How old is Yulia Sarkisova? Yulia Sarkisova: career, hobbies, personal life

Yulia Lyubichanskaya, ex-wife owner of the insurance company "RESO-Garantia" Nikolai Sarkisov, is happy in her new relationship. Last December, the woman gave her boyfriend, Lithuanian actor James Tratas, a daughter, Lukeria. As for Yulia’s ex-lover, last year he baptized his newborn son, whom model Ilona Kotelukh gave birth to. Despite the fact that Lyubichanskaya and Sarkisov are no longer together, their relationship continues to be discussed on the Internet. Recently, a woman hastened to clarify the current situation. According to Yulia, such discussions were provoked by Ilona.

“Friends, let’s dot the i’s once and for all, otherwise this story is already pretty boring to me. Obviously, for some, the mythical confrontation with me, born of an inflamed fantasy, is the only meaning of life, but fortunately, I have something to do. Many have already guessed that we will be talking about today’s roommate of my ex-husband. This lady constantly interferes with my life, copies me ridiculously in every detail, considers herself the right to answer people’s questions concerning me and my children, discuss us on social networks, and so on. We live our own lives, are not interested in anyone, and in general are for peace in the whole world, but pugs are too accustomed to barking at an elephant and calming down is clearly beyond their strength,” the woman shared.

According to Lyubichanskaya, the businessman’s three heirs – Mark, Nikita and Sofia – are trying not to bother their father again. “They are already big enough to draw independent conclusions that no one really needs them there. It is extremely unpleasant for them to listen to unflattering statements and insults addressed to their mother,” the woman noted.

Julia also stated that she stopped counting on her ex-husband’s help. “Nikolai knows perfectly well where we live, he has all our phone numbers, but, to my great regret, all communication came down to the fact that he sends children links to some shameful pseudo-funny videos,” she said.

Lyubichanskaya hopes that Sarkisov’s current chosen one will stop discussing her. Otherwise, the woman threatens to make personal correspondence with the entrepreneur public. At the same time, Yulia especially emphasizes the fact that she does not want to conflict with Ilona.

“I am for peace and friendship, but, as they say, whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. So let her leave us alone... And if she doesn’t calm down, then in the program that we will soon begin filming, I can tell the whole country a lot of interesting things and demonstrate a lot of things on my phone interesting messages from Nikolai,” the woman shared.

Large diamonds, expensive bags and apartments in Gorki-8 near Moscow - the scandalous breakup with oligarch Nikolai Sarkisov, despite tons of dirty laundry, did not in any way affect the luxurious lifestyle of 36-year-old Yulia Lyubichanskaya. “He kicked me out of the house when I was pregnant, calling me a whore, and in Monaco he urinated drunk on the carpet,” the blonde told Life about the horrors she experienced during that time civil marriage with the owner of the company "RESO-garantiya".

The struggle for three joint children that flared up between the billionaire and his once-adored companion took place in front of tens of thousands of subscribers to her microblog. However, a month later, the sworn enemies unexpectedly buried the hatchet. The 48-year-old businessman’s new favorite blonde was 23-year-old model Ilona Kotelyukh, who recently gave him a child, and Yulia went looking for love on the popular Tinder app. Children born in an 11-year union remained with their mother. Just like the surname of her ex-husband, which the woman uses on social networks.

Recently, pictures with a newborn began to appear on Yulia’s microblog. In response to surprised questions from subscribers, Lyubichanskaya proudly stated: “Everything on my page is mine.” It is noteworthy that none of the fans could remember a single “pregnant” photograph taken in Lately. The main question remained: who could become the father of the blonde’s fourth child.

In a party for a long time there were rumors that after frank stories about the golden cage in which Sarkisov placed her, Yulia could not survive in “freedom” and decided to return again under the wing of the billionaire. Only recently, a woman lifted the veil of secrecy by publishing a photo in which she is tenderly kissed by someone other than her ex-husband. “This is him,” Lyubichanskaya commented on the frame.

As Life managed to find out, the chosen one ex-lover The little-known actor James Tratas became a resident of Forbes. Unlike his predecessor, the 28-year-old artist does not have enough stars from heaven - there is not a single box office tape in his filmography. The man is from Lithuania. By the way, this is where Julia often stays lately.

Tratas's real name is Žilvinas. When his new passion suffered humiliation from her ex-husband and contemplated suicide, the artist completed his studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, a diploma from which allowed him to leave his homeland and go to conquer the cinema of the Czech Republic. However, the work did not bring the desired success. Soon the Russian audience will be able to appreciate Žilvinas’ talent - in next year the film "Moving Up" will be shown on the screens main role in which, however, it will not be performed by the boyfriend of the Russian blonde, but by Vladimir Mashkov.

Most of his time, according to Tratas, he spends in London. The artist actually has a couple of British films released together with Lithuanian colleagues. According to close circle For Yulia, her boyfriend’s modest fees are barely enough for dinner in those restaurants, to which Lyubichanskaya became accustomed during the time she spent with the oligarch Sarkisov, so the woman has to support not only herself, but also young lover. True, even her friends do not know how the blonde herself leads such a luxurious lifestyle.

Yulia Sarkisova was born on January 29, 1980 in Moscow. Her maiden name- Lyubichanskaya. Very little is known about her life before her marriage to the billionaire. Julia grew up in a good family, received an education, and worked part-time as a model. Her bright appearance allowed her to build a career in modeling business, and hanging out in a circle of influential people helped make promising acquaintances. An affair with Nikolai Sarkisov, a top manager of the Reso-Garantia company, turned her life upside down.

Nikolai Sarkisov is an ambiguous personality. Before his marriage to Yulia, he was already married and the breakup of his previous relationship turned out to be very loud. Sarkisov already had two children. Julia gave birth to three children - Mark, Nikita and Sophia. To many, their union seemed fabulous. Luxurious villas, houses, expensive cars and jewelry have become the norm for them. Unlimited financial opportunities allowed Yulia to emphasize her beauty and become even more spectacular.

Subsequently, it turned out that the beauty’s life was not so rosy and happy. Quarrels constantly broke out in the family. She realized herself in her work. For some time, Sakisova held one of the leading positions in her husband’s company. In 2009, she founded her brand J.L. SARK." Her husband supported her desire to open her own business and helped her initial stages. The debut show of the clothing collection was held in the Moscow Art-Angara, and then in Courchevel. But Julia’s work did not impress everyone. Fashion connoisseurs criticized her dresses from the “Russian Beauty” collection. They felt that there was nothing Russian in the clothes. But this did not stop her from receiving the prestigious award. According to rumors, her influential husband had a hand in this.

Yulia Sarkisova is also known for taking part in the filming of a video for Dima Bilan’s song. The video turned out very beautiful and bright. Filming took place for several days in Kyiv. The millionaire's wife openly demonstrated how warm a relationship she had with the popular singer, and this became the reason for suspicion. Bilan's fans decided that he had a new hobby.

Unfortunately, Julia’s personal life did not work out. In 2013, she left Nikolai Sarkisov and made public very unpleasant details of their life. The millionaire husband suffered from alcoholism and on this basis more than once raised his hand against her. The children also suffered from their father’s drunken antics. This became the reason for the separation of the spouses.

Life after breaking up with a millionaire

After breaking up with her wealthy husband, Yulia Sarkisova continued to do business. She made a good clothing designer. Collections evening dresses, released by her brand, are in demand. In a few interviews, the woman admitted that she did not want to get a divorce, but does not regret her decision. Now she is calm about the children. In Yulia’s personal life, everything is also in order.

Just 2 years after breaking up with her husband, Sarkisova began dating James Tratas, an aspiring Lithuanian actor. James is much younger than Julia. In 2016 ex-wife millionaire gave birth to her fourth child. The daughter was named Lukerya. The happiness of the young people did not last long and the union was unsuccessful. A year later, Julia announced her separation from the actor and accused him of being excessively narcissistic, unwilling to make decisions and take responsibility. Their relationship was initially built in such a way that the woman was in charge and even sponsored the actor’s endeavors, but at some stage she got tired of it. According to her, James does not communicate with his daughter and is not interested in her.

Julia’s personal life has repeatedly become the subject of discussion and many novels have been attributed to her. Everyone was surprised by her decision to adopt an adult guy named Kuzma. Some people even suspected something was wrong in this story, but Sarkisova said that Kuzma no longer lived with them.

In 2018, Sarkisova found herself at the center of a scandal. New lover her ex-husband began spreading unpleasant information about her and openly criticizing her. Julia, in turn, threatened the girl to make it public Interesting Facts from her life. The confrontation between the millionaire's two chosen ones - the former and the present - continues to this day.

The rich and famous are the very people whose lives interest absolutely everyone. Who and how achieved their multibillion-dollar fortune, who has a new passion - there are many rumors, conjectures, and fictitious stories surrounding these questions. Currently, the ring of controversy is shrinking around Russian oligarch Nikolai Sarkisov, who is the brother of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov, and is on the board of directors of IC RESO-Garantia.

Childhood of Nikolai Sarkisov

There was nothing remarkable in Nikolai's childhood. He was born into a good family on June 23, 1968. His parents were employees of Vneshtorg, his father was one of the founders of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR, and was one of the closest employees to Anastas Mikoyan.

Since childhood, Nikolai Sarkisov knew what he wanted to get from his life, and strived to quickly achieve a positive result. Despite all the high-ranking positions since 1985, Nikolai Eduardovich received higher education only by 2000, having graduated State University management with a specialty in "Management".

Carier start

Nikolai Sarkisov began his career in 1985, at which time he got a job at Promsyreimport, where he was able to rise from the position of accountant to inspector of a foreign trade association. It was here, in just a year of work, that Nikolai was able to acquire all the necessary connections and gained experience in working with the government apparatus. This place of work had to be left, as the guy was called to serve the Motherland, and he spent two years in the KGB border troops.

Continuation of work

Returning from his place of service, Nikolai Sarkisov, whose biography is described in this article, was hired at the Avicenna enterprise as a manager. For a short time, the young man was engaged in the sale of ferrous metals, and moved to Constant, where he worked until 1991. Afterwards, from 1991 to 1995, Nikolai Sarkisov held a position at Sametko.

Realizing that own business unable to build, Nikolai Eduardovich decided to come to his brother Sergei, who was already successfully engaged in business, and many times invited the younger one to work for him. Here the man was able to immediately receive good position director of the corporate insurance department "RESO-Garantia", and quickly rose through the ranks career ladder. Soon he took the place of vice president, and then deputy director, and all this in a year! In 1996, he was already on the board of directors of RESO-Garantiya (the company was founded in 1991, and today is the largest insurer, providing more than a hundred types of insurance).

Together with his brother Sergei, Nikolai Sarkisov has been featured in Forbes magazine's lists since 2008, consistently ranking among the top 100 richest people.

Since April 2013, they were able to take positions in the Profile list, where they are among the top ten richest families in Russia.

Nikolai Sarkisov (biography described in our article) speaks fluently several languages: French, English and Italian.

First marriage

The personal life of this man is so rich and complicated that it remains unknown whether Nikolai had Tatyana in his life, with whom, according to some information, he has three children together. According to other sources, Nikolai Sarkisov is father of many children, and he has five children, three of whom were born to him by his common-law wife, Yulia Lyubichanskaya. It is about life with this woman that we will talk about.

Julia, in former model, did not grow up in the most prosperous family, as she herself said, and meeting Nikolai turned her whole life upside down. The man took a liking to the beautiful blonde, and he hastened to move her to his apartment, which the family later changed to a luxurious Rublev villa. The couple lived together for eleven years, and the reason for the separation was Nikolai’s constant “spirits.” Nikolai Sarkisov was not worried about his wife leaving, since their marriage was not official, and Yulia did not have the right to part of his property.

According to Lyubichanskaya, he even demanded that all the jewelry given to him be placed in a safe deposit box in the names of the children! Whether this is true or not is unknown. What is clear is that after separating from his wife, Nikolai Sarkisov was spotted several times with model and TV presenter Olga Danko. The affair with this girl was fleeting, and Nikolai Eduardovich appeared in many of his photos new passion Elon.

Nikolay Sarkisov and Ilona

In the spring of 2016, journalists learned that the billionaire had a new girlfriend, and their relationship was very serious, since in all the photos the girl showed off her belly. And it immediately became clear to everyone that Nikolai was going to become a father again. He did everything to ensure that his beloved’s pregnancy took place in the most better conditions, and drove steadily expectant mother your child to the Maldives, Courchevel, Emirates, Dubai, Paris and other wonderful places. And then their son Sasha was born.

There is information that Ilona had many affairs in her past, and she did not hesitate to post the most piquant photos on Instagram. There is a photo of her naked body here, in which the girl shows not only tattoos. But Nikolai Sarkisov understands that the young girl likes to show off her beautiful body, and hopes that all her antics are left behind, because now she has become the mother and cohabitant of a serious man. Time will show.

Nikolai Sarkisov and his wife (civilian) Ilona are happy, many people serve as proof of this joint photos, in which the billionaire looks tenderly at his beloved. Perhaps this relationship will last throughout his life, and Nikolai Eduardovich will finally stop being a person whose personal life is under the radar of journalists, since it remains incomprehensible, and various rumors are circulating around it.

// Photo: Dmitry Kienok/

According to journalists, in this moment In France, there is a legal battle between businessman Nikolai Sarkisov and his former lover Yulia. The ex-spouses are challenging the right to raise three heirs in court - Mark, Nikita and Sofia. Nikolai and Yulia hope that their conflict will end with a settlement agreement.

Nikolai and Yulia Sarkisov were together for about 11 years. After breaking up with the businessman, the blonde changed her last name on social networks and began publishing as Yulia Lyubichanskaya.

Immediately after breaking up with his former lover, the oligarch started a new relationship. The choice of the owner of the RESO-Garantia company fell on TV presenter Olga Danka. Together they appeared at many social events. However, this romance turned out to be fleeting.

After some time, 23-year-old model Ilona Kotelyukh became the companion of 48-year-old Sarkisov. Currently, the girl is expecting a child from her boyfriend. This became clear in May, when at one of the parties Ilona was noticed with a rounded belly. The fashion model also regularly shares photographs on her microblog in which her interesting position is noticeable.

Let us also recall that Yulia Sarkisova gave an interview to media representatives, in which she openly spoke about her life with the billionaire. According to the woman, their relationship only seemed ideal, but in fact, it was unbearable. Sarkisova felt like she was in a cage, as the businessman considered her his property.

Then Julia also shed light on the details of her marriage with the owner of a large insurance company. Nikolai, the woman claimed, constantly insulted her, begged her to get pregnant, and then retracted his words, and regularly terrorized his friend over little things. And when the man was not in the mood, he trashed his own apartment. Julia sees the reason for this behavior in Nikolai’s addiction to alcohol. This brought his chosen one not only to tears. According to Lyubichanskaya, she tried to commit suicide several times.

In his frank story Julia also mentioned children. She stated that the billionaire threatened to take away her heirs. “You will not be where my children will live,” the woman quoted Sarkisov’s words in an interview with
