background?


Create the right environment. The first step is to minimize your exposure to distractions. For some, this is a working TV or loud conversations around, others are unable to refuse in social networks, while for some, order in the workplace and a comfortable chair are important. Having figured out what prevents you from concentrating the most, it will be much easier to create a comfortable environment: turn off the TV, turn off Internet access, remove unnecessary things from the table, or get comfortable.

Take care of your health. It is impossible to work at full capacity without feeling very good. Even minor headache leads to a decrease in concentration and performance. The ability to concentrate also deteriorates due to chronic stress. After all, it is during sleep that the brain cells necessary for... To avoid psychological decline, try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

While reading a continuous text, it becomes scattered and it becomes difficult to assimilate what you read. In this case, you can draw up graphs, diagrams, mental maps or thesis plans. The brain, busy processing the information received, finds it much more difficult to be distracted by foreign objects.

The work doesn't always deliver. Therefore, there is a great temptation to push an unpleasant or tedious task into the back drawer. The ability to focus is closely related to self-discipline, as well as the ability to achieve goals. At the end of each working day, make a to-do list for tomorrow and try to stick to it. Persistence in this endeavor will lead to the fact that you will be able to regulate your attention yourself and direct it to one or another object.

Prolonged concentration leads to fatigue. This is due to overstrain of certain areas of the brain. Therefore, to maintain good performance during the working day, be sure to take breaks. Take it from the school schedule. Organize hourly “changes” of 10-15. The main thing is not to sit in the same place while chatting with colleagues or playing games. computer game. It’s better to take a walk, stretch your muscles, massage your neck or do eye exercises.

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Ability to move distance, or telekinesis in scientific terms, has been described more than once by scientists and shown in thrillers and science fiction films. There is still no clear opinion as to why items moving. Most often, this ability is innate, but through hard training it can be learned.

Just a few decades ago, people could only be surprised and dream about how simple it was unusual people move objects. They were considered magicians and wizards, they were feared and respected. Many dreamed of learning telekinesis on their own, negotiated with suppliers, purchased special literature, read, trained, but... nothing came of it. It turns out that some fifty years ago all printed literature in this direction was published by enterprising people who were ready to earn their first capital, literally out of thin air.

Often the advice that could be read in such books was very similar to the famous work of science fiction, where a schoolboy named Harry accomplished the impossible with one wave of his magic wand. Over the last century in Russia, superpowers have been identified in only two people, and each of them did not want to specifically learn this. As they say in their publications and advice, you don’t need to want something very much. Everything turns out by itself, and how they managed to move a pencil from its place, set the water in a glass container in motion, and also raise a bird’s feather in the air - they shrug their shoulders and shrug their shoulders.

Telekinesis concept

Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the ability to move objects without using your hands. The scientific concept of this phenomenon sounds like the interacting resonance of the human body and any objects during the interaction of which the following occurs:

  1. Formulation of a directed message by the brain.
  2. Control nervous system through consciousness.
  3. Activation of the body's internal reserves, namely currents, is the main engine that influences the movement of external objects.

Let's imagine ourselves in the place of a person who is learning the skills of telekinesis. For example, he stands in the middle of the room, on the floor and looks intently at the heavy sofa. He tries to move him with just one glance. When a person strains his gaze, he looks closely at an object and begins to see the sofa in a different direction. This is called monovision, when a person, as if going beyond the boundaries of his body, sees an object in a different projection. He examines the sofa - he sees its outline, the back walls, the box inside. That is, he sees the “skeleton” of the object and what is inside. Next, the person begins to hear a sound that is more like vibration or “white” noise. It’s difficult to describe in words, but all his insides are tense, a person feels a heartbeat and an impulse that gradually descends down to the solar plexus. The outlines of all objects in the room become blurred, boundaries are erased, sounds become dull. And right at this moment human body and the object enters the same state - resonant. A sound is heard that the human ear perceives as very loud - this is the sound of a moving object. The sound “cuts” the brain and powerful “goosebumps” run through the body. At this time, the movement of the object occurs.

Who can learn

The ability to master telekinesis is extremely rare. Only one or two people out of a million are able to effortlessly move an object, lift it into the air, and perform other actions that cannot be performed at a distance. For example, starting or extinguishing a fire, separating, bending metal objects, etc. Scientists have not yet found this phenomenon scientific proof and continue to shrug. But there is an opinion that every person has such abilities. It’s just that not everyone notices them and doesn’t try to develop them.

When asked whether it is possible to learn to move objects at a distance, experts in this field answer affirmatively: “Yes, it is possible. You just need to follow some rules."

Basic Rules:

  1. You must have a great desire, as well as have strength of character and believe, believe and believe that everything will work out.
  2. Learn to relax.
  3. Be able to concentrate.
  4. Learn to master both body and mind.
  5. Be ready to train every day, without a break.

Checking your potential

Let's look inside ourselves, inside our consciousness, check ourselves, our potential. To learn telekinesis, you need persistence and regular workouts. You can learn this phenomenon either with a teacher or on your own by doing home training. The main rule of the lesson:

  1. You need to exercise every day.
  2. Don't get distracted and learn to concentrate.

Let's start working with energy

Classes should take place in a calm environment. Turn off all objects that produce sounds: TV, radio, telephone, close the windows. Even the sound of the arrows wall clock may cause interference.

  1. Relax your body, try to close your eyes and feel your energy, its flow.
  2. Inhale, exhale - slowly release the air, trying to direct the energy into your hands.
  3. Try to feel the flow, feel how the energy gathers in your palms and is absorbed into your fingertips.
  4. Place your hands in front of you, palms together. Try to feel the density of the space formed between them.
  5. Place any object between your palms. Raise your palms above the object, feel the warmth.
  6. Bring your hands closer to the object slowly. Focus.
  7. You should feel a slight tingling or feel that the distance between your palms is compressing, as if attracting them to each other.
  8. Gently touch the object and also slowly move your hand to the side.
  9. Catch the feeling of resistance when the object “does not let go” of your palm.
  10. Remove your hand and rest.
  11. Relax.
  12. Try to let go of the energy.

This is a step-by-step description of the first lesson. In subsequent classes, you must try to create an energetic sensation with any objects of different size and weight. Experiment with different distances, trying to gradually increase the distance between you and the object. Constant training will allow you to feel the energy at a distance of two to three meters.

During training, achieve a tingling sensation in your palms and fingertips, gradually increasing the distance between objects. Achieve a feeling of “push”.

During the training period, it is necessary, through daily training, to feel the energy of space even eyes closed. You can start training by practicing the sensation of a short distance. Only after honing these phenomena can you try to move a small object from its place, without using physical contact.

Mastering Visualization

Before you start learning, you need to mentally “draw” a small dot on an object. First of all, you need to free yourself from all thoughts without exception. This is very difficult to do, but over time you will succeed. Look at an imaginary target and think about it, imagining that your eyes are directing rays to that point. When this stage of training is behind you, and you can do it without effort and special concentration, you need to add a second exercise - circular rotations of the head.

Afterwards, the exercise becomes more complicated and you need to “draw” a second one to one point, slightly higher than the first. Now your task is to move your gaze from one point to another so that the points move - the top one is below, and the bottom one moves up. This is the most important rule in mastering the technique of telekinesis.

After honing the above techniques, you can move on to the most important thing - real objects. In the same way as with moving imaginary points, you need to practice moving objects.

Don't stop there: patience and perseverance will help you understand whether you have special abilities that just need to be “awakened”, or whether you are able to comprehend all the basics and learn telekinesis on your own.

Researchers claim that any average person can independently learn telekinesis. Everyone has these abilities from birth; the main thing is to believe in yourself and have a desire to learn something new. You shouldn’t give up if something doesn’t work out, you need to study seriously and strive for triumph. Because how can you independently learn to move things with your eyes without teachers or any books?


1. Start with “moving the void” exercises. Look where you want and instinctively “move the void.” This will teach you to concentrate your attention and gaze.

2. Try to relax your body muscles, but your arms must still move. Exercise persistently until the tension in the muscles when moving your arms subsides.

3. Begin training in moving the physical prophetic. Take a small sheet of paper and fold it in half perpendicularly twice. Insert a sewing needle or pin into the lid plastic bottle, cork, lump of plasticine. Place the folded sheet on the middle of the needle.

4. Place the needle and leaf on the tier of the eyes, at a distance of 2-3 meters, in order to eliminate the possibility of breath getting in.

5. Try to focus on a clear plexus, feel with your hands how warmth moves from it. Feel a slight tingling and warmth on your fingertips and palms. If you turn your palms towards each other, you should feel some tension, as if there is an inflated balloon between them.

6. Relax, sit more comfortably. The place for the exercise should be well lit. Bring your hands to the sheet and, concentrating, try to overturn it with the power of thought.

7. At this moment, don’t think about anything, relax, get all thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply. You only have to want the leaf to turn and morally see this process.

8. Do the exercise for about thirty minutes each time. It is better for everyone to do this at night, because at this time of day the brain is less energetic.

9. Don't get discouraged or doubt your abilities. If it doesn’t work out right away, then rest assured that success will come after 3-5 days of continuous training.

10. Remember: the most important thing in this matter is to have faith in yourself and your abilities. If you are confident in yourself, you will strictly achieve the desired result.

In the world we are accustomed to, the skill of moving objects with our thoughts, or telekinesis, is nothing more than an illusion. Simply put, focus. In order to demonstrate such a trick, say, to your children, it is not at all necessary to be Copperfield. Let's try to move an object mentally at home.

You will need

  • - strong magnet
  • - table or board
  • - small metal object


1. Take a small metal object. This could be whatever is desired, say, a ball made of a bearing, or some kind of figurine. The main thing is that the object chosen for focus interacts with the magnet. Check this before you start the trick; on the contrary, confusion may result.

2. Sit at the table, seat the child opposite. Left hand put it under the table (you hold the magnet in it), and with your right hand, to distract attention, carefully place our metal object in the middle of the table (let it be a ball). Give the viewer the opportunity to verify that the ball is not fixed and that it can freely move along the surface of the table.

3. Now place your right hand over the ball, palm down. Pretend that you are tense, allowing your hand to tremble for better results. At the same time, slowly and smoothly bring the magnet to the bottom surface of the table in the place where the ball is located. Wood does not affect strength magnetic field, therefore it will act on the ball through the tabletop. With magnet support, move our object without forgetting right hand, with which you are obliged to pretend that you are directing the behavior of the ball. If the viewer continuously follows the movement of the ball on the table, then the trick was a success.

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Not all metals and alloys are susceptible to magnetism. Choose products that attract well. When demonstrating a trick, be careful not to touch the magnet on the inside surface of the table, this can ruin everything. If the table is thick enough or has any technological protrusions, this can complicate the task. Dining tables consisting only of a tabletop and legs are perfectly suitable.

Helpful advice
Lean closer to the object of “telekinesis”, make distracting movements so that the viewer does not pay attention to the left hand. Alternatively, a magnet can be attached to the knee. In this case, both your hands will be free, but you will lose some of your will to move the object.

Telekinesis is the knowledge to move items with just the power of thought. More than once, scientists have described cases of contactless movement of the prophetic, but they have not been able to give these facts a scientific interpretation. Move everyone more often for knowledge items thought, as well as for practicing music, requires a certain gift, but this can be achieved through persistent training.

You will need

  • - a plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • – thread.


1. First, take a look at your ancestry. It is possible that there were people in your family with telekinesis. Ask your grandparents. If you are lucky enough to have paranormal powers in your family tree, it will be much easier for you to learn how to move items without touching them. In addition, you can even do without training, because your abilities can awaken at any moment.

2. If you don’t find any magicians in your family, don’t be upset, you can reach everyone independently. Find a point on the wall (if you have new wallpaper without stains, draw it independently) and concentrate your attention on it for 15 minutes all day. You must sit comfortably and be relaxed. Imagine that rays are emanating from your eyes and resting on a point.

3. After you have learned to concentrate your attention without problems, complicate the exercise. Now look steadily at the point, while rotating your head. If this exercise was easy for you, draw a second point on the wall slightly lower than the first and, concentrating on the top one, smoothly move your gaze to the bottom one. You should have the feeling that your gaze is glued to the top point and is pulling it down.

4. Take a plastic cup and place it in front of you on a strong chair. At the same time, sit on the floor. Making passes over the glass with your hands (which ones exactly - your intuition will tell you), use the power of thought to move it from its place. If you do this exercise carefully and regularly, the result should appear within a week.

5. Take a match, tie it by a thread and hang it up. Now, making passes with your hands, try to force the match to turn around its axis. The result should also appear within a week.

6. Later, after you have successfully mastered the exercises of moving a plastic cup and a match, you can move more huge items, guided by the same thesis.

The saturation of attention and thoughts requires enormous expenditure of mental energy. Any external stimuli can distract a person from the object of concentration. It can also be difficult to concentrate when doing routine work. Special exercises and a fresh look at familiar things will help you maintain a steady interest in the problem you are considering.


1. An important factor for successful concentration is the absence of external stimuli. When you are reading a book, writing or thinking about something, any sound or movement can distract your attention. It's harder for everyone to concentrate in crowded and loud places. If you're working at home while your loved ones are watching TV, talking loudly, and constantly asking questions, you won't be able to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Try to isolate yourself as much as possible from external irritants. Find a secluded and quiet place where you can work more productively. If you cannot find such a place, try to mentally isolate yourself from the events taking place around you. Imagine that your head is in a large glass ball, and all external sounds bounce off it without reaching your attention.

2. When you need to concentrate on routine work or a boring lecture that doesn't spark interest, try to discover something new in it. Look at familiar things from a different perspective. Perhaps you are listening to the tenth report at the conference, your attention has wandered and thoughts went in an unfamiliar direction. Imagine yourself as a person encountering the topic being presented for the first time, as if you accidentally walked into the room. Find points in the report that might interest you. This may be good from your judgment on already famous things, some previously unstudied figures, facts and formulations of terms. Perhaps you will be interested in the strange genre of the speaker’s speech and the knowledge to present difficult material in an accessible way.

3. Learn to concentrate thoughts special exercises will help. Place any object in front of you - an apple, a vase, a matchbox or a watch. Focus your attention on the selected object. Look at it from different angles. Pay attention to the color, volume, shape, smell, sensations when touching the object. Try to clearly keep your attention and think about the subject for at least 2 minutes. As soon as you notice that your attention has moved away from the object of concentration, gently bring it back and continue the exercise. Perform the exercise every day for 5-10 minutes. Soon it will be easier for you to control thoughts .

Saturation – knowledge to record attention on one object for a certain period of time. However the pace present life, the abundance of information and routine tasks often makes it difficult to concentrate on one thing. This exclusively affects work or study. How can you learn to push everything indecent into the background?


1. Create the right atmosphere. The first step is to minimize the influence of distractions. For some, this is a working TV or loud conversations around, someone is unable to refuse communication on public networks, and for others, order in the workplace and a comfortable chair are important. Having figured out what prevents you from concentrating the most, it will be much easier to create a comfortable atmosphere: turn off the TV, turn off Internet access, remove unnecessary things from the table, or make yourself more comfortable.

2. Take care of your health. It’s unthinkable to work at full capacity and not feel great. Even a minor headache leads to a decrease in concentration and performance. The ability to concentrate also deteriorates due to chronic lack of sleep. It is during sleep that tea restores the brain cells needed for concentration. To avoid psychological decline, try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

3. While reading a continuous text, attention is scattered, and it becomes difficult to assimilate what is read. In this case, it is allowed to draw up graphs, diagrams, mental maps or thesis plans. The brain, busy processing the information received, finds it much more difficult to be distracted by third-party objects.

4. Work does not always bring pleasure. Consequently, the temptation to push an unpleasant or tedious task into a distant drawer is enormous. The ability to focus is closely related to self-discipline, as well as the knowledge to achieve set goals. At the end of the entire working day, make a to-do list for tomorrow and be diligent about sticking to it. Persistence in this endeavor will lead to the fact that you will be able to regulate your attention yourself and direct it to one or another object.

5. Prolonged saturation of attention leads to rapid fatigue. This occurs due to overstrain of certain areas of the brain. Therefore, in order to maintain excellent performance during the working day, be sure to take breaks. Take an example from the school schedule. Organize hourly “changes” of 10-15 minutes. The main thing is not to sit in the same place, talking with colleagues or playing a computer game. Better yet, take a walk, stretch your muscles, massage your neck, or do eye exercises.

Video on the topic

Knowledge to move items on distance, or scientifically telekinesis, has been described more than once by scientists and shown in thrillers and science fiction films. Until now, there is no clear judgment as to why items moving. Most often this ability is innate, but through hard training you can learn it.

You will need

  • – plastic glass/box of matches/piece of fabric;
  • - pencil.


1. Start understanding your ancestry. Ask your relatives, visit your great-aunts and ask if there were people in your family whom the neighbors called magicians or, in fact, simply considered unusual and chose to avoid their house. If among your grandparents there are people with paranormal abilities, it will be much easier for you to master telekinesis.

2. If you are starting to learn to move items on distance from scratch, then the first thing you need to do is learn to concentrate. To begin, draw a dot on the wallpaper and look at it for 15 minutes a day, without being distracted or thinking about anything other than this dot. Such an exercise seems easy only at first glance, but it is very difficult to concentrate on a small spot for such a long time. Once you succeed, you can bravely move on to further training.

3. Make the exercise more difficult. You need to continuously look at a point on the wall, while making movements with your head, twitching your legs, moving your arms. If you have mastered this exercise, you can start practicing skills on objects.

4. It's best to start with the light ones. items– a plastic cup, an empty box of matches, a piece of fabric. Place the object opposite you, so that it is clearly visible to you, and at the same time you sit upright. Concentrate on it the same way you concentrated on the point, and begin to send a mental message to your box to move. Don’t be bothered to immediately throw the object to the other end of the room; a few millimeters will be enough to begin with. So that you do not doubt the results of the exercise, before starting the skill, you can mark the boundaries of the object with a pencil. With proper diligence, in a week you will learn to move your lungs with your gaze. items .

Helpful advice
One Azerbaijani magician, who had excellent hypnosis, could convince every spectator at his performance that they saw an object moving. If you can't do it with telekinesis, try this method.

Many people wonder how to diversify their life? It flows quickly, and people simply do not have time to notice some events, finding meaningless excuses. At moments like these, you invariably want to discover something in life. How to learn to see world ?


1. Try to make the most of the negative situation that has created. Usually similar collapses lead to a new stage of life. Think about the reasons for a similar state, be alone, feel your inner world. Think about positive consequences and about how to quickly acquire the fullness of life and draw for yourself newest way. To do this, take several sheets of paper and write on them everything you want. this moment. Then choose the most important thing and set yourself a goal to achieve in the near future. Write everything in large letters and hang it in a visible place.

2. Do a thorough cleaning, throwing out all the things and objects that you have not used for a long time. Hang new curtains that will delight your eyes, buy various shiny little things for the interior, put a cheerful screensaver on your computer desktop. All this will be designed to make you feel better and make it more fun to look at the surrounding world .

3. Change your lifestyle. Do something out of character (say, skydive). New sensations and strong emotions are bound to shake you up, look at world with different eyes. Be grateful to fate for everything, be able to see the charming in everyone and enjoy life. You just have to want it, and events will begin to take shape. the right shade at your request, all you have to do is smile. A smile will surely transform world around you and will improve your well-being. Do good and be joyful.

4. Start looking at world realistically, trying to understand how the people around you see him and why they act this way and not the other way around. Having learned to see world through their eyes or to step into their shoes in a certain environment, you will be able to get what you want, establish meaningful relationships, achieve the triumph you have won, and live in harmony with world om, people and yourself.

The object that is often at hand during very dreary and long periods of time (lectures, conferences, meetings) is a fountain pen. It is not surprising that there were enthusiasts who came up with a lot of tricks designed to diversify your pastime.


1. Collect a pen for penspinning. Despite the fact that such a “tool” may attract unnecessary attention to you, it is strongly recommended to have it. The reason is that learning elements on a traditional ballpoint pen quite difficult: it is difficult to control and the learning process will be slower.

2. A particularly primitive assembly option: buy a felt-tip pen with back side There is an alcohol-based eraser for erasing. Now, in addition, put a plastic cap on both sides of the pen (not the main thing - from a pen, marker and pencil).

3. Start simple. Basic exercise, which will allow you to develop general mobility, is to rotate the handle between your fingers - the work occurs with only four of them (it is impossible to help with a huge finger). Be diligent in paying attention to the smoothness of execution; you actually don’t have to make an effort - the handle will slide by inertia.

4. Expand the selection of items available to you. The tricks that can be called especially primitive are: ThumbAround (throwing it over the thumb), Sonic (a cycle with an upward movement) and Charge (rotating the handle in a circle). Despite the ease of execution, the elements are poorly presented, and a series of video tutorials on the Internet would be a particularly productive method of teaching.

5. When one of the elements begins to be confidently achieved on an “enlarged” projectile, try to do it with the help of a regular fountain pen. At the same time, you need to consider that it has a smaller mass and the center of gravity is shifted towards the cap. In addition, due to the short length, some tricks turn out to be completely unthinkable to perform.

6. Develop both hands harmoniously. Exercises on your non-dominant hand will not only help you develop it and make it more energetic, but will also focus your attention on the nuances of the technical execution of tricks. You will have to study your mistakes more and get used to the correct placement of your fingers.

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Many of us have heard about people who can, at a distance, without any trickery, bend, move, suspend forks, spoons and other objects in the air, as well as turn the compass needle, change the clock, disperse clouds, extinguish the flame of a candle, and perform other similar miracles with inanimate matter. However, with a live one too. For example, one Western researcher learned to influence the slipper ciliates observed under a microscope with his thoughts. By an effort of will and thought, it turns out that one can also act on the growth of plants, the development of pathogenic fungi, the metabolic process in a living organism, the treatment of wounds... There are also such examples.

This parapsychological phenomenon was given the name telekinesis (literally “movement carried out at a distance”, and the hypothetical energy that allows this to be done is psi energy, bioenergy. It is believed that a psi operator can arouse telekinetic abilities in other people - those who are next to him.

One of the most amazing phenomena was the Russian woman Ninel Kulagina. For a long time Only a select few knew about her; some venerable academicians testified to her extraordinary gift. But they kept quiet about this, because it was believed that since there is no official laboratory studying paraphysical phenomena, there is no need to talk about it yet. But in 1988, when during the period of perestroika the Soviet media had the opportunity to cover “anomalous” topics, a multimillion-dollar television audience was able to become convinced that telekinesis is a reality.

Kulagina took it off the finger of her hand wedding ring, put it on the coffee table, scattered matches nearby, then moved her palm over these objects without touching them. The ring started moving and, together with the matches, moved to the edge of the table... Scientists could not explain this amazing effect and invited him to their laboratories for scientific experiments.

The professor was found by Kulagina and others unique abilities. In particular, identify colors and read printed texts with any open area bodies, create an acidic environment in liquids and change them chemical composition, increase the electrical conductivity of air, relieve pain during inflammatory processes, treat vascular diseases, heal wounds... Once she was able to move a glass decanter weighing 380 grams. It is curious that during telekinesis experiments, some “thin shiny dotted lines”, similar to beads, sometimes appeared between Kulagina’s fingers and the objects that she non-contactly set in motion through the efforts of her body. Acoustic vibrations (crackling) near her hands were also detected, “condensed” electromagnetic fields. Kulagina’s unique set of abilities, confirmed in 25 scientific laboratories, was called the “K” phenomenon. It still hasn't been completely solved...

It has been noticed that telekinesis, like other parapsychological abilities, sometimes appears as a result of injuries, illnesses, stress, electric shocks... This confirms the idea of ​​the hidden reserves of the human body, especially the brain. Many people assume that each of us is endowed with similar talents, we just need to create the conditions for their manifestation. It is no coincidence that entire complexes were invented special exercises to develop these abilities.

For example, to learn telekinesis, it is recommended to “conjure” according to a certain pattern - until fatigue appears - with a spiral-shaped paper cone or a glass saucer filled with water in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering extrasensory perception or influence. They say that Kulagina exercised continuously, frantically, until headaches and the urge to vomit appeared... By the way, there is the concept of a “second wind”, according to which a person at a certain moment seems to be exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a backup source of energy, manifested in parapsychological phenomena such as telekinesis.

IN last years Telekinesis is being studied most diligently by employees at Princeton University (USA) under the leadership of Dr. Robert Jahn, who heads the laboratory of anomalous research. They were able to prove: a person can influence material objects with his psyche. Thousands of experiments were carried out here using strictly verified methods, in which hundreds of people - men and women - took part. of different ages and professions. One of the groups was faced with the task of mentally influencing the oscillation of a pendulum placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five operators managed to do this at any time of the day at a considerable distance, the rest - only in isolated cases.

Electronic random number generators were also used in the experiments. It was necessary to influence the readings of these instruments with the power of thought, to guess the numbers. The result exceeded all expectations: the law of chance was violated - the intended numbers appeared more often than others! In other words, the will of man made certain changes. Interestingly, in cases where couples (spouses, friends, lovers) who knew each other well participated in the experiments, the effectiveness was four times higher than in experiments with singles. It was also noticed: male participants in these experiments for some reason turned out to be more successful than women.

All this allowed Robert Jahn in an interview with the British newspaper "Daily Telegraph" to say: "We believe that we have found irrefutable evidence of the reality of this mysterious phenomenon. Psychokinetic effects manifested themselves to one degree or another in all subjects. Therefore we think that we're talking about about the qualities inherent in almost all people."

In a word, thought is capable of influencing physical bodies. And this fact, together with others, may well force a change in the scientific picture of the world. The same Jan developed the concept of quantum mechanical interaction of consciousness with physical systems. Other scientists have found that the power of the mind can influence a variety of devices and liquid media. These are ultra-precise chronometers, lasers, electrical circuits, generators of electromagnetic radiation, emulsions, colloidal solutions, water...

Many of us are familiar with the unusual and interesting word “telekinesis”, but not everyone knows what it is and how to handle it. Those who are familiar with this concept often ask the question: “How to learn telekinesis?”

In this article we will try not only to define this concept, but also explain how to learn how to do things that will surprise everyone around you.


In parapsychology, telekinesis is usually understood as a person’s ability to influence various items using the power of thought. By impact we mean moving, moving, being lifted into the air, being displaced, and so on.

This term was first used by the Russian researcher A.N. Aksakov. And its synonym “psychokinesis” was introduced by the American J. Ryan a little later, in 1934. Each of these concepts was described by other words, including remote influence, power of thought, remote influence by thought, conscious intention, and others.

At the very beginning of the study of this phenomenon, the concepts were considered synonymous, but over time, a separation occurred. Psychokinesis - quite general concept, which unites any phenomena, macro- and micro, that imply an impact on matter.

History of telekinesis

Those researchers who believed that telekinesis is real believe that this phenomenon has been known since ancient times, and the first mentions date back to the world-famous Bible. In particular, something similar is said in the Acts of the Apostles. A little later, many began to believe that elements of psychokinesis in various manifestations were present when casting curses, inducing damage, predicting the weather and pronouncing magic words.

In the second half of the 19th century, spiritualistic seances, during which dematerialization and levitation were carried out, became especially popular. During the same period, people became popular who could control metal objects, bend them with the power of their gaze, and so on.

As for levitation, this is a slightly different phenomenon and is characterized by hovering without visible support, with the exception of flight when repelled by air, as happens in insects and birds, this is the ability to overcome gravity without any additional devices.

In 1603, a case of flights after a prayer was said by a Capuchin monk from an Italian family was documented in history. Then it was considered a gift from God. However, already during the Renaissance, when the witch hunt began, such people were considered possessed by a demon.
