The calendar will take March. Coconut substrate - advantages and disadvantages of use

After a long and cold winter March is finally coming - the first month of spring. But the warmth is still far away - almost everywhere everything is still covered with snow, and the frosts are in no hurry to recede.

March is popularly called winter forest, birch forest, drip forest, and protalnik. Folk signs for March, they are most often called upon to determine when the last snow will melt, it will be warm and it will be possible to begin sowing work.

Signs of March can also tell you what the next summer will be like - rainy or dry, how good the harvest of a particular crop will be when the last frost passes.

Folk signs for March

In some areas this day was called Danilo the Novichok - the first day of spring, the new one, they believed that Danilo the Novichok had washed himself and would wash us with rain. In the Middle Ages, the first days of March were considered Yarilin, in honor of the god of fertility of the pagan Slavs, Yarila.

March 1 was considered the beginning of the new year, and this day was traditionally a non-working day. We celebrated spring separately, with songs. If snow fell at night, mothers would certainly send their children to lay a path to the well and sweep away the snow from the steps of the porch - this brought happiness to the house and health to the children.

Pregnant women always tried to look at the rising sun, as it gives strength to bear a healthy and strong child. The midwives brought the midday snow into the hut and wiped their hands with it so that the purity of spring would be transferred to them.

  • The month of March loves to play tricks: it is proud of the frost and sits on its nose.
  • March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.
  • March is winter, knocking down the horn of winter.
  • February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.

This day received a double name in honor of the saints whose memory was celebrated on this day. In the popular consciousness, the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron turned into a tyrant, who came to his senses in time and defended the people. They prayed to him to find escaped slaves and stolen things.

Marimyana, the sister of the Apostle Philip, turned into a kikimora in popular belief - a spirit in the guise of a woman who appeared in the house, in the courtyard, in empty buildings.

  • If from the first days spring is wild and unshy, then it will deceive, there is nothing to believe.
  • If there was warming after Epiphany, then expect frost on March 2.

Our ancestors believed that on this day the god of fertility, Yarilo, took up the plow and harrow and checked whether they were ready for spring. On this day, the peasants began preparing for spring work in the fields. From that day on, the blacksmiths also had more work: they were the ones who repaired plows and harrows, which would very soon be needed in the field. On this day, the bunting spoke - a small bird with a yellowish breast and a green back. It was believed that she leads spring and with her appearance the solar and warm days is getting bigger.

  • A lot of snow - a lot of bread: a lot of water - a lot of grass.
  • If there is snow, there will be more bread; The water will spill and there will be hay.
  • On March 3, fog means a rainy summer.

This day got its name from the apostles Archippus and Philemon. On this day in Rus' they fed the poor, welcomed the orphans and the wretched, since it was believed that the more good deeds one did, the better. In peasant houses, on this day they always baked a loaf (in ancient times it was called a skull), which was dedicated to the sun and they were sure to treat it to neighbors, relatives and friends, leaving a piece for the poor.

  • A person who is sick on this day will be sick for a very long time.

The day takes its name from the patron saint of Leo, a bishop in the city of Catana in Sicily. Since the Sicilian saint was far from the Russian people, the peasants renamed him Leo of Catania and organized skiing from the mountains on this day. It was believed that the one who slides further will prolong his happiness. They said: “Winter is running out - hurry up and ride your sled to your heart’s content.”

On this day it was necessary to ask (or even secretly take) hot coals from the forge and take them to the field. They poured them out at the edge of the field and asked for prosperity for the farmer, favorable conditions for the growth and ripening of bread and a good harvest.

  • Crows bathe in early spring- to warmth.
  • Early spring - don't expect good things.
  • Snow melts with rain - leading to floods.

It was believed that this particular day determined spring: what the weather was like on this day, so will spring, especially since warm, rather than cold, winds began to blow, and they said: “It will be spring.” From this day on, sap flow began in maples and birches. On this day, the old people got off the stoves and moved to bask in the sun on the heap - this is the lower part of the log house, filled with spruce branches, needle cases, and straw mixed with earth for warmth. Children loved this day very much, because the old people always had time for them, they said that it was like spring and warmed the old ones.

  • According to Timothy, they looked at spring: like Timothy, so is spring.
  • Live until spring, and then winter won’t be scary.
  • If the edges of the melting snow around the tree are steep - it means a cold spring, if they are flat - it means a long spring.
  • If you meet a white hare, it will definitely snow again.
  • Timofey in the spring - it’s already warm at the door.
  • Spring welcomes you with warmth.

People believed that it was on this day that starlings, rooks and swallows fly home. It was believed that the early arrival of birds meant early spring, and also that early swallows meant a happy year, and these birds were very loved by the people. On this day, field work began. While the road was still passable, manure was transported to the fields. On this day it was necessary to secretly take the land from under the first spring plow and just as secretly put it in the hut.

  • If there is a blizzard and blizzard on Afanasy, spring will drag on.
  • On Afanasiev Day the walls are warm (the sun is hot) - for a green year.
  • When in the spring the surface of the snow is rough (the snow begins to melt) - it means a harvest, when it is smooth - it means a crop failure.
  • The rooks are playing - good weather will.

This day received this name because at this time the girls were really “sour” - those who did not get married before Maslenitsa had to wait until the summer. They believed that this day was one of the best to bewitch the one you liked young man.

  • Spring is fickle, like a stepmother: it will blow with warmth, then it will bring cold weather from the north.
  • In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

It was believed that the first migratory birds arrived on this day. If snow fell on the day of discovery, it foreshadowed cold Easter, and a dry day is sunny. The birds began to build their first nests, and if they did this on the sunny side, it was believed that the summer would be cold.

  • The bird is making its nest, and migrant flies from warm places.
  • Bird sweating, finding nests.

The patron saint of this day is asked to relieve fever, which is also called kumokha.

  • March 10 is the average date for the appearance of thawed patches in the north.
  • If the door breaks off its hinges on this day, expect trouble.

It would seem that spring has already arrived, but still the weather at this time is still very unstable, and they were afraid to start field work: a frost would strike and destroy all the crops.

  • Early spring is worthless, but late spring will deceive.
  • If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time, the Wind eats up the snow.
  • Spring ice is like someone else's hut threshold (unreliable).

The sled track began to deteriorate; a rut appeared under the horse's hooves. Therefore, before leaving the yard, we listened to the road to see if it was reliable. It was believed that from this day on, real spring began. They listened to the drops in the same way.

If there was a strong drop, then they were afraid to set off on a long journey, but when there was a good drop, the hunters gathered in the forest to hunt hares.

  • The sleigh path on Procopius is fragile.
  • Snowdrops have appeared - it's time to plow.

On this day, it was customary to bring a pine branch into the house - they believed that it purified the air in the house and gave health to its inhabitants. Various infusions and teas were prepared from pine buds and needles on this day. From this day on, the snow on the roofs begins to melt; it is believed that there is always a thaw on this day. In many localities, on this day they sawed wood and carried logs to the river bank on sleighs for rafting.

  • Vasily the dropper will come and winter will cry.
  • Vasily the drip-dripper - dripping from the roofs.
  • If it rains on Vasiliev's day, good luck to you.
  • On Vasily warm sun in circles - to the harvest.
  • Vasily the dropper gives drops, there will be drops - for a good year.
  • Long icicles - for a long spring.
  • It's time to collect pine buds from Basil's warm season.

Spring winds begin to blow. The snow is actively melting, and it was believed that the melt water obtained from the snow on this day has a special healing power. They collected snow from the hills for the sick and gave them snow water to cure various ailments. This day was considered the onset of spring, which was celebrated with great joy.

  • Avdotya takes off eight fur coats.
  • As is Evdokia, so is summer.
  • If the ivy is nice, it will be nice all summer.
  • Avdotya is red, and spring is red.
  • Where the wind comes from is from Evdokia, from there in the summer.
  • The first thaw with Evdokia Ivy.

On this day they celebrate the memory of the holy martyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene, and the Russian people “secured” the name Vetronos for this saint. Indeed, on this day there were strong winds, which were greatly feared, since the wind brought illness and misfortune. There was a belief that on this day all underground springs boil and pour out onto the ground - the last great thaw occurs. But if instead of a thaw there was frost, they said: “Fedot is not the same.” On this day, sometimes the grass grew so much that it was already possible to let the cattle out to graze.

  • Fedot is evil - don’t be with the grass.
  • Fedot is angry, but by noon he goes limp, apparently, and the sun is hot on him.
  • There is a drift on Fedot - the cattle will go for demolition.

On this day, they went out into the fields and walked around them crosswise in order to attract the sun’s attention and force it to melt the snow on the field.

In addition, the cross on the field was intended to protect crops from diseases and attacks of evil spirits.

  • Eutropius melts the snow.
  • Eutropius follows the path.

It is believed that on this day rooks arrive from across the sea. If the birds fly straight to their old nests, then the spring will be friendly, the water will all go down at once, after three weeks you can start sowing, but if smart birds sit on the nest only for a short time and take off again, then the cold will last for a few more days.

  • The rookery brought the rooks.
  • If the rooks have settled into their nests, then after three weeks they can go out to sow.

The martyr Konon Gradar lived in the Pamphylian city of Mandona and was engaged in cultivating vegetable gardens, which is why he received his nickname. In the ancient church monthly books, this saint is called Stradnik, and our ancestors said about him: “Even if it were winter on the day of Conon the Gradar, start plowing the garden, and just do it on this day, the garden will certainly be good and there will be plenty of vegetables.” The Russian people used to say: “Konon the gardener called to the garden.” Therefore, from that day on, they dug vegetable gardens and transported manure to them.

  • Konon called me to the garden.
  • On Konon Gradar, start digging ridges in the garden.

On this day it was supposed to go around all the wells in a circle and trample down the snow. They did this both to prevent dirty melt water from flowing into them, and to take strength and health from the well.

  • If there is frost on March 19, then there will be forty more morning frosts.
  • If a woodpecker knocks on March 19, then spring will be late.
  • March is a time of sowing, sometimes it blows, sometimes it warms.
  • The wagtail returned earlier than usual - to the warm spring.

People said that from this day on, spring is coming, “it’s dripping from the roofs, and it’s grabbing you by the nose.” If at night a window suddenly cracks or a layer of snow falls off the roof, then, according to popular opinion, these are grave sins falling to the ground. It was necessary to pray to the icon on this day Mother of God“Helper of sinners.” On this day you could dry up the girl you liked.

  • Drops from icicles on this day - good harvest flax and hemp.
  • Cloudy cold weather By night it will be frosty.
  • Drops with icicles - to the hemp harvest.

This day - the vernal equinox, the spring solstice - was considered the real beginning of spring. It was believed that larks flew to our region. This day was dedicated to the willow - it was believed that its branches expel heaviness from the house.

Willow branches expel heaviness from the house

In the old days, willow was used to whip the body for lightness. When the head hurt, they kneaded a willow twig, put it under a scarf, on the head, and headache retreated.

  • The willow has blossomed - spring is ready for summer.
  • A palm branch brings happiness to the house.
  • Erma came with a willow.

On this day the second meeting of spring is celebrated. It is believed that forty different birds fly in these days, and the first of them is the lark. They bake buns in the shape of larks and coat them with honey. It is believed that from March 22 until Zosima the Bee (April 30) there will be forty morning frosts - matinees. If matinees go on continuously from this day on, then the summer will be warm.

  • If magpies and jackdaws fly to Soroka, it means it will be warm.
  • Warm wind - for a rainy summer.
  • At forty forty, larks, fly in, bring red summer.

The patron saint of this day was asked to divert melt water from cellars and houses so that the courtyard would not flood. It was believed that water flooded the underground floors of those houses whose owners sinned a lot in winter. This was due to the fact that water, which penetrates into any crack, is omniscient, knows everything, is aware of all events taking place. It was believed that when spring streams were already flowing into the river, roach was caught well.

  • A cold wind at your back means you won't survive the winter.
  • On Vasilisa the day is hazy - the flax will be fibrous.
  • The fog eats up the snow.
  • Blue clouds running across the sky mean warmth and rain.
  • If a thunderstorm occurs in March, it means fertility.
  • Frequent fogs in March foretell rainy summer.

It was believed that finches and lapwings fly to Efim and Sophrony, and the cuckoo gives a voice. On this day they watched birds, predicting what the future summer would be like. If the nests are located on the sunny side, then the summer will be cold, if in the shade, it will be hot. When you hear the cuckoo for the first time, you are supposed to blurt out money in your pocket so that they will follow you. They believed that an early cuckoo (before the leaves bloom on the trees) means famine. On this day work began in the garden.

  • The friendly arrival of birds means bad weather and cold weather.
  • The lark comes to the warmth (to the grass), the finch - to the cold.
  • Cranes fly quickly, low, silently - expect bad weather soon.
  • Early swallows - for a happy year.
  • Ducks and rooks arrived early - wait for warmth, they are gone for a long time - there will still be cold weather.
  • The swans leave the wormwood and disperse into the ponds - to the warmth.
  • If a lot of mice appear in the spring, there will be a hungry year.

On this day, in the early hours of the day, we went out into the street to welcome spring. It was believed that if fog appeared in the morning, then there would be a large harvest of flax and hemp that year. To make the omen come true, they scattered a handful of hemp and flaxseeds for feeding the birds.

  • At night, fogs fall to the ground, driving snow more than rain.
  • The fog falls towards the sun, rises towards bad weather.
  • Feofan drives away the fog.
  • Early spring - there will be many bad weather days in the summer.
  • In late spring there are no dangerous frosts.

Spring has also arrived in the forest, and melt water seeps into the den and begins to disturb the bear. It is believed that from this day bears begin to wake up. Since ancient times, this animal was considered a man in animal form, overgrown with six.

The arrival of geese these days is a sign of a harvest year. And if the geese are rinsing themselves in the water, it will soon be warm. By the last ice Roach, perch and ide bite well.

  • Bye warm water the sides will not get wet, the bear will not jump out of the den.

On this day, they took care of domestic animals, took the cattle out into the yard, cleaned and scrubbed them, and spoke against the evil eye and anxiety.

  • A good year is evident in the spring.
  • If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.
  • Early spring costs nothing.
  • Late spring will not deceive.

This day was also called forest grooming, because one had to speak with special respect about the forest, which was the breadwinner and waterer of the peasants, providing mushrooms, berries, game and meat, medicinal herbs and healthy roots.

  • If the seagulls have arrived, the ice will soon melt away.
  • Seagulls bathe a lot - this means bad weather.

In the church calendar under this day there are three martyrs: Savvin, Pope and Trophim. It was believed that on this day the sleigh ride ends, it is time to prepare the cart, and this must be done before the flood. We weren’t planning on setting off that day, but were preparing to go out into the field. The first thing was to put the cart in order - to change the worn-out spokes and iron rims.

  • If this day is warm, then spring will be warm.
  • Clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
  • The snow is melting soon, and the water is flowing together - expect a wet summer.

At this time, the snow melts rapidly, which is why this day was called Alexey - water from the mountains. They called it warm because real spring comes, and with it the warmth. It was believed that if large streams appeared on these days, the flood would be large and spread widely across fields and meadows. It was forbidden to get into a sleigh on this day: they will take you for a ride past your desires. On this day they were removed until the next winter.

  • If it’s warm on Alexey, then spring will be warm.
  • Alexey - spill a jug from every snowdrift.
  • There is water from the mountains on Alexey, and fish from the camp (from the winter hut) are moving.

Why was this day called “deri runner”? Because, having gone out on a sleigh in the morning onto the crust that had melted in the March sun and frozen overnight, one could really strip off the runners.

  • A sandpiper will fly from overseas and bring spring from the hills.
  • There is no contractor to deliver on time in the spring.
  • Rough snow (melted) means a harvest, smooth snow means a bad harvest.
Folk signs for March. Signs for every day.

March is popularly called winter forest, birch forest, drip forest, and protalnik. Folk signs for March are most often intended to determine when the last snow will melt, it will be warm and it will be possible to begin sowing. Signs of March can also tell you what the next summer will be like - rainy or dry, how good the harvest of a particular crop will be when the last frost passes.

Folk signs for March

In some areas this day was called Danilo the Newcomer - the first day of spring, the Newcomer, they believed that Danilo the Newcomer had washed himself and would wash us with rain. In the Middle Ages, the first days of March were considered Yarilin, in honor of the god of fertility of the pagan Slavs, Yarila.
March 1 was considered the beginning of the new year, and this day was traditionally a non-working day. We celebrated spring separately, with songs. If snow fell at night, mothers would certainly send their children to lay a path to the well and sweep away the snow from the steps of the porch - this brought happiness to the house and health to the children. Pregnant women always tried to look at the rising sun, as it gives strength to bear a healthy and strong child. The midwives brought the midday snow into the hut and wiped their hands with it so that the purity of spring would be transferred to them.
Signs March 1
The month of March loves to play tricks: it is proud of the frost and sits on its nose.
March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.
March is winter, knocking down the horn of winter.
February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.

March 2 - Fedor the Tyrant, Marimyana

This day received a double name in honor of the saints whose memory was celebrated on this day. In the popular consciousness, the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron turned into a tyrant, who came to his senses in time and defended the people. They prayed to him to find escaped slaves and stolen things.
Marmyana, the sister of the Apostle Philip, turned into a kikimora in popular imagination - a spirit in the guise of a woman who appeared in the house, in the courtyard, in empty buildings.
Signs March 2
If from the first days spring is wild and unshy, then it will deceive, there is nothing to believe.
If there was warming after Epiphany, then expect frost on March 2.

Our ancestors believed that on this day the god of fertility, Yarilo, took up the plow and harrow and checked whether they were ready for spring. On this day, the peasants began preparing for spring work in the fields. From that day on, the blacksmiths also had more work: they were the ones who repaired plows and harrows, which would very soon be needed in the field. On this day, the bunting spoke - a small bird with a yellowish breast and a green back. It was believed that she leads spring and with its appearance there are more and more sunny and warm days.
Signs March 3
A lot of snow - a lot of bread: a lot of water - a lot of grass.
If there is snow, bread will arrive; The water will spill and there will be hay.
On March 3, fog means a rainy summer.

This day got its name from the apostles Archippus and Philemon. On this day in Rus', the poor were fed, the orphaned and wretched were welcomed, since it was believed that the more good deeds one did. all the better. In peasant houses, on this day they always baked a loaf (in ancient times it was called a skull), which was dedicated to the sun and they were sure to treat it to neighbors, relatives and friends, leaving a piece for the poor.
Signs March 4
A person who is sick on this day will be sick for a very long time.

The day takes its name from the patron saint of Leo, a bishop in the city of Catana in Sicily. Since the Sicilian saint was far from the Russian people, the peasants renamed him Leo of Catania and organized skiing from the mountains on this day. It was believed that the one who slides further will prolong his happiness. They said: "Winter is running out - hurry up and ride your sled to your heart's content."
On this day it was necessary to ask (or even secretly take) hot coals from the forge and take them to the field. They poured them out at the edge of the field and asked for prosperity for the farmer, favorable conditions for the growth and ripening of grain and a good harvest.
Signs March 5
Crows bathe early spring warmth.
Early spring - don't expect good things.
Snow melts with rain - to the flood.

It was believed that this particular day determined spring: what the weather was like on this day, so will spring, especially since warm, rather than cold, winds began to blow, and they said: “It will be spring.” From this day on, sap flow began in maples and birches. On this day, the old people got off the stoves and moved to bask in the sun on the heap - this is the lower part of the log house, filled with spruce branches, needle cases, and straw mixed with earth for warmth. Children loved this day very much, because the old people always had time for them, they said that it was like spring and warmed the old ones.
Signs March 6
According to Timothy, they looked at spring: like Timothy, so is spring.
Live until spring, and then winter won’t be scary.
If the edges of the melting snow around the tree are steep, it means a cold spring; if the edges are flat, it means a long spring.
If you meet a white hare, it will definitely snow again.
Timofey - in the spring - it’s already warm at the door.
Spring welcomes you with warmth.

People believed that it was on this day that starlings, rooks and swallows fly home. It was believed that the early arrival of birds meant early spring, and that early swallows meant a happy year, and these birds were very loved by the people. On this day, field work began. While the road was still passable, manure was transported to the fields. On this day it was necessary to secretly take the land from under the first spring plow and just as secretly put it in the hut.
Signs March 7
If there is a blizzard and blizzard on Afanasy, spring will be delayed.
On Afanasiev Day the walls are warm (the sun is hot) - for a green year.
When in the spring the surface of the snow is rough (the snow begins to melt) - it means a harvest, when it is smooth - it means a crop failure.
The rooks are playing - the weather will be good.

This day got its name because at this time the girls were really “sour” - those who did not get married before Maslenitsa had to wait until the summer. It was believed that this day was one of the best to bewitch the young man you liked
Signs March 8
Spring is fickle, like a stepmother: it will blow with warmth, then it will bring cold weather from the north.
In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

It was believed that the first migratory birds arrived on this day. If snow fell on the day of discovery, then this foreshadowed a cold Easter, and a dry day - a sunny one. The birds began to build their first nests, and if they did this on the sunny side, it was believed that the summer would be cold.
Signs March 9
A bird is making a nest, and a migratory bird is flying from warm places.
Bird sweating, finding nests.

The patron saint of this day is asked to relieve fever, which is also called kumokha.
Signs March 10
March 10 is the average date for the appearance of thawed patches in the north.
If the door breaks off its hinges on this day, expect trouble.

It would seem that. Spring has already arrived, but still the weather at this time is still very unstable, and they were afraid to start field work: a frost would strike and destroy all the crops.
Signs March 11
Early spring is worthless, but late spring will deceive.
If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time, the Wind eats up the snow.
Spring ice is like someone else's hut threshold (unreliable).

The sled track began to deteriorate; a rut appeared under the horse's hooves. Therefore, before leaving the yard, we listened to the road to see if it was reliable. It was believed that from this day on, real spring began. They listened to the drops in the same way. If there was a strong drop, then they were afraid to set off on a long journey, but when there was a good drop, the hunters gathered in the forest to hunt hares.
Signs March 12
The sleigh path on Procopius is fragile.
Snowdrops have appeared - it's time to plow.

On this day, it was customary to bring a pine branch into the house - they believed that it purified the air in the house and gave health to its inhabitants. Various infusions and teas were prepared from pine buds and needles on this day. From this day on, the snow on the roofs begins to melt; it is believed that there is always a thaw on this day. In many localities, on this day they sawed wood and carried logs to the river bank on sleighs for rafting.
Signs March 13
Vasily the dropper will come and winter will cry.
Vasily the drip-dripper - dripping from the roofs.
If it rains on Vasiliev's day, good luck to you.
On Vasily, the warm sun in circles means the harvest.
Vasily the dropper gives drops, there will be drops - for a good year.
Long icicles - for a long spring.
It's time to collect pine buds from Basil's warm season.

Spring winds begin to blow. The snow was actively melting, and it was believed that the melt water obtained from the snow on this day had special healing powers. They collected snow from the hills for the sick and gave them snow water to cure various ailments. This day was considered the onset of spring, which was celebrated with great joy.
Signs March 14
Avdotya takes off eight fur coats.
As is Evdokia, so is summer.
If the ivy is nice, it will be nice all summer.
Avdotya is red, and spring is red.
Where the wind comes from is from Evdokea, from there in the summer.
The first thaw with Evdokia Ivy.

On this day they celebrate the memory of the holy martyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene, and the Russian people “secured” the name Vetronos for this saint. Indeed, on this day there were strong winds, which were greatly feared, since the wind brought illness and misfortune. There was a belief that on this day all underground springs boil and pour out onto the ground - the last great thaw occurs. But if instead of a thaw there was frost, they said: “Fedot is not the same.” On this day, sometimes the grass grew so much that it was already possible to let the cattle out to graze.
Signs March 15
Fedot is evil - don't be with the grass.
Fedot is angry, but by noon he goes limp, apparently, and the sun is hot on him.
There is a drift on Fedot - the cattle will go for demolition.

On this day, they went out into the fields and walked around them crosswise in order to attract the sun’s attention and force it to melt the snow on the field. In addition, the cross on the field was intended to protect crops from diseases and attacks of evil spirits.
Signs March 16
Eutropius melts the snow.
Eutropius follows the path.

It is believed that on this day rooks arrive from across the sea. If the birds fly straight to their old nests, then the spring will be friendly, the water will all go down at once, after three weeks you can start sowing, but if smart birds sit on the nest only for a short time and take off again, then the cold will last for a few more days.
Signs March 17
The rookery brought the rooks.
If the rooks have settled into their nests, then after three weeks they can go out to sow.

The martyr Konon Gradar lived in the Pamphylian city of Mandona and was engaged in cultivating vegetable gardens, which is why he received his nickname. In ancient church monthly books, this saint is called Stradnik, and our ancestors said about him: “Even if it were winter on the day of Conon the Gradar, start plowing the garden, and just do it on this day, the garden will certainly be good and there will be a lot of vegetables.” The Russian people used to say: “Konon the gardener called me to the garden.” Therefore, from that day on, they dug vegetable gardens and transported manure to them.
Signs March 18
Konon called me to the garden.
On Konon Gradar, start digging ridges in the garden.

On this day it was supposed to go around all the wells in a circle and trample down the snow. They did this both to prevent dirty melt water from flowing into them, and to take strength and health from the well.
Signs March 19
If there is frost on March 19, then there will be forty more morning frosts.
If a woodpecker knocks on March 19, then spring will be late.
March is a time of sowing, sometimes it blows, sometimes it warms.
The wagtail returned earlier than usual - to the warm spring.

People said that from this day on, spring is coming, “it’s dripping from the roofs, and it’s grabbing you by the nose.” If at night a window suddenly cracks or a layer of snow falls off the roof, then, according to popular opinion, these are grave sins falling to the ground. On this day one should pray to the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners.” On this day you could dry up the girl you liked.
Signs March 20
Dripping from the icicles on this day means a good harvest of flax and hemp.
Cloudy cold weather by night means frost.
Drops with icicles - for a hemp harvest.

This day - the vernal equinox, the spring solstice - was considered the real beginning of spring. It was believed that larks flew to our region. This day was dedicated to the willow - it was believed that its branches expel heaviness from the house. In the old days, willow was used to whip the body for lightness. When I had a headache, I kneaded a willow twig and put it under a scarf on my head, and the headache went away.
Signs March 21
The willow has blossomed - spring is ready for summer.
A palm branch brings happiness to the house.
Erma came with a willow.

On this day the second meeting of spring is celebrated. It is believed that forty different birds fly in these days, and the first of them is the lark. They bake buns in the shape of larks and coat them with honey. It is believed that from March 22 until Zosima the Bee (April 30) there will be forty morning frosts - matinees. If matinees go on continuously from this day on, then the summer will be warm.
Signs March 22
If magpies and jackdaws fly to Soroka, it means it will be warm.
Warm wind - for a rainy summer.
At forty forty, larks, fly in, bring red summer.

The patron saint of this day was asked to divert melt water from cellars and houses so that the courtyard would not flood. It was believed that water flooded the underground floors of those houses whose owners sinned a lot in winter. This was related to this. that the water that penetrates into any crevice is omniscient, knows everything, is aware of all events taking place. It was believed that when spring streams were already flowing into the river, roach was caught well.
Signs for March 23.
A cold wind at your back means you won't survive the winter.
On Vasilisa the day is hazy - the flax will be fibrous.
The fog eats up the snow.
Blue clouds running across the sky mean warmth and rain.
If a thunderstorm occurs in March, it means fertility.
Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.

It was believed that finches and lapwings fly to Efim and Sophrony, and the cuckoo gives a voice. On this day they watched the birds, predicting something. what will next summer be like? If the nests are located on the sunny side, then the summer will be cold, if in the shade, it will be hot. When you hear the cuckoo for the first time, you are supposed to blurt out money in your pocket so that they will follow you. They believed that an early cuckoo (before the leaves bloomed on the trees) meant famine. On this day work began in the garden.
Signs March 24
The friendly arrival of birds means bad weather and cold weather.
The lark comes to the warmth (to the grass), the finch - to the cold.
Cranes fly quickly, low, silently - expect bad weather soon.
Early swallows - for a happy year.
Ducks and rooks arrived early - wait for warmth, they are gone for a long time - it will still be cold.
The swans leave the wormwood and disperse into the ponds - to the warmth.
If a lot of mice appear in the spring, there will be a hungry year.

On this day, in the early hours of the day, we went out into the street to welcome spring. It was believed that if fog appeared in the morning, then there would be a large harvest of flax and hemp that year. To make the omen come true, a handful of hemp and flax seeds were scattered around the yard to treat the birds.
Signs March 25
At night, fogs fall to the ground, driving snow more than rain.
The fog falls towards the sun, rises towards bad weather.
Feofan drives away the fog.
Early spring - in the summer there will be many bad weather days.
In late spring there are no dangerous frosts.

Spring has also arrived in the forest, and melt water seeps into the den and begins to disturb the bear. It is believed that from this day bears begin to wake up. Since ancient times, this animal was considered a man in animal form, overgrown with six. The arrival of geese these days is a sign of a harvest year. And if the geese are rinsing themselves in the water, it will soon be warm. On the last ice, roach, perch and ide bite well.
Signs March 26
Until the warm water wets the sides, the bear will not jump out of the den.

Traditions. On this day, they took care of domestic animals, took the cattle out into the yard, cleaned and scrubbed them, and spoke against the evil eye and anxiety.
Signs March 27
A good year is evident in the spring.
If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.
Early spring costs nothing.
Late spring will not deceive you.

This day was also called forest grooming. because it was necessary to speak with special respect about the forest, which was the breadwinner and waterer of the peasants, providing mushrooms, berries, game and meat, medicinal herbs and healthy roots.
Signs March 28
If the seagulls have arrived, the ice will soon melt away.
Seagulls bathe a lot - to bad weather.

In the church calendar under this day there are three martyrs: Savvin. Papa and Trofim. It was believed that on this day the sleigh ride ends, it is time to prepare the cart, and this must be done before the flood. We weren’t planning on setting off that day, but were preparing to go out into the field. The first step was to put the cart in order - to change the worn-out spokes and iron rims.
Signs March 29
If this day is warm, then spring will be warm.
Clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
The snow is melting soon, and the water is flowing together - expect a wet summer.

At this time, the snow melts rapidly, which is why this day was named Alexey - water from the mountains. They called it warm because real spring comes, and with it the warmth. It was believed that if large streams appeared on these days, the flood would be large and spread widely across fields and meadows. It was forbidden to get into a sleigh on this day: they will take you for a ride past your desires. On this day they were removed until the next winter.
Signs March 30
If it’s warm on Alexey, then spring will be warm.
Alexey - spill a jug from every snowdrift.
There is water from the mountains on Alexey, and fish from the camp (from the winter hut) are moving.

Why was this day called "deri runner"? Because. Having gone out in the morning on a sleigh onto the crust that had melted in the March sun and frozen overnight, one could really strip off the runners.
Signs March 31
A sandpiper will fly from overseas and bring spring from the hills.
There is no contractor to deliver on time in the spring.
Rough snow (melted) means a harvest, smooth snow means a bad harvest.

March is the most awaited month, because after a cold winter you can finally enjoy the spring sun. Thanks to folk wisdom you can find out what awaits us in March and what we should prepare for in advance.

March is rightfully considered one of the most changeable months. During this period, we expect changes both in the weather and in life. In winter we had to endure the cold and very coldy, and perhaps even in March we will have to face similar phenomena. IN last years nature has become unpredictable, and sometimes even meteorologists cannot say exactly what weather awaits us in the near future. Our ancestors did not have the opportunity to rely on forecasts, but simply observed what signs nature gave. Experts from the site offer you a list of folk signs, thanks to which you will find out what surprises the first month of spring has prepared for us.

Folk signs about the weather for March

March 1. In Rus', if snow fell on the first day of spring, children would sweep it off the porch so that all family members would be happy and healthy. The beginning of spring was celebrated noisily, with festivities and meals. The housewives set the table and served homemade cakes so that the year will be fruitful. Snowfall in the afternoon foreshadowed a good year.

2nd of March. On this day they prayed to Theodore Tyrone and asked for help in finding missing people. If on March 2 you see a bunting, a bird with a yellow breast, on a tree, it means that full spring will soon come.

March, 3rd. On the third day of spring, if the weather was sunny, they baked cookies and pies and treated them to those in need. The rain on March 3 predicted a cold and short summer.

March 4th. To make the year happy, a loaf of bread was baked on this day and treated to the poor, and the remaining crumbs were collected and thrown behind the back. On the fourth day of spring, it is customary to do good deeds, since they will definitely return to you in the future. Snow fell on March 4th - expect multiple days of snowfall.

5th of March. On the evening of March 5, our ancestors were afraid to look at the sky, as falling stars foreshadowed imminent death loved one. On this day, sledding was traditionally organized: it was believed that whoever sleds further would be happier.

March, 6. On the sixth day, the seriously ill went out into the street early in the morning and breathed the spring air: according to legend, the melting snow took with it all ailments and illnesses. If you see a white hare, it means that spring will not come soon.

March 7. If the sun is covered in haze on this day, it means it will soon become warmer. Snow and blizzard foreshadowed snowfalls.

March 8. On this day, our ancestors were afraid that it would snow: this meant that spring would not come soon, and in the summer the land would be infertile.

9th of March. If snow falls on the ninth day, Easter will be cold. It was believed that from this day on, winter should hand over the reins to spring, but if by this moment the birds had not yet flown in from the south, there would soon be a cold snap.

10th of March. To avoid getting sick, our ancestors did not go to bed after lunch on this day. The sign says that if a person feels tired in the afternoon, a dangerous illness awaits him. Snow on March 10 foreshadowed a cold Holy Week before Easter.

11th of March. If the cold returns on March 11, it means spring will be cold. If the wind blows from the south, expect warmer temperatures.

March 12. If the birds return from the south on the twelfth day, the summer will be warm and fruitful.

March 13. On this day, you need to bring a pine twig from the forest and place it in the middle of the house. This will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from illnesses and improve your health after winter. In Rus', March 13 was celebrated as the day of memory of Vasily Kapelnik. If the icicles begin to melt, it means spring is approaching.

March 14th. On the fourteenth day, you need to go outside and collect the remaining clean snow. Bring it home and wait for it to melt. Wash yourself with melt water to get rid of illness and serious illnesses. Water the flowers for a fruitful year.

March 15th. If the snowstorm clears up on March 15, the cold will soon return. If the weather is warm and sunny on this day, it means spring is coming.

March 16. On the sixteenth day of spring, the weather for the summer was determined. The sun foreshadowed a hot July, and cold weather promised a short summer period and cold August.

March 17. The rooks that arrived on March 17 heralded spring. However, if their behavior was restless, it means that winter will soon make itself felt. It was believed that children born on this day would be hardworking.

18th of March. From this day on, they began to prepare the land for sowing: they soaked the seeds, transported manure and dug up the garden. For a good harvest, you need to dig at least three holes.

March 19. To make the snowdrifts melt faster, on March 19, they collected the remaining snow in a bucket and drowned it in a well. Before this, the well had to be put in order, cleared of dirt and black snow. See white stork- to a successful year.

20th of March. Whatever the weather will be on this day, such will be May. Getting caught in the rain means success in business. In 2018, March 20 will be the vernal equinox. To make the year happy, you need to bake pancakes and invite guests to your house.

21 March. At this time, our ancestors were waiting for the arrival of larks. It was believed that these birds foreshadow a warm spring.

March 22. Thanks to many March signs, you can find out what kind of weather awaits us in the summer. If the twenty-second day of spring is rainy and cold, then July will be the same.

March 23. Hear the cuckoo cry on March 23 - good omen. At this moment, you need to rattle some change in order to attract wealth to your home.

March 24. If on March 24 spring streams flow quickly and flow into the hole, then there will be a good bite all year.

March 25. In order to have a good harvest this year, you need to prepare two handfuls of seeds on the evening of March 24, and the next morning go outside and scatter one of them around the yard. The second one must be fed to the birds.

26 March. If it rained on the morning of the twenty-sixth day of March, it means that May will be rainy.

March 27. On the evening of March 27, ice appeared on the rivers - will go in the summer snow. If the weather is sunny, July will be dry and barren. On this day, they cared for domestic animals so that the livestock would be fertile.

March 28. From now on, people are waiting for April, and they began to prepare for it a few days in advance. Housewives woke up before sunrise and began baking pancakes - a symbol of sun and warmth. After this, relatives and neighbors were invited to a meal and noisy celebrations were held. Thus, in Rus' they said goodbye to the outgoing month and welcomed the new one.

March 29. The rainy weather that day foreshadowed the imminent warming. Our ancestors believed that rain “burns” snow and thus drives away the boring winter.

30th of March. To ensure a good harvest in the summer, on March 30, they made homemade boats, went outside and launched them along meltwater streams. On this day it is forbidden to get into a sleigh so that it does not carry you past your dreams. It is advisable to remove them before next winter.

March 31. In Rus', on the last day of March, young men and unmarried girls went out and got to know each other. Marriages concluded on March 31 will be long and happy. Any casual acquaintances on this day are a sign that you will soon find your soulmate.

Many accidents in our lives happen for a reason, and folk signs testify to this. The loss of something dear to us can greatly upset us, but perhaps this is an important sign of fate, and together with lost item you got rid of a serious problem. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

MARCH 1 – MAREMYANA KIKIMORA (ONE-EYED), DANILA’S DAY, YARILO This was a kind of turning point in winter, and it is connected with a large number of folk beliefs and stories about spirits.
2nd of March. Fedor Tiron. What is the weather like on this day? So be it in the summer. A crow begins to build a nest on Fyodor. The March ice is like someone else's hut threshold (that is, not reliable).

March, 3rd. They say that on this day you can see the emergence of hives butterflies. The arrival of the bunting bird means quick warmth.
March 4th. Fedot. On Fedot there is a snow drift - to the late grass. Neither water in March nor grass in April.
5th of March. Lev Katansky. Folk omens prohibit looking at the sky in the evening, since seeing a falling star can mean illness of a loved one.
March, 6. Timofey Vesnovey. “According to Timothy - the beginning of spring.” The spring blows with warmth, warming the elderly. No matter how angry the blizzard is, spring still blows. Sap flow begins in maples and birches.
March 7. Athanasius, Mauritius. Rooks and starlings arrive in Mauritius. If a woodpecker knocks in March, spring will be late, a tit starts singing - it will be warm, a chaffinch means bad weather.
March 8. Polycarp. It's time for the magpies to leave for the forest, and for the black grouse to start singing. From March 8 to March 15, the return of cold weather cannot be ruled out: the month of March loves to play tricks - it is proud of the frost and sits on its nose.
9th of March. The day of Ivan. Finding. Birds build nests on the sunny side of trees - for cold summers, on the darkened side - for warm summers.
10th of March. Taras the swindler, Tarasy Bessonny. It was believed that from this day on people were attacked by kumokha - spring slumber. Sleep knocks the weak off their feet; you want to sleep all the time.
11th of March. Porfiry. On this day in the morning the puddles are covered with ice - for warm summer. They used to say about the beginning of the second ten days of March: if you miss a day, you won’t get it back in a year.
March 12. Prokop-Perezimnik. Prokop Zimny ​​(December 5) will dig up the road, Prokop Perezimny will destroy it. If the birds have already arrived by this day, expect a good harvest.
March 13. Vasily Kapelnik. There is always a thaw on this day. If South wind, and there are drops outside - summer will be hot.
March 14th. Evdokia Plyushchikha. Evdokia - wet the threshold. The day received its nickname Plyushchikha because the snow begins to flatten and cake. If it’s clear on Evdokia, it’s a wonderful year; if it's cloudy, it's a bad year. The surface of the snow is rough - a sign of harvest, smooth - a sign of crop failure.
March 15th. Fedot. Fedot Vetronos, sticks his nose everywhere, lifts the chickens' tail. If there is a snow drift, wind, or blizzard on Fedot, there will be no grass for a long time. In mid-March they judged summer: if it blew from the south, it would be a warm and wet summer, but if there was snow and wind from the north, it would be cold.
March 16. Basilisk and Eutropius. Eutropius - melts the snow. At this time the bear wakes up and crawls out of the den.
March 17. Gerasim Grachevnik. The rook has arrived - wait for the snow to melt in a month. If rooks fly to their old nests, then spring will be friendly, the snow will melt away at once.
18th of March. Martyr Konon Gradar. It was believed that if you start plowing the garden on this day (at least make a few holes or dig with a shovel), then the garden will be good and there will be a lot of vegetables.
March 19. Arkady. On Arkady they walked around the wells in circles so that they would not fill with bitter waste, but would only let in good underground water. If there is frost on this day, there will be another forty morning frosts.
20th of March. Vasily Kapelnik. Spring is coming from Vasily. It's dripping from the roofs and scratching your nose. Cloudy cold weather by night means frost.
21 March. Spring equinox. If the clouds are high and moving quickly, the weather is good. On this day, they baked a ritual image of the sun from dough - round pancakes and asked nature for a rich harvest, after which they began spring plowing.
March 22. Forty forty. Second meeting of spring. Day and night are measured, winter ends, spring begins. Day of mass arrival of birds. Forty birds fly to the forty martyrs.
March 23. Kondrat. There may be early thunderstorms: if they happen, the year will be happy and successful.
March 24. Efim. If there is no cold on this day, the summer will be warm and dry.
March 25. Feofan. People say that if there is fog on Feofan in the morning, then there will be
a bountiful harvest. On Feofan, the ice in the backwaters does not melt, but sinks - the whole year will be difficult. If the snow begins to melt on the south side of the anthills, the summer will be short and cold.
26 March. Nikifor. The paths turn black, the snow melts. It was believed that if the lark arrived first, it meant early warmth, and the finch meant that cold would be delayed. Fogs on this day foreshadow a rainy summer.
March 27. Michael. Hear thunder - summer will be fertile. Waiting for us good year, if at sunrise the sun is red or red flashes are visible in the sky in the morning.
March 28. If the snow melts from the sun, the year will be fruitful, and if it melts from the rain, there will be a drought.
March 29. Savva. If it is warm on this day, then the whole spring will be warm.
30th of March. Alexey Teply. From Alexei, the snow melts from the ground, and the ice from the water. On the day of Alexei Teply, the first hives were taken out.
March 31. Kirill - take the runner. By this time the roads are deteriorating. If the first coltsfoot flowers appear on the slopes, and scurrying mosquitoes are in the air, then expect warm weather soon.

March is rightfully considered one of the most changeable months. During this period, we expect changes both in the weather and in life. In winter we had to endure cold and severe frosts, and perhaps even in March we will have to face similar phenomena. In recent years, nature has become unpredictable, and sometimes even meteorologists cannot say exactly what weather awaits us in the near future. Our ancestors did not have the opportunity to rely on forecasts, but simply observed what signs nature gave.

Folk signs about the weather for March

March 1. In Rus', if snow fell on the first day of spring, children would sweep it off the porch so that all family members would be happy and healthy. The beginning of spring was celebrated noisily, with festivities and meals. Housewives set the table and served homemade baked goods as treats so that the year would be fruitful. Snowfall in the afternoon foreshadowed a good year.

2nd of March. On this day they prayed to Theodore Tyrone and asked for help in finding missing people. If on March 2 you see a bunting, a bird with a yellow breast, on a tree, it means that full spring will soon come.

March, 3rd. On the third day of spring, if the weather was sunny, they baked cookies and pies and treated them to those in need. The rain on March 3 predicted a cold and short summer.

March 4th. To make the year happy, a loaf of bread was baked on this day and treated to the poor, and the remaining crumbs were collected and thrown behind the back. On the fourth day of spring, it is customary to do good deeds, since they will definitely return to you in the future. Snow fell on March 4 - expect multiple days of snowfall.

5th of March. On the evening of March 5, our ancestors were afraid to look at the sky, as falling stars foreshadowed the imminent death of a loved one. On this day, sledding was traditionally organized: it was believed that whoever sleds further would be happier.

March, 6. On the sixth day, the seriously ill went out into the street early in the morning and breathed the spring air: according to legend, the melting snow took with it all ailments and illnesses. If you see a white hare, it means that spring will not come soon.

March 7. If the sun is covered in haze on this day, it means it will soon become warmer. Snow and blizzard foreshadowed snowfalls.

March 8. On this day, our ancestors were afraid that it would snow: this meant that spring would not come soon, and in the summer the land would be infertile.

9th of March. If snow falls on the ninth day, Easter will be cold. It was believed that from this day on, winter should hand over the reins to spring, but if by this moment the birds had not yet flown in from the south, there would soon be a cold snap.

10th of March. To avoid getting sick, our ancestors did not go to bed after lunch on this day. The sign says that if a person feels tired in the afternoon, a dangerous illness awaits him. Snow on March 10 foreshadowed the cold Holy Week before Easter.

11th of March. If the cold returns on March 11, it means spring will be cold. If the wind blows from the south, expect warmer temperatures.

March 13. On this day, you need to bring a pine twig from the forest and place it in the middle of the house. This will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from illnesses and improve your health after winter. In Rus', March 13 was celebrated as the day of memory of Vasily Kapelnik. If the icicles begin to melt, it means spring is approaching.

March 14th. On the fourteenth day, you need to go outside and collect the remaining clean snow. Bring it home and wait for it to melt. Wash yourself with melt water to get rid of illness and serious illnesses. Water the flowers for a fruitful year.

March 15th. If the snowstorm clears up on March 15, the cold will soon return. If the weather is warm and sunny on this day, it means spring is coming.

March 16. On the sixteenth day of spring, the weather for the summer was determined. The sun foreshadowed a hot July, and cold weather promised a short summer period and a cold August.

March 17. The rooks that arrived on March 17 heralded spring. However, if their behavior was restless, it means that winter will soon make itself felt. It was believed that children born on this day would be hardworking.

18th of March. From this day on, they began to prepare the land for sowing: they soaked the seeds, transported manure and dug up the garden. For a good harvest, you need to dig at least three holes.

March 19. To make the snowdrifts melt faster, on March 19, they collected the remaining snow in a bucket and drowned it in a well. Before this, the well had to be put in order, cleared of dirt and black snow. Seeing a white stork means a successful year.

20th of March. Whatever the weather will be on this day, such will be May. Getting caught in the rain means success in business. In 2018, March 20 will be the vernal equinox. To make the year happy, you need to bake pancakes and invite guests to your house.

21 March. At this time, our ancestors were waiting for the arrival of larks. It was believed that these birds foreshadow a warm spring.

March 22. Thanks to many March signs, you can find out what kind of weather awaits us in the summer. If the twenty-second day of spring is rainy and cold, then July will be the same.

March 23. Hearing the cuckoo cry on March 23 is a good omen. At this moment, you need to rattle some change in order to attract wealth to your home.

March 24. If on March 24 spring streams flow quickly and flow into the hole, then there will be a good bite all year.

March 25. In order to have a good harvest this year, you need to prepare two handfuls of seeds on the evening of March 24, and the next morning go outside and scatter one of them around the yard. The second one must be fed to the birds.

26 March. If it rained on the morning of the twenty-sixth day of March, it means that May will be rainy.

March 27. On the evening of March 27, ice appeared on the rivers - it will snow in the summer. If the weather is sunny, July will be dry and barren. On this day, they cared for domestic animals so that the livestock would be fertile.

March 28. From now on, people are waiting for April, and they began to prepare for it a few days in advance. Housewives woke up before sunrise and began baking pancakes - a symbol of sun and warmth. After this, relatives and neighbors were invited to a meal and noisy celebrations were held. Thus, in Rus' they said goodbye to the outgoing month and welcomed the new one.

March 29. The rainy weather that day foreshadowed the imminent warming. Our ancestors believed that rain “burns” snow and thus drives away the boring winter.

30th of March. To ensure a good harvest in the summer, on March 30, they made homemade boats, went outside and launched them along meltwater streams. On this day it is forbidden to get into a sleigh so that it does not carry you past your dreams. It is advisable to remove them before next winter.

March 31. In Rus', on the last day of March, young men and unmarried girls went out into the street and got to know each other. Marriages concluded on March 31 will be long and happy. Any casual acquaintances on this day are a sign that you will soon find your soulmate.

Many accidents in our lives happen for a reason, and folk signs testify to this. The loss of something dear to us can greatly upset us, but perhaps this is an important sign of fate, and together with the lost thing you got rid of a serious trouble.
