How to find and neutralize your script. Generic scripts by inheritance: how to discover and rewrite parent programs

Many stereotypes family relations have been strengthened over decades and continue through generations, which is why they are called generic scripts. The generic scenario for the development of interpersonal relationships in marriage is the strongest program, compiled unconsciously and implanted in a person by his parents. Psychologists have established a connection between an individual’s behavior in marriage and inherited attitudes, so if you have identified negative generic scenarios, hurry to change them correctly. That is why when working with married couples, psychologists are often interested in behavioral patterns in the families of their parents. The scenario for the development of interpersonal relationships, which was unconsciously laid down in you by your parents and now prevents you from building your family, can be corrected together with a psychologist.

Generic scenarios for the development of interpersonal relationships: genogram

American psychologist Murray Bowen created the genogram method. This technique helps to depict all generic scenarios and understand them. Using the example of the life history of your parents and your relatives, you can clearly see all kinds of negative scenarios, that is, literally all generic negative scenarios, and also understand how to work with them and how to change them. A professionally compiled generic scenario for the development of interpersonal relationships allows us to record not only the preferred family structure for a particular person, but also to highlight the type of relationship he is looking for.

Today it is no longer a secret that all people want a happy family life, but, nevertheless, they can exist in conflicting relationships and do not strive to change anything, because they simply do not realize this fact. This means that he is looking for exactly such partners, or the spouse begins to correspond to the role assigned to him in the couple earlier. All generic scenarios simply need to be worked out, since this component work on yourself if you want to learn how to change yourself, that is, you are engaged in self-improvement within the framework of partner marriage relationships and look for ways to best work with them.
Thus, to build a genogram, you need to find out as much information as possible about your parents and older relatives. Murray Bowen found that a behavioral stereotype becomes a strong script for family life approximately on the third repetition. This means that if for two generations men who are alcoholics have husbands, then the third cannot be called a coincidence. Such a negative generic scenario for the development of interpersonal relationships will always haunt a woman until the moment when she begins to work with a psychologist in in this direction. It is important to realize that even if a woman marries an athlete, he will eventually begin to play the role required of him, inherent in her generation.
A psychologist, working with the genogram method, records in a diagram that displays various generic scenarios for the development of interpersonal relationships, such facts as: alcoholism, suicide, abortion, arrests, premature deaths, specific diseases, divorces, widowhood, womanizer husbands, kept wives, number children. The age of the most significant events in life is also important: marriage, birth of the first child, death of parents. Murray Bowen argues that when an event or age coincides twice, the likelihood of a repetition a third time is extremely high.
In addition, psychologist Bowen considers the emotional background of the family to be important, which also tends to be transmitted through generations. The author identifies three types:

  • Dominance of emotions;
  • Dominance of intelligence;
  • Mixed look.
First type implies high emotional involvement of each family member. Such people have a hard time dealing with alienation. For them best partner there will be a person with mixed type, because, having chosen a person with a dominant intellect as a life partner, they will suffer from the coldness and gloom of their spouse.
Second type aimed at mental activity And rational decision assigned tasks. In such families, it may not be customary to cry or be overly happy. Such a person will be able to get along with a person of his own type or a mixed one. In the first case, they will resemble a prim English family, an example of intelligence and pedantry. In the second, there is a possibility that, thanks to a partner, a person will learn to notice the small joys of life, but at the same time will not consider the chosen one frivolous.
Third type- the most livable and most common. Such a person knows how to spend time usefully and with pleasure. Even when he flies away into fantasy, he remains firmly on the ground. Even relying on a cold mind, he still does not forget to trust his heart.
Transactional analysis - Eastern version Makarov Viktor Viktorovich

Generic scenarios

Generic scenarios

To illustrate the impact of ancestral scripts on us, we use an example described by Anne Anseline Schutzenberger, a specialist in transgenerational therapy. “It was morning and the whole house was blissful, bliss, tranquility and beauty were felt everywhere. Suddenly a powerful male voice rang out: “To the table!” Quickly, quickly, everyone to the table!” Everyone rushed to get dressed and ran to the dining room, even the dogs. A firm male voice, confident in its rights and accustomed to giving instructions, repeated: “To the table!” Monica, quickly! Stay straight, don't slouch!“. ...The dogs, guided by the voice, stopped in front of the cage with the parrot. Everyone scattered around the house waiting for a real breakfast.”

It was a hundred-year-old parrot, which sometimes “spoke” as they had spoken before in the family, leaving everyone in amazement. It could be the voice of the grandfather-doctor calling everyone to dinner. Or the voices of other family members or friends. Nobody knew what O stirred the parrot's memory and who was supposed to emerge from it. “The dead man grabs the living” is a Roman maxim.

We continue the chain of generations and pay off the debts of the past. Regardless of our desire, regardless of our awareness, “ancestral memory” pushes us to repeat a pleasant or traumatic experience, a high or depressingly low quality of life, to an absurdly random or tragically violent death, weaving into our destinies echoes of long-past and even long-forgotten events.

It's safe to say that in our lives we are less free than we think. However, we can gain freedom, avoid fatal repetitions and break free from the shackles of the past if, having studied the complex and diverse mechanisms of its influence on us, we learn to live with a deep feeling and awareness of the present, and make thoughtful and free from prejudice plans for the future. And this gives us a chance to live our lives own life, and not the lives of our ancestors, paying off their debts. Generational connections can be analyzed and felt, but more often they are experienced as elusive, unconscious, unspoken or even secret. Analysis allows you to use the chance and realize your destiny, “turn an unfavorable fate in the right direction” and avoid the pitfalls of unconscious transgenerational repetitions.

To analyze generic and family scenarios, we build genograms. To do this, you need to collect the following data:

Current age;

Dates of death, age and diagnosis of deceased relatives;

Myths and legends associated with the cause of death;

Age difference between spouses;

Change of surname;

Number of children in families.


Diseases, alcoholism;

Suicides, rapes, violent deaths;

Incest (Type 1 - forbidden relationships between blood relatives, the second type - between people who became relatives as a result of marriage. For example, a man should not have relations with his wife’s sisters or mother or with his father’s second wife).

How much information is transmitted from ancestors? This issue has been studied by many researchers from different directions. For example, R. Sheldrack considered the issue of the transmission of information in generations of birds. In England, tits have learned to open the caps on milk bottles that milkmen leave at cottage doors. Several generations of tits were isolated from their ancestors and raised in an incubator. But, “rising on the wing,” the young great-grandson tits opened milk bottles just as deftly as their ancestors.

Unique experiments with monkeys that were placed in a cage with bananas. Every time one of the monkeys reached for bananas, the experimenters watered cold water all the monkeys for company. After several dousings, the monkeys themselves began to “stop” the attempts of the lovers to feast on them, pouncing on them and beating them. The monkeys in the cage were changed, new ones were introduced, and any attempt by a newcomer to eat bananas ended in a beating. The hoses with cold water were removed, four generations of monkeys changed, but the monkeys still beat each other for trying to take a banana.

The transmission of information from generation to generation can be verbal, the transmission of legends, family stories, life stories can also be non-verbal. Unspoken, forbidden, secret - this is so clear in Russia, where our grandparents, for the sake of physically preserving themselves and their family, did not voice the stories of their origin. We know the stories of three, maximum five generations Russian families. Sometimes it's not true stories, surnames, but fictitious ones. This secret, unexpressed thing turns out to be buried in the unconscious, as in the internal structure. In the next generation, the secret and unexpressed in words becomes unthinkable, i.e. You can’t even think about it because it’s impossible to imagine. Sometimes this "ghost" haunts someone who often suffers from incomprehensible symptoms, as if distant relative projected a secret onto him, but he doesn’t even think about it. For example, in our family the stories of three generations are known. Who my great-grandfathers were and where they came from is a mystery. It is known that they were migrants. My mother, having analyzed the history of the family and the state, made bold conclusions. Her assumptions cause friendly laughter among all her relatives - because it is impossible to even think about it and it is difficult to imagine. However, the repetition of names, destinies, the death of first-born children and even family illnesses coincide.

Fanita English, who was previously quoted by us, believes that in a closed system, which is the family, secrets and strict parental instructions - curses - are passed on from generation to generation in order to get rid of them. Relatives throw family curses around like a “scalding hot potato,” because no one can hold it in their hands. In her opinion, in case of serious difficulties, when the “hot potato” is already in hand, the Little Professor - (Adult in the Child) believes that he will be able to avoid sad fate, if he manages to pass it on to another victim or scapegoat. F. English calls this an episcript (superscript). By passing the problem on to someone else, the Little Professor believes that he does not have to fulfill the conditions of the “destructive scenario” himself. Scenarios are “thrown over” that have a tragic, deadly outcome. These are third-degree loser scenarios, also called hamartic scenarios.

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Sex and scripts Each of the described script types is characterized by a special attitude towards sex. Thus, the “Never” scenario may prohibit either sex or love, or both. If love is prohibited, but not sex, the script gives permission for promiscuity.

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Tragic Scenarios It can be debated whether winners are winners because the scenario encourages them to be, or because they are allowed to. independent choice. Regarding losers, there is probably no doubt that they are subordinate to their parents.

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D. Scenarios The forms of social activity described above contribute to the structuring of time, help to avoid boredom and at the same time allow you to extract the maximum possible satisfaction from each situation. In addition, each individual has a subconscious plan

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B. Sex and Scripts All of these types of scripts have their own sexual aspects. "Never" scenarios prohibit love or sex or both. If they prohibit love but not sex, this gives permission to sexual promiscuity, a permission that is in full force

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H. Tragic Scripts It is still debated whether Winners become Winners because of their Winner Scripts or because they have permission to act on their own. But essentially there is no doubt that Losers follow programming

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Meeting two Labor pains

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1. Scenarios No one can instill confidence in a person. It is impossible, say, to learn from a mentor, and even more so, it is not a gift from above. Self-confidence is not an innate personality trait. This is something that you develop from the very cradle. At the same time, by and large,

How to change generic scripts

and live a harmonious and happy life?

Family and clan are the place where we are born, grow and learn to build a model of relationships. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many problems, complexes, and fears come from our childhood. How often do you have the feeling that the same situation is repeated in your life over and over again? It’s as if you are living according to a script that has already been written. Who wrote this script, can it be changed? The answers to all these questions can be found in your Family.

The energy of the genus is basic for a person, a person is born with it, it accompanies him throughout his life. Our family is an inexhaustible Spring of strength. Rod supports us in difficult times. By invisible threads we are connected to our ancestors. But it is also possible Negative influence kind of on our fate. The wrong actions of our ancestors attract situations in which the role of “victim” is assigned to us. You can change this by bringing love and harmony into your family.

This training is for those who want:

  • Explore the energies of your kind and work through generic blockages.
  • Change your negative kind of programs to positive ones
  • Get rid of your internal barriers and fears
  • Free yourself from accumulated negative emotions about past relationships and get rid of past grievances
  • Discover and enhance your femininity and sexuality, remove men's style behavior
  • Resolve child-parent problems
  • Establish harmony in relationships and build a strong family

1 day: Friday

18:00-20:00 Refuse male behavior, learn to truly use feminine qualities.

  • scenarios of femininity and masculinity
  • analysis of male and female qualities and strategies in one’s behavioral scenario, taken from the family
  • and what does it mean to “be a woman” and why is it good to be one?
  • differences between men and women: energy and intelligence
  • male and female qualities and roles that we took from our parents
  • how to convey masculine qualities to a man
  • identification of negative generic attitudes

Day 2 Saturday

10:00 – 12:00 Rewriting a negative generic script into a positive one

Generic messages are messages that go to children from elders: from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles. These are patterns of behavior that we adopt from childhood and are so accustomed to them that we do not see anything shameful in them. Thus, a generic scenario is formed. Meanwhile, in the most ordinary things, we sometimes receive directives from our elders to live suffering, like them.

During this lesson, we will identify what situations came to you into your reality from your ancestors, what ancestral message you live by. And change the minus to a plus. Let's rewrite the old negative programs of suffering into new positive harmony and love.

We will also look at the scenarios and laws of Rod.

  • Law of belonging
  • Law of Hierarchy
  • energy flow law
  • law of balance.

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

13:00 – 15:00 Communication with family: family tree

Has an impact on human life big influence his family tree. It consists of 7 generations.
Your life largely depends on their achievements and mistakes in life. With the help of practices we:

  • Let's realize and cleanse the race from blocking programs and scenarios
  • Let's establish a favorable flow of energies in the family
  • We harmonize family relationships.
  • let us acquire the strength, knowledge, skill and wealth of our great-grandfathers to pass on to our children
  • let's renew contact with our grandparents to receive advice and tips in life

15:15 – 18:00 Dive into the depths of 7 generations along the female line.

Your relationship with your mother affects your self-confidence, your sexuality affects your relationships with men. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. It is motherhood that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of your family support you, you feel their strength and power behind your back. During this lesson, we will restore connection with the maternal clan and fill it with love and purity, and receive blessings from all the women of the clan.

  • Purification of the female line back 7 generations
  • Receiving the power of the foremother of the clan
  • Meditation for healing interrupted flow of love and opening/enhancing sexuality

Day 3

10:00-12:00 Relationships between children and parents.

  • Laws of family relations: what children owe and what parents owe.
  • Me and my mother, my relationship with her. Rules for communicating with mom
  • Me and dad, my relationship with him. Rules for communicating with dad.
  • Meditation for forgiveness of parents and healing of the inner child
  • Scenarios for relationships with brothers and sisters.
  • Scenarios for relationships with our children

12:00-13:00 -Lunch

13:00-15:00 Receiving a family blessing for prosperity

  • Let's strengthen the wings of our family, which will saturate us with energy and strength in later life.
  • Let's understand, realize and create a positive scenario for our financial well-being
  • Let's receive the resources of our family for the harmonious development of our personality

Presenter: Tanita Tali, dream coach, coach female happiness, Vedic astrologer

Our Family is our wealth and the basis of our inner strength and at the same time our karmic legacy. How does the power of the Family manifest itself in our lives and how can we control this power? How to get rid of the negative legacy of our ancestors? What determines the health of the family tree and prosperity for us and our descendants? For hundreds of years people have been trying to find answers to these questions.

The genus is often depicted as a tree, the roots of which are nourished by our past, and the branches ascend into the future - to our descendants.

Healthy roots mean healthy branches and an abundance of fruit. But if the roots are weak or weak, then the tree dries and does not bear fruit. Likewise, families without children are like drying trees that can no longer bear fruit.

Why is this so important?

Generic programs begin to operate from birth. We inherit from our ancestors all the leading qualities, talents, rules, instructions, cultural norms that are embedded in the tribal system. Here are just some of them:

Predisposition to a particular type of activity.

Patterns of behavior in relationships

Preferences in the perception of color, taste

Inclination towards any profession

Certain typical character traits for representatives of the clan system.

However, we inherit not only the positive aspects. We are often influenced . Knowledge of the existence of such programs and elaboration of them will allow you to change your fate. This can significantly make our life easier, restore health, luck, luck, and help protect against negative phenomena.

What does the broad concept of Genus include?

Why was belonging to a particular family so significant in past centuries? Why consider pedigree up to the seventh generation? Certain questions become relevant to us and arise as we encounter certain problems throughout our lives. This is why people create family tree- Rod tree. This is nothing more than an opportunity to get to know your ancestry, which means getting to know yourself. website

For example, there has long been a tradition of remembering relatives only on the good side. It is especially customary to talk about those who stood out for certain qualities. And it is customary not to remember about others who are guilty. Thus, some representatives of the clan become excluded from the Clan system. And we receive knowledge about the members of the family dynasty in a distorted form. Silence, reticence, omission of certain facts still affects the descendants.

Sometimes we are not out of loyalty to the clan. In order not to follow tribal orders, you need to beg yourself for permission to go a different way, and this means coming to an agreement with the tribal system.

Your life can be a litmus test for the well-being of your family if:

If you are doing well in life

If you have found yourself and your favorite thing in this life

If there is no problem that repeats throughout life

If you don't have any contradictions

If you are not living someone's destiny from the family

You successful man, your relationships in the family and at work are going well.

You are cheerful and achieve what you want.

In this case, you are not living out the scenario from Rod.

However, if everything is different, you should not complain about your pedigree. Remember that everything happens for a reason.

You choose your clan and parents in order to go through experience and solve the problems that are posed specifically in this clan.The soul, choosing parents, nationality, place of incarnation, becomes a link in the chain of generations. And if the incarnation occurs in a family burdened with curses and negativity, then this is.

P grow parents who couldn't give you love and education. If your birth occurred in a family of alcoholics or beggars, then this.Go through difficult ones, but important lessons of Fate, develop missing personal and spiritual qualities. The main test in such situations is the test of unconditional love..

It is the absence of Love that is the main cause of most negative Ancestral programs. One very bright representative of the clan is enough to bring living energies into the family tree, which heal the entire birth canal. In this way, the entire clan can be cleansed and gain other, higher vibrations of energies. website

How to heal your Family?

It is possible to change ancestral programs only when everyone in the family and all the events that happened to relatives are accepted. To do this you need to know, understand and accept, and therefore realize, see and correct mistakes. It is important to realize and heal what was kept silent and not agreed upon. Because it is impossible to rewrite history by excluding someone from the family. You need to accept all events as a given without contrition, regret or condemnation.

How to do this without knowing your ancestors? It is not so difficult. Indeed, in ourselves, in our character traits, in family scenarios there is a lot of information about the entire DNA line of our ancestors. We inherit this from birth.

It is important to understand that the person acted at that moment exactly as he could act, and it was the right, best decision for him in his life. this moment, then discontent and hostility will never appear. So, the healing of the family occurs through participation and connection with all members of the family tree to the depth of the roots. True healing comes with acceptance and forgiveness of all participants in events and oneself, as part of this generic organism. With the restoration of communication, you will receive vitality, the energy of more than one generation. website

You can undergo special energy healing programs for cleansing karmic and ancestral programs, which have a beneficial effect on the state of your DNA, which actually contains generic information. Some of the information is cleared at the subtle—field—causal level. As a result, you will not only free yourself from negative states and scenarios, but you can also...

What is behind the violation of generic programs?

A person cannot boast of a smooth life when there is a confrontation with established generic programs. When a rule is broken, a person steps over the ancestral programs and a conflict with the genus arises. Each program must be completed, and your exit from the tribal system leads to the destruction of the power of the clan. However, this does not end there, since your fate will also be spoiled thoroughly.

Healing of the race happens with eliminating all negative programs influencing your life. By working through negative situations and manifestations, you will restore the strength of your family and refuse to repeat birth mistakes in your life.

Sincerely ask for forgiveness from your parents while they are alive, and if they are no longer alive, then you can mentally ask for forgiveness from those who are already in the other world. This is important not so much for them as for us. The power of forgiveness heals birth wounds caused by insults, bitterness of misunderstanding, indifference and hard-heartedness. Energy force the species is thus restored, resuming the natural course.

How to strengthen your connection with Rod?

Parental blessing was considered the most powerful way to strengthen family ties in Rus'.. Our ancestors gave blessings for any significant events - marriage, trips, etc. Today, you can also use the power of blessing for your children even if they are not nearby, this can be done from a distance - the power of blessing depends not on distances, but on

Generic programs can be both useful and destructive. If your ancestors built churches, cared for the orphaned and needy, did good deeds for the sake of the community, homeland, humanity, then all programs of this kind will be associated with the development and increase in the energy of goodness. In this case, the descendants receive the corresponding fruits: success, luck and prosperity in all its manifestations.

If the descendants get other “bonuses” - illnesses and failures, then negative scenarios predominate in this family. What leads to the emergence of destructive programs? " Horror stories"in the family. These include dispossession, poverty, epidemics, murders, suicides, accidents, etc. It is necessary to address Special attention for suicide and murder. Such events greatly undermine the family.

But, as a rule, the clan prefers to hide such stories. They don’t tell anyone about this and their descendants know nothing about it. In turn, the souls of such “forgotten” relatives hang out in the family, creating negative connections. These negative connections must be fed by something. If a child is born into a clan who is predisposed to giving energy, this energy begins to go from him to maintaining connections between unreleased souls and the clan. In this case, it is very useful to know all the negative stories, relive them and let go.

In this way, you release negative connections and cleanse souls - they leave, and you move on with your life. Distortions related to childbirth and sex. Any negative behavior in the sexual sphere greatly affects the family. This includes promiscuity, violence, abandonment of children, abortion and all kinds of life for pleasure with a total waste of energy. Wrong behavior with the sacred things of the family, and this means with relationships, with respect in the family. Love, as a source of interaction in relationships, honoring parents, love for one’s children are the shrines of the family. Ancestral curse. It exists when it falls on a negative scenario. Those. There is nothing to hook a bright person with. But when there is already a negative scenario in it, the curse works.

Of course, if someone sent a curse, it means, most likely, “there was a reason.” Consequently, at the time of the curse, the clan had already taken a wrong turn. A strong emotional desire falls on the existing “marriage”, strengthens the program - degeneration occurs. Law of development of the genus If we consider the genus as a kind of biosocial system, one can observe certain principles and laws of development that are universal for all genera. Here is the law of development of the species: A prescription is a development trend, an internal motive. For example, in our family everyone loves to build houses. The prescription is to love building. Not to build, but to love to build. This is what to strive for. Generic programs are exactly how to fulfill the order. Algorithm.

What exactly do you do to satisfy your needs and the needs of your family? Most often, they diverge, since initially nature inherently contains a conflict between the prescription and the algorithm for satisfying an individual need. Conflict resolution leads to the development of the family. For example, there is a woman with a normal need to start a family. The clan has an order for her - to create joy in the family. Now let’s imagine that there is a generic program - some kind of pain or illness that limits the fulfillment of the prescription. This program appeared as a result of difficult experience in this area of ​​one of our ancestors. And so the woman fights for her happiness, but it still doesn’t exist. You can come up with various algorithms for achieving happiness, but without working through the generic program, you will not be able to fulfill the prescription.

Thus, by creating in a person an internal need for something, the clan confronts the person with the need to solve general clan problems. Therefore, in order to change the situation and realize everything you want, you need to deal with generic programs, since there is a high probability that the key to your happiness lies in their solution. Ancestral programs change through awareness, immersion in them and correction. In addition to the laws described above, the clan has several more important principles: The first child in the family bears the heaviest burden of the clan - he takes off what is on top.

If there are negative tendencies in the family, then the firstborn bears heavy karma. The second child gets less; he, as it were, cleans up what the first did not take. It happens that this principle works in another way. The first child is born strong, and the second is weaker. This means that the family had a supply of good karma, but it was only enough for the first-born. "On children smart parents nature is resting." That is, as a rule, the main trends are passed on through generations. Therefore, children often have more common generic programs with their grandparents than with their parents. Hence the following position: The first daughter in the family most often reflects the fate of the maternal grandmother. The first son is the paternal grandfather.

The following children born into the family are more free to choose programs from two births. General social cataclysms leave an imprint on the family and are passed on to descendants. Karma of the kind fits into the karma or egregor of the state. These are wars, famines, repressions, epidemics, natural disasters and other tragedies. A special and not always favorable burden is attached to fate by naming children after relatives. It happens that children are named after their grandparents. But they already convey negative programs, and repeating the name further strengthens the program. Therefore, if a person was sick, there was a lot of negativity about him, you can harm your child by calling him by the same name.
