Training about money “The Big Money Game. Money training (practical exercises)

To the question: “What does a person need to be happy,” many name money and among the necessary conditions.

"Now if I had more money..." or "If only I had a lot of time to take care of myself, to relax..." Very often we complain that the process of making money deprives us of freedom. We are constantly busy with work and cannot pay enough attention to our loved ones, and even to ourselves.

Do you want to learn how to make money and stay at it?

In the course “Money and Freedom” you will be able to:

Understand your beliefs about money: how and how to receive and spend it.
See how your fears and beliefs about money affect your material well-being and life in general.
Change your attitudes if they interfere with being rich.
Realize your material needs.
Learn to set goals and achieve them with joy.
Find out that you can be rich at the same time.
Learn to be free: to have time to take care of yourself and your loved ones without feeling a lack of time or money.

In addition, you will learn that

Money appears to us when we clearly know what we want to spend it on.
Money comes easier when you have a clear intention and a burning desire to earn it.
Money works certain rules, which have little to do with your personal destiny.

And many many others...

The main goal of the training: Money comes to us not when we work a lot and hard, but when we know the rules by which money works and use it in our lives.

The duration of the training is 2.5 days (Friday evening from 19:00 to 22:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 19:00, Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00). The time is approved by the trainer and participants during the training. Coffee breaks and lunch breaks are included.

Training audience- everyone who wants to improve their relationship with money (material condition). The number of places is limited (12 people). Sign up now so we can contact you before the training starts!

In the training program:

  • “What is the connection between the concepts of “Money and Freedom”: What do these concepts REALLY represent, HOW to be free and rich;
  • "Money Pit": How exactly did you drive yourself into this money pit where you are now? and where is that exit;
  • "Opening the Envelope": How do you feel about receiving money, do you easily refuse opportunities or are ready to enter into conflict;
  • "Buying and Selling Game": Money is nothing more than a tool by which we can accurately evaluate how successful we are in bringing out the best in each other." - Bill Ridler
  • “Installations – Grimlens”: How your heredity, regardless of you, spoils the flow of money into your pocket - and how to bypass the limitations of your money genetics
  • "Cash flow": How do you feel when you pay your monthly bills?? Are you happy? Do you feel internal expansion or contraction?
  • "Places for the Rich": Why is it hard to earn small money, but easy to earn big money? and how can you move from “sweat and blood” to “pineapples and champagne”
  • “What does your income depend on?”: From the state? From the government? How hard do you work? Or from your desire to create value for others
  • "Information Virus": How do we know what the newspapers write about the truth? How not to become part of the “truth”
  • “Dissatisfaction and automatic NO”: Dissatisfaction increases as we spend our lives doing things we are not particularly interested in, or doing things we think we “should do” – How to get out of the vicious circle of beliefs that weaken the flow?
  • "Ideal Universe": Accumulation and survival are useless intentions. Today the question is: “What do you want to do with your time?”
  • “What prevents you from realizing your dreams”: Why is it that if there is money, then it’s not there right away? and how to break out of the vicious circle of money draining
  • “The Main Secret of Achieving Financial Freedom”: How is your money and the level of your desires connected? and what level of desires do you need to have in order for the money to flow wide river .
  • "Monetary Self-Esteem": What exactly in your Self-Esteem affects the amount of money that other people pay you - and how to create an attitude towards yourself that will provoke unconscious desire to give you money

...and much more - this is just a small part of what will be in the training.

Reviews about the Training "Money and Freedom" in Stavropol

1. Thanks to this program, I realized that I carry attitudes from childhood related to money, attitudes that interfere with the flow of money. We need to get rid of them and allow money to come easily into our lives. You can write endlessly about this training, but it’s better to come and see, understand and feel everything for yourself! Orel K.A.
2. I am grateful to Lyudmila Cherkashina and Oksana Bogolyubova for organizing and conducting the “Money and Freedom” training in Stavropol. Thanks to the training, I saw the limitations of cash flow and what can be done about it. I tracked the impact of dissatisfaction on cash flow and learned how to get out of this state. I saw how much I love myself and was surprised to discover how easily I spend money on pleasures for myself. Thank you. Sincerely, Tatyana Yaros.
3. Delight from the work done! Lots of tools to work on yourself. I admire the work of the coach. I went to training for three long years. I saw my attitude towards money - what to fix, where to add. I'm happy! Alexander.
4. The training is brilliant! After completing the course “Understanding Oneself and Others”, and looking at what trainings were given, the first thing I chose was this course. And he performed Miracles! For three years now I have been in a state of lightness, happiness and love. I wish everyone to take this course and see that you are good enough and loved! Oksana.I
5. Do you want to know the path to your Dream? – come to the training “Money and Freedom”! Learn about new ways to manage your income! Kamarzina Natasha.

You can sign up for training in Stavropol or ask a question by calling: 8-962-442-2201, 8-918-884-8373, 422-201.

The training was developed in the USA in 2009 (it took about 15 years to develop). Authors - Bill Riedler (USA, founder of GRC - Relationship Centers) and David Traub (USA, lead trainer of GRC, owner own business, millionaire). The training is taught by certified trainers from GRC Relationship Centers.

Briefly, what will be discussed at the training can be seen in the video of the trainer of the course “Money and Freedom”:



Motivation has increased and interest in completing daily tasks that had previously been put off has resurfaced. I want to move on without stopping.


In just a few weeks, I changed a lot in myself and in the life of my family: I emerged from depression, radically changed my routine, saw and began to feel life around me differently.


I have more energy, more positive things have appeared in my life, I have become calmer, more confident in myself, in my abilities. Now I know that you can achieve anything you want in life.


The “Upgrade Finance” course helps you better understand the real, current state of affairs, and adjust your attitudes and actions. He “fills his sails” with confidence in his abilities. “Good intentions without determination are zero.” Without determination, with all our promises, a clear expression of loyalty to our cause, if we are not ready to act, everything will end like this - “Yeah... We came to the wrong place...”. During the Financial Upgrade, this determination is born, devotion to the idea of ​​one’s well-being, readiness for self-realization.


I sincerely rejoice and thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your constructive thoughts and ideas. Your materials have soul. Thank you for giving people the opportunity to grow and develop, learn and comprehend.


With your support, I’m opening a completely new store in a few days. I myself can’t quite believe that I did it!


Thank you to Elizabeth and the company for generously sharing your experience and knowledge, for bringing light and your kind attitude to people! Upgrade Finance is a powerful training, which, when completed, not only increases the level of financial literacy, but also expands consciousness and spirituality! A clear understanding of your goal and the path to realizing your plans appears! And most importantly, you know for sure that everything is within your power!


The technique that Elizaveta proposed, when a new task is introduced every day and work on the previously set ones continues, is the highlight that will help me organize my knowledge and control its revival and my actions. Very useful for developing awareness!


“Upgrade Finance” combines two very significant elements for me: working on changing oneself (changing views, attitudes, habits) and discipline for daily movement towards the goal. Without this program, I would have continued to sit and sigh about my dream. Now I know how my life can become this dream. And I received an incredibly huge charge of Inspiration for active action! Thank you for your work on this program!


I had a big breakthrough in the financial sector! Previously, acted like a programmed robot, performing actions to achieve a goal, not paying attention to today. And the material about “non-attachment” was an epiphany!


Indeed, there is a feeling of being busy. But this is a very good workload, which will allow you to move on independently and develop. I planned to go through the Finance Upgrade again, polishing the maximum program in such a way that I try to do it on weekdays, and at least on weekends and rest days.


I really liked Upgrade Finance. He made me take a more responsible approach to personal finance. Throughout my entire working life (37 years), I did not do what I loved. IN this moment I am already retired and in another country. And now I’m trying to ensure that my favorite activity brings me financial independence.


Elizaveta, you have done very serious work - not just a superficial retelling of some sources, but a deep study. Even if you don’t give it 100%, but just read your articles and complete at least part of the tasks, the brain begins to move and move from the reptile level to the human level. After completing tasks, structuring occurs. That is, at least one or two actions clearly appear that are built into the daily program. There is a desire to go through the program again, and then again, until all the tasks are completed to the maximum.


The highlight of the Upgrade is that it stimulates action, disciplines, helps you consciously approach your goals and desires, and teaches you to ask yourself questions correctly. Thanks to Upgrade, I finally started writing down my goals and plans. I received several job offers at once, and I gained confidence in the development of my financial sector.


The program greatly increased my self-esteem and made me think of work not only as my daily bread, but also as an opportunity to realize my potential. Thanks to the program, I realized that I deserve the best, so when they called me from great companies and invited me for an interview, I was almost not afraid to go there, I felt like an equal, I just prepared very well for the interview, analyzed what the company needed and how my skills and personality will benefit the company. And she walked, overcoming my fears and negative prejudices. Many of Elizabeth’s webinars, articles and programs (I also took the “How to Find Your Dream Job?” program) helped a lot and continue to help me. I became calmer, more confident in myself and in my future, more organized. I am very grateful to Upgrade Finance, Elizabeth and her team! Thank you very much for what you do: you change people's lives! I would recommend Upgrade Finance to those who are not waiting for a magic pill - abundance will not fall on you automatically. For those who are ready for permanent job and self-improvement. An upgrade, first of all, will help you stop and look into yourself, understand yourself, analyze what exactly in yourself is slowing you down on the path to abundance. The upgrade will give you the necessary techniques and recommendations. An excellent program for those who are ready to change for the better. I would even say that it is like an elite club, where you will look forward to meetings!

Today I attended a training about Money. A lot of impressions. And I realized that for true wealth you need to work not only on your sources of income, but also on yourself and your attitudes about money. Often we ourselves block the flow of money. So at what time, basically, did you and I grow up?! In the Soviet Union, 2 topics were prohibited. Which? Yes, sex and money. And now we know that these two topics are connected. Connected energetically. Only the theme of “sex” is everywhere. But we hear much less often about money... about its laws, about the correct attitude towards it, which contributes to the growth of wealth. And this knowledge, as if on purpose, is available to few. More often, we talk about money in terms of loans, debts, lack of salaries and the need to buy something in our, well, consumer market.

The seminar was two days long and we were given something not quite ordinary. homework. It consists of two parts:

1. Take 10 ten-ruble bills and distribute them to ten people on the street.

2. collect 10 ten-ruble bills from other people.

And I had to track my feelings: how I feel when I distribute and when I collect money.

Can you imagine going out into the street and starting asking people for money, even 10 rubles!!! For me it was unthinkable! But I decided that I wanted to increase my income and came to gain knowledge on how to do this, the task must be completed. Therefore, having changed ten ten-ruble bills, I went out into the street with them. It was easy for me to give away money. It was surprising to me that some people didn’t take it and gave me a wide berth. Others said, no, it’s not necessary. And I asked them the question: Do you not need money? To this they, after thinking a little, answered they needed it and took 10 rubles. One guy even asked me if I was okay. It was cute

But asking people for money turned out to be much harder. At first, I started simply asking to give me 10 rubles. Some gave, some refused, and they even said, “We don’t drink and we don’t advise you,” and walked past. My brain began to strain and invent something to explain to people why I needed their 10 rubles. It was prohibited to say that our training task was prohibited. I came up with a promotion to find out which 10 rubles people like and whether they have more paper or metal ones, so I should give them to me. But this was not entirely true and did not arouse interest. Therefore, it was easier to make a simple request. One guy didn’t have 10 rubles, so he gave me 50. And three girls only gave me 5. In the end, I got 145 rubles.

What are the conclusions?

And the conclusion is that if you give money away just like that, you get more back. If you don't stop asking for something, money will definitely come to you. It is also very clear whether you are open to financial flows or closed. Of our group of 13 people, the hardest thing to do was the exercise for one successful lady who was used to doing everything herself and earning money herself, without asking anyone, and for a guy who was used to just taking money.

This exercise very well removes those unnecessary beliefs and attitudes that are embedded in us and block the flow of money into our lives. Our cash flow is expanding. I recommend this to everyone who is financially stagnant and to those who want to increase their income.

WITH sincere love, Olga Ozhiganova is your expert on a beautiful and successful lifestyle.

For money to come into your life, the desire to be rich and successful is not enough. You not only need to love and respect them, you need to be ready for them and be able to attract them. We are starting a series of motivators dedicated to the topic of attracting money. Today we bring to your attention effective exercises for attracting money. Practice them as often as possible and you will soon feel tangible results.

Let's talk a little about where money thinking comes from. Money handling skills are taught in the family. If in the family (in childhood) relationships with money were built incorrectly, illegally, an adult often experiences difficulties. In many families, they did not talk about money with their children; this topic was “closed.” Some managed to learn on their own, others did not. It’s easiest for those to whom these skills were instilled by their parents. Well, if you haven’t vaccinated, you have to fix it yourself.

The given exercises are for those who experience difficulties in handling money and are aware of this, and most importantly, are ready to change the situation for the better.

How to do the exercises. Do the exercises in silence and without prying eyes. You don't need witnesses and observers. Your relationship with money is your own business. But there must be a relationship. If there is no relationship with money, there will be no money.
Performing practices allows you to understand and correct your own relationship with money, examine yourself and your reactions. Try to change those reactions that you think are preventing you from attracting money into your life.

Before you start, prepare a pen and a sheet of paper (notebook, notebook) to write down your positive and negative feelings about handling money. In the future, this will help to identify and eliminate the psychological roots of our problems.

The task of the exercises. Part of the exercises are practical skills money circulation, other exercises are designed to identify psychological barriers that prevent you from building a correct, natural relationship with money.

Exercise 1. Money in hand.

Take the money in your hands. Our ordinary rubles in the form of banknotes. Better - different denominations. What are you experiencing? Explore your feelings. Write them down. Lay out the money (on the table, on the floor). Look at them. Consider each bill: inscriptions, engravings, methods of protection. Touch them. What new things did you notice and feel? Look at money as if it were a work of art (it really is). What do you like? What do not you like?

In this introductory exercise, you diagnose your internal attitude towards money, what is it? Trembling, awkwardness, fear, joy of ownership, uncertainty, etc.

Option 2. Large bills (in the presence of large quantity bills of different denominations, not necessarily large ones).

Take a stack of large bills in your hand. Look at them carefully. What are you experiencing? What can you buy with this money? What else? What kind of income could this money generate if it were invested profitably? What kind of investment is needed to receive such a pack every month? What investment alternatives are there? What do you enjoy more: shopping or investing? What is more pleasant to you: owning things or receiving regular income? Explore your feelings, write them down.

Place the money on the floor in several rows (in a carpet), look at it, think about your feelings, write them down.

Collect money in a bundle. Hold it in your hands. What is its thickness? How many of these packs do you need for you to consider yourself rich? What is their volume? How much space will be required? Think about your feelings, write them down.

If you want to improve your financial situation, we invite you to a series of “Money webinars” » — REGISTRATION on this page

Exercise 2. Scattering money.

Have big amount Almost everyone wants money. It is to this state that the term “possession” refers. “Possession” is simply a word that describes a feeling, a feeling that a person has about being able to own something. So, for example, owning a car implies that a person can easily use the car he owns.

You need to understand the concept of cash flow. Flow simply means the development or progression of something from one point to another. Threads may have various directions. These are, first of all, the directions of inflow and outflow of money. The direction of flow depends on your point of view from which this flow is viewed.

If a person spends money, then this is an outflow. If he pays taxes, buys groceries in a store, does charitable contributions- all this is a flow of money. If money is paid to him, if he receives an inheritance, if he receives back a debt from his debtor, then all this is an inflow of money.

But people can get too hung up and overly fixate their attention on getting money. When such a state becomes obsessive and uncontrollable and you begin to think only about the incoming flow of money, then your state of mind does not allow you to accept or not accept money of your own free will.

Exercise, which is based on these principles and which you can do to improve your ability to have money.

To do this, you need to take a certain amount of money, banknotes of any denomination, fold them into a bundle and throw them away from you. The idea is that you learn to put money away from yourself. Do this over and over again. Just pick them up from the floor and throw them away from you. By doing this exercise, you can see a noticeable improvement in your ability to handle money. When doing this exercise, you may experience a variety of bodily reactions. People rarely throw away money. However, continue to do this exercise until you achieve a positive result.

After performing such an exercise, completely unexpected results can be obtained. If this exercise is truly mastered, then the ability to have money increases dramatically.

Exercise 3. Sell something you don't need.

The exercise helps you understand your relationship with money and things. What is more valuable to you: things or money?

1. Choose a thing that you are attached to, but which you do not need in everyday life. A thing must have utility. For example, a piano that you don’t play anyway, or a screw chair for it.

2. Try to sell it. What feelings are you experiencing? What's stopping you? Explore your feelings. Write them down.

3. Sell it anyway. How do you feel when you remember her?

4. Take the proceeds in your hands. What do you feel when you look at them and hold them in your hands? What is more important to you: the feeling of loss from an item or the feeling of having money? Explore your feelings. Write them down.

5. What difficulties did you experience when selling (this is no longer your relationship with the item, but the sales process). What are the difficulties?

You may need to place an ad in a newspaper to complete the exercise. Every city has newspapers that publish free advertisements.

Lightweight option. For those who find it difficult to sell. If you were unable to sell this item, try donating it. Choose a holiday and a person. Determine the planned amount of the gift. Instead of buying a gift, give something dear to you. You saved money in the amount planned. Take them in your hands. What are you experiencing? After completing the easier version, do the sales exercise.

The exercise is designed to reveal your attitude towards things and money, those mental images that you use in life. Things, their possession is often associated with wealth, security and reliability. The roots may lie in experience acquired during difficult periods of life, during periods of economic crises. The ability to give up unimportant things in favor of money is an important skill modern life. The ability to estimate the value of things over time helps in fundamentally solving money problems.

Refusing to buy or selling unnecessary things is the most important skill for someone who wants to never experience financial difficulties. The skills acquired during this exercise will be useful to you the moment you begin to create assets and investments. Having money, a person is tempted to spend it, and often the purchase of a material thing defeats the potential opportunity to invest money (profitably invest it in assets in order to generate income).

Exercise 4. Lend money.

Lend money (when asked). The amount is not important, you can give as much as you think possible. The fact of the loan and the probability of repayment are important. How do you feel before you give money? What risk factors came to mind? How do you feel when you have already given away the money? Write down your feelings. Let's continue the exercise when the money is returned.

If everything went well. How do you feel when you receive your money back? Explore your feelings. Write them down.

You probably feel the same way when you invest money. Investment is the ability to give money, and negative emotions problems associated with transferring money to other people interfere with us. It will not be possible to simply remove these emotions, and there is no point in doing so. It is important to understand what goal our subconscious pursues by “bombarding” our psyche strong emotions. Surely the subconscious wants to protect us. But what to protect from? And are there other ways of protection? It is important to understand the reason for these emotions and replace such reactions with more useful experiences.

Complete all or part of the exercises.

You are not satisfied with the amount of money in your life, you want more!

You have debts and loans.

You often spend money emotionally; your “financial plan” depends on your mood.

You are upset and worried about the lack of money, money problems unsettle you and cause sad thoughts and a bad mood.

You envy those who are more financially successful.

You don’t understand how you can really increase your income and create the desired financial situation; will there ever come a time when you will have enough for everything?!

If some of these points apply to you, then you need to work hard on the MONEY topic!

What is a money ceiling?

This is a situation in which you cannot attract more than a certain level of money into your life, no matter what you do.

This is a feeling of limitation, a constant lack of money. You just can’t cross the line after which new sums will pour into your life and your income will increase significantly.

Theoretically, you have heard, you know, read, seen from the example of your friends that you can get many times more. But this knowledge does not fit into your life situation in any way.

You cannot imagine and understand how you (your family) can get more money, you don’t see opportunities and ways. And even if you do see it, you can’t put it into practice.

All of the above means that you have achieved your goal. financial ceiling(and for some it may be very low, literally on the brink of survival).

What is the reason for this situation?

Our subconscious is constrained and programmed for a certain financial situation.
We cannot change this situation only with logical reasoning and actions.

Changes in the outside world (in the real monetary situation) occur when changes occur in inner world, in your subconscious.

By combining your new actions in reality and with work on correct setting your money thinking, you will get dizzying results and serious changes in your financial situation!

Who conducts the training?

Training presenter

Author of the project “Inspiration for Change”, author of the book “Your Wildest Dreams Come True”, psychologist, coach, business consultant, specialist in personal development and success. Spent it as a coach more than 200 seminars and trainings, which trained thousands of people. Downshifter- sold her business, which she managed for 14 years, and moved to live outside the city, to a simpler and more natural life. Currently working as a business process consultant in the Atlant group of companies, also simultaneously developing the personal growth portal “Inspiration for Change”; while also successfully managing a family, raising two children, numerous hobbies, writing, gardening, continuous learning and personal development.

Why does this program help people improve their financial situation significantly?

Because most other money training programs fall into two categories: practice or positive thinking.

In the first option, you study investing, financial planning and other topics.
In the second case, you meditate, work with incorrect money attitudes, and tune in to the mindset of abundance.

But it doesn't work well on its own!

You need to work both at the level of thinking and at the real physical level!

This is what we will do at the “Set up your cash flow” training.


We will adjust your money thinking in the right way,

build fantastic and real financial plans, develop real and inspiring (and, most importantly, achievable!) monetary goals,

say goodbye to debts and financial problems Once and for all!

develop multiple sources of income (additional sources of income),

do meditations and exercises,

study magical money techniques that personally work for me 100%,

work to increase your value (internal and external), which gives monetary abundance,

and also do “scary” and fun exercises to expand your money comfort zone,

sort out the controversial and interesting topic"Money in pairs: Man and Woman"

and many many others.


The most important thing is complete peace of mind regarding the issue of money in your life. No more frustration and despondency. Instead, deep satisfaction with your relationship with money. This the most important element success according to the Law of Attraction!

Your absolute understanding of the laws of money - where the money comes from, when, why, how you delay the cash flow, what money lessons come to you, what actions you need to take every day to increase financial abundance.

Developed daily habits that lead to good relations with money.

A clear understanding of where you can get additional income and how to increase it. And the most active and determined ones will already set up this source of income and get the first results!

The most active participants will ALREADY during the training process reduce their debts and increase their income, and some financial wishes will come true!

How to pay?

Select a tariff, click the “Sign up” button and choose a payment method convenient for you. If you want to make a payment directly to a Sberbank card, B&N Bank, PayPal with minimum commission, write to and we will send you the details.

You can also pay for the training in 50% installments, the first 50% you pay before the start of the training, the second part - a month after it starts.

Attention! According to the consumer protection law, you can return the money for the product (minus the transfer fee) within 14 days after purchase.

These are the results my students get:

I completed the training in April. I saw results already in June - the money came in the amount we needed. But this is more for everyday expenses. It was still a busy year. They began to collect the Stabilization Fund. But the engine of the car failed and all the savings were gone.

As you can see, our internal program was previously set up to get rid of money. I'm just now realizing this.

But the universe gave us another opportunity and already on New Year 2014 my husband received good bonus. You could buy a new car. But we distributed everything into little jars. I read the books that were recommended during the training. They inspired me so much that at the beginning of last year I was able to set concrete long-term financial plans. I will not describe how and what we distributed. I will say that we achieved all our financial goals during the year. The most important thing for me was that we went to the Bolearic Islands with the whole family. And we were not at all afraid of the euro exchange rate. And the budget for this trip was 2 times higher than the one for which we came credit card climbed in. We saved all this money!!.

There was a lot of confusion throughout the year, but in the end it all came together like a solitaire game. And as a result, our long-term savings, in less than 2 years..... couples... more than 1 million rubles. I'm shocked myself.

Our money does not yet work for us completely as we would like. But. At the end of 2014, I took a course on investing. I’ve already set up the minimum amount and have been playing around for a couple of weeks, so as soon as the holidays are over, I’ll get started.


So: amazing training. Systemic and deep. I greatly changed my attitude towards money (as an element, as a flow), which clearly affected many contexts of life. A lot of things became clearer (through a deeper understanding of one’s own values ​​and strategies), many things became more tangible and received their own path-strategy-implementation. The most important thing for me turned out to be at high logical levels: setting myself up, integrating into the flow and the Universe, controlling beliefs and working with them. I changed. It has become better and more efficient. Thank you very much for this.

Now a little practice about goals and creative development in general:

1. Goal for the month: find a job (with a clear idea of ​​what and how it should be) - I didn’t have time. But I feel that the Universe is leading as it should be. I am confident that things will only get better.

2. Out of 2.5 goals for 3 months, half of one goal has been completed and the second will probably be completed. Regarding another goal - I am saved by faith in the Universe, in myself and in the fact that everything will be fine (connected with the goal for the month =).

There are a lot of positive developments that weave a network of very good and happy life. Thank you, Zhenya, that thanks to you and the seminar she becomes more aware.

And I almost forgot! A source of additional income has opened up. During the seminar I began to write articles. The first one hit the target: it was accepted by the editors. The result is about 10 tr. for 7-10 hours of work (I haven’t received it physically yet, but there is confirmation =). I will continue.

Tatiana Ivashchenko

My name is Ivashchenko Tatyana. I took several trainings from you. I want to thank you very much. When I accidentally found your site, I certainly had a desire to change my life and earn more. But I just want to tell you. When I came to my first training, my monthly income was about 20,000 rubles. And thanks to your work, last month I reached an income of 60,000 rubles. This is the result. I want to thank you very much!

Elena Slobodenyuk

I'm not new to finance. I studied literature on finance. I put a lot of it into practice.

But I was sure that Evgenia would not limit herself to the basics of financial literacy. And so it happened. Information about cash flow was both a revelation and a new awareness for me about money. A side of the issue has been revealed that few people cover not superficially, but so deeply and clearly.

But, besides the realizations that, I am sure, will take me to new level financial development, I got results in the real world)))

This month I earned $50 (oh, so I paid for the training!) thanks to a completely new source of additional income for me.

This inspired me incredibly, increased my self-esteem and gave me energy for new actions.

During the training, my income grew. Already on April 30, I exceeded the sales plan for May by 2 times. I have new large clients. In addition, the debtors paid 100% of the accounts receivable for the past months. There is a plan to develop new income.

MAIN DISCOVERIES. I have been studying at various seminars and trainings for 15 years... I buy a lot of books... An example from life - this was before the training. I decided to buy myself more expensive shoes than usual, intuitively I expanded my comfort zone.. I bought winter boots at Econika and shoes at Clarks.. Even at a discount. But these are expensive and high-quality shoes... and I paid decent money. I was so happy, joyful. I sat down on a bench in Mall, I thought and decided to go to the cafe, I went up to the 2nd floor, bought in the cafe: potatoes with cheese, 2 salads and bread with cheese.. And imagine 3 small pieces of bread with cheese cost 50 rubles. I paid for everything. She sat down at the table. I'm eating. Very tasty, but the thought in my head is, why did I buy bread with cheese??? And while I was eating great mood the purchases disappeared and for some reason 50 rubles grew into a HUGE 50 RUBLES!!! And then I thought about it for several days.

After completing your training, I realized my mistake and drew conclusions. THIS IS THIS THING THAT LITERALLY CROSSED OUT MY ACHIEVEMENTS.. I also often worry about money.. And I often think about money.. Or I’ll buy something and then regret it.. Besides, and this is true, I compare myself with others, and alas, it’s always not in my favor. Although I know all my advantages. But in recent months failure, literally “crushed to the ground.” And after your training I try to be reborn...

I was able to expand the boundaries of the training " Cash flow» to other aspects of life. Self-worth. This is a difficult question for me. How many times have I been the best manager in sales for the year (free trip to Finland-Sweden), the best manager for the month - various gifts... and it turns out that the consciousness that I am not very good at computers (only within the framework of work) nullifies all my professional success. Here comes AGAIN A LITTLE THING, CROSSING OUT MY ACHIEVEMENTS. I carried out an analysis and I became aware of what I give great importance little things, but in the end I lose in big things. Wow... I didn't notice.

Thank you very much, Evgenia! For your help and support. I enjoyed working at the training and learned a lot... Somehow everything became part of the system. Thank you!”

Wishing everyone financial prosperity and well-being!

Evgenia - low bow and all the best!
