How many years can hedgehogs live in nature and at home? The common hedgehog is a brave wanderer

Hedgehogs live not only in the forest, but also next to humans. Sometimes they are fed in the hope that the prickly guests will begin to catch mice and protect the area from snakes. The hedgehog evokes sympathy, so it’s hard to even imagine what his stay in the house could lead to. Even for a short time.

How does a hedgehog live?

The hedgehog belongs to the class Mammals, order Insectivores, family Hedgehogs. The ancestors of the hedgehog appeared on Earth a long time ago, many millions of years ago. The most common species in our country is the common hedgehog, which is found in dry forests, on forest edges, in ravines, steppes, in gardens and near human habitation. He is well known in the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia and on Far East. The animal has poor vision and touch, but an excellent sense of smell and good hearing. In nature, the common hedgehog rarely lives longer than six years. Such hedgehogs are considered long-lived.

Hedgehogs do not like damp places near swamps. They don't like rainy weather either. In summer, the hedgehog hides in root hollows, under snags and in bushes. There he dozes during the day or is half asleep. The hedgehog becomes active during twilight and can navigate perfectly at night. In summer, he needs to eat a lot to accumulate a sufficient layer of fat. Before going to bed, the hedgehog suddenly stops eating. This is necessary so that the intestines can be cleansed. When the air temperature is below +10°C (usually from or beginning), the hedgehog goes into hibernation. Hibernation lasts 127 days. He wakes up in . The skinny hedgehog is very weak. He needs to recover quickly, so the hunt continues around the clock. In the southern regions, hedgehogs often sleep during dry periods.

In the spring, it is mating time for hedgehogs. The friendly family soon falls apart. Before the birth of the offspring, the hedgehog leaves the hedgehog. The cubs (there are often from three to eight) are born blind, white and completely spineless. A mother hedgehog communicates with her babies using sounds reminiscent of whistling. After one and a half to two months, the hedgehogs scatter and begin an independent life.

Hedgehogs are born blind, with sparse, short, initially soft spines. The mother lies and feeds the babies like a cat, turning around, but as soon as you disturb her, the hedgehog will drag the entire brood hundreds of meters, dragging the cubs one at a time (P.A. Manteuffel “Notes of a Naturalist”).

What does a hedgehog eat?

The main food of hedgehogs is plants and animals. The menu includes fruits, roots, seeds, small mammals (for example, newborn hares), amphibians, birds, eggs, slugs, worms, insects and their larvae. Hedgehogs dig up sprouting acorns, feast on raspberries and even ripe melon. The hedgehog happily eats the eggs of black grouse, quail, woodcock and gray partridge. In gardens, it finds and eats garden snails, slugs, caterpillars and other pests.

While spending the night in the lodge after a hunt, I was awakened by the cry of a chicken in the barn. Illuminated by the lantern, she continued to fly into someone. It turned out that the hedgehog, jumping up slightly, stabbed her with his needles. Beneath him lay a chicken with its head bitten off. In the Askania-Nova Nature Reserve in Ukraine, where complete freedom pheasants lived and bred, they noticed that the broods last years became much smaller. Suspicion fell on common hedgehogs. Early in the morning, an observer noticed a pheasant flapping its wings in the Cossack juniper bushes. She fought with a hedgehog, which pushed her off her eggs with its needles. Three eggs turned out to be bitten. Special observations later established that the rare pheasant nest accidentally remained intact. So many of these prickly robbers have accumulated in the park, having migrated there from the vast surrounding steppes. Organized raids of fox terriers, carried out in the evenings, resulted in the capture of over 30 hedgehogs, some taken dead, some alive, who were taken to the steppe tens of kilometers away. After this, the parks of Askania began to quickly fill with pheasants (P.A. Manteuffel “Notes of a Naturalist”).

This animal reacts poorly to sublimate, arsenic and hydrocyanic acid, but strychnine is dangerous for him. The hedgehog is absolutely not afraid of bee stings.

A hedgehog will come to the apiary, stand in front of the hive on its hind legs and, stretching out its sharp muzzle, poop into the tray. Bees do not like the wind, and even less so the spirit of the hedgehog. They fly out of the entrance and pounce on the enemy. The cunning hedgehog hides his face and waits for more bees to land on his thorns. Then he shakes himself off. Bees fall on the grass. Irrigated wings do not lift them into the air. And the hedgehog picks up crawling insects with its tongue. Or suddenly, curled up into a ball, he begins to roll on the grass in order to pin bees on needles and carry them to his nest (I.F. Zayanchkovsky “Enemies of Our Enemies”).

But there is no consensus on how a hedgehog meets snakes. The facts are so contradictory that it is difficult to say in what situations a hedgehog dares to fight with. Brem described in detail the condition of a hedgehog dying from a snake bite. True, the viper bit the hedgehog on the head.

Natural enemies of hedgehogs are foxes, martens, hawks, and large owls. Especially eagle owls, which are not at all afraid of prickly needles. Foxes and dogs often roll a prickly ball to a puddle in order to then calmly eat the straightened hedgehog.

They tell how they hunt hedgehogs cunning foxes. The fox quietly rolls the hedgehog curled into a prickly ball from the steep bank into the water, where the hedgehog quickly unfolds and the fox easily deals with it. Some smart dogs do the same with hedgehogs (Sokolov-Mikit ov “Hedgehogs”).

Hedgehog quills

On the hedgehog’s back there is a “coat” of needles, and on its belly there is a coat of fur. Several old needles fall out every day, making room for new ones to grow. S.F. Starikovich writes that the spines of an ordinary hedgehog are no more than 3 cm long. The spines appear smooth in appearance, although they have longitudinal ridges and ridges. The inside of the needles is hollow, which reduces the weight of the prickly “fur coat”. To enhance their strength, internal partitions are provided. The surface of the middle part of the needle is yellowish. Quills not only protect the hedgehog, but also help it climb onto different surfaces. For example, if a hedgehog wants to climb onto the dining table, then he rests his feet on the table leg and his needles on the wall! When falling from a height, the needles soften the blow.

The hedgehog's spines turned out to be a kind of unit of measure. The common hedgehog has a tail and ears as long as its quill. It's interesting that long-eared hedgehog(he lives further south) not only the needles are longer, but also the ears.

The circular subcutaneous muscle, which begins at the tendon at the back of the head, allows the hedgehog to easily curl into a ball in any danger. In order for the hedgehog to protect itself (even during sleep), the needles, directed in different directions, instantly stand on end. If you calmly stroke the prickly ball several times in the direction from head to tail, the thickened edges of the annular muscle gradually weaken, after which the needles drop.

Hedgehog in the house

The best place for hedgehogs to live is nature. Of course, it also happens that a poor animal dies under the wheels of cars or when attacked by a predator. The hedgehog feels good in zoo corners, where suitable conditions are created for him. Smoking is prohibited in zoo corners. Hedgehogs tolerate tobacco smoke very poorly, especially if they sleep curled up in a ball. Hedgehogs are very afraid when they ring a bell or... smack their lips.

Most people treat hedgehogs with their funny faces covered with gray hairs with sympathy. The hedgehog is easily and quickly tamed. He squeaks and puffs when he's calm. Rumbles and snorts when irritated. And the hedgehog often gets irritated. The desire to play with him like a kitten ends with the animal falling into a rage. He snorts and angrily attacks the piece of paper tied to a thread.

Hedgehogs soon get used to people and become tame. A whole herd of hedgehogs has bred in a neighboring pioneer camp. Every night they come from the forest to the pioneer canteen and feast on the food that the pioneers leave for them. Where hedgehogs live, there are no mice or rats.

I once had a pet hedgehog. During the day he climbed into the top of a dried old boot, and at night he went out to hunt for prey. I often woke up from the small stomping and noise that the hedgehog made at night. Two or three times I was able to watch him catch mice. With extraordinary speed, the hedgehog rushed at the mouse that appeared in the corner of the room and immediately dealt with it. Frankly, he caused me a lot of anxiety, prevented me from sleeping at night and behaved uncleanly. Despite all the troubles, we became very good friends (Sokolov-Mikit ov “Ezhi”).

Many people are convinced that hedgehogs can be kept in the house like a cat. Unfortunately, their expectations are often not met.

It must also be said that the current opinion about hedgehogs as mouse killers is not shared by all experts. Some argue, not without good reason, that a short-legged fellow cannot catch a normal, healthy mouse. In addition, more than once we saw how a nimble mouse was not afraid to lap up milk from the same saucer with a hedgehog enraged by such impudence (S.F. Starikovich “The Most Common Animals”).

Hedgehogs do not tolerate any sanitation well. No amount of pet shampoo will help here.

Having brought a forest dweller home, many, without even thinking that dangerous insects are hiding among the needles, put the little lodger in a basin and do sanitation with water and washing powder. Such a scrub does little harm to fleas and ticks, but for a hedgehog it is probably sheer torture, a torment of torment. After all, he is afraid of water more than fire! And a good intention turns into torture of the animal (S.F. Starikovich “The Most Common Animals”).

We had to deal with hedgehogs that appeared on the site several times. Once, a teenage hedgehog, picked up on a road, was forced to spend several hours in a bucket, the bottom of which we covered with grass. Until the hedgehog was taken into the forest. During this time, he ate a portion of minced meat several times and drank a little milk. He refused water. We did not notice any signs of friendliness. What was new to everyone was the need to wash the bucket for a very long time in order to remove the heavy spirit that remained after the hedgehog. Our dogs always instantly found hedgehogs by their characteristic smell.

If you still decide to get a hedgehog, then perhaps these recommendations will be useful to you.

The hedgehog can be kept in a cage or in a room, providing it only with material for building a nest: tow, hay, dry leaves. The hedgehog makes a nest somewhere in a secluded corner of the room. The cage must be cleaned daily. In winter, when kept at room temperature, the hedgehog does not hibernate, but becomes more lethargic and often refuses food.

The hedgehog should be fed twice a day, giving him 25 grams at the first feeding white bread and 100 grams of milk, in the second - 75 - 100 grams of meat with bone meal (1 gram), and in winter with fish oil(1 gram). Instead of meat, it is good to give mice, frogs, and insects. The hedgehog also willingly eats eggs, fish, fruits, soups, cereals, etc. The hedgehog should have water at all times.

In captivity, hedgehogs rarely reproduce (“Advice to an amateur naturalist”, edited by Professor P.A. Manteuffel).

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In our country you can find a hedgehog almost everywhere. This unusual rodent lives in forest and steppe zone, and can quite coexist with humans, occupying even large cities. It is noteworthy that you can keep a hedgehog at home, that is, make it a pet. This can also have a positive effect on his life expectancy.

The vast majority of animals that have become accustomed to living next to humans are distinguished by their timidity and caution. When meeting a biped, they usually run away. This also applies to rodents, which include the hedgehog. For example, he will avoid meeting a person in every possible way. But a hedgehog may well run right next to your feet.

This does not mean that hedgehogs are careless. Of course, they have an instinct of self-preservation, but the animal’s behavior is such that it does not see people as a serious danger. Some manifestations of protection can only be seen if you lean towards it or try to touch it with your hand. In this case, the hedgehog will immediately curl up into a ball and may also begin to hiss.

Despite its generally friendly character, a hedgehog is far from the best option pet. And there are serious reasons for this:

  • this is a nocturnal animal. That is, during the day he sleeps, and at dusk he goes outside, searching for food. It is strictly not recommended to retrain a pet for daytime use, as this can have a negative impact on its health;
  • Hedgehogs have a specific smell. To put it bluntly, it is bad for the human sense of smell. It is also impossible to get rid of it - this aroma comes from substances secreted by the glands of the rodent;
  • They are quite difficult to feed. A person who does not understand at all what needs to be added to a hedgehog’s diet only risks harming his unusual pet.

In our country you can find a hedgehog almost everywhere

A hedgehog that comes out at night to hunt will make noise with anything, throwing shoes, bowls and other things around. Few people will be able to sleep in such conditions. In addition, there are many dangers in the house of a rodent. For example, he can easily jump off a table if he somehow climbs onto it.

Therefore, cases when people returned hedgehogs to natural conditions cannot be called rare. But if you are serious about creating comfortable living conditions for your needle ball, you should remember that this must be done strictly in accordance with existing recommendations.

What interests many people who decide to get a pet - a dog, cat, rodent, bird, etc.? Of course, the lifespan of the animal. Over time, you become very attached to a new family member, and when he dies, it is a real grief. So it’s better for such a moment to come as late as possible.

If we talk specifically about hedgehogs, their life expectancy in captivity and in the wild varies significantly.

Features of living in freedom

Under natural conditions, hedgehogs live only 3-5 years. For rodents this is not so much. In addition, most animals in wildlife live longer than in captivity. But this classic statement has nothing to do with these mammals. And that's why:

Factor influencing life expectancy Explanation
Lack of food Hedgehogs are almost constantly busy looking for food. This is not due to their gluttony, but to the need to accumulate a sufficient amount subcutaneous fat to hibernate and survive the winter calmly. In nature, you can often see very thin, literally skinny hedgehogs in the spring, whose needles stick to their bones. This is due to the fact that they stored little fat, and it was not enough for the whole winter. Sometimes it happens that an animal cannot survive hibernation and simply dies.
Diseases Hedgehogs are quite dirty animals. They constantly climb into some trash cans, toilets and other places where there are a lot of bacteria, infections, etc. All this means that in nature they have a lot of diseases. Some of them inevitably lead to the death of the rodent.
Fighting with other members of the genus It is generally accepted that hedgehogs live in friendly families and groups. In reality, this is absolutely not the case. These rodents are classic loners; they don’t need anyone. Therefore, from time to time they engage in fierce battles with other members of the genus in order to protect their territory. Often such battles end in serious injuries that negatively affect life expectancy.

Hedgehog and home conditions - is it compatible?

Quite. Moreover, a hedgehog living in your house or apartment will usually have longer duration life. At home, he can live up to 10 years - the difference with natural conditions striking.

This can also be explained very simply:

  • at home they will have as much food as they need. Unless, of course, the owner starves his pet. A sufficient amount of food will allow you to accumulate the required layer of subcutaneous fat. Enough energy to survive hibernation without any problems;
  • there is no need to fight with someone for your territory. A hedgehog's house is his fortress. A place where he is the rightful owner;
  • no need to fight with other males for the right to be “first” wedding night"with a female;
  • there is no risk of severe infection. If your hedgehog does get sick, you can immediately take him to the veterinarian;
  • your pet will not die under the wheels of a car, will not be burned in a forest fire, or will not be crushed by agricultural machinery during harvesting.

A hedgehog living in your house or apartment will generally have a longer lifespan

In other words, a hedgehog is much more comfortable living in a person’s house than on the street. Perhaps this partly explains the animal’s friendliness towards people. It is no more difficult to tame than a ferret; it is not aggressive, does not attack people or bite them. The only problem may be the hedgehog's lifestyle, which was already mentioned above.

Regular and high-quality nutrition not only contributes to the smooth passage of hibernation, but also improves the health of the little one, because these are sources of vitamins, macro- and microelements, and other useful substances.

What should be in the diet pet hedgehog:

  • meat, fish, offal - a must, since these rodents are predators, and accordingly, they need animal protein;
  • vegetables and fruits are a source of fiber and vitamins for your pet’s body;
  • live food is all kinds of insects, bugs, worms, even mice. If possible, add such unusual food to your hedgehog’s diet;
  • quail or chicken eggs;
  • risk and buckwheat (preferably mixed with meat);
  • special food for hedgehogs - you can buy them in literally every pet store.

Regular and high-quality nutrition not only promotes trouble-free hibernation, but also improves the health of the small rodent

Hedgehogs only drink water. There is no need to stuff them with milk or any other drinks - this will cause digestive problems.

It is also important to properly arrange your pet’s home. The best option will purchase a special cage for rodents. It is necessary to install in it:

  • drinking bowl;
  • toilet;
  • feeders;
  • running wheel;
  • various toys for your choice.

It is better to buy a toilet at a pet store. A suitable device for hamsters. It is important to train the hedgehog to walk here, and not throughout the cage, which is what he will do initially. To do this, place the toilet in a corner and throw your pet's excrement there. Over time, he will begin to go where he needs to.

It is important to understand that hibernation is an integral part of a hedgehog’s life, even at home. It is clear that the room is warm, and at this temperature he will not sleep. Therefore, you need to prepare your pet for hibernation in advance. To do this, throw grass or straw into the cage, making a kind of nest, and then take it to a cool place, for example, on a balcony. Optimal temperature for hibernation - about 5 degrees Celsius.

A hedgehog can easily live at home. Moreover, in this case, his life expectancy increases and this, naturally, is very good.

Some animal lovers are crazy about the adorable married couple British, others adore aquarium goldfish, cherishing the hope that one day the one that will fulfill all desires will appear. But is there a place in the house for an ordinary forest hedgehog? And does the animal agree to change its place of residence?

Where can I find a hedgehog?

When an animal sees a person in the forest, it does not run away, but curls up into a ball, trying to scare away the enemy. This method of protection works quite effectively for forest dwellers, but not for people. Sometimes kids bring home hedgehogs wrapped in a T-shirt. But should I keep him as a pet or release him into the wild?

IN natural environment Hedgehogs are quite independent and do well without human care. A change in the usual environment is fraught with serious aggression from the guest. There is a high probability that hospitable owners will be bitten when trying to tame a savage, and this increases the risk of infections, which are not uncommon in wild animals. In a hopeless situation, if a hedgehog is injured or sick, be sure to show it to a veterinarian, treat it and release it.

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A better solution would be to buy a hedgehog from breeders; there are many societies of lovers of these prickly animals. By purchasing a vaccinated and domesticated hedgehog you can very well get true friend responsive to affection and care.

Pet house

The choice has been made, now the main thing is to choose a place of residence for him, because walking freely around the apartment, an animal can seriously harm itself and all sorts of things. For example, getting tangled in wires. Or chew them and die.

A good, spacious metal cage is essential, preferably with a pull-out tray for quick and easy cleaning. It is not advisable to place a pet in an aquarium, unless maximum number drilled holes for air circulation. The front glass can be left intact to make it more convenient to observe its vital functions. It is better to cover the bottom of a new home with straw or sawdust. Attach bowls for food and drink.

Hedgehog food

Hedgehogs eat more than just mushrooms and apples, as is often shown in children's cartoons. Being carnivores, hedgehogs will be very grateful for pieces of fresh meat. They will not refuse caterpillars with earthworms either. Yes, from almost any non-poisonous insects.

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Some people buy live mice for feeding, but there is no particular need for this. Reasonable, familiar food such as boiled liver or a piece of unsalted fish is quite suitable for feeding.

However, vegetables are also necessary; washed peelings from potatoes, carrots, and apples will do. And the love for milk is not at all an exaggeration; a pet’s favorite treat can be bread soaked in milk.

Features of behavior

Having decided to get a pet hedgehog, you need to know some facts about the special lifestyle of this cute animal:

  • Even a small predator needs to receive important microelements. A vegetarian diet will kill the animal.
  • In nature, hedgehogs do not live in pairs, they are solitary. You cannot place two or more individuals in one cage, this will not lead to anything good.
  • The main feature of the hedgehog is hibernation, which lasts about 200 days. In the fall, the hedgehog must be fed intensively so that its body accumulates the necessary supply of fats. On the eve of winter, having noticed a pet obvious signs lethargy, drowsiness and numbness, the owner must place the cage with its occupant in a quiet, cool place, be it an attic, barn, or loggia. But make sure that the room temperature remains no higher than 5 degrees. To make a nest, a hedgehog needs dry leaves, grass and straw. Without suitable conditions, a hedgehog will not hibernate, but in the future, wakefulness that is uncharacteristic for an animal will negatively affect health, because this is an integral natural physiological period for this creature.
  • We must not forget that the hedgehog loves to sleep during the day, but prefers to stay awake at night. Moreover, you should not let your pet out independent travel around the house.

The common hedgehog is a cute forest animal, loved by many people. It is necessary to consider how hedgehogs live and what they eat in nature and whether they reproduce in captivity.

The animal has a small size (length on average 15 cm, weight - from 300 to 800 g), an elongated muzzle with a well-defined snout, and beady black eyes. They see Forest hedgehogs do poorly, but their mobile nose, studded with many vibrissae (whiskers), allows them to smell even the slightest smell of food. Poor eyesight also compensated by excellent sensitive hearing.

home distinctive feature, which hedgehogs have in nature - spines that densely cover the back, sides and forehead of the animals. The length of each needle does not exceed 2 cm, but due to their thickness they create reliable protection with which the hedgehog is able to cope with any enemy.

Under the needles and skin there is a layer of strong ring-shaped muscles that allow the animal to curl up into a ball when in danger. How many spines does a hedgehog have? Scientists have calculated that an adult creature, depending on its size, can have 5-6 thousand spines, while hedgehogs usually have no more than 3 thousand.

Needles, like human hair, are periodically renewed. They fall out once every 3 years and are replaced by new ones, which take about 12 months to grow.

Hedgehogs in the forest are predators, so they have strong teeth that are as sharp as a cat’s. Each mammal boasts 36 well-sharpened teeth that can fall out in old age. There are 20 of them on the upper jaw, and 16 on the lower jaw. But there are known species of hedgehogs that have 44 teeth, while the upper incisors are elongated and look like fangs.

The legs of hedgehogs are short, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones, and have 5 toes. The exception is the white-bellied species. In such animals, each limb ends in four fingers. Mammals use their elongated middle fingers to clear dirt and debris from their spines.

Hedgehogs have a variety of colors, but all of their tones are black, brown, brown, white or sand. Thus, brown can turn into lighter, and black into white, forming spots on the stomach, chest and paws.

Mammal species

What hedgehogs do you know? To date, 23 species of creatures are known, which are included in 7 genera and 2 subfamilies. In addition to real hedgehogs, there are also rat hedgehogs, also called gymnurs. Do hedgehogs eat snakes? It depends on their variety.

The first subfamily includes the following species:

  1. The European (ordinary) hedgehog is the most common representative of the family. It is distinguished by its brown-brown color with dark crossbars. The areas where European hedgehogs live include parks, plains and woodlands of most European countries, Great Britain, north-west Russia and Kazakhstan.
  2. Long-eared hedgehog - it got its name because of its long ears, often reaching a length of 5 cm. What does an animal of this species look like? It is small in size (about 27 cm), sandy-gray in color. Weight is only 400 g. The long-eared hedgehog lives in the steppes, deserts and semi-deserts of Africa and Asia. It can also be found in the Russian Federation - in the territory from the Volga region to the Urals. What do animals eat in the desert? These can be a variety of lizards, beetles, ants, frogs, fruits, plant seeds and even small birds.
  3. The Eastern European hedgehog is very similar in appearance to its European relative. The habitat of the mammal includes the countries of Central and Northern Europe, Ural, Kazakhstan, Mediterranean islands. It is found in various areas - from personal plots to river valleys. What do hedgehogs of this species eat? They feed on large caterpillars, earthworms, woodlice, berries, mushrooms (champignons, russula, etc.) and acorns. This is the largest hedgehog known to date. Its weight can reach up to 1.2 kg.
  4. African dwarf hedgehog (white-bellied) - weight does not exceed 700 g. It is distinguished by a light brown or gray color. Hedgehogs are born with white needles, which then become slightly lighter, but their color always remains light. Animals live in some African countries(Sudan, Senegal, Ethiopia, etc.). What do African hedgehogs eat? Mainly insects, spiders, snails, scorpions. They hunt small snakes.
  5. The long-spined hedgehog (bald) lives in the countries of Central Asia and the Persian Gulf Islands. What do hedgehogs eat in confined spaces? It can feed on locusts, ground beetles, weevils, small rodents and reptiles. Does not disdain carrion, hunts snakes.
  6. Ethiopian hedgehog - appearance resembles other African relatives and is exceptionally gluttonous. What do hedgehogs eat? Animals eat everything that comes their way - insects, bird eggs, beetles, termites, frogs, snakes, etc.
  7. The Daurian hedgehog is a steppe representative of the family, living in the forest-steppes and steppes of Transbaikalia, Mongolia and northern China. Eats berries, toads, frogs, snakes, chicks and eggs. During a hunt, he is able to catch a large animal, for example, a pika or a hamster. The hedgehog's sharp teeth allow it to cope with any prey.
  8. The ordinary hymnura is exotic look, the largest in size and weight (up to 45 cm in length, 2 kg). It has a long (up to 30 cm) tail. The animal lives in the humid tropics South-East Asia. What does gymnura eat? Typically eats crustaceans, toads, fruits, fish and small animals.
  9. Gymnura minor - prefers to live in mountainous areas in southern Asia. Do gymnuras eat insects? These animals cannot boast of a rich diet, but they happily eat worms, beetles, and caterpillars.

Animal lifestyle

Today scientists know almost everything about hedgehogs. So, they are well aware of the lifestyle of these mammals. Animals prefer to exist alone. Each male has a personal feeding area, which he actively protects from the encroachments of his neighbors. On their territory, hedgehogs make about 10 nests located under logs, in piles of straw or brushwood, and in bushes. The places where the animals sleep are lined with dry leaves, moss, and grass.

Hedgehogs are most active during twilight and at night. At this time, animals search for food, inspecting the property and walking more than 4 km on their short legs. In spring and early summer, animals can hunt during the day.

Many people are interested in how long hedgehogs live, whether they fall into hibernation. Taking this into account, it is necessary to take a closer look at how hedgehogs winter. When the temperature drops below 10°C, the animal, which has accumulated a sufficient amount of fat, clogs the entrance to the burrow and falls into hibernation, which can continue, depending on weather conditions areas where hedgehogs winter, up to six months.

Thus, in the central part of Russia, hedgehogs hibernate in early October and wake up in April, when the air temperature rises to 15°C. If an animal hibernates without a sufficient amount of fat (less than 0.5 kg), then it may die of starvation. It is known that in the most unfavorable years in winter, almost 85% of cubs and up to 30% of adults can die. When animals hibernate, their heart rate drops to an average of 30 beats/min, and their body temperature drops to 2°C. What do hedgehogs eat during hibernation? Nothing.

How many years can cute animals live? If they do not die in winter, their lifespan is usually about 5 years. In captivity, hedgehogs can live twice as long. There are cases where animals have pleased their owners for much longer than 10 years. At home, the life expectancy of a hedgehog largely depends on care, proper feeding and maintenance.

Animal Reproduction

How are animals born? Both in nature and at home, the reproduction of hedgehogs is very interesting process. Almost immediately after emerging from hibernation, males begin to look for a mate. The mating season, as a result of which offspring should appear, lasts almost the entire summer. But after mating, the male and female separate. While waiting for the hedgehogs, the latter digs its own hole or takes over one already abandoned by small rodents.

After 49 days of pregnancy, the female brings from 3 to 8 cubs (usually 5). Do the young have spines? Each hedgehog is born naked and blind, but within a few hours of birth, it begins to grow soft, tiny needles, which then become more dense. What do little hedgehogs eat? Mother's milk is their main food for a month. A hedgehog's eyes open on the 16th day from birth. The mother closely monitors the children; the hedgehogs eat milk until they can look for food on their own.

Interesting facts about mammals

Many people know that hedgehogs are not indifferent to the snake family. But how small animal able to cope with a poisonous creature? This is explained by the fact that the hedgehog is immune to viper bites.

A hedgehog can make an excellent pet, as these mammals are easily tamed. But the animals sleep during the day and run around at night, preventing people from resting. If a hedgehog lives in a house, then he gets along well with other pets - dogs and cats.

If the animal was born in captivity or was brought from the forest, then it is necessary to provide the pet proper care. In ancient times, hedgehog meat was eaten, urine was drunk for alcoholism, and needles were used for toothache. But today no one will cook dinner from a cute animal; owners will strive to ensure that their pets live in comfort.

A sleeping hedgehog, entering the drawers of a table or closet, can cause trouble, so it is necessary to arrange housing for the animal.

Some people wonder if the animal can jump. No, but even a small hedgehog can reach speeds of up to 3 m/s. The question of whether hedgehogs can swim is also relevant. These small animals are excellent swimmers, but washing them at home is not recommended. And if in nature a hedgehog swam for some time, this does not mean that she did it with pleasure.

Who eats hedgehogs? In the wild, animals have two main enemies - the eagle owl and the badger. They manage to unroll the ball into which the hedgehog curls up. If you're lucky, the fox will also hunt the hedgehogs.

In the article I will consider the living and reproduction conditions of the insectivorous animal the common hedgehog. I will list the features of all varieties and their distinctive external characteristics. I will consider what other animals they can hunt together with. I'll tell you what they eat, how they spend the winter in hibernation and how many years they live. I will answer the question whether the hedgehog is a predator or a herbivore.

The common or European hedgehog is a small animal. External characteristics, description and information about the breed:

  • The body length of the largest representative of this species reaches 30 cm.
  • The weight of an adult is no more than 800 grams.
  • The body is reliably protected by a shell of needles. Their length ranges from 2 to 3 cm.
  • An elongated muzzle with a constantly wet nose.
  • The mouth has sharp teeth that allow it to chew shellfish and insects.
  • Small, movable ears.
  • The hind limbs are longer for ease of movement. The animal moves in small steps.
  • The color of the fur on the face, legs and belly of common hedgehogs varies from yellowish-white to dark brown.


What types of hedgehogs are there and what are they called? Zoology studies 23 species of hedgehogs. The following animals are of interest:

  • Common hedgehog.
  • The species lives in Asia and has an unusual structure of the hearing apparatus.
  • The eastern hedgehog has light-colored needles.
  • The brown African species snorts and squeals when danger approaches.
  • Hedgehog with spines up to 4 cm long.
  • The Ethiopian species has an unusual color.
  • has unusual stripes on its head.
  • Gymnura is a beautiful animal covered in spines and needles.


Where do European hedgehogs live and their habitat? The hedgehog can be found in temperate climate Asia, Europe and even China. Animals easily adapt to the conditions of Siberia and the Caucasus. They can be found in the Alps.

Mammals prefer to live in clearings or forest edges. They do not live in swampy or coniferous areas. The common hedgehog lives in bushes or grassy areas. The mammal independently builds burrows in the soil or tree roots. Hedgehogs do not travel long distances from this area.

Lifespan in nature and at home

Life expectancy of hedgehogs normal conditions from 3 to 5 years. At the same time, there should not be any pressure on him negative impact from the human side.

Lifestyle and nutrition

For a hedgehog to exist normally, its diet must include insects, caterpillars and worms. Additionally, it eats berries, fruits, grains, mushrooms, acorns and moss. They were met absorbing waste at summer cottages. The mammal attacks reptiles and vertebrates. In northern regions, their diet includes frogs, snakes and lizards. They can steal eggs from nests. During the hunting season, they can eat a third own weight at a time.

The animal is used to leading night image life. They can travel up to 3 km to search for prey. The mammal is especially active on a cloudy day. The hedgehog sleeps from morning until evening. It curls up into a ball in the nest and is additionally covered with leaves. The hole can be located 20 cm deep into the roots of the tree. Thanks to this, the animal feels completely safe.

Male hedgehogs protect territory, so they can be aggressive towards other members of the species.

When do hedgehogs go to bed for the winter?

The animal goes into hibernation after recruitment required quantity fat The process starts from the beginning winter period. Before it starts, the animal tightly closes the entrance to the home.

Hedgehogs sleep restlessly and periodically emit fussing and hissing sounds. When an animal goes to hibernate, the body’s metabolic processes slow down and the temperature drops by 2 degrees.

The animal always sleeps for 240 days.

In winter, it may leave the nest for a short period of time. Spring comes for them after the accumulated fat is consumed.

Character and habits

If a hedgehog encounters an enemy on its way, it stabs it with needles and curls up into a ball. Thanks to this, the enemy himself stumbles upon the peaks and leaves. A deceptive method is used for hunting. It is not carried out in a pond, because a hedgehog cannot curl up in it.

The animal easily enters into a fight with a snake and confidently wins it. The hedgehog grabs her by the tail and curls up into a ball. Additionally, it was possible to establish that the animal’s body does not react negatively to its poison. A hedgehog cannot be poisoned with acid, arsenic or opium.

In the fall, the mammal begins to accumulate fat for the winter, unless it lives in a warm region. In winter, he experiences a reduction in the intensity of his heartbeat. If the animal does not accumulate enough fat, it will not be able to survive until spring. His death is inevitable.

The hedgehog fiercely defends its own possessions. They can spread over 10 hectares. If the boundary is violated by an animal or a person, the animal begins to sneeze and snort.

Reproduction and care of offspring

The animal enters the mating season in the spring after the end of the cold weather. Males engage in fierce fights for females. They bite and push each other. They also use needles to gain victory. The mammal snorts and snorts loudly to intimidate the enemy. The fight looks brutal, but the males do not cause serious injuries to each other.

The winner immediately proceeds to courting the female. He starts walking in circles, puffing and snorting. The process continues for several hours. After its completion, the female lowers her needles and mating begins.

The gestation period lasts from 5 to 6 weeks.

The animal builds a nest for its offspring. The hedgehog puts herbs and dry leaves inside. One litter can have from 2 to 9 cubs. For their birth it is considered favorable period from May to October. If the nest was discovered by other animals or humans, then the female carries the offspring in her teeth.

Hedgehogs are born helpless. They don't have needles or vision. The skin has a light pink color. The weight is within 20 grams, and the length of the body is no more than 7 cm. Soft needles will grow just a few hours after birth. Over the next 1.5 days they will turn dark color. For a short period of time they will also be able to see. The period of growth and development in hedgehogs passes quickly.

The mother will need to keep her offspring warm during the first hours of life. Babies will learn to curl up into a ball on their own only after 11 days. The needles will be fully formed at the end of 3 weeks after the babies are born. The female breastfeeds them for 1 month. After this, the individuals begin an independent life.

The offspring will turn into adults in two months. In the second year of life they will become fully sexually mature. In nature, individuals live no more than 5 years. However, in a zoo, this period can be extended to 10 years. At the same time, attention is paid and optimal conditions are created for the winter period.

The hedgehog is an animal familiar to every resident of our country. He is often the hero of children's fairy tales. He is encountered while walking through the forest and even within the city. Hedgehogs easily adapt to life around humans and are popular pets these days. The animal is prickly. It can defend itself on its own.
