Health and emotions according to the lunar calendar.

And now let's see what astrologers write in their forecasts:

“... On February 18, the Sun enters the last sign of the Zodiac and this is the most mystical and mysterious sign. It is full of magic and secrets. It contains the magic of the transcendent, eternal, incorporeal, boundless.

This 12th sign is the final one and we close one cycle and begin another with the start of the Season of Aries and the Spring Equinox, when the Astrological New Year occurs and when all nature wakes up and is reborn to new life.

Pisces is a water sign and life is born in water, that is, it is a sign full of potentials and this is that magical place The source where our dreams are born, the images of the vision of the future are born.

What are you dreaming about?

What do you want to manifest in your reality?

How much do you believe in the reality of your dreams?

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, unconditional love and no boundaries. We are all one on a subtle level and are part of the whole - we are all ONE.

To manifest the desired, it is important to understand this.

“Pisces connects us to what is actually reality. They exhibit the qualities of compassion, unconditional acceptance and love, impersonal service, transcendental healing.

"If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney
In the sign of Pisces, imagination and vision of images reign. Here is the source of our dreams and vision of our lives, our intuition, compassion and impersonality, our connection to All-That-Is.

We all have dreams of who we want to be and how to live. We often think of them as dreams or fantasies, with no possibility of becoming the reality of our lives.

Yes, sometimes we see proof that dreams do come true - in people who testify that their vision of life has become the reality of their life. We hear or see these people say that they always knew that they would become successful in a certain field or career, or that they knew that they would marry the person they married from the first minute they met, etc.

How do they do it? How do their dreams become the reality of their lives?

They are aware of their connection to everything around them.. and they use these energetic connections to their advantage. They understand at some level of their being (sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously) that with a clear and focused intention, the circumstances of their lives align with their purpose and shape what they desire.

And like them, YOU are also connected to everything! You are ONE with everyone and everything around you. when you realize that everything around you and you too are energy, and that it is only a matter of time to make your dream a reality ... "


The Pisces season begins on February 18th and immediately Mercury makes positive aspects to Uranus and Jupiter - your mind is capable of generating ideas, this is a good time to plan, communicate and share your insights with the world.

Then on February 22, Mars starts its game with increased tension - first it provokes Pluto in Capricorn and this is a lot of pressure and desire for power. The first confrontations and conflicts. Take care of yourself and your loved ones - we are moving towards the final eclipse of this season in the sign of Pisces and the whole week is under intense stress - there is a smell of electricity in the air. We lose focus and reason (Mercury enters Pisces the day before eclipses).

What does the corridor of eclipses bring us and how to prepare for the Solar Eclipse -

February 26 - Solar Eclipse in Pisces and this is a rather complex new moon, fairly "stuck" in the energies of Pisces and Neptune.

Try not to overload your schedule and leave yourself time and space to rest and recuperate. Now fateful events are taking place and the emotional background is very high.

Key to work with the energy of Pisces - in escapism: go into listening to music, watching movies, drinking tea with a girlfriend, or meditation with visualization.

At this point, it is important to remember your ability to create your state through switching - just imagine yourself in other sensations and you will get it in your reality.

The next day, Mars again inserts its strong word, connecting with Uranus and provoking unexpected reversals of events and bringing chaos to our states and lives. What has long needed to be updated receives its discharge and we feel liberation from a long-standing straining situation.

And on February 28, Mars ends its "dirty game" through opposition with Jupiter - relationships are crumbling, confrontations happen - at the global level this week you can expect major unpleasant events, protests, terrorism and explosions.

Be careful, take care of yourself and make love, not war.

On March 4, the main astro-event of this year takes place - the reversal of Venus into retromotion - this period will last until April 15 and we are called upon to reassess our relationships and finances. At this time, it is possible to return past relationships to rethink them, in order to finally make sure that you made the right choice or be together again. At this time, it is not recommended to start new relationships (they will not last long), get married (you can play weddings, you can’t register), buy expensive things (they won’t like them), experiment with appearance and do plastic surgery.

This is a good time to pay attention to yourself - to know and love yourself more, to think about what gives you pleasure, to look for the reasons for the failures of past or current relationships; the reappearance of an ex can help heal the past, and even just thinking about past failures and their causes will be enough to heal and ease the burden of the past.

After March 6, a rather constructive time begins - good for performing complex tasks. Mercury and the Sun are strengthened by Pluto, increasing your need for success.

On March 10, Mars enters Taurus - this is a sign of his weakening, where there is no free outlet for his anger, he has to endure for a long time, and then demolish everything like an elephant in a china shop. A good time to do something long-term like walking long distances.

March 12 - Full Moon in Virgo (23 degrees) and it's about taking care of your physical body. In difficult times, we show our escapist mechanisms, but are we paying enough attention to our body?

Pisces season

7 Ways to Touch the Unknown During the Pisces Solar Eclipse

This is the last Solar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces (February 26 at 17:28:16 UTC) in a three-episode saga since March 2015 - remember what happened then, also in March 2016.

Neptune is the planet of the unconscious and illusions. Life is a magical dream. And it can be fun when things don't go as planned - if we stop fighting the flow. During the new moon, there is a great opportunity to ask questions about any assumption in life.

Turn off all your beliefs

It is said that enlightened people believe that "reality" is an invented concept, a subject for interpretation. But there is something in this.

Einstein, whose theory of relativity turned our view of reality upside down, was a Pisces.

The New Moon in Pisces invites you to question linear concepts such as distance and time.

Have you ever noticed that when you are bored - the hour stretches endlessly - but when you are "turned on", it flies by in a moment?

New Moon in Pisces suggests shifting your thinking towards quantum, where time is more elastic and can be stretched at will.

This new moon suggests that perhaps what we think we know is just a possibility. Discuss it!

Welcome the unexpected

Being human means being a controlling freak, most of the time. Pisces is a sign of letting go and acceptance. Under the magic of this intuitive sign, we surrender beautifully to the power of the universe - which perhaps has a better plan than our mortal brains can compose.

When things turn in unexpected directions, try not to panic. Instead, say: "Mmm.. I wonder what I should learn from this turn of events?"

Let curiosity guide you, not anxiety.

Stop, tune in, and join the flow.

You are being led... just listen!

Consider the possibility of "life after death"

Pisces is the 12th and last sign of the Zodiac, so many people born under this sign are "old souls" with a strong connection to the other side. Pisces is also associated with reincarnation and life after death.

There is a book by Anita Mourjani "Die to Be Yourself: My Journey from Cancer to Death and True Healing" describing her near-death experience - she had cancer for 4 years and once in a hospital bed she had a near-death experience during whom she realized her worth as a human being and her old unconscious fear that was the cause of her cancer. During this experience, she experienced pure togetherness and love, feeling everywhere at once and a great sense of freedom. After regaining consciousness, her health magically began to improve and after a few weeks there was no trace of cancer. Murzhani - Pisces. Her history is documented by doctors. And this is an incredible book that allows you to rethink our relationship to illness, healing, life and death. On this New Moon, you can get a fresh perspective on these things.

Live your life like a work of art

What if you treated everything you do - from brushing your hair to writing a letter - like a piece of art? Imagine the sense of respect, awe and divinity you would bring to every moment of your life. You would exist in a present state of goodness. And here's an idea for a New Moon in Pisces: do this experiment for two weeks (before the next full moon in March) and see how your life changes.

For your inspiration - the example of Michelangelo - was born on March 6 (Pisces), spent 4 years painting the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. During his lifetime he was called Il Divino (Divine). Under the influence of Pisces, the veil between the earthly and the heavenly becomes thinner. So find your version of the metaphorical brush and paint your life.

Don't hate, meditate.

Pisces rules the subconscious and scientists are finding more and more shocking healing facts through meditation. The idea may be intimidating or annoying (do you want me to sit still? And for how long?), but you don't have to run off on a 10-day silent retreat to achieve amazing results. Nothing like this. You just need to sit still and be aware of your breath, even if only for a couple of short minutes.

The benefits of meditation are amazing. From lowering your blood pressure to increasing empathy, burning fat, and many wellness coaches urge "meditate instead of taking medication." So why don't you start or renew such an amazing skill? In Pisces season, everything starts with a deep, conscious breath.

Take an imaginary vacation

When was the last time you lost track of the clock and just were? The dreamers of Pisces invite you to ride the inspirational wave. You can do this by playing a musical instrument or painting with watercolors, dancing alone or wandering through boutiques, smelling perfume, touching bags and shoes (Pisces rules the feet after all) [there is a ritual for your feet in the Star Guide] and following the muse.

Join the clean water movement

Pisces rules the oceans and seas, and the eclipse highlights the need to protect and share water on our planet. There is a big problem of clean drinking water on our planet, now in cities people pay a lot of money for clean water. And many reservoirs are polluted. Eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis accentuate this. On this new moon, you can do something to save and protect water, for example by starting your social media campaign.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 takes place at 8 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. The Eclipse contains a positive momentum that will help us turn our dreams into reality. The influence of the spiritual planet Neptune is emphasized, inspiring hope for a brighter future. Neptune brings inspiration, there is a desire to move forward, to new achievements.

This celestial phenomenon can be observed in South and West Africa, South America, Antarctica. On the morning of February 26, an eclipse of the Sun can be seen in South America, it will end over the territory of southwestern Africa at sunset. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible. The eclipse is annular, when the diameter of the lunar disk is somewhat smaller than the solar disk, so the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, a luminous ring remains visible.

Effects of a Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The Sun and Moon at 8 degrees Pisces form a conjunction with Mercury and Neptune, so the effect of the eclipse can be ambiguous. Neptune plunges us into an ocean of fantasy, but the presence of Mercury reminds us to remain objective and sensibly assess the prospects. Maintain a balance of dreams and realism, then success will easily find its way to you.

The impact of the eclipse will have a positive impact on many areas of life, it is especially good for creative people and people of art. In addition, we can count on positive developments in the sphere of relations. Maybe you will make new influential friends, meet love and start a relationship with a worthy person.

Pisces and Virgo will be the most affected by the February 2017 solar eclipse, especially those born between February 22-March 3 (Pisces) and August 26-September 5 (Virgo). Gemini and Sagittarius will also feel its energies. In which direction the changes will occur depends on the position of the planets and important points in the natal chart, so the nature of the changes is determined for each individual.

The meaning of the eclipse February 26, 2017 in terms of astrology

In astrology, an eclipse of the Sun is considered to mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Thus, it crosses out the past and opens a new chapter of life. This is a great time for new beginnings, whether they are related to work or personal life. There are many possibilities, and our task is to choose among them those that contribute to the realization of our true needs. To make the right choice, it is necessary to analyze the affairs of the past days, take responsibility for what happened and change the trajectory of movement. You may need to let go of old habits, behaviors, or beliefs.


A solar eclipse in Pisces brings a positive impulse, gives energy for new beginnings. One of the most significant aspects is the conjunction of the Sun and Moon with Neptune. Neptune in Pisces is very strong, because this zodiac sign is his abode. Although the influence of this mysterious planet is not always beneficial, now the positive qualities are more noticeable, because its negative aspect with Saturn is no longer active. Neptune shows that we can rise above our limitations and soar towards our dreams. Spirituality and development of talents are the basis of success. All this implies a close relationship with the surrounding people and the world as a whole.

Neptune is known as the planet of spirituality and mysticism, in its properties to increase intuition and empathy. The boundaries between people dissolve, and you will feel true unity with loved ones. Spiritual teachings and occult disciplines become clearer, psychic abilities can open.

Jupiter and Uranus

However, not all planetary relationships are harmonious (See astrological eclipse chart below). The opposition of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries increases the need for freedom, there is a desire to rebel against all rules and restrictions. As a result, unexpected events that will lead to significant changes in personal life are not ruled out.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is emphasized by minor aspects: the semi-square (45° aspect) of the Sun with Uranus and the one and a half square (135° aspect) of the Sun with Jupiter, which also introduce their own nuances. Jupiter makes us more self-confident, but the desired and the possible should be correlated, otherwise excessive optimism can fail. The relationship of the Sun and Uranus is often a harbinger of drastic changes. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus indicates a high concentration of energies, although there is uncertainty, i.e. the main message of the eclipse is expressed implicitly. On the one hand, there is tension and there is a desire to change something, on the other hand, there is no complete clarity or there are no specific goals. In addition, bellicose Mars is in conjunction with unpredictable Uranus, which adds some risk or haste.

Summing up, we can say that the energies of the solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 are generally positive, but there is a factor of uncertainty and chaos. There is a possibility that events of ambiguous meaning will occur under his influence. It is possible that projects will be launched that are not destined to be realized due to a lack of purposefulness, or they will turn out to be far from reality. If you are planning to start something new, stay practical and carefully weigh the pros and cons of your initiatives.

On February 26, 2017, as well as three days before and after this date, it is not recommended to make anything important: major purchases, serious financial transactions, responsible negotiations, etc. If possible, it is better to postpone significant events and trips to another period. It is desirable to spend the day in a calm atmosphere, without doing anything unusual and risky.

The energy of the Pisces sign is noticeably manifested, and if you want to be on the same wavelength with her, allow yourself to slip away from reality for a while. For example, you can go to the cinema, read a fantasy novel, listen to spiritual music, take up painting.

This is an auspicious time for meditation, reflection and planning for the future. When meditating, it is good to use the stones of the zodiac sign Pisces: amethyst, aquamarine, opal, blue agate and others.

The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. Since an eclipse of the Sun is essentially a new moon, it is good if you find time for a new moon ritual to fulfill wishes. They can be about love, work, business, money, and anything else you want to attract into your life.

In addition, it will not be ordinary, but ring-shaped. The sun will begin to hide at 16:53. There are many superstitions associated with this phenomenon. For example, astrologers say that the eclipse will be in the sign of Pisces, which means that in the period 3 days before the eclipse and 3 days after, it is better to lie low and devote time to peace.

Such a Sun will certainly affect people. Pisces and Virgo, born from February 22 to March 3 and from August 26 to September 5, Gemini and Sagittarius, will fall especially strongly under the influence of this phenomenon.

You should not purchase equipment, start repairs, change the image. Nothing good will come of the new, but spoil the old. Do not overcool, you can get sick. Try to refrain from unnecessary communication, do not borrow money, avoid financial affairs with friends, otherwise the friendship will end and you will not earn money. And do not say too much, do not share your domestic problems.

The day is good for acquiring real estate, for trading in large wholesale and items for women. A good time for travel and trips. Perhaps, for the good of the case, you will have to use cunning and imagination.

On this day, you should not purchase equipment and change anything in your appearance. This will not only be unsuccessful, but will also symbolically affect your future affairs. Be frugal.

A very busy and difficult day. Little things will infuriate, fraud or fraud is possible. At work there will be an unpleasant psychological climate, there may be trouble with documents.

Your sociability and sociability will help you establish the contacts you need. But don't be too gullible. A beautiful picture does not always match the content.

Your fantasies and romanticism can take you far today. Therefore, be more restrained in behavior with members of the opposite sex. Flirting, courtship is possible. And erotic relationships can be disappointing.

Today you can charm anyone. It’s not scary if you have to fib or fantasize a little for this. It is your creative nature and mystery that will be the highlight that everyone will be drawn to.

On this day, one should not marry, create alliances, sign agreements. Influential persons may refuse to help and protect you, there may be discord in relations with a loved one. Refrain from sweets.

A great time for creative people involved in art, for journalists and writers. The day is good for trade, especially women's goods. This day will be pleasant to meet with friends.

Today you will be "drawn to exploits", you will want novelty or thrills. This can lead to injury, quarrels. Beware of large animals and firearms. Sports activities can also lead to injury.

You will be set up in a fighting way, there will be enough energy and strength. Changes in long-term plans are possible. Be frugal, save money and don't lend. The evening is good for romantic dates.

Today you will show remarkable perseverance on any, even the most insignificant, occasion. It will be difficult to argue with you on this day, and, in fact, unnecessary. Most likely, after a day or two, the reason for the dispute will seem petty and ridiculous to you.

According to materials:

The new moon in 2017 falls at the end of February. This event has many positive aspects. To use his energy to the maximum, it is important to know how to behave during this period.

The new moon will begin on February 26 at 6 pm Moscow time. The new moon will spend this period in the constellation Pisces, which influences the disclosure of creativity and enhances emotions. February 26 is the time of communication, active actions and emancipation. However, do not forget that the New Moon contributes to a decline in energy. Use the recommendations of the lunar calendar to make your day successful and beneficial.

Finance, work and affairs February 26

This day, which falls on Sunday, should be devoted to the completion of cases that do not require delay. However, a strong mental load is undesirable. The new moon is a great period for summing up your activities. The constellation of Pisces favors active work in the field of art. People feel the desire to touch the beautiful, to create something extraordinary, to help those in need.

Financial activity during the New Moon is undesirable. A change in energy contributes to an economical attitude to funds, which will be the key to well-being and good luck in the future. Reasonable spending of money only on the most necessary will save you from rash and meaningless acquisitions. It is undesirable to buy expensive things on the New Moon - be it household items, an apartment or a car. In the future, you may be disappointed, and what you have acquired will not bring any benefit or good luck. Today, to save money, it is worth using monetary signs. Attention to detail will help you win.

The Pisces constellation contributes to a different flow of thoughts - dreaminess appears, a desire to hide in a world of illusions and enjoy moments of peace and quiet. Things are going slowly on February 26, so today is a day created for relaxation and easy communication. Household chores should also be postponed, because they take a lot of energy. It's time to devote yourself to spiritual growth, purification and liberation from imposed judgments and opinions. Meditation practices will help with this, at the same time relaxing and giving the necessary tone.

Love and Relationships on the New Moon

Despite the small amount of energy, February 26 will be an auspicious day for relationships and communication. The influence of romantic Pisces is great today. The constellation weakens the position of the Moon, which has a positive effect on mood. During this period, things are going well to establish ties for further cooperation. The craving for communication can be satisfied by visiting friends or relatives - a positive mood and a desire to help is just in time to renew lost contacts.

Love affairs in the New Moon develop successfully. With due attention and care for your soulmate, you have every chance to bring feelings to a new level, to make the most important thing in life a recognition and proposal. Finding a partner can also be successful. Today, a date can be arranged in an unusual place. For brave and extraordinary people, this can be a trip to the mountains. Energy Day is reminiscent of February 14, so courage and self-confidence are welcome.

A sense of tact will help you avoid unpleasant conversations. In case your relationship is on the edge, fate will give you another chance to build bridges. Use the New Moon on February 26 for new victories and achievements in personal relationships. And to consolidate the result, use white love conspiracies, which contribute to the resumption of extinct relationships. Beware of using them if your partner does not have the same strong feelings for you. Doing so can only hurt yourself and your relationship.

Health and emotions according to the lunar calendar

Due to the energy decline, there are not so many forces left. Walking in the fresh air will help keep yourself in great shape. Meditation practices also come to the rescue. In this case, you will receive a charge of vivacity from the cosmic and terrestrial energy circulating in space.

On the New Moon, it's important to remember that mood swings are not a reason to lash out at the people around you. Keep yourself in control, and the day will be filled with joy and positivity.

Simple rules will help to avoid health problems: get more rest, drink clean water, use your strengths and do not burden yourself with chores. On Sunday, for a general improvement in well-being, astrologers recommend refraining from eating fatty and spicy foods. Light food is digested faster, helping the body effortlessly saturate the body and add strength.

A light diet will have a good effect on physical and moral condition. It will help to lose extra pounds accumulated over the winter and cleanse the body of toxins. The new moon is a good time to fight bad habits. Renewal and liberation contribute to the improvement of the body, relieving it of harmful addiction.

To attract well-being, use proven rituals for the new moon. Listen to yourself and do not go on about someone else's opinion. We wish you the achievement of your goals. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.02.2017 05:40

The new moon can greatly undermine the health of many people. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take measures in advance, ...

Next new moon: February 26, 2017 at 17:57:14. Next full moon: March 12, 2017 at 5:52 p.m.

  • Moon phase February 26, 2017- new moon at 17:57.
  • Lunar day 26.02.2017- 29-30, 1 lunar day.
  • What sign is the moon in 02/26/2017- Moon in Pisces.
  • Moonrise February 26, 2017 - at 7:26.
  • Moonset 02/26/2017 at 17:48.
  • Moon without a course - 25.02 21:11 — 26.02 3:24.
  • Sunrise February 26, 2017 - 7:28.
  • Sunset February 26, 2017 - 17:58.

Horoscope for today 02/26/2017

You should not purchase equipment, start repairs, change the image. Nothing good will come of the new, but spoil the old. Do not overcool, you can get sick. Try to refrain from unnecessary communication, do not borrow money, avoid financial affairs with friends, otherwise the friendship will end and you will not earn money. And do not say too much, do not share your domestic problems.

The day is good for acquiring real estate, for trading in large wholesale and items for women. A good time for travel and trips. Perhaps, for the good of the case, you will have to use cunning and imagination.

Today you should not buy equipment and change something in your appearance. This will not only be unsuccessful, but will also symbolically affect your future affairs. Be frugal.

A very busy and difficult day. Little things will infuriate, fraud or fraud is possible. At work there will be an unpleasant psychological climate, there may be trouble with documents.

Your sociability and sociability will help you establish the contacts you need. But don't be too gullible. A beautiful picture does not always match the content.

Your fantasies and romanticism can take you far today. Therefore, be more restrained in behavior with members of the opposite sex. Flirting, courtship is possible. And erotic relationships can be disappointing.

Today you can charm anyone. It’s not scary if you have to fib or fantasize a little for this. It is your creative nature and mystery that will be the highlight that everyone will be drawn to.

On this day, one should not marry, create alliances, sign agreements. Influential persons may refuse to help and protect you, there may be discord in relations with a loved one. Refrain from sweets.

A great time for creative people involved in art, for journalists and writers. The day is good for trade, especially women's goods. This day will be pleasant to meet with friends.

Today you will be "pulled to exploits", you will want novelty or thrills. This can lead to injury, quarrels. Beware of large animals and firearms. Sports activities can also lead to injury.

You will be set up in a fighting way, there will be enough energy and strength. Changes in long-term plans are possible. Be frugal, save money and don't lend. The evening is good for romantic dates.

Today you will show remarkable perseverance on any, even the most insignificant, occasion. It will be difficult to argue with you on this day, and, in fact, unnecessary. Most likely, after a day or two, the reason for the dispute will seem petty and ridiculous to you.

The horoscope for today 02/26/2017 was compiled by astrologer Marina Aleksandrova especially for the site.

The data of the lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon for February 26, 2017 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.
