How to live according to Feng Shui - seven golden rules. Feng Shui of an apartment

Things, as experts say, when they stagnate in one place, “accumulate” information about quarrels, bad moods, and themselves begin to “radiate” despondency. Good rule- every Saturday, for example, throwing away 30 unnecessary items - no matter what - will immediately make your soul feel better.

Recipe for cleaning the floor: in a bucket with warm water pour a glass of decoction of eucalyptus, lavender, mint or lemon wormwood (all these plants, unlike newfangled ecosystems, perfectly deodorize and disinfect). The smell and substances contained in wormwood repel moths, mice and cockroaches. On linoleum the smells will last a day or two, on boards or parquet - almost a week. Air fresheners in cans are far from the most useful thing in the house. Rather than spraying a good portion of the periodic table around yourself, it is better to make a room deodorant yourself. Take two teaspoons of strawberry, black currant, rowan leaves and one teaspoon of poplar buds (the combination of these plants soothes and tones). Brew the mixture with two glasses of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 6 hours, filter and spray around the apartment. Scented pillows: a bunch of dried plants is placed in a linen bag and then sewn inside the pillow; rose or rose petals, chamomile are good for headaches, neuroses, insomnia, cornflower flowers - for angina pectoris, hypertension, peppermint - for heart attacks, high blood pressure. Birch leaves, sage, and pine shoots are used to prevent influenza and bronchitis.

Free your consciousness and subconscious: the most important “healing remedy” is clearing the house of junk. If you hide it in the basement, closet or mezzanine, it will clog your subconscious thinking. Put it in the attic and your life options will be limited. Chaotic qi, wandering around in an overcrowded closet can affect the whole house and your punctuality and, as a result, stall promotion, and now financial stress and health problems are just around the corner. In addition to junk, immediately get rid of items that you don’t like or that evoke unpleasant memories or associations. Give them to someone who loves them, or trade them.

If you want to end your loneliness, take a closer look at your home environment; most likely you will see a lot of single items. Your task is to generate “paired” energy. Use double candlesticks, couple portraits and soft, romantic landscapes in the bedroom and relationship areas.

Keep your living space well renovated. Remember: good things only attract good things. Harmony in one will entail harmony in the other. Similar similar. We've known this for a long time, haven't we? Let's take a critical look at our home and right now make a list of what is needed for repairs. The main thing is not to be lazy, and you will learn the secret of Fortune.

The best symbols are paintings with images of pine, bamboo (by the way, bamboo always represents good Feng Shui), deer or crane. These symbols are the most common, and you can always find some item with such an image. You can also purchase a figurine depicting a crane, deer or turtle (a turtle, among other things, also represents longevity). As for the pine tree, you can plant it on the right half of the front of the garden and this tree will bring you longevity, good health, strength and steadfastness in the face of adversity.

In general for correct location symbols and especially for the correct activation of elemental energies, it is necessary to draw up an individual horoscope. With the help of such a horoscope, you can determine which element should be activated to achieve a certain goal - improving a certain type of luck. And only in this way can you truly decorate the room correctly and achieve good results.

The presence of “stagnant” energy in your home can have a great impact on your health and, in general, your luck in any area. Qi must constantly move slowly, and you will get into trouble if energy builds up in your home or office yin. How to get rid of such bad energies? You can enliven the Interior using brighter, more vibrant colors, install brighter lighting (it is very beneficial to use crystal lamps). Finally, you can simply ventilate the room. You can also use incense (oils or incense sticks) and Chinese bells (“wind chimes”) to cleanse the room.

More sparkle! Crystal objects enhance vital energy and improve any area of ​​your apartment. If, for example, you want to revive love relationship, place the crystal in the relationship area.

Love the bells. Their purpose is to attract positive energy qi. Hang a bell at the front door, in the kitchen, near the toilet. Chinese air bell is fashionable and in Lately a very common substance used to transform subtle energies. If you choose and place such a bell correctly, the energy in the place where it is placed will be significantly purified, which means the situation in the entire room will improve. True, there are several “buts”: the bell must be properly made, selected and placed. In addition, if the overall feng shui of your home is terrible, no amount of bells will help you, because the measures needed are not cosmetic, but radical.

What should a bell be like? An air bell consists of several hollow tubes suspended vertically. This design also includes a “tongue” that strikes the tubes, resulting in a melodic ringing sound. The main thing is that the bell tubes must be hollow - energy enters them and is transformed into them. If this condition is not met, then you get a simple decoration without any additional useful functions.

Now let's look at the material from which the main elements (tubes) of this popular Feng Shui tool should be made. In general, they can be made from wood (usually bamboo, and this wood is best suited), metal (steel, aluminum, copper or, if wealth allows, silver and gold), porcelain (generally ceramics).

Let's consider perhaps the most basic thing - the rules for placing air bells. They are usually used as decoration (it’s better to stick to the rules), a protective measure, or as a tool for activating the energy of a certain element. If a bell is to save you from the influence of unfavorable energy, it should be chosen like this:

  • for the east and southeast, choose a metal bell;
  • for the northeast and southwest, choose a wooden bell;
  • For the north, a ceramic bell is selected.

As you can see, the principle is this: the material of the bell is selected in accordance with the classic circle of damage, and for each side of the world a material is selected that oppresses the element of this direction. The last important detail for choosing security bells is the number of tubes in them: for protection against negative energy there should be five tubes.

Now let's look at the rules for choosing and placing bells to activate the energies of certain cardinal directions and, accordingly, improve the selected types of luck. To achieve this effect:

  • hang a wooden air bell in the east or southeast. A bell for the east should have 3 tubes, for the southeast - 4;
  • Place a ceramic bell in the northeast or southwest. The northeast bell should contain 8 tubes, the southwest - 2;
  • in the west or northwest, hang a metal air bell. In the west, hang a bell with 7 pipes, and in the northwest - with 6.

Here the system is also clear - the material of the bell is selected in accordance with the element of the cardinal direction (not to be confused with the classic generation circle). The number of rods is calculated according to the distribution of numbers squared lo shu. According to these principles, in the south, to activate the energy of this side of the world, a fire bell with nine pipes should hang, and to suppress the energy of the southern corner, a water bell with five pipes should be hung there - it is clear that this is impossible. Similar rules can be derived for the northern corner, but they also cannot be followed. Therefore, other methods are used to activate/depress the energy of the north or south. By the way, if you cannot get a good bamboo bell, you can simply place hollow bamboo sticks tied with a red ribbon in the appropriate place.

For those who “collect” excellent buddha statues, a few words of caution are addressed. First, you need to be sure that you have chosen the right place for them. Figurines should not be below the eye level of the inhabitants; raise them as high as possible, and if this turns out to be impossible, then set them at least at the height level of yourself tall man in the house. Secondly, before purchasing an ancient Buddha image, take an interest in its history (after all, it is impossible to fully know all the circumstances that accompanied it on its long journey from the temples of Burma, India and Thailand) and do not play with the mystical powers inherent in any ancient object. Finally, do not forget that Buddha is a mystical being who must be treated with the utmost respect. He is invited into the house, not collected.

According to internal geomancy, there are certain objects that play a big role in the interior. These are mirrors, bells, brushes, various vases, vessels and stones.

We have already talked about various ways to activate flows qi in room. For optimization qi A wide variety of objects and devices are used in the house.

Correct, moderate and careful use of items in the home has beneficial effect on the house, but it can also cause harm, even where it did not exist before, in the case of thoughtless use of symbols and objects. The word “objects” does not accurately describe all the concepts that will be discussed below. However, it is quite difficult to choose a single concept to cover everything that is discussed below.

Candles affect qi energy only through flame, so candles used only as decoration will not give you any effect. It is best to install them in the north-eastern part of the house (room, apartment) to enhance the influence of the soil, as well as in the corners and recesses of the wall, so as not to allow energy to stagnate qi. You should not try to enhance the influence of fire by installing candles in the south - the symbol is too strong, you can “overdo it.”

Mirrors capable of attracting and transmitting energy qi, "push" qi along narrow passages and corridors, as well as reflect sha qi. In addition, by reflecting the natural light coming from the windows, mirrors activate energy qi indoors. Mirrors can be used to fill the missing part of a room or house or, conversely, to disguise protrusions and undesirably located doors.

Feng Shui considers mirrors to be the main helpers. They should be hung so that you can see some space above your head - a place to develop ideas. The most effective are round and oval shapes. Mirrors placed in the hallway can direct energy into adjacent rooms, but never place them opposite each other; the energy will bounce back and forth without moving. Avoid mirrors in the bedroom: When we sleep, we release negative emotions, and the mirror near the bed will reflect them back. Mirrors should always be clean and polished. Mirrors reflect negative qi and harmonize those entering the room. It is better to throw away a cracked mirror. Mirrors should not reflect unpleasant places in the house: baskets with dirty laundry, trash cans, restroom, electrical wires and sockets. Instead of square or rectangular, it is better to use smooth contours. Don't sleep directly in front of or under a mirror. Mirror tiles cannot be used in the house. It breaks your reflection into fragments and can break your life or the lives of other people who often come to visit you.

Mirrors are a panacea for incoming qi. They give it a positive focus, reflect and distribute light evenly. They serve as a door for good qi, and when the occupant turns his back to the door, the mirrors reduce the oppressive effect of the closed wall. Mirrors balance harmoniously qi in the rooms, letting sunbeams onto the front door. Mirrors should be hung so that the head of the tallest resident is visible, but not so high that everyone else jumps in front of the mirror.

A certain gentleman, maddened by the constant noise coming from his neighbors’ apartment, was ready to literally kill them. However, when - on the advice of a feng shui specialist - he hung a mirror on the wall closest to his neighbors, the noise did not stop, but the gentleman’s negative reaction disappeared.

It is very popular to install mirrors to reflect the cash register; This metaphysical technique, used by Chinese store owners around the world, helps increase store revenue. Usually the cash register is located in the store near the entrance; you should install the mirror so that it reflects only the cash register, but not Entrance door.

It is not recommended to hang a mirror opposite the front door or directly opposite the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.

Mirrors are a fairly effective tool for redistribution qi, but you need to work with them carefully. In Feng Shui, there are several taboos associated with mirrors (mirror in front of the front door, mirror in the bedroom, using mirror tiles, etc.). But with the help of mirrors you can achieve good results in “restoring” missing corners and hiding toilets. There are several effective examples of using mirrors in stores and offices. A mirror is a powerful tool, but you need to know how to use it correctly and not make mistakes:

Let us separately consider the property of mirrors to reflect reality. Reflection is doubling, isn't it? So here it is:

  • good - if the food is reflected on the table in the dining room;
  • bad - if food is reflected during cooking in the kitchen;
  • good - if the mirror reflects the whole person, and even with a reserve (meaning the reflection of the head and the maximum possible reflection of the torso);
  • bad - if the mirror directly reflects the front door, along with it it reflects the incoming energy qi;
  • it’s bad if the reflection of the head is cut off even a little. From this point of view, using mirror tiles as a mirror is highly undesirable;
  • bad - if the mirror reflects your bed in the bedroom, this leads to the “doubling” of the marital relationship. And connections “on the side” have always had a negative impact on marriage.

If we talk about the impact on landscape design, then a curved mirror can turn the reflected objects over. This is good if you want to neutralize the influence of a tall object next to your house. It’s bad if people are reflected in such a mirror.

Crystals enhance and diffuse natural light, activating energy qi. But the most important thing is that it is the highest symbol of the element Soil, and therefore most often crystals can be found in the southwest, northwest or in the center of the house (room, apartment). Crystals are capable of causing light dispersion, and the rainbow is a symbol yang. Since crystals are capable of changing the direction of light flows, they can also change the direction of energy flows qi. It should not be thought that only faceted crystals or crystals of a “crystalline” form are capable of exerting an influence. A crystal ball located in the east will promote professional growth, in the northwest - academic success, and in the southwest of the living room will strengthen family relationships.

Water bodies- these are aquariums, fountains and everything else that has to do with water, greatest benefit brought in the water and wood sectors. Some recommendations for use:

  • to make your life calmer, on the north side of the living room, install one vessel with water with a picture of a turtle on the walls;
  • to make your life more active, you can use paintings depicting running water in various parts of the house (apartment);
  • It is good to have an aquarium with an odd number of fish (the number 9 is best), one of which is black - to absorb negative energy. Silver and golden fish symbolize money. Stagnant water in an aquarium destroys all positive effects and causes negative ones; The most suitable sizes are: length 38 cm, height 38 cm and width 26 cm.

Why exactly 26 and 38 cm?

The size of 26 cm falls into part 4 of part 5 called Power and means prosperity, power and honor for the whole family.

The size of 38 cm falls into part 1 of the 8 segment called Condition and means a large influx of money.

Here is an example for 30 unfavorable centimeters: (3x3x3=27 is the simplest solution for a 27 liter aquarium).

The size of 30 cm falls into part 3 of the 6 segment called Bad and means: you can be driven out of your village in disgrace. To achieve a favorable result, you need to reduce the 30 cm segment by 4 cm and then you will get part 4 of the 5 segment called Power, which means prosperity, power and honors for the whole family; increase the 30 cm segment by 8 cm and then you get 1 part of the 8 segment called Condition, which means a large influx of money.

The size and inhabitants of the aquarium are sufficient important factors good luck, but that's not all. You still need to choose the shape and location. Place the aquarium in the southeast of the living room or hall (do not place the aquarium in the south). But as for the form, this is a somewhat individual question. General advice - use the correct shapes: square, rectangle, circle, octagon (it is not recommended to make a triangular aquarium). But you can choose the shape of the aquarium according to your personality element (this way you can also determine whether you need an aquarium at all).

You can cope with some problems on your own by restoring the disturbed balance. To do this, you can use the table:

Typical problemsPossible solutions
Too much noise or activityAdd the water element
Lack of mutual understandingAdd the water element
Need for relaxationAdd earth and water elements
Need for reliabilityAdd the earth element
The need to ease fearAdd the earth element
Too sad and quietAdd a Fire Element
No inspirationAdd a Fire Element
The need for clear thinkingAdd elements of fire, wood and metal
Need for joyAdd a tree element
Want to overcome limitationsAdd a tree element
Need for communicationAdd a metal element
Need educationAdd a metal element

It's a good idea to know how each of the five basic elements interacts with the others.


  • Support with spawn cycle - add water or metal.
  • Weakening through the cycle of destruction - add soil.
  • Calming with the Harmonization Cycle - Add a tree.


  • Support with spawn cycle - add wood or water.
  • Weakening by destruction cycle - add metal.
  • Calm with the harmonization cycle - add fire.


  • Support with the spawn cycle - add fire or wood.
  • Weakening with the destruction cycle - add water.
  • Calm with the Harmonization Cycle - add soil.

The soil

  • Support with the cycle of generation - add soil or fire.
  • Weakening with a cycle of destruction - add wood.
  • Calm with the Harmonization Cycle - add metal.


  • Support with spawn cycle - add metal or soil.
  • Weakening with destruction cycle - add fire.
  • Calm with the Harmonization Cycle - add water.

Feng Shui for Beginners

Feng Shui is Chinese geomancy. Literally, the name "Feng Shui" is translated as "wind and water", but in reality it is the teaching of how the mysterious forces of the earth operate to provide a person with health, prosperity and good luck. Feng Shui is the science and art that helps to direct, balance and harmonize these forces, known as “qi,” for the benefit of man.

Origins and origins of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a science and art, the origins of which go back centuries. The teaching of Feng Shui originated in Ancient China more than three thousand years ago and, passing from generation to generation, continued to develop and improve until the present day. The task of Feng Shui is the correct placement of objects in a person’s living space, which allows one to control the life force (qi) for the benefit of people.

The scope of Feng Shui extends to household items, furniture, rooms, residential buildings, workplaces, land, cemeteries, etc.

Feng Shui is in no way a collection of prejudices and superstitions, and also does not contradict the dogmas of any known religions, traditions and customs. This teaching borders on such areas of human activity and knowledge as diplomacy, ecology, politics, geography, astronomy and design. Feng Shui data is consistent with the conclusions of scientists working on the problems of terrestrial magnetism, astrophysics and psychology. The only difference is that the principles of Feng Shui sometimes prove to be beyond logical explanation and remain a mystery to the uninitiated.

Feng Shui methods are applicable on a variety of levels. They cover a wide range of areas of human life and are capable of adjusting the development of states, cities, communities, families and individuals. As for individuals, Feng Shui can reach of the highest degree individualization, depending on the personal requirements, wishes and criteria of the person. The philosophical basis of Feng Shui is also extremely extensive: it includes all the canonical Chinese ideas about the energy of qi, based on the concepts of the I Ching (the creation of which in 3322 BC is attributed to the legendary Chinese sage Fu Hsi), and on the principle Tao, described in Lao Tzu's treatise "Tao Te Ching" (1122 BC). These two books are the key to understanding the silent dialogue between Man and Nature, carried out through the invisible forces that govern the Universe and have a decisive influence on our destinies, bodies and minds. These two forces are Tao (the fundamental substance of the Universe) and Qi (the cosmic breath of life).

Qi - cosmic breath of life

The study of qi is the main component of Feng Shui. Qi is the life force that animates animals and plants, raises mountains on the surface of the earth and carries the waters of rivers along winding beds. Qi is the very essence of life, its driving force. And all objects in the world - mountains, rivers, trees, people, animals and stones - “inhale” qi into themselves and “exhale” it, thereby influencing each other.

The concept of qi underlies all traditional Chinese arts, from acupuncture to Feng Shui and kung fu. The area of ​​manifestations of qi includes phenomena that are different in nature, such as the energy that moves waves in the ocean; the energy of fertile earth, which martial artists use when striking; the forces that acupuncture brings to life; human aura. Feng Shui specialists determine the direction of the best flows of qi, allowing a person to live calmly, harmoniously and happily.

Chi energy is all-encompassing and elusive. It comes and goes, moves in all directions, but never disappears without a trace. A person perceives flows of qi from heaven and earth. The Chinese character "qi" has two meanings - cosmic qi and human qi. The first relates to air, steam, gases, weather and natural forces; the second – to a person’s breathing, aura, behavior and personal energy. Human qi is strongly influenced by the qi of heaven and earth.

Human qi is formed under the influence of cosmic qi. If qi weakens, then the water stops flowing, decline and desolation sets in, and luck leaves the person. In order for a person's qi to improve, it is necessary to be near the source of cosmic qi; at the same time, the latter should proceed unhindered and smoothly. The flow of cosmic qi must be in balance. If it is too strong or too weak, it will have adverse consequences.

The vital breath of qi is a person’s aura, his true self, his soul and energy. Some people are able to see qi. The power of chi motivates us to action and influences our relationships with other people. Every movement, every action of a person affects both himself and his environment. People are attracted to each other and repel each other, like magnets. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, people are sensitive not only to human qi, but also to qi environment. Thus, atmospheric qi shapes human qi, thereby determining the fate of the individual. Feng Shui masters strive to direct harmonious flows of qi to a person and ward off harmful qi from him (or transform it into useful).

The eight main types of qi are listed below:

1. Life force qi (auspicious).

2. Happy qi (auspicious).

3. Smooth qi (favorable).

4. Fluctuating qi (neutral).

5. Qi of evil force (unfavorable).

6. Unlucky qi (unfavorable).

7. Suffocating qi (unfavorable).

8. Dead qi (unfavorable).

"I Ching" and Ba Gua

For thousands of years, the Chinese have used the text of the I Ching, the classic Book of Changes, to predict the future. The main idea of ​​the I Ching is the constant cyclical changes occurring in the Universe. The “Book of Changes” represents the Universe as a single whole, and all objects as being in constant change.

Yin and yang, the two primordial forces that govern the Universe, symbolize harmony. They are opposite to each other. Yin is a dark force, yang is a light force; yin – passive, yang – active; yin is feminine, yang is masculine. All things in the world contain yin and yang to varying degrees. Yin and yang constantly interact, giving rise to cyclical changes. Yin and yang merge with each other in the universal state of Tao, which is of one nature and continuously creates. The practice of Feng Shui is based on the teachings of Tao - Taoism in its esoteric and popular forms.

The symbols of the “Book of Changes” contain cosmic power and energy. Yang power is represented by a continuous line (_____), and yin power is represented by a broken line (__ __). From the great polar symbols of yin and yang, four double symbols and eight trigrams were developed. (Later, the eight trigrams evolved and turned into sixty-four hexagrams of the “Book of Changes.”)

The eight trigrams form a pattern known as ba gua. There are two types of ba gua placement - ancient and modern.

The ancient ba gua diagram reflects the original arrangement of the eight trigrams, and the modern diagram is a rearrangement of the ancient version and includes parallels of trigrams with seasons, months, colors, natural elements, etc., as well as with family members.

Five elements

More than three thousand years ago, the Chinese had already established the order of the Five Elements (Wood, Soil, Fire, Water and Metal) - forces or substances that describe all phenomena and properties in the Universe. These five elements are a manifestation of the constant interaction of the forces of yin and yang.

The five elements influence each other, generating and destroying each other in a fixed sequence. The cycle of generation is as follows: fire creates soil (ash), soil creates metal, metal produces water (smelting, liquefaction, and evaporation), water nourishes wood (plants need water), and wood allows fire to live (combustion).

Fire – Soil – Metal – Water – Wood – Fire.

The cycle of destruction of elements occurs in a different order: the tree damages the soil (roots destroy the soil), the soil prevents water (by absorbing it), water extinguishes fire, fire destroys metal, and metal cuts down wood.

Wood – Soil – Water – Fire – Metal – Wood.

The Chinese correlate these five elements with periods of time, cardinal directions, substances, human sense organs, colors (paints), psychological states, etc. Here are the correspondences of the elements to the cardinal directions, seasons and colors:

Element – ​​Cardinal direction – Season – Color

Tree – East – Spring – Green

Fire – South – Summer – Red

Soil – Center – Autumnal Equinox – Yellow/Brown

Metal – West – Autumn – White

Water – North – Winter – Black/blue

The five elements also have strong analogies in human anatomy: Tree– liver, bile, spleen; Fire– heart, brain; The soil– stomach, large intestine, small intestine; Metal- lungs; Water- kidneys, genitals.

The Five Elements and the 60-Year Calendar Cycle

About a thousand years ago, the Chinese emperor ordered scientists to develop a 60-year cosmic cycle Chinese calendar, as well as the system of “ten heavenly trunks” and “twelve earthly branches” (Chinese zodiac signs).

The "Ten Heavenly Stems" have the following names: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui; and the “twelve earthly branches,” or signs of the Zodiac, are the following: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The relationship between the five elements, the “ten trunks of heaven” and the zodiac signs is as follows:

Element – ​​“Ten Heavenly Stems” – Signs

Feng Shui Compass

The world's first compass was invented in China, where it was called "luo-pen". It has become a traditional Feng Shui tool used to establish cosmic harmony on Earth.

The structure of the Luo Pen compass is quite complex. It consists of concentric circles marked around the arrow, on which symbols of all the elements of the Universe are indicated. Chinese characters are used to calibrate the compass, which makes the task of handling this device even more difficult for the uninitiated.

Since the application of the Luo-Pen compass is the most important and most complex component of Feng Shui, the author provides here the application of the Luo-Pen to the scale of a modern compass.

Classic home location in Feng Shui

Almost all Feng Shui experts agree that the ideal place to build a house is the protective “chair-shaped” shape of the hill, which is also called the “dragon guarding the pearl” or “the mother hugging the child.” This form ensures the correct placement around the house of four powerful animal symbols - the forces of the earth: green dragon, white tiger, black turtle and red phoenix. The land and the house should be located with the facade to the south, and they should be protected from the rear high mountain(black turtle). Then on the right, western side the house will be guarded by a fierce white tiger, and on the left, eastern side - a green dragon (the side of the dragon should be slightly higher than the side of the tiger). The lowest part of the dwelling and land - the façade facing south - is the side of the red phoenix, a kind of “bench” standing at the feet of the “chair”.

The turtle, tiger, and dragon absorb and emit their own chi, and can also capture beneficial chi passing through the phoenix. Ideally, the house should be located in the middle of the black turtle mountain (i.e., not too high and not too low) and look over the phoenix with an imposing, regal gaze.

If the ideal location to build a home is not available, consult a geomancer. He will determine what needs to be done to balance all earthly forces in order to achieve harmony and tranquility.

Placement, orientation and center point of the house

The lion's share of all debates between Feng Shui specialists is related to problems associated with the key points of the home, with the placement of furniture, the orientation of parts of the house and its central point.

The arrangement of furniture in a room can affect the qi of the entire home. Sometimes it happens that the interior of a house is created extremely aesthetically and is pleasant to look at, but the inhabitants are still unhappy because the flow of qi in the home remains unbalanced.

The orientation of the bed and stove is considered very important in Feng Shui. Many people wonder whether geomantic influence is related to the orientation of the bed itself or to the position of the sleeper's head and feet. Likewise, there is confusion regarding the orientation of the cooker and the cooker. We will discuss and clarify these issues below in the appropriate sections.

And finally, one of essential elements Feng Shui is considered the central point of the house. A house that does not have a central point is unfavorable for the inhabitants, since the center of the home is equated with the heart of the owner of the house. A person without a heart is deprived of life and energy; similarly, a house without a central point will not bring good luck to its inhabitants. The central point of the house should be taken care of and kept clean. Do not place a column on this point, do not place a tree there. The focal point should not be the toilet, kitchen, toxic waste tank or swimming pool.

10 simple rules of feng shui

Rule #1: there is no place for unnecessary things at home.Do you want to improve the flow of energy in your home, reduce stress and improve productivity? Do general cleaning and fix any faulty items. Conduct an honest audit of unnecessary things and get rid of them - don’t just move them to another place, but get rid of them or give them to those who need them and will happily use them. It is useful to get rid of “energy trash” - broken things, abandoned work (for example, an unknitted sweater), things that you have not used for 1 year or a maximum of 2 years, dust collector trinkets and objects that evoke unpleasant associations or memories in you . In this way, you contribute to the influx of energy, and therefore the arrival of new opportunities.

Rule #2: the entrance to the house should be perfect. The entrance to the house is the first impression of the house and apartment. Make your entrance a pleasure to look at: A perfectly designed entrance area will attract positive energy into your home. The entrance should be well lit, clean and uncluttered. Pay attention to whether the door is clean, whether there is an apartment number on it, whether the lock and doorbell (intercom) are working, whether the rug in front of the door is clean.

Rule #3: mirror in the hallway - next to the door The mirror should not be located directly opposite the front door: it can repel the favorable energy entering the house. Best place for a mirror in the hallway - on the same wall as the door or on the side of it, so that you can see yourself when leaving the house. Full-length one-piece mirrors are preferable, corresponding to the height of the tallest family member.

Rule #4: do not clutter the living room with furniture. Arrange the furniture so that energy moves freely and nothing interferes with communication. For example, do not place the sofa and armchairs in the path of the aisle. It is advisable to arrange the furniture so that when sitting on a sofa or chair, you can keep the door to the room in your field of vision. To make communication comfortable and enjoyable, try to sit diagonally and not opposite each other.

Rule #5: bed in the bedroom - diagonally from the entrance If your bed is still opposite the door, be sure to move it closer to the corner diagonally from the entrance: this is the place of greatest accumulation of favorable energy. Avoid positioning the bed with the head of the bed facing the window, as this is too active energy, incompatible with the sleep function. There should be no massive hanging objects above the bed and headboard that create a destructive flow of energy directed at you. Check if you are reflected in the mirror and other mirrored surfaces when you are lying on the bed: such an arrangement of mirrors can take away your strength due to the outflow of energy. If you can’t remove mirror surfaces, then cover them at least at night, for example, with fabrics: this way nothing will prevent you from gaining strength while you sleep.

Rule #6: choose a domed headboard The headboard of the bed should be solid and have a shape that will not visually separate the spouses. The headboard symbolizes protection - the stronger and larger it is, the more protected and comfortable your sleep will be. Avoid triangular and pointed headboard shapes: they carry too aggressive and active energy, which interferes with full recovery. Ideal shape headboards - round, domed or rectangular. These harmonious shapes will provide the necessary stability and tranquility during sleep.

Rule #7: get rid of storage under the bed. The bed (especially the matrimonial one) should have one large common mattress. Even if you don't have a partner yet, still choose a double bed with one mattress and two pillows. Free space is always filled - this is the law of nature. It is advisable that there be a free and clean space between the bed and the floor, and not a storage area. This prevents energy from stagnating and provides replenishment of favorable energy during sleep.

Rule #8: no sharp corners Check if the corners of the furniture or walls are pointing towards you. Do massive objects hang over you when you lie or sit? If yes, then try to either rearrange the furniture or decorate sharp corners. The influence of Feng Shui energy is perceived through our senses, and our mind and vision are the most powerful channels of perception. Aggressive corner shapes can be unsettling, and overhanging objects can feel oppressive. All this cumulatively creates psychological discomfort and stress.

Rule #9: the kitchen area should be isolated. The kitchen, dining room, stove and refrigerator should not be visible from the main entrance. Since ancient times, the stove has been associated with the family hearth; it is a symbol of the well-being and health of the family. The refrigerator as a place to store food also represents the wealth of the family. These important objects must be protected from prying eyes. It is advisable to place the slab diagonally from the entrance. Make sure your back is to the door while cooking. If yes, then such a position will cause you psychological discomfort and affect the quality of the prepared food. If it is not possible to rearrange the stove, then hang a mirror behind the stove so that you can see those entering while standing at the stove.

Rule #10: Do not store broken dishes at home. Part with cracked or broken dishes immediately, even if it is your favorite mug. Drinking and eating from such dishes is considered unfavorable, since a broken object carries destructive energy. In addition, it is unsafe and you can get hurt. Give yourself permission to use your holiday dinner set every day. Let every meal be a holiday that will unite your family around the table and strengthen family relationships.

What does Feng Shui recommend to do in an apartment and what not?

Feng Shui is the science of harmony with environment and the art of its use in Everyday life. The Chinese have been using Feng Shui for centuries to build their homes and cities.

If you think that failures in life are haunting you because the cactus is standing in the wrong corner of the room, this article is for you!

With the correct application of the principles of Feng Shui in your personal space, you can achieve balance in your environment and, as a result, gain inner satisfaction from life, and this is material well-being, good health, ...

Feng Shui advises:

  • Feng Shui advises: Increase lighting and clean windows regularly - this will allow solar energy to penetrate your home.
  • Feng Shui advises: Fix leaking faucets that could drain your health or wealth.
  • Feng Shui advises: Replace burnt out light bulbs as soon as possible and broken windows so that positive energy does not disappear.
  • Feng Shui advises: Replace fluorescent lamps with traditional incandescent lamps: flickering disrupts the movement of energy.
  • Feng Shui advises: Put away trash cans away from health and wealth zones.
  • Feng Shui advises: Create paintings that depict a waterfall, a babbling indoor fountain, or an aquarium. Water represents energy and wealth.
  • Feng Shui advises: Get flowers and greenery. Flowers are considered carriers of energy, but in the bedroom they spoil a woman’s love happiness and lead to quarrels and infidelity between spouses.
  • Feng Shui advises: If you see some disorder and are able to change it, act; if for some reason you are powerless over it, erase it from your memory.

Feng Shui does not advise:

  • Feng Shui does not advise: Use mirror tiles. It breaks your reflection and, therefore, your life into fragments.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Combine a study and bedroom. Different kinds energies will collide and reduce your progress in both areas.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Sitting with your back to the door (dooming yourself to a “dagger strike”) and the window - you will lack support in your work.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Have “aggressive” corners – corners of walls, cabinets, ceilings that seem to “aim” at the place where you sit, sleep or work.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Hang a mirror opposite the front door or directly opposite the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Paint large surfaces black: black absorbs energy.
  • Feng Shui does not advise: Work in an office located opposite elevators, escalators, or regular stairs. The office at the end of the corridor also brings bad luck. And rope curtains and potted plants soften the chi in the long hallway.

Some more feng shui tips

The most important "healing agent" is cleaning the house from junk. If you hide it in the basement, closet or mezzanine, it will clog your subconscious thinking. Put it in the attic and your life's possibilities will be limited (upward movement is blocked). Chaotic qi wandering around in a crowded closet can affect your punctuality and stall your career advancement, causing financial stress and health distress.

In addition to junk, immediately get rid of items that you don’t like or that evoke unpleasant memories or associations. Give them to someone who loves them, or trade them.

Add lights and mirrors. Feng Shui considers mirrors to be the main assistants: they reflect energy as well as the image of a person. Mirrors should be hung so that you can see some space above your head and around you. This way you leave room for ideas to develop. Mirrors must be of good quality, framed, with a clear reflection. Round and oval shapes are most effective.

Never place them opposite each other: the energy will bounce back and forth without moving. Avoid mirrors in the bedroom: When we sleep, we release negative emotions, and if the mirror near the bed reflects them back, you risk waking up unrested in the morning.

Feng Shui crystal objects enhance vital energy and improve any area of ​​your apartment. If, for example, you want to spice up your love relationship, place the crystal in the relationship area.

Hanging bells according to feng shui also attract positive qi energy. Hang a bell by your front door. Its melodic ringing will invigorate you and your guests.

Feng Shui plants can slow down the too fast movement of energy in a long corridor and transform energy stagnating in the corners. If you are striving for career growth, “heal” the quarry area with the help of living plants. Avoid pest plants with sharp leaves, dotted colors and thorns - they create bad energy, conflicts and failures.

If the entrance door located in the quarry area is adjacent to an elevator, which creates an endless vortex of qi up and down, then the quarry will jump in the same way.

Feng Shui recommends placing something heavy at the entrance: a cabinet or sculpture that stabilizes qi. Unlucky in love - put it in the bedroom pink roses. If we can’t find a job, we place a piece of black art in the kitchen. We don't have enough money - we put three purple pillows on the sofa in the living room. With difficulty we gnaw on the granite of science - we hang a mirror in a blue frame in the office. They tarnished their reputation - kitchen curtains should be red. Tired of scandals in the family, we light green candles in the living room.

If you want to end your loneliness, take a closer look at your home environment: most likely, you will see many single items that reflect your marital status. Your task is to generate “paired” energy. Use double candlesticks, couple portraits and soft, romantic landscapes in the bedroom and relationship areas.

If your well-being zone is located in the bathroom, according to Feng Shui there is a danger of money leakage. Keep the toilet lid closed and place a mirror on the outside of the door to prevent energy from escaping down the drain.

Happiness and prosperity to you!

When arranging rooms, arranging furniture, choosing the color of the walls, most people are increasingly turning to the ancient science of Feng Shui (for a home or for a very small apartment - it doesn’t matter). After all, all these factors affect the well-being and peace of mind of the owners. By listening to the recommendations of the Feng Shui technique, a person most favorably directs the flow of life-affirming energy Qi.

Room zoning

Arranging an apartment using the Feng Shui method can not only attract Qi energy into the home, but also help “grab luck by the tail.” Ancient science allows you to increase your luck by correct zoning of the room. Determine in which area you would like to reach the top, and change your interior in accordance with the recommendations. Let's consider what the science of Feng Shui advises for the home?

The zones, according to the ancient methodology, are distinguished as follows.


The eastern part of the room is responsible for it, the one where the sun rises. Green, red and black colors can enhance this zone. It is recommended to hang photographs, pictures of trees, lakes with swimming fish, and streams. Flowers and plants should be placed in this part of the apartment.

For good health, it is important to properly arrange items in the bedroom and kitchen. Taking into account the feng shui of the apartment, it is forbidden to place the refrigerator near the stove. The head of the bed (necessarily high) should be away from extraneous energy and radiation. It is not recommended to keep your phone and books near your bed.

Family and Children

The West, the place where the sun sets, is responsible for this area. It is recommended to use yellow, dark blue and white colors here. In this area, photographs of the family are hung and toys are placed. Objects made of natural stone, as well as round-shaped products, can enhance the energy in this part of the house.


White, grey, blue and black colors allow you to improve your work northern zone or near the main entrance. In this part of the house it is useful to place metals - copper, bronze, something like gold, as well as irregular shape products.


The right corner (farthest) in each room, as well as the southwestern zone of the entire house, is responsible for matters of the heart. Here you should use the colors of the Earth - brown, yellow. Useful shades of Fire - red, pink.

Be sure to consider the fervor of your mood. Depending on it, reservoirs with bubbling and calm water, stones, metals.


Properly arranged furniture in the room will improve your financial situation. southeast zone. Pay attention to the left corners of each room. They should add red, black and green shades.

Arrange plants that have round leaves. To enhance the beneficial effect, tie the pots or the stems themselves with red ribbons. Little secret will further enhance the positive energy - place three coins under the plant.

Electrical appliances, kettles, and plants with sharp leaves should be avoided in this area.

Living room interior

What should be the location of the house according to Feng Shui? Let's start with the living room. After all, it is the heart of the house and represents a multifunctional room for the owners.

An unfavorable place for a living room is opposite the main door. It is undesirable for the window in the room to be located opposite the entrance. The most suitable option is a rectangular room or square shape. Semi-oval walls, non-parallel, a room with 5 corners, various protrusions or depressions - not the most good option for the living room. But even in such a room you can eliminate negative impact in the form of stagnation of energy.

It is very important to place furniture correctly according to Feng Shui. The energy should move smoothly without bumping into various items and corners. Therefore, it is not recommended to place a lot of furniture in a chaotic manner in the living room. Place armchairs and sofas so that people sitting in them feel calm and confident. It is recommended to place them along the wall. Never point chairs and sofas towards a door or window. It is undesirable for the person sitting opposite the door. There is a feeling of confrontation with those people who come through the door. clutter central zone rooms are not recommended. But a coffee table is a completely necessary thing. The main thing is not to forget that the living room should be comfortable to move around.

Negative energy in protrusions or depressions can be neutralized houseplants or various draperies. In dark corners, it is recommended to periodically ring a bell or hang a wind chime. This will neutralize stagnant energy that often accumulates in such areas.

It is acceptable to use a mirror in the living room. But it should be placed so that it does not reflect the front door. The mirror should not be placed opposite the window. Otherwise, the Qi energy will be reflected very easily and instantly leave the house.

Bright colors are favorable for decorating a room. But avoid flashy colors. The living room should not feel stressful. That is why it is recommended to use various details in bright colors - pillows, talismans, fresh flowers.

Bedroom interior

This room is an intimate space in which everyone wants to feel at ease and comfortable. Feng Shui in the bedroom will help create the necessary harmony.

Dimmed light is recommended for this room. Choose furniture that has smooth shapes and does not contain sharp corners. When decorating your bedroom, use soft colors. They can be diversified with bright small objects - a decorative pillow, a night light.

The main subject of the bedroom is the bed. This is where you should start arranging the room. When choosing the most successful place, you should take into account that Feng Shui of the bedroom implies the following rules:

  1. The bed should not be placed opposite the door. A person should not sleep with his feet facing the exit.
  2. The headboard is not placed under the window. Neither the legs nor the head of a resting person should be under it.
  3. The bed is not placed in a corner. In such places, astral dirt accumulates, which makes sleep difficult.

The best bed position is considered to be:

  1. The headboard is located directly against the wall.
  2. Centered placement.
  3. Diagonal position of the bed. IN in this case It is recommended to place a small object at the feet to help drain the flow of energy. This could be a screen, pouf or chest of drawers.

Electrical appliances are absolutely not welcome in the bedroom. This applies to TV, computer and other equipment. If there is nowhere to move such equipment, it must be de-energized at night. It is advisable to cover the screen and monitor with a cloth.

An important attribute of the bedroom is a mirror. But here there are also a number of rules that must be followed. The science of Feng Shui for the home recommends:

  1. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror. It should either be hung or covered with cloth.
  2. A mirrored ceiling is unacceptable. It blocks man's connection with the cosmos. And this is an important component of health.
  3. The mirrors are not located opposite each other. This position creates a corridor for various astral entities.
  4. The mirror is not placed opposite the door to the room. The Qi energy will be reflected and will not enter the bedroom.
  5. A favorable place is the corner of the room for a mirror. This promotes the circulation of Qi energy.
  6. Give preference to mirrors that reflect full height. This is much better, since the crushed ones share the human energy field.
  7. It is not recommended to use furniture with mirror elements for the bedroom. They carry Yang energy, but Yin should predominate in the bedroom. Therefore, it is recommended to limit yourself to only those mirrors that are needed for personal care.

Books are undesirable in the bedroom, especially horror and thrillers. Open shelves are completely unacceptable. If books are stored in the bedroom, they should be placed in closed cabinets or chests of drawers.

The Feng Shui technique for the home advises not to place plants in the bedroom, since they are energy vampires and donors. In one half of the day they give Qi to the person, and in the other half they take it away. Therefore, it is better to do without plants in the bedroom or place them as far away as possible.

entrance to the house

Feng Shui recommends paying special attention to it. After all, this is the space through which Qi energy enters the home. From appearance door depends on whether you attract it to your home or scare it away. Therefore, it is recommended to use the following small recommendations:

  1. Make sure the lock is always in good working order. If it fails and is replaced with another, do not leave the broken mechanism in the door. Get rid of it by carefully sealing the remaining hole.
  2. Regularly monitor door hinges and lubricate them constantly. It is unacceptable for them to creak. In this case, even “wind music” will not be able to attract Qi energy.
  3. Choose a pleasant and melodious call. It should not irritate or frighten the owners.
  4. Do not allow cracks or cuts to form in the cladding. The paint should not come off the surface. Make sure that the apartment number is clearly visible.
  5. If a peephole is installed in the door, there should be no through holes near it. All parts are strictly adjacent to one another. It is recommended to choose a peephole with a protective coating with inside. Such a device must always be closed and only open when necessary.

The energy penetrating into the house must have time to calm down, as it were, and only then begin its movement throughout the house. That is why it is great if there is a fenced space behind the door. If this area is cluttered, it is recommended to use light sources and mirrors to “encourage” the energy.

It is not entirely favorable if the front door is located opposite the emergency exit. After all, energy can jump through the house. To keep her in the house, you need to hang a crystal in her path or musical pendants.

Color palette

In addition to the correct placement of furniture, it is very important what kind of wallpaper will be hung. Feng Shui offers the following palette for each room or zone:

  1. Kitchen. According to ancient science, silver or beige colors are more suitable for this room. Red is ideal for small decorative elements.
  2. Bathroom. For this room, choose light wallpaper. Blue and green shades deserve special attention.
  3. Living room. This room should create a positive mood. Therefore, when arranging it, choose green, beige, yellow.
  4. Children's. It is very important to create harmony in this room and ensure a beneficial effect on the psyche. Therefore, it is recommended to use yellow and green shades. Black color is strictly prohibited.
  5. Bedroom. People who want them married life seethed like a volcano, it is recommended to use pink and red tones. If the bedroom is intended more for relaxation, preference is given to calm shades such as blue and green.

Plants - pros and cons

According to Feng Shui, flowers in the house are very active objects. They can be both harmful and very useful. It depends on their condition. Flowers should always be well-groomed, pleasing to the eye and always healthy.

  1. Tradescantia. Capable of reflecting a positive energy microclimate.
  2. Geranium. A plant with powerful energy. Placement in a recreation area or bedroom is not permitted.
  3. Ficus. Gives household members harmony in relationships, neutralizes anger, anxiety, and aggression.
  4. Fern. Perfectly cleans the microclimate of the room. Absorbs negative energy.

Now let’s look at which plants according to Feng Shui are unsuitable for the home:

  1. Orchid. The plant can absorb human energy. In some cases it even provokes depression, chronic fatigue, bad feeling.
  2. Cactus. Along with it, imbalance and aggression will appear in the home energy. This plant can be an indirect cause of quarrels and discord. However, it also has positive trait- it improves intellectual thinking.
  3. Monstera. Such a plant is considered an energy vampire. A short stay near it develops constructive thinking in a person. In addition, the plant contributes to making a serious decision.

All the above tips will help harmonize your home. This means that you yourself will create comfort and coziness in your home.
