Step-by-step recipe for making bean soup with meat. Delicious bean soups: recipes

If you decide to make bean soup from red beans, then we will immediately make you happy! You will simply prepare a very vitamin-rich soup, because beans contain many vitamins and microelements, and most importantly, fiber. It gives you a feeling of fullness, and with smaller amounts of food you quickly get full. Therefore, for those who adhere to diets, such soup can be included in the menu.

Bean soup can be prepared with either vegetable or meat broth; in both versions the soup will be rich, satisfying and tasty.

We should also talk about soaking beans. After all, beans cannot be cooked without preliminary preparation - they are very tough.

There are two options for soaking beans:

Long soaking. If you have time or plan to prepare soup in advance, then this method is for you. It is best to soak the beans overnight (or for 8 hours). Rinse it and place it in a deep bowl, pour cold water. With this method of soaking, the grains will not crack during cooking, but at the same time they will lose color. Fast way. The beans are boiled separately before cooking in the soup. Pour the washed beans with cold water one to three and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and skim off the foam. Cook for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave the beans in hot water for an hour. This method is bad because the grains may crack and lose a little taste.

There is one more quick way prepare bean soup - take canned beans. It will only need to be washed.

Chicken and red bean soup

In the first recipe we will prepare chicken soup, which can be used as chicken drumsticks, as well as other parts of the chicken. If you are making beef or pork soup, simmer the broth 20 minutes longer.

Taste Info Hot soups / Bean soup


  • red beans – 300 g;
  • onion – 150 g (1 pc.);
  • carrots – 150 g (1 pc.);
  • potatoes – 400 g (3-4 pcs.);
  • chicken drumsticks – 400 g;
  • water – 2.7 l;
  • salt – 1 tsp. without slide;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Spicy greens (any) - to taste.

How to make dry red bean soup with meat

First of all, let's prepare the beans. We soaked it overnight and made the soup in the morning. By this time, the grains had noticeably increased in size.

We wash the grains and put them in a saucepan with cold water to cook.

While the beans are boiling, we will cook the broth separately. Fill chicken drumsticks (or other parts of chicken) with cold water and put on fire. After the broth boils, remove the foam and cook until the meat is cooked. Can be added to broth Bay leaf and allspice. But there is no need to add salt. We will salt the entire soup at the very end. Because salt slows down the cooking process of the beans.

Also, don’t forget about sautéing vegetables. Finely chop the onion and fry until transparent, and then add the carrots, cut into thin strips. Saute the vegetables together for 7-9 minutes. At this stage you can add tomato paste. If the soup is made from red beans, then this will not affect the color in any way, but the soup made from white beans will become rich in color.

After 40 minutes, check the beans. If the grains are “almost ready”, then you can add the rest of the vegetables. Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into cubes or strips and place in a saucepan.

Now we take the chicken drumsticks out of the broth and strain the liquid. Separate the meat from the bones and chop finely. Throw it back into the broth. We put all this in a saucepan with beans and potatoes. Add sauté. Cook the soup further over moderate heat for about 40 minutes with the lid almost closed.

We prepare the greens - rinse and chop (you can simply tear the leaves with your hands). Add to soup. Cook for another 10-15 minutes and turn off the gas. Meat soup with red beans is ready. It can be served hot with fragrant garlic buns or cold with fresh black bread. Sour cream or mayonnaise will perfectly complement the taste.

Red bean soup with meatballs

Tomato soup made from red beans with beef or pork takes a little longer to prepare than with chicken. But if you make meatballs from meat, the cooking time is reduced significantly - and the broth turns out just as rich and aromatic. To prevent the meatballs from being tough, boiled cereal, cream or chopped vegetables are added to them. In our recipe this is the last option (onions), but you can choose something else.

Soup ingredients:

  • dry red beans – 1 tbsp.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste (or ketchup) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes (or root celery) – 200 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • fresh dill - for serving.

For the meatballs:

  • minced meat – 200 g;
  • onions – 50 g;
  • egg yolk- 1 PC.;
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste.

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  1. To begin with, let the pre-soaked and washed legumes boil. This recipe uses dry beans - they take a long time to swell, so you need to make them early. Cook over low heat at open lid about an hour.
  2. For meatballs, we take minced meat or mince it ourselves from the meat. You can take one type of meat or a mixture - pork and beef, beef and turkey, pork and chicken. Add finely chopped onions to the minced meat, as well as egg yolk, salt, pepper to taste and flour. Mix the mixture thoroughly to ensure homogeneity. We make small balls of approximately equal weight - meatballs. It's very easy to make them. Take the minced meat in your hand and clench your fist while between your index and thumb a hole remains through which a smooth piece of minced meat comes out. Remove it with your other hand and place it on a cutting board. While we leave them on the board, there is no need for additional breading.
  3. Separately put a pan of boiled water on the fire - 2-2.5 liters. Until it boils, we peel the vegetables for the soup - onions, carrots and garlic. Finely chop them and sauté in a frying pan. At the end, add tomato paste - it will make the soup very tasty. To make the soup a little spicier, you can replace the paste with ketchup - kebab or chili.
  4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Immediately throw into boiling water. After boiling, remove the foam and add the sauté mixture to the broth.
  5. Wash the bean grains, boiled until tender and rinsed in hot water, and add to the broth.
  6. Stir the soup and carefully add the meatballs one at a time. If they are small, they will float almost immediately. If foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  7. Then add hot boiled water (if it has boiled too much) to ensure the desired consistency of the first dish. We also add salt to taste. Cook the soup until all the ingredients are ready with the lid half closed. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped dill.

Tips for the hostess:

  • Not only chopped onions, but also other vegetables are added to the minced meatballs - Bell pepper or hot “Chili”, green onions or garlic, pumpkin or carrots;
  • for a bunch of minced meat, use not only one egg yolk, but also one white or quail egg, and wheat flour is replaced with breadcrumbs;
  • if you make meatballs from minced meat, it is better to bread them and boil them separately for a minute, and only then add them to the soup with the rest of the ingredients - this way the excess breading will come off;
Vegetable soup made from canned red beans without meat

Canned beans are also quite suitable for cooking lean soup. This ingredient makes cooking ultra fast - no need to wait for the grains to swell and cook. Meatless red bean soup is an excellent option for vegetarians, which can also be served for children.


  • canned beans – 200 g;
  • leek – 50 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • young dill - to taste.


  1. Canned beans, just like regular beans, require preparation - take them out of the can and free them from the brine, and if desired, rinse them in cold water. Let's leave it aside for now.
  2. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut it into cubes or slices. Let's put it in a saucepan with water to cook. A little later we will remove the protein foam.
  3. Peel and wash the carrots, onions and tomatoes. Then we will chop these vegetables. Carrots can be cut into shapes to make it more interesting for children at lunch. Cut the onion into strips, and grind the tomato into puree (in a blender or finely chop).
  4. Add beans, chopped vegetables and tomato puree to the potato broth. Stir and salt to taste.
  5. Cook red bean soup with vegetables until done. And at the end, finely chop the dill. Add it and vegetable oil to the soup when all other products have already been cooked. After a minute, the soup can be served.

Note to the owner:

  • bean soup is a rather high-calorie first course; to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in it, it is recommended not to use potatoes in the recipe or replace them with celery root;
  • when sautéing vegetables for soup, not only vegetable oil is used, but also butter or melted butter;
  • to diversify the soup, you can add chopped olives or black olives to the list of ingredients, and mushrooms - champignons or forest mushrooms - are great for a vegetarian option;
  • at the meat shop bean soup will original taste, if you cook it with smoked products - sausages, ham, pork belly or ribs.

Bean soups

A delicious, very filling and aromatic lunch - at your service is a recipe for bean soup with meat, as well as step by step photos and cooking video. Try it too!

1 hour

125 kcal

5/5 (3)

It’s hard to live without hot soup even in summer, let alone winter. You come home hungry and covered in snow, and there it is on the table - a fragrant, satisfying and very attractive soup. Just a dream! That is why I often prepare this wonderful dish using a simple and inexpensive set of ingredients.

Did you know? People have been eating beans for more than seven thousand years, and they were brought to our country from South America. This product is considered dietary due to its low calorie content and abundance of protein. In addition, consumption of beans is highly recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and it will also help restore strength after surgery or serious illnesses. So you're done right choice that you decided to make bean soup!

Ingredients and preparation

Preparation time: 120 – 180 minutes.

Kitchen tools

You will significantly speed up the cooking time of the soup if you prepare everything in advance. necessary tools, equipment and utensils that will be needed in the process:

  • pan with non-stick coating with a volume of 3 liters or more;
  • a spacious frying pan with a diagonal of 23 cm;
  • deep bowls (several pieces) with a volume of 500 to 900 ml;
  • teaspoons;
  • large grater;
  • tablespoons;
  • kitchen oven mitt;
  • skimmer;
  • kitchen scales or other measuring utensils;
  • linen and cotton towels;
  • wooden spatula;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board.

A blender and food processor will also come in handy, so have them ready.

You will need

The basis:

Important! Canned beans will also work for this recipe – just don’t use the ones sold in stores. tomato sauce. In addition, you can also take canned tomatoes, preferably barrel ones.


  • 8 g ground paprika;
  • 7 g curry powder;
  • 7 g ground black pepper;
  • 6 g table salt;
  • 3 bay leaves.

Did you know? Feel free to add other seasonings you like to your soup, as in most cases any spices are interchangeable. However, I would advise you to still leave the black pepper, even if you do not tolerate spicy dishes - you will not feel any heat in the soup, but the aroma will be much better!


  • 30 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 table. l. chopped fresh herbs.

Cooking sequence


First stage

Second phase

That's all! Now you know exactly how to cook bean soup with meat! In addition to the herbs, you can add a teaspoon of butter to each plate or season with fresh basil and cilantro - but this should only be done if you like such things.

I love to serve this soup hot, piping hot, so that my family will drool longer and express admiration for the culinary talents of the hostess. It is best to store this type of soup for no more than a week, since meat, even boiled, quickly spoils, like all other ingredients used.

Video recipe for bean soup with meat

Please check the video below to see if you soaked the beans and cooked the beef for the soup correctly. Also in the video are valuable advice and recommendations. Don't miss out!

But first, let's look at how to prepare beans for cooking. It is known that beans are a product that requires pre-soaking certain rules, and it’s better to know the rules - this will significantly facilitate efforts and improve results.

How to soak beans - 2 ways

First, you need to thoroughly rinse the beans, sort them, and remove wrinkled and damaged beans.
Now you can move on to soaking. There are two ways to do this.

The first is long soaking. Place the beans in a large container and fill with water. Let it stand for 8-10 hours (less is possible, you should be guided by the beans - they should increase 2-3 times). During this time, you need to drain the water several times. If you soaked the beans overnight, add soda to the liquid at the rate of 0.5 teaspoon per 0.5 liter to prevent the liquid from souring.

Advantages of the method:

  • Prolonged soaking destroys the oligosaccharides contained in the beans, which cause gas formation.
  • the beans do not burst during the cooking process, which is important if you are preparing bean soup;
  • the taste of the finished beans, which were soaked in this way, has a more pronounced and delicate taste.


  • you need to plan the preparation of the dish;
  • labor-intensive process - you need to change the water;
  • Soaking causes the beans to discolor.

The second method is quick soaking. Pour the washed beans into large saucepan, add water in a ratio of 1 to 3, bring the liquid to a boil and turn off the gas. Let the beans sit in hot water for 1 hour. After this, continue cooking.

Advantage of the method : fast, no need to plan the preparation of the dish in advance.


  • beans often burst;
  • the taste is not as rich as beans that have been soaked for a long time (but they absorb the aromas of spices better).

If you plan to cook the dish for a long time - about 4 hours, then you can skip soaking altogether. But you will have to cook on low heat, making sure that the liquid does not escape.

Red beans can also be cooked without soaking, and to speed up the process, add 1 tablespoon of cold water to the pan every 5 minutes. As a result, it will be ready in about 2 hours. Canned beans are only washed.

After soaking, the beans are ready for further cooking.

General rules for cooking beans

  1. Place it in a large saucepan as it needs a lot of liquid and will expand as it cooks.
  1. Pour in cold water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to reduce foaming during cooking and increase the temperature of the liquid. Please note that the beans are poured both cold and hot water(depending on the recipe).
  1. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and reduce the heat to medium-low. When cooking, the water will evaporate and the volume of the beans will increase, so you will have to add a little water.
  1. Do not cover the pan with a lid to prevent the beans from browning while cooking.
  1. After 40 minutes, start checking the condition of the beans - pull out 3 beans, if they are soft, then they are ready, if at least one is hard, cook further. After all, in its raw form it contains hazardous substances for a person. Repeat the procedure every 10 minutes.
  1. To reduce bitterness and speed up cooking, you can change the water in the pan after an hour.
  1. The salt should be added about 10 minutes before you plan to turn off the gas, as it slows down the cooking process.

If the beans are part of the soup, then you need to boil them until half cooked, drain the liquid and continue cooking with the broth.

If the dish requires raw meat, then they begin to cook it together with the beans. But other ingredients that do not need long-term heat treatment or will be harmful (some vegetables, herbs, cooked meat) are thrown in shortly before the soup is ready.

Do not add acidic ingredients such as vinegar or tomato paste until the beans are tender, otherwise they will fall apart.

Lenten bean soup with olives

In Greece, bean soup is called “the food of the poor” (like we have potatoes) for its satiety and unpretentious ingredients. Without such a lean soup, Greek cuisine is just as unimaginable as Ukrainian or Russian cuisine without borscht. In winter and on cold autumn days, every housewife certainly serves it on the table at least once a week.

Ingredients for the recipe for 4 people:

500 g medium white beans
1 wine glass olive oil
1 large bunch of celery, coarsely chopped
2-3 sprigs of celery
8-10 carrots, cut into thick slices
3-4 onions, diced
1 kg tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 wine glass of tomato juice
1-2 whole hot peppers
2-3 leeks, diced
salt and freshly ground pepper
1 pinch of sugar
150 g of any olives

Soak the beans from the previous evening in warm water.

How to handle beans? Nutritional and culinary experts recommend soaking beans. Firstly, it facilitates digestion, and secondly, it softens the beans, which significantly reduces the cooking time of bean soup. Different types of beans require different handling. So, “big-eyed” beans are quite tender, they do not require overnight soaking, half an hour is enough. Old beans with tough, coarse skins (almost all varieties of red beans) need a long soaking, they are left overnight. Get acquainted with.

Place the beans in a colander to drain. excess liquid, and put water in a saucepan. As soon as the water boils, add the beans and cook for 30 minutes.

Then drain the beans again into a colander, pour water back into the pan and put it on the fire. As soon as the water boils, add the beans along with olive oil, as well as all other ingredients except the olives. Cook the beans until the skin begins to split.

Meanwhile, soak the olives in a cup of water for 30 minutes to release the salt, then drain the olives in a colander, drain and add to the soup.

Leave the soup on the heat for another 10 minutes and then remove from the heat. Garnish it with fresh celery sprigs when serving.

Note. Not everyone likes carrots and not everyone uses them. This doesn’t make the dish worse, but it does become different.

Bean soup mix with smoked sausage

This wonderful French bean soup consists of a bean mix, so it would be more correct to call it bean soup rather than bean soup. The basic principle: take all the beans you have at home and get very, very tasty soup. Yield: 8-10 servings.


Take equal amounts, 1 cup each, of dried yellow peas, fresh or frozen green peas, lentils, lima beans, pinto beans, white eyed beans, red snap beans, and pearl barley.

This mix is ​​designed not for 1 time, but for 8-10. Mix all the beans, divide into portions and take 1 cup or a little more from there. The rest of the mass can be stored for at least 1 year (but you will eat it much earlier).

1-2 servings of beans
boiled water (pour so that it is 7-8 cm above the contents of the pan, for the indicated number of beans this is about 6 cups)
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 large carrot, diced
chili pepper 0.5-1 tsp. 9depending on spiciness)
salt to taste (1-1.5 tsp)
allspice to taste – ¼ tsp.
cloves - several pieces
50-100 g smoked sausage such as chorizo
800 g diced tomatoes
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

Take 1-2 servings of beans, cover with boiled water 5 cm above. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, simmer for 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the beans steep for 1 hour. Drain the water and fill with clean boiled water. Bring to a boil again. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 1-1.5 or even 2 hours - after about this time the beans will become soft.

Add onion, carrots, crushed red pepper, salt, pepper and cloves. Increase the heat until the water boils. Then reduce again and cook for 30 minutes.

Add the sausage and leave the food on low heat for another 15-20 minutes.

Nutrition information per serving (1 cup) is approximately 200 calories, 7 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 15 mg cholesterol, 664 mg sodium, 25 g carbohydrates, 8 g protein, 10 g protein.

Bean soup with pork

Quite a simple soup for pork lovers. If you prefer dietary meat, choose appropriate cuts.


pork - 500 g, cut into large pieces
white beans - 300 g
carrots - 1 large
onion - 1 head
garlic - 3 cloves (squeeze through a press)
oil - 2 tablespoons soybean oil
paprika - 1 tsp.
salt, black pepper
cold water - 6 glasses

Boil the pork and then fry it in oil. Leave the meat broth - you will need it later.

Rinse the beans in cold water. Fill with boiled water, boil, then drain this water, pour in new water and set to cook bean soup.

After the water boils, add some hot water to it. meat broth. Prepare the vegetables (cut the carrots and onions, squeeze the garlic through a press, chop the parsley and mint. Sauté the onions and carrots in vegetable oil.

Towards the end of cooking the beans, add the vegetables in oil and garlic. Add meat there too. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve by sprinkling the bean soup with meat with herbs.

Bean soup with mushrooms and bacon

You don't need to add bacon to this bean soup. You can also choose mushrooms at your discretion. If it is a dry mixture, then you will get bean soup with mushroom broth.

400 g beans
400 g mushrooms (champignons)
2 l. vegetable oil
1 small onion, thinly sliced
1 clove of garlic
100 g bacon, diced
3 stalks celery, chopped
Bay leaf
fresh parsley 1 bunch

Soak the beans for several hours. Then change the water and cook the beans.

Sauté the onion, bacon, celery and garlic in a preheated pan in vegetable oil until lightly caramelized. Add the mushrooms and simmer until they release their liquid. Add water to cover the contents by 2 fingers, as well as salt, pepper and bay leaf. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

When the beans are almost ready, add the addition from the pan and leave them on the fire for another 15-20 minutes. Add beans until warm. Chop parsley into each plate.

Quick canned bean soup

If you're short on time, make this bean soup. 6It will take you 10 minutes to prepare, and the preparation itself will take no more than 15 minutes. Comfortable.

Ingredients for the recipe for 6 plates:

1 tablespoon butter
2 onions, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
puree from fresh tomatoes- 450 g (more to taste)
1.5 cups vegetable or chicken broth (you can also use water)
2 cans red beans (450g each), drained and rinsed
2 tablespoons freshly chopped oregano or 1 tsp. dried
1 tablespoon sugar

Pour vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan and fry the onion and garlic until soft. Add the tomatoes and, stirring, continue simmering for 1-2 minutes. Then add the broth, bring to a boil and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Add canned red beans, oregano and sugar, simmer for 5 minutes, then season with salt and pepper.

Serve with crispy garlic toast.

Bean and ham soup

A hearty and simple soup that will help you profitably “recycle” pork legs lying around in the refrigerator with little meat left on them. Vegetables will add nutrition, and spices will add a piquant taste.

Ingredients for recipe for 9 servings:

dried white beans 450 g
water 8 tbsp.
garlic (carefully chopped) 1 tsp.
shank or leftover pork ham 1 pc.
celery stalk with herbs 1 pc.
salt ½ tsp.
onion 1 tbsp. (cut in small pieces)
mustard powder 1 tsp.
sliced ​​ham 2 tbsp.
carrots (cut into slices) 1 tbsp.
bay leaf 2 pcs.
ground white pepper ½ tsp.

Sort through the beans and discard any damaged, wrinkled or discolored beans. Rinse it under cold water. Place beans in a large saucepan, add salt and boil water over high heat. Turn off the gas. Let the beans sit in the hot water for at least 60 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop the carrots, onions, celery, garlic, and ham.

After 60 minutes of soaking, return the pot with beans to the stove, turn on strong fire, add the shank or ham, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, mustard powder and bay leaf. Stir well, boil again, then be sure to reduce the heat to almost a minimum, and cook for about 1 more hour (possibly more, be guided by the beans - they should become soft).

Take out the shank or leg; if there is meat on the bone, it can be cut into soup or used for other purposes. Add the ham and cook for another 30 minutes (still on low heat). Chop the greens. Remove the bay leaf, season with pepper to taste, and garnish with herbs.

On a note. The soup turns out rich and thick. If you prefer more liquid dishes, then add more water while cooking. And if you want the beans to be soft and cook quickly, then soak them overnight.

Black bean soup with 3 peppers

Black beans are rich in dietary fiber and protein, which is closest in composition to animal protein. It is good for the heart and intestines, and also looks very impressive. Prepare snow-white dishes and bright vegetables, and you will have a lunch worthy of the best restaurants.

Ingredients for recipe for 6 servings:

black beans 450 g
chicken or vegetable (for Lenten dish) broth 4 tbsp.
3 cloves garlic, peeled
salt 1 tsp.
water 500 ml
pepper different types: red, green, yellow 1 pc. everyone
onion 1 pc.
chili powder ½ -1 tsp.
cumin ½ -1 tsp.
for decoration: sour cream, avocado, coriander leaves, lime wedges, tortilla

Prepare the beans: rinse, sort and either soak overnight or cover with water in a medium saucepan, bring to a boil and let sit in hot water for about an hour.

Heat the broth and 2 tbsp. water (you can get by with just water, but broth from chicken or vegetables will add flavor to the dish), chop the pepper, garlic, onion (leave a little of each type of pepper for later, for decoration).

Rinse the beans again. Fill it with broth, add vegetables, boil.

Reduce heat, cover the pan, and cook for 1.5 hours. Add salt, spices: chili powder, cumin. Close the lid and cook for about another hour - be guided by the beans and the liquid level, depending on what kind of soup you want - thick or thin.

Shortly before the soup is ready, start preparing decorations for serving - cut up the remaining pepper, coriander leaves, lime wedges, break or carefully cut into tortillas.

Pour the finished soup, add a spoonful of sour cream, bright herbs and vegetables.

On a note . If you are in a hurry, you can make the broth from a regular bouillon cube. But, of course, this is not the “healthiest” way to prepare this dish.

Tuscan bean soup

Do you like to get acquainted with foreign cuisine? Try this hearty soup originally from Tuscany and let real Italian passions boil in your kitchen. Good news- the recipe is easy to make lean. But in order to reliably reproduce the cooking technology, you will definitely need a thick-walled cast iron pan with a lid. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with dishes made of ceramics or clay.

Ingredients for recipe for 6 servings:

onion 1 pc.
celery 2 stalks with herbs
carrots 2 pcs.

yellow zucchini 1 pc. (average)
zucchini 1 pc. (average)
4 cloves garlic, peeled
red pepper 0.25 tsp.
dried thyme, rosemary each 0.25 tsp.
vegetable (if the dish is not lean or vegetarian, then chicken broth is good) 1 l
canned beans in a jar, including liquid 800 g
800 g canned tomatoes with brine
sugar 1 tbsp.
cabbage, chopped into strips 3 tbsp.
salt 2 tsp.
black pepper (preferably freshly ground) 1 tsp.
white wine vinegar 1 tbsp.
parmesan for garnish

Squeeze the garlic using a press, cut the onion, zucchini, zucchini, carrots, celery, wash the cabbage (do not shake off small drops of water), chop it, rinse the beans from the jars.

In a large saucepan (at least 6 liters, since you make a lot of soup), heat the indicated amount of olive oil over medium heat. Pour the chopped vegetables into the pan: onions, zucchini, zucchini, carrots, celery. Fry, stirring all the time, for about 4 minutes.

After this, add garlic and spices: red pepper, thyme, rosemary. Fry for no more than 30 seconds. Pour in the broth, throw in the beans and tomatoes. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and add cabbage. Cover with a lid and cook for approximately 15 minutes.

Using an immersion blender, carefully puree the ingredients until the soup is smooth. But don’t bring it to a mushy state - let some pieces remain untouched, this way the dish will look more attractive.

Add the specified amount of salt, sugar, pepper. Taste and add spices if you think necessary. To decorate, chop the Parmesan cheese. Serve with a slice of crusty bread (preferably homemade or straight from the bakery).

Soup with beans and potatoes

An inexpensive and tasty soup, the recipe of which can be easily changed a little, depending on what plant ingredients you have. Roughly chopped vegetables look appetizing and are perfectly filling. It is also advisable to cook in a cast iron pan or with a thick bottom.

Ingredients for recipe for 8 servings:

leek 2 pcs.
carrots 2 pcs.
Provencal spice mixture 1 tbsp. or thyme, oregano, rosemary, 1 tsp each. every
canned chopped tomatoes 420 g
vegetable broth (you can just use boiled water) 6-7 tbsp.
garlic 2-3 cloves, peeled
celery 2 stalks
potatoes 2 pcs. (medium size)
½ large head cabbage
olive oil 24 ml (2 tbsp)
canned beans 850 g
salt, pepper (preferably freshly ground) to taste
for decoration: parsley 1/4 tbsp. (chop finely)

Wash and chop the vegetables, squeeze the garlic.

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan, add the chopped leeks, carrots and celery and fry for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and spices to the mixture, fry, stirring with a spatula, for 1 minute.

Throw in the tomatoes, broth, potatoes, cabbage and beans, bring to a boil, cover with a lid, reduce heat, and leave the mixture to simmer for 30 minutes until the potatoes and cabbage are soft. Add salt and other seasonings.

Before serving, garnish with herbs.

On a note. If you don't have leeks on hand, replace them with 1 regular onion. You can also take a ready-made mixture of Italian spices. If you like a spicier taste, then ground red pepper works well here.

Chicken and bean soup

Easy to prepare, hearty and flavorful soup is ideal for the cold season. If the chicken and broth are already cooked, it will take about 45 minutes.

Ingredients for recipe for 6 servings:

onion 1 pc.
chicken breasts (peeled, without skin and bones) 4 pcs.
canned beans, including liquid 800 g
spicy Green pepper 1 PC.
salt 2 tsp.
chicken broth 2.5 tbsp.
olive oil 24 ml (2 tbsp)
garlic (finely chopped) 2 tsp.
cilantro 12 sprigs
hot cayenne pepper 0.5 tsp.

Chop vegetables, herbs and chicken, chop garlic.

Heat the olive oil in a saucepan (preferably a heavy-bottomed one to distribute the heat evenly) over medium heat. Stirring lightly, fry the onion and garlic in hot oil for 5 minutes. Remove them from the pan and set aside in another bowl.

Place the chicken in the pan without adding any oil. Stirring, fry for 5 - 7 minutes (time depends on how fried you like your meat).

Return the onion-garlic mixture to the pan and add the beans, broth, chiles, cilantro, salt, green pepper and cayenne.

Bring the soup to a boil, then gently reduce the heat and let it simmer until the beans are tender (20 minutes).

Decorate with greens.

Since there is quite a lot of meat in the soup, you can safely increase the amount of broth and add more beans.

On a note. If you want the chicken to better absorb the aroma of spices, you can tear it into small pieces instead of cutting it.

Bean soup is a very tasty and satisfying dish. In addition, it contains many useful substances. Despite the fact that bean soup is considered a Russian dish, it is also prepared in France, Italy and other countries.

This article contains detailed recipe, which will help you in the future prepare a delicious and aromatic bean soup that even the most picky family members will like.

Bean soup has one big drawback - it takes a very long time to cook. To reduce the cooking time of the soup, you should soak the beans for several hours. If possible, you can soak the beans overnight, it will be even better.

Making bean soup

To make delicious hot bean soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Meat 600 g
  • Tomato paste 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Onions 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Celery
  • Green onions, dill, parsley
  • Salt pepper
  • Spices


  • If you don’t have time to soak beans, then there is a way out of this situation. You can buy canned beans at the store. It will boil quickly in the pan, add it 15 minutes before the end of cooking the soup.
  • To add an unusual flavor to the soup, add some smoked meats to the pan along with the roast. Best to use chicken breast. Separate the meat from the bone, cut into small cubes and add to the soup.
  • If you use store-bought meat for cooking, it is better to drain the first boiling water. Most of the antibiotics on which the living creatures were fed will go away with it. If you use homemade meat, you don’t have to drain the water.
  • After you have added frying to the soup, it should be simmered over low heat; under no circumstances should it be brought to a strong boil; the soup will be most delicious when it is not boiled, but simmered over low heat.
  • In order to reduce time, the soup can be cooked without broth if you have pre-boiled meat. Chop it and add it to the fry.
  • IN Lately Creamy bean soup is increasingly being served in restaurants. A blender is used to prepare it. To do this, you should add boiled beans and potatoes to the pan, add water and press the button to turn everything into puree. On last stage cooking add a little cream.
  • There are many recipes for bean soup. Cooks are not afraid to experiment with this dish. Many people add nuts, raisins, and various exotic spices. The soup turns out original and tasty.

Bean soup is not only hearty and nutritious, but also has considerable beneficial properties. Beans contain entire deposits of protein, which is absorbed better than animals, many vitamins, microelements, especially sulfur, and amino acids.

The soup is made from green beans, but most often from dried beans different varieties and color. Moreover, during the heat treatment of beans, all useful material. Dishes made from these beans are loved by many people from all over the world - bean soups are found in everyone national cuisines- from Russian and Italian to French and Mexican.

This soup is especially useful to eat in winter - it will not only warm you from the inside, but also lift your spirits, because beans contain many B vitamins, which actively fight depression.

Bean soup - food preparation

Beans have many advantages, but there is one drawback - they take a long time to cook. Therefore, in order to reduce the cooking time of the soup, it should be soaked for several hours, or better yet, overnight. During this time, it will have time to become saturated with moisture, swell and quickly become soft while cooking the soup. If the room is warm, it is better to put the beans in the refrigerator for soaking so that they do not sour. Experts say that beans will taste better if they are soaked not in running water, but in boiled cold water. During soaking, the beans not only soften, they also release oligosaccharides - substances that are practically not digested, complicate the digestion process and contribute to increased gas formation. Therefore, the water in which the beans were soaked must be drained and the beans rinsed well.

Bean soup - best recipes

Recipe 1: Bean soup with meat

What could be tastier than a bowl of hot bean soup? Only bean soup with meat. So we’ll cook it, especially since it cooks quickly. Any meat is suitable for soup - pork, beef, veal, and it will also be delicious with chicken. The beans are pre-soaked.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of meat (can be on the bone), 2 carrots, 250 g of white beans, 1 onion, 4 medium potatoes, vegetable oil, celery stalk, spices to taste.

Cooking method

Pour water over the meat and beans and cook. At this time, peel and cut the remaining vegetables - potatoes into cubes and 1 carrot into rings. Prepare a fry from the second carrot and onion - saute the chopped vegetables in oil.

Place potatoes and carrot slices into the prepared broth with meat and beans. When the meat is cooked, you can leave it in the pan as is, or you can remove it, separate it from the bone, cut it into pieces and put it back into the soup. Ten minutes after adding the potatoes, add the roast and a stalk of celery. After 20 minutes, salt the soup, add the desired spices - ground pepper or peppercorns, salt, bay leaf. After five minutes, turn off the heat and leave the soup to brew. You can add herbs and a slice of lemon to the plate.

Recipe 2: Bean soup with smoked meats

A simple but very tasty soup. Any smoked meat can act as smoked meat - ribs, brisket, loin, even smoked chicken wings. If bell pepper If you don't find it, cook without it. The soup will turn out tastier if, when frying, add one or two chopped fresh or canned tomatoes. Regular beans can be replaced with canned one, then it is added at the end of cooking.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of smoked meats, 300 g of beans (pre-soaked), 1 carrot, bell pepper and onion, 100 g of tomato paste, to taste: salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking method

Boil the beans for 20 minutes, then add smokedness. When it becomes soft, add potatoes, cut into cubes or strips and cook for 15 minutes. At this time, fry finely chopped bell peppers, onions and coarsely grated carrots in oil. When the frying is ready, add tomato paste to it, fry for a minute or two and transfer the entire vegetable mass to the soup. Add salt, spices, and at the very end - herbs.

Recipe 3: Bean soup with mushrooms and chicken

Mushrooms go well with almost all foods; bean soup with them is especially delicious. They give the dish a special, unique aroma. Instead of chicken meat, you can take chicken wings, four or five of them, depending on the size. Pre-soak the beans.

Ingredients: 1.5 liters of water or broth, chicken - 400g, 200g red beans and fresh mushrooms, one table/spoon of butter and vegetable oil, chicken fat, one onion and carrot, 2 medium potatoes, salt, pepper and herbs to taste.

Cooking method

Cook the beans until half cooked, add the chicken. While everything is cooking, chop and fry the mushrooms in butter and half the vegetable oil. If there is a lot of water from them, you can drain it (not pour it out), and brown the mushrooms themselves. In a separate frying pan, fry grated carrots and chopped onions in chicken fat.

Add diced potatoes to the soup, and after 15 minutes, fried vegetables and mushrooms. Salt the mixture and add pepper. Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the liquid from the mushrooms and add parsley.

Recipe 4: Bean soup with sausages

You can say that express soup is being cooked. It cooks really very quickly, because... Ready-to-eat canned beans are used. It is better to take smoked sausages (or sausages), they turn out tastier.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of sausages, 2 onions and carrots, 2 cans of canned red beans, 2 large potatoes, to taste, salt, pepper and herbs, for frying - lard or vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Throw the potatoes cut into cubes into boiling water (broth). While it is cooking, heat the oil or melt the lard and fry the grated carrots and chopped onions. Add the roast to the pan, add beans from a can, bay leaf, salt, add pepper and let it cook a little. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add randomly chopped sausages. With the soup turned off, let it brew for a while and pour into bowls, adding herbs.

Recipe 5. Bean soup with bacon and corn


four chicken breast halves;

45 g chopped parsley;

750 ml chicken broth;

400 g canned white beans;

onion – 150 g;

300 ml milk;

120 g bacon;

4 ears of corn;

Cooking method

1. Boil chicken broth in a large saucepan, place the washed chicken breast in it and cook over moderate heat for about 15 minutes. Remove the meat from the pan onto a plate and cool.

2. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Place chopped small pieces onion and fry until transparent.

3. Add chopped bacon to the onion and fry, stirring for about five minutes. Sprinkle the roast with flour and fry for another minute, stirring constantly.

4. Add broth to the pan, stir and cook for about a minute.

5. Remove the kernels from the corn cobs, rinse, and add to the soup. Then pour in half the milk and cook the soup until full readiness corn.

6. Cut the chicken breast into pieces and place in the soup. Then add the canned beans, add the remaining milk, boil and cook for five minutes. Add salt, pepper, parsley and turn off the heat.

Recipe 6. Minestrone bean soup


150 g each of white, green and red beans;

two liters of broth;

fresh tomatoes – 200 g;

half a bunch of dill and parsley;

150 g onion;

dried Italian herbs, salt and ground black pepper;

4 cloves of garlic;

50 ml olive oil;

smoked brisket – 300 g;

a bunch of fresh basil;

100 g small vermicelli.

Cooking method

1. Make cuts on the tomatoes, put them in boiling water for a minute, then in cold water and remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into pieces.

2. Cut the tails off the green beans and chop them into small pieces.

3. Cut the brisket into slices. Peel the onion and chop.

4. Place slices of brisket on the bottom of a thick-walled pan, fry on both sides, add chopped onion to them and fry.

5. Boil white and red beans until tender. Place in a saucepan with the onions, add the capsicum, pour in a little broth and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then pour in the rest of the broth. Please note that minestrone is a fairly thick soup, so adjust the amount of broth yourself.

6. Add vermicelli to the soup, add salt and pepper and cook the soup for ten minutes.

7. Grind the chopped basil and garlic in a mortar. At the end of cooking, add the spicy mixture to the soup.

Recipe 7. Bean soup with cabbage


half a liter can of canned beans;

100 ml sunflower oil;

half a head of cabbage;

150 g onion;

15 g ground paprika;

30 g tomato paste.

Cooking method

1. Grate the peeled onion. Place in a cauldron with hot oil and mix finely shredded cabbage and onion. Fry for some time.

2. Pour in a liter of broth, add tomato paste and cook until the cabbage is completely cooked.

3. Place beans in a cauldron, add salt and bring to a boil.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the flour for about a minute. Season with paprika and stir. Place the sauteed mixture into the soup, boil again and turn off the stove.

Recipe 8. Peasant bean soup


3 potatoes;

35 g vegetable oil;

500 g beans;

salt, herbs and pepper;

a quarter cup of rice;

120 g onion;

150 g carrots.

Cooking method

1. In the evening, wash the beans and soak them. The next day, boil it for about an hour. Peel and wash the vegetables. Cut potatoes and onions into cubes. Coarsely grate the carrots. We wash the rice.

2. Boil water in a saucepan, add beans, bring to a boil, add rice, potatoes and half the onions and carrots. Cook for about 20 minutes.

3. Pour oil into a preheated frying pan, add the remaining vegetables, and fry, stirring, until golden brown. Add flour, mix and simmer for another minute.

4. Place the roast into the soup. Season with salt and pepper and continue cooking for another ten minutes. Rinse the greens, wash and chop finely. Add it to the soup and simmer over low heat for a few more minutes.

Recipe 9. Bean soup with pesto and vegetables


150 g each of white and yellow beans;

230 g green beans;

100 g onion;

230 g potatoes;

1200 ml vegetable broth;

230 g savoy cabbage;

kitchen salt and ground pepper;

250 g carrots.

4 cloves of garlic;

60 g parmesan;

several sprigs of fresh basil;

90 ml olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Soak the yellow and white beans. Then drain the water, rinse and place in a cast iron pot. Fill it with water, cover with a lid and put in the oven. We exhibit temperature regime at 200 C and cook the beans for an hour and a half.

2. Place the beans in a colander, wait until all the liquid has drained, and put half of them in the cast iron. Puree the second half using a blender and transfer to the whole beans. Fill in vegetable broth, mix.

3. Grate the peeled and washed carrots. Cut the potatoes into pieces, after peeling and washing them. Shred the cabbage into thin strips. We transfer all the vegetables into a cast iron pot and put them here green beans. Salt, cover with a lid and put in the oven. Reduce the temperature to 180 C and cook the soup for another hour.

4. Grind the basil and garlic in a mortar, gradually adding olive oil. Add grated Parmesan and stir. Add half the sauce to the soup, stir and turn off the heat. Serve the soup in bowls, adding a tablespoon of sauce just before serving.

If you want to make bean soup but don't have time to soak the beans, you can use canned beans. It should be added to the soup ten minutes before the end of cooking.

To make the beans boil faster, you need to add salt to the soup 35-40 minutes after adding the beans.
