Games where you need to build houses on PC. The best

On this page, we have compiled the top city planning simulators for PC and other platforms that allow players to show off their skills as an architect and logistics specialist.

The history of the genre goes back to 1968, when one of the first computer games in history – Hamurabi. In it, the player had to solve various problems in managing an ancient eastern city, including dealing with land and economic issues. Wherein decisions made influenced the degree of development of the managed settlement.

The next significant event was the release in 1981 of the game Utopia, which was much closer to the modern understanding of a city-planning simulator, as it allowed not only to manage financial flows, but also to erect individual buildings.

Finally, modern concept The genre was formed with the release in 1989 of the first part of the famous game, without whose representatives no list of the best city-planning simulators on PC is unthinkable. It was here that many of the features that most modern city simulators cannot do without first appeared, namely the creation of an extensive network of city communications and transport infrastructure, the level of happiness of city residents, zoning, positive and negative random events of varying degrees of globality (from an insomnia epidemic to nuclear apocalypse), mutual influence of buildings on each other.

City Sims received further development mainly due to mixing with other game genres. The addition of the ability to train troops and participate in battles brought the genre closer to classic strategies. The fashion for role-playing elements has led to the fact that in some games not only the city, but also its inhabitants develop. The emphasis on infrastructure development led to the emergence of the genre of transport simulators a la Railroad Tycoon. Well, the reduction in scale and emphasis on crafting and the personalities of the players gave us a new genre of survival sandboxes like Dwarf Fortress.

1. Frostpunk

This game, in terms of its setting, is one of the most dramatic in our top. In the story, at the end of the 19th century, a deadly cold spell breaks out in Great Britain, and huge steam generators have to be built to save the survivors. At the same time, building both the generator and the accompanying infrastructure will have to be done in conditions of increasingly severe cold weather and a constant lack of food, resources and labor. Steam automata will help keep people from wearing out, but even they won't cope with complex moral dilemmas.

2. Anno series

3. SimCity 4

Despite the fact that, as of 2018, more than 15 years have passed since the release of this game, it still remains one of the best city sims in the history of this genre. While the game's graphics may be inferior to even modern casual games on smartphones, the depth of its recreation of many aspects of city life still remains unattainable by most of its more visually-oriented competitors. For example, this is one of the few games in the genre in which the built structures gradually deteriorate depending on the intensity of their use.

4. Cities: Skylines

This city-building simulator on PC from the Swedish studio combines the classic features of games of this genre with several proprietary innovations. City traffic is simulated here with great authenticity. This forces players to think through sophisticated transport interchanges in advance. In addition to micromanagement and zoning, the player can also issue decrees regulating this or that area of ​​city life. The game is also good for the presence of many mods, which can be downloaded, for example, on the ParadoxPlaza forum.

5. They Are Billions

The name of this game refers us not to its main characters, whose number is noticeably smaller, but to main threat, from which we will have to fight back, shoot back, dig in and defend ourselves throughout the entire gaming session.

The world in this relatively new hybrid of a city sim with survival and RTS experienced a terrible disaster, as a result of which the majority of the population fell victims to a terrible infection, which, as expected in such cases, turned people into bloodthirsty people. We have to manage a small group of survivors, obtain resources and food, and build a fortified city that can hold back the onslaught of brain eaters. And this is not so simple, because there really are billions of them here.

6. Caesar 3

This game is a classic city sim with RTS elements in an ancient Roman setting, released back in 2003. But even in our times, this game is good not only for weak PCs, but also for a general introduction to the history of city planning simulators. Despite the graphics being primitive by modern standards, the game combines the classic features of the genre (the level of happiness of residents, the need to create infrastructure and combat disasters) with an interesting story campaign that allows you to climb the ladder of ranks of an ancient Roman official and rise to Caesar.

7. Northgard

This hybrid of a city sim with a strategy deserved a place in our top for its unusual setting - after all, here we have to develop not just a European town, but a real village. And to make the game even more fun, in addition to typical disasters, constant cold, hunger and invasions of hostile tribes, there are various evil spirits from Scandinavian legends - from various walking dead to giant jotuns. And when you master all the nuances of managing a colony of angry, hungry and frozen bearded warriors, you can test your leader skills in online battles.

8. Imagine Earth

This game combines the familiar mechanics of city sims with a futuristic setting. Here you will have to manage not just small towns, but real colonies on exoplanets. And the purpose of their creation is not some kind of salvation of humanity or the study of alien life, but the extraction of valuable resources for the sake of profit.

The icy emptiness of space is not so empty here, and on each planet both local residents of varying degrees of hostility and colonies of competing organizations will be waiting for us. The goal of each mission is to monopolize the planet, and this can be achieved by economic, diplomatic and, of course, military means.

9. Kingdoms and Castles

10. Tropico 5

This one is relatively new part the famous series significantly expanded the time frame of the events taking place. If the majority previous games franchises (with the exception of ) were dedicated to the times Cold War, then now you can start developing your island, starting from colonial times and right up to the present. All eras are characterized by the need to balance between the world's leading superpowers in attempts to maintain their independence, achieve prosperity for their country and, of course, save a nest egg for old age.

11. Banished

It was this game that finally erased the line between city sims and sandbox survival games. After all, in addition to collecting resources and taking care of each settler, you need to plan the development of your colony as carefully as possible so that all residents can survive the cold, and fires can be localized as quickly as possible.

An interesting difference in the game is the complete absence of a technology tree. This means that you can build any building, as long as there are enough resources and labor for it.

12. Surviving Mars

Another game from Paradox Interactive that deserves a place on our list. Here we have to deal with the arrangement of human settlement on the Red Planet. As in other games from the Swedish studio, you will find the most detailed detailing of all areas of the lives of your players - even the game locations are created based on real landscapes.

The game took a lot from not only city sims, but also from survival sandboxes. So, each of the colonists has its own unique character and its own set of bonuses and disadvantages.

13. The Universim

If most of the games from the top limit the scope of your activities within the boundaries of one settlement or colony, then creators of The Universim set themselves the ambitious task of simulating the life of an entire planet, and within a wide time frame. In fact, the game is a simulator of God with an emphasis on urban planning.

At the same time, the detail of the simulation of the planet’s ecosystem is amazing - ill-considered use of resources will quickly lead your charges to the brink of disaster.

14. City Life 2008

15. The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

Latest part as of 2018 The series Settlers invites us to start as the headman of a medieval village and gradually expand it to the scale of a real kingdom. This goal can be achieved either by force or through trade or technology development. Important role Production chain logistics traditionally plays a role in achieving success.

16. Life is Feudal: Forest Village

This game is a hybrid of a city sim and a survival game in a medieval setting, which differs from many similar projects in highest level detailing most aspects of medieval life. Everything related to food is especially well thought out here - growing different plants needed in different conditions, and a small variety of diet will lead your charges to vitamin deficiency and other dangerous diseases.



Building a city is a very difficult task; you need to rack your brains a little to build a real and prosperous metropolis. But now, in this initial version of the city-building simulator, you can understand how difficult it is to build an entire city. You will use most of your time to build residential buildings and industrial enterprises. But here you just need to think about it. Factories will influence environmental situation in the city, transport can also cause resentment among the local population - after all, car exhaust fumes pollute the air. Therefore, you need to initially weigh everything, inspect your playing area, and then arrange it correctly. In the game SimCity, the torrent of which you can download completely free on our server, you will gradually, bit by bit, build a real city of the future, developing its infrastructure gradually and correctly.


This is the very first version of the game where you take on the role of a manager and mayor. You need to master everything, make a plan, and then gradually develop your gaming sector. First, you must divide your sector into three sections - this is a commercial zone, which. Subsequently, the residents of your city will equip themselves with offices and commercial enterprises. The second zone is industrial complexes, where you will place a certain number of plants and factories. And finally, this is a residential area that will need to be built up with residential complexes as much as possible. Therefore, as already stated, you will need to draw up your own construction plan. At first, everything will not go smoothly, but do not despair, refer to the tips that will be periodically displayed on your game map. Next, you can build transport lines, as well as vital buildings - fire stations, police stations and hospitals. Make sure that the residents are satisfied with you as a real mayor.

Game mechanics

Your residents will control your work as mayor. If they don’t like something, then you won’t be able to build up a certain area with the complexes you have planned. The tax system is also taken into account in the game. So first analyze everything, and then carefully develop your plot of land, which will later turn into a thriving metropolis. You can download SimCity via torrent easily and simply by visiting our updated game server. Unique game, although it does not shine with graphic parameters, it still deserves due attention. Use only your mouse to build your unique metropolis of the future!

Let's summarize

Being a mayor and mayor is not an easy task. You will be required to concentrate as much as possible. Make a construction plan, go through the training mode, only after that you can easily build an excellent metropolis with ideal infrastructure!

Features of SimCity

  • Roads. Having built residential complexes, you will need to lay transport lines so that residents of your city can conveniently and comfortably get to work.
  • Taxes. As the mayor of the city, you will be able to draw up your tax plan. Just don't tax your residents too much, or your population will plummet and you'll lose precious game points.
  • Education. Build educational institutions, this is also important because the residents of your metropolis must be educated individuals.
  • Graphic arts. The first version of the game was released a long time ago, so the graphics are not up to par, although you can see some pretty high-quality buildings for a game of that time.

On this page, using the button below, you can download SimCity via torrent for free.

For anyone who loves to watch a small, unprepossessing village transform into a thriving metropolis solely through quality player control, we've put together this selection of the best city-building simulators on PC.

Here are single and multiplayer projects in the browser and client. Only the most interesting ones for 2018!

1. Forge of Empires - a popular browser strategy

"" is an absolutely classic browser game about building settlements. It stands out against the backdrop of numerous competitors with an interesting feature with eras.

Forge of Empires video games

This is a high-quality, although not the newest, product with a nice picture. Moreover, constant presence is not required for successful development.

  • Game website:

2. Frostpunk is the coldest strategy

Frostpunk is a game that will make you want to dress warmer after finishing it. This is a deep single-player "society survival simulator" in a frozen future world.

Frostpunk video games

The game has excellent graphics, an atmospheric soundtrack and unique gameplay. And we bet you won't be able to pass it the first time?

  • Game website:

3. Northgard – Viking wars on a new continent

Northgard is another cold strategy. The game takes place on the new Scandinavian continent, where several Viking clans arrive.

Northgard video games

The game has a great atmosphere! Viking huts, beautiful landscapes, mythology. And a bunch of nice Easter eggs too.

  • Game website:

4. Throne: Kingdom at War – a beautiful browser strategy

"" is another great strategy in this collection, downloadable from the browser. High-quality graphics and a community of several million people.

Video games Throne: Kingdom at War

This colorful strategy engages players with a variety of activities - there are daily quests, global events, and interserver wars. Cool!

  • Game website:

5. Life is Feudal: Forest Village – survival in a medieval world

“Life is Feudal: Forest Village” is a game from the creators of the MMO of the same name, offering control of a group of people exploring a new island.

Video games Life is Feudal: Forest Village

The developers are extremely positive towards those who like to create mods, providing them with tools for their own maps, resource management and AI.

  • Game website:

6. Tropico 5 - the difficult everyday life of an ordinary dictator

"Tropico 5" - managing a tropical island where ordinary people are forced to live in shacks and eat pineapples for lunch, but El Presidente has an excellent guarded palace.

Video games Tropico 5

Worker uprisings, military coups and gay dictatorship. By the way, a sequel is coming out in 2018.

  • Steam page:

7. Banished – a complex medieval simulator

“Banished” is a cozy simulator of the development of a medieval town, forcing you to monitor a bunch of factors at the same time and once again go crazy because nothing works out.

Banished video games

Grow fish, plant cabbage, build new houses for residents and once again start all over again. And enjoy the cool picture. I can't even believe it's indie.

  • Game website:

8. Surviving Mars – lack of oxygen on the Red Planet

“Surviving Mars” is an attempt to colonize Mars without growing potatoes, but with a staff of characteristic and very stupid settlers.

Video games Surviving Mars

Mine resources, build houses and relax in a bar. And most importantly, try to save as much as possible more people, even if they are very annoying.

  • Steam page:

9. Kenshi - cool samurai of the future

“Kenshi” is an unusual, destroyed world of a post-apocalyptic future, where armored fighters try to survive and destroy each other along the way.

Video games Kenshi

This is a sandbox with complete freedom actions. Be good or evil, farm or fight, and just survive as long as possible.

  • Game website:

10. Vikings: War of Clans – browser-based strategy with excellent graphics

" " - another one beautiful game in the browser, already launched by more than a million players.

Video games Vikings: War of Clans

Free Online Survival Games – List of 10 ›

Game Features

1 Great picturebright colors, animation of city elements, high detail.

Construction games are an excellent choice for those who want to try themselves as an architect and surprise their friends with their masterpieces. But how can you choose the right one among the huge number of similar games? Luckily for you, we've taken a hammer and nails to build some of the genre's best on PC with the strongest foundations.

Important: The selection is mainly devoted to games in which you can control a character to build shelters, houses and other objects. If you want to build and develop entire cities, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a selection of city planning simulators.

Both in banal shareware games and in more serious AAA projects, such simulators allow you to change the world of your own free will. It doesn't matter if you want to create your own base to defend against enemies in Ark: Survival Evolved or a shack in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4. There are many other reasons to play games in this genre.

On PC, construction games come in all shapes and forms. On the one hand, we have Fortnite Battle Royale, in which you must be able to build new structures to win. On the other hand, Minecraft, in which construction is necessary not only for protection, but also for the creation of architectural masterpieces. So no matter what exactly you want to do, suitable game There will definitely be one for you too.


Ark: Survival Evolved

While in other games construction is more of an additional opportunity to have fun and have fun, in Ark: Survival Evolved your life in this harsh world completely depends on it. If at the very beginning you successfully dealt with a couple of dangers and did not catch the eye of the dinosaurs, then in order not to die further, you will have to build some kind of shelter. Unless, of course, you want to find your corpse torn to pieces when you log back into the game.

That's right, when you exit the game, your character remains exactly where you left it. If you don't take enough time to build yourself a base that can protect you from your enemies, then be prepared to lose everything. And this is not only food, but also other supplies and even crafting equipment.

And although the creation of any base is based on the same elements, this does not in the least prevent one from being creative in their arrangement, turning the shelter into a bizarre architectural masterpiece. And if what the game itself offers is not enough for you, then the situation can be easily corrected with the help of a huge number of mods. This is convenient if your base is located near the necessary materials. Straw, wood, stone and metal can be used for construction. The latter, as you understand, will best protect you from all types of dangers.


Just like in Ark: Survival Evolved, in Rust your chances of survival depend entirely on your ability to build. And, again, in Studio Wildcard style, you start your adventure with nothing, while taking refuge from the potential dangers of the world and hostile players. Therefore, your first priority is to collect at least some sticks and twigs from which you can make something for your protection.

But once you learn how to extract resources, you have to learn how to protect them. First you need to find a drawing that will help you make the foundation of your future hut. There are several levels of strength in the game: wood, stone, metal and armored, which further increases protection from raiders.

At the same time, you can strengthen the building in other ways. For example, use special blocking or strategic wall placement. But be careful, such structures are not stable. Like everything else in games of this genre.


If you like Minecraft, then Fortnite is another awesome building game. In fact, Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney described it as "a mix between Minecraft and Left 4 Dead." The game itself is as attractive as its description. And we think it wouldn’t hurt to mention that Fortnite is coming out in an additional Battle Royale format, combining building elements and a battle royale mode. That is why it is considered one of the best on PC.

In vanilla Fortnite, you and three other fearless heroes fight to reclaim your homeland, destroyed by the dark force "Storm". This is where the building blocks come into play. You will have to create forts and traps that will help deal with the remaining monsters.

In Fortnite Battle Royale, you have to build too. But this time in order to survive while fighting against 99 other players. Once you've got your gear and try to hole up in a safe location known as the "Eye of the Storm", whether you survive or not will depend entirely on your building skills. If we talk about the best battle royale, then both PUBG and Fortnite have their fans, so choosing it is a matter of taste. But if you're looking for a building game, look no further than Fortnite.


Trove is a free-to-play construction sandbox with MMORPG elements and a huge number of kingdoms and biomes. This is an endless adventure from Trion Worlds, where you can create all the necessary content yourself.

Those for whom building elements are important will have to acquire their own Cornerstone (Cornerstone or cornerstone). It serves as a personal shelter that can be moved between worlds. In it you can create weapons, buildings, environmental elements. But only if you don't try to cheat the game with console commands or special mods.

To create a dream Cornerstone that other players will only envy, looking at it, you will need a lot of resources and loot. Fortunately, you can farm everything you need in procedurally generated dungeons, each run of which is not boring and remains just as fun as the first time. In addition, you can explore worlds and complete various tasks together with other players. Trove is one of the best construction games on PC that you can play with your friends.

Fallout 4

The Sims 4

The Sims 4 is a great life simulator where you can build own house, gather a bunch of people in it and conduct all kinds of experiments on them, including using third-party modifications. But once you've had enough of locking Sims in rooms with no doors and starving them, you'll understand why The Sims 4 is considered the best representative of the genre among all similar simulators on PC.

If you take better care of your pets than you do people, you might want to install the Cats and Dogs extension, which adds cats and dogs to the game. In addition, it includes additional tools and kits for home improvement. So immediately switch to builder mode to create your next city square or magnificent mansion.

It takes a while to get used to the construction set from The Sims 4, so at first a pen and a blank piece of paper will definitely not be superfluous. Especially if you want to implement a rather complex project. Try to start with something simpler before moving on to complex exteriors. Once you choose your roof, you can experiment with room decor, furniture and other decorations. Or maybe it would be better to build your own pool, install a powerful stereo system and throw a party?

No Man's Sky

Since its release and several global updates, No Man's Sky has turned into an excellent construction simulator. Thanks to a huge number of built-in tools and full support for custom mods, the game allows you to let your inner architect out.

The base can now be used in all game modes. It is available at any time and can be used as a farm, warehouse or first aid station (to restore health and recharge the shield). If you want, you can build special houses on it for NPCs, whom you will recruit into your team as you travel around the galaxy.

Space - dangerous place. Therefore, you will have to ensure that the house is livable. To do this, you will have to travel from one planet to another, scanning their surfaces with special instruments and placing signal amplifiers on them. Once you find a galaxy suitable for life, you can use it as a home. To do this, select a planet, and using the resources collected along the way, create your own shelter on it.

You probably don't want to travel alone all the time. Therefore, be sure to update your database so that it becomes available to other players. But don't forget to tidy up a little before your guests arrive!

Planet Coaster

There's no doubt that amusement parks are cool. To feel all the adrenaline, just imagine for a second the famous Nemesis Inferno coaster from London's Thorpe Park. But Planet Coaster is a strategy game built with the belief that we, the virtual architects, can do even better.

Looking at the exquisite and intricate parks created in Planet Coaster, it begins to seem that the developers were right about us. Using all the tools available in the game, as well as their own skills, we saw how players created such masterpieces as the Millennium Falcon and the Enterprise, surrounded by ponderous coasters and all kinds of vortexes.

Planet Coaster, like the original Rollercoaster Tycoon series, was created by true game development stoics, Frontier Developments. Thanks to the countless tools available in the game, you can bring your dream park to life. And, of course, provide it with a variety of slides, for which residents of the virtual town will be ready to stand in even the longest line.

Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines is one of the best city building simulators that will completely capture the attention of any aspiring mayor. IN basic version you can completely manage the city, developing its infrastructure and taking care of the well-being of residents. The Natural Disasters add-on adds disasters, and with the Green Cities expansion you can create a real holiday and green up all areas.

Cities: Skylines has everything you need to create your dream city with quaint parks and transport links. But if the number of tools in the basic version seems insufficient, then the custom modifications will definitely not disappoint you. Besides, in new version There are no problems that are familiar to us from SimCity 2013.

Interestingly, City: Skylines can be called not only urban planning, but also political simulator. You heard right. Thanks to new gameplay features, political intrigue awaits you in the game. Maybe one day we can see Paradox implement this idea into another game, but with similar mechanics

Poly Bridge

Bridge construction can be surprisingly varied. Although, metaphorically, we are used to doing this solely to build relationships. Now, thanks to this catchphrase, we have the great game Poly Bridges. This is a physics puzzle with building bridges. So don't be surprised if you end up running a couple of people through the rebar in the process, just trying to get them from one bank to the other without them falling into the water.

Even if you don’t succeed the first time, the relaxing soundtrack and visually pleasing visuals will help you forget about that disaster with a hundred drowned people that you just witnessed. The base version of the game has 24 levels of varying difficulty, and the Steam Workshop has more than 100 user challenges. Therefore, Poly Bridge will definitely be able to keep you busy for the next couple of dozen hours.

Car Mechanic Simulator 2018

All auto mechanics lie to us: in fact, cars drive by magic, and we don’t want to hear anything different. Don’t you dare say that this incredible tangle of pipes, pistons and cogs is something other than pure magic!

However, Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is a car mechanic simulator that makes the internal construction of cars understandable to all Muggles and other non-wizards. That is ordinary people. Once you gain experience and understand exactly how an engine works, you can expand your repair empire. It is possible that your qualifications are even enough to repair the best racing cars.

Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is on the list of the best construction games for a reason. It has a huge selection of available paints, sprays, spare parts and everything else, thanks to which you can turn your “rusty trough” into a real dream of any racer. So, what's the first thing you do once you get into a fully stocked garage with great cars? Right! Turn on photo mode and enjoy their beauty.

City building games will definitely be appreciated by strategy fans. If you are more inclined towards creation than destruction, if you want to build your own city, monitor its infrastructure and the mood of citizens - this selection of the most popular city planning simulators is for you. After reading the article, don’t be lazy and take a look at the section, because among them there are many truly worthy representatives of the genre.

Black & White 2

Genre: strategy

Developer: Lionhead Studios

In Black & White 2 you act as a deity who is worshiped by the people. In the process of development, you can direct them to both the side of good and evil.

The embodiment of your power among people is a creature that can appear in the form of a humanoid lion, wolf, monkey or cow. The behavior of a creature depends on your attitude towards it. For example, if you hit a creature that has eaten a stone, it will no longer do so. If you pet it, it will start eating even more stones.

There are four nations in Black & White 2: Greeks, Vikings, Aztecs and Japanese. The player belongs to a Greek tribe. The development strategy will depend on which path you have taken - war or peace. You can capture neighboring settlements by force or develop your own city, improve the standard of living, thereby attracting people from other cities.

Cities Skylines

Genre: strategy, simulator

Developer: Paradox Interactive

In Cities Skylines, the player is asked to become the mayor of a city. You will be given a large area and cash to improve infrastructure. the main task– build a huge city with a developed road system, industry, and so on.

The gameplay here is similar to SimCity. We build roads, a sewer system, provide lighting, mark out industrial zones and watch how a small town turns into a huge metropolis.

It is worth noting that with inept management, the opposite picture will be observed: the city will literally drown in garbage, and people will rush to leave this disastrous place.

If you managed to quickly develop the allocated territory, you can purchase some more adjacent land and expand further. As a result, the metropolis can become so huge that you simply don’t remember where it all began and where the starting point remains.


Genre: strategy

Developer: Shining Rock Software

The player will lead a group of migrants who settled in the taiga wilderness. Banished at first glance is very similar to Settlers, but there is much more realism in it.

For example, if in Settlers you don’t build a bakery and grain farms, nothing terrible will happen, you simply won’t have bread. And if the fields in Banished are not sown, a good half of the settlers will die of hunger in winter. If you don't build a herbalist's hut, you will watch people die from disease and epidemics.

For those who are especially thrifty, not everything is so smooth either. Even if you sow the entire settlement with wheat, this is not a guarantee of food security. Any crop failure and people are doomed to starvation.

Due to such nuances, there is no universal development strategy in the game, so you will have to constantly solve many problems, both large and small.

Cities XL 2012


Developer: Focus Home Interactive

The gameplay of the game is based on the construction of a city with the goal of turning it into a real metropolis. To do this you need to establish profitable production, trade, roads and much more. It is also noteworthy that you can manage several cities at once.

The development of a city greatly depends on its geographical location: the location near a large body of water is an excellent chance to boost the fishing industry; in the desert area there is little water, but there is plenty of oil, and the mountainous area with picturesque landscapes is perfect for the tourism business. If you wish, you can purchase scarce goods in a neighboring city.

Business is business, and you shouldn’t forget about the needs of people. Transport network, electricity, work, drinking water, entertainment, shops, schools, hospitals, factories - all this is now your headache.

City Life

Genre: strategy, city planning simulator

Developer: Monte Cristo

City Life is, as they say, a classic of the genre. We are building a metropolis and solving urgent problems economic problems. If you are good at this, welcome to new and more complex maps.

Building one map can take several tens of hours, because at your disposal is not just a piece of land, but a huge area of ​​rough terrain, including fields, forests, rivers, seas and even islands.

As the city develops, social conflicts will often arise. The population is heterogeneous and consists of different social groups with its own contradictions, which of course you will decide. How to reconcile ordinary workers and the elite? As a real urban planner, you will have to deal with such issues.

Tropico 5

Genre: strategy

Developer: Haemimont Games

In Tropico 5, you lead a small colony that belongs to the Empire. Since you are in a dependent position, you need not only to monitor the state of affairs of the people, but also to please the leaders in every possible way for the time being.

The player's powers are limited by time, which can be extended by completing instructions from royal family, leading the Empire. This could be the export of raw materials, goods, exploration of new territories, search for minerals.

Of course, you can ignore such instructions and ignore them. But on initial stage It’s better not to do this in the game, since you won’t have to wait long for punishment. One landing of an expeditionary force will quickly cool your ardor and force you to submit. But when you gain strength and enlist the support of the population, you can declare independence.


Genre: strategy, simulator

Developer: Maxis

This is perhaps the most famous series of urban planning simulators. The player becomes the mayor, whose task is to develop a plot of 2x2 kilometers, establish production, provide everyone with housing, decent education and healthcare, goods and entertainment.

Of course, you need to start with the roads. A good transport system will help avoid traffic jams and ensure that goods move quickly. You also need to mark out the blocks and determine where the industrial areas, and where are the residential ones?

Many already constructed buildings can be improved. For example, what to do if a small hospital can no longer cope with the influx of patients due to population growth. The improvement will allow it to be expanded to a regional clinic.

The game also has multiplayer, which adds variety to the gameplay and encourages players to interact mutually.

Settlers 7

Genre: strategy

Developer: Blue Bvte Software

Settlers is the most popular series of city planning simulators. It is distinguished by excellent graphics, rich colors and elaborate animation. All this creates a unique atmosphere.

The game has very well developed production chains. To obtain a certain product, you need to obtain all the necessary components, pay for the labor of workers and, if necessary, purchase additional missing resources.

It is also necessary to take care of food security: catch fish, bake bread, raise pigs.

The economic model in Settlers has been worked out very deeply. Combined with nice graphics and a unique style, this makes it one of the leaders of the genre.


Genre: strategy

Developer: Firefly Studios

Stronghold is a real-time strategy game where you will build and capture castles. The game is quite complex and you, as a leader, will have to pay attention to the extraction of resources, the mood of the people, the defense of the castle, and food.

The most important factor is the popularity of the leader. As it grows, so does the number of employees. If popularity is low, workers will begin to flee, production will begin to decline. Popularity can be increased by increasing the diet, reducing taxes, and building temples.

However, all this can also have the opposite effect - you may simply not have enough money for defense and your entire happy population will be slaughtered during an attack on the castle. So here you need to look for some kind of balance and proceed from the current situation: if you see a rapidly growing opponent’s army, the people will have to be patient.

Caesar 4

Genre: strategy

Developer: Titled Mill Entertainment

The player will become a Roman governor. He gets a piece of land at his disposal and a certain amount money that will need to be invested wisely.

Proper city planning is a very important factor in building an effective economic system. It is necessary to correctly mark out industrial and residential areas, organize the production of goods, lay roads, and at the same time monitor the mood of the people.

If ordinary people lack something, expect riots and population outflow. The decline in production and economic collapse will not take long.

Not only do you need to pay attention to internal problems, but there are also external ones. The city may be subject to raids by barbarians, so the army must always be ready.
