Names of runes and their full meanings. The meaning of sacred runic symbols

Scandinavian legend says that supreme god One hung upside down on the World Tree Yggdrasil for nine days to gain mystical knowledge of runes. Mysterious squiggles excited the imagination of many peoples and generations until they reached us. Runes were used in magical rituals shamans, were applied to weapons, clothes and objects as amulets. Only dedicated priests knew true meaning all characters. Knowing the Scandinavian runes - meaning, description and their interpretation - is necessary for fortune telling and creation strong amulets. The wisdom of centuries lies in these ancient strange letters.

Scandinavian runes and their meaning

Scandinavian runes: how to understand the meaning of mysterious signs

Symbols left over from ancient times are difficult to understand without prior preparation. Here are only approximate symbols and methods of using Scandinavian runes. By turning to the subconscious, a person will touch the wisdom of his ancestors and choose for himself exactly the combination of symbols that can help him at the moment.

Rune fortune telling is a fun way to pass the time. However, caution should be exercised. You may not want to know the verdict of fate. Interpretation of runes is not a simple process. Their meaning depends on the position of the symbol: inverted icons change their meaning or lose it altogether.

It took God Odin nine days and nine nights to gain wisdom. How much mere mortals need depends only on their choice. Will you start studying runes now or put it off for better times? Your future depends on it. But if you believe the Scandinavian myths and legends, the cycle will end in any case, only to begin again. The question is, can you change the known order of things in your favor? Scandinavian runes - meaning, description and their interpretation - are not learned in an instant. It will take many years of practice and...

- this is a whole art, and a very ancient one and it has been used for a very long time. Do not think that all this is frivolous and does not require certain skills. In fact, each layout requires maximum concentration.

A professional fortune teller, when fortune telling with runes, draws images in his head, and also helps the client see and understand the meaning of the runes in the layout.

The interpretation of runes and runic layouts is a rather complicated procedure. And really - how not to get confused in the huge variety of probabilities and options? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Runes and their use in fortune telling

There are 24 runes used in fortune telling. Usually the symbols are stored in a special bag or box, from where they are taken out one by one.

In principle, you can try and tell fortunes on the signs yourself, but not everyone can interpret runes in fortune telling.

Your state should be as calm as possible. Fill your soul with peace and harmony. Free yourself from all problems and everyday worries. Only after this you will have access to the sacred symbols of the ancient Scandinavians.

Always pay attention to the combination of runes in layouts - sometimes one positive symbol blocks the negative energy of everyone else.

Interpretation of Scandinavian runes in fortune telling

Here we will analyze the interpretation of the meaning of the Elder Futhark.

Meaning: monetary well-being, material wealth, confidence in the future.

Interpretation for fortune telling

To the situation: change in financial situation in better side, conclusion profitable deals, relationships with new partners.

Meaning: maximum energy charge, activity.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: Pleasant surprises, victories and long-awaited changes in life await you.

On relationships and love: In the near future, new love affairs await you, the basis of which will be sex and passion.

Per person: strong personality– both physically and mentally. Confidence and activity.

For your health: all hope is in divine powers.

To work: you can't change what's going on at work.

Advice: even if it seems to you that your opinion is not important, continue to insist on yours. You won't be able to change your destiny if you sit idly by.

Rune Uruz (reversed)

Meaning: you need rest - from work, from people, from everyday life.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: loss, physical and psychological exhaustion, powerlessness.

On relationships and love: you lose interest in your partner.

Per person: all problems are due to lack of self-confidence.

For your health: Unfortunately, the prognosis is disappointing - the disease will progress.

To work: Not only are you not trying to change your position in the work team, you don’t even need these changes.

Advice: forget about everyone and take care of yourself.

Meaning: a symbol of a warrior, courage, constant struggle and confrontation.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: in all disputes and conflicts you will emerge victorious.

On relationships and love: Due to the fact that everyone pulls the blanket over themselves, quarrels can arise out of nowhere.

Per person: You can sacrifice yourself for the sake of another, but your overly touchy and aggressive nature prevents you.

For your health: Most likely you will have surgery.

To work: very soon a very strong competitor will stand in your way - prepare while you have time.

Advice: cast aside all embarrassment and show yourself in all your glory.

Rune Thurisaz (reversed)

Meaning: sometimes you cannot defend yourself - it’s all because of your ill will.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: inability to properly set the situation. All actions taken only bring harm.

On relationships and love: constant quarrels and scandals. Partners take it out on each other over every little thing.

Per person: unsmiling, sullen, angry and apathetic.

For your health: you won't need it surgical intervention, but the risk of injury is very high.

To work: In terms of work, beneficial changes and reforms are coming.

Advice: Always listen to your mind - this is not the time for emotions.

Meaning: spiritual development, society, intelligence, mind.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: awakening supernatural abilities, gaining new knowledge and skills.

On relationships and love: relationships are based on tactile connection, on spirituality, on emotional attachment. Sex is in second, or even third place.

Per person: calm, peaceful personality, has a good mind.

For your health: Get an annual check-up with your doctors.

To work: Don’t trust a single word - partners or even trusted colleagues can set you up.

Advice: Don’t forget that the advice of experienced comrades can be very useful - listen to them.

Rune Ansuz (reversed)

Meaning: loss of spiritual connection, distrust of the Higher Powers.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: untruthfulness, meanness, wrong actions.

On relationships and love: due to differences in interests and characters, you will not be able to be together for long. Complete lack of trust.

Per person: stupid, self-absorbed.

For your health: doctors or close relatives do not want to tell you about the details of your health.

To work: intrigue, dishonesty in the team. Be careful when signing contracts.

Meaning: progress, the road forward.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: Many new horizons are opening up before you - don’t miss your chance.

On relationships and love: your loved one will become like family from the first seconds of communication.

Per person: active, in constant motion.

To your health: During this period, forget about your current problems and go on vacation. Recover and gain strength.

To work: There is a very big project coming up and you will need a lot of energy and patience.

Advice: never be afraid to change - develop, strive to become better.

Rune Raido (reversed)

Meaning: stagnation, inability to improve.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: every new attempt ends in complete failure.

On relationships and love: you have outlived each other, tired of everything. If there is no desire to stay together, the couple will soon break up. Not necessarily with a scandal - everything will happen quietly and calmly.

Per person: conservative, adherent of everything old and traditional.

For your health: Don’t test your body, get more rest.

To work: work trips can be dangerous (accidents, accidents).

Advice: don’t try to solve new problems, now it’s better to deal with old problems.

Meaning: homely atmosphere, sincerity, warmth.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: long-awaited answers, creative development.

On relationships and love: it is likely that the current relationship will reach new level– you will start a family and want a child together.

Per person: the individual has a strong intuition. Insight often comes.

For your health: don't burden yourself. If there is an opportunity to shift your responsibilities to someone else, do so.

To work: success will come if you control every step.

Advice: do not try to hide your feelings and emotions, be sincere and pure.

Rune Kenaz (reversed)

Meaning: complete confusion, loss of path, lack of understanding of oneself and the surrounding reality.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: unpleasant events, unexpected surprises with consequences. Lack of interest in something that has been started for a long time.

On relationships and love: instant loss of interest in a partner, fading of feelings.

Per person: a person who is used to constantly complaining about every issue.

For your health: No matter how you try to cure yourself, nothing will work. Contact the specialists.

To work: It's your fault that a project that has been in development for many years will fail.

Advice: analyze your occupation - it may be worth changing your outlook on life and your purpose.

Meaning: equal exchange, trusting relationship.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: those around you are ready to help you, but be prepared to give something in return.

On relationships and love: harmony and order in a love union. You feel each other even when you are at a long distance.

Per person: sociable, ready to help at any moment.

For your health: health will improve and the disease will leave you.

To work: you will join forces with your employees and be ready to conquer mountains on the path to success.

Advice: Don’t be afraid to ask for help – and don’t forget to say “thank you.”

Meaning: the ability to see the good in everything, smiling, cheerful.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: your deepest wish will finally come true. And in general, a lot of pleasant surprises await you in the near future.

On relationships and love: playful relationships, lightness and ease.

Per person: you are filled with positivity and fun.

For your health: your body is in excellent condition. But still, do not forget about sports and healthy eating.

To work: you get real pleasure from your work. Every day you go to a meeting with colleagues with a joyful smile on your face.

Advice: Don’t wait for a miracle – create it yourself.

Rune Vunyo (reversed)

Meaning: depressive attitude towards life, sadness and sadness.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: sad events are possible. Don't make big plans for the near future.

On relationships and love: you worry about every little thing. You don’t know how to trust your partner and constantly make your own claims – often unfounded.

Per person: you are always in bad mood and you can’t decide on your desires.

For your health: even if nothing bothers you, take care of your health. There is a tendency towards harmful addictions.

To work: at first you will suffer losses, but after a while the situation will recover and circumstances will turn in your favor.

Advice: Don’t be lazy, perform all your duties properly.

Meaning: destruction, loss, negativity.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: all plans made will not be implemented. You must understand that before you can create anything, you must let go of something.

On relationships and love: the discovery of secrets and secrets, and as a result - quarrels and separation.

Per person: independent nature, selfish and aggressive. You don't need warmth or care.

On your health: unfortunately, the doctor’s verdict will not please you. You can only hope for divine powers and a gift from fate.

To work: There will be an obstacle in front of you - be careful and careful.

Advice: break up with unnecessary things without a trace of regret.

Meaning: need, huge losses, need for something, limitations of will.

Interpretation for fortune telling

To the situation: You are destined for a test - in the coming period, prepare to live in harsh conditions. This applies to working relationships, financial situation, and social contacts.

On relationships and love: your feelings have long faded away, but you cannot end a love affair out of habit or pity.

Per person: modesty, submission to fate, lack of personal opinion and fear of people. These are sociopaths.

For your health: warning of possible serious illness.

To work: If you want your work contacts to improve, complete all tasks assigned to you perfectly.

Advice: don’t try to change anything - come to terms with the event that happened and accept it as an experience.

Rune Nautiz (reversed)

Meaning: all fears come from childhood, complexes and apathy.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: all problems come from your behavior. You do not want to fight phobias and complexes - and as a result, you step on the same rake.

On relationships and love: one partner uses the other for his own purposes.

Per person: you blame yourself for all the sins of humanity. You suffer from low self-esteem.

For your health: the disease develops in the body, and it is not in your power to change anything.

To work: the team consists of dishonest people.

Advice: learn to enjoy life, start every day with a smile. Look for only good and joyful things in every event.

Meaning: passivity, lack of interest, desire to be alone.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: Don’t plan anything, as a period of complete stagnation awaits you.

On relationships and love: both partners are completely indifferent to each other. Old feelings have faded away.

Per person: the mind of such a person works separately from the heart. Emotions and experiences are completely absent.

For your health: the disease will stop for a while - use this moment to fight the unfortunate disease.

To work: put maximum energy into your work and get the expected result. But the lazy ones will be left with nothing.

Advice: do not try to speed up the process of development of events - everything should take its course.

Meaning: slow development, constant waiting.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: everything depends on your actions. You will definitely get what you want, but you just need to work hard for it.

On relationships and love: If you manage to overcome all obstacles, then your couple will be very strong.

Per person: hardworking, diligent, prone to self-development.

For your health: Be careful - any infection can come to you now.

To work: follow the developed plan and move towards the goal step by step.

Advice: Don’t expect to be served what you want on a silver platter. Work and work - this is the only way you will get closer to your dream.

Meaning: internal trials, torment, changes in worldview.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: Take all the delays and shortcomings for granted, everything takes time to get back to normal.

On relationships and love: Very long period getting used to each other, psychological discomfort.

Per person: a nature that is constantly tormented by doubts. Inability to make decisions on your own.

For your health: You shouldn’t rush from one extreme to another. If you have been prescribed a course of treatment, complete it to the end. Any changes could bring back your illness.

To work: There is also no need to rush in work matters - do not demand too much from your subordinates.

Advice: Don't despair at every failure - just wait.

Meaning: secrecy, secrets and riddles.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: soon you will encounter something mysterious or even supernatural.

On relationships and love: your current companion is connected to you by karmic threads. Don't miss it. Don't quarrel over trifles, maintain a trusting relationship. You will have very beautiful and smart children.

Per person: you have a well-developed sixth sense.

For your health: The abdominal organs are especially vulnerable. If you are pregnant, the rune indicates that you need to be very careful.

To work: what you are doing now is your purpose.

Advice: Don’t listen to advice – listen only to yourself. Your intuition will help you get out of the most difficult situations.

Rune Perth (reversed)

Meaning: unknown, lost.

Interpretation for fortune telling

To the situation: Events of the past can affect the present. It is possible that the new information received will shock you.

On relationships and love: revealing all secrets between partners. It is likely that the cause of the quarrel will be a meeting with a former lover.

Per person: you don’t know what you want, and you finish every task you start halfway. You also do not know how to keep secrets - because of this, problems arise with society.

For your health: the diagnosis will be wrong.

To work: Colleagues are hiding important information from you.

Advice: Don’t push yourself too hard – follow your goal and don’t pay attention to the little things.

Meaning: calm, silence, protection.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: A loved one is protecting you.

On relationships and love: There is complete harmony in the loving couple. You understand each other, feel each other and are not capable of betrayal. You feel comfortable and cozy.

Per person: noble and sensitive. Such people are called knights.

For your health: do not put off going to the doctor.

To work: enemies are chasing you and thirsting for your failures.

Advice: listen to your inner voice, analyze your dreams.

Rune Algiz (reversed)

Meaning: illusory perception of the world, loss.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: you are lost among the twists and turns of the labyrinth and can’t find your way out. There is a risk of betrayal - moreover, from a loved one.

On relationships and love: lack of trust. You try to control every step of your loved one, but this is not always possible. As a result - suspicions, scandals, tears.

Per person: a person who is not independent and needs care.

For your health: Most likely, you know about the disease, but you refuse to treat it.

To work: major changes await you.

Advice: don't worry about every failure. Life is an unpredictable thing. Today you are in a hole of mud, and tomorrow you are a winner on a horse.

Meaning: confidence and joyful mood.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: the coming period will bring a lot of happiness. You will change your attitude towards yourself, you will feel differently.

On relationships and love: your couple can be envied - you are like two halves of a whole.

Per person: successful, confident, striving for ideals.

For your health: get rid of psychological barriers, otherwise there is a risk of disrupting work nervous system.

To work: stand up for your rights and don’t let everyone take advantage of you.

Advice: defend your opinion in every possible way - in the end you will be right.

Meaning: symbol masculine energy and strength.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: prepare for the fight. If you show courage, you will definitely come out a winner. The main thing is not to be afraid.

On relationships and love: This is not a romantic relationship, this is real competition. Both partners are fighting for the leadership position.

Per person: active and confident nature, ready for anything.

For your health: health will deteriorate sharply.

To work: Prove to everyone that you are a worthwhile worker and capable of more.

Advice: never bend under the pressure of your surroundings.

Rune Teyvaz (inverted)

Meaning: defeat, impotence, male weakness.

Interpretation for fortune telling

To the situation: Do not expect to win - it is better to retreat immediately to reduce the risk of losses.

On relationships and love: due to the uncertainty of both partners, your future life together is in danger of ending. A man behaves like a woman.

Per person: passive, weak, unprepared for action.

For your health: male problems.

To work: if there is a business dispute with partners or a trial, postpone it. You will lose.

Advice: moderate your ardor, be a little calmer.

Meaning: warmth, comfort, softness, homely hearth.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: It is possible to meet a pleasant and sociable woman who will develop into a strong friendship.

On relationships and love: in a couple, the woman plays the main role, but this does not mean that she is the leader. A man may not even suspect that all the decisions he makes are the result of his wife’s hard work.

Per person: attractive nature.

For your health: choose a woman as your doctor.

To work: career growth, promotion of your own business. Getting your first profit.

Advice: Don’t try to achieve your goal with aggression - it’s better to use soft character traits.

Rune of Berkan (reversed)

Meaning: problems because of a woman, failure.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: An angry and hateful woman can influence the development of any business.

On relationships and love: conflict union. A man is constantly faced with temptations; he is surrounded by envious women who are trying with all their might to break up the family - not everyone will survive.

Per person: an insincere person who seeks profit everywhere.

For your health: Avoid communicating with female doctors.

To work: again, control all women in the team - they can become the source of many problems.

Advice: don't trust anyone.

Meaning: the ability to adapt to any circumstances.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: Things are starting to develop rapidly. Moving, changing place of residence or work is possible.

On relationships and love: you enjoy communicating with each other. Events are developing very quickly - a marriage proposal can arrive within a week.

Per person: the desire to move forward, despite the surrounding situation.

For your health: mental problems.

To work: Work-related problems should be solved using a scientific approach.

Advice: ask friends and family for advice - they will be happy to help.

Rune Evaz (reversed)

Meaning: sudden stop.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: you cannot adapt to the current situation, all plans collapse and there is no way to change this.

On relationships and love: incompatibility. One needs constant movement, while the other needs a homely atmosphere.

Per person: stubborn nature. For fear of losing your position, you do not want to make contact with anyone.

For your health: serious deviations of the nervous system, constant breakdowns.

To work: Don’t try to do someone else’s work in order to curry favor with your superiors.

Advice: someone in your social circle constantly betrays you.

Meaning: connection with the family, cultural development, wisdom of the ages.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: I'm going to meet with a very important person. He will help you - you just have to ask for it.

On relationships and love: a love relationship is based on friendly feelings.

Per person: willingness to help at any time.

For your health: do not argue with your doctor, and your illness will recede.

To work: your level of influence is growing every day. Even your bosses listen to your opinion.

Advice: To complete the task assigned to you, seek help from like-minded people.

Rune Mannaz (reversed)

Meaning: inhuman attitude, witchcraft.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: The root of every problem lies in your karma.

On relationships and love: selfish connections, benefits in everything.

Per person: you do not know how to trust, you are constantly afraid of tricks and meanness.

For your health: weakness and apathy, exhaustion of the body.

To work: scandals in the team are the cause of work failures.

Advice: try to solve problems yourself - the help of other people will not lead to anything good.

Meaning: emotions, experiences, emotional attachment.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: listen to your creative voice. At this moment, new horizons open up before you.

On relationships and love: very tender relationship between lovers. You repeatedly notice that you can read each other's thoughts across great distances.

Per person: a quiet but very strong man. His energy field is very powerful.

For your health: supernatural power will help you fight the disease.

To work: listen to the prompts of the Universe.

Advice: take life easier and stop being afraid of magic.

Rune Laguz (reversed)

Meaning: deceit, dishonesty, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: you may fall under the influence of others, which has a detrimental effect on all areas of your life.

On relationships and love: at first glance, the couple is ideal. But, in fact, this is far from the case. Every day partners collide on level ground. They are filled with mistrust, fears, and suspicion.

Per person: you are lost in your own dream world.

For your health: to get rid of health problems, contact to the white magician– he will remove the negative program.

To work: one of your colleagues may spoil you.

Advice: Beware of witchcraft and black magic.

Meaning: finish, performance.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: external circumstances will change before our eyes. Your task is to get your bearings in time.

On relationships and love: you are dependent on your partner emotionally and sexually. In the near future, fate will decide whether you will be together or whether you will have to separate.

Per person: nature who loves to take risks and be in first place.

For your health: doctors will give their verdict.

To work: If there is a lull at work now, then in the near future things will simply boil over. Get ready for fruitful work.

Advice: finish all the things you started.

Meaning: connection with family, attachment to home.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: you realize that the most important thing in life is good relationships with the people closest to you. You will change active image living in a quiet and peaceful environment.

On relationships and love: in romantic unions you give preference to ingrained traditions.

Per person: tough and slightly closed personality.

For your health: You shouldn’t test your body and try to heal yourself using the latest techniques.

To work: For work related issues, contact more experienced employees.

Advice: do not disdain the advice of old people.

Rune Odal (reversed)

Meaning: violation of all traditions and rules.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: there is a possibility of a quarrel with relatives - even moving to another city.

On relationships and love: each partner pulls the blanket over himself. There is no desire for serious and long-term relationships.

Per person: For such a person, there is no other person’s opinion - he listens only to himself.

For your health: Before starting a course of treatment, try to figure out your illnesses on your own.

To work: Be confident and everything will work out.

Advice: forget about old ways of solving a problem - try something new, fashionable, unknown.

Meaning: a new dawn, changes, a step into the future.

Interpretation for fortune telling

For the situation: life circumstances do not coincide with your plans - be prepared to take risks.

On relationships and love: rapid changes in communication between you. Both women and men want to feel freer and lighter.

Per person: you can be called an experimenter.

For your health: the health situation will change dramatically.

To work: your communication with colleagues and your boss will reach a new level, and a promotion is possible.

Advice: don't be afraid of the unknown.

Finally, I want to say, remember - no exact values runes for fortune telling. This is not a rock or a sentence - everything in our lives can be changed if you really want it.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Runes are very ancient symbols, used from the 1st to the 13th centuries in the writing of the peoples living in the territories of Germany and Scandinavia. In the Swedish provinces, runes were used until the 19th century. The word “runes” comes from the ancient German “run”, which means “secret”. Since ancient times, as historical sources testify, runes have been used in secret magical rituals. The ancient Germans and Scandinavians believed that the engraved runic sign on ships and tools served as reliable protection against the forces of the elements and provided a barrier to magical negativity.

Runic amulets have a deep meaning; making them is not so easy

Man also sought protection with the help of these signs. Runic amulets endowed people with the ability to successfully resolve any life situation. However, making a runic amulet is not as easy as it seems. You need to know the meanings of all runic signs and how to apply them to solve a specific problem.

The meaning of runes and amulets with their images

As already mentioned, runes were not only elements of writing, but were largely used in various rituals and predictions. In the Middle Ages, rune magic spread almost everywhere in northern Europe. Viking shamans revered these symbols as a sacred alphabet.

Runic alphabet

IN modern world Several alphabets are known, consisting of a different set of rune signs, however, they were formed from the main alphabet containing 24 runes. In the Middle Ages, the Icelanders added a 25th character to the alphabet - an empty symbol or “pure fate” in a magical interpretation.

The signs of the main alphabet are discussed in detail below:

  1. Urus or Uruz. This rune is a symbol of the transition to the next round of life. The symbol is used in situations where serious changes in life are expected and they strive to speed up their approach. The same sign can be used by people who are in a crisis situation and want to overcome this period without major upheavals.
  2. Fehu is a sign of financial well-being. Symbolizes the energy of creation that permeates human life. Use the sign when necessary to achieve significance life goal and achieving material well-being.
  3. Raidho or Raido is a sign of positive communication between people. This is a symbol of travelers, but it can also be used by those who seek to establish a strong contact with the person they like.
  4. Turisaz has a very powerful potential for protection against negative external influences. Increases the likelihood of a positive outcome in controversial situations. The symbol is very useful for timid and indecisive people to gain confidence in their own abilities.
  5. Ansuz will help you see and understand the secret, hidden and mysterious. An excellent symbol for those who must discover the truth in the professional sphere.
  6. Gebo is a love rune. A very powerful sign for all lovers and spouses. It will eliminate all misunderstandings, establish harmony in relationships, and lead to happy marriage. But using Gebo requires great caution.
  7. Kenats or Kenaz is a powerful incentive for the development of talent in creative people. This sign will help those who are in a creative or emotional crisis. Another meaning of Kenats is enhancing the potential of other runes, if the amulet bears a combination of other symbols.
  8. Hagalaz symbolizes life changes. It can provide serious assistance to people who expect significant changes, but are not sure of their results. This same sign is very strong in repelling magical attacks - it is capable of returning magical negativity to the one who sent it.
  9. Vunyo brings success in any endeavor, helps a happy resolution the most difficult situations. In case of injuries and illnesses, Vunyo promotes a speedy recovery.
  10. Nautiz is a very complex sign. It symbolizes calmness and patience in order to overcome various difficulties. Helps you gain perseverance in achieving your goals and survive crisis situations without serious consequences.
  11. Issa or Isa represents the slowing down or cessation of certain periods. Will provide assistance in cases where a time-out is needed to make the right decision.
  12. Eyvaz symbolizes a warning. The sign is very powerful, but its use requires great knowledge of runic science and the greatest caution. This rune is very capricious, but its help is invaluable - with new beginnings, it will warn about possible risks and difficulties.
  13. Yera carries the meaning of well-being in many aspects human life: finances, health, love, family relationships. Brings success in planned affairs.
  14. Algis or Algiz - this symbol is depicted on objects that protect the owner from possible dangers and warn about them.
  15. Teyvaz is a sign of winners. A powerful rune that promotes the fulfillment of plans. This rune was held in special esteem by kings. For people whose character is weak, this symbol will also be very useful.
  16. Perthro or Pert is a complex rune that personifies the karmic course of events and is capable of correcting them. It is not recommended to use this symbol for people who are only superficially familiar with rune science. Involving karmic situations is very dangerous and the slightest mistake can lead to such life turns, the consequences of which are completely impossible to predict.
  17. Sowilo is a symbol of vital energy. Also a very powerful sign that promotes the development of intuitive understanding. An excellent symbol for restoring lost vital energy due to experienced karmic blows.
  18. Evaz symbolizes movement forward. The amulet with the Evaz rune is necessary for those who lack faith in their own strength when making important decisions.
  19. Mannaz is recommended for those who are overly modest and cannot be the first to start a relationship with a possible future marriage partner.
  20. Berkana symbolizes personal growth in all aspects - spiritual, social and professional. Will provide invaluable assistance when making decisions that require balance and wisdom.
  21. Dagaz personifies complete readiness to perform an action. The Dagaz symbol will give you strength and confidence in achieving your goals.
  22. Laguz is a symbol of the water elements. A protective item with the Laguz sign will save a person from internal unreasonable fears and emotional barriers to the fulfillment of his plans.
  23. Inguz personifies the beginning of any situation. Work, acquaintance, travel - in all cases Inguz will provide the right start and successful promotion.
  24. Odal is a symbol of refusal and retreat. This rune is useful in cases when the time comes to free yourself from everything that burdens life.

Creating a runic amulet

There is no practical difficulty in making a rune amulet. The difficulty in this case is different - you must clearly understand what exactly you expect from the amulet and know the meanings and features of all runic symbols.

A correctly made rune amulet is a powerful magical ally that can radically change your life for the better, protect you from enemies and envious people, and embody cherished desires and dreams.

The rune is the center of great power

Remember, a magic amulet with a rune has great importance― this is not a toy for adults, but a very serious object that is created with the participation of higher powers. If you decide to make yourself a defender “as a test”, without sufficient grounds for it or to “see what will happen,” then just don’t start this business, you won’t succeed. Moreover, a frivolous attitude towards cult objects can introduce such distortions into your karmic line, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

Never distort the outline of the symbols, you will disrupt the harmony of the sign, and the amulet will have no power - this is at best.

Only natural materials are used to make the amulet.

If your decision is balanced and your intentions are serious, then you can begin making a runic amulet. The material can be any natural substance on which runic signs can be depicted (engraved, cut, etched, etc.). It could be wood, stone or even thick paper. However, if you decide to try to make a talisman out of paper, then it must be really thick, since after applying the image it will need to be dipped in melted wax for a few seconds to preserve the applied information. After this procedure, the paper is wrapped in polyethylene or thick natural fabric.

Keep the amulet in a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes, or in secret pockets of a handbag or clothing.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. Read this amulet to help relieve lack of money. Read here

Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lyutichs, Drevlyans and other peoples. The genuine interest in the traditions and beliefs of our ancestors is not accidental. The connection of the people of that time with nature and the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the world around them, which is so lacking in modern man.

Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time, they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

Historians have not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but they agree that it is as ancient as Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

For example, the famous German chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with strange signs on them. Surely he would recognize Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived during the same period. He mentions ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he discovered on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, we can safely say that the most ancient alphabet of our distant ancestors were Old Slavic runes. If you look at archaeological finds, you can find out that ancient craftsmen placed runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 symbols were used. The fact that 3 of them were similar to Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples overlapped.

The same symbols were discovered on religious objects from the site destroyed in the 11th century. ancient temple Radegast, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

Old Slavic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) cannot be perceived solely as writing signs. Their influence on the life of ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, runic stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important to life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burials, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the Slavic peoples adopted Christianity. For example, the Algiz rune was depicted in the temple rings, as it was considered a strong protection against other people’s witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Yes, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols printed on them carried a certain meaning and had power.

Runes are symbols of good

As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that the world was ruled by good and evil forces. Among their gods and goddesses there are those who help and care for people, and those who inspire horror.

Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are signs of goodness and protection, which include:

Old Slavic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of ancient pagans are an extremely interesting topic. These symbols played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by gods was given to these signs magical power, which helped our ancestors withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

Runes are symbols of death

Regardless of the level of development of civilization and people's beliefs, they have always been afraid of death. The unknown that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

The ancient Slavs conventionally divided runes into strong and weak and, depending on the situation, could enhance their effect through repeated repetition.

The most powerful amulets runes

Modern rune experts do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical for Old Slavic shamans and wise men. In those days, faith in their power was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, and women wove ribbons with them into their braids. The most popular were amulets that depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, well-being, health and keeping the family hearth.

Among them the strongest were:

To some extent modern descendants The ancient Slavs adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect against problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some get tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family of those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

Protecting your home, family and property

Knowledge of one's family, honoring the memory of ancestors and family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where their family came from and from whom, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. Rituals associated with burial, human birth, were largely associated with natural energies, which people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, correctly charged, had magical property harmonize external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, and the possibility of procreation. These include:

They are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is just as important to them as it was to their ancient ancestors.

Runes from the evil eye and damage

Ancient Slavic magicians knew how not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to create spells from them. Superstitious people are always afraid of other people's envy, damage and the evil eye. A correctly made amulet can have not only protective functions, but also to neutralize the negativity sent to a person.

For example, for protection the witches used:

The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their deceased ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing increased its charge many times over. You can do the same in our time by studying Old Slavic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

Fortune telling with runes

Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of ancient times did. One of the ways to find out your destiny or simply get advice on what to do in a given situation was fortune telling using Old Slavic runes.

Depending on how they fell out and which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them about possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in fortune telling, for example:

  • The Alatyr rune could mean the beginning of a new business or the upcoming road.
  • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome for something.
  • If a Need arose during fortune telling, then the person would face obstacles in business, ruin, or even death.
  • The Krada rune foreshadowed that a person would have to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his consciousness.
  • When the Force fell out, it meant that the person would find the right solution for his situation.
  • The Wind rune personified the creative essence of a person and indicated that time should be taken to unlock one’s potential.

These are not all interpretations of Old Slavic runes, since even the sequence of their fall could give new options for the development of events in a person’s fate. Sometimes they used Old Church Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that hidden treasures were protected by spells, they created conspiracies and special combinations of runes that were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

Runes in tattoos

Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavic runes and their meaning in tattoos. Those who decide to use their protective power should be very careful, since without knowledge and faith in their power, this - at best - will be just a drawing on the skin, and at worst, it is possible to obtain an effect opposite to what was expected.

It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

  • The Wind rune symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Madder.
  • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of the earth and harvest.
  • Rune Oud is Yarilo.

It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. In the same way, today people should use Old Slavic runes. A tattoo, supported by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real amulet for its wearer.

How to make a rune-amulet

There is no point in buying a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least charge the purchase correctly. To do this, you need to rinse it in running clean water, then hold a candle over the fire, put it in salt for a day, and then fumigate it with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

The next stage is transferring your energy to the amulet with a prayer to the god or goddess symbolized by the rune. Asking for help or protection gives him powerful strength.

Slavic runes as the alphabet of the Gods and the most ancient way of communicating with them and with each other have not caused disputes among historians and experts in the Russian Veda for a long time. Moreover: to our great joy and the general Strength of the People, the Native Memory is being revived every day, and the language of the Ancestors is being learned by the Brothers and Descendants with the same great pleasure and interest as modern foreign languages.

As before, amulets with deep meaning and enormous power are created from Slavic runes. Our masters present numerous works on the pages of this portal, in which each Slavic rune from the alphabet is compiled into a meaningful word or phrase, and carries a certain message and charge. Many of the alphabet approved today in the 18 main Slavic runes are translated in the form of Cyrillic letters, and the most powerful of them bear the name of the Native Gods: Perun, Chernobog, Dazhdbog and Lelya.

But at the very beginning of their acquaintance with the alphabet of Slavic runes, forgotten for centuries, many people experience fear and confusion - how to translate this or that symbol, how to interpret the ligature and how it works in amulets and talismans?

Zarenitsa will try to answer all your questions and will try to tell you simply and clearly about the Slavic runes so that you hear the main thing and can learn to use their Power.

Similarity of Slavic runes, descriptions, interpretations and meanings with the Scandinavian futhark

Those who already know the Scandinavian futhark well will immediately determine the similarity with it in the descriptions, meanings and interpretations of many Slavic runes from the designated alphabet. Without trying to break spears, internal personal beliefs and claim the Truth, much less carry out our own research with serious calculations (after all, our Internet portal aims to popularly convey known information and proposals - and not break existing ones and give rise to new disputes), we note - this really happens.

And it doesn’t even matter who came first, the egg or the chicken. The Slavic and Aryan peoples initially had common roots and a common culture, and the Brothers always respected each other, their behavior, customs and foundations, and descendants respected Veles in the guise of Odin or Odin in the image of Veles. That is why many choose the alphabet and futhark that is easier and more understandable for them to use, as a tendency to speak a particular language, or the use of certain folk dialects, as well as accents in sounds characteristic of a particular region.

Be that as it may, you need to understand and feel each Scandinavian and Slavic rune, tune in to its sound in words and in the soul, understand with your heart what exactly it means for you and hear what is personal and important. Only after such training can you hope that your dialogue with the Gods will be heard correctly and that the sent answer will be quickly read.

This takes days, months and even years, but if you urgently need a talisman with Slavic runes, contact the Masters who are fluent in the Native Ancient Language and have an established connection with the Ancestors. They will readily help you create an amulet or talisman that will bring good luck and resolution to your problems, attract prosperity and prosperity, and provide protection for the Patrons.

Description of Slavic runes: interpretation of symbols and use in amulets

Slavic runes with meanings corresponding to their purposes were used to create ornaments for embroidering home amulets, creating household items: dishes, interior decorations, religious items, outer and underwear for men, women or children, towels and belts.

By translating the Slavic runes on a person’s shirt or shield, one can understand both his belonging to the Family and his role in it, and also feel how strong his Faith and Patronage of the Gods are. In ritual symbolism, the Slavic alphabet is also used very actively - Sorcerers create real ligatures from runes, which, after proper activation and intention, carry a huge message and friendly interaction between Reveal, Navi and Rule.

Slavic runes are also used in mantles - for effective diagnostics situations and plans for the upcoming work, to identify the results of the work done and forecasts for the future. Just like Scandinavian ones, runes are applied to wooden or stone dies, straight and inverted meanings are determined, and they are taken into account when interpreting. Reading of Slavic runes in one or another author's layout is carried out according to a certain system, but each rune is always an important sentence and a vivid image in a single, frank story of the Gods.

Addressing them before the start of the mantika and receiving favor increases the Strength of the Family and cohesion, expresses the Spirit and Will, helps to realize the Future and prepare for it, sometimes changing the Path, having the opportunity to weave with Mother Makosh a happy Share in the Fate of the Family.

1. Rune Peace

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter M
Main meanings: Belbog, World Tree, inner self

Receiving help, an answer, protection, understanding the situation, turning to the Gods and receiving peace and benefits, rethinking and revaluing existing values. The rune will force you to act not from the point of view of justice, but from the concept of the Good and the Good itself. Therefore, never use it with negative influences or trying to turn the situation in your favor.

The world, the rune of Belbog in the traditional Slavic representation is the image of God and Man as his incarnation in Reveal. The axis of the universe is the world's Family Tree, and the human spine is also the main thing that is the basis of the World. The Slavic rune itself symbolizes both a Tree growing upward and a person with his hands raised up. One of the main meanings of the word world is a clan, society, community, which certainly has its own Order, calling for observance of the Laws.

In the Scandinavian Futhark, the meaning of the Slavic rune World is conveyed by two runes: Mannaz - as the image of Man, personality, and Algiz - as the image of God. The very image of BelGod is parallel to Heimdal, or the White Ace. Like the Slavic White God, Heimdal protects the Limits from the forces of Chaos and is the main guardian of Order.

2. Rune Chernobog

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter Ch or C
Main meanings: Chernobog, inverted World Tree, shadow, jester

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: in contrast to Belbog, Chernobog is absolute evil. In order for there to be room on the Path and in Life for something new and good, the old and unnecessary must be destroyed. Want to new love, prepare to lose past memories, etc. Chernobog and Belbog are two sides of Being, two facets of Balance. The runes Mir (Belbog) and Chernobog together produce Rock, the rune of Fate. The meaning of the rune itself when translated: change and destruction, causing harm even for good purposes (for example, carrying out an operation), double bottom, hidden presence and negative impact.

If Chernobog protects from the effects of Chaos and protects world Order, then Chernobog connects us with the roads and forces of Chaos. However, it would be wrong to consider absolute evil only a negative action or force, since Man consists of good and evil, and the view of a particular act and its reasons will be completely different in different situations.

That is why the existence and interaction of Good and Evil is invariable in Nature and constantly strives for the Balance of these centrifugal forces influencing the World itself.

The rune of Chernobog is a trickster god, a Jester and a Clown, fighting with the guardian of Order and violating the established Boundaries. In relation to a person, the rune is a shadow behind our left shoulder, which playfully leads us to tearing off our disguises and destroying illusions. In magic, Chernobog helps resolve old unnecessary connections and break out of a vicious circle.

In the Scandinavian Futhark, the Chernobog rune finds great coincidences in the Hagalaz rune and partly in Perth. One of the images of Chernobog is the omnipresent joker and destroyer Loki.

3. Rune Alatyr

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter A
Main meanings: World of the Year, Holy Grail, Basics, Beginning, Greatness

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Alatyr is the Beginning, the stumbling point around which the World revolves. Alatyr is everywhere and nowhere, it is both light and heavy, it is both small and large. This is pure energy, magic - this is where Everything begins. The main meanings of the Alatyr rune are strength, knowledge, and capabilities. Cyclicity, stability, treatment, restoration, showing the way - opening roads and prospects.

In the Scandinavian futhark there is not a single rune that fully conveys the meaning of Alatyr. Only to some extent can the rune Yera and Stan from the Northumbrian series of runes be compared.

Alatyr is the World Mountain, the center of the World. It is around Alatyr that the eternal struggle of Chernobog and Belbog takes place, battles and fights between the forces of Chaos and Order - maintaining the law of balance. Alatyr, the foundation stone, is a handful of earth raised by the Gods from the bottom of Okiyan and transferred to Buyan Island into the open sea.

All the rivers of the World originate near Alatyr and all roads begin. Magical altars for appealing to the Rule and presenting the Treb are a symbolic image of the Alatyr-stone, which serves as the throne of the main Gods.

4. Rune Rainbow

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter P
Main meanings: Road and Joy, Victory and Success, Result

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: A rainbow is the shortest path from point A to point B, it is a sky bridge connecting the two banks of the river. This is a path, a journey, the closest approximation of what is desired, including with the help of magic, the intervention of the Gods. This is the establishment of contact and the joy of communication, a successful outcome of the event.

The road is a state of movement between Order and Chaos. The road has no beginning and end, but there is a Source, a Point of the first step and a Result. The well-known motto “do what you must and be what happens” is an excellent illustration of the Rainbow rune. The rainbow path has a heart, and the rune leads to Alatyr. The trajectory of the path, speed of movement and other parameters are determined by the eternal confrontation between the forces of Chernobog and Belbog, the harmonious influence of fire and water, light and darkness, day and night.

In the Scandinavian Futhark, the Alatyr rune corresponds to overall value: road, traveling to the Raido rune. However, the latter symbolizes the time on the journey, its very fact and the Path, sometimes a lifetime long. It is impossible to remain living on the Rainbow, for this path is opened by the Gods in exact time for a specific purpose.

5. Rune Need

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter N
Main meanings: Viy, Nav, Fate, Falsehood, inevitability

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: This is the rune of hellfire, causing pain to those who deserve such a fate. In a positive sense, it is the recognition of your problems, needs and desires, whatever they may be. In the negative - pressure and coercion, difficulties, captivity, poverty, a bitter and difficult existence. Turning to the rune is a connection with the dark face of Veles.

Need is the rune of Veles in the Image of Niya or otherwise Viy, the main God of the Lower World, Navi. Viy, a terrible god - his gaze burns all living things, but this fire does not give light and chains him, it gives a feeling of hopelessness and emptiness. But sometimes this fire is needed to turn the road in the direction you need. In magic, Need is a prohibition on any action or a prediction of material difficulties, bonds and chains of consciousness that close the true reality of the universe.

In Scandinavian Futhark, this Scandinavian rune corresponds to the meaning of Nautiz.

6. Rune of Krada

In the Slavic runic alphabet symbolizes the letters G and K
Basic meanings: Truth, Fire, Incarnation, action verb

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Krada is a sacrificial fire that is lit for the Gods not only when burning the dead, but also when offering demands, rituals and asking for advice or help in difficult matters. This fire burns, removes everything unnecessary, interfering, cleanses and opens the way. The most important meanings of Krada in work: deliverance, recognition, striving for a goal, knowledge and thirst to know, gratitude and choice.

In the Scandinavian Futhark, this rune most closely corresponds to Kveort. The same clear action - strong and irreversible, the same power of fire and embodiment Divine power and intention. Fire is a gift from the Gods to people, therefore, to some extent, the Scandinavian Kano and Gebo correspond to the meaning of the Slavic rune Krada. This is the rune of action, verb - the embodiment of the set goal and intentions. In magic, Krada cleanses channels, releases desires and helps to realize them.

7. Rune Treba

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter T
Main meanings: Warrior, sacrifice, fortitude

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: This is the rune of a warrior-wanderer on the road to the main thing - Alatyr. This is the rune of establishing your own rules, requirements and, if necessary, sacrifices. The rules are not broken in the game. It is their observance, careful study and adherence to them that leads to victory.

However, every game and achievement of victory implies rivalry, battle, competition - war. Overcoming difficulties, purpose, distribution of forces, their expenditure, achievements, skills, necessity - these are the main defining symbols of the Treba Word rune. Treba is similar in meaning to the Scandinavian rune Teyvaz. In northern tales there is such a legend: when the Gods caught Fernir - the Wolf, bringing with him Ragnarok, the end of the World, it was necessary to put strong fetters on the beast to protect him from his strength and actions. However, this could only be done by cunning. Promising Fernir that the Gods would only test the fetters and then remove them, Tyr put his hand in the wolf’s mouth as a pledge of the promised. The shackles were applied, but not removed, and Fernir bit off Tyru's hand. At this price, victory over Chaos and the continuation of Peace were achieved.

It is the inevitable sacrifice of something that Teyvaz and Treba mean. However, not a simple sacrifice, but a sacrifice of the most important thing - oneself. The Warrior of the Spirit, with the bright fire of such a sacrifice, defeats the shackles of consciousness and finds the way to Alatyr, who bestows Strength and Knowledge.

8. Rune Strength

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter C
Main meanings: Strength, gaining knowledge and integrity

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: It means absolutely any force acting on someone or something. It is also an effort made - an action that changes a situation or object. Beginning, impact, concentration, calling on Divine and elemental forces, calling and the ability to absorb the flow: all these are the key characteristics of this rune. In the Scandinavian Futhark, Strength in its meaning corresponds to the Soulu rune. For the Nords, strength is not only the opportunity and ability to change the whole world and oneself, but also following the chosen path without the shackles of consciousness, which separates thought and being. The Slavs also followed this logical interpretation and called the rune a symbol of victory over one’s fetters and the sacrifice of one’s external self for the sake of the present - the release of the Spirit and one’s own “I”. In magic, the use of this Slavic rune helps to direct the questioner on a short, victorious Path and clarify the question being asked, and make a decision to act.

9. Rune Wind

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter B
Main meanings: Veles, Wind, strength, sorcerer, knowledge

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: variability, destruction, ending, destruction, disaster, inspiration, dispelling, purification, possibilities, speed - this is where the power of the Wind lies. The main thing is to learn how to control it and use it carefully for your own purposes, setting the correct vector of movement. As a rule, in work it is used in combination with other runes specifically to clarify a positive or negative position, as well as to work with the inner self, improvement and development, calling the elements and using air energy. At the level of magic, the Wind rune symbolizes the magic circle and the power in it, creating a whirlwind and giving speed. This rune symbolizes the strength, wisdom, wealth and knowledge of Veles. Visually, it resembles a double Treb - the rune of the warrior of the Spirit. Just like Treba, the Wind symbolizes a wanderer on the way to the Alatyr stone, heading for results and Power. On an emotional level, the Wind is rage, inspiration, irresistible desire and action.

10. Rune Bereginya

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter B
Main meanings: Mother Makosh, Earth, Fate, birch

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Working with water and earth, gaining strength in a new endeavor, good luck, prosperity, well-being, solving all family issues and ending troubles, protection, justice and patronage - these are the main properties and meanings of the Bereginya rune. It is also famous for enhancing such qualities as female beauty, wisdom, cunning, maturity and fertility.

Bereginya is the maternal principle; in the Slavic Vedas this name meant the Goddess Makosh. Therefore, the rune of Mother Makosha Bereginya is in charge of both earthly fertility, which allows people to live, and human destinies in general. Since Mokosh has two hypostases - day and night, then this Slavic rune in an inverted meaning is not only a symbol of life, but also of death. Only in part of its meanings does it resemble the Scandinavian rune Berkan, as well as the image of Frigga, the Heavenly Mother and Hel, the Underground Mother. According to tradition, Mother Makosh both gives life to souls on earth and takes it away over time, weaving human destinies together with the help of Doli and Nedolya.

Bereginya is the rune of fate, since Makosh is sometimes considered a continuation of Veles, as a spouse, as well as a rune of the power of the element of earth - heavy, powerful and grateful for care.

11. Rune Oud

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter U
Main meanings: Yarovit, Yar, Yarilo, fire, love, passion, youth

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Oud symbolizes the son of Veles, Yarovit or son Scandinavian god Odin, Baldra. The rune carries its possible strength, making women feminine and all men masculine - Yar. In the Scandinavian Futhark, Oud corresponds to the Uruz rune and, in its meanings, also Inguz. This is a force that unites two opposite principles and gives birth new life, this is the fire of love and passion, creative flare and attraction. It is no coincidence that the word Oud is also perceived as a limb, a member, a phallus - a symbol of fertility and the transformation of Chaos, the transformation of emptiness into Being.

Yarilo is like the Oud rune - this is spring, this is flowering, the awakening of the living and joy. These are the passionate relationship between a couple, conception, warmth, growth, sex, desire, beauty and youth.

12. Rune Lelya

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter L
Main meanings: Lelya, love, water, attraction

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: Lelya, like the continuation of Lada, is youth, beauty, spring, clean streams and melting cold snow. Love, family, children, witchcraft, intuition, and joy are hidden in the meaning of the rune. In the magical aspect, Lelya awakens intuition and strength, setting off in search of the True. The Scandinavian futhark has a Laguz rune of similar meaning, and according to some criteria, this Slavic rune is similar to the action of Vunyo.

Since ancient times, Lelya was revered by her Slavic sons as the daughter of the Great Mother. From her name came many words with the same root, very warm and soft, the main ones in terms of power and meaning in a person’s life: lalya - child, cherish and others. Being the sister of Yarovit, who controls the element of fire, Lelya is connected with the element of water - clean and constantly moving, running along streams and rivers, feeding springs.

Under different names we meet Lelya as the goddess of strength in many cultures and legends: a sea or river maiden, the keeper of the Holy Grail and the paths to it, she leads as confidently and purposefully as a water stream flows, and nothing will stop her on the way to goals. It cannot be caught or imprisoned, but it envelops and flows, filling all living things with saving moisture, washing away sorrows and sorrows.

13. Rune Rock

In the Slavic runic alphabet it symbolizes the letter X
Main meanings: Rock, Spirit, fate, unknown, hidden

Translation and meaning of the Slavic rune: This is karma, predestination, fate, inevitability - this is Fate prepared by the Gods. This lack of options, exit, determination, but also an important event, hope for a better life.

MirSovetov a little earlier already initiated readers into the mystery of fortune telling with runes. And anyone who becomes interested in the art of rune divination will very quickly face the problem of how to interpret what the runes show. It seems that the vague meaning of each rune individually creates a rather vague picture as a whole. But in fact, the runes speak very, very transparently. You just need to learn to understand them. This is not at all difficult for someone who is ready to hear exactly what the runes say.
So, let’s assume that you have a set of runes, and you want to learn how to talk with them, understand their meanings and see with an unclouded eye the true meaning of what the runes say. I want to say right away that if runes for you are just dies carved out of wood with strange symbols, then you will not be able to talk to them. Please note that I do not use the word fortune telling in relation to runes - they are not created for fortune telling at all. They are created for conversation with oneself, with the Universe, with the world around a person. What language do the runes speak? Their language is very simple - it is a language that every child understands, a language in which the wind whispers, rustling poplar leaves in the night, a language in which rain speaks to the earth, irrigating it with life-giving drops of water. This is the language of poets and minstrels - words that carry the eternal fire of life itself. Anyone who wants to hear the runes and respond to them must be at least a little poet. There is no other way. Because the runes speak precisely the language of poetry.
What do the runes say? Each rune individually represents a symbol, a sign expressing a particular phenomenon. None of the runes, in isolation from everything else, has a clearly defined meaning. This is where one of the secrets of the runes is hidden. If, using any of them, you are trying to understand each rune separately, then this is a mistake. The runes, when they are laid out and open, represent a system, a conglomerate of meanings that, in synthesis, form the very thing that is true. And this correct meaning may differ significantly from the specific meaning of each rune. One cannot but agree that the meaning of two lines taken from a verse may seriously differ from its meaning as a whole. Exactly the same here. Each layout is a poem, which, in order to understand, must be read in its entirety, and not in fragments in random order.

Now about the meanings of the runes. Each rune has several meanings, all of which are not necessary to remember, at least at first. It is enough to have the meanings written down somewhere in a notebook, and remember only the main meaning of the rune, the core on which the other meanings are located. Good Master Rune will use the meanings written in the runes to interpret the runes. poetic form like the Vikings did. The verses can be written by him himself, but each verse must correspond completely to the meaning of the rune. The poet who writes these poems should not add anything to the original meaning that would contradict and distort the ancient, sacred meaning of the rune.
There are several runic poems written in ancient languages, but there is no good poetic translation into Russian. Therefore, the rune meanings below will be written in prose. And you can write the poems yourself!
The sixteen runes in the set have two positions - upright and inverted. But the meaning of a rune in an inverted position is by no means the opposite of the meaning of a rune in an upright position. Don't forget about it!
So, the runes and their meanings:

Man, mind, intellect, ego. Symbolizes a person as a free, self-sufficient being, capable of being fully responsible for his actions. Clarity of thought and action - this is the rune.
Inverted: A distorted mirror of its upright position. Excessive, the inability to use other people's gifts while giving something of one's own. Arrogance, isolation from others - this is what Mannaz means in an inverted position.

Rune of gift and answer. Rune of the unity of opposites and harmony. Rune of partnership. The meaning can be receiving a gift and giving something as a gift.

Rune of the road. Rune of wanderers. The rune of those who are on the way. For those for whom the saying Via est vita (Latin: “The road is life”) is true, this rune itself will be a talisman that brings good luck and shows the right path.
Reversed: Inconsistency of the path with Desire. Movement does not always lead to a certain destination. However, maybe before you move, you should decide where you are actually going?

Ice, winter. Rune of stopping, cold, slowing down all processes. Stagnation, stagnation. However, along with fire in the Nordic tradition, ice is also the principle that gives birth to life.
It does not have an inverted position.

Rune of fertility, strength. A beautiful rune dedicated to the god Frey. Symbolizes male fertile power, phallus, light, energy.
It does not have an inverted position.

Rune of growth. Birch. Rune of eternal birth, development from within. This rune says: There is always at least some growth. You just need to feel it.
Any growth, any change must be carefully prepared. Only very strong plants can grow on uncultivated land. Do you have the power to evolve without preparing for that development?

Day. Very Light rune. Prosperity, well-being, strength. It can also be a symbol of breakthrough, transformation, change for the better.

The one that leads takes away with her and with her. Running water, an ever-flowing stream - this is the meaning of this rune. May be associated with the patronage of the gods, intuition and guidance on the path.
Reversed: Indicates the inability to draw from the source of intuitive wisdom, warns of excessive effort. To go with the flow, you need to make efforts only to stay on the surface.

Rune of joy, beauty and good luck. Rune of well-being and prosperity.
Joy and luck may not come immediately. For fruits to ripen, they need to grow. The reversed position of Vunyo may indicate the need to work to achieve the required goals.

Sun. Victory. Rune of favorable results. Rune of power, integrity. Rune of gaining strength and energy. Symbolizes the will to win and the favorable completion of creative endeavors.
It does not have an inverted position.

Torch. The rune of fire as a source of energy and cleansing power. Rune of embodiment and revelation. Associated with the formation of activity and giving the action the required strength. In ancient times, the Kano rune was used in healing magic.
Inverted: Old connections are burning out, new ones have not yet grown. Maybe it's time to burn something inside yourself and be a vessel waiting to be filled.

Rune of protection. The rune of the protection of the gods, associated with Geimdal, the Guardian of the Gods - the protector of the human world from attacks on it from the outside.
Reversed: Protection is only for those who are ready to accept it. Moderation and courtesy will save you from unnecessary troubles.

Harvest, year. Rune of fruitful completion, cyclical circulation. The concept of the year here symbolizes a cycle that ends with a rich harvest.
The rune does not have an inverted position.

One of the most sacred Futhark runes. The rune has a direct connection with Odin, as well as with the insidious and cunning Loki. This is the rune of poetry and magic, discoveries and accidents, surprises and meetings. The rune is associated with the Ygdrazil ash tree, which permeates all worlds and connects them with each other.
If the spring is littered, then you need to start cleaning it. Difficulties usually benefit those who are willing to deal with them. What seems difficult is actually quite possible if you approach the task with the necessary diligence.

Inheritance, divergence. The rune is a symbol of home, family, clan, traditions. In the sense of divergence, it should be understood as separation necessary to preserve one's own integrity.
In an inverted position: It is required to free oneself from previous conventions, previous restrictions, previous authorities. It is worth thinking not only about your problems, but also about the problems of other people. Reluctance to accept the obvious can cause harm to yourself and others.

Hail. Rune of destruction, riot of nature. Associated with volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes. But we should not forget that sometimes in order to build something new, the old must be completely destroyed.
The rune does not have an inverted position.

Rune of defense, rune of attack and overcoming obstacles. May be associated with death or communication with the lower world.
The rune does not have an inverted position.

Rune of possession, rune of well-being. Associated with elemental energies, such as Chinese qi or Indian prana.
Reversed: Presages the loss of something, a loss. Big or small, in any area of ​​life.

Rune of magical initiation, death and subsequent rebirth. The symbol of this rune is the Phoenix, burning and reborn. The rune is associated with Frigg, the goddess of knowledge and power, wife of Odin.
Reversed: Time to change. Burn like a phoenix and be reborn again. It is not permissible to continue along the same path; it has exhausted itself.

Horse. Rune of change in movement. Rune of progress, rune of progress. This rune has quite a few interpretations; it can mean movement, development, victory over death, and the transition between worlds. The rune has male character and is associated with the god Odin, and sometimes with Frey.
Reversed: Your true chance for success may be to stop moving. Everything must be on time. Is your movement timely?

Need. Rune of coercion, suffering, limited opportunities. Associated with the Nordic concepts of Fate and Rock. By the way, they say that even the gods have no control over fate.
Reversed: Certain conclusions can be drawn from any situation. A problem that has become a stone wall may simply turn out to be a lesson in Life.

The rune is dedicated to Tyr, the god of war and justice. Honesty and openness are the characteristics of this rune. Following the call of your heart, no matter what, the desire for justice - this is the meaning of this rune.
Reversed: Requires careful examination of one's motives. Do you want to achieve victory or something else? Hasty action here can be fraught with danger. If a certain union must be dissolved, then the time has come for its dissolution.

Bison The rune of power, magical and vital energy, yari - the driving force of combat and erotic inspiration and ecstasy; Moreover, in the energy of this rune both masculine and feminine. The rune of action and success that comes when power is used for its intended purpose.

A powerful but very heavy rune. Has three aspects. The first is associated with the giant, Thurs, a creature from the most ancient generation of gods. Hence the power of the rune. The second aspect is the god Thor. The outlines of the rune thoroughly repeat the shape of the representation of Thor's hammer - Mjolnir. The third aspect of the rune is the Gate. In some understanding, the rune can be taken as a symbol of initiation into warriors.
Reversed: Indicates accelerated development. But even then, there may be moments of pause in which it will be useful to rethink the surrounding reality.

An empty rune is not required in the set. Moreover, some Rune Masters claim that it violates the harmony of all other runes. However, it's up to you. Whether to include it in the kit or not is up to you. The meaning of the rune is very simple. She personifies the unknown, everything that is beyond the limit, beyond everyday life.

So, the meanings of the runes are open and the runes seem to be about to speak. We should not forget, however, that the translation of the word “rune” into Russian means “secret”. And some secrets will never be revealed. Runes are ready to speak to anyone who is ready to hear them, regardless of views, nationality or hair color. The main thing is to be a little poet and be able to hear at least something other than your own self.
