Numerology by date of birth Archimedes. Numerology Vedic and according to Pythagoras

Today ordinary people There are many different ways to get to know yourself better and foresee your future. There is nothing wrong with this, because it is always better to be prepared for what awaits. That is why in this article I would like to talk about this in an interesting way recognize yourself as a Pythagorean square.

What it is?

First of all, I would like to remind you that Pythagoras is an ancient Greek scientist and philosopher, whose works people still use. Regarding this problem, he tried to combine the mathematical sciences of the Arabs and the knowledge of nature and Kabbalah of the Phoenicians. It is thanks to this symbiosis of knowledge that the well-known Pythagorean square appeared, which helps people not only get to know themselves better, reveal not only their strengths, but also weak sides character, but also in a sense to foresee the future and avoid negativity if possible.

About calculations

It is worth saying that many people have heard that there is a Pythagorean square. How to calculate it is the first question. However, I would like to say that there should not be any special problems in the calculations. Right now I would like to talk about this in detail, describing a clear algorithm of actions.

  • You need to write on a piece of paper full date your birth must be in numbers (letters are definitely not needed for calculations).
  • You need to add up all the numbers that are written on the piece of paper (numbers, not numbers, this is very important!) - this will be the first number (it will be two-digit).
  • To determine the second number, you need to add up all the digits of the first number.
  • Finding the third number will be somewhat more difficult: from the first number found, you need to subtract the date of birth, which is then multiplied by two.
  • If necessary, the third number must be reduced to a monosyllabic form: for this it is necessary to carry out the already known actions: add the digits of this number. This will be the fourth number.
  • Calculation example

    So, Pythagoras? It may seem that it is quite difficult to calculate it by looking at the algorithm of actions alone. Now I would like to give an example of calculations so that it is easier to understand everything.

  • Let the person's date of birth be as follows: 08/22/1987.
  • We do simple mathematical calculations: 2+2+0+8+1+9+8+7 = 37. This is the first number we are looking for.
  • To get the second number, you need to reduce the first to a single-digit form: 3+7=10; 1+0 = 1.
  • We are looking for the third number: 37 - (22*2) = 37 - 44 = - 7.
  • The fourth number is additional: again 7 (if there were more than 10, it would have to be reduced to an unambiguous form).
  • Nuances in calculations

    So, it became clear to everyone that numerology is currently in the works - the Pythagorean square. We seem to have figured out how to calculate it, but it is worth saying that certain questions and nuances may arise in this matter. So, what could possibly go wrong at first glance?

  • It is possible that the first and second numbers will be the same. This is normal, because there are situations when already the first number is single-digit.
  • When calculating the third number, two is a constant factor that does not change.
  • Frequently asked questions regarding the third number: it often ends up being negative. There is nothing wrong with this either, just to work you will need to take the same number, but without the minus sign.
  • If the third number turns out to be single digit, it will be equal to the fourth.
  • Determining the numbers you need

    So, all the calculations have been made, now you need to try to compose the Pythagorean square itself. First you need to select two rows of the required numbers.

  • The first row is the date of birth: 2281987.
  • The second row is all the numbers obtained during the calculations: 37-1-7-7.
  • So, all the numbers have been calculated, now you can try to make the square itself. In its form, it will be a table of 3x3 cells in size, which should contain numbers from 1 to 9. It will be important that the table should be read in columns, and not in rows, as we are more accustomed to. Those. in the first column the numbers 1, 2, 3 will be placed from top to bottom, in the second - 4, 5, 6 also from top to bottom, in the third - 7, 8, 9. There should be no zeros in the table, so you just need to miss them. So, now you need to insert into these cells all the numbers that are located in the two found rows - the date of birth and the calculated elements. All ones must be entered in the first cell, all twos in the second (as described above, it is second in the first column) and so on, until nine. If there are no certain numbers in the previously compiled rows, the cell simply remains empty, you can write the word “no”. That’s all, the “Pythagorean square” psychomatrix is ​​ready, an example based on the previously calculated rows is given below.

    The square is completely composed, now you can move on to interpreting what is depicted there.

    How to decipher the psychomatrix?

    So, we have completely compiled the Pythagorean square by date of birth, now we need to correctly “read” everything that is encrypted there. I would like to say that the more numbers in one cell, the greater the influence of this number on the fate and life of a person.

    First cell

    Consider the Pythagorean square. What does the first cell mean? So, this is an awareness of what is happening around him. If the calculations result in only one unit, this is an inveterate egoist. In our case, there are two of them. This person is close to selfishness, loves to be appreciated, and is afraid of being underestimated. Three units indicate an agreeable character, four - that the person is strong-willed. Five units define a dictator and a tyrant, and six – a tough person who, however, will do even the impossible for his loved one.

    Second cell

    What do twos squared mean? This is human bioenergy. If there are no twos in the calculations, this means that the person is open to receiving this very energy. Such individuals most often love old things, communicate without problems with others and are well-mannered by nature. One deuce indicates that a person does not have enough energy to live. Such individuals often feel atmospheric changes, are also required. Two deuces - people with enough bioenergy can heal other people. Three twos are often good psychics or people who have a well-developed sixth sense. Four twos in a person’s psychomatrix attract people of the opposite sex.

    Third cell

    The third cell will tell you how decent and clean a person is by nature.

    • No C's - a punctual and clean person, but notices all the negative nuances surrounding him.
    • One troika - it keeps order according to its mood.
    • Two triplets are people who are scientifically inclined and clean.
    • Three threes - a high tendency to self-learning, they are fanatic about cleanliness.
    Fourth cell

    Determines human health.

    • Absence of fours - a person can get sick quite often (especially if there are a lot of twos in calculations).
    • One four - a person will not get sick too much, periodically, no more than others.
    • Two fours - a person of good health and increased sexuality.
    • Three fours - the same as with three, but twice as large.
    Fifth cell

    The fifth cell will tell you how well a person’s intuition is developed.

    • There are no fives - the human channel is open at birth. Such people themselves achieve everything in life, try everything “by tooth”, experiment and are always in thought. It is often quite difficult to get along with such people.
    • One A - such people make few mistakes in life.
    • Two A's - such people have highly developed intuition.
    • Three A's are practically clairvoyant, they extremely rarely make mistakes, they foresee everything.
    • Four A's are true clairvoyants; they often feel not only what is happening in this world, but also in the other world.
    Sixth cell
    • There are no sixes - such people acquire a craft that requires physical labor, but they do not like to work hard.
    • One six are down-to-earth people, but they can study well.
    • Two sixes - a person is very grounded, loves physical labor.
    • Three sixes are the sign of Satan. Such people are obligatory, but they feed on the energy of their partner. Having sucked it out, they move on to another person.
    • Four sixes - such people work very hard, work a lot physically. Very grounded.

    Seventh cell

    Seven speaks about how much a person has been touched by God's spark, whether he has talent.

    • There are no sevens - such people are born in order to earn sevens. Their life is often difficult, and they often come to religion.
    • One seven - there is talent, but it is not clearly expressed. This is something you can work on to change the situation.
    • Two sevens - strong sign angel-like. If you develop talent, you can achieve a lot. There are no closed doors for such people.
    • Three sevens are a special sign. Such people did not come to earth for long. Often in old age they are paralyzed.
    • Four sevens are the sign of an angel. Such people, if they do not die in infancy, are often in danger.
    Eighth cell

    This cell will tell you how much a person has a sense of duty.

    • There are no eights - if a person has taken something, he is in no hurry to give it back.
    • One is that the sense of duty is developed.
    • Two eights - a very developed sense of duty. Such people strive to help everyone and cannot refuse anyone.
    • Three eights indicate that a person was sent to earth to serve people.
    • Four - such people are born with knowledge of the exact sciences and have parapsychological abilities.
    Ninth cell

    As for the last, ninth cell, it determines the human mind.

    • There are no nines - a person is by nature poor-witted.
    • One nine - you need to develop the second nine in order to consider yourself an intelligent person.
    • Two dozen - such people are smart from birth, love to learn.
    • Three - such people are smart from birth, but do not like to study, because... a lot comes naturally to them.
    • Four Nines are people of a sharp mind, but they are often rude and unmerciful.


    It is worth saying that you can also calculate compatibility using the Pythagorean square. So, for this it will be necessary to compile psychomatrices of both members of the couple, but here you will need to look at how similar people are. To do this, you need to look not only at each individual cell, but also at the columns, rows, and diagonals. What is important to know here? Lines:

  • The first line is the goals line. You need to look at how many numbers a pair has in a given line. Up to three - such people often change goals, from three to six - they are quite purposeful, more than six - people are even ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their goals.
  • The second line is family. Considering the Pythagorean square, you can calculate compatibility using this one line. So, if a person has up to three numbers in the second line, he is not a family person by nature, family values ​​are not important to him. From three to six numbers - such people value family relationships, more than six - they idealize them. Just based on these indicators, one can conclude how suitable the couple is for each other.
  • Habits. it's the same important point in compatibility calculations. So, people who have up to three numbers in the third line change their habits easily and without problems, from three to six they have difficulty adapting, more than six are pedants and do not like even the slightest violation of order, it is difficult to get along with such people.
  • The first column is self-esteem. Up to three numbers is low, from three to six is ​​normal, from six is ​​high self-esteem (it’s hard to be married to such people).
  • The second is the column of material well-being. Up to three numbers - such people cannot and do not want to earn money on their own, from three to six - they are good at providing for their family, from six and above - for such people money becomes an obsession.
  • Looking through the Pythagorean square (which has already been fully calculated), it is also worth paying attention to the third column in this psychomatrix. So, this is an indicator of a person’s talent. Up to three numbers - a person’s talent is weakly manifested, from three to six - the talent is strong, rushing out, from six and above - such people are gifted, their abilities are obvious.
  • When studying the Pythagorean square, the compatibility of a couple can also be viewed along the diagonals, wanting to make sure how suitable people are for each other.

  • The first diagonal is passion. Up to three numbers - people are calm, with a weak temperament. From three to six - individuals are temperamental and passionate; from six and above - too strong a temperament, which often finds a way out in creativity. Based on these indicators, people can conclude how suitable they are for each other.
  • The second diagonal is faith. Up to three numbers - such people believe in few people or anything, from three to six - people are believers and often superstitious, from six and above - they are often religious fanatics.
  • The Pythagorean square is one of the simplest and effective ways learn about a person’s character, energy, abilities and other personal qualities. By calculating the psychomatrix by date of birth, you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses.

    Numerology is an ancient science, the founder of which was the famous ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras. The philosopher believed that you can find out a person’s personal qualities using numbers. This is precisely why the famous Pythagorean square was created.

    To find out about your character traits and hidden talents, site experts suggest you calculate a psychomatrix using your date of birth.

    How to calculate the psychomatrix

    For example, your date of birth is 03/02/1988. To make the calculation, write all the numbers in one row like this: 231988.

    Then add up all the numbers in your birth date to get the first number: 2+3+1+9+8+8=31.

    To find out the second number, sum up the resulting numbers: 3+1=4.

    To calculate the fourth number, sum the components of the third: 2+7=9.

    Now you need to write down all the numbers received under the date of birth: 314279.

    Finally, you need to draw a table consisting of nine cells, in each of which you need to write repeating numbers corresponding to the cell number.

    Decoding the psychomatrix

    Each square of the matrix has its own meaning. To determine your strengths, you need to count the number of digits filling each cell.

    Square 1 determines the character of a person.

    • No 1 is a weak-willed person.
    • 1 - if there is no more than one 1 in the first square, it means that the person has a selfish character.
    • 11 - a person is characterized by pride and prudence.
    • 111 - calm character, low level conflict.
    • 1111 - a person has a strong character and determination.
    • 11111 - there is despotism and rigidity in the character.
    • 111111 is the most difficult personality type, characterized by rigidity and excessive pride.

    Square 2 - human energy.

    • No 2 - very low energy level, characteristic of energy vampires.
    • 2 - weakened biofield.
    • 22 — average level energy.
    • 222 is a person with a strong biofield.
    • 2222 - people with such a strong level of energy can share energy with other people without harm to themselves.

    Square 3 - cognition, human potential.

    • No 3 - a person has difficulty acquiring new knowledge and is not inclined towards science.
    • 3 — mathematical thinking very poorly developed. A person with one C can perfectly realize himself in the field of communications or become a talented politician.
    • 33 - such people are much more likely to have a penchant for mathematical sciences.
    • 333 - people with so many Cs, not without reason, consider themselves smarter than others. Their level of intelligence helps them stand out from others and allows them to realize themselves in any field.

    Square 4 - human health.

    • No 4 - a person is prone to physical and mental illness.
    • 4 - in youth a person will not experience health problems, but in old age he may become very ill.
    • 44 - good health and strong sexual energy.
    • 444 - the result is the same as in the previous case.

    Square 5 - human logic and intuition.

    • No 5 - the person has very weak intuition. Despite the fact that he tries to develop a sixth sense and believes that his inner voice tells him right decisions, in the end he has to solve his problems on his own.
    • 5 - sometimes intuition clues can be wrong, but this happens very rarely.
    • 55 - a person with such developed intuition can engage in investigations and even predict future events.
    • 555 - with this level of intuition it is impossible to make a mistake.
    • 5555 - a person can predict the future not only for himself, but also for other people.

    Square 6 - labor.

    • No 6 - the person is very lazy. No activity brings him pleasure or material wealth.
    • 6—propensity for physical labor.
    • 66 - a person is able to earn money both by mental and physical labor.
    • 666 - people with this number of sixes are able to realize themselves in any field of activity.

    Square 7 - luck, human talents.

    • No 7 - very weak flow of luck, lack of talent.
    • 7 – low level of luck. There are talents, but they need to be actively developed.
    • 77 - the energy of two sevens allows a person to develop Creative skills. Often such people become talented artists, musicians or writers.
    • 777 - people with unique abilities.
    • 7777 is a dangerous number. It will be difficult for a person with so many sevens to realize himself.

    Square 8 - responsibility.

    • No 8 is an irresponsible person.
    • 8 - the sense of responsibility is very poorly developed.
    • 88 - a person never goes back on his words and is always responsible for his actions.
    • 888 - for such people the sense of duty is dominant. They always deliver what they promise.

    Square 9 - mental abilities.

    • No 9 - the absence of nines indicates that stupidity is inherent in a person from birth. At an early age, such people have difficulty developing and learning, and as adults they often make mistakes that land them in unpleasant situations.
    • 9 is an unstable sign. If a person does not work on himself and develop himself in different directions, the energy of the number may weaken.
    • 99 - a person has good inclinations, but active self-development is required.
    • 999 - people with this number are in denial theoretical training, but they perform well in practice.
    • 9999 - developed intelligence and good memory- qualities inherent from birth. However, due to their uniqueness, such people can be very extraordinary and sometimes cruel.

    With the help of numerology, you can better understand not only the character and abilities of a person, but also his love compatibility. If you want to know about the future of your love union, we suggest you calculate energy compatibility using your date of birth. We wish you happiness and success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    What will the PYTHAGOREAN MATRIX tell you about?

    The Pythagorean matrix is ​​one of the main numerological methods with which you can tell not only about human character, abilities and talents, but also understand the essence of relationships in the family, between parents and children, understand which partner is suitable for you and which is not, what you should do to engage in, and what is strictly contraindicated to do...

    It is believed that the Pythagorean matrix contains a certain digital cosmic and genetic code that gives a person certain specific characteristics.

    The roots of this system go to Ancient Egypt, and, perhaps, further back into ancient Persia to the Median magicians, Zarvanism and Zoroastrianism, to the teachings of the ancient Aryans.

    Egyptian priests created and/or used this unique numerological system, which allows us to consider a person as something united with Nature, while having absolutely specific tasks and purpose. It was in Egypt that specific human qualities were assigned in accordance with a specific number or, more precisely, a figure.

    Pythagoras, as you know, studied in Egypt and the East for many years. And it was he who introduced into the system of knowledge he received a mathematical aspect based on the harmony of the square, and also significantly expanded the possibilities inherent in the calculations of the Egyptians, supplementing the meanings of individual numbers with the values ​​of the target lines of the square, which later received his name.

    In addition, he added to the calculations the teachings of the Orphics, who believed in the transmigration of souls and the multiplicity of repetitions of the soul in different bodies, thus affirming the idea that life should not be lived without a trace, since the next incarnation depends on it.

    The outstanding mathematician and teacher Alexander Fedorovich Alexandrov restored and expanded the possibilities of calculations using the Pythagorean matrix. In addition, he created a whole technique for digital analysis of dates that influence human life, and also combined the Pythagorean Matrix with the Chinese Wu Xing system.

    In the hands of a professional numerologist, the Pythagorean Matrix can turn into very effective system, with great accuracy determining the strengths and weaknesses of a person, aptitude for science, art, sports, and the direction of a person’s destiny.

    But for any person just starting to comprehend the basics of numerology, the Pythagorean Matrix (Psychomatrix, as A. Alexandrov called it in his books on numerology and mathematical analysis of birth dates) will tell you a lot of useful and interesting things.


    First of all, the date of birth must be recorded correctly.

    I. We write down the date of birth entirely as a set of numbers, not numbers, in the following strict sequence:

    date, month, year of birth

    Attention: zeros in single digit numbers not recorded (06/27/1972 - incorrect!)

    II. We calculate 4 additional numbers:

    First number :

    This is the sum of all the digits of our number series

    2+7+6+1+9+7+2 = 34

    34 - first additional number

    Second number:

    This is the sum of the digits that make up the First Supplementary Number

    If the first number is single-digit, then the second number simply coincides with it!

    Third number:

    From the First Additional Number we subtract the first digit of the birthday multiplied by 2

    Fourth number:

    The sum of the digits that make up the Third Supplementary Number.

    If the third number is single-digit, then the fourth number simply coincides with it!

    III. Let us now write down all the obtained values ​​in two lines.

    The first line is the first number series obtained from all the digits of the date of birth

    The second line is the 4 additional numbers obtained in the above calculations.

    Please note that we write additional numbers in the second line with spaces between them for ease of further interpretation, since each of them has its own meaning, which we will talk about with you later.

    The date of birth can be written in any way:

    All numbers in a row (as many numerologists advise)

    With spaces between day, month and year of birth.

    I prefer the second option, because if you study numerology at a deeper level, the numbers of the day, month and year of birth will also reveal a lot of interesting things to you. Therefore, it is more convenient for me to see them separately.

    IV. We fill out the psychomatrix - a square consisting of 9 cells:

    Each cell in the matrix is ​​“controlled” by one of 9 numbers, arranged in the following order:

    We enter all the numbers we received into the empty plate. If there are no numbers, the cell remains empty.

    The number zero is not entered anywhere, but when interpreting the meaning of additional numbers, if zero is present in them, as in our example (the third additional number 30), we will need it.

    What happened:

    Let's look at another example to reinforce the material:

    I. Write down the date: 2 1 3 2 0 0 0

    II. We calculate additional numbers:

  • 2+1+3+2= 8
  • 8 is a single-digit number, which means our second additional number is also 8
  • 8- 2x2 = 4
  • 4 is a single-digit number, which means our fourth additional number is also 4 III. We write everything down on the lines 21 3 2000
  • IV. Filling out the matrix

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    So, you and I have a completed matrix and two rows of numbers.

    In the Pythagorean matrix, everything has its own meaning: every cell, all rows, all columns, diagonals.

    In total we have 9 cells, 3 rows, 3 columns, 2 diagonals, 4 additional numbers and the number zero, which is also taken into account depending on its position in the date of birth or additional numbers.

    Total 22 parameters that we will consider, not counting the first line!

    Surprisingly, the magic number 22, associated with the major Arcana of the Tarot, also appeared in the Pythagorean matrix.

    Let's start with the elementary ones, moving step by step to more complex elements.

    Let us remember a few important rules:

    Each of the parameters has its own specific meaning.

    When interacting with other parameters, under certain conditions, the elements of the matrix can change, and the qualities for which they are “responsible” also change.

    The quality of each parameter depends on the number of digits in the cell, row, column, or diagonal in question. This rule does not apply to the number 0 and additional numbers (second line of calculations)

    Approximate scale for assessing parameters depending on the quantitative characteristic

    No numbers

    The quality for which they are responsible is absent, poorly developed or not used by the person;

    One digit

    Quality is very poorly developed, which indicates the need to develop and improve it. However, it is actively imitated by man, as if put on display by him.

    Two digits

    The quality is ok. It is developed and actively used. You can improve it further if you wish.

    Three digits

    A person turns on the quality unexpectedly, spontaneously, accidentally, in an emergency situation

    Four digits

    The quality is highly developed, but does not suppress other qualities

    Five digits

    The quality is developed as strongly as possible. Dominates other qualities and often suppresses them

    Six or more digits

    Quality overload. It begins to change to the opposite and from strong it can turn into either weak or hidden, hidden.

    This is similar to an iceberg whose main mass is hidden under water or the process of mutual transitions in the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol.

    The invisible part of the quality (iceberg) remains 5 numbers, which manifest themselves in extremely rare cases. More often, the quality considered appears as the tip of the iceberg, and it is calculated as follows:

    The number of digits in a cell minus “5” (a certain maximum of any quality)

    Quality overload is always not a simple phenomenon, which can traumatize a person’s personality and influence a certain illusory nature of his perception of the world and himself.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    Digit 1

    Strength of character, will, power, pride, egoism, leadership qualities, yang energy of a person, his sun, male hypostasis

    Digit 2

    Yin energy of life, energy potential, energy of communication, contact with people.

    Digit 3

    Interest in science, knowledge, knowledge of technology, interest and curiosity, creative creativity, originality, generic potential and generic programs.

    Digit 4

    Birth health, physical beauty and body strength

    man by himself, people, crowd

    Number 5

    Logic, intuition, analysis, ability to make plans and forecasts, tendency to think in the absence or one number, innate sexuality

    Earth as a planet, earth (garden, field),

    Number 6

    Craftsmanship, ability to work with hands, physical labor, grounding, work and life, avoidance of science and art, the desire to subjugate another person, a tendency to manipulate, cowardice and a tendency to be influenced by others in the absence or one number

    Water, cold, ice, rain, anger, death, destruction.

    Number 7

    Luck, karmic luck, creativity, the desire for beauty and harmony, study and knowledge of the world and the universe, the sign of an angel (fairy sign), when a person is able to change his own and others’ fate, provided that he strives to develop and reveal his abilities, increased vulnerability

    Fire, heat, joy, laughter

    Number 8

    Kindness, truthfulness, tolerance, clannishness, duty to parents and loved ones, a tendency to seek truth or even blackmail; anger, aggression, irritability in the absence of a number or one

    Tree, plants, flowers, wind

    Number 9

    Memory, clairvoyance, prophecy, feminine, introversion, understanding of internal processes, touchiness, sadness, melancholy - in the absence or one number.

    Metal, dry

    Digit 0

    does not form a digital cell, but in additional numbers it has the following meanings:

    Truth, emptiness - as a way of merging with the world, and emptiness as the absence of something

    Meaning of strings

    1st line (1, 4, 7)

    Purposefulness, ability to defend one’s views, set goals and objectives

    2nd line (2, 5, 8)

    Qualities of a family man, the desire to have a family and be among relatives and close people

    3rd line (3, 6, 9)

    Stability, everyday habits, manifestation of revolutionism when the line is “weak”, desires for change, travel, travel, change of scenery

    Column values

    1st column (1, 2, 3)

    Self-esteem, desire to stand out from the crowd

    2nd column (4, 5, 6)

    The desire for financial independence and arrangement of one’s life, providing for the family financially

    3rd column (7, 8, 9)

    Inner potential, talent


    Ascending diagonal (3, 5, 7) - sexual temperament

    Descending diagonal (1, 5, 9) - spirituality and conscience

    Be careful!

    The matrix can change depending on the number of numbers in a cell, row, column, as well as on the possible, so-called, possible transitions of one number to another, which can result in a completely different picture and characteristics of a person.

    For an accurate description of the matrix and its potential, I recommend contacting professional numerologists.

    Although many matrices are quite static, and you can easily recognize many of your features or characteristics in the matrix description.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    Strength of character, strong-willed qualities, the strength of the desire for power, leadership qualities, the ability to defend one’s views, a person’s yang energy, his sun, masculine hypostasis, partially self-esteem and determination, pride, selfishness.


    One of the most complex characters. It is possessed by people who are contradictory by nature.

    Hidden selfishness and lack of will are possible. At the same time, the person tries to hide his shortcoming. To do this, he puts on the mask of a business person, with all his actions convincing others of his business and strong-willed qualities.

    In fact, the person is absolutely not ambitious and his career is not his main priority in life.

    Such people are in dire need of success and often argue, not so much to clarify the truth, but more to show their own importance.

    It is difficult for a person to make decisions on his own and be responsible for other people. Such people either doubt for a long time, collect as many different opinions as possible, or avoid making any decision, trying to shift it onto the shoulders of another person.

    They are law-abiding, excellent performers, and the best deputy managers.

    Lack of will and weak character can be successfully dealt with if you develop the strong qualities of the following lines of the psychomatrix:

    First line (1, 4, 7)

    First column (1, 2, 3)

    Falling diagonal (1, 5, 9).

    Numerology advises parents of children with one unit in the matrix to support their initiative from early childhood and try to teach them to make decisions themselves.

    For women:

    If a woman has a “1” character, then a partner with a strong character man who has “1111” or “11111” in the matrix is ​​suitable for her. This will be the most harmonious relationship.

    Such a woman appreciates strength of character in a man and will constantly test his strength by entering into an argument with him. If a man shows weakness of character or lack of will, she ceases to respect him. Therefore, problems in relationships may arise with men who have fewer or more units.

    For men:

    If a man has the character “1”, then the most harmonious relationship according to this parameter will develop with a woman who has “1” or “111” in the matrix.

    If a man is completely weak-willed, which is quite rare, but happens in nature, then an alliance with a woman with “1111” or “11111” in the matrix is ​​possible.

    At the same time, any man will still expect obedience from a woman and strive to prove his leadership. So, ideally, it is better for a man to choose a wife who is weaker in character than him, or to cultivate strong-willed character traits.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    People who have two units in the matrix have a good, gentle character, love praise very much and try to earn it by any possible means.

    Therefore, they help others a lot, easily fit into any company, are visible in it, are pleasant to talk to, and strive to attract attention to themselves.

    They are good at listening to the other person, but will not tolerate any pressure from him. They themselves very rarely use pressure on another person.

    In the profession, they strive, on the one hand, for independence, and on the other, for a feeling of self-worth, praise and gratitude from other people.

    They often lack assertiveness, determination, and self-esteem, which can lower their goals.

    If their matrix contains “22” or “2222 or more,” then their initiative will sharply intensify.

    If a person with two ones in the matrix also has two fives or eights, praise can only be deserved and sincere. Since such a person will acutely feel the slightest lie.

    Parents: A child with two units needs to be praised more often on every occasion. Such a child grows and opens up with praise. But you should not praise if a child has two eights or two fives, he does not tolerate lies, because he is a “truth seeker.”

    Selecting a partner for creating a family and relationships.

    You can start a family with anyone.

    The only condition you need to check is whether your chosen one knows how to praise you. To do this, he must have the energy of “22” or “2222 or more.”

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    A person with three units can find mutual language with anyone. In appearance he may seem to have a gentle and tolerant character. But this external deceptive softness.

    It’s just that with a sufficiently developed inner core and strong character, such people are patient and forgiving towards others. They know how to concede in a dispute, since they do not need to prove anything to anyone, they are confident in themselves.

    It is not for nothing that this character is called the “golden mean”. You cannot put pressure on such a person, since he is capable of putting any despot in his place.

    The person already has certain leadership qualities, but is not despotic.

    He is ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.


    As a rule, such people have a fairly strong goal formation, but in choosing goals they behave differently: depending on the presence of sevens.

    If there is only one seven, then these are good leaders who are able to listen to the team and correctly distribute powers.

    If there are two sevens, a person becomes too purposeful: the end justifies the means - he can break through walls with his forehead (but will not go over their heads).

    Often they do this out of pity, but pity is not the best advisor.

    You should under no circumstances sacrifice your own interests or fall into self-sacrifice, since disappointment and regret will certainly follow.

    Selecting a partner for creating a family and relationships.

    When creating a family, such people need to decide on their assessment of their tolerance and desire to obey another person or, conversely, their reluctance to be “under the thumb.”

    If you do not want leadership in the family, then the stronger character “1111” (less often “11111”) will suit you.

    If you yourself are a leader, then look for someone who has the character “11” or “111111 or more.”

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    This is a strong-willed and strong character. Leaders by nature.

    People know how to set goals for themselves, they do not like to give in in disputes, but they also do not go beyond certain boundaries, since they do not have despotism and always remember about their interlocutor, without trying to offend him.

    For men, this character is best suited to leaders or the military.

    In a calm state, they are very reminiscent of those with “11”, they also love praise, but do not tolerate fawning and advances.

    Owners of four units are able to make a decision immediately and rarely refuse it.

    If such a person does not become a leader, it means that he simply does not make any effort, or is lazy due to lack of effort.

    In any case, their own self-expression and sense of self-worth are important to them.


    For women with 4 units in the matrix and in the absence of eights, it is advisable to pursue a career rather than sit at home with children, otherwise they will try to self-actualize within the family; this will not end well for the children and spouse.

    You were born with the sign of a leader, which means that even if for some reason you did not become one (weak energy or something else), you should not allow yourself to be humiliated - this is unacceptable for you.

    You always have a chance to reveal your talent if you learn to fight your own laziness.

    Your character gives you everything: tolerance, determination, self-esteem, and firmness. It’s unlikely that anyone can stop you – you yourself can become an obstacle.

    When planning a family, you should choose a person with a softer character “1”, “11”, “111” or “111111 or more”.

    The combination of two leaders, owners of four or five units, is extremely undesirable - this will lead to conflicts.

    If the wife also has many units, just like the man, it will be war. Such men must a priori choose women with fewer units than theirs, but with big amount twos (energy), they will be able to grow on this energy.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    Five units is the most pronounced character of power.

    A person moves towards his goal, not paying attention to anything or anyone.

    This is especially true for those who do not have a single eight in the psychomatrix (corresponding to tolerance and a sense of duty).

    Such people can easily become complete despots, since it is difficult for them to stop in the struggle for absolute and unlimited power.

    As a result, the pursuit of power can create a hostile environment around them. The only way to preserve oneself is to leave power.

    Such people are always confident that they are right; it is almost impossible to force them to listen to the opinion or advice of someone else. They have high degree resistance. Any new information, any attempt at manipulation will run into an impenetrable wall.

    You should not try to “hit in the forehead” or test the patience of a person with five units.

    It is necessary to cultivate tolerance and search for one's talent.

    You can be an unsurpassed artist, poet, dancer, actor, etc. All these are ways to realize the “11111” character.

    When there is leadership, but there are no victims of despotism.

    Because of the strength of character and confidence in oneself being right, a person will not accept any advice or recommendations. Nevertheless, recommendations will be given.

    Run from power - this is your fall and loss.

    Find yourself in science, art and craftsmanship. Unleash your talent.

    Marriage is possible only with weak characters"1", "11".

    You should not try the overloaded character “111111 and more”; there will be constant breakdowns that will break up the family.

    But the main requirement for partners of such people is a large number of twos (energy).

    If the wife also has many units, just like the man, it will be war. Such men need to a priori choose women with fewer ones than they have, but with a larger number of twos (energy), they will be able to grow on this energy.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya
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    "111111 and more"

    As soon as the number of units exceeds five digits, we can immediately talk about the “overload” of the despot, which means sudden change character.

    The demands and desire for power of such a person are so high that the person himself refuses to fight for power, realizing the impossibility of actually fulfilling his dreams. Such people themselves are afraid of their desires and often have low self-esteem.

    Outwardly, they may look calm and reserved, but this is only an appearance.

    Resentments accumulate inside, which at some point explode.

    They can be easily suggestible, socially dependent, and seek confirmation of the correctness of their actions.

    The choice of work is determined not by their interest in it, but by the degree of freedom that it gives: not to depend on superiors and not to depend on anyone at all.

    In order for the life of such a person to become happy and not turn into an eternal struggle with himself, he must understand that his significance is determined not by his position in society or material wealth, but by the degree of self-realization through the disclosure of his abilities and talents.

    Marriage Tips

    For the most harmonious relationships, partners with two, three, and much less often four units are suitable.

    A woman with a matrix overloaded with units must always remember that she is still a woman.

    Children. Selfhood in children with 3 or more units manifests itself right from the moment of birth; the child is always very independent and it is better to give him the opportunity to demonstrate this independence.

    No: “You’re bad!” This phrase should be completely forgotten for any children, because it always affects negatively, just on different children in different ways.

    For pronounced units, such an assessment will cause strong resistance. The child will do the same thing out of spite, only on a more serious scale.

    Outwardly, people with a large number of units are very self-confident, they have a commanding appearance. It seems like you look at him: he’s quite a nice-looking person, but when you look into his eyes, they’re very cold. You always feel a little uncomfortable with them; it’s hard to talk to such people first, because they inspire unaccountable fear.

    You're really afraid of him. Ones, like sixes, inspire fear and have the ability to psychocode fear.

    What a person with a large number of ones or sixes says can have an extremely negative impact not only on social life, but also on human health with a weaker matrix.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... MEANING OF DIGIT "2"

    Human energy, internal, social, his energy potential, yin energy, through which a person realizes himself as an individual. Assess the compatibility of people through energetic contact.

    "2" (2-no)

    The presence of one deuce in the psychomatrix means that a person has a deficiency of energy. The presence of even one four will strengthen it a little, but the qualities inherent in the weakened energy do not change much.

    Energy flows along a sinusoid, so a person periodically chooses “lazy zones” for himself, where he can allow himself to relax and unwind. These people avoid conflicts because they do not like to waste energy on them.

    They need praise, compliments, recognition of merit.

    A person with one deuce may develop a craving for alcohol or drugs.

    Physical labor has little attraction for them, since there is no energy for it.

    A woman with twos missing from the matrix can lead a man to aggression. And if a man doesn’t have enough of them himself, then there will be dust to the ceiling. There is only one piece of advice for such families: get together and quickly socialize somewhere, do something creative, find “high-energy” friends.

    It is interesting that, as a rule, such families are given high-energy children. When such a family low-energy egregor is formed, it needs to be fed with something, and it attracts a child with very high energy. The donor child becomes the center of the family, through which father and mother communicate with each other.

    Children with no grades.

    A child with no grades (or one) needs to be paid more attention to. A child with no grades will always demand attention. Don’t be lazy to sit with him and read him a bedtime story, don’t waste time on some song.

    If all your children sleep nearby, read to all the children, but pay a little more attention to him. There is no need to make him the center of the earth and revolve around him for the rest of his life, but you will have to pay attention to him, because children without a “battery” are really very sensitive.

    Feel free to pick him up often. In the woman’s thymus region (in the center of the chest) there is an outlet for the energy channel, and the child, touching this place with the back of his head, receives the energy he lacks. Hug him, pass energy through your hands, give him energy through words, through touch.

    Children without grades are very prone to tactile sensations, simply to showing attention, to praise - they really need it.

    Otherwise, this child will look for your energy differently, learn to receive it in other ways: he will still attract attention to himself.

    This child is often not a leader, but a team player, but he should not be forced too much, for example, to play sports.

    If he has 2 or 3 B's, then feel free to send him to the sport and let him do it. But if, in the absence of twos, he also does not have fours, then he will begin to break bones and get sick. You need to play sports with such children carefully. The coach should make it clear that you are not going to raise a world champion from a child, you just need basic self-discipline for your boy.

    Additional energy can be obtained through praise from people, nutrition and breathing, qigong, yoga, wushu exercises;

    through the transition of the numbers “11” to “8” (increasing tolerance, duty towards parents);

    through digital transitions "4" in “22” (increasing health energy),

    through the transitions of the numbers “6” to “7” (art activities, creative self-expression, spirituality);

    Before you try to strengthen your energy, you need to learn how to conserve it and not waste it. We must remember that most of all we lose energy during conflicts, when we try to suppress another person, when we do work that is not interesting to us. In Chinese medicine there is such a simple rule: “You can get tired, but you cannot overcome and overpower yourself.”

    If you are tired, then rest, if some person is unpleasant to you in communication, move away from him.

    Having a dog in your home can give a good result in enhancing the energy of your family. You should not have a cat in the house, as it takes away excess energy and this will only worsen the situation.

    Selecting a partner for creating a family and relationships.

    Such people should look for partners who have two or four Ds (or more). The interaction will be very productive both in the family and at work.

    You can marry with “222”, provided that the person with “2” has two or more 4, or the partner also has a lot of them.

    You should not try to pair up a person with weak energy: “2 no”, “2” or “222” (if both numbers are completely absent 4).

    Such people need to have a person next to them who will give them their energy (energy donor). Especially if a person with one or no twos has four or five ones.

    It is undesirable when partners have the same energy - this leads to conflicts (repulsion of like charges). A shortage of energy, as well as its excess, leads to conflicts, in the first case - to recharge from another, and in the second case - in order to spend excess energy.


    It is very dangerous to interact with the works of creators who have no deuces or only one: after reading a book, watching a film, painting or listening to music created by such a creator, the audience will be left with a feeling of loss of strength, depression, even death is possible if someone then the portrait will be painted by such a person.

    If a person has no twos (or no nines), it is very easy to drive him into a depressed state. Twos work in the field of emotions, encoding with joy.


    The person has a very good level energy, favorable for contact with people and work. Such a person is sociable and easily gets into contact with other people.

    People with this energy are good storytellers, lecturers and speakers.

    These are doctors in their energy.

    They can set quite significant goals for themselves.

    People with good energy are not prone to laziness; if such a person is lazy, then look for reasons other than energy.

    Such people can withstand monotonous and monotonous work if they have not found their calling or, by the will of fate, are forced to do monotonous work.

    If you have many (two or more) threes and the same number of fives, then you are a born technician and any technique is within your control.

    You should not test the patience of a person with good energy, because if necessary, he can enter into conflict in order to defend his interests.

    Developing a sense of purpose in yourself or your child and raising self-esteem is the most important thing if you or your child have such energy.

    This valuable energy cannot be allowed to be wasted; a person must reveal his capabilities.

    This is the most optimal energy that can be suitable for any other energy. The only thing that is not very desirable is complete similarity in energy, but even here it cannot be said that the marriage is unsuccessful.

    In this case, it is better to pay attention to the compatibility of characters.


    A person from birth has the sign of a psychic. The so-called witch energy: a person can be both a donor and a recipient. At the takeoff of energy potential, the release of three twos can lead to the most unexpected consequences: a person explodes any situation from the inside. A project that has not moved for a long time suddenly comes to fruition. But after the initiation of such an explosion, a person with 3 deuces needs to recuperate.

    Energy moves in a sinusoid. Therefore, after certain ups and downs, a person may experience laziness, mobility, and fussiness. Additionally, such qualities appear as isolation, reluctance to share one’s problems, an outburst of emotions under pressure from the outside, but also the ability to help another person if necessary.

    The presence of unexpected, extraordinary circumstances can lead a person with a similar sign to extrasensory perception.

    Features of the energy of a psychic: allows a person to control all his organs on a daily basis, preventing illness (even damage, the evil eye), a psychic gets sick only when he wants to rest or is “persuaded” into this illness. Such people cannot be given a diagnosis; they must be convinced of absolute health. If a “psychic” declares an approaching illness, then he just needs to rest for no reason. You should not allow any thoughts about the disease, otherwise it will be caused by the person himself, who will turn on his energy to this disease.

    If you came to a “psychic” for help, and he had visitors before you, keep in mind that he is unlikely to have anything left for you and you may end up being a donor for him. You may experience a transfer of negativity that the person worked with before you, and this will be felt as a loss of strength, illness and depression.

    In the matter of selecting a partner for marriage, it is worth showing special care, since the choice comes down to one possible recommendation - the energy “22”; psychics do not recognize other energy, regardless of whether it is stronger or weaker. Only two deuces! If there is no such partner, then try to create a marriage according to the principle: if you are a leader in character, then the future partner should be inferior to you in energy strength: “2” or “22”. If you are a softer person, then the following options are possible: “22”, “2222”.

    2222 and more

    A person with strong, bright donor energy, who has an excess of it and can freely spend it at his own discretion.

    A person with 4 deuces can easily organize communities where he will be the driving force, not the leader, but rather a “battery” in the general mechanism.

    They definitely need a person or business in which they will invest their energy.

    The problem arises in properly using the available energy.

    If such a person spends his energy, for example, watching TV, without doing anything for his development, this can be called laziness, but from an excess of energy.

    Sometimes such a person may develop excessive calmness, bordering on indifference to everything.

    It is best to try your hand at sports, medicine, teaching or physical labor - all of this requires a lot of energy and is best suited for donors.

    If such a person is in a society of people similar to himself in terms of energy and he has nowhere to throw off his unrealized potential, he may even fall into a state of hysteria (overload of Yin energy) and thereby get rid of it.

    Those in whose matrix there are 5 twos may even more often experience a state of hysteria and tearfulness due to an overload of feminine (yin) energy, especially in children.

    We should not forget that the energy that such a person cannot expend will not give him anything good except irritability and sometimes stubbornness.

    If such a person does not expend his energy, then he may also have a need for conflict, which will “discharge” the donor and bring him relief. But the conflict is definitely not The best way getting rid of excess energy.

    Man is given strong health, which relies on his strong energy, and that is why the disease for the donor is far from the norm, but rather a surprise, and it is necessary to immediately identify the reasons for such an unusual phenomenon for such a person.

    This may be damage (if the illness occurs suddenly, unexpectedly), or the appearance of the disease due to the loss of a sense of duty towards parents, when a person is punished by illness. And the last cause of illness is the inability to manage and use one’s energy.

    Women with a large number of twos are often very feminine: they have a rounded figure, they have clearly feminine curves. They're sexy.

    Often such women, due to an excess of Yin energy, are fixated on the family. They are good mothers good wives- this is their hypostasis.

    This is such a “mother hen” who constantly fusses with her children and husband.

    Excess energy is well consumed by cats (precisely cats, not cats, since a cat can absorb a much smaller amount of energy).

    Families where the husband and wife either have 4, or 2 and 4 twos, are recommended to have a wide circle of friends. Get out of the house on trips more often, where energy will be spent on acquiring new experiences and knowledge. Organize picnics where these people (wittingly or unwittingly) will be the center of attention and will be able to “discharge their batteries” on those in need of recharge.

    Since you have excess energy, you need to pair up a person with weaker energy and preferably “2 no”, “2”. It is this energy that will be optimal for your partner if we are talking about perfect couple. The energy “222” or “22” is much worse suitable and the energy of the donor is not suitable at all.

    Two donors will inevitably come to conflicts, since excess energy cannot be removed in any other way (it is permissible to unite two donors in marriage if they intensively spend energy due to their occupation: athletes, physical labor of both, active social activities).

    Additional information about twos and energy:

    Anyone can get energy from food, drink, air, dialogue, intimacy, qigong exercises, yoga, wushu.

    A particularly active flow of energy is wine and drugs, which is why people are drawn to them, but they suppress and kill the body.

    Perfect family. The most ideal type of relationship in a family is when a man has 3–4 ones and a woman has 2–4 twos. In this case, there will be a wonderful relationship. The woman, as a donor, will provide energy to her man, and he will earn good money from her deuces. In this case, normal, stable energy children are born.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... Meaning of the number "3"

    Interest in knowledge and sciences, creativity, generic potential.

    Interest in exact sciences or technology can be revealed with a certain set of numbers in the matrix: “22”, “55”, minimum “33” and minimum “9”

    Many who do not have C grades never reveal themselves, because by the age when they understand their purpose, they already have families, children, work, and all attempts to reveal their talent disappear.

    If you are inclined towards art and humanities (“3” no, “6” no, there are a lot of numbers in the 3rd column), then start drawing, sculpting, composing music, in a word, doing some kind of creativity.

    Can systematize other people's knowledge and perform the role of a follower well. For example, in a creative profession without having C’s it is very difficult to realize oneself, unless there is a person nearby with at least 3 C’s: an excellent tandem – a young actress (without C’s) and a brilliant director (3 C’s).

    There is one interesting exception (that proves the rule) when a person’s sum of the first number in their date of birth gives 3: 12 is 1 + 2 or 21 is 2 + 1 - this is DEFINITELY a creative person, and they are recommended to engage in creativity because they have creative approach to any business.

    Children with no C grades

    If your child doesn’t have C grades, give him a template. He will use it to cut out flowers, solve problems, etc. But he should not be required to write poetry: he will not write them, because his brain is not tuned in that way: he does not know where to approach writing poetry. But he will perfectly do everything that you gave him according to the template.


    If you set a goal to develop your abilities, then you are definitely in luck, since you can engage in any science, since you have not broken away from the humanities, but have not yet joined the exact sciences. You can find the best option and engage in sciences that are between these branches of knowledge: natural sciences, economics, legal practice, etc.

    It is necessary to accurately determine the direction of your interests. If this does not happen, then the person either begins to scatter his interests (this is precisely the negative side of the quality of one “troika”), or has no interest in any of the areas of knowledge, especially if he has weak energy (“2” no, “2” , "222").


    You have an interest in exact sciences and technology and can safely take on these sciences if you have a certain set of numbers in the matrix: “22”, “55”, “6” and at least “9”. In combination, these numbers indicate that that, given your inclinations, you have strong logic, good energy and you are a person of mood who can sometimes work with your hands for your pleasure. Based on such figures, we can conclude that you could become good engineer or a designer, since you can understand the technological process.

    With the same set, but the absence or one “5”, you should not try your hand at designing or repairing equipment. If you wish, you can engage in the design (external design) of equipment and its sale.


    Three triplets always correspond to an interest in science or knowledge, which means that a person is obliged to reveal his capabilities.

    At the same time, your interest in knowledge is unstable, and this can be expressed in different ways.

    It is better if one interest is a continuation of the other, then there will be no gap in the accumulated knowledge.

    Very interesting results can be obtained if you combine your own different interests into one theory. The owner of three triples is capable of an interesting synthesis of sciences like no other. Various sciences are united in the head of a person who is equally interested in each of them - this leads to the birth of completely new disciplines and knowledge.

    The only thing that can prevent a person from realizing himself is his lack of faith in his own strength, laziness, and admiration for “authorities.”

    A person with three Cs is not prone to stereotyped approaches.

    This is not just a creative person, this is a creative person, she is bored within the usual framework.

    Moreover, such a person is always visible outwardly.

    A woman with three grades, even in a family, will be quite a creative lady; she will dress interestingly. You can find anything from this woman, but not banal jeans with a T-shirt, or they will be very original. She will either wrap a turban on her head or put on some unusual dress - this is a natural, normal process for triplets.

    People and children with a large number of threes think very quickly, they very quickly find ways out of situations, immediately find a solution to any task and problem, and a truly non-standard one, submit to this solution, because it will be unusual and effective - it will work.

    For people who have strong logic (5), strong memory (9) and at the same time good energy, i.e. have, in addition to three triples in the matrix: “22” or “2222” and more, “55”, at least “99”, those branches of knowledge that use the exact sciences (mathematics, physics, technology) can be considered optimal, therefore, the area of ​​​​application of their knowledge it is necessary to look at the merger of other sciences with the exact sciences: mathematical linguistics, computer technology, bionics, etc.

    “333” (or more) may indicate the presence of a generic problem.

    For men, if there is a total of 9 on the first date of birth (18, 9, 27), this indicates that there are problems with male energy in the family: strong women and weak men. Men in such families are born either with poor health, mental health, or, resisting the attractions they themselves strong women(or mother), go into alcoholism.

    If 9 is a sign for a woman, especially one who has 33 (6) in additional number, about the need to consult a specialist, she herself may have problems starting a family: she attracts weak men.


    A fairly rare sign, but it does occur sometimes. Indicates a strong interest in science, knowledge and technology.

    In addition, Threes have two more meanings - generic potential and creative creativity, originality.

    People with a large number of threes are always not stereotyped people; in any business, threes will find the possibility of a new approach.

    Externally, threes are always noticeable. Troika is not just a creative person, it is a creative person, she is bored within the usual framework, she must necessarily express herself outwardly.

    Personal space . Don't blame the three for the classic mess on the table. There will always be a mess, because he feels really good in this mess. He is comfortable, he knows that somewhere there, in this mess, is buried the very piece of paper on which is written the very phone number that will decide his fate at the right moment. And the main thing for him is to realize that this phone is buried in this pile, and he will feel just great, knowing that this phone is buried there.

    Don't try to clean the room of even a child with 2-3 C's, because you will knock him out of his normal routine. Order is not his thing. He feels better, more comfortable. Leave his “creative clutter” alone. He knows that for you it is a mess, but for him it is its own specific order.

    Children with C grades. Don't try to impose patterns on children like this. This is a child who will write poetry in the bathroom in a language you don’t understand, sing some incomprehensible songs, this child will draw blue grass with green clouds - and this is normal. He has his own vision of the world, he is creative, he was born to see this world with different eyes. He wants to build some strange surreal pyramids out of Lego, and draw cats with purple eyes on the wallpaper. Give him the opportunity for creative realization: send him to an art school, let him realize himself. Let him sculpt from plasticine Loch Ness monsters– and everything will be fine, because you shouldn’t suppress the creative energy of such a child.

    Then this will result in your child solving problems related to the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, more easily and calmly, but here too he will see a different approach. These children will always see the world a little differently. They will always find some creative approach in the same “boring” accounting, in auditing - it will always be something interesting, creative, unusual. You cannot stifle the creative energy of a child with C grades.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... Meaning of the number "4"

    Physical condition of a person, generic health, human body.

    The man himself, people in events

    "4" no

    A person’s health is quite poor and it is necessary to strengthen it and take care of it.

    His health is his own doing.

    It is quite difficult to grow a strong body; it requires spending a lot of energy. Participating in professional sports (especially strength training) is not recommended, because the wear and tear on the body from training will significantly exceed the energy that a person receives from an active lifestyle, and after such stress a person begins to get sick.

    A child without B grades should not be sent to sports as such - it is not for him. Maximum - chess or checkers, if he has a five, or two nines - this is a good memory. At the same time, it is desirable that he have twos: energy-intensive mental activity without twos can greatly exhaust the child.

    People who do not have 4 in the matrix are not inclined to physical labor.

    Such people love cleanliness, but with someone else’s hands, they may not pay attention to little things and particulars. They think more globally, but at the same time they can scatter their things and create a mess at work and at home.

    If a person is forced to work a lot physically, then he will look for sources of energy replenishment through alcohol, drugs, quarrels and conflicts in the family.

    A person who lacks fours should not suffer from diseases on his legs.

    It is necessary to strengthen your health and for this it is best to use one of the ancient health systems: wushu, qigong, yoga and others. You can improve your health by moving the following numbers:

    • “11” turns into “8” with the appearance of an additional “4” when cultivating tolerance and a calm reaction.
    • or “6” turns into “7”, also with the appearance of an additional “4” when practicing art, creativity, spirituality.

    For parents: Do not confuse art or creative activities, when the child is interested, with those activities, for example, music, when parents, having paid for them, demand genius from the child.


    There is only one four in your psychomatrix. This suggests that you are healthy from birth, but it is not strong enough to say that its prevention is not required.

    With one four, a person begins to avoid conflicts, as this causes him to lose health and energy. If you have poor health (or none at all), then do not rush to choose professions related to power over people.

    These are good strategists.

    Excessive housework also leads to loss of health, since the transition of the numbers “7” to “6” is activated with the loss of “4” or “22”.

    A child with one B in the matrix can be occupied with ballroom dancing or light developmental gymnastics. But you shouldn’t see him as a future world champion, especially if he has 3 or 4 units: he can ruin himself with his ambitions.

    "44" or more

    A person is given strong health from birth, and with it a beautiful, strong body. You can safely play sports, even professional ones.

    These are good tactics, but they do not yet require others to pedantically follow their system.

    Physical labor is also possible, but take into account other numbers, for example the numbers 6, which are responsible for interest in physical labor (“66” or more).

    With such strong numbers, a person should not get sick, but if this happens (meaning serious illnesses), then it is necessary to find the cause of the disease.

    Possessing a strong body, people with a large number of fours often lose their health due to its undermining, not knowing the measures in work or sports.

    Try to avoid displays of physical force. Remember the saying: “There is no remedy against a crowbar if there is no other crowbar.” Confidence in physical strength can push those who have three Bs into such fist fights (444).

    A person with three B's should engage in active sports, and if he has one or two B's, these are team sports (hockey, football, basketball), if he has more B's, these are individual sports (swimming, running).

    But four also gives a person a tendency to be pedantic: the more 4, the more careful he is and the more inclined he is to create certain systems. People with a large number 4 are good, neat secretaries, assistants, archivists, they can bring everything into the system.

    Personal space. A person with a lot of fours feels comfortable when there is order around him and everything is in its place. If there is an element of chaos - that’s it, it goes out of the state of internal balance. A three who creates a mess will irritate a four, who will constantly put things in order.

    The space surrounding fours at work and at home is very important for their inner harmony. They are “harmonized” through it.

    If people are innately harmonious or creative individuals, they will not understand this: well, there is a piece of paper on the floor, and even dust around this piece of paper. So what? I can't step over it? I can and will go further.

    Fours will not be crossed! The four will notice this piece of paper, wipe away the dust around it, take the piece of paper to the right drawer, or ask: where is your trash can specifically for unnecessary pieces of paper? To say: “Throw it out the window,” God forbid it will happen huge scandal. Everything needs to be put back neatly.

    Four is the world of objects.

    For the four, this is really important: there must be order and harmony reign.

    It is not recommended to undertake frequent trips with numerous fours, because they cannot be knocked out of the usual framework. They are tied to rhythm, they are often tied to place. There should be your own home, your own space. And even if he leaves, he must know that he has somewhere to return.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... The meaning of the number “5” Balance of masculine and feminine, logical (male) and intuitive (female) perception of the world

    The discrepancies in the interpretation of fives among different numerologists are quite large.

    Some people believe that “5” is logic, others – intuition, some interpret it as innate sexuality

    5 is the center of the matrix, and, in fact, it is the balance of male and female perception of the world, i.e. logical masculine and intuitive, receptive feminine, and therefore it is also about sexuality, i.e. manifestations of one's gender.

    "5" no

    Imbalance of male and female energy.

    If a woman does not have a 5, she has more masculine energy.

    In men, the absence of 5 may indicate increased sensitivity, vulnerability, touchiness, closeness, as well as childhood trauma associated with the trauma of rejection and self-identification, i.e., the manifestation of essentially feminine qualities.

    People who do not have A's, especially in the absence of C's, need to be careful and try not to fall into thoughts in public, on the street, this can be fraught with negative coding.


    The energies are in balance, but the qualities are not clearly manifested.


    Such people can plan their future well. This doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. But they foresee almost all their mistakes.

    They cannot be deceived because they quickly figure out the truth by asking various questions and comparing the answers or on an intuitive level.

    If they are gentle and tolerant, then, even knowing that they are being deceived, they will not say so, but repeated lies, as a rule, destroy friendships (or families).

    If with two fives in a Pythagorean square there are two (or more) nines, then such a person has clairvoyance(not to be confused with clairvoyance).

    Appearance. People with A's have an attractive appearance. These people are quite bright, not always handsome, but very charismatic.

    Often with early age people with two A's are very attractive sexually.

    “55” also means that the task of such a person is to become the foremother or forefather of a new kind. He is like a healthy bud on an old, weak tree. Such people are categorically prohibited from having an abortion; a large resource is immediately taken away.

    “55” is suitable for interesting work that requires constant logical analysis. These are excellent analysts in special services, systems specialists, but those who will build their own analytical chains: they are not interested in ready-made schemes.


    Women have 80% feminine energy.

    But at the same time, it is possible that there is a generic “not love” program, for example, many rejected children or abandoned old people, which needs to be addressed.

    “555” weakens logic-intuition, making its appearance more of a surprise than a pattern. At some moments the quality of a clairvoyant may appear, but since the horizon of vision is very large, the person most often does not believe himself.

    In order to use his abilities, a person needs a critical situation, then his numbers turn on, and he reveals his full potential. The best thing is to limit the time frame for solving the problem.

    "5555" (and more)

    If “5555” (and more) appeared in the psychomatrix, then in this case we will talk about a clairvoyant, who can be called a prophet. Such people are almost never mistaken in their predictions. This is a very heavy cross that they are forced to bear. Try to live knowing what awaits you tomorrow, in a year, in thirty years. Such people can predict destinies. It would be nice if they were the ones who managed the economy, since the likelihood of their mistakes is very small.

    People who have more than three A's in the psychomatrix need to keep a diary to record their thoughts. Writing books is a necessity and their duty to people, because they are given the right to foresee and it is better if those few who have “5555” (or more) in their psychomatrix listen to this advice.

    Children. It is very interesting to communicate with children of five, they need to explain everything. This child will not cram, he must understand. If the child understands, that’s it, this theme will stick with him for the rest of his life. If you force him to cram, assume that nothing will be put aside.


    Very often we attribute logical actions to those people who do not have the numbers “5” in the psychomatrix, but at the same time have many numbers “9” (two or more).

    The fact is that, remembering a large number of various situations, a person with a strong memory in similar situations tries to remember what he has already done before, and he explains this decision by the fact that it is most logical to do it this way and not otherwise. We can say that the presence of two nines in the psychomatrix will add one five to a person. As for the number “5”, with strong logic a person remembers in separate pieces and restores the whole episode in memory, which significantly enhances memory, so we can say that the presence of “55” in the psychomatrix provides additional memory. This is exactly how one of the transitions of numbers appeared - “55” gives “9” and “99” gives “5”.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more less...

    The meaning of the number "6"

    Ability to work with hands, propensity to manipulate, level of grounding

    Number 6 is another one of the most controversial and complex in the Pythagorean numerological system.

    "6 NO"

    There are no numbers 6 in the matrix - a person is not inclined to physical labor, he does not like it and does it either out of necessity or out of a sense of duty to another person. These are people of art and science. They will do all assigned work very carefully, slowly, with special diligence. But this is not a sign of hard work, but hope for a beautiful result.

    Not a manipulator, but easy to manipulate.

    These people are easily suggestible. They are recommended, first of all, especially if they still have few units, to develop self-confidence. If there is no self-confidence, then any person with decent strength of character or at least one six will simply drive them into a state of fear and either manipulate or encode them on this fear.

    Job. People without sixes are recommended first of all to turn to creative specialties. If this is a scientific activity, then in no case should there be any work with your hands, that is, you can work with your hands only occasionally, minimally, and only if it is unavoidable. People who do not have sixes lose a lot of energy when working with their hands; this is not recommended for them.

    For a woman, do less manual work, even at home. Even embroider, knit, etc. – a little for fun, but without fanaticism.

    We women still do things with our hands, and there’s nothing you can do about it, but if there’s some kind of creative impulse in it, like, say, experimental cooking, that’s great.

    And if this is a regular routine, say, washing the floors, entrust it to someone else, it will be easier for you and for everyone around you.

    And if, in the absence of 6, there are sevens, then in order to turn on the hands, one seven goes into sixes, but this transition will take two twos, that is, energy. Such a transition always comes with an energy error. Therefore, without sixes, it is not recommended to work with your hands under any circumstances.


    “6 NO”, “2 NO” or “5 NO”, “4 or more”, “9” - it is best to take up dancing (ballet), such people are very active and have a strong body.

    If this set of numbers is slightly changed, then we can recommend the profession of an actor:

    “6 NO”, “2 NO”, “4 or more”, “99”

    In the case when a person is given strong energy, you can try yourself in music: energy - “22” or “2222” or more.

    Painting requires energy and determination from a person, therefore “22” or more, “111” (or more) is necessary.

    In principle, in the absence of the number “6”, a person can choose any direction of art for himself.

    Do not forget that such people are inclined to study science, but, as a rule, not technical ones. Depending on the numbers 5 and 9, he can be recommended either the humanities “5 NO” or the exact “55 and more”.

    If you see that a child has developed an interest in sports, then you need to assess his health in order to understand the seriousness of such desires. Professional sports are acceptable for those who have “44” or more.


    A person engages in physical labor according to his mood, when the desire arises. A person can do any job, but we're talking about about how well he will do it, and what mood he will be in after completing it.

    If you try to force a person with a “6” to work at a time when he is not in the mood to work, problems arise for everyone.

    After such work, a person becomes irritated, explosive and offended by the one who forced him. That is why it is undesirable for people with this sign to engage in monotonous, monotonous work with a rigid schedule - this will lead to breakdown and a desire to change activities, which can result in alcoholism, absenteeism, and illness.

    But if such a person has taken on the job, then you should not bother him and give him recommendations on how best to do it. It’s not even worth offering your help, since if they want to do something, such people don’t really like to work in a “heap.”

    Sometimes such a desire arises suddenly, for no apparent reason, and a lady with a “6” may unexpectedly start washing, ironing, or cleaning the house.

    If, with one number 6, there are “77 or more” in the psychomatrix, then it is desirable for the person to leave physical labor and take up science, sports or art (the latter is especially important).

    We can say for sure that someone who has a set of three or more numbers 6 and 7 will inevitably experience a transition of either the numbers 6 to 7, which will give him additional energy or health, or the reverse transition of the number 7 to 6, when a loss of energy occurs or health, which leads to irritability, bossiness, and anger.

    Accept as good advice: if your child has a similar set of numbers 6 and 7, then teach him to practice music, dancing, drawing, poetry, reading books - all this leads to the transition of numbers 6 to 7.


    The “66” sign is called “Golden Hands”, since a person who has it knows how to do everything - he is a master in any matter when it comes to working with his hands.

    But to work with his hands, a person must have good energy and good health, and this is: “22” or “2222 or more” and “4 or more.”

    It is from such people that great architects are made.

    If there are no such numbers or there are much fewer of them, a person will not be able to become a master; it is necessary to especially actively develop his interest in art, science or non-energy-intensive crafts (which will give additional energy 2 during the natural transition of the number 6 to the number 7).

    The "66" sign can also be called a grounding sign.

    If this sign has been “blocked” by teaching the child from childhood to reading, art, and science (translating “6” into “7”), then the person begins to read a lot and avoid physical labor.

    The sign “66” gives the tendency and ability to manipulate and control other people, NLP and similar techniques.

    At the same time, it is undesirable for a person with a large number of sixes (two or more) to choose a profession related to power, since the sign “66” often makes a person tough and indifferent to the fate of other people.

    If a child has one number 7 (or more), then he can become a master only if he maintains his debt to his parents. This means that his parents must also remember this duty towards their parents, since the child will copy them.

    People with “66” who work sitting in an office are strongly recommended to have summer houses and houses, or to constantly and necessarily do something with their hands. Women are usually wonderful housewives.

    Things done by people with "66" bring energy to others.

    "666 or more"

    “666” can be called “the number of a sorcerer or witch.”

    The presence of numbers 7 and 8 in the psychomatrix will hold back the sixes.

    For example, a person in the psychomatrix has a set of numbers: “666”, 7, 8. Then you can cross out two numbers 6 and, accordingly, numbers 7 and 8, one number 6 will remain, which corresponds to the sign “6” - a person of mood. But the reverse transition is also possible, which will also lead a person to irritability and power.

    Outwardly, “666” is completely different, but he is always a person with a very piercing or even oppressive gaze.

    Such people have little control over their feelings of anger and they easily explode. If those around you do not agree to manipulate them, they will put pressure on you through shouting, anger, aggression, leaking negativity and other provocations. These people are very irritable, as a rule, they get irritated over the smallest things. But you have to be very careful with them, because first of all they drive everyone into a feeling of fear and code on fear, you have to be very careful here.

    “666” are strong coders of fear, and of their own, too. How it works? Such people broadcast their fear and, consciously or unconsciously, thus code other people for negative consequences.

    Is it possible for a “victim” to escape from a “similar fate”?

    The answer is positive, and there is more than one way to avoid “damage”, but the most universal is to go into emotional emptiness and indifference to the person who is dragging you into conflict or setting you up for a negative outcome.

    The easiest way to do this is the emotion of laughter, which does not allow fear and does not carry irritability and aggressiveness.

    This is also an ancient Chinese technique of escaping into the void, which was used by qigong specialists when meeting an enemy. It's simple but very effective way self-defense.

    People with three sixes themselves should first of all understand that they are really afraid, and act extremely carefully.

    Children with three sixes are not very happy. Other children, in panic, may go so far as to express violent aggression towards them. The child will not understand why. This is just a person who causes subconscious fear. He was born this way.

    Personal growth is directly recommended for such people, because they must be self-aware. They must transform their sixes into sevens with the advent of energy, they must transform their ones into eights, that is, take care of the clan, the clan, learn about the world, nature, then it will be much easier to communicate and live with them.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... The meaning of the number “7” Luck, fortune, destiny

    The number 7 has always been associated with the concept of luck (luck). Sometimes this figure is called the sign of an angel.

    Nature created man, who is different from other living beings on our planet in that man was given the ability of abstract thinking. The Universe needs it to understand and determine the paths of its further development.

    To do this, Nature has placed a small piece of true knowledge about itself in each person. Each such “piece of truth” is unique, since it cannot be repeated in another person. The task of each person is to reveal his true knowledge to the world, since no other person can do this except him!

    A person’s date of birth is his professional card for studying Nature and the direction of revealing his potential.

    A special place in this list is given to those people who have numbers 0 and 7 in the psychomatrix. This number shows the interest of Nature itself in revealing human potential.

    These are people whose brains contain information that is important at this time.

    The number O instructs a person to try to reveal himself in any area of ​​​​knowledge with the acquisition of new laws and patterns of existence.

    As for sign 7, it means the following: a person contains in his brain information that is very important for a given historical period in a specific area of ​​human knowledge.

    Nature itself protects him from many surprises and accidents, which begins to manifest itself as a person’s luck, his luck. The more sevens enter the psychomatrix, the more important the task facing a person.

    People born with sevens a priori have luck, which is given to them from above. If we take the ethical aspect of the topic, then we receive luck as a reward for observing certain ethical standards. If we behave correctly enough in relation to other people's space, we receive a reward in the form of luck. That is, sixes flow into sevens. If we do not try to manipulate, we become extremely masters in our field, then we receive a reward from space in the form of what we ask from it, and literally out of the blue. Desires can even be subconscious, that is, it is not necessary to explicitly experience and express desires.

    "7 NO"

    The absence of numbers 7 in the psychomatrix means that a person is not subject to control by higher powers (Nature, the World, the Universe). These are “free artists”. Their path may not be the easiest, everything happens and is achieved by trial and error, a lot of work.

    A person makes many attempts to find himself in various areas. At the same time, many of his actions may turn out to be incorrect, erroneous, which brings a person a large number of different troubles and trials. They often reveal themselves at a later age.

    Such people are advised to have a person next to them who has many sevens. In such a pair, the main attention should be focused on the owner of the numbers 7. However, it is possible that a person who does not have sevens in the psychomatrix will become a beacon for guiding the movement of a person with a large number of numbers 7.

    The right to find a life partner with a large number of sevens must be earned by developing yourself and trying to find your truths, regardless of the difficulties that befall you.

    Moreover, “hints” from Nature come through obstacles that arise on the path of a person without sevens. The greater the resistance, the more likely the direction he guessed.


    A person already has a certain amount of luck, he is partially protected from failures and accidents. Don't rely on great luck.

    But with the appearance of even one 7 in the psychomatrix, the situation with the search for directions to reveal one’s potential changes radically.

    A person is given the responsibility to reveal himself in some specific direction, and with one seven this is very expanded. As soon as a person takes a wrong step in the wrong direction, he immediately gets into trouble, and it is they who inform him that he has begun to advance in a wrong “sector” of the true knowledge embedded in him.

    It is precisely because the sector of realization of opportunities is quite wide that it is difficult for a person to reveal himself.

    If it happens that your child has one seven in his date of birth, then you need to help him discover himself.

    To do this, you need to identify as early as possible the sector of interests where it should reveal itself.

    At the same time, it’s definitely not worth spending time and effort on developing and improving weak qualities as the main direction of self-improvement.

    You can try to strengthen your weaknesses, but only when they interfere or slow down your development, or you have already found your direction and are improving yourself further.

    Very often, fate deliberately drives a person into a difficult material situation in order to intensify his mental activity, when a person is forced to demonstrate all his abilities and talents.

    Constantly monitor yourself for a sense of duty towards your parents, tolerance and kindness. Preserving the number 7 depends on your tolerance and memory of your parents.

    If there is one or more number 6 in the psychomatrix, then do not forget that a dispute begins between these numbers and the qualities for which they are responsible. The most important thing is that there is a chance to increase your luck by “raising” the numbers 6 to 7 through creative activities and spiritual life.


    The man is lucky. He can take risks and set high enough goals for himself that he can achieve.

    The likelihood that he will find exactly his direction quickly enough and discover the potential hidden in him is very high.

    The spectrum of human realization is much narrower and it is easier for a person to choose it, since fate itself pushes him to this choice. We can say that the sign “77” marks priority tasks and people who are able to solve these problems.

    Failures in life in the presence of the lucky sign can only be caused by the wrong behavior of the person himself.

    Strange as it may seem, few people believe in luck and try to find their own path, but with such a sign it is enough to walk, and the path will always lead to the goal.

    The second reason for loss of luck may be the transition of the numbers 7 to 6 due to loss of debt towards parents and tolerance.

    It often happens that talented people fall out of life because of their weakness, especially with regard to problems such as drunkenness, laziness, and drugs.

    "777 and more"

    In the psychomatrix there are three or more sevens - quantity turns into quality, since there is no point in talking about luck in such a case. People who have such signs can be called engineers or designers of life. They themselves determine what will happen to them.

    Nature marked them with a special sign, showing that the brains of these people contain a very solid piece of information about Nature (the Universe, the World).

    Without knowing it, such people begin to insert themselves into the lives of other people through wishes, premonitions, and sensations. Many people perceive this as clairvoyance, but this is a completely different manifestation.

    Man builds his life around himself. Possessing such a sign, he gathers strong people around himself, as if analyzing the situation in his environment, through people who are actively working to reveal their capabilities. After conducting such an analysis, “engineers” draw conclusions and make decisions mentally. The day comes when their plans and plans come true.

    People with three sevens are also called “fairies.”

    A fairy brings good luck to other people, but does not bring it to herself at all... If she codes people for joy, for good luck, then no one can code her.

    All the failures of such people are their own mistakes or lack of faith in themselves. They themselves will be the limitation; only laziness or unconsciousness (drunkenness) can prevent them from revealing their potential.

    People with three sevens should not reduce their goals and objectives to minor everyday problems: their capabilities go beyond the realistic boundaries, and there are no people or special commissions that could give a real assessment of their abilities.

    The main thing for such people is to find an application for their strengths, to highlight the most interesting area of ​​​​application of knowledge for them.

    Universal laws and patterns applicable in any field of knowledge become the property of the brains of people with a large number of sevens, so they can apply their knowledge in any branch of human activity.

    Having many sevens in the psychomatrix, it is best to engage in science or choose professions related to people - doctor, teacher, psychologist. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the thoughts that come into the heads of such people must reach others, which means that they need to be written down and published in the form of books, brochures or articles.

    Holders of strong sevens should not forget about their parents and tolerance towards people. If such a person loses tolerance and duty towards his parents, then he immediately loses the quality of an “engineer” (fairy) and becomes a loser with great claims to power.

    People with three sevens are very desirable in a team.

    Even if this is a completely mediocre employee, your team will consistently work well. Get a secretary with three sevens - you will see that your business will go up. This is a branded talisman that will always bring good luck.

    Wives with three sevens bring good luck to businessman husbands; if you have a woman at home with three sevens, appreciate it.

    This is really very important and very good for a man, especially one who is involved in some kind of risky business.

    If a man is a businessman or adventurer, then God himself simply ordered him to have a woman with three sevens next to him.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... The meaning of the number "8". A sense of duty to loved ones (parents, family), a sense of tolerance and kindness.

    Many people mistake tolerance for humility, silence, agreement, but Tolerance is the ability to tolerate and accept the person next to you, his habits, views, desires.

    The number 8 is one of the most important numbers, defining the entire psychomatrix of a person, since it is its stability or appearance in the psychomatrix that will determine many of the qualities necessary for a person.

    The number 8 is for our clannishness. It goes along the family line, along the line of talent, the eight says that the person who has it is committed to his own clan, that is, not to the family in general, but to the maternal family, to the clan. A person who has eights will take care of his parents, children, the attitude and opinion of his family, that is, mothers, fathers, grandparents, are important to him.

    "8 no"

    A person is not given a sense of duty from birth, as well as tolerance and kindness, if they were not raised and instilled by their parents.

    If his parents fulfill their duty towards their parents, if they are tolerant and kind, then the child will adopt these qualities from them, regardless of the absence of eights. If the parents themselves avoided their duty to their parents, then their children will repeat them in this, regardless of the strength of the eights. We can confidently say that the number eight completely depends on how conscientiously the person’s parents performed their duty.

    People without eights usually leave home early, they are quite pragmatic and take from their family what they can use in life, no more and no less.

    They have a weak level of control over aggression, so such people often lose their temper easily, and sometimes even reach nervous breakdowns. Any person who lacks eights gets angry more easily than others.

    In the absence of an eight in the psychomatrix, a person cannot tolerate pressure from other people, which always leads to an explosion of emotions or conflict (depending on other indicators of the matrix).

    Entrust a person without eights with a project and don’t try to put extra people in it, he, as a rule, will do everything himself, he does not like to delegate authority. Especially if a person has many units.

    We can say for sure that a person has his own character in its pure form, that is, the strength of his character is determined only by a few.

    As soon as the number of units exceeds two, then we can say that in a calm state, everyone with three or more units makes a transition of character to a new quality, when each pair of units gives an eight. A person becomes soft, tolerant, and kind, which corresponds to his normal state. For example, if a person has the character “11111”, then in a calm state he turns into “1 and 88”. This is due to the fact that such a transition allows a person to receive an additional two twos “22” or “4”, which strengthens the person’s energy or his health.


    A person is given a sense of duty from birth, but there is no particular strength in this quality, and one needs to remind oneself that it is necessary to show concern for loved ones or show tolerance in one case or another.

    The appearance of an eight begins to greatly influence a person’s character, since a transition between an eight and two ones (if any) is possible.

    For example, in the case of dialing numbers in a psychomatrix (“111” and “8”), power over people is contraindicated for a person, since he will constantly be in two states - lack of will and failure-free behavior in the case of “1” and “88” and irritability and malice - when there is an explosion of emotions or a desire to defend one’s views - “11111”.

    People with a small number of eights do not need to be manipulated, they should not be artificially implanted with a false sense of guilt in front of their parents: this may cause them to start getting sick.

    "88 or more"

    A sense of duty is given from birth. Such people are very tolerant, remember their loved ones, they are people of duty, since helping others becomes a necessity for them.

    Everyone can “ride” them. But don't confuse this with the fact that they can be deceived.

    Such people are truth-seekers; they always feel a lie and do not tell their interlocutor about it only out of tolerance and pity for him.

    For people who have many eights in the psychomatrix, it is best to choose professions related to helping others: doctor, teacher, rescuer, etc.

    Children with “88 or more” love their parents, try not to go far from them, for them the opinion and advice of their parents can be fundamental in everything.

    These are people who build their families based on positive or negative experiences gained in the family. These are people with the so-called family template: they want to build either exactly the same family that their parents had, if it was a prosperous family, or strictly opposite to the unhappy one that their parents had.

    In contrast to a person with a large number of ones, the owner of eights will be softer, calmer and less aggressive.

    Eights give a person control over anger; it is difficult to anger him.

    Could it be that a person who has many eights in the psychomatrix is ​​rude, selfish, cruel, and does not remember his loved ones? Of course, this is possible. Moreover, the reasons for such a person’s behavior are far from himself.

    It is necessary to find out the relationship of his parents with his grandparents. There is a very high probability that there was a conflict that determined this person’s behavior. He should become a kind of “punishment” for his parents for their loss of debt.

    Secondly, the reason may be the parents’ incorrect behavior towards him in early childhood when they constantly suppressed him. The response appears after he grows up and begins to resist.

    As a rule, the parents themselves instill in the child all the negative qualities, convincing him that he is stupid, stubborn, evil, harmful, aggressive, ruthless and... Find in yourself the reasons for your child’s behavior. Maybe you yourself were like that or are still with your parents, and the child simply copies you.

    Thirdly, the reason for such a distortion of duty and kindness is the damage that the child has from birth and which must be removed.

    "88 8"

    3 eights are children who are already hypertrophied to the clan. For these children, it is important that the family is complete, that there are grandparents, that the whole family gets together.

    Children with 3 eights really love their family very much, this is not an attempt to manipulate feelings.

    These are boys who will love their mother for the rest of their lives, and a woman who wants to be close to such a man needs to come to terms with it. She definitely needs to improve relations with her chosen one’s mother.

    And the mother needs to be very careful: the sons can leave their personal life to please their mother, they can easily give up everything and mess with her for the rest of their lives.

    Therefore, a wise mother needs to form the correct worldview of her child from childhood, otherwise you will not have grandchildren. The son must be made to understand that, besides his mother, he also has and will have his own personal life, and his mother is not part of this personal life. It is advisable for mom to stay away from him new family away, behave calmer and under no circumstances try to manipulate such a child. Otherwise, he will sit next to his mother and take care of her all his life.

    Children who have 3 eights can cause spontaneous, unconscious irritation. They have internal control over aggression. Therefore, a person with less or no control over his emotions will unconsciously react to the owner of three eights.

    It is advisable to direct the energy of such a child towards some achievements, the most good option– develop leadership qualities in your child. Especially if the child has two marks, i.e. energy.

    Children's personal space with a lot of "8's".

    Children of this type really need their own personal space; they don’t really like having their things touched.

    Holders of 3 eights are very successful in creating associations to make money. They cannot work alone, they need many people around to achieve certain goals - they are team players.

    "8888 and more"

    The child very quickly becomes a controller. He begins to control everyone around him, replacing his parents with their parents.

    An adult woman or man with so many eights decides for children and parents what to do and when.

    People with 4 Eights do not realize their place in the family, they always try to take the lead, and begin to control the clan if they are allowed to.

    We must definitely pay attention to directing the child’s leadership qualities outside the family early!

    Let him work, let him achieve something, let him try to make a career.

    It has the makings of eights flowing into ones, but this requires energy.

    Constantly let him know that you love him, that he is needed, that he is the pride of the family. And for your sake, he will achieve something in society, then the energy can be turned into a more correct and favorable direction for everyone. And a child with such incentives will move forward and develop very well.

    But such children cannot be sent far away; if you send such a child to another country, he will not be able to live there, he will return back because he has no energy. He absolutely needs the energy of his clan and family.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

    more... less... The meaning of the number “9” Memory, clairvoyance, intuition, feminine principle.

    This figure is complicated. On the one hand, nine is memory and intuition. On the other hand, this is, oddly enough, the feminine principle. 9 is an understanding of internal processes, following one’s own subconscious emotions, introversion.

    Emotions. In terms of emotions, “9” is sadness on a par with twos. Twos and nines give us a person who controls sadness. It is difficult to put a person who has many nines into a state of depression, but he will easily drive you into this state.

    If nine appears when adding the digits of the birth number (18, 27), or in the second additional number the sum turns out = 9, then you need to strain a little: if it is a boy, he will have a problem with recognizing himself as a man. If this is a girl, she will have an incorrectly transmitted masculinity template, that is, she will always be searching for her father through some kind of divine, spiritual institutions.


    There are no nines in the Pythagorean square or only one. This means that a person’s ability to remember is not high, he may be forgetful and absent-minded. This has a downside - the person is not vindictive.

    For intellectual activity, such people need to keep at hand external sources of information on relevant topics: books, manuals, photographs, etc. A person with a good memory will simply remember what he needs, but a person with one or less nines in the Pythagorean matrix will need a lot of time for this, if he can remember it at all.

    They remember information that is necessary and relevant to them well, as long as it is necessary for daily use. Changing interests leads to the erasure of unnecessary information in the operational memory field, sending it to the long-term storage of the brain, where it can get lost in the mass of other information.

    And one more note: you need to know that the ability to remember is a trainable function and many techniques have been developed for memory development. Therefore, if a person trains his memory by studying poetry and languages, the quality of memory improves.

    People who have one nine in their psychomatrix most often manifest themselves as discoverers of new things.

    For example, if he is an artist, he is not very good at copying objects, he strives to create something of his own. Even after starting to work in someone else’s style, he gradually switches to his own style. The same applies to musicians, poets, and writers.


    If a person has no twos or only 1 or no nines, it is very easy to drive him into a state of blues. Any incorrect remark from a person with stronger energy or a large number of twos can lead a person with a small number of twos and nines to depression.


    Strong memory, which allows you to quickly and without loss reproduce the necessary information. This gives a person great chances to study science.

    If, in the presence of such a sign, a person is forgetful and complains of weak memory, then it is necessary to find out the reasons for such a discrepancy.

    One of the most common reasons for weakening memory is the “capture” of nines by lines, especially the 3rd line (stability), when, instead of developing mental abilities, a person burdens himself with all sorts of small problems and responsibilities.

    Particular attention should be paid to the fact that people with a strong memory remember every insult addressed to them, which can also lead to memory loss when remembering the necessary information. It is very important to get rid of grievances, especially when it comes to parents.

    Professions and sciences that involve memorizing and reproducing large amounts of information are suitable for such people (linguists, writers, translators, statistical and bank employees, etc.)

    If there is “99”, a person with certain sets of numbers (“55” or “777”, or “666”) may have clairvoyance, which will be based on a combination of signs.

    Such clairvoyance is characterized by the direction of vision of possible events, which are completely determined by the numbers complementing the nines.


    The characteristic of memory gives way to a new quality for which nines are responsible - clairvoyance.

    Two types of clairvoyance can be distinguished.

    Firstly, if a person has strong energy “22 or more”, then he can join the information field. Entry into it is allowed only to those who have strong memory and energy.

    If a person has many nines in the psychomatrix, but weak energy (no more than one two), then we can talk about comparative clairvoyance, when he selects a similar situation from his memory and makes an assumption about the completion of the present event. Such clairvoyance does not have much reliability.

    When comparing the signs “99” and “999” in terms of memory power, preference should be given to two nines, since clairvoyance dissipates a person’s memory, sometimes separating him from reality. Clairvoyants entering the information field may be mistaken in their predictions, since they are able to see (or realize) the outline of an event, its vague silhouette. Sometimes they cannot determine the end time, but they know how the situation will end.

    "9999 or more"

    A sign of a prophet, when almost all of a person’s predictions come true with a high degree of accuracy. Naturally, we are talking about people who developed their abilities and did not allow their nines to be “absorbed” by lines.

    If your child has this sign, then know that you have a huge responsibility for revealing the clairvoyant. How can such a disclosure be made?

    The main thing is that it is necessary to highlight the range of his interests and direct him to his own improvement in this area. As soon as his potential for mastering this area of ​​knowledge reaches a sufficiently high level, a qualitative change in the situation will occur, the person will gain access to the information field where information from all people with a similar interest has been accumulated.

    As soon as a person first receives information, in a dream or vision, it is necessary to begin to compile his dictionary of symbols that will appear in the dreams or visions. Very often, a strong clairvoyant or prophet suffers from the fact that he cannot understand the meaning of the information that appears in a dream - the information is encoded in symbols or images. It is best to compose your own dream book, which more accurately reflects the essence of possible events. The main thing is to learn to believe and trust your own premonitions, dreams, visions, and sensations. If a child has these qualities, then trust him, he knows a lot.

    A person has the most powerful intuition, and he can go into it, immerse himself. That is, he stops using logic, he listens only to himself, his subconscious, but he has a very good inner space, it always tells him correctly.

    The only problem for boys with 4 nines: they become feminine, that is, they begin to control space in a feminine way, for example, they begin to listen to the Earth.

    Witchcraft is a female form. Boys also need witchcraft, but it is better to translate it into logic, into higher spheres, it should be spirituality.

    Because women were called witches - those in charge. There was always a knowing mother in the family, but no knowing husband.

    Men are another spiritual hypostasis, they are sorcerers, people who were in charge of decking, who built space, gave it vectoriality. The woman built the force field, and the man correctly directed this field. Therefore, you need to clearly understand that a man is an ignorant man, a man is a builder, giving a direction vector. The man is the leader, the man is the head, the woman is the neck. Yes, the head rests on the neck, but the man still sees with this head, that is, he sets the direction of movement, the eyes look in the right direction, no matter how the neck turns.

    Men who have many nines with a large number of ones can often go on a spiritual path. Many priests, orthodox and quite tough, have not only ones, but also a large number of nines.

    It will be easier for a boy in life if his nines are directed to logic, to fives. He will not withdraw into himself, will not constantly try to realize his problems.

    A woman with such a man falls into a state of, if not depression, then mild sadness.

    A woman herself with so many nines, if she does not realize that she is a full-fledged woman, will also drive a man into a state of sadness and depression.

    Here it is necessary for its nine to be absorbed by some other lines. But not spiritually: a man next to such a woman will feel a little inferior, to the point that he will stop having sex with her. Nine is, of course, the most powerful feminine principle, which is wonderful, but when there is too much of it, you need to watch out for overload, especially if nines are also combined with twos: in general, serious emotional problems can occur, from which it is very difficult to get away.

    With a large number of nines, a girl can become religious to the point of fanaticism. Here you already have to be very careful parents.

    If this girl is properly taught to listen to herself, then she can reach the level of clairvoyance, that is, she will foresee many situations. Therefore, again, it is very important to raise such a child correctly.

    The Nine woman is clairvoyant and is a feminine essence in itself. That is, clairvoyance is the feminine essence, and the more developed it is, the better, the more feminine the woman will be, the stronger her connection with the earth will be, the more energy she will have, and she will give it away with pleasure.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    Zero is either a negation, if a person goes into consumption, or a constant, if a person begins to learn.

    That is, everything depends on the method of development.

    ● If a person denies some qualities and data in himself, zero resets them.

    ● If a person cognizes, recognizes and develops in an increasing way, zero becomes a constant.

    What does it look like? If there is a zero in the matrix, it is written only after the digit, that is, the zero is not written before the digits. If your date of birth is 02/01, then there is no zero in your matrix.

    There is a zero in your matrix if your date of birth is the other way around: 10, 20, 30, and even October - the 10th month, or the seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth year. That is, everything that comes after the numbers is considered zero, everything that comes before the numbers is not considered zero.

    How does zero work?

    Let's say you're in your seventieth year, you write down your own matrix and look at seven. On the one hand, yes, this is luck, everything is wonderful, everything is good, but in your matrix seven goes with zero...

    If you manipulate people, if you descend to the lowest level of development, if you are a consumer, your seven will simply be reset to zero. That is, you will no longer be a lucky person, you are prohibited from doing so.

    But if you really grow spiritually, if you grow in the level of knowledge, if you try to work with space correctly, your seven turns into a constant number. That is, you begin to bring good luck not only to yourself, but also to other people.

    The same thing, for example, happens if you have a ten in the matrix. Ten is leadership. A person with the number 10 either in the first or second row, it makes no difference, is a person who knows how to lead people. He can do it. The question is how and why he will accept and use this power: either he will zero out the negative, or he will become a permanent leader on the positive.

    Digit 0 in first complement number:

    The presence of the digit o in the first additional number indicates that a person has to discover new patterns, which are marked by the second digit of a two-digit number:

    10 – discover the way to achieve true leadership;

    20 – discover true energy, methods and laws of energy management;

    30 – knowledge that is based on the laws of nature;

    40 – bringing your body to perfection (sports, dancing, theater);

    50 – create new logical laws or patterns;

    60 – become a Master, mastering needlework or craft;

    70 – knowledge of the World, Nature, the Universe, doing science;

    80 – kindness and tolerance elevated to the rank of truth;

    90 – unique memory, clairvoyance, accumulation of experience.

    Digit 0 in the third number


    20 2

    The third and fourth numbers are 20 and 2 - the root cause of any human actions is determined by the presence of zero in the third number, which indicates that true information related to energy is embedded in the brain, natural memory or consciousness of a person.

    The first number 2, standing in the third number, means that a person activates his energy. He needs it to reveal the truth (0) inherent in him by nature itself, and this truth is aimed at energy (not only human, but also the energy of earth, water, wind and any other energy).

    The third number 20 means that a person will have to continue the work of one of the Masters who develop the doctrine of energy (Wushu, Qigong, yoga, Aikido, etc.). This person was given knowledge about energy, based on the truths that were discovered by the ancient Teachers. With this sign you can develop the ability to heal people with your hands, since with time and practice complete mastery of your energy will come. If a person tries to get away from this sign, then he may lose his energy (2), which requires a more careful and attentive attitude. Problems with alcohol or even drugs often begin, since lost energy requires restoration.

    30 and 3

    The third number is 30 - a person has a connection with ancient, true knowledge, which he must restore, master and put into practice. This is due to the fact that in ancient times the process of cognition was not completed or knowledge was lost, but it is quite important for all humanity, and nature finds a successor or a person who will recreate the lost knowledge.

    If a person refuses the task assigned to him, then he will lose all his knowledge

    The number 0 can be true and it can also become loss, emptiness, absence. Only your actions can demonstrate either one or the other quality of this number.

    School of Numerology by Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

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    The Pythagorean square is a numerological technique for calculating fate using the numbers of a person’s date of birth. The date of birth carries a lot of information about a person: his character, his abilities, life success, inclination to activity and profession. The Pythagorean square allows you to find out individual characteristics men and women, and then based on this data calculate the compatibility of the couple.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    January February March April May June July August September October November December
    2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901
    Calculate Compatibility

    You can also create your own personal Pythagorean square, which will tell you about your abilities, skills, talents and health.

    How is Pythagorean square compatibility calculated? As you can find out from the article "", each of the nine cells of the Pythagorean square talks about some quality of a person. For example, the first cell of the Pythagorean square shows the strength of a person’s character - the more units, the more strong-willed the person. The second cell of the Pythagorean square is responsible for a person’s energy - the more twos in the second cell, the more powerful the person is from an energy point of view. The fourth cell of the Pythagorean square will tell you about a person’s health: a large number of fours promises a person excellent health, and the absence of fours indicates illness.
    The author of this system for analyzing a person’s personality is Pythagoras, a famous philosopher, numerologist and mathematician. The Pythagorean square accurately describes the qualities of a person, his destiny, and has been very popular among people for many years. Over the years, scientists have emerged who have been able to discover new possibilities for personality analysis based on the Pythagorean square.

    One of these people is the numerologist-mathematician Aleksandrov, who proposed to consider the Pythagorean square not only as separate 9 cells, each of which tells about the quality of a person’s personality, but also to analyze the columns, rows and diagonals of the Pythagorean cell. Each column, row and diagonal of the Pythagorean square carries information about a person’s personality. For example, the first row of the psychomatrix (cells 1, 4, 7) will tell us about a person’s sense of purpose, and the first column (cells 1, 2, 3) will tell us about a person’s self-esteem. It is based on these personality qualities, which are described by the rows and columns in the Pythagorean square, that the compatibility of the couple is calculated.

    Analysis of the compatibility of a couple using the Pythagorean square (using an example): For example, let’s take a guy and a girl born on January 8, 1987 and October 14, 1991 and analyze their compatibility. To analyze the compatibility of your couple, use Pythagorean squares based on your dates of birth. To do this, at the beginning of this article, enter your dates of birth in the boxes called “He” and “She”, and then click the “Calculate” button.

    For analysis, take turns taking the lines, pillars and diagonals of the Pythagorean square. Each diagonal and column are responsible for a certain personality quality. The more numbers in a line or column, the more developed the quality is for a given person.

    To calculate the determination of a guy in a given pair, you need to add up the number of numbers in the first line. It turns out: 3 digits + 1 digit + 2 digits = 6. The girl’s determination: 7.

    Thus, according to the criterion of determination, this couple does not quite suit each other. The girl in this couple will be more active and ambitious, which can negatively affect her relationship with the young man. The man in this couple should develop determination in order to achieve harmony in his relationship with his girlfriend.

    Do the same with your Pythagorean squares: count the number of numbers in the first line of the guy and the girl, and then analyze how you match each other in terms of the quality of determination.

    This couple is not in too much of a hurry to start a family, he is quite happy with it romantic relationship throughout life without entering into a legal marriage. Both the girl and the young man low level of attachment to family, which is 3 figures.

    It is believed that a guy and a girl are suitable for each other according to this criterion, since both of them are not attracted to family values ​​and are ready to live their whole lives in a celibate relationship, but have a feeling of love for each other.

    Determine your compatibility with your loved one by the level of attachment to your family. To do this, count the number of numbers in the second line of the guy’s square and the girl’s square. The more numbers, the more expressed a person’s attachment to family and family traditions.

    The stability of a man is 3: 1 digit + 2 digits. A woman’s stability is 4. Such a couple has moderate stability: they value a calm family life, but at the same time they are ready for unexpected changes in their lives. Excellent level stability in a couple for a long and strong relationship.

    The first column of the Pythagorean matrix is ​​responsible for the couple’s self-esteem. A man's self-esteem has 4 points, and a woman's self-esteem has 6. This is not very favorable, since a woman can crush a man with her strength and self-confidence. A man in such a union should develop faith in his professional abilities, and a woman should believe in him and inspire him to new exploits.

    The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are called the Material column in the Pythagorean square. The material well-being of the man in this couple is 1 point, and the material well-being of the woman is 4 points. This means that the wife in this couple is better able to earn money and has the ability to do so. This is not a very favorable compatibility, but nowadays some couples are satisfied with this look family life when a woman provides more for the family than a man.

    Using the same method, determine how much you are suitable for each other. material well-being. The more numbers in the second column, the more successful the person is financially.

    A man's talent level is 7 points, and a woman's talent level is 3 points. This is excellent compatibility for family life: a woman automatically respects a man for his abilities in a creative or other field. Such high level talent in men indicates that he is able to achieve a lot in the field of literature, painting or business.

    The temperament or sexuality of a couple is calculated along the diagonal of the square using the numbers 3, 5 and 7. The sexuality of a man is 3 points, and the sexuality of a woman is about 0 points. This is not a very favorable compatibility, since the man in this pair needs sex more than his girlfriend.

    This couple does not belong to the category of people who are deeply interested in spirituality and worship God. Although this couple has some interest in everything deep and mysterious. The guy and the girl have favorable spiritual compatibility for creating a strong family.

    9. Household crisis

    With the help of the Pythagorean square, you can also find out when household crises await your family and prepare for them, reducing discord and conflicts in the family to a minimum. Use a calculator for calculations.

    Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the duration of a domestic crisis in their relationship. Having understood the method for calculating the timing of a domestic crisis, use it to calculate the timing of a domestic crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
    1) Count how many digits are contained in the ascending diagonal, the third and second lines of the Pythagorean square.

    The guy gets: 3 digits, 3 digits, 3 digits.
    To calculate the volume of a man’s household stability, let’s multiply these numbers: 3×3×3=27.

    The girl gets: 0 digits, 4 digits, 3 digits.
    To calculate the amount of everyday stability of a girl, let’s multiply these numbers: 3×4=12.

    2) Calculate the total amount of household stability.

    To do this, multiply the amount of everyday stability of a girl and a guy.
    Total household stability = 12×27 = 324

    3) To calculate the period of onset of a crisis in everyday life, you need to divide the total amount of household stability by 365 days. This way we will find out the number of years after which a domestic crisis will recur in the family. Let's calculate the period of onset of the crisis in everyday life: 324:365 days = 0.8 years. It turns out that a domestic crisis in this family will occur even more often than once a year. This couple needs to seriously think about improving and making their life easier, try to build their relationship on a spiritual basis, without focusing too much on the little details of everyday life.

    10. Spiritual crisis

    The Pythagorean square allows you to recognize the period of spiritual crisis in a married couple.
    Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of spiritual crisis in their pair. On in this example you will understand the method of calculating a spiritual crisis. Use this method and calculate the duration of the spiritual crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
    1) Count how many digits are contained in the descending diagonal, the first column and the first row of the Pythagorean square.

    The guy gets: 5 digits, 4 digits, 6 digits.
    To calculate the volume of a man’s spiritual stability, let’s multiply these numbers: 5×4×6=120.
    The girl gets: 4 digits, 6 digits, 6 digits.
    To calculate the amount of spiritual stability of a girl, let’s multiply these numbers: 4×6×6=144.
    (If there are no digits in a line or diagonal, then 0 does not need to be used when multiplying digits).
    2) Calculate the total amount of spiritual stability.
    To do this, multiply the amount of spiritual stability of the girl and the guy.
    Total amount of spiritual stability = 120×144 = 17280
    3) To calculate the period of onset of a spiritual crisis, you need to divide the total amount of spiritual stability by 365 days. In this way we will find out the number of years after which a spiritual crisis will recur in the family. Let's calculate the period of onset of a spiritual crisis: 17280:365 days = 47 years. This family is very strong on a spiritual basis; a serious spiritual crisis in this family will occur only after 47 years life together. Despite the fact that this couple will face a conflict on a daily basis (domestic crisis) every year, they will be able to save the family on the basis of high spiritual stability.
    It is worth noting that the most dangerous for family union are the years of intersection of spiritual and everyday crises. For this couple, this year will come after 47 years of relationship. This year will be the most critical for the couple, since in addition to the domestic crisis, the family will face a deep spiritual crisis. We need to prepare for this year and try to maintain relationships, getting through the crisis with the least loss for the family.

    The first row of numbers describing the date of birth: 911947

    Second row of numbers consisting of working numbers: 22444

    Let's make a table, in each square we enter same numbers from two series of numbers:

    11 4444 7
    22 - -
    - - 99

    Decoding table data

    1 - sophisticated egoist (only I have to live, I, I, I,)

    11 - close to selfishness (he constantly praises himself as if he is for sale, is afraid to overestimate himself)

    111 - good character (flexible)

    1111 - very strong-willed, strong
    11111 - dictator, tyrant
    111111 - (very rarely) a tough person, at the same time for loved one can do the impossible, it is very difficult with him.

    Square 2 (bioenergy)

    There is no bioenergy, the bioenergy channel is open for intensive recruitment, these people love old things, treat others well, trying to feed themselves from others, they are educated by nature.
    2 - bioenergy is enough for life, but now, at this stage, it is not enough. Sports are mandatory and sensitive to changes in the atmosphere.
    22 - enough bioenergy (can already heal others)

    222 - good psychic
    2222 - these people are loved by the opposite sex and are very much loved with the sign 666 - Satan - they feed on

    Square 3 (decency)

    There are no threes - very clean or punctual, something makes them stand out from environment with their tongue (they clean all the time)

    3 - these people are not bothered by order, but relatively (I want to do it, I want to not), it all depends on the mood.
    33 - penchant for science (good mathematicians, physicists, chemists, scientists) 333 - penchant for science (with increased strength, impossible
    pedantry, is not realized in science)

    Square 4 (health)

    This person will be very sick (especially if there are a lot of twos when calculating)

    4 - you will get sick, but not too much, as you get older, like everyone else.
    44 - very strong person or high temperament (sexual inclinations)

    444 - the same thing, but with double the energy.

    Square 5 (intuition)

    An open channel at birth, so this person is always trying to do something, to prove something, his head is always in thought, he is in an experiment, in calculation. Life experience shows that this person is difficult to live with. He gets everything (pushes) with his head.
    Channel 5 is open, these people make fewer mistakes in life and in general.
    55 - highly developed intuition - investigator and lawyer.
    555 - almost clairvoyant, they don’t make mistakes, they know exactly what they are doing.
    5555 - clairvoyants, everything that happens around them is clear to them. There are moments when they are outside of space and outside of spatial time

    Square 6 (grounding)

    A man came to acquire a craft; physical labor is necessary, but he does not like it.
    6 - grounded, physical labor is necessary, you can think about studying.
    66 - very grounded, physical labor is not needed, but they love it.
    666 - sign of Satan, very obligatory, high temperament, the partner you are married to must have a lot of twos, because he feeds from his partner and often, having pumped up the energy, goes to another partner.
    6666 - this person in his previous incarnations gained a lot of grounding, he works very hard. For him there is no burden of labor (physical), he always works. An institute is definitely needed if there are 9s in the calculation.

    Square 7 (divine spark, talent)

    This man was born to earn 7s, and you can earn them only through effort. A very hard life. Almost always leads to religion.
    7 - divine spark. A person lives much easier than without a 3; he has talent, but it is not clearly expressed.
    77 is a very strong angelic sign if fully developed. A musical person, has artistic taste, can draw. If the calculation is 1-2, then his egoism can guide him and his talent. Nobody needs him. A man walks on a razor's edge, he succeeds in everything, good and bad. There are no closed doors for him. If he goes to court, they will definitely help him win the case or get him out of the hole. You need to learn altruism from childhood.
    777 is a special sign. These people, as a rule, came to earth for a short time, and if they have disabilities, paralysis awaits them in old age.
    7777 is the sign of an angel. People with this sign die in infancy; if they remain alive, their lives are in mortal danger.

    Square 8 (sense of duty)

    A person will take something, but is in no hurry to give it back.
    8 - person with developed sense debt.
    88 - a very developed sense of duty. Always wants to help.
    888 - as service to the people, a great sign.
    8888 - the sign will appear only in the year 88. Children are born with parapsychological abilities, with knowledge of the exact sciences.

    Square 9 (mad)

    9 - a person must necessarily develop a second 9.
    99 - a person has a smart head from birth. It is necessary to study.
    999 - a naturally intelligent person, weak in studies (everything is given)

    9999 - the truth is hidden, with a state of sharp mind (rude, merciless).

    Kabbalah is ancient Jewish magic, the recipes of which are used by many fortune-tellers, sorcerers and sorcerers. So, for fortune telling, first of all, you will need a numerical alphabet, in which each letter has its own specific number. In this case, the letters “e”, “e”, “e” are assigned the same number, as well as the letters “i”, “th”. The letter “s”, soft and hard signs do not count at all - their symbol is zero.
    A-1, b-2, c-3, d-4, d-5, e-6, g-7, h-8, i-9, k-10, l-20, m-30, n- 40, o-50, p-60, r-70, s-80, t-90, u-100, f-200, x-300, c-400, h-500, sh-600, shch-700, u-800, i-900.
    Now write your first and last name on the paper. For each letter, substitute the corresponding number, then add up all the numbers, and you will get the first name number and the last name number separately. Sum them up - this will be the personality number. For example, let's take the name of the famous fabulist Ivan Krylov: I-9, v-3, a-1, n-20. Name amount - 53. K-10, p-70, s-0, l-20, 0-50, v-3. The sum of the surname is 153. We add both and find the number of the individual.

    The question arises, what to do with this number and how to determine the character and destiny of a person from it? For this, Kabbalists have compiled a detailed table of the meanings of numbers, in which you will find all the answers and interpretations.

    1 - ambition, greed, rudeness.
    2- destruction, disastrous consequence.
    3 - religiosity, striving for the best.
    4 - power, mind.
    5 - courage, honesty, well-being.
    6 - work, love of freedom, success.
    7 - poverty, crime, narrow-mindedness.
    8 - greatness, meekness.
    9 - wisdom, honor.
    10 - good nature, beauty of soul.
    11 - nonsense.
    12 - godlessness.
    13 - immortality.
    14 - vice.
    15 - insight, faith in God.
    16 - well-being, love, family.
    17 - depravity, evil.
    18 - willpower.
    19 - spinelessness, timidity.
    20 - sadness, severity, failure.
    21 - love for neighbors.
    22 - wisdom, depth.
    23 - Scourge of God, punishment.
    24 - virtue.
    25 - glory.
    26 - good.
    27 - willpower.
    28 - luck in love, wealth.
    29 - evil plan, nonentity.
    30 - a successful marriage.
    31 - justice.
    32 - loyalty, purity of soul.
    33 - greatness, beauty.
    34 - illness of the soul, suffering.
    35 - striving for the highest.
    36 - greatness of soul.
    37 - meekness, family happiness.
    38 - imperfection.
    39 - poverty, weakness of mind.
    40 - persistence.
    41 - sadness, failure.
    42 - travel.
    43 - close-mindedness.
    44 - greatness, success.
    45 - loss of health.
    46 - wealth.
    47 - longevity.
    48 - sentence.
    49 - selfishness.
    50 - oblivion, freedom.
    60 - loneliness, loss of the best.
    70 - science, lordship of mind.
    73 - desire for science.
    75 - ability.
    77 - repentance, forgiveness.
    80 is a great misfortune.
    87 - belief.
    90 - delusion, failure.
    100 - political activity.
    120 - patriotism, religiosity.
    150 - praise, victory.
    200 - composure, weak character.
    300 - philosophy, depth of thought.
    315 - evil, rudeness.
    318 - peacefulness.
    350 - justice, strength.
    360 - social activities.
    365 - fatigue, failure.
    400 - higher science, insight.
    409 - well-read.
    500 - abundance of love, simplicity.
    600 - success, victory.
    666 - murder.
    700 - dominion, pride.
    800 is a disaster.
    900 is a disaster.
    1000 - poetry love.
    1095 - modesty, meekness.
    1260 - test, oppression.
    1390 - danger.

    Now let's check the Kabbalistic calculations with a couple of examples. Let's choose for this, say, Alexander Suvorov and Leo Tolstoy.

    For Suvorov, the sum of the first name is 233, and the sum of the surname is 356. The total is 589. Since such a number is not in the table, it must be divided as follows: 500, 80 and 9. That is, you select whole hundreds, whole tens and the remainder ranging from ones to nine. 500 means abundance of love, simplicity. 80 means war. 9 means wisdom, honor.
    Who doesn’t know the biography of the great commander? All of the listed traits were present in his character, and war became his craft, his destiny.
    To make the personality portrait more complete, Kabbalists suggest the following procedure: adding up the numbers that make up the personality number. Let's take 5+8+9=22. Twenty-two is wisdom. All this was inherent in Suvorov.

    Let's move on to Tolstoy. We write: Lev=20, 6, 3. Tolstoy=90, 50, 20, 80, 90, 50, 9. Total: 29+389=418. When decomposing this amount, we get: 400 - the highest science, insight. 10 - good nature. 8 - greatness.

    Thousands of examples can be given that testify to the unconditional fidelity of Kabbalistic fortune-telling. Try it, the result will be interesting to you.


