Subject knowledge test. Intelligence tests

Each person is individual not only in the type of appearance, but also in the level of mental development. Typically, intelligence is developed in a child, and a number of factors influence how smart and erudite he will be - heredity, individual characteristics body, temperament, family relationships. To find out how intellectually developed you are, take a simple test online.

Brain Development Tests

Do you think you have enough mental development, do you read a lot and always like to learn something new? This means that you have the right to call yourself a comprehensively developed person, but is this really so? To determine this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can check how well your brain works by taking a simple online test.

General development test

Some people who think they have enough intellectual development exaggerate their capabilities. Special tests developed by professionals to assess the level of intelligence will help determine the ability of the brain to perceive and retain information well.

Want to determine your IQ? We bring to your attention an interesting test that will help anyone who wants to analyze their IQ level. You not only have to answer questions, but also think, compare and draw conclusions. It will be very interesting and useful!

Do you remember the spelling rules you were taught at school? Are you really sure that you write correctly and do not make basic mistakes? Test your level of Russian language knowledge with a short test that contains questions from the standard school curriculum.

Sometimes adults cannot correctly answer basic questions and riddles that any competent student can solve. Do you think you have sufficient level knowledge to call oneself erudite person? You can check this right now using a test. Good luck!

  • Biography tests (80)
  • Biology tests (468)
  • Geography tests (744)
  • Geometry tests (78)
  • History tests (235)
  • Tests on Russian history (268)
  • Literature tests (838)
  • Math tests (83)
  • Social Studies Tests (305)
  • Environmental tests (263)
  • Russian language tests (572)
  • Physics tests (153)
  • Chemistry tests (324)
  • Reading tests (63)
  • School education should not only give the child a wealth of knowledge on various subjects, but also to teach him to independently obtain knowledge, analyze his strengths and weak sides and correct shortcomings. The key to all this is self-control. One of best options Learn to evaluate your knowledge yourself by taking tests online for free on our website.

    We have compiled the most complete collection for you test tasks on a variety of subjects. When forming sections, we took into account the features of the school curriculum in order to different tests Subjects could be selected for a student of any age. Interesting tests with answers are sorted by subject and grade so that you can find the necessary tasks quickly and easily.

    On our website, any student can take literacy tests, test knowledge of literature, history, biology and other subjects. Solving such tests will be useful for any student, from an excellent student to a poor student. The best in the tests appear on the honor board, and in case of an error, you can review the results and determine which topics have gaps.

    Educational tests for schoolchildren can be useful:

    • Students can always practice before a test or exam, trust themselves and identify their weaknesses.
    • Parents are helped to check the child’s level of knowledge and help him catch up.
    • For teachers, they can be an excellent example for creating final tests and tests.
    • Everyone wants to test themselves on their knowledge of the school curriculum. Our test site will take you back to school!

    Free tests are especially relevant today. Based on the results of the entire school education, exams are taken in the form of tests - the Unified State Examination for 11 grades and the State Examination for 9 grades. The better the student navigates different types tests and the better one knows how to solve them, the greater the chances of success when passing the final tests. Passing exams well is the key to entering a university or college and taking the first steps towards building a career.

    Do you want to test how well you know? school curriculum? Just select the desired subject and go to the list of tests. Having answers to all tasks will allow you to pass tests without outside participation. Our website contains the most interesting, informative, and most importantly useful tests in all subjects of the school curriculum.

    Soviet hits sounded from every window, these lines were sung in the gateway, and melodies were whistled on the road. Each song had a soul, a story and everything that is rare in the music industry these days. Let's get a little nostalgic and listen to the golden hits of the Soviet Union.

    Who should be considered smart? A person with excellent logic, developed thinking and the ability to analyze or someone who has read a lot of books? We are confident that the first option is correct. Therefore, this test is based solely on logic, and not on a random set of facts. In this test, you can guess several correct answers, but no one has yet been able to pass it without making a single mistake. We invite you to try to be the first.

    Today we have prepared 10 really difficult questions that only a person who reads a lot and has an unusually broad outlook can answer correctly. According to statistics, only 1 in 100 is able to answer all questions correctly. Perhaps we are talking about you. Now we'll find out!

    Mythology and ancient greek religion has always interested historians and all educated people. Everyone has heard such names as Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades... How about abstracting yourself a little from reality and trying to understand which of these gods protects you? Let's find out the answer together.

    Knowledge and logic formed the basis of this test. If you are a person who constantly learns something new, thinks creatively and knows what it means to “think”, then you are the right person for us! In this test, you can score a maximum of 20 points, but no one has yet been able to get 18 without the help of hints and the Internet. Let's try to fix this.

    Paranoia is a mental illness characterized by the following symptoms: aggression, imaginaryness, suspicion, etc. The incipient disease is practically invisible in a person, so we offer this test for prevention.

    Yes or no? Every second person asks this question every day. And it’s good if this choice does not greatly affect your life. However, there are situations in life when too much depends on your “yes” or “no” to make a mistake. Maybe this is even the question of your whole life? It will take you no more than a minute to answer the questions, and in return you will receive something truly valuable...

    There are questions to which it is very interesting to find out the answer. And sometimes knowing the answers to them can be very useful to you. When will we die? Today there are many ways to determine the year and even the day of this latest event. However, few people thought about when exactly this would happen. At what time? How many minutes and seconds? Take the test and find out the exact time of your death.

    Household alcoholism means a glass of wine for dinner, a can of beer in front of the TV, and even a spoonful of balm in your tea. After all, addiction always starts small, and as long as we don’t pay attention, it grows and becomes a huge burden. Let's give you a first test and see if you have any bad habits.

    The lack of willpower among our people has given rise to a huge number of trainings. People need a push to give up annoying work, an unloved person and gray everyday life. However, the fuse does not last long. Eventually they will come back for more motivation. Do you belong to them or can you remain happy on your own? Let's check it now!

    Good is what is missing modern society. You can verify this by scrolling through the news feed. There is little positive and good there. We support the opinion that you should always start with yourself. Let this test be your first step.

    Intuition is what we used to call “coincidence” and “chance”. In fact, it is the sixth sense that leads us to the very coincidence that can change the course of events. As old as time, the game "Heads or Tails" - great way check your intuition. It would seem that there is nothing difficult to guess, because the chance is extremely high - 50%! No matter how it is. We will make 8 throws, try to give the same number of correct answers.

    The Union of indestructible free republics has long been gone, but this does not mean that we can forget the history of a great power that left such a bright mark on history. Today we have prepared a test consisting of questions that only a graduate of a Soviet school can cope with, since they require deep knowledge. If you think you can handle it, then get started!


    How are you doing with your knowledge of important historical aspects?

    Test your knowledge by taking our test.

    Keep in mind, it won't be easy.

    Below the test you can read some interesting historical facts.

    1. The shortest war in history was between Great Britain and Zanzibar. It began and ended on August 27, 1896 and lasted exactly 38 minutes.

    2. In Napoleon's army, soldiers addressed the generals first name.

    3. It was only in 1947 that the position of the person who had to shoot a cannon was abolished in England when Napoleon Bonaparte entered the country.

    4. Last words Albert Einstein was taken with him on his deathbed because the nurse next to him did not understand German.

    5. The imperial throne in Japan has belonged to the same dynasty for the last 13 centuries.

    6. The 10th century Grand Vizier of Persia, Abdul Qassim Ismail, carried his library with him everywhere. Wherever he went, 117,000 book volumes always followed him. Moreover, the books were arranged in alphabetical order, and they were carried by 400 camels.

    7. B Ancient China a man committed suicide by eating almost half a kilogram of salt.
