Constant and inconstant signs of a noun. Constant and inconstant signs of a verb

Basic features of a noun.

· Grammatical meaning noun- the general meaning of the subject, everything that can be said about this subject: this What ? Or Who ? This part of speech can mean the following:

1) Name of objects and things ( table, ceiling, pillow, spoon);

2) Names of substances ( gold, water, air, sugar);

3) Names of living beings ( dog, person, child, teacher);

4) Names of actions and states ( murder, laughter, sadness, sleep);

5) The name of natural and life phenomena ( rain, wind, war, holiday);

6) Names of signs and abstract properties ( whiteness, freshness, blue).

· Syntactic feature noun is the role it occupies in a sentence. Most often, a noun acts as a subject or object. But in some cases, nouns can also act as other members of a sentence.

Mother prepares very tasty borscht (subject).

Borscht is prepared from beets, cabbage, potatoes and others vegetables (addition).

Beetroot is vegetable red, sometimes purple (nominal predicate).

Beet from the garden– the most useful (definition).

Mother- cook knows how to surprise her household at the table, mom- Friend knows how to listen and console (application).

Also, a noun in a sentence can act as appeals:

Mother, I need your help!

· By lexical basis nouns can be of two types:

1. Common nouns are words that mean general concepts or call the class of objects: chair, knife, dog, earth.

2. Proper names- these are words meaning single objects, which include names, surnames, names of cities, countries, rivers, mountains (and other geographical names), names of animals, names of books, films, songs, ships, organizations, historical events etc: Barsik, Weaver, Titanic, Europe, Sahara and etc.

Features of proper names in Russian:

1. Proper names are always written with a capital letter.

2. Proper names have only one number form.

3. Proper names can consist of one or more words: Alla, Viktor Ivanovich Popov, “Loneliness on the Internet”, Kamensk-Uralsky.

4. Titles of books, magazines, ships, films, paintings, etc. written in quotation marks and with a capital letter: “Girl with Peaches”, “Mtsyri”, “Aurora”, “Science and Technology”.

5. Proper names can become common nouns, and common nouns can become proper names: Boston - boston (type of dance), truth - newspaper "Pravda".

· By type of designated objects nouns are divided into two categories:

1. Animate nouns– those nouns that denote the names of living nature (animals, birds, insects, people, fish). This category of nouns answers the question "Who?": father, puppy, whale, dragonfly.

2. Inanimate nouns– those nouns that relate to real things and answer the question "What?": wall, board, machine gun, ship and etc.

Note. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.
1) Mainly animate nouns are masculine and female gender. There are very few animate neuter nouns ( child, animal, face meaning "person" mammal, insect, monster, creature in the meaning of “living organism”, monster).

2) Animate and inanimate nouns have features in declension:

For animate nouns in the plural, the accusative case form coincides with the genitive case form (for animate nouns male 2nd declension and singular): V.p. plural = R.p. plural

Wed: mother - I see mothers(plural v.p.), no mothers(plural R.p.); father - I see fathers(plural v.p.), no fathers(plural R.p.); I see my father(singular v.p.), no father(units R.p.);

For inanimate nouns in the plural, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the nominative case (for masculine nouns of the 2nd declension and in the singular, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the nominative case): V.p. plural = I.p. plural

Wed: country - I see countries(plural v.p.), there are countries here(plural I.p.); stone - I see stones(plural v.p.), there are stones here(plural I.p.); I see a stone(singular v.p.), there is a stone here(singular part I.p.).

3) The division of nouns into animate and inanimate does not always coincide with the scientific idea of ​​living and inanimate nature. For example, the noun regiment denotes a collection of people, but it is an inanimate noun (V.p. = I.p.: I see a regiment - there is a regiment here). The same can be observed in the example of the noun microbe. From the point of view of biology, this is part of living nature, but the noun microbe is inanimate (V.p. = I.p.: I see a microbe - there is a microbe here). The nouns dead and corpse are synonymous, but the noun dead is animate (V.p. = R.p.: I see a dead man - no dead man), and the noun corpse is inanimate (V.p. = I.p.: I see a corpse - there is a corpse here).

· By value nouns can be divided into four types:

Real– a type of noun naming substances: air, dirt, ink, sawdust etc. This type of noun has only one number form - the one we know. If a noun has a singular form, then it cannot have a plural form and vice versa. The number, size, volume of these nouns can be adjusted using cardinal numerals: little, a lot, a little, two tons, cubic meter and etc.

Specific– nouns that name specific units of objects of living or inanimate nature: man, pillar, worm, door. These nouns change in number and combine with numerals.

Collective- these are nouns that generalize many identical objects into one name: many warriors - army, many leaves - foliage etc. This category of nouns can only exist in the singular and cannot be combined with cardinal numerals.

Abstract (abstract)- these are nouns that name abstract concepts that do not exist in the material world: suffering, joy, love, grief, fun.

Declension of nouns

Declension- this is a change in nouns (and other nominal parts of speech) by cases And numbers.

In russian language

two numbers: the only thing (window, desk) And plural (windows, desks);

· six cases (according to the school curriculum).

How to determine the case of nouns (and other nominal parts of speech)?

· To determine the case of a noun, you need to ask it a question from the word to which the noun refers: Think(about whom?) about mom , No(what?) rain .

· Then you need to use the table “Cases. Case questions" (see above), see which case it corresponds to asked question:Think(about whom?)about mom - prepositional; No (what?) rain- Genitive.


· Each case corresponds to two questions (the first is for animate nouns, the second is for inanimate).

· Case names and case questions should be memorized, since the ability to determine case is one of the most important basic skills for students of the Russian language.

How to determine the declension of nouns?

All nouns can be divided into seven groups, which will have the same endings (forms) when declined by case and number, i.e. There are seven types of noun declension:

-1st declension Feminine, masculine and common nouns with endings -а, -я ( spring A, earth I, lines I, uncle I, lords A, dirty I);

-2nd declension Masculine noun with zero ending

(house ABOUT, edge ABOUT, ball ABOUT, planetarium ABOUT);

All nouns ending in -o, -e( windows O, floor e, suspect e - s.r.; wolves e, journeyman e - m.r.);

-3rd declination Feminine nouns ending in zero ( mother ABOUT, daughter ABOUT, night ABOUT, steppe ABOUT);

-Indeclinable nouns(have endings of different declensions)

Ten neuter nouns ending in -мя (ending -я);

nouns way, child (time, burden, stirrup, tribe, flame (flame- outdated ), banner, crown, seed, name, udder; path, dit);

-Nouns inflected according to the adjectival type(so-called substantivized nouns) Nouns formed from adjectives and participles by moving from one part of speech to another

(private, comma, animal, duty officer, canteen, ice cream);

-Several nouns inflected according to the pronominal type Nouns formed from pronouns by moving from one part of speech to another or inflected like pronouns ( draw, cables(unit of measurement);

Immutable nouns Nouns that do not have endings (their case and number are determined by context) ( drive(in what?) V Taxi (pp. units), parked(What?) Taxi (I.p. plural); coat, coffee, radio, cinema)

· To determine the declension of a noun, it must be placed in initial form(i.e. in the nominative singular) and determine which type of declension of the seven above this noun belongs to.

· If a noun does not have a singular form, then it does not belong to any of the types of declension: sleigh, trousers, scissors.


· Noun Human has different roots in singular and plural ( person people), therefore has different types Declension in singular and plural:

Human(singular) - declined as a 2nd declension noun;
People(plural) - declined as a 3rd declension noun.

· Most nouns are classified into the first three types of declension.

· Types of declension should be memorized, since the ability to determine declension is one of the basic skills for students of the Russian language.

Declension patterns for nouns

Nouns have a set of morphological features. Some of them are permanent (or unchangeable). Others, on the contrary, are impermanent (or changeable). Unchangeable features relate to the entire word as a whole, and changeable features refer to the forms of the word. So noun Natalia- animate, own, f.r., 1 text. No matter what form it takes, these signs will remain. Noun Natalia may be in the form of units. and many more numbers, in different cases. Number and case are inconsistent symptoms nouns In the illustration, dotted lines lead to such unstable or variable morphological characters. It is necessary to learn to distinguish which signs are constant and which are not constant.

Common nouns – proper nouns

This is the division of nouns according to their meaning. Common nouns denote homogeneous objects, i.e. any object from their series, and proper nouns name a separate specific object.
Compare nouns:

· child, country, river, lake, fairy tale, turnip – common nouns

· Alexey, Russia, Volga, Baikal, “Turnip” - own

Common nouns are varied. Their ranks by value:

· specific: table, computer, document, mouse, notebook, fishing rod

abstract (abstract): surprise, joy, fear, happiness, miracle

· real: iron, gold, water, oxygen, milk, coffee

collective: youth, foliage, nobility, spectator

Proper nouns include names of people, names of animals, geographical names, names of works of literature and art, etc.: Alexander, Sashka, Sashenka, Zhuchka, Ob, Ural, “Teenager”, “Kolobok” and so on.

Animation - inanimateness

Animate nouns name “living” objects, while inanimate nouns name non-living objects.

· Animated: mother, father, child, dog, ant, Kolobok (fairy tale hero acting as a living person)

· Inanimate: orange, ocean, war, lilac, program, toy, delight, laughter

For morphology it is important that

· in plural in animate nouns
Near the school I saw familiar girls and boys (vin. fall. = born. fall.), and for inanimate nouns wine form pad. matches the form. pad.: I love books and films (vin. pad. = im. pad.)

· singular in animate nouns of the masculine gender wine form pad. coincides with the form of the genus. pad.:
The fox saw Kolobok (vin. fall. = born. fall.), and for inanimate nouns the masculine gender wine form pad. matches the form. pad.: I baked a bun (vin. pad. = named pad.)

The remaining nouns have the forms im., vin. and family cases differ.

Means, sign of animate-inanimate can be determined not only based on the meaning, but also on the set of word endings.

Gender of nouns is a permanent morphological feature. Nouns do not change according to gender.

There are three genders in Russian: male, female And average. The sets of endings for nouns of different genders differ.
In animate nouns, classification as masculine or feminine is motivated by gender, since words denote male or female persons: father - mother, brother - sister, husband - wife, man - woman, boy - girl etc. The grammatical sign of gender is correlated with gender.
For inanimate nouns, the belonging of a word to one of the three genders is not motivated. Words ocean, sea, river, lake, pondvarious kinds, and the gender is not determined by the meaning of the words.

The morphological indicator of the genus is the endings.
If the word ends:

a, y, or a, om, e in the singular and s, ov, am, s or ov, ami, ah, then this is a masculine noun

a, s, e, y, oh, e in singular and s, am or s, ami, ah, then this is a feminine noun

o, a, y, o, om, e in the singular and a, am, a, ami, ah, then a neuter noun.

Do all nouns belong to one of the three genders?

No. There is a small group of amazing nouns. They are interesting because they can refer to both male and female persons. These are the words: smart girl glutton, sleepyhead, greedy, crybaby, ignorant, ignorant, mean, bully, slob, mean, bungler, scoundrel, daredevil and so on. The form of such words coincides with the form of feminine words: they have the same set of endings. But the syntactic compatibility is different.
In Russian you can say:
She's so smart! AND: He's so smart! The meaning of the gender of an animate person can be determined by the form of the pronoun (as in our example) or adjective or verb in the past tense: Sonya woke up. AND: Sonya woke up. Such nouns are called common nouns.

Common nouns do not include words that name professions. You may already know that many of them are masculine nouns: doctor, driver, engineer, economist, geologist, philologist and so on. But they can designate both male and female persons. My mother - good doctor. My father is a good doctor. Even if the word names a female person, then adjectives and verbs in the past tense can be used in both the masculine and feminine gender: The doctor has arrived. AND: The doctor has arrived.

How to determine the gender of unchangeable words?

There are unchangeable nouns in the language. All of them are borrowed from other languages. In Russian they have a gender. How to determine the genus? It's not difficult if you understand what the word means. Let's look at examples:

Monsieur - Madame– for words denoting an animate person, gender corresponds to gender.

Kangaroo, chimpanzee- words naming animals, male.

Tbilisi, Sukhumi– words – names of cities – male.

Congo, Zimbabwe– words – names of states – neuter.

Mississippi, Yangtze– words – names of rivers – female.

Coat, muffler– words denoting inanimate objects are more often neuter.

Are there any exceptions? Eat. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful about unchangeable words and remember how they are used. Gender is expressed not by the ending (indeclinable words do not have endings), but by the form of other words that are related to the unchangeable noun in meaning and grammatically. These can be adjectives, pronouns or verbs in the past tense. For example:

Mississippi wide and deep.

Short adjectives in the form of zh.r. indicate that the word Mississippi w.r.


Declension is a type of word change. Nouns change according to number and case. Number and case are variable morphological features. Depending on what forms the word has in different numbers and cases, in totality of all possible forms, nouns belong to one of the declensions.

Nouns have three declensions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The vast majority of Russian nouns are nouns of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd declension. The type of declension is a constant, unchangeable morphological feature of nouns.

The 1st declension includes feminine and masculine words with endingsA, I in its initial form.
Examples: mom, dad, grandpa, water, earth, Anna, Anya, lecture - ending [a].

The 2nd declension includes masculine words with zero endings and neuter words with endingsO , e in its initial form.
Examples: father, brother, house, Alexander, sea, lake, building - ending [e] , genius, Alexey.

The 3rd declension includes feminine words ending in zero in its initial form.
Examples: mother, mouse, night, news, rye, lie.

Initial form- this is the form of the word in which it is usually recorded in dictionaries. For nouns, this is the nominative singular form.

Pay attention to the words traditionally called nouns onyeah, yeah , th: lecture, building, genius.

How to correctly mark the endings in such words?

Do you remember that the letters I And e, which are written at the end of such feminine and neuter nouns after vowels, and the letter And - does a vowel represent two sounds? Lecture– [iya’a], building– [i’e], and the sound [i’] is the last consonant of the base. So, in words like lecture ending [a], in words like building– [e], and in words like genius– zero ending.

Therefore, feminine nouns: lecture, station, demonstration belong to the 1st declension, and masculine: genius and average: building- to the 2nd.

In this article we will talk about such a part of speech as a noun. More specifically, we will talk about what grammatical features of a noun are, what part of speech it is, and what is generally characteristic of it. Let's talk about how morphological analysis of nouns is carried out, what cases they have, how to determine the declension of nouns. Of course, for each point we will give relevant examples that will help you understand the material.

Noun as part of speech

A noun is a part of speech that answers questions about a subject - “Who?” So what?". The grammatical features of a noun include characteristic questions.

Let's make a small note right away. A noun as a part of speech can be divided according to several criteria. It can be animate (people, animals, and so on) and inanimate (flowers, trees, and so on). In addition, nouns are divided into proper (names of people, names of animals, names of cities and other similar objects, rivers, mountains) and common nouns (words we use in Everyday life, names of objects: mug, spoon, and so on). After all, nouns are divided into three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. They have corresponding endings, but this will be discussed a little later.

A noun as a part of speech can be changed by case. However, you cannot change the same word by gender. Changes in numbers are also possible: the noun can be singular, or it can be plural.

Initial form

The grammatical features of a noun include several parameters. These include case and number. But according to these criteria, you can create the initial form of a noun. To do this, the word must be placed in the singular and also in the nominative case. That is, the initial form of a noun can be considered the words: bird, spoon, bed, and so on. All of them satisfy the requirements for the initial form of a noun.

As mentioned earlier, a noun answers the questions “Who?” So what". In most cases, subjects and objects are expressed by a noun in sentences. Of course, they can also be expressed by other parts of speech, but it is the noun that accounts for greatest number cases. An option with a definition that is not isolated is also possible. It is possible that a circumstance will also be expressed by a noun.

Noun: proper and common noun

The grammatical features of a noun include division into proper and common nouns. Proper nouns are basically names of persons. As a rule, these are single items. What can be classified as proper nouns? Of course, first names, patronymics, last names of people, names of pets, etc. This also applies to geographical objects. For example, Krasnodar region, Mount Everest, Volga River. This list contains various astronomical names, for example, the names of stars and constellations, planets (Sun, Neptune, and so on). The list of proper names ends with the names of companies, works of art and culture, names of magazines and newspapers, transport models, and so on.

Moving on to common nouns, we note that they can be obtained from proper nouns by replacing them with synonyms. In addition, examples can be given from physics when the name of a scientist became a unit of measurement (in this case, it is written with a small letter).

Noun: animate and inanimate

The grammatical features of a noun include a number of criteria. These factors are also on their list. Animate nouns denote living beings, that is, they are applied to people, animals, and so on. Everything else - nature, plants, rivers, seas, planets - are inanimate nouns. These also include items that we use in everyday life: dishes, clothes, etc.

As we said earlier, a noun answers the questions “Who” and “What?”. The first question applies to animate nouns, the second, on the contrary, to inanimate nouns.

Noun: singular and plural

If only one subject is spoken about, then the forms of the noun assume a singular number. This is, in principle, logical. If it is said about several objects at once, for example, that there were “blue, white, red balls,” then in this case the plural of the noun “balls” is spoken of.

There are cases when the forms of a noun suggest the use of the word in only one number. That is, it can only be singular or only plural, and nothing else.

Words used only in the singular

Examples include the so-called collective nouns. They can only have a singular form: children, humanity. In addition, the list of similar nouns includes objects that have a material meaning, such as iron, platinum, asphalt, steel, milk and others. In the singular, signs and states are used: anger, joy, hatred, youth, darkness, burning, fulfillment. There are also exception words that are used only in the singular.

Words used only in the plural

The names of paired items, such as shorts and trousers, pants and glasses, are considered plural. Materials and residues also refer to the plural: sawdust, pasta, yeast, cream. The names of games, such as blind man's buff, hide and seek, and periods of time - vacations, days - also cannot be used in the singular. The list of nouns that are used only in the plural is completed by states of nature, exceptions to geographical names and names of actions: frosts, troubles, negotiations, Athens, Sokolniki, Alps mountains.

Noun: cases

The endings of nouns depend on which case the word is in. There are 6 cases in total.

  1. The nominative, which helps form the initial form of a noun, answers the questions “Who?” So what?".
  2. Genitive - for the questions “Who?”, “What?”.
  3. The dative case answers the questions “To whom?” and “What?”
  4. Accusative is a “mixture” of genitive and nominative cases. His questions are “Whom”, “What?”.
  5. The instrumental case has the questions “By whom?”, “With what?”.
  6. The prepositional case completes the list. Nouns placed in this case answer the questions “About whom?” and “About what?”

The first question of each case is asked to the animate noun. The second, therefore, is inanimate. You can determine the case of a noun by asking a question. To do this, first look for the word with which it is associated necessary noun, and then the corresponding question is asked.

Noun: declension

The endings of nouns also depend on case, but not only on it. Along with number and case, gender is another factor on which they depend. In general, in some way it itself consists of separate criteria. This factor is the declension of nouns.”

You can decline a noun by changing its cases. There are three declensions in the Russian language. The first includes nouns belonging to the feminine gender. They must be singular and end in -a or -ya. This also includes masculine nouns that denote people. They have the same endings.

The second declension includes in its list nouns belonging to the masculine gender, as well as the neuter gender. In this case, masculine nouns must end in -о, -е or have a zero ending. Neuter nouns in the nominative case must also end in -о and -е.

The third declension contains feminine nouns. They have a zero ending when placed in the singular and nominative case.

Noun: indeclinable words

In the Russian language there are nouns that are called indeclinable. These are ten nouns that have neuter gender(burden, time, seed, crown, flame, stirrup, banner, tribe, name, udder). Also included here is the noun “path”. In certain cases (namely, dative, prepositional), these words have endings that are characteristic of third declension nouns. But if you put them in the instrumental case, they will take the endings of the second declension.

Noun: indeclinable words

If, when placed in all cases, a noun has only the same ending, then it is an indeclinable noun. Examples: radio, coffee, jury, Sochi.

Noun: morphological analysis

The first point in morphological analysis is to establish the part of speech. The second part includes the indication of morphological characteristics. This is placing a word in its initial form, indicating such constant features as a proper name or a common noun, animate or inanimate, indicating the gender of the noun, its declension. The next sub-item for indicating morphological characteristics is variable characteristics. This is the case and number of the word. Well, morphological analysis consists of indicating the syntactic role of the word.


The presence of almost all analyzed criteria that determine this part speech is characteristic of many languages, one of which is ours, Russian. The noun occupies a very important place in it and plays a big role.


" Noun. Permanent

and fickle

morphological features of nouns."

Subject : Meeting of the Academic Council on the topic “Noun. Permanent and non-permanent

morphological features of a noun."

Target: to form an idea of ​​the constant and unstable morphological features of nouns;systematize knowledge about nouns, to intensify the cognitive activity of children through group work;

cultivate a sense of collectivism, instill interest in the Russian language.

Equipment: cards with tasks, feedback tools, blank sheets for the work of scientific departments, presentation.
Lesson organization : Desks are arranged so that students can sit in groups.

During the classes.

I . Organizing time
Teacher's opening speech.
Today we will hold a meeting of the Academic Council with you. For 60 minutes you turn into academics and professors. Each group of scientists, which includes a rapporteur, co-rapporteur, opponent, secretary and consultants, will defend its point of view. I wish you success at our meeting and invite you to join hands and wish each other success. Show us in what mood you are starting our meeting.

II.Updating background knowledge


    comprehensively test students’ knowledge of a noun as a part of speech; identify gaps in knowledge and skills;

    train in finding nouns;

    develop spelling vigilance, attention, thinking, imagination

So, the meeting begins.

I've been living in this world for a long time

I give names to objects. (noun)

« Noun

this is the bread of the tongue »

( Lev Uspensky).

Read the epigraph to our meeting

1) Teacher’s questions to the epigraph

Explain the meaning of the word "bread". Consider the role bread plays in people's lives.

Explain the meaning of the word "language".

What does the expression “bread of the tongue” mean? Explain how you understand this statement?

Using the right of the chairman of the academic council, I give permission to begin work on revealing the topic of this meeting.

During the scientific council, I propose to show all your knowledge and skills on this issue, to work actively, and, if necessary, help each other.
At the beginning of the meeting we will hold preliminary debates on this topic:
-What is a noun? (I believe, I think)

Your opinion?

What does a noun mean?

What questions does a noun answer?

What member of the sentence is it?

2)Speech by the speaker

Speaker (Parhomenko D.)

The noun is the oldest and most important part of speech. In terms of the number of words, a noun is the most representative part of speech. Almost every second word in our speech is a noun. Even primitive people, exploring nature, named surrounding objects and phenomena. The whole world of faces, animals and plants, natural phenomena, cities, rivers - everything was named and has its own name. And all this is a noun.

And now I suggest we stretch our fingers.

III. Gymnastics for fingers.

IV. A minute of penmanship.

What letter are we talking about now? (it is hidden in the word noun, it means a consonant, paired, hard, voiceless, in this word this sound occurs twice)


Working with a dictionary.

Write down all nouns starting with the letter S from the dictionary (fireworks, freedom, secret, soldier)

Prove that these are nouns.

What words did you not write down? (today now)

Why? Prove it.


What else can you say about a noun? (list morphological characteristics)

What have you just listed?

V. Message of the topic, setting the goal of the lesson.


    To form an idea of ​​constant and unstable morphological features of nouns.

    develop the skill of self-control.

Dear gentlemen, scientists, what can you call everything that you have listed? (morphological characteristics)

What two groups can all these morphological characteristics be divided into?

? (permanent) ?(non-permanent)

1. Proper - common noun Number

2. Animate – inanimate Case

3. Rod

4. Declension

Dear scientists, what is the main topic of our meeting today.

(2 groups of signs of nouns) (constant and non-constant signs of nouns.

What goals do we set for ourselves? (What are the names of the first group of signs and the second group of signs) (find out which signs are constant and which are unstable)

Learning new material

There are cards on your table. Each of them contains two sentences, each of which contains two words similar in form, but different in meaning. Write down the sentences in your notebook, using all spelling rules.

Task No. 1

(work in groups), (own and common nouns), (multi-level cards).

1).Write down the sentences following all spelling rules.



What two groups can words that are similar in form be divided into?

(proper and common nouns)

2).Find and correct errors.

Magazine, Jupiter, Africa, Dandelion, Butterfly, Kyiv, Yesenin, Poland.

What rule does Dunno not know?

Are proper nouns always capitalized or not?

Are common nouns always capitalized or not?

3. Make up the letters of each common noun proper noun. Write it down in your notebook.

Game - Riga; Lego - Oleg; solo – Oslo (capital of Narway). ( Solo ( Solo- one) - performance of the entire work or its leading part with one voice or instrument. The performer of such a solo part is called.)


Task No. 2 (work according to the textbook exercise 3) dictionary p. 141

Animated inanimate

Trumpeter tractor

Rich Kalach

Circus performer crying

Weaver kuma′ch

Strongman sword

Doctor brick

Reckless ray

Tsarevich hoop

Moskvich key


How do you understand what it iskumach ? (work with explanatory dictionary)

Kumach is a bright red cotton fabric.

Do you think these are permanent or inconsistent signs? Your opinion.


Task No. 3 (gender, declension)

(Group work with a card.) Find the extra word in each line and underline it. (Each student discusses the card with the group)

Find and underline one extra word in each line.

Heart, young man , desire, grief, tin.

Lake , breakdown, meeting, friendship, walking.

Helicopter, knocking, treat , scrap metal, musician.


Dragonfly, man, fable, glass , uncle.

Speed, oil, youth, note , rye, blizzard.

Tie, grain, heart, young man, noise.


What word is missing in the first line? Prove it.

What word is missing in the second line? Prove it.

What word is missing in the third line? Prove it.

How to determine declination?

Is the declension of nouns a constant or inconsistent feature? Prove it.

Is the gender of nouns a constant or inconsistent feature? Prove it.



Variable morphological features of nouns

What features of nouns have we not yet considered? (number, case)

Do you think the number of a noun is a constant or inconsistent attribute?

Prove your point. (3-4 examples orally)

What do you think the case refers to, which features are permanent or unstable? Prove it.


VI. Physical exercise.


    avoid overload and fatigue of students,

Task No. 4

Work from the textbook p. 12 exercise. 6.


VII. Summarizing

Gentlemen scientists, remind me of the topic of our meeting today.

What tasks did we set for ourselves?

Do you think we have achieved our goals?

VIII. Reflection


    Inform students about homework,

    explain the methodology for its implementation

Goal: provide an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work

Please indicate at what stage you are after our meeting.

I want to thank all members of our academic council for their active participation. Who in your group would you like to thank for their assistance at our meeting?

Include in the envelope the smiley face with the mood with which you are leaving our meeting.

noun e - this is independent significant part speech that combines words that

1) have a generalized meaning of objectivity and answer the questions who? or what?;

2) are proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate, have a constant gender sign and inconsistent (for most nouns) number and case signs;

3) in a sentence they most often act as subjects or objects, but can be any other members of the sentence.

Noun- this is a part of speech, when highlighted, the grammatical features of words come to the fore. As for the meaning of nouns, this is the only part of speech that can mean anything: an object (table), a person (boy), an animal (cow), a sign (depth), an abstract concept (conscience), an action (singing) , relation (equality). From the point of view of meaning, these words are united by the fact that they can be asked the question who? or what?; This, in fact, is their objectivity.

Common nouns designate objects without distinguishing them from the class of the same type (city, river, girl, newspaper).

Proper nouns designate objects, distinguishing them from the class of homogeneous objects, individualizing them (Moscow, Volga, Masha, Izvestia). It is necessary to distinguish proper names from proper names - ambiguous names of individualized objects (“Evening Moscow”). Proper names do not necessarily include given name(Moscow State University).

Animate and inanimate nouns

Nouns have a constant morphological sign of animation.

The sign of animacy of nouns is closely related to the concept of living / inanimate. Nevertheless, animacy is not a category of meaning, but a morphological feature itself.

Animacy as a morphological feature also has formal means of expression. Firstly, animateness/inanimateness is expressed by the endings of the noun itself:

1) animate nouns have the same plural endings. numbers V. p. and R. p., and for nouns husband. This also applies to units. number;

2) inanimate nouns have the same plural endings. numbers V. p. and I. p., and for nouns husband. This also applies to units. number.

The animacy of most nouns reflects a certain state of affairs in extra-linguistic reality: animate nouns are mainly called living beings, and inanimate are inanimate objects, but there are cases of violation of this pattern:

fluctuation in animation

an object cannot be both living and non-living:
alive but inanimate

1) a collection of living beings:

(I see)armies, crowds, peoples ;

2) plants, mushrooms:

(gather)chanterelles ;

inanimate but animate

1) toys in the form of a person:

(I see)dolls, nesting dolls, tumblers ;

2) figures of some games:

(play)kings, queens ;

3) deceased:

(I see)dead, drowned , Butdead body (inanimate);

4) fictional creatures:

(I see)mermaids, goblins, brownies.

Nouns have a constant morphological gender marker and relate to male, female or neuter.

Masculine, feminine and neuter gender include words with the following compatibility:

Some nouns with the ending -a, denoting characteristics, properties of persons, in I. p. have a double gender characterization depending on the gender of the designated person:

your ignoramus has come,

your ignoramus came.

Such nouns belong to the general gender.

Nouns are plural only (cream, scissors) do not belong to any of the genders, since in the plural the formal differences between nouns of different genders are not expressed (cf.: desks - tables).

Nouns change according to number and case. Most nouns have singular and plural forms ( city ​​- cities, village - villages). However, some nouns have either only a singular form (for example, peasantry, asphalt, combustion), or only the plural form (for example, scissors, railings, everyday life, Luzhniki).

Case as a morphological feature of nouns

Nouns change by case, that is, they have an inconsistent morphological sign of number.

There are 6 cases in the Russian language: nominative (I. p.), genitive (R. p.), dative (D. p.), accusative (V. p.), instrumental (T. p.), prepositional (P. P.). These case forms are diagnosed in the following contexts:

I. p.who is this? What?

R. p. no one? what?

D. p.happy for whom? what?

V. p. see who? What?

T.p.proud of whom? how?

P.P. I'm thinking about whom? how?

The endings of different cases are different depending on which declension the noun belongs to.

Declension of nouns

Changing nouns by case is called declension.

TO I declension include nouns husband. and wives kind with ending I. p. unit. numbers -a(-i), including words ending in -i: mom-a, dad-a, earth-ya, lecture-ya (lecture-a). Words with a stem ending in a hard consonant (hard version), a soft consonant (soft version) and with a stem ending in -иj have some differences in endings, for example:

Solid option
Soft option
On - and I
Name Countries - A Earth -I Army -I
R.p. Countries - s
Earth -And Army -And
D.p. Countries - e Earth -e
Army -And
V.p. Countries - at Earth -Yu Army -Yu
etc. Countries -Ouch (-oh )
Earth -to her (-yoyu ) Army -to her (-her )
P.p. Countries -e Earth -e Army -And

Co. II declension include nouns husband. genders with zero ending I. p., including words starting with -iy, and nouns m. and cf. genders ending in -о(-е), including words ending in -е: table-, genius-, town-o, window-o, half-e, peni-e (penij-e).

TO III declension include nouns female. kind with zero ending in I. p.: dust- , night-.

In addition to nouns that have endings in only one of these declensions, there are words that have part of the endings from one declension, and part from the other. They are called heterogeneous. These are 10 words starting with -mya (burden, time, stirrup, tribe, seed, name, flame, banner, udder, crown) and path.

In the Russian language there are so-called indeclinable nouns. These include many common nouns and personal borrowings (coat, Tokyo), Russian surnames with -yh, -ikh, -vo (Petrovykh, Dolgikh, Durnovo). They are usually described as words without endings.

Morphological analysis of a noun

The noun is parsed according to the following plan:

I. Part of speech. General value. Initial form (nominative singular).

II. Morphological characteristics:

1. Constant signs: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender (masculine, feminine, neuter, common), d) declension.
2. Non-constant signs: a) case, b) number.

III. Syntactic role.

Sample morphological analysis noun

Two ladies ran up to Luzhin and helped him get up; he began to knock the dust off his coat with his palm (according to V. Nabokov).

I. Ladies- noun;

initial form - lady.

II. Constant signs: nat., soul., female. genus, I class;

inconsistent signs: plural. number, I. p.

III. They ran up(Who?) ladies (part of the subject).

I.(To) Luzhin- noun;

initial form - Luzhin;

II. Constant signs: own, soulful, male. genus, I class;

inconsistent signs: units. number, D. p.;

They ran up(to whom?) .underline ( border-bottom: 1px dashed blue; ) to Luzhin(addition).

I. Palm- noun;

initial form - palm;

Constant signs: nav., inanimate., female. genus, I class;

inconsistent signs: units. number, T. p.;

Began to shoot down(how?) palm(addition).

I. Dust- noun;

initial form - dust;

Constant signs: nav., inanimate., female. genus, III class;

inconsistent signs: units. number, V. p.;

III. Began to shoot down(What?) dust(addition).

I. Coat- noun;

initial form - coat;

Constant signs: vernacular, inanimate, cf. gen., undeclined;

inconsistent signs: the number is not determined by the context, R. p.;

III. Began to shoot down(why?) with coat(addition).
