The wolf is a predatory animal. Types of wolves living in Russia

Everyone remembers the fairy tale about the gray wolf that we were told in childhood. So who exactly is a wolf? An image from a fairy tale or a dangerous animal? The common wolf is a large predator of the Canidae family. The gray wolf is the master of the tundra and taiga, a hardy and very intelligent animal. In this article you will find a description and photo of the wolf, learn a lot of interesting things about harsh life this formidable predator.

Externally, the common gray wolf is very similar to a dog, which is not surprising, because these animals have common ancestors. However, the wolf looks much larger. The body length of a wolf can reach 110-160 cm, the tail length can be up to 52 cm, the height at the withers ranges from 60 to 90 cm, and the body weight of a wild predator can reach up to 80 kg.

There were cases when the weight of individual individuals exceeded 92 kg. The average weight of wolves varies from 30 to 65 kg. The size and weight of wolves depend on geographical location. How colder climate, the larger the animal. Males are always larger than females.

The wolf animal has thick, rather long and warm fur, which consists of two layers, which makes the wolf look larger. The first layer of the common wolf's fur is tougher and protects against dirt. The second is a waterproof undercoat that protects the wolf from cold and various extreme conditions nature. Animal Gray wolf very hardy.

The wolf looks like a threatening and dangerous animal, has a strong muscular body, high strong paws and a large broad-browed head with pointed ears. The elongated and large muzzle with dark stripes is combined with almost white cheeks and light spots in the eye area. The massive muzzle of the wolf is also very expressive. The gray wolf's tail is quite long and usually hangs down. By its movement and position one can judge the mood of the predator.

The common wolf has completely different colors, depending on its habitat. In forests it is a gray-brown color. In the tundra it is lighter, almost white. In the desert – grayish-reddish. There are even white individuals that are found in the Arctic, as well as red or almost black ones. The animal's undercoat is always gray.

How is a wolf different from a dog? The common wolf differs from the dog not only in appearance, but also in its tracks. The track of the gray wolf's tracks is smoother than that of dogs and forms an almost straight line. Also, the wolf has a different track length, which is 9-11 cm, and the width is 6-7 cm; for the she-wolf it is 7-9 cm and 5-6 cm. The two middle fingers of the wolf’s paw are more forward, the fingers are not spread out and form a significantly more prominent print than that of a dog.

Where do wolves live?

The wolf is an animal that is the most common land predator. This wild animal has a wide habitat. The wolf lives mainly in cold countries and in various landscapes. In forests, steppes, deserts, taiga, tundra, forest-steppe and at the foot of the mountains.

Wolves live in many areas of Europe (from Russia to Portugal), Asia (from Korea to Georgia) and North America(from Alaska to Mexico). Large individuals inhabit the tundra, and small ones inhabit the southern regions. It is curious that in Russia the wolf is absent only on the island of Sakhalin.

The common wolf is a territorial animal. Packs of wolves live in conquered areas, the boundaries of which are marked with marks. In summer, when the wolf pack breaks up, the occupied territory is divided into several sections. The best of them is occupied by the main pair, and the rest of the wolves switch to a nomadic lifestyle.

How do wolves live?

The common wolf is a social animal. That's why wolves live in packs, they hunt, play and even howl together. A wolf pack is a family group that consists of animals different ages and can number from 3 to 40 individuals. The pack is controlled by a leader or a seasoned wolf - the dominant male. This is the smartest, wisest and strongest male in the wolf pack. The leader of the pack has a girlfriend - a dominant female. Together they form a pair, thereby uniting other wolves around themselves - this is a wolf pack.

A pack of wolves has its own hierarchy. The leader of the pack has unquestionable authority. This is a wise leader and he is friendly towards all members of the pack. But the seasoned wolf greets strangers exceptionally aggressively. A beta male is often present in a pack - the most likely successor to the leader. Usually this common son the leading pair or the brother of the leading male. The contender for the position of head of the pack periodically demonstrates aggression towards the alpha male, as if checking his status, since he is ready to take his place at any moment.

A wolf that has left the pack on its own or has been driven out is called a lone wolf. Such animals have every chance to create their own pack.

Wolves live relying on their feelings. They use these senses to hunt and communicate with other wolves. The beast's excellent hearing allows you to hear a howling wolf at a distance of seven kilometers. Their sense of smell is 100 times stronger than that of humans. The gray wolf can run at a speed of 55 km/h.

Wolves live in packs and each pack has its own hunting area, which the animals carefully guard from other wolves. In a pack where the leader keeps order, wolves live peacefully and do not fight. Skirmishes occur with strangers and lone wolves who have violated the boundaries of the site. Each wolf pack has its own territory and hunts only on it.

The owners carefully guard and mark their territory, leaving scratches on fallen trees or old stumps. Thus, they make it clear that it is better to stay away. Unexpected guests punished, such are the cruel laws of the wolf pack. The wolf howl that can be heard around is a way of notifying that the territory has already been occupied.

The size of the common wolf's family territory depends on the landscape and ranges from 50 to 1500 km². The survival of the pack depends on the size of its hunting grounds, so wolves carefully protect them. If there is more than enough food on a family hunting plot, then several generations of wolves will live in one plot. The largest hunting grounds of wolves are found in open landscapes of the tundra and steppe and amount to 1000-1250 km². In the forest zone they are much smaller in size - 200-250 km².

When wolves do not have small cubs, they wander. Wolves travel both in packs and alone. As a result of wandering, animals sometimes appear in areas where wolves have not been seen for several years. Nomadic wolves run up to 70 kilometers in one night.

Gray wolves gather in packs in winter. If the snow is deep, the wolves in the pack move in single file. Each animal follows each other, stepping in the same tracks whenever possible. The common wolf is very cunning. Therefore, it is very difficult to find out from the tracks how many wolves a pack consists of.

Why do wolves howl? Wolves howl because howling is their way of communicating with each other. With the help of howls, wolves find out where their family members are, announce the capture of prey and seizure of territory, or simply to communicate with their relatives. Wolves usually howl late evening hours. During the year, wolves howl most often in winter, when the number of pack members reaches its maximum. Wolves begin to howl more actively towards the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, as well as when the puppies begin to develop the family plot and begin to move into its territory.

What does a wolf eat and how does it hunt?

The wolf is a picky predator. The main diet of the common wolf includes large ungulates: deer, elk, saigas, sheep and goats. But the wolf also eats hares, various rodents and birds, because he is not picky. Sometimes wolves can eat dead members of the pack.

Large concentrations of livestock attract wild and predatory wolf. Therefore, it is common to encounter a gray wolf near farms. The wolf eats meat, so on average the animal requires 3-4.5 kg of meat per day. Wolves store their food. Having had enough, the animal wolf buries the remaining pieces of meat. Wolves can go without food for more than two weeks. In the summer, the diet of the common wolf includes plant foods, so in the summer the wolf also eats fruits and berries.

The principles of wolf hunting are very diverse. In winter, wolves hunt collectively for large ungulates. Wolves use this type of hunting in winter. The main advantage winter hunting The advantage of a wolf is the presence of snow cover, on which it can easily move. Snow makes it much more difficult for ungulates to escape from a wolf, a wild and predatory animal.

It is curious that the collective hunting of wolves involves the distribution of responsibilities: part of the pack participates in the pursuit of prey, while the other cuts off the path of the prey. On the hunt, the nose of a wolf - main advisor. He tells the wild predator where to look for prey. Wolves can smell even a small animal that is a couple of kilometers away from them. It is with the help of their acute sense of smell that wolves can follow the tracks of their prey. The wolf hunts almost silently.

The wolf's main weapon is its teeth. With sharp fangs 5 ​​cm long, the wolf holds and drags the victim, and with the remaining teeth it cuts up the game. A wolf’s teeth are not only its weapon, but also its protection, so their loss is disastrous for the animal.

Wolves kill especially large ungulates by attacking as a whole pack and attack until their prey falls. At the same time, the primacy to feast on the prey rightfully belongs to the leader and his female; they eat the best pieces of the carcass.

The wolf hunts very carefully. Stealthily sneaking up on the animal, with a deft leap he grabs it by the throat and throws it to the ground. It can sit in ambush for hours and wait for prey all day long. Often they can follow a herd of ungulates; predators do not give away their presence, but wait for the right moment to attack.

Wolves are very cunning; in pursuit they stop pursuing, allowing the prey to go far ahead. When the victim slows down, the wolf attacks again. Wolves often attack foxes. But most often they don't eat them. By attacking a herd of livestock, wolves can distract dogs. Part of the wolf pack attacks the dogs, and the rest attacks the herd.

Wolves are very good at navigating the terrain. Many packs use the same areas of territory to drive prey into a dead end. When hunting rodents, the wolf jumps on the prey, crushes it with its paw and eats it. This hunting technique is common for wolves in the summer.

In summer, the flock splits up and predators live alone or in small groups. Wolves feed on a variety of animals, using well-established hunting techniques. IN summer time most often the wolf feeds on hares. But even with all the calculated moves and deft maneuvers in the hunt, it does not always end successfully.

Wolf cubs - birth of puppies. How does a pack raise wolf cubs?

A wolf's lair is a hole where a she-wolf raises wolf cubs. Wolves make their dens in secluded places. In this case, the place must have a good overview. Wolves often use empty burrows of other animals as dens.

Wolves breed annually in January-February, the first breeding period begins at the age of 2-3 years. The duration of pregnancy for a she-wolf is about two months. In the spring, wolf cubs are born in the den. Typically, a female gives birth to 4 to 8 wolf cubs. Wolf puppies are born deaf and blind; during the first days of the babies' lives, the she-wolf is constantly nearby. They begin to see and hear at about 10-12 days of life.

After three weeks, the wolf cubs leave the den for the first time and begin to taste meat at the same time. The entire pack takes part in raising and raising wolf cubs. Wolves bring the best meat to the den with their babies.

In small wolf cubs, the color has a grayish-brown tint, which changes with age. At the age of 2 months, the wolf cubs leave the den, but still stay close to the hole. Such places are protected by vegetation from prying eyes. Wolf puppies learn the basics of hunting and attack shrews and mice.

Wolf cubs grow rapidly and their weight increases almost 30 times in the first four months. Newborn wolf cubs have blue eyes. At the age of 8 months, the cubs' eyes change to yellow. By the end of the first winter after birth, the wolf cubs reach adult size. The common wolf lives 12-15 years.

Are wolves necessary and why?

Why are wolves needed, because for humans, a wolf is an enemy. It is dangerous to people and destroys livestock. Gradually, the fight between people and wolves led to a reduction in their numbers. But the wild predatory animal the common wolf plays important role in the balance of the ecological system.

Wolves are needed to regulate the population of large ungulates. Wolves are also a kind of “orderlies”, since by destroying sick animals, wolves prevent diseases from spreading. Hunting weak animals promotes the survival of the strongest.

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The wolf, perhaps, is not just a predatory animal from the canine family found in our forests, but already a whole archetypal image, perfectly familiar to us from the very beginning. early years at least from children's fairy tales, cartoons, where he, as a rule, personifies a negative, evil character who wants to feast on Little Red Riding Hood, the three little pigs, or some other fairy-tale living creature. In fact, from ancient times, people’s attitude towards the wolf was ambiguous; it was either revered (at the same time feared) or demonized; we see an echo of this demonization in many children’s fairy tales. The very name of this beast “wolf” is not without reason consonant in many languages, the English “wolf”, the “Bulgarian” vylk, the Serbian “vuk”, our Ukrainian “vok” perhaps comes from the Old Slavonic word “vylk” meaning to drag, drag away, the fact is , that when dragging away prey, the wolf dragged it in front of him, hence its name.

Wolf Ancestors

According to the theory of evolution, the ancestor of the wolf was Canis lepophagus, an ancient mammal resembling a coyote and living in North America. Over time, the wolf's ancestor increased its size, including the size of its skull. The most ancient representative wolf family, already similar to a modern wolf, was found during the study of an early pleistocyte that existed 1.8 million years ago. Although he was only similar to the modern wolf, which was somewhat later - from a million to 150 thousand years ago.

In general, zoologists have discovered as many as four family trees of wolves: African, Himalayan, Indian and Tibetan lines. The Himalayan line is the oldest of them, which means that the Himalayan wolf is the most venerable representative of the wolf order, its appearance took place about a million years ago. The Tibetan wolf is conditionally the “youngest”, since it appeared “only” 150 thousand years ago.

Wolf - description, structure, characteristics. What does a wolf look like?

All wolves are notorious predators, there are no options here, and they are quite predators large sizes, the largest are the gray and polar wolves: their height reaches 85 cm, body length - 150-160 cm, this does not include the tail, weight - 85-90 kg. Moreover, the harsher the habitat, the larger the animal; it is not for nothing that the largest representatives of the wolf family live in the Siberian taiga.

The smallest wolves are Arabian, their maximum height does not exceed 66 cm, and average weight is only 10 kg. Also, in general, in all wolves, females are slightly smaller in size than males.

Outwardly, wolves look like dogs, which is not surprising, because they are their distant relatives.

The wolf's mouth has 42 teeth, including four fangs, which serve the owner to tear prey into pieces, grind bones, and the fangs are excellent for dragging the victim.

Interesting fact: all wolves are born gob-eyed, but by the third month their eyes turn orange or golden yellow. Although there are wolves who remain blue-eyed.

Wolf fur is thick and double-layered; it perfectly protects them from the cold in the cold conditions of the tundra or taiga, and also has waterproof down.

Coat colors can be different colors, depending on the type of wolf and its habitat, there are a variety of variations of gray, white, brown and black. Red wolves are also found. Often their color helps them blend in with their surroundings.

You may know the proverb “the wolf’s legs feed him”; it also has scientific and zoological basis, since his legs really feed him, and for this reason they are well developed, allowing him to move considerable distances in search of food. Wolves usually trot at an average speed of 10 km per hour, but the speed of a wolf chasing prey can reach 65 km per hour.

A wolf's vision is not the strongest quality, it is not very developed, and besides, it does not distinguish colors, but this deficiency is more than compensated by excellent hearing and especially charm - it can smell prey 3 km away, in general, its nose distinguishes millions of shades of smell.

Also, another characteristic feature of wolves is their famous howl, which actually has a practical meaning for them - wolves do not just fight for the moon (as was previously thought) but in such a simple way inform the members of the pack of their location, and at the same time drive away strangers.

How is a wolf different from a dog?

A wolf differs from a dog, first of all, in more powerful paws, an elongated muzzle, set eyes and, of course, sharper teeth with sharp fangs.

How long do wolves live?

The lifespan of a wolf ranges from 8 to 16 years. In captivity, it can reach up to 20 years, the fact is that in wildlife old wolves, unable to hunt with the same prowess, die faster than, say, in a zoo, where they are guaranteed to be fed.

Where do wolves live?

Unfortunately, in our time, the wolf's habitat has noticeably decreased; in past times, wolves lived throughout the territory of Eurasia and North America, where humans lived. For example, historical chronicles indicate that during the Hundred Years' War between England and France there was such great devastation and desolation that wolves even appeared on the streets of Paris. Now, of course, you are unlikely to be able to meet a wolf not only in the vicinity of Paris but also in other cities; large quantities V wild places, including in our Carpathians, in the Siberian taiga.

Wolves are social animals that live in packs, which always have a pair of leaders: a male and a female. The remaining members of the pack: the offspring of the leaders, their relatives or lone wolves who have joined are subject to a strict hierarchy. A pack of wolves has its own area of ​​territory, up to 300 square kilometers, which they mark with special odorous marks that serve as a warning to intruder wolves.

What does a wolf eat?

Wolves are excellent hunters, and they hunt equally successfully both in a pack and alone. Their prey in the forest is many herbivores: moose, deer, roe deer, saigas, antelopes, hares, and gophers. At the same time, wolves are a kind of useful orderlies of the forest, because old, weak, sick animals first come to them for dinner, thus natural selection occurs. An interesting feature of the wolf is its practical habit of hiding excess meat in reserve.

Types of wolves, photos and names

Let us describe the most interesting species of wolves in our opinion.

He is the Himalayan wolf, as we mentioned above, he is the oldest of the order of wolves, since he appeared a million years ago. Outwardly, it combines the features of a wolf and a jackal. It is 76-110 cm in length, weight is 17-21 kg. Has a short, pointed snout and big ears. The color is red. Also distinctive feature It differs from other wolves in having fewer teeth. The red wolf lives in Asia: from Altai mountains to the Tien Shan, but most of them live in the Himalayan mountains, southern Iran, India and Pakistan. As a rule, it feeds on various small animals. It is on the verge of extinction.

A unique representative of the wolf kingdom, its other name is guar or aguarachay, which translates as “short-tailed golden dog.” It has long hair on the back of the neck, which forms a thick mane. Outwardly very similar to a fox. The length of its body is approximately 125-130 cm, weight – 20 kg. Lives exclusively on the plains, feeding on rodents, rabbits, and armadillos. Habitat of the maned wolf - South America: Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay.

He is also the North American timber wolf, lives in North America, especially in Canada - from Ontario to Quebec. Interestingly, it does not have its own classification; some scientists consider it a hybrid of a gray wolf with a red wolf or coyote. Its height reaches 80 cm, body weight – 40 kg.

common wolf

He is also the gray wolf - the same type of wolf that is widely known, starting with children's fairy tales. He is one of the largest representatives of the wolf kingdom and also one of the most formidable predators our temperate latitudes. The habitat of the gray wolf is wide - the territory of Eurasia and North America, everywhere in the wilderness and wild forests you can meet this formidable predator.

It is a hybrid of a gray wolf and a coyote. Red wolves are smaller than their gray relatives, but larger than coyotes, their size reaches 79 cm, weight - 40 kg. It is also distinguished by greater slenderness, more elongated ears, but shorter fur. They especially like to hunt hares and other small rodents, but they can also attack larger prey. The red wolf lives in the eastern United States, in Texas, Louisiana, and is one of the most rare species wolves on the ground. Now, unfortunately, it is on the verge of extinction.

Living in the tundra, this species of wolf is the least studied. Outwardly similar to its closest relative, the polar wolf, but not so large, its average weight is only 42-49 kg. Like their polar relatives, they have a white coat color, which helps them blend perfectly with the white snowy landscape of the tundra itself.

It is also one of the largest representatives of the wolf family, living in the extreme northern regions of our planet. It has a white color and the weight of the polar wolf can reach 95 kg. Loves to feast on both small and larger Arctic musk ox. During the famous lemming migrations, polar wolves may also migrate along with their favorite food.

Wolves breeding

Female wolves become sexually mature in the second year of life, males in the third, mating season for wolves usually occurs from January to April. There are frequent fights for a female between competing males, as well as mutual courtship and flirting of both males and females.

During mating, “loving” wolves leave the pack, retire, setting up a den in a secluded place. A she-wolf's pregnancy lasts 62-65 days and from 3 to 13 cubs are born at a time. True, not all of them survive; the weaker wolf cubs die.

Little wolf cubs feed on milk and burps from their mother, and after just six months of life they become able to take part in hunting.

Enemies of wolves

The wolf has practically no natural enemies in nature, except that sometimes the wolf can suffer from even more large predator temperate latitudes - but only if they do not share the spoils. And so the main enemy of the wolf (as well as many other animals) is, of course, man, whose destructive activities have brought many species of wolves to the brink of extinction.

  • In the Middle Ages, wolves were often endowed with demonic powers; fear of them even led to the appearance of such a character as the werewolf, a man who turns into a wolf on a full moon.
  • Some European coats of arms contain an image of a wolf, meaning that the distant ancestor of this family was a bit of a werewolf.
  • To raise morale and rage in battle, the Vikings, and especially their elite warriors - berserkers, not only ate special “magic” ones, but also drank wolf blood and wore the skins of these animals.
  • Wolves often crossed with dogs, and thus several dog breeds were developed, such as the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and the Saarloos Wolfdog.

Wolves, video

And in conclusion, we invite you to watch interesting film about wolves from the National Geographic channel - “The Rise of the Black Wolf.”

Throughout history, humans have associated the wolf with a dangerous predator. And the stories of hunters also contributed to the creation of such an image. According to them, these are very smart and cunning animals. But in reality, things are not quite like that. There are very few known cases of this animal attacking a person for no apparent reason. As a rule, they choose places to live away from people, and they hunt for a living.

General characteristics of the wolf

In the genus of wolves, it is customary to distinguish several species, among which the gray wolf takes pride of place due to its most impressive characteristics- weight and height. The gray wolf stands apart from the coyote and jackal because of its unusual DNA gene sequence, which is strong evidence to consider it the direct ancestor of domestic dogs.

Gray predators are accustomed to living in a strictly defined reality. A couple of centuries ago, the situation was such that these animals lived in large numbers in Eurasia and North America. However, over the past decades, people have hunted them, which led to a decrease in their population. Moreover, this was also influenced by the active human activity. In addition to the fact that cities were being built, as well as enterprises whose activities inevitably affected the surrounding landscape, wolf hunting became a popular entertainment.

In our country, the main representatives of this genus are the common wolf and the tundra wolf. Considering its size, we can say that it is the largest animal of the canine family.

  • the body of a wolf from crown to tail can be up to 160 cm long;
  • weight can reach 62 kg;
  • height at the withers can be approximately 90 cm.

Wolves are distinguished not only by their beauty appearance, but also intelligence. Today, it is customary to distinguish approximately 32 subspecies of wolves, which have a variety of sizes and fur colors. Wolves are entrusted with the function of orderlies, as they help maintain the balance of ecosystems. These animals can be found in a wide variety of natural areas- forests and steppes, tundra and taiga, mountain systems.

However, today a very sad picture is emerging: the number of wolves everywhere has become extremely low, and in some places it is the animal is on the verge complete disappearance . But man is not too concerned about this, and he continues to ruthlessly hunt these animals.

Appearance of a wolf

The appearance of a wolf is formed under the influence climatic conditions the territory in which he lives. Therefore, in those places where low temperatures prevail most of the time, these animals will have the most impressive sizes. If we consider one population, then the males in it will definitely have more large sizes unlike females, they also have a more forehead-shaped head.

When you first meet this animal, you can easily mistake it for a large, pointy-eared dog. But if you look closely, you can see he has characteristic features predator:

  • tall and strong legs,
  • large paws with two middle toes extended forward.

Thanks to this paw structure, these animals can develop very high speeds, jump high and move silently. You can distinguish them by the following:

  • it has a length of 15 cm and a width of 7 cm;
  • A distinctive feature is two fingers that clearly protrude forward.


All wolves have a wide muzzle, which is elongated and has whiskers on both sides, and a broad-browed head. Wolves experience different emotions, so they can show joy, fear, anxiety and calmness. All of them are clearly visible on his face. This feature did not go unnoticed by scientists, who were able to identify a group of facial expressions:

These animals have a large, massive skull, which explains its broad forehead. The nasal opening is wide and begins to decrease at the bottom. In males, the skull has a length of 268–285 mm, in females it is 251–268 mm. Cranial bone in males has a width in the cheek area of ​​147–160 mm, and in females – 136–159 mm. The eye sockets of males are 84–90 mm wide, while those of females are 78–85 mm wide. The upper row of teeth in males is about 108–116 cm long, and in females it is 100–112 mm long.

It’s not for nothing that they say that the wolf’s teeth feed him. This animal clearly confirms this expression in life. Thanks to them A wolf can not only defend himself from enemies, but also to get food for themselves. There are several types of teeth on the upper jaw, as well as on the lower jaw:

  • incisors;
  • fangs;
  • premolars;
  • molars.

Fangs are very important for the wolf, which help it capture and hold game and defend itself from attack. Thanks to molars and premolars the animal can cut up and chew food. Doesn't matter to wolf teeth special labor cope with a load of more than 10 MPa. Therefore, for a wolf, teeth are a necessity, without which he simply cannot survive in wild conditions.


These animals have a long and thick tail, which is always lowered. The way he moves allows you to understand the mood of the wolf. This is very important for any hunter, since you can choose from a pack of wolves who are afraid or worried by their tail.


Of particular importance for these animals is fur, which is two-layered and has low thermal conductivity. It has a thick and long coat, so wolves give the impression of larger and more massive animals. Traditionally the first layer of wool is formed by outer hairs, which provides the wolf with protection from dirt and water, and also makes it easier to endure seasonal weather fluctuations. It also has an undercoat, which is usually understood as the bottom, second layer of hair. It's essentially waterproof down that keeps you warm. All wolves molt, and this happens in late spring or early summer.


In these animals, the first layer of fur can have a different shade, which is formed under the influence of their habitat. Traditional wolf color - gray-brown, tundra wolves are almost completely white in color, desert wolves are completely red, predators living in the highlands central Asia, traditionally have a bright ocher color. There are also predators of other colors - white, pure white, red and black. What all wolves have in common is that they always have the same undercoat color - gray.

Coat color is very important for timber wolf, because it is used as camouflage. Moreover, for each specific species it becomes especially important, since it makes its appearance individual.

Also wolves differ in vocal frequencies, which can have a fairly wide range. Voice is necessary to inform each other about the location of an animal or a person. At the same time, they can make a wide variety of sounds:

  • yapping;
  • growl;
  • grunt;
  • whimpering;
  • howling.

After receiving information from another wolf, the predator throws back its head and makes a vibrating howl. in a low voice, which rises to the highest notes over time.

Wolves that are members of a pack always live together and often take part in choral howls. The first party remains with the leader, who begins to howl at dusk or dawn. After this, it is the turn of the rest of the pack. The desire to participate in choral singing is associated with the expression of certain emotions, in a similar way that wolves demonstrate that they belong to their community.

The pack can launch an attack only if it hears the war cry of the leader: it is more reminiscent of the growl of a dog when it rushes at a person.

It is not so easy for wolves to provide themselves with food. Therefore, in search of food, they have to go long distances from their habitat. Their structural features allow them to withstand many kilometers of travel.: narrow streamlined rib cage, strong legs and sloping back. Typically, predators can travel 10 kilometers per hour. But if they are being chased, they can move at speeds of up to 65 km/h, while jumping to a height of 5 m.

The structure of the wolf's paws deserves special attention. Thanks to him, they perfectly adapt to any living conditions. The paws differ in that have webbing between their toes. They allow you to redistribute the load, so in the forest these predators move faster than all other animals. Thanks to this structural feature of their paws, they can balance their weight while moving.

Wolf paws contain special blood vessels, providing protection against hypothermia. The predator succeeds very easily maintain balance even on slippery surfaces, which is helped by blunt claws and bristly fur on the paws. Other distinctive external sign is the presence of scent glands between the toes. It is thanks to them that the wolf's tracks retain a characteristic smell. These animals need them to navigate the terrain and inform the rest of the pack about their location.

Spread of the wolf

For all the time that this predator has lived on earth, its distribution area has changed significantly. Today, it is mainly found in areas of the northern hemisphere. In North America these predators can be found in the territory from Alaska to Mexico, in Japan There is no longer a single representative of these animals left, which is explained by the high level of urbanization. The common wolf is most represented in Europe and Asia - primarily in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Spain, the Balkans and Scandinavian countries.

These predators feel best in forest-steppe and steppe zones, as well as tundra and semi-desert. Less preferred habitats for wolves are densely wooded areas. Basically, he is used to settling in more open or less rugged areas.

These predators are accustomed to living near human settlements. If the taiga is cut down, this animal also begins to increase the area of ​​its possessions in the taiga zone.

Wolf packs are not prone to frequent movements and usually live for a long time in a certain territory. The area these animals occupy, usually has an area of ​​30-60 m in diameter. Predators living in the tundra and steppe behave somewhat differently: they are nomadic animals and regularly change their camp depending on the movement of the herd.

With the onset of the mating season, groups of pairs begin to separate out in the flock. The one that is the strongest takes the best place, and all other members of the flock are forced to look for food in other places during this period.

Wolves require certain conditions to breed offspring. To do this, they have to make a lair that looks like a secluded place. Most often it is found in crevices in rocks or in thickets of dense bushes. Sometimes she-wolves also make their home in the burrows of other animals– arctic foxes, badgers or marmots. The male is not inclined to constantly stay near the she-wolf, since he needs to get food.

To do this, it can move long distances from the den - 7–10 kilometers. Newborns wolf cubs differ little from puppies, their brown color also adds to their similarity. When the little animals grow up and master the skills of surviving in the wild, the she-wolf takes them out of the den, and after that they begin to live an independent nomadic life.


Wolves are one of the dangerous predators that each of us has heard about since childhood. But, unfortunately, over the past decades, hostility towards this animal has reached such proportions that in some places its population has approached critical levels. These animals still retain representation on the territory of the Eurasian continent.

There are enough representatives of these predators in our country, mainly the gray wolf and tundra wolf. These animals have special characteristics, which make it easy to distinguish them. It is especially worth mentioning that these are finger-walking creatures, which allows them to move in the forest faster than all other animals.

The common wolf (or gray wolf) is a large predatory animal from the canine family. The body length of an adult wolf can reach 180 cm (including tail), and the height at the withers is 90 cm. The weight of a wolf ranges from 30 to 50 kg, some of the largest animals can weigh up to 80 kilograms. Female wolves are usually smaller than male wolves.

The wolf's muzzle is elongated, its teeth are sharp and strong. The paws are quite long, the claws are not very sharp, as they wear off while running. The coat is usually light gray, sometimes with a black, white or reddish tint; there are wolves with completely black and completely white fur. As a wolf ages, its coat color can change greatly.


Wolves live throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia and North America. Animals are well adapted to life in different conditions. They feel good in the tundra, forest, steppe, taiga and mountains.

Currently, the number of wolves has greatly decreased, and in many regions these animals are endangered.


Wolves are pack animals. Members of the pack are relatives and lone wolves who have joined them. A flock can be large or small. A small one can consist of three to six wolves, and a large one can number twenty to forty individuals.

Life in a flock has its own laws and orders; there is a strict hierarchy. Each pack has a leader - a strong wolf, to whom all the others obey. The leader leads the pack on the hunt and resolves all conflicts that arise between relatives. Weak wolves must unquestioningly obey the strong ones.

Wolves have a very developed sign language. Their tail position or posture speaks volumes. So, a raised tail means that this is the leader of the pack, and a tucked tail means that this wolf is the weakest in the pack.

Wolves are big fans of “choral singing.” Their howls are both important messages for their relatives and simply a pleasant pastime. With the help of howls, wolves can convey important information to their relatives, being located at a distance of several kilometers from each other. For example, reporting the approach of game or a person.

Wolves love to howl just like that at dawn or at night. The leader is the first to speak, and the rest of the wolves begin to sing along with him.

In addition to howling, wolves can make other sounds - growl, howl, bark, yelp. All these sounds also have a certain meaning.

Wolves have a very sensitive sense of smell, they smell 100 times better than humans.


Wolves are predators. As a rule, they hunt sick or weak animals. That is why wolves are called orderlies.

A variety of animals can become game for wolves - moose, wild boars, rams, goats, deer, roe deer, beavers, bulls, hares, rabbits, badgers, squirrels, birds and others. But most often wolves hunt ungulates. They can also attack domestic animals. When food is scarce, wolves eat frogs, lizards and beetles.

Every day a wolf can eat about five kilograms of meat and drink a liter of water. In addition to meat food, wolves willingly eat fruits, berries, mushrooms, grass and leaves. Use plant food Helps animals normalize digestion.

Wolves are very hardy animals; they can live without food for about two weeks.


Wolves create a family once for life. To breed, they dig new holes or occupy holes dug by other animals; they can also settle among rocks in small crevices.

A she-wolf's pregnancy lasts from 62 to 75 days. Wolf cubs are born in the spring. They are born defenseless - deaf, blind and toothless. The weight of newborn wolf cubs ranges from 300 g to 500 g. After about 9 days, their eyes open, and after two to three weeks their teeth begin to erupt. At three months of age, wolf cubs begin to emerge from the hole.

Adult wolves take grown-up wolf cubs with them to hunt.

Wolves are considered adult at approximately two years of age.

The lifespan of wolves in the wild ranges from 7 to 10 years.

Brief information about the wolf.

What do people know about wolves? What qualities of a wolf first come to mind when talking about these animals? Surely you think that they are dangerous and cruel, insidious and treacherous. However, those who know almost nothing about the life of these animals think this way. In this article we will try to talk a little more about them. Perhaps some interesting fact about wolves will make you change your attitude towards them.

Genus Lupus (wolves)

This genus includes wolves, jackals, coyotes, and dogs. These are the largest representatives of wolves. All arctic foxes, foxes, maned wolf And

Each wolf is endowed with its own character - there are individuals who are cautious, self-confident and daring, some of them behave naturally and freely in the company of their fellow tribesmen, while others prefer to stay in the shadow of their more active relatives.

Wolves live on the plains of the northern hemisphere, as well as in the mountains and forests. Unfortunately, in some countries they are completely exterminated. And in Antarctica, white wolves are on the verge of extinction. They are listed in the International Red Book. Hunting these animals is prohibited.

These predators live in various landscapes - forests, tundra, mountains and steppes. They are predominantly sedentary animals, but at the same time they roam very long distances in search of food. As biologists say, in the wild they occupy their niche. In their habitats, wolves are usually the most large group predators that hunt large mammals.

External characteristics

A male wolf usually weighs about fifty kilograms, a female wolf is five kilograms lighter. The height at the withers of an adult is 75 cm, and the body length can be up to two meters. This is, of course, average data.

Wolves have thick, coarse fur with undercoat. The color may vary. There are gray, black, red, red, and white wolves.


Wolves are animals that prefer to live in families. Any pack of wolves has its own “charter”, in which everyone has their own role. Aggressive and strong young people rule, and those who need a firm hand obey them.

A wolf pack, in which the animals are related, is led by a wolf and a she-wolf. The rest of its members, mainly their offspring (from very stupid puppies to 3-year-old teenagers), obey them. Sometimes strangers join the flock, having left their flock for some reason. Typically, up to 15 animals live in such a family.

Endurance and vitality of wolves

These qualities of a wolf deserve special attention. A hungry predator without food can remain active for up to ten days. The wounded animal moves several kilometers away from the hunters. Surrounded by hunting dogs, it fiercely defends itself until its last breath. And a wolf, caught in a trap, bites off its paw to escape from its pursuers.

There is a known case when a wolf, which broke its paw during a hunt, lay motionless on the ground for 17 days, after which it stood up and continued searching for prey. The will to live of wolves is amazing.

But they have small weaknesses, which experienced hunters know about. Surprisingly, these brave predators are lost at the sight of a rag that flutters in front of their muzzle. This feature led to the appearance of flags. Hunters, having discovered a wolf pack, surround it around the perimeter with a rope with scraps of any fabric hung on it. The wolves, seeing the waving flags, do not dare to jump for them, and the hunters shoot at the animals at point-blank range.

And one more fact. A wolf in the forest never attacks people first. He avoids people, prefers to stay away from him.

Wolf's Lair

The wolf's hole is quite simple. As a rule, it has one entrance. In the forest-steppe regions of Siberia, they have a depth of about four meters, the diameter of the entrance is about 50 cm.

In Transbaikalia, researchers observed how wolves dig tarbagan holes in the fall, and in the spring they discovered wolf litters in them. One of these holes was more than five meters long, forty centimeters wide and twenty-five centimeters high. The nest inside the hole was half filled with dry grass bedding. It contained tarbagan skins.

In the Far North, these predators build burrows along the banks of streams and rivers. In these areas the soil is well drained and there is no permafrost, so digging a hole is easy.

Many holes can be found near the summer pastures of deer. As a rule, wolves wander behind herds of these animals. Before the puppies appear, they move forward, closer to their burrows, where the deer also come, but a little later.

Wolf howl

Each hole is inhabited by one pair of wolves, and they gather into a pack using the means of communication available to them - howl. This is not just the voice of a predator, it is an encrypted message with certain signals. The howl can be attractive (especially during the mating season), calling. It can be heard when the leader calls the pack to hunt. The howl can be a response when members of the pack respond to the call of the leader. It can be dying and, finally, entertainment. Oddly enough, wolves often howl for no apparent reason, probably what their wolf soul asks for.

Social order of the pack

The strongest wolf becomes the leader of the pack. His faithful friend, the she-wolf, helps him manage. In order for pack members to obey them, leaders must have strong character. All decisions that concern the life of the family are made by the wolf and the she-wolf together. In a pack where the leader keeps order, males never fight among themselves. But strangers who violate the boundaries of property are usually severely punished. A wolf pack goes out to hunt only in its own limited territory. The owners guard and mark her very jealously. This is a warning to neighbors that they should stay away from this land.

Sometimes in large packs one wolf is poisoned by all his brothers for unknown reasons. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a rejected animal to live in a family, and he leaves it. He becomes a wandering loner. True, he has a chance to create his own pack if he meets the same lone wolf. If these animals want to rule the pack, they must completely subjugate all its members to their will and force them to obey the laws of the family.

How does a leader rule?

A pack of wolves unconditionally accepts the leadership of the leader. He dominates the males, and his girlfriend keeps order among the she-wolves. The leader never tires of reminding his subordinates who is the master in the pack - he growls at them, bites them, even knocks them down, doing this in front of the whole family.

As a rule, one close and stern look from the leader or his wolf is enough for those he targets to submit. Grinning, and rather ingratiatingly, the wolves fall to the ground, and then, if they succeed, stealthily leave the place of punishment. Sometimes they lie on their backs, as if to say: “We agree that you are the most important.”

An interesting fact about wolves - the position of a predator in a pack can be judged by the way it holds its tail. The leader always has it raised high. For ordinary “subjects” it is omitted. And those individuals who are at the lowest level in the pack tuck their tails between their legs.

Family members show their love and respect for the leader and his mate in a welcoming ceremony. With ears flattened, crawling and fur smoothed, they crawl up to them, lick and gently nibble their faces.

Wild wolves are loyal animals

Probably not everyone knows that wolves are one of the most loyal animals. These strong predators They become very attached to their pack mates. They express their emotions and feelings through body movements and facial expressions. Thanks to the “wolf tongue,” the pack unites and acts as one. They express their tenderness and sympathy by licking each other, while rubbing their muzzles.

Why does a wolf need a tail?

Not everyone knows that a wolf's tail is a kind of indicator that expresses its feelings. If it is raised high and the tip is slightly curved, then this means that the wolf is quite confident in its abilities. A friendly animal lowers its tail, but its very tip is raised up. A wolf with its tail between its legs is either afraid of something or communicating its submission.

Wolf the family man

Only specialists know this interesting fact about wolves. These dangerous predators experience strong emotional attachment. They are monogamous - they choose their mate once and for life.

It must be said that a wolf is an ideal family man. He doesn’t create scandals, doesn’t cheat on his she-wolf, doesn’t break up with her, doesn’t have a young “mistress” on the side, and brings all the spoils to the family.

Wild wolves love their cubs very much. The wolf cubs are cared for not only by their parents, but by the entire pack.

The attitude of the ancients towards the wolf

This beast is sometimes called mythical. In ancient times, he was revered and respected for his courage, endurance, and ingenuity. Many warlike tribes perceived him as their ancestor. During the heyday of patriarchy, he was compared to a groom, a bride kidnapper.

For our ancestors, the wolf was like a mediator between gods and people. It was considered a talisman against evil. When the wolf became the faithful companion of St. George the Victorious, he began to be perceived as a solar deity.

Apollo, ancient Greek god light, sometimes called Apollo the Wolf. The ferocious predator was the sacred animal of the god Upuaut in Ancient Egypt.

In the myths of the Scandinavian peoples, wolves are called “the dogs of Odin.” Romulus and Remus, who founded Great Rome, were suckled by a she-wolf sent by Mars.
