Next Parents' Saturday. Ecumenical Parents' Saturday - what to do and how to properly remember deceased relatives

The Orthodox tradition pays great attention to the memory of the deceased. Dead Christians are remembered in churches several times a year on Saturdays. But there is a special one parent's Saturday, when funeral services are held in the church, paying attention specifically to deceased relatives, and people hold wakes and visit cemeteries. Due to the many years of negative attitude of the Soviet government towards religion, when traditions and rituals were banned and some customs were forgotten, now many are at a loss as to how to spend parental Saturday.

In particular, people are concerned about what they should and shouldn’t do on this day, what they should take with them to the cemetery and to church. Our ancestors tried to spend parental Saturday with dignity, filled with events as much as possible, since, according to tradition, it was necessary to have time to complete a lot of tasks and rituals. Let’s take a closer look at how to properly remember the dead on Parents’ Saturday, and how it differs from other days.

In the Orthodox calendar there are several commemoration dates per year. But the most revered among the people are those that precede major religious holidays, such as Trinity, Maslenitsa, and Intercession. Despite the name “parental”, this does not mean that this Saturday is intended to commemorate exclusively one’s deceased fathers and mothers. This name, rather, comes from the root “clan”, since traditionally people remember their closest relatives first, but then all their deceased acquaintances.

The following key memorial days are highlighted:

  • Meat Saturday;
  • Radonitsa;
  • Trinity;
  • Dimitrovskaya.

On the eve of the celebration of Maslenitsa week, before Lent, in all Orthodox churches there is an ecumenical, or great parental Saturday - the day of remembrance of ancestors. This parental Saturday before Easter is also called Meat Saturday. This name is due to the fact that this Saturday falls before the meat day - the last day of the year before Lent, when believers can afford to eat meat.

There is also a separate date that comes not before, but after a major Christian holiday. This is parental Saturday after Easter, also called Radonitsa. It is celebrated on the ninth day after Easter Sunday, and it always falls on Tuesday, but according to popular tradition, people want to go to the cemetery on Saturday. As a rule, this day is celebrated in April, unless Easter is late (then Radonitsa falls in May). The specific number of Radonitsa can be found out on the calendar, since it is directly tied to Easter, which, as you know, happens on different dates every year.

The next major Saturday is celebrated on the eve of the celebration of Trinity. This parental memorial day differs from others in that traditionally people used it in ritual actions a large number of greenery and flowers. Important people also attach importance to Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday, which is celebrated in early November. This is the last one special Saturday year, and therefore the people prepared for it especially carefully.

Dmitrievsky parent memorial day is also traditionally intended for special commemoration of the soldiers who fell for their homeland.

Important moments of parent's Saturday

The key event of any parent's Saturday is going to church and then to the cemetery. The funeral Divine Liturgy is served in churches, in the churchyard priests perform requiem services over the graves, and people in the church and at home read special prayers for the repose of the souls of the dead. To spend Parenting Saturday correctly, you need to go to church a little earlier than the service. This is necessary in order to have time to submit a note of repose at the church. In this note, indicate the names given to the deceased relatives and friends at baptism (sometimes they do not coincide with the worldly names of the people).

In addition, on Parents' Saturday it is not customary to go to church empty-handed. According to a long-standing tradition, a special table for offerings is installed in the temple. For this purpose, it is customary to bring food, usually lean food, as well as red Cahors wine to the church, which is then used for the liturgy. Please note that other types of alcohol, such as vodka or cognac, cannot be brought as an offering to the house of God. It is interesting that previously there was a custom for the whole world to collect food and wine, and after the service, one large table was set in the courtyard of the temple, at which the parishioners then commemorated their deceased relatives. Nowadays this tradition can still be found in small towns or villages, but for the most part it has already disappeared from modern life. Nowadays, the products that were brought by parishioners on Parents' Saturday are used for the needs of the parish and to help the poor.

According to Orthodox church rules, the deceased should be properly remembered in this way. You need to come to church twice - first on the eve of parental Saturday and then in the morning on the memorial day. On Friday, go to the evening service, during which the Great Requiem and Parastas are celebrated. Then in the morning go to church again to attend the Divine Liturgy and general funeral service. According to the clergy, it is very important to pray for the dead, since only prayer can help them find peace. Few people foresaw their departure from life and managed to communicate with the priest who absolved them of their sins. Therefore, only living relatives can remove the burden of sins from them, who with their fervent prayers ask the Almighty for forgiveness for the deceased.

After the service on Parents' Saturday, it is customary to go straight to the cemetery. There you need to tidy up the grave and the area next to it, change the flowers on the grave. It is permissible to remember the dead at the cemetery by sipping a little alcohol and having a snack. But official church is categorically against large feasts in the cemetery. The main memorial dinner on parents' Saturday should be held after returning home. There you can gather with your family and reminisce at the set table. kind words their deceased relatives and close friends.

Don’t forget to give alms on the way to and from the cemetery and treat the beggars, who can often be found at the churchyard gates, with food. This gesture of mercy corresponds to one of the key dogmas of Orthodoxy - to help your neighbor.

Controversial issues

Many people are worried about whether it is permissible to do their usual household chores on parental Saturday - doing laundry or doing housework. The clergy have no prohibitions on this matter. Moreover, the special Sabbath initially implies that a person must definitely go to the cemetery in order to:

  • clean up the area there;
  • if necessary, adjust the cross;
  • repair the fence;
  • paint the tombstone.

Women need to set the funeral table, which is also a type of work. And we need to treat the beggars to the pie so that they will pray for the departed. therefore, you can safely do everything planned and not worry about prohibitions on physical labor on parent’s day. On the other hand, the priests point out at that moment that no work should be an obstacle to attending church on parental Saturday and the day before it and listening to the service.

There are also a number of questions regarding other worldly matters that fall on parental Saturday. In particular, there are situations when newlyweds set a wedding date without checking the church calendar, and as a result, their wedding falls on their parents' Saturday. When they find out about this, they begin to worry and fill their heads with unpleasant superstitions about this. Although the priests have a more loyal view on this issue than one might imagine. The clergy say that on Saturday weddings are not held in church, and you can sign at the registry office freely. Another thing is that it’s not entirely convenient to have a wedding on the eve of major events. religious holidays, as, for example, on Trinity Parents' Saturday. The first days of summer are considered the beginning of the time for weddings, and therefore many newlyweds find themselves in a double situation on Trinity Day. According to the priests, believers on this day should be absorbed in preparations for the celebration of Trinity - one of the largest religious holidays. This means that people need to go to the evening service the day before and confess. Therefore, a wedding on this parent’s Saturday may be unacceptable.

If the wedding date for Trinity Saturday has already been set, and it is not possible to change it, folk wisdom has in store several rituals that will help you come to terms with this. It was believed that on the morning before the celebration, the newlyweds should each visit the cemetery separately to place fresh flowers on the graves of their closest relatives. In the event that one of the parents of the newlyweds did not live to see this solemn day, it is important for the two of them to come to the grave to ask the deceased for a blessing for the marriage.

How do you prepare graves in a cemetery for Parents' Day?

Ancient traditions of parental Saturdays

A huge layer of rituals associated with parental Saturdays has been preserved to this day. There are also many signs that people still pay attention to. For example, rain was expected on Radonitsa. A shower or light rain meant that a rich harvest would be harvested in the fall. People even tried to invite rain by looking at the clouds. If the heavens had mercy on their requests and the first drops fell, then everyone hurried to collect rainwater in their palms to wash themselves with it. This ritual was believed to bring happiness and good luck. And young girls and women used rainwater in even more intricate ways. They collected it in a container intended for this purpose and then put gold or silver rings- who had what kind of income? Our ancestors believed that this ritual kept girls youthful and pretty.

Even more unusual traditions have been preserved on Trinity Parents' Saturday. Our ancestors were sure that on Parental Saturday their deceased relatives could temporarily go out into the world of the living to communicate with their loved ones. It was believed that on the eve of Trinity, their spirits were hidden in the greenery - flowers, bushes, herbs and trees. Therefore, people rushed to visit the cemetery on this day to decorate the graves of the deceased with fresh green herbs and bright flowers.

Like Radonitsa, Trinity Memorial Saturday in the old days was divided into three parts.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then what happened in the evening of the parent’s day? Elderly people stayed at home and spent the evening praying, but young people gathered for fun. It should be noted that parental Saturdays were not only days of remembrance of the dead, but also a kind of holiday praising life. On Trinity Parents' Saturday, young people gathered together near the reservoir. On the shores of lakes or rivers they lit large fires and had fun.

But Dmitrievskaya Saturday was famous for its feasts. If on parental Saturday after Easter the funeral table should have been set Easter dishes, then in the fall the key dish of the parents’ memorial day was a variety of pies. According to tradition, preparations for this day began on Friday. On Friday evening, after finishing dinner, the housewives completely cleared the table and covered it with a fresh tablecloth. Then the table was set with new food. With this symbolic gesture, the souls of the deceased were invited to the table. After this, all family members had to wash thoroughly in the bathhouse. The last person to visit the steam room left water and a broom in a tub so that the deceased relatives could freshen up.

On Parents' Saturday, after the traditional visit to the church and cemetery, people began a large funeral meal. On this day, the housewives set a rich table. The main dishes were the favorite food of the deceased relatives. They also certainly put it on the table;

  • pancakes;
  • uzvar (compote made from dried fruits);
  • kutya;
  • jelly;
  • roast;
  • pies.

According to tradition, pies on this day had to be oblong. Also, another tradition associated with pies concerned people who had recently gotten married. Those who got married in October were required to prepare a special funeral cake and take it with them to the cemetery.

There was also a special ritual on this parental Saturday. A clean plate intended for the deceased was placed on the table with the funeral dinner. Each participant in the funeral meal put a spoonful of food from his plate on this dish. This plate was not removed at night. It was believed that the souls of the dead were treated to dinner at night.

Modern people partially continue to follow the traditions of their ancestors. A striking example is that at a funeral meal there is always an empty plate and a glass covered with a piece of bread. From the point of view of the clergy, this is nothing more than a relic of pagan traditions, since in Christian faith there is no such ritual. But many priests are lenient towards such actions of members of their parish. But what, in their opinion, must be done on Parents’ Saturday is to attend church.

In the event that a person cannot come to church due to illness or is on the road that day, then you just need to pray for the souls of the dead. Prayer is of key importance, and you can come to the cemetery to remove the grave of your deceased relatives on any other convenient day.

Memorial days when Orthodox Church in each church he holds memorial services for all deceased Christians, called parental Saturdays. They really (with the exception of Radonitsa and days of remembrance of soldiers) are held on Saturday. Saturday has been a day of rest since biblical times, and is ideally suited for prayers for the souls of the departed. In addition to these general days of remembrance church calendar, on the date of death, birth and name day of our deceased relatives and close people, as a tribute to their memory, we organize memorial dinners, visit the cemetery and temple. These days are individual for each person. Parents' Saturdays or All Souls' Days in 2018 Orthodox tradition begin a week before Lent with Ecumenical Meat Saturday on February 10, 2018. This Saturday is called universal or common to all because a general memorial service is held in churches, at which everyone prays for God’s mercy to the departed Christians on the eve of the Last Judgment Week. So, parent's Saturdays of 2018 and memorial days of 2018 further.

Ecumenical Parents' Saturday (meat-related) 2018

In 2018, it falls on February 10. On this day, it is customary to read prayers not only for deceased relatives, but also for all the deceased, starting from Adam and Eve. This is the most global Saturday, it is designed to remind everyone of the Last Judgment and call people to prudence and mercy. As for the name, each word implies its own meaning. Ecumenical - on this day they pray for all the departed, without exception, in the Church Special attention devote themselves to prayers for people who did not die a natural death, because all souls must rest in peace. It is called parental because we pray for the forgiveness of all the sins of our ancestors - the “parents” who gave us life. And the word “meat-food” itself suggests that on this day you need to exclude meat foods altogether. As for spending this Saturday, here whole list rituals. The main thing is to come to the temple and write the names of those you want to remember on a special piece of paper “For the Repose” and pay a fee for this to the person responsible for collecting the sheets. Of course, it is better to defend the entire service, but it is not necessary. It is also advisable to give alms to those asking on the way home. It is believed that by this act you remember those for whom you cannot pray. These are unbaptized, suicides who died from abortions. At home at the table it is worth remembering everyone who has passed away. And also prepare kutya, or it is also called “kolivo”, here this dish reminds that the deceased will be resurrected when the Last Judgment comes.

Parents' days for Orthodox Christians in 2018

The Christian religious calendar contains all the data regarding the celebrations significant for the religion. What date are parents' Saturdays in 2018?

  1. ​On the 10th of February, the sacred meat-free (universal) Saturday occurs;
  2. 3rd day in March - Saturday period of the 2nd week of Great Strict Lent;
  3. ​The 10th day in March is the Saturday period of the 3rd week of strict fasting;
  4. ​The 17th in March is the Saturday period of the 4th week of strict fasting;
  5. ​On the 17th of April, Orthodox Radonitsa is celebrated;
  6. ​May 9th is celebrated by believers as the date of remembrance of all deceased soldiers;
  7. ​The 26th of May is the date of celebration of Holy Trinity Saturday;
  8. ​The 3rd of November is the Christian memorial Saturday of St. Demetrius. The girl prays for her repose.

All of the listed parenting days in 2018, according to the Orthodox calendar, always fall on the Saturday period of the week. This moment designated as a memorial for good reason. In religion, the Sabbath is associated with a state of peace, so it is most suitable for remembering the souls of deceased people. In Orthodoxy, there are several versions as to why memorial days are called parental days. The main (first) version says that the name “parents’ day” did not appear in vain. When remembering dear and beloved people, a person first of all thinks about his parents. If the closest relatives have already died, then on the memorial day they are also remembered first. The second version indicates that in religion a person who is committed to the earth is recognized as having gone to his forefathers, that is, his parents. And the Saturday day of the week was chosen as a sign that this period during the week it is calmer.

Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent 2018

Falls on March 03, 2018. Due to the fact that in Lent There are no daily liturgies held in the church, and the deceased remain without commemoration. To correct this and not abandon the departed, the church decided to set aside three days for remembrance - the ecumenical memorial Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Lent. On such a Saturday, there is an opportunity not only to order a magpie and give a note “On repose,” but to personally pray for the deceased. If it is not possible to attend the Liturgy, it is better not to ask anyone to do so; priests do not welcome such actions.

Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent 2018

Falls on March 10th in 2018. It is on this Saturday that you should pray with special zeal for your dead. This day is ideal for lighting a candle for repose, serving a memorial service, giving alms to absolve sins, and going to the cemetery. This shows true love for your neighbors not in words, but in deeds. This is one of the main rules of fasting.

Saturday of the 4th week of Lent 2018

Falls on March 17, 2018. This day is intended to help the dead not in word, but in deed. After all, having gone to afterworld, they cannot ask for forgiveness of their sins, which is why even a small sin dooms the deceased to eternal torment. By praying for deceased loved ones, we help them find peace. This proves true love to your ancestors.

The main memorial day in 2018

Radonitsa is considered the main memorial day for Orthodox Christians. IN different areas In Russia it is celebrated in different time. According to church canons, the main parental memorial day falls on the ninth day after Easter, namely Tuesday. In 2018 it will be 04/17/18. It should be noted that this day is called differently in different regions Russia. Somewhere it is called Graves, somewhere Easter of the Dead, and somewhere Radovnica. However, the essence of this holiday remains unchanged. This is a special day for remembering deceased parents and closest people. It is believed that the name “Radonitsa” comes from the verb “to rejoice”, since on this day we not only remember our deceased loved ones, but also congratulate them on Easter, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected. Main feature This day is the preparation of a special treat, which is intended both for people living now and for the dead. On Radonitsa, eggs are painted again and kutya is prepared. It should be noted that most eggs are painted red. In some regions of Russia, the tradition of “christening with the dead” has been preserved. To do this, red eggs are buried in the ground.

In some villages it is customary to place them in the ground directly in the cemetery, in others it is enough to bury them in a field or behind the house where the deceased lived. In such an area, it is generally believed that “the dead move underground.” Another constant dish on Radonitsa is kutia. This is what I call porridge made from wheat or rice, mixed with raisins, nuts, poppy seeds and dried fruits. Before you start eating at the funeral table, you must definitely taste kutya. Some Slavic peoples They also kept the tradition of baking pancakes on this day. Some housewives bake thin, translucent treats, while others prefer lush delicacies. Regardless of this, pancakes are considered to be fully prepared according to the ritual if they are well oiled. It is the amount of oil that indicates how relatives remember the deceased. The first pancakes are traditionally placed in a bundle or basket and taken to the cemetery. Until now, all relatives come to Radonitsa to visit the graves of the deceased so that they can all remember their loved ones together and taste pancakes. In the old days, this was the end of the meal at the cemetery. People went home and festive table continued to remember the dead.

If a wake at home involved the consumption of alcohol, it was forbidden to clink glasses. The use of knives and forks was also unacceptable. It was forbidden to throw away leftovers from the funeral table. It was customary to feed the “birds of heaven” with them. It is worth noting that during the Soviet era, some traditions underwent changes. If before the October Revolution of 1917 Radonitsa was considered a holiday, and everyone could visit the cemetery without problems, then in Soviet period this has become problematic. Despite this, people still came to their deceased relatives, but not on Tuesday, but on Sunday. Another change was that lavish meals with alcohol began to be held next to the graves. Moreover, after them eggs, glasses with vodka, bread and other food were left at the burial sites. The Church considers this unacceptable. When remembering loved ones, it is necessary to pray for their souls and hope that resurrection awaits us all. Church ministers believe that Easter cakes, eggs, etc., which are left after commemoration, are a sign of pagan traditions - “treating the dead.” If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then you should not do this. It is also unacceptable to pour alcohol on graves.

Radonitsa in 2018

Trinity Saturday 2018

Falls on May 26, 2018. This Saturday marks the entry into Lent. People go to church to pray for all the dead, even those who have gone to hell. After the service, they usually go to the cemetery, where they decorate the graves of their relatives with greenery and have a memorial meal. It is customary to leave the remaining food at the grave so that passers-by can treat themselves and remember loved ones; it was a kind of alms. On this day one cannot refuse those who ask and need help. There is also a whole range folk traditions, not related to remembering. On this day it was forbidden to work and go alone into the forest, because you could stumble upon a mermaid. It was believed that on this day the devilry, because of which they were afraid to graze cattle near forests and reservoirs. In no case was it possible to do work related to water: laundry, washing dishes, swimming, so as not to disturb the abode of the mermaids. Better to appease them. And if it rains on this day, then it will be excellent harvest berries and mushrooms.

Saturday Dmitrievskaya in 2018

Falls on November 3, 2018. This is the last memorial day of the year. Demetrius Saturday precedes the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. On this Saturday, it is customary to go to the graves of relatives, where they pray for their repose and cry, after which they arrange a memorial meal. Memorial services were also held in cemeteries, for which the priests received generous gifts. As on other memorial days, special attention should be paid to helping the poor. Dmitrievskaya Saturday still marks the change from autumn to winter. It was very important to complete preparations for the cold by this day. The housewives diligently cleaned the home and baked oblong funeral pies with all kinds of fillings. It is advisable to visit the bathhouse on the eve of Saturday, and leave a broom and water for deceased relatives. It is important to remember that if we truly love our deceased relatives, we need to pray more often for their repose and ask for forgiveness of their sins. By dying, a person loses the opportunity to turn to the Lord. It is to help the deceased that memorial days were created. Of course, it’s better to do everything, following the rules and principles, but if you can’t visit a temple or go to a cemetery, even simple prayer Houses.

, in 2019 coming on March 2 is one of the special days when a service is held in all churches to commemorate departed Christians. The prayerful sighs of the living for the departed are a precious gift for both.

Service for the remembrance of departed Christians

According to one of the poets, there are no non-believers in heaven, souls acquire faith. The task of all living people is to unite in the universal petition sounding in churches at this time for the repose of the departed servants of God. Being in Heaven, deceased souls see our faith from above, even those who were once ardent fighters against religion.

The second name of this day is Meat Saturday, when “farewell” to meat dishes occurs until Easter.

What is the essence of parental universal Saturday

7 days before Lent, a week begins dedicated to thinking about the Last Judgment. In prayer Orthodox people in the unity of faith, in a common petition, they pray to God for mercy for all the dead and forgiveness of the sins of the living.

Why do we always remember the dead on Saturday?

The answer is found in the Bible (Matthew 27:57-66). Jesus was buried in the rock on Friday, but on Saturday the Pharisees and scribes demanded that the entrance to the tomb be sealed so that the disciples would not steal the body to proclaim the resurrection by deception. For Jews, Saturday has always been and remains a day of rest. So the body of Jesus remained in peace until the true Resurrection.

Why is Saturday called parental Saturday?

On this day, the elders of the clan, mother, father and parents are remembered. Also, it is generally accepted that all the deceased go to their ancestors to meet them in heaven.

Respect for parents runs like a thread throughout the Bible. The 10 Commandments say honor your father and mother. This is the fifth commandment. It is not stated here that only the good and the living.

About the commandments of God:

Throughout their lives, children should remember, honor and remember those through whom God gave them life.

Fifth Commandment of God's Law

The days of people on earth are not limited to their with our own lives. Human life is extended through children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Returning to the fifth commandment of God, we can see that every person is responsible to his children and grandchildren for their longevity.

Children must be raised to respect their parents, not for the sake of their father and mother, but for their sake. future life. Failure to fulfill the commandments is a sin; honoring parents is higher than the commandment “thou shalt not kill.”

Are there many Orthodox Christians in the world who live according to God’s commandments? How many people among us truly honor our parents? Sin leads to not only physical death; the Last Judgment awaits every person. Honor your father and mother before and after death, and you, your children and grandchildren will be granted a life of abundance according to the promise of God.

But parents must also remember that they need to raise their children correctly. Honoring your parents does not mean indulging them in any whim. Just as there are ungrateful children who do not value their elderly parents at all, there are also parents whose behavior and attitude towards their children has led to a reluctance to communicate and help. This is always a mutual process, the result of which depends on both parties.

On Christian parenting:

Ecumenical Parents' Saturday is the day of remembrance of all those who have died, because they went to their ancestors. Out of great love for mankind, the apostles left the instruction to carry out universal common prayers about everyone, regardless of who, when and where died.

Why do Orthodox Christians pray for the dead?

According to the Holy Fathers of the Church human soul meets Eternity, but this is not the end, next is the Last Judgment. The soul of the deceased undergoes only a small trial, awaiting the Second Coming of Christ. Living on earth, a person, through fasting and prayer, taming his body, can correct his sins; the dead have only a soul, which is very difficult to correct.

But the Apostle James gave instructions to all Orthodox Christians to pray for each other in order to receive healing. (James 5:16)

Prayer for the dead

Memorial Saturday is a universal prayer for the healing of the souls of the departed, deceased, or in other words, fallen asleep people, liberating them from original sin. The triune principle of a person consists of spirit, soul and body, but the deceased have a soul and spirit, only a physical body is missing. By praying for those who have passed into another world, Orthodox Christians help them receive God's mercy - forgiveness of sins for the salvation of their souls.

The philosopher Plato compares the body to a violin case; a broken string does not mean the death of a musician.

A person dying does not know where his soul is going. The surviving people cannot imagine this either. The child, being inside the mother, cannot imagine life outside the mother’s womb, but the time comes, the baby appears with a cry. Of course, he is uncomfortable and scared; he finds himself in a different, initially seemingly hostile environment. Time passes, the child understands that he is welcome here, they were waiting for him, he gains a feeling of comfort.

So the human soul ends up in another world, it is doomed to immortality. A deceased person cannot repent or change anything in his sinful earthly life. Time doesn't go by reverse side. The remaining grieving relatives, friends and simply acquaintances in prayers for the deceased can ease their fate in Heaven.

One of God’s gifts for making petitions for the dead was given the Ecumenical Parental Saturday before Great Lent.

There is no death, there is a transition from earthly life to heavenly existence, there is a kind of door that always opens in one direction.

On Meatless Saturday, all the dead, starting from Adam, are remembered, which is why this day is called universal.

Basic rules of conduct on Ecumenical Memorial Saturday

Morning Ecumenical Saturday begins with Proskomedia, a funeral liturgy, after which a general memorial service is served. Before the start of Proskomedia, Christians submit notes with the names of the dead who were baptized according to Orthodox traditions. They are prayed for by name during all services.

Relatives can pray for unbaptized people themselves.

Notes cannot be submitted for the deceased:

  • suicides;
  • unbaptized;
  • atheists;
  • heretics.

Without naming their names, beggars are asked to remember such deceased people by giving them alms.

Important! During prayer, candles are placed near the Crucifixion, and not near the icons of Saints.

During Meat Eating Day, the dead are remembered during meals. On this day, Psalm 118 is read (kathisma 17)

Psalm 118 Blessed are the blameless on their way to the Ecumenical funeral Saturday

Special All Souls' Day in church

In addition to Meat, the second, third and fourth Saturdays of Great Lent are a time of remembrance and prayer for the deceased. The Fathers of the Church emphasize the great mission of Christians to give love to the world, for God is love! If God has no dead, all souls are alive, then our calling is to love them, forgive and bless them.

The commemoration of the dead begins on Friday evening, when a memorial service or parastas will be performed. The Great Friday requiem or parastas (intercession) is a great petition before God for all those who have died.

“The continuation of the parastas, that is, the great requiem, for our departed fathers and brothers and for all Orthodox Christians who have passed away”

The beginning of the parastas is the same as an ordinary memorial service (which is an abbreviated parastas).

After Alleluia and troparions, “In the depth of wisdom” the immaculate ones are sung.

The blameless are divided into 2 sections.

First article: “Blessed, immaculate, on your way.”

Chorus: “Remember, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant” (or “the soul of Thy servant”, or “the soul of Thy servant”).

After the first article there is a small funeral litany and an exclamation: “God of spirits...”.

Second article: “I am yours, save me.”

Chorus: “Rest, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant” (or “the soul of Thy servant,” or “the soul of Thy servant”).

Immediately after this, troparia for the immaculates are sung:

“Blessed are you, O Lord...

You will find the holy face the source of life...”

After the troparia and in the small funeral litany the rest of the sedal is sung: “Peace, our Savior”, the 50th psalm is read and the canon “The water has passed through” is sung - its capstone: “I sing to the dying faithful” (placed in the Octoechos, tone 8, on Saturday).

Choruses to the canon: “Wonderful is God in His saints, the God of Israel” and “Rest, O Lord, for the souls of Your fallen servants.”

According to the 3rd song, katavasiya is irmos: “The circle of heaven,” and sedalen: “Truly all is vanity.”

According to the 6th song of Katavasia Irmos: “Cleanse me, Savior.”

After the small funeral litany - kontakion and ikos: “Rest with the saints” and “Thou art alone, the Immortal One.”

According to the 8th song, the priest makes an exclamation: “Theotokos and Mother of Light...”.

Chorus: “The spirits and souls of the righteous...” and Irmos: “Be afraid of every hearing.”

After canon the Trisagion according to Our Father is read and the troparia of the lithium are sung: “With the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, the soul (or souls) of Thy servant (Thy servant), O Savior, give rest...” and so on.

During the Saturday Liturgy, words of consolation are heard, giving hope for a future meeting in Heaven.

All those present in the church during the Liturgy are covered by the real grace of God, showing that Christ lives in His worshipers, and we are one body with Him, this is His secret Divine Love.

Divine Liturgy. Ecumenical parental (meat-free) Saturday

At the end of the Liturgy, Orthodox people take communion, receiving the Grace of Holy Communion. According to Saint Seraphim of Sarov, those who did not receive holy communion on this day turned away from the One who gave us Love in the Cup of salvation, which God’s hand extended.

Prayer for the departed

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servant: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

When and by whom was the Ecumenical Memorial Saturday established?

The history of commemorating the deceased goes back to the distant past. Confirmation of this ritual can be found in Old Testament Bible (Num. 20:19; Deut. 34:9; Mac. 7:38-46).

The apostles James and Mark performed prayers for the deceased during ancient liturgies. The Apostolic Constitutions clearly indicate on which days those who have passed on to another world are commemorated. The Fathers of the Church, among them Gregory the Great, John Chrysostom, revealed true meaning funeral prayers.

The tradition of praying for your deceased parents and relatives is inherent in every people on earth. The patricians, respected in Rome, differed from the rootless plebeians not only in their wealth, but primarily in that they knew and remembered their ancestors many generations ago.

The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthian church writes that there is no one on earth who could foretell what God has prepared in Heaven for those who love Him.

Christian doctrine says that human perfection occurs only on earth. Divine Liturgy, read by the Great Emptiness, gives hope to all living, emphasizing that Christ, through the prayers of His Mother Mary, grants us salvation, for Christ is a lover of mankind.

The remaining people on earth will never know the secrets about afterlife Saints, they will not find answers why their bodies do not smolder and in what order from dead body incense emanates. Everyone's responsibility Orthodox Christian provide assistance to the deceased. The universal petition has enormous power untie the ties in Heaven. Meat-eating Saturday was established in the fifth century by order of the Monk Sava the Sanctified.

Icon of Sava the Sanctified

Why is Kolivo prepared for Ecumenical Memorial Saturday?

When holding a memorial service or litia, they bring kolivo or kutia to the temple. This is one dish made from wheat (sometimes I replace it with rice) with the addition of honey and raisins. The grain is a prototype of the deceased person. Just as a grain dies to form an ear, so the body of the deceased is buried in the earth so that his soul can be resurrected in paradise, where life will be sweet as honey.

Recipe for funeral kutia

To prepare coliva you will need peeled wheat, which should be soaked overnight in cold water. Add to swollen grains clean water in a ratio of 1:3 and cook until tender. Add raisins soaked in boiling water and salt to taste to the finished porridge. When the porridge with raisins becomes warm, add honey.

Unlike the rich Christmas kutia with many ingredients, poppy seeds, nuts and dried fruits are not added to the hungry kolivo.

Preparing a funeral meal

In 2019, according to the Orthodox calendar, 7 parental Saturdays are planned. Which Saturdays are called parental Saturdays and why such a difference arises is discussed in detail below.

Of course, a person always preserves the memory of deceased ancestors, relatives, friends and just good acquaintances. At the same time, according to Orthodox tradition, it is customary to especially remember the dead several days a year. All of them are called parental Saturdays.

Indeed, in most cases the dates fall on the sixth day of the week, although this is not always the case. If we talk about what date parental Saturdays will be and special days remembrances of the deceased in 2019, we get the following list:

  1. Ecumenical Meat-Free Parents' Saturday - celebrated on March 2.
  2. During Lent, there are 3 parental Saturdays at once - in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks (i.e. this year - March 23, March 30 and April 6).
  3. And then there is a break associated with Holy Week and the celebration of Easter. The next day is (often called the parent day), which falls on May 7, 2019.
  4. Then they remember all the fallen who fought for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, i.e. 9th May.
  5. After this, the deceased are commemorated on Trinity Saturday - June 15. This is the second Ecumenical Parental Saturday, which is especially revered.
  6. Then they salute all the fallen soldiers for the Tsar and the Fatherland - September 11th.
  7. Intercession Parents' Saturday (memorial day according to established tradition) - October 12.
  8. The last parent's Saturday in 2019 is celebrated on November 2 (it is called Dimitrievskaya).

The dates of these days are closely related to the most important church events (Lent, Easter and the Holy Day). Therefore, all dates are transitional - they change from year to year. The only exception is Memorial Day on May 9, which for obvious reasons is celebrated only on this date.


There are several versions on this matter. At least two of them are worthy of attention.

First of all, the Bible describes the creation of the world in 6 days, after which God rested from all his working days and called it Saturday ( for a long time it was she who was the 7th day of the week, not Sunday). The state of peace harmonizes well with the mood of a person who wants to remember the deceased. There is no place for fuss in such a delicate issue, and it is better to postpone routine matters until later.

There is also an opinion that the word Sabbath itself literally means “intercession” (translation from ancient Greek). And in this case, too, everything falls into place: when remembering the deceased, people try to intercede for the deceased before God.

That is why it is customary to pray intensely for an immortal soul who has left our world, and also to give alms in order to provide spiritual assistance to the deceased.

Ecumenical Parents' Saturdays

It is important to know not only about what dates the Orthodox commemorate the dead in 2019, but also how parental Saturdays differ from each other. They are divided into three groups - the first includes the so-called universal Saturdays:

  1. Meat Eating (March 2, 2019) is celebrated exactly one week before Lent begins. The name is due to the fact that after it comes the so-called Meat Eating Week, when you can eat different dishes from meat.
  2. Trinity (June 15, 2019) - on the eve of the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

These Saturdays are called Ecumenical because in all Orthodox churches An Ecumenical memorial service is being celebrated in memory of all baptized Christians who have left our world. That is, not only parents are remembered, but also all Orthodox Christians in general - our friends, acquaintances, colleagues and others.

Saturdays of Lent

During Lent, the Church also established three days of remembrance of the dead - these are parental Saturdays of 2, 3 and 4 weeks (weeks). If we talk about when exactly these days come according to the Orthodox calendar, then in 2019 these are Saturdays:

  • March 23;
  • 30th of March;
  • April 6.

Memorial services are held in churches, and it is especially important for believers to visit the church on such days. The priests note that every believer should, if possible, come to church in person. The fact is that the next commemoration will occur only after Easter - on Radonitsa.

In 2019, one of the parent's Saturdays falls on the eve of the Holiday, so this year memorial services on April 6 will not be held in churches.

Private Parent Saturdays

Private days include those days when not all the deceased are commemorated, but specifically parents or ancestors who died in battle:

  1. The main day is Radonitsa (it always falls on the second Tuesday after Easter), which this year is celebrated on May 7, 2019. Therefore, if we talk about when exactly is parental Saturday in May, we should name this date. Traditionally, Radonitsa is accepted as follows: first visit the church and then go to the cemetery to visit full order at the grave. But leaving food there, and especially vodka, and even drinking alcohol yourself is highly not recommended.
  2. May 9 is not only Victory Day, but also a day of mourning. We remember all the victims of the monstrous and terrible war. Memorial services are also held in churches, so everyone can perform a funeral prayer and give alms.
  3. Another private memorial day is September 11th. The history of this date goes back to the distant 18th century, when Empress Catherine the Great issued a decree commemorating those who died in Russian-Turkish War. It is customary to pay last respects to all Orthodox soldiers.
  4. These dates also include Demetrius Parents' Saturday (November 2, 2019), which is dedicated to the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Interestingly, the tradition has developed since the time of Dmitry Donskoy, who remembered his fallen comrade after the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380.

Parents' Saturday in 2020 - when will it be

If we talk about what date parental Saturdays will be in 2020, as well as other memorial days according to the church calendar, then this list will look like this:

  • February 22 - Ecumenical (meat-free) parent's Saturday. They commemorate all deceased Orthodox Christians - both parents and relatives, acquaintances, and friends.
  • March 14, March 21, March 28 - Parental Saturdays of Lent in 2020.
  • April 28 is Parents' Day, also known as Radonitsa (the first date of commemoration allowed by the church after Holy and Bright Weeks).
  • May 9 is the Day of Remembrance for fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.
  • June 6 is Trinity Parents' Saturday, which also has universal significance.
  • October 31 - Dmitrievskaya (Dimitrievskaya) parent's Saturday.

Thus, there are enough days in the year for us to pay our respects and remember a parent or friend who has passed away. a loved one. Of course, commemoration is a very delicate matter, and it often raises many questions.

If there are no convincing answers, you can simply seek advice from the person you especially trust. Another simple option is to talk to a priest to free yourself from the burden of doubt.

In the hearts of loved ones and relatives, the deceased always remain alive - to the same extent they are alive for God. Commemoration, which must be carried out in certain days, allows you to pay tribute to the deceased, ask for forgiveness of their souls - and simply remember the good things that were associated with them during life.

Dear site visitors, you will find memorial days for 2019 in new article: Parents' Saturdays 2019

Parental Saturdays in Orthodoxy

The commemoration of the dead in Christianity is carried out on days specially designated for this - parental Saturdays. These days are associated with the reading of prayers and holding services specifically for the deceased. Funeral services are held on these days by every church. Parents' days change from year to year in terms of dates; you should find out about them in advance.

Orthodox calendar with memorial dates for 2018

According to Orthodox calendar, for 2018 these dates will be as follows. Ecumenical parental Saturdays, of which there are nine in total, are celebrated with an ecumenical memorial service; these days are suitable for commemorating each of the Christians who have died at any time. The most important days of remembrance are considered to be the following:

date Name Description
10.02.2018 Meat Saturday Taking place a week before Lent, before the week of the Last Judgment, it is suitable for praying for mercy for all deceased Christians. Meat-free memorial day is celebrated before the beginning of Maslenitsa week and falls on absolute permissiveness in food. After meat-eating Saturday, restrictions on consumption begin meat products, but fish and dairy menus are allowed.
Saturdays of Lent The second, third and fourth weeks of Great Lent are celebrated every Saturday and have cleansing meanings, primarily for living people. Praying for souls who have left the world of the living during a period of strict fasting is akin to a sacred ritual of repentance. During Great Lent, every Saturday can be considered a parental Saturday - the full Liturgy can only be read on rare days, and therefore, it is not possible to pray for the deceased as often as necessary. But Saturdays allow the deceased to receive prayerful protection from loved ones, which is important from a Christian point of view. After the Liturgy on Saturdays, a memorial service is performed for the deceased.
17.04.2018 Radonitsa Radonitsa comes on the 9th day after Easter, April 17 in 2018, and on this day the church resumes the commemoration of the dead, which was interrupted on Easter week, and before that - for the period of Lent.
26.05.2018 Trinity Saturday It takes place before the holiday of Trinity, often at this time people not only strive to visit the cemetery and pray for the souls of their loved ones, but also to carry out spring cleaning of the churchyard. Trinity Orthodox parental Saturday, which characterizes the annual cleansing of the soul by the Holy Spirit and presupposes its higher sanctification. Numerous beliefs and rituals are associated with this day, both prohibiting certain actions and obliging actions. The Saturday before the very ritual holiday - Trinity, allows you to remember those for whom the church does not have the right to pray: suicides, criminals and other sinners. The holiday of all three sacred relics is considered the most productive in turning to God, and you can ask both for the salvation of the souls of the dead and living people.
09.05.2018 Victory Day May 9 is not only Victory Day, but also a day for prayers for those who died defending their Motherland in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. On this day, all those who fell in World War II are remembered and remembered.
03.11.2018 Dmitrievskaya Saturday Dimitrievsky memorial day is dedicated to the veneration of the exploits of knights, warriors, fighters of the Battle of Kulikovo and other battles. Parental Saturday received this formulation in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Correct behavior on funeral days

Reverence for ancestors and deceased loved ones is an integral part of every person’s emotional experience, and commemoration is usually carried out sincerely. But it is worth knowing that this matter has its own rules that must be followed in order to avoid mistakes that will cause outright harm.

All the canons of the day on which you decide to hold the commemoration must be fully complied with. For each of memorial days There are private, own traditions, but there is also a general set of rules, norms of behavior for an Orthodox person who remembers his loved ones on Parents' Day.

So, on this day you should visit the temple and pray, light a candle for the repose, you should also give alms, help those in need by giving them funeral products. It’s worth going to the cemetery, if possible, leaving gifts in the form of baked goods or sweets on the graves, and doing the cleaning. If conditions permit, cleaning the cemetery and decorating the grave on one of these days will be very helpful.

But at the same time, Orthodox commemoration excludes alcohol. Drinking alcohol is sinful, and it makes no sense to combine a known sin with the remembrance of loved ones; in addition, it is immoral. You cannot turn a funeral meal into a drinking binge. Foul language in the cemetery is also prohibited, those commemorating must be in a bright, calm state of mind, nothing should interfere with quiet reverence. Crying and grief are not an obligatory component of commemoration; fond memories and memories of pleasant moments associated with the deceased are best atmosphere for remembrance, because despondency is also a sin.

Sayings and signs on Parents' Saturdays

There are a number of signs and sayings associated with memorial days, and they all carry a certain folk wisdom. Correct words you can find a lot, just what the words are worth “While your parents are alive, honor them, but when they are dead, remember them.”. Folk sayings They teach us to remember the deceased with kindness, and not with evil, to say goodbye to the deceased and let them go.

As for signs, there are even more of them.

  • On Trinity Saturday freshly cut aspen was brought into the house - it was believed that if its leaves did not lose during the night green color, then there will be no dead people in the house for a year. The black leaves in the morning indicated the opposite.
  • On Dmitrievskaya Saturday observed the weather - it is believed that if this day is warm, with a thaw, then spring will be early, and if on the contrary, then spring will be delayed. Until this day, it was believed that winter had not yet come, the weather had not settled. It is also believed that rivers should freeze on this day.
  • After the funeral meal, nothing can be removed from the table; everything is left overnight as is. Pancakes baked on this day are also associated with some signs - the first of them should be intended for the deceased, and if it fell on the floor, it was necessary to read a prayer for protection, since this could promise death in the family. A wedding on parent's Saturday is also a very bad omen.
  • On any of your parents' Saturdays you can go to the cemetery to remember the deceased, and Christian tradition prohibits leaving alcohol on graves; it is believed that this can only aggravate the suffering of the soul, especially if during life the person was distinguished by such an addiction. Too lavish funerals with an abundance of food, frequent snacks on this day and alcohol consumption are also not welcome.
