Baba Yaga happy wedding anniversary. Scene "Congratulations from Baba Yaga"

Any event will become more interesting if it uses a congratulation scene from Baba Yaga. This fairy-tale character was previously considered exclusively negative. But today the attitude towards her has changed.

Modern Baba Yaga

Evil evil spirits who do nasty things to people today can act as a cool, slightly ridiculous person. A skit with her participation can turn out to be very funny. Congratulations from Baba Yaga will make the event scenario non-trivial and exciting. It is very important to correctly develop a new image of the modern Grandmother the Hedgehog.

Let this character completely change his image. For example, he may not show up for a holiday scary old woman, who trades in witchcraft and sabotage, but a sweet, rather young and frivolous person who was only recently hired for this position.

Presentation of the guest at the anniversary

Surely this Baba Yaga will make everyone laugh. may begin with a creative guest introduction. It can be turned into a parody of Khazanov’s speech about a student from a culinary college.

“So I studied to become a vamp witch, only in the first session I failed one exam. Well, you understand: young sorcerers, devils... Oh, what devils they were! In short, like midnight - we are all evil spirits, that is, half-trained, some riding on a broom, some flying on a mokik, and - on the Sabbath, on Mount Bald. And there... Oh, before school, my dears, there was, in our soft ants: songs, playfulness every hour, so it turned my head! But, it seems, I read about this somewhere... In general, they transferred me to the “babyagin” course. By the way, there I also barely managed to get a C grade.

I was babbling for some reason and got a little distracted. That’s why I flew here to bring my congratulations to the hero of the day. From Baba Yaga - to a woman (the name is read from a piece of paper that she takes out of her bra). So... Now! Rap. My words. Folk music.

Rap ode in honor of the birthday girl

Comic congratulations from Baba Yaga in the style of youth musical and poetic direction sound very creative.

Respect to everyone! It's me, Grandma Yozhka! I'm with you again! And my rap is for best woman Earth (name of the birthday girl)!

My life was not sweet

The road with potholes is also not smooth,

Fate constantly made faces at me,

Tell me, are our lives somehow similar?

But even when they shout after you: “Grandma-Yozhka!”

I know that there is a little fear in this,

There is respect, envy, love,

And admiration. The blood is agitated!

Don't look back after such people,

I didn’t sing my rap to you about them here.

Know that all women are not bitches, bitches,

We are like thorns for mediocrity.

Stand next to me, sing with me!

We will become related here by rapping with you.

From this moment on, let time have no power

They will be over (name: Tanya, Lyuda, Nadya)! And the heavy burden

Will not touch tender shoulders from now on!

May your name be glorious throughout the ages!

Musical sketch "Congratulations from Baba Yaga to the hero of the day"

The guest can dress up as an extravagant sex bomb. And from the traditional Baba Yaga, let her have only one attribute left, for example, a broom or a mortar. And you can hang the emblem of a super fashionable car on a magical vehicle. Then the scene itself will become even more modern.

Baba Yaga, who came to the holiday arm in arm with a pumped-up Leshiy in a bandana and leather pants - that’s cool! And if she also sings her lyrics to a melody known to everyone, then her success is guaranteed.

A wonderful option could be the famous hit “How delightful are the evenings in Russia”, the melody of which will be set to different words.

How delightful is the hero of the day today!

He sits now decorously, nobly,

Listens to flattering praises in public

And he accepts every gift graciously.

Boxes, irons, shirts and watches,

And cameras and tea sets,

Travel abroad, where it is impossible without a visa,

And cufflinks, chains for beauty.

How delightful the wine is here today!

The nectar is magical, as if it sparkles in a glass.

And I will say now: let's have fun!

We have been waiting for this holiday for so long.

Our hero of the day, who achieved these terrible figures,

Let him live at least one more century,

We wish the hero of the day long life!

And we promise: in a century we will sing this verse.

How wonderful (tell me, people!) to live!

And living well is a million times better.

And may you live this life with luck - cooler

There can be no wish in the world!

Success, wealth, respect, honor,

Demand, and... the crunch of the French bread!

Love, champagne, sunsets, alleys...

And troubles - ugh, little things, don’t count!

Dance at the celebration

A congratulation sketch from Baba Yaga can also be accompanied by a striptease, naturally, within the limits of what is permitted. Therefore, the dance itself should be thought out in such a way that the sex bomb remains dressed by the end of the performance. To do this, her outfit must consist of many details, which she will take off during the dance: a scarf, a belt, a bolero, an apron, a bow on the shoulder, a skirt fastened with a button on the belt, sleeve cuffs, a collar, etc.

A dance like this will look very creative washing machine, which will imitate a pole. You can also replace the beads with a clothesline ring with clothespins attached to it. Before a performance, Baba Yaga can put curlers in her hair to get a little closer to the image of a real Baba Yaga from real, not fairy-tale, life.

Birthday scenario with Baba Yaga

Presenter:Why do we have fun?

What kind of holiday do we have here?

Everyone is in a great mood

On this day and at this hour!

We did not gather by chance,

It's time to start our holiday,

Birthday! Birthday!

Children celebrate!

Whose, whose holiday is this?

Who's the lucky one here?

Oh, guys, but where is our birthday boy? Ah, I think I know. To invite him here we need to start clapping!

The birthday boy enters to applause and music and stands in the center of the hall.

(the presenter talks about how handsome the birthday boy is, about how old he is)

I invite the birthday boy to sit in this place of honor near these portraits. The guys carefully drew them. Do you recognize yourself in these drawings? The birthday boy looks at the drawings, recognizes his portraits and sits down on a chair next to him..

Today all your friends have come to celebrate your birthday! I wish you to grow up to be a healthy, smart, kind and brave boy.Let's all shout in unison: "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone congratulates you today!! It's so cool! (phone rings)

Hello, Baba Yaga, hello! Imagine, I went to the holiday, it’s so interesting, so beautiful and full of kids. Come soon, let's have fun together!

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and a modern Baba Yaga appears on the threshold.

Baba Yaga: Hello, I came to a birthday party, and I brought it to the birthday boy... Well, guess what I brought? (shows the medal to the children). That's right, a medal for the birthday boy! Where is my birthday boy, he’s already turned 60 years old! Where is this grandpa?
Ved: No, grandma, you’re probably mistaken, it’s (ARTYOM’s) birthday being celebrated here, and he’s only 6 years old!
Baba Yaga: Oh, I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it! (looks at the child, turns in all directions). Yeah, I see you’re still young, but oh well, you’re still far from 60, I’m giving you this medal, you’re so beautiful today, you’re so wonderful, I like it so much, I’d like to stay with you, it’s so fun here , it’s interesting, but there are goblins in the forest, and we’re tired of toadstools. Can I stay with you for a little while?
Leader and children: Of course, grandma, come in, just promise not to scare us, not to cast spells or misbehave.
Baba Yaga: No, no, I won’t. I will, I will play, I will, I will dance!
Do you know what the main song is sung at birthday parties? (Loaf). Of course a loaf. Let's all stand together in a big circle and sing this song for the birthday boy.

Song loaf.

B. Yaga.And of course, you and I will shout “Happy Birthday” in unison, but not just like that, but in turn. Girls will say “Happy Birthday” and boys “Birthday”. Ready?

Game “Happy Birthday!” »

B. Yaga.Attention, next competition. I invite all the kids to play wishing games, what birthday goes without wishing cards? Yes, none! Therefore, now I, like a real reporter, will approach you with my little microphone, and you will wish all sorts of wishes into it. (takes out a huge microphone and approaches the children one by one, the children say their wishes).

B.Y:and I know another game called “Congratulations”, I will tell Artyom wishes, and you will say yes - yes - yes, or no - no - no.


Happy birthday

Yes Yes Yes

And of course we wish

Yes Yes Yes

Artyom needs to grow up more

Yes Yes Yes

Definitely get fatter

No no no-

Be beautiful, kind, sweet

Yes Yes Yes

And noisy and pugnacious

No no no

For mommy to love

Yes Yes Yes

I beat her with a strap more often

No no no


To feed you candy

Yes Yes Yes

And all together


Ved:Baba Yaga, do you want to dance with our guys?

B.Ya.:Oh, and they can dance too? And our birthday boy too?


B. Yaga.How I like your birthday boy.Let's be friends with you!!!
You know, I came empty-handed, here’s my gift to you!!! I’m handing over my broom.

What? I do not like? Oh yeah, okay, then now I’ll give you a ride on a broom, if you want...

Game "Baba Yaga's Tail" .

B. Yaga.Now don't yawn. I propose the festive relay race “Dress up the birthday boy”.

Game “Dress up the birthday boy”

(The birthday girl and the Teacher sit on chairs, each has their own team. Each team is given a set of clothes. On command, the participants must take one item and put it on their birthday boy.)

Baba Yaga. Well, they are handsome. Oh, what beautiful outfits! But, unfortunately, we won’t be able to wear them all the time.

Now, teams, pay attention! You need to undress your birthday boy in exactly the same way, one garment at a time. Attention, march.

Game “Undress the birthday boy”.

B. Yaga.And now funny Games with balls.

Attraction "Kangarushki"

Children are divided into two teams. All children squeeze balls between their knees and try to jump quickly to the finish line without losing the “kangaroo” - the ball.



Baba Yaga:
- Now let's bake a cake for our birthday boy! Children, hold hands and line up in one long chain. Let's start baking!
The leader is in front of everyone, Baba Yaga is behind.
On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: they turn around themselves, winding the entire chain. The presenter spins until a large “cake” is formed. The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the entire chain wraps around the leader, you should stop, raise your hands up and wave. (As if candles are burning). Some music plays during the game

Ved:Artyom, we wish you a happy birthday and have prepared a pleasant surprise for you. But where it is - you need to find out. Multi-colored palms will help you with this (palms are cut out of colored paper). Now we will all look for these palms together, there are only seven of them (hide the palms by attaching them to different places). Each palm has a letter written on it. When we find all the palms, we will have from the letters written on back side, make up a word. After reading the word, you, Artyom, will receive our surprise. And your friends will help you collect all the palms. So let's get started!

(The cheerful song of the group “Barbariki” sounds, “Both I and I congratulate you.”) Children look for their palms and put a word out of them (if children do not yet know how to read, adults help them. The word “gift” should come out).

After this, a gift is given to the birthday boy, then everyone dances and leaves the hall.

IN New Year all sorts of miracles happen. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparation for school, New Year's holiday Creativity and creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights. Spending time 40-50 minutes. Designed only for high school students.

Baba Yaga, Stylist, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Kikimora, Leshy, Blonde, Presenter, Presenter.

On stage is the scenery of Baba Yaga's hut. The Presenter and the Presenter appear.

The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing,
A miracle will happen soon
It's time for magic soon
It's time to make a wish!
It's time to prepare congratulations,
And light fires everywhere,
Wear bright clothes,
A glorious holiday is ahead!

Exactly, exactly, get ready,
Get ready, try your best
Soon the tree will light up,
The holiday is knocking on the door!

Dear friends, we are glad to see you today at our holiday. As you know, New Year is a time of change and magic.

Change is always good. Everyone strives for them, even fairy-tale heroes.

Are you talking about commotion now?

Haven't you heard? Baba Yaga has now decided to change her appearance. Here everyone around you already knows, and only you don’t know.

You're lying! This cannot be!

Maybe, maybe! We bet your wish that by the end of the evening, Baba Yaga will become a beauty!

Oh, we bet! Get ready, I’ll make such a wish for you! I’ll just look for an idea on the Internet and come up with an idea!

Let's go, I'll help you find it! And at the same time I will make sure that the desire is decent!

(The presenters leave. Baba Yaga appears on the stage, all in rags, holding a mirror in her hands)

Baba Yaga:
Soon, soon New Year,
The whole country was waiting for him,
Soon, soon he will come,
Even I got ready!
I need to pick out a dress
Makeup, hairdo,
I need to tidy up the house
And make salads!
Maybe dye your hair
Or maybe curl them,
Maybe fix my eyebrows,
And curl your eyelashes!
I don’t know what to do
I haven't put on makeup for a long time
I'll conjure a stylist,
What an idea! It's decided!

(Makes a symbolic gesture with his hands, the Stylist appears in the hall. Enters, burying his face in the magazine)

Now, now my princess, I will show you the latest news! You will fall with delight! Look, darling, what a color, what a wow! (looks up).Oh, where am I? What actually happened? My little bubba, where are you? What bad taste all around, what horror!

Baba Yaga:
Well, why immediately horror? So, a little unkempt.

What bad manners! What a dress, what hair, what an image!

(The chorus of the song “Well, why are you so scary”)

Baba Yaga:
Yes, I’m absolutely beautiful! Wow, he really is a pro, he appreciated my very best fashionable dress. Like?

Like? Yes, you can use it to scare children on Halloween!

Baba Yaga:
So, what do you think I’m doing?

What about the hair? And those nails! And anyway, where is my Bead? Her image is not finished!

Baba Yaga:
In general, barber, stop wailing! Come quickly, make me beautiful! Run!

How rude. What if I refuse?

Baba Yaga:
I'll eat you or turn you into a toad!

But, I have everything by appointment!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, that's enough already! Turn me into a beauty!

Well, okay, I persuaded you! Say what you want?

Baba Yaga:
I want, I want, I want, I don’t know, for it to be nice!

(The stylist takes two photographs out of his pocket, one of a girl with hair done and makeup, the other of a monster from a horror movie)

Alas, it is impossible to explain what “cute” is, you have to see it for yourself. It's not too late to refuse, then there will be no turning back. Choose this picture (shows the option with a monster), I can’t help you, choose this picture (shows version with makeup), you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Remember, darling, I only offer you perfection!

Baba Yaga:
What to choose here? Paint me! New Year is coming!

(The stylist begins to allegedly put Baba Yaga in order. Leshy and Kikimora appear on the stage)

Hey old lady, we came here to drink some tea with toadstools. Put on the kettle! So, I didn’t understand something, what’s going on here?

Why did you suddenly think of this?

Baba Yaga:
Leave me alone! I decided to be beautiful and find myself a groom. Why am I still alone, and alone? And I want to celebrate the New Year as a human being, transformed, so to speak!

Leshun, did you hear? She's getting married! Oh, I can't! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

The bride is elderly!

But you are laughing in vain! Dear, you need to refresh your skin, tidy up your hair, in general, a complete upgrade! But you, darling, could use a manicure, a new dress and makeup, otherwise you look terrible!

I am the queen of the swamps
I know a lot about scaring
And I'm beautiful, I'm irresistible
I visit the salon every year!

And I've been beautiful since birth,
I'm beautiful, no doubt about it,
So brutal, strong,
And fashionable myself, I will give advice!

Are you on the waiting list?

(Kikimora and Leshy unanimously “Yes.” The stylist takes out a tablet)

So, can I receive you in 2019, and then only early in the morning, make an appointment?

Are you kidding me? Now come on! I also want to celebrate the New Year beautiful!

And I!

OK then. Just guess a couple of riddles, and then I will decide who will be first and who will come in 2019!

(Several riddles are read, or instead of them, you can do some one, in which the audience can take part. The stylist chooses the winner. The clicking of heels is heard. A Blonde appears with curlers on her head, with a phone in her hands and in a hairdresser’s robe)

My little bead! I didn't understand! What's the matter? Where are you even lost? Why should I look for you using GPS?

Well, my dear, they promised to eat me here.

So what! I would eat it, then go back and finish it! It’s a few hours before the New Year, and I still have to remember where I need to go.

Lady, in line, here, by the way, everyone wants to be beautiful!

Wow, not beautiful.

Baba Yaga:
Hey, don't stop the maestro from creating! Otherwise I’ll turn everyone into toads!

Oh, I don’t mind, green is trendy, I’ll be fashionable!

You will be croaking, not fashionable!

(A knock is heard. A disheveled Snow Maiden flies into the hut with Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden :
We made our way through the wind, through the snow,
And my braids are a little disheveled,
The makeup ran lightly,
I need to be beautiful urgently, now!
I have to dance in circles in an hour,
Sing songs, dance and joke,
Come on, stylist, make me look beautiful,
Or I might even deprive you of the gift!

Wow! There's a queue here, by the way! So, let's get in line like everyone else!

Snow Maiden :
By the way, I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

And why, my dad is the president, but who’s bragging!

Father Frost :
They're waiting for care, kids,
It's high time we left,
Be good, I beg you
Comb her braid!

Baba Yaga:
Look, what a slow-witted guy, they told me to get in line! I actually rented it first!

Father Frost :
Yaga, are you planning to ruin the holiday again?

Baba Yaga:
I don’t want to spoil anything, I just want to be beautiful and get married! I might want to be kind, but you keep getting in the way!

Snow Maiden :
So be kind! Let me through! I have a Christmas tree, kids!

Baba Yaga:
And my happiness is at stake!

Father Frost :
Well, be a man, Yaga! I’ve already prepared New Year’s greetings! I want to get home quickly, I have a fur coat, Olivier, jellied meat there! And my granddaughter will have a cake!

Oh, I parked, I parked, I don’t remember where I parked!

(Everyone begins to animatedly argue and gesticulate. The curtain falls. The presenters appear)

Presenter (rubbing hands):
Are you ready to fulfill my New Year's whim, honestly won?

Are you ready to do mine if you lose?

But this was funny. Where am I and where will I lose?

Leading (supposedly casting a spell):
Now, immediately, appear before us,
A beauty, so well-groomed,
She who was the soul of evil and reptiles,
The one that was called the Bone Leg!

(The curtain rises. A girl stands on the stage in beautiful dress, with makeup and hairstyle)

Who let a stranger into the hall? Girl, clear the stage, we have an important argument here!

Stop! Why did you attack? Girl, who are you?

Young woman:
My name is Yagulechka, my Stylist came up with the name for me and chose the dress too.

Invented? What was your name before?

Young woman:
Baba Yaga, but that's in the past. I am now kind and beautiful!

You must be evil and scary!

Young woman:
Why was I angry and scary before, but because I didn’t have a Stylist!

I command you, loser, to fulfill my cherished desire!

(Make a wish corresponding to the theme. The presenter can also assign fun competition from the Pozdravok website. And while the Presenter is performing, other heroes appear on stage, dressed in beautiful outfits)

The New Year is already rushing towards us,
Soon everything will happen to us,
You just have to wish
And accept your gift!

(After this, everyone sings together the Disco Accident song “The New Year is rushing towards us”)

The evening is drawing to a close
The holiday is knocking on our doors,
I want to pay tribute to him,
Let the lights come on everywhere!

I suggest, we are friends,
Light up a beautiful Christmas tree!
Together, come on, one, two, three,
Christmas tree, come on, burn!

A scene with the participation of Baba Yaga to congratulate a woman on her name day

To stage this scene, you immediately need to prepare the main gift, a woolen scarf, a handkerchief, a package of sanitary pads, a bottle of champagne, a countermeasure, a bag of potato chips and a bag so that it all fits. One of the guests can easily play the role of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
Yaga from a fairy tale has come to you,
To congratulate you, Oksanochka!
Today I brought gifts from the forest in a bag,
I got ready for the journey for a long time, dressed up,
At night I made love and kissed my sweetheart.

(Gives the birthday girl the main gift.)

Our Vodyanoy has gone completely crazy.
He turned around with trade,
He sent you some tinctures
He called it living water.

(Baba Yaga takes out a bottle of champagne.)

And Tortilla, then Tortilla
I forgot everything in my old age
Instead of a key she
Aldays sent here.

(Gives sanitary pads.)

And the boar - then, and the boar
He dug up some potatoes
Maybe in our garden,
Maybe he stole from yours!

(Baba Yaga hands over a bag of potato chips.)

Cursed Merman
What did he do to me?
Says “I was using protection”
I got this item.

(Gives the birthday girl the remedy.)

The wolf raised a lamb for you
But such is nature
Only the skin of the sheep
You only got one.

(Gives a woolen scarf.)

The spider has woven webs for you
So that tears don't fall from your eyes.

This scene with the participation of Baba Yaga is best suited to congratulate one of the female employees on her birthday. The performance can be organized in the office. According to the scenario, we need to prepare the following gifts in advance: a mop with a clamp or a broom, a bag of nuts, a jar of coffee, chocolate-covered hazelnuts, face cream, horseradish and radishes, a pack of raisins, a jar of pickled tomatoes or cucumbers, a package of strawberry juice.

Baba Yaga:
Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where have you taken me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?!
Oh, tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?

Yes, here!

Baba Yaga:
I see Tamara sitting over there
Just something strange looking!
Pale, red nose,
Don't you have diarrhea?
I messed around in the closet here
Yes, I collected some medicine!
Search the whole world,
There are no better drugs!

My first advice is this:
To stay young
Smear manure on your face -
It will be smooth as an egg!
Here I collected some for you in a jar.

(Gives face cream.)

Watch your figure
Drive less - walk more!
So that the forms do not sag
Especially from the front!
So that the waist is
Fat so as not to swim
At night only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love affairs!

(Hands horseradish and radish.)

To maintain tone -
Learn to fly on a broom!
Balance on a broom
Not the same as in the saddle!
Will you listen to advice?
Everything will benefit from this!
You will be our symbol
And the house will be prosperous!
Here's a modern mechanized broom for you

(Baba Yaga gives a mop with a clamp or a broom.)

This is jelly made from mold!
Haven't you drunk it yet?
So drink it when it starts
The body is a carousel!
It doesn't taste that good
But it takes away the trembling!

(Gives a pack of strawberry juice.)

And a cold is no problem!
Eat the cobblestone from the pond!
There is no more reliable medicine
How natural environment!

(Takes out a bag of nuts.)

If your heart hurts,
And my chest is burning with fire,
This means Tamara,
You have encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark
And you will cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemical!
Tea is natural gifts!

(Baba Yaga hands over a pack of raisins)

And the pressure will go away,
Try hare droppings!
Where is he going? more healing than honey,
At least the color is like honey.

(Gives the birthday girl chocolate-covered hazelnuts.)

It certainly tastes cool,
It makes people die!
Only those who survive -
Everyone lives to old age!

And it crunches in the back,
Don't sit on the ballot!
Hurry up and jump into the nettles,
And ride under the moon!
And when you're a friend,
Can't sleep on a stuffy night
Drink a decoction of flea legs!
You'll sleep like a groundhog!

(Baba Yaga takes out a can of coffee.)

So as not to suffer from a hangover
I made you a potion
Of toadstools, toads and snakes
Drink it without fear.

(Places a jar of pickled tomatoes or cucumbers on the table.)

That's all my order!
How did you have fun?
Anniversary girl! Happy Birthday!
Have fun until the morning!

Finally, I'll pour over a glass,
Otherwise I’ll perish on the road!

Everyone drinks with Baba Yaga to the birthday girl and wishes her for long years life.

Like these ones funny scenarios at your choice. Some sketch “Congratulations from Baba Yaga” will easily fit into a celebration, diversify the celebration of a birthday or anniversary and help to congratulate a friend in an original way.

Music test for spouses “Who remembers better?”
(can be used for any anniversary)

To do this, you need to prepare cuts from songs
Ved: Our hero of the day and his wife have been together for many years, and the memories of the first meeting, the wedding, the first years have already faded life together. Now I will conduct an unusual interview with the hero of the day and his wife, from which we will learn what each of them remembers about the past. I will take turns asking them different questions, and they will answer me mentally, and my microphone will help me voice their thoughts! So, let's begin.

The presenter alternately brings the microphone to the head of each spouse, and the cuts are turned on accordingly.

1. M. – Under what circumstances did you meet your future wife? (“Hop, stop, we’re coming around the corner”...)
2. J. – Where was your first date? (“In the sunflowers, my beloved hugged me”...)
3. M. – Remember what your future wife was wearing that day? (“Hare sheepskin coat, rabbit sheepskin coat, rabbit sheepskin coat, you’re still whole”...)
4. J. - What was your gentleman wearing? (“Felt boots, felt boots, oh, not hemmed, old ones - once…”)
5. M. – In what words did you confess your love to her? (“No one loves you as much as I do, no one will love you as much as I do!...)
6. J. - What did you answer then? (“I want to get married, I want to get married, but don’t be afraid, I’ll pay for everything...)
7. M. – How do you remember your wedding? (“And this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced (Meladze)”...)
8. J. - What do you remember about your wedding? (“Russian vodka, what have you done, Russian vodka, you ruined me”...)
9. M. – What did you say to your wife in wedding night? (“I’m a chocolate bunny, I’m an affectionate bastard, I’m one hundred percent sweet, oh oh oh...”)
10. J. - What is your answer to him? (“You tell me, you tell me, what do you need, what do you need, maybe I’ll give you something, maybe I’ll give you what you want...”)
11. M. – What was your first home? (“This is a communal, communal apartment”...)
12. J. - What were your impressions when you saw that apartment for the first time? (“The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky, behind the rough wall there is prickly darkness”...)
13. M. – What do you think in the morning, looking at yourself in the mirror? (“I am a moderately well-fed man in full bloom…”)
14. J. - What do you think when you look at your reflection? (“I will melt pieces of ice with my hot heart, I can do everything, I can do everything, I can’t do otherwise (Tolkunova V.)...")
18. Presenter: Such different thoughts in this head married couple, but you and I know that in reality, they have... (“Okay, everything will be fine, I know it, I know it!..)
Therefore, I propose a toast to love and mutual understanding between the spouses, otherwise today’s holiday would not have taken place, and so many wonderful relatives and friends of the hero of the day would not have gathered today!

Set*WEEK* (for men)

They bring out a rope, but which
The panties are attached to clothespins.

We have seven days a week.
“Week” panties - just right!

Dark panties.
Business Monday, put it on quickly
And feel comfortable and cozy all day long.

Checked or striped panties.
And on Tuesday, wear checkered or striped panties.
Your new working day will be very fruitful.

Briefs with hearts.
On Wednesday, don’t forget to wear T-shirts with hearts,
And they will remind you to fulfill your marital duty

Flannel panties.
On Thursday during the winter period there are panties made of flannel.
You won't catch a cold, that's for sure
In general, you know what!

Men's thongs.
On Friday, wear these, they add sexiness.
Women are very attracted to (name of the hero of the day) panties.

Floral panties.
It’s good that at least on Saturday you don’t have to go to work.
You'll like these cheerful panties, boy.

Family panties.
At home, (name), on Sunday you wear family clothes,
And walk around your apartment in them all day long.

The factory girls tried so hard for you.
By the way, we bought the threads and fabric with our own cash. Try on some now and come dance with us!

Congratulations to the hero of the day! we wish him from the bottom of our hearts
So that your head doesn't hurt (analgin)
Don't let your heart beat! (validol)
So that my lower back doesn't ache! (birch broom)
And the blues did not bother me! (Eleutherococcus)
So that the joints do not creak (screwdriver)
So that your teeth don't hurt (toothpaste)
So that the sand does not fall (cork)
The voice (egg) would not disappear
So as not to suffer from shortness of breath
And all diseases would come to an end (lid)!
Our dear hero of the day! We ask you to live without despondency, taking 5 drops (balm)
Be healthy, don't get sick!
Have a lot of strength!
Live in the world many years,
Dear, beloved person!

Yulia Yulia CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CARTOONS ( female version) Ved. From the funny cartoon Winnie the Pooh and Piglet Show up to wish you a happy birthday, my friend! Let's meet! (They come in with gifts to the music: 3 balloons, 3 chocolates) V-Pooh: Don’t quarrel with your friends, don’t leave your friends in trouble, Be cheerful and welcoming…. Piglet: This ball is big for you! V-Pooh: When you wake up early in the morning, don’t forget to exercise. To lift your spirits... V-Pooh: Eat some chocolate with your friends! Ved. Become famous and rich, prove to us and to yourself that you can do anything in the world.... Piglet: This ball is big for you! Ved. In the summer, go to the sea, tan there like a mulatto, and when the tan peels off, Pooh: Eat a chocolate bar with your friends! Vu-Pooh:. We want you to receive a salary only in UE, We ourselves bring it as a gift... Piglet: This ball is big for you! V.-Pooh In our lives, not everything always goes smoothly... And when you feel a little sad, eat a chocolate bar with your friends

Baba Yaga on the anniversary!

Oh, men! Yes in kind!
I'll come closer.
I'll be the last fool
If I don't find a pair.

You men have forgotten
About me, the forest star.
I guess it's due to dust
My nose itched.

How much torment I endure!
At least someone would help.
From cultural entertainment
Just a broom between my legs.

Will you fly with me, my dear?
There’s something about you, darling...
There is no point in denying it.
What am I? I can eat it too.

I am like this, if necessary,
I swallow without chewing.
I'm not happy with myself
Having achieved... nothing.

Be obedient to me and meek.
And don't even try to insult me.
I'm in a beauty contest
She deserves the title... miss.

If you are a supporter of marriage,
I'll buy myself a veil.
Well, you can go without a tailcoat
For "position nambe tu".

I'll let you do it without bargaining
Admire me, Yaga,
You'll go crazy with delight
How will I appear naked!

Come to me more boldly
Don't be afraid, it's not too cold!
I'm the sweetest in the world.
That's the whole... story for you.

What are you drinking here? Vodka?
I feel terrible without her too.
Okay, grab your toothbrush.
Have a glass and hit the road!

Scene with Baba Yaga (man in disguise)

Yaga from a fairy tale has come to you,
To congratulate ___________ you!
Today I brought gifts from the forest in a bag,
I got ready for the journey for a long time, dressed up,
At night I made love and kissed my sweetheart. (Gives a gift)

Our Vodyanoy has gone completely crazy.
He turned around with trade,
He sent you some tinctures
He called it living water. (Hands over a bottle)

Our darling, Gorynych the Serpent
Turned out to be kinder than everyone else
He castrated himself
____________ , only for you. (Hands over 2 boiled eggs)

And Tortilla, then Tortilla
I forgot everything in my old age
Instead of a key she
Tampax sent here. (Hands over Tampax)

And the boar - then, and the boar
He dug up some potatoes
Maybe in our garden,
Maybe he stole from yours! (handed over potatoes)

Cursed Merman
What did he do to me?
He said "I was protecting myself"
This item remained with me. (Hands over a condom)

The wolf raised a lamb for you
But such is nature
Only the skin of the sheep
You got one. (A skin is presented)

The spider has made webs for you
So that tears don't fall from your eyes. (Handkerchief is presented)

Baba Yaga with an anniversary gift.


Gop-stop, I came around the corner,
Gop-stop, I quietly poured some whiskey,
And I was in time for the holiday,
Arrived quickly on the mortar
I drove away the wind with a broom
I put everything off
Flew wildly in the skies
But the stupa did not pass the technical inspection.

Hop-stop, there’s an infusion brewing in a pot,
Gop-stop, I was young before.
But I don’t grow old in my soul,
Every year I become more cheerful,
I'm having fun and feeling younger
And I’ll fall so much in love with Kashchei,
And he will go crazy with love
After all, magic and the talisman are always with me, oh-oh...

Gop-stop, I'm wearing a golden lady,
Gop-stop, all the leshaks are my friends,
And here I can have fun
I see your bright faces
I'd like to drink some vodka now
And then get hungover
Frolic with the men
But I'm not that drunk yet

Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where have you taken me?
Is the navigator broken?!
Oh tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?
(guests answer)

I see Lyuba sitting here
Just something strange looking!

Don't think that I came to you for free.
I don’t know how to surprise you
I decided to give the panties as a gift.
Female view ours is decorated with earrings, rings and watches,
but not everyone probably knows that the most important thing is COWARDS.

Oh it’s beautiful to say
I want to give you a “week”.

You will be the one to go for a week.
You'll be a cool woman.
Don't just put them on
And adapt it to the occasion.

(child's underpants)
If nostalgia torments you
Childhood, youth, don't be bored
Don't give in to sadness
Put on these pants.

(red panties)
1.The color red excites us
And calls for heroic deeds
You put on these pants
And you boldly move forward.
So that the money is here,
Hang your panties on the chandelier.
so that the flame of love flares up,
make a banner out of panties,
march one-two, one-two,
everyone around will go crazy.
income so that the trail stretches,
put your panties in the safe.
so that the magic flows like a river,
keep your panties handy!

1.It’s all work and work,
How naive you are -
In these you can decide
Your affairs are intimate.
To a resort, or to a sanatorium
Will you buy a ticket?
You put on “erotica”
You'll be a cool chick.

(panties with a red cross)
In case you didn't notice
And the health woman is moping
Wear white panties
And she herself is like Aibolit.

(black panties)
Suddenly finances are stagnant
No lard with sausage
The black sea is knee-deep
Put it on and sing songs.

(panties lined with fur)
Warm panties will keep you warm
On a cold winter evening
They will be warm and cozy
And adversity is not worth it.

(dressy with frills)
And today is your holiday
Jokes, laughter, fun
Put on smart panties,
So. for the mood.
And after the holiday you will wear it,
Wear them for a walk
And, preferably, without a skirt,
Just wag your butt.

I gave cowards
Made all the guests happy,
Even if you go around the whole world,
You won't find these anymore.

Are you having more fun with a gift?
Well, pour everyone a glass.

Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where have you taken me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?!
Oh tell me honest people -
Anniversary is not here?
(guests answer)

I see __________ sitting here
Just something strange looking!
Pale, red nose,
Don't you have diarrhea?

I messed around in the closet here
Yes, I collected some medicine!
Search the whole world,
There are no better drugs!

My first advice is this:
To stay young
Smear manure on your face -
It will be smooth as an egg!

Watch your figure
Drive less - walk more!
So that the forms do not sag
Especially in front!
So that the waist is
Fat so as not to swim
At night only horseradish and radish,
Yes, love affairs!

To maintain tone -
Learn to fly on a broom! (we give a broom)
Balance on a broom
Not the same as in the saddle!
Will you listen to advice?
Everything will benefit from this!
You will be a symbol of sex, (emphasis on - crowbar)
And the house will be prosperous!

This is jelly made from mold!
Haven't you drunk it yet?
So drink it when it starts
The body is a carousel! (a bag of dry jelly)
It doesn't taste that good
But it does remove the yeast!

And a cold is no problem!
Eat a bug from the pond!
There is no more reliable medicine
Than the natural environment! (bag of dried squid)

If your heart hurts,
And my chest is burning with fire,
This means _____________
You have encephalitis!
Eat aspen bark
And you will cheer up for the time being!
Tea is not chemical!
Tea is natural gifts! (you can have a small chocolate bar)

And the pressure will go away,
Try hare droppings!
It is much more healing than honey,
At least the color is like honey (Kirieshki)
It certainly tastes cool,
It makes people die!
Only those who survive -
Everyone lives to old age!

And it crunches in the back,
Don't sit on the ballot!
Sink naked into the nettles,
And ride under the moon!

And when you're a friend,
Can't sleep on a stuffy night
Drink a decoction of flea legs!
You'll sleep like a groundhog! (green tea bag)

That's all my order!
How did you have fun???
Anniversary girl! Happy Birthday!
Have fun until the morning!

Lastly, I’ll drink a glass,
Otherwise I’ll die on the road!

Children's anniversary.

1 - We are with Lottoma! (Maternity hospital)

2 - Can I come to you?

3 - How many dads and moms are there!

1 - We didn’t come for long!

Here, they brought the gift!

2 - And to whom? They forgot the damn thing,

While we were all washing our butts...

3 - Well, let's remember!

Stop drooling!

1 - I remember exactly that it’s a girl!

Lozovaya was a diaper!

2 - And she squealed so tightly!

She didn’t let us sleep at all!

3 - Height - 52.3 kg - weight!

Three hairs right here! (point to top of head)

1 - We will remember it for a long time!

We need to find out from the guests!

(addressed as a guest)

2 - Who are you congratulating here?

Are you drinking heavily?

(guests point to the birthday girl)

3 - Oh! Found! What a delight!

You've been hard on us!

We took your gift!

All the diapers are wet!

1 - Vloda should come in handy!

Anything can happen!

(examines the birthday girl from behind)

And the diametel is suitable

And the capacity doesn’t let you down!

(taken out from gift box pot)

2 - From the heart! Beli as soon as possible!

Everyone needs something like this!

She is very valuable!

(take out a bottle with milk and a pacifier from the box)

3 - And when did you leave?

I forgot the bottle!

We grabbed her here

They even filled it with glue!


Drink, you bastard! Pour it for us!

The holiday will be more fun!!!

Baba Yaga.

Broom! I order you to stop!!
I don't tolerate disobedience!
Just let me get to the chicken legs,
I’ll light the stove with you, you scoundrel!
Where did the difficult time take you?
The stupa did not pass the technical inspection,
However, she flew faster in the skies
And she was beyond obedient!

On nervous soil my teeth hurt,
It jerks, it straightens, it hunches over...
Here Leshy says, caries is harmful to me,
Since I didn’t chew raccoon... ORBIT!

At whose feast did Yaga fall from heaven?
What guys, there's a mosquito in your mouth!!!
The one in the middle is especially good...
This will probably be the hero of the day!
What a person to become! What shoulders and arms!
And the proud look is like that of an eagle!
This is what I dreamed about as a girl,
Oh, I feel youth has come to me again!
130 years is not an age for a woman,
Right now I’ll use all my beauty!
It's a shame I didn't wash my hair with Helden Shoulders.
Yes, warts have grown on my nose.
The hero of the day has a heart not made of stone
It's time for me to attack
And if he lays his eyes on me,
I'll start pumping silicone into my bosom!

IS HE a craftsman? He is a builder?
Even builds mines himself?
Yes, I see considerable talent
By thoroughbred ears.
Is he a responsible employee?
IS HE the organizer?
He has a cool position -
Construction mechanic!

Yes, such a man with a core!
You can’t shake it off a bare hand,
Like a hedgehog's hand
You can't put him in your belt.
The guy is smart and not crazy,
All other advantages are with him,
The owner, the leader, knows his word
And he doesn’t sit sullenly like an old stump.
There are gifts for the anniversary!
And to give him this?..
Pull hair from the crown of your head,
Should I make a balalaika from logs?..
A bear fur coat wouldn't be bad either,
Yes, the fleas will bite her to death,
Catch some frogs? Of these, delicacies
In Europe they serve it in restaurants.
I’d better sing a song to the hero of the day,
Art is always more useful for guests
And prevention against influenza and sclerosis,
Unloading of toasts for guests!

(holds a ditty competition)
