Everyday magic for every day. Worldly wisdom for every day

Feminine: “I’ll be ready in 15 minutes!” equivalent

to a man: “I’ll be home in 15 minutes!”

Worldly wisdom

Worldly wisdom as a personality quality - the ability to show deep intelligence based on life experience; be aware, understanding the consequences of your words and actions; find the optimal solution to life's problems.

One day the father called his son to see how the rice was ripening, but when they were walking through the field, the son suddenly noticed that some ears had bent to the very ground, while others were standing upright. “Father,” the son turned to his father, “probably these ears of corn stand upright because they are strong and strong.” But those, bent and weak, express their respect to them by bowing.

The father picked both ears of corn and said: “Look, my son!” This seemingly weak spikelet is actually already ripe, and only it is suitable for the job. But this one is just proud! He is still green and helpless. This is exactly what happens in life. Uncultured and uneducated people strive in every possible way to elevate themselves in the eyes of others, but wise and hardworking people are akin to these bent ears of corn - they live quietly and with dignity, do not boast of their merits, although they are the ones who benefit others. And because of their modesty, everyone treats them with love and respect.

This is how the father taught his son worldly wisdom using the example of ears of rice.

Worldly wisdom is a red diploma issued to the mind. As practice shows, women most often possess worldly wisdom. Men - less often. Women's worldly wisdom comes from the divine nature of a woman, in which from birth all the qualities necessary for the manifestation of such wisdom are inherent. The main thing is not to lose them.

Most men remain boys. As Mikhail Zhvanetsky says: “Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.” This is usually typical for men. They basically never fully become adults.

You can not know about the existence of the primer and at the same time fully demonstrate inexhaustible worldly wisdom. In other words, worldly wisdom does not depend on higher education, it is not associated with having five diplomas and three postgraduate degrees, it does not need a doctorate or a professorship. A simple illiterate grandmother can become a bottomless well of worldly wisdom.

One day a granddaughter asked her grandmother: “Grandma, I don’t know if I should tell him everything.” It seems like nothing like this happened, but what if he finds out? And it seems like there’s nothing to admit, but I can’t tell. And how can I demand that he be honest with me if I myself begin to hide something and not say anything? - Granddaughter, remember three simple rules. First: never, under any circumstances, deceive him. Second: never, under any circumstances, cheat on him. And third: if you have already deceived and cheated, then never, under any circumstances, tell him about it. Just remember, granddaughter, no matter how much you want, the last rule follows only the first two.

Worldly wisdom takes other people's advice very seriously, because it has a higher education received by reason. If you want to be the owner of worldly wisdom, respect any advice from others, no matter what it is. You are not obliged to follow them if they contradict your principles, your worldview. In short, we may not follow the advice, but it is our duty to respect it.

Therefore, according to psychologist Vyacheslav Ruzov, if we approach someone and say that we feel bad, and they tell us: “Drink a liter of vodka, you will feel better,” we must respect this advice, because a person is used to solving his problems this way, it helps him. But this is not within the scope of our principles. And we don’t do it, but we say: “Thank you very much.” The man wants to help us, he doesn’t know any better. If we respect a person's advice, we will become wise. Advice in itself does not oblige us to action. But we must respect the advice. But we don't even respect our parents' advice. We do not respect the advice of family and friends. It seems to us that “I know how it should be. This is how I think now, and if what they say matches my thoughts, I will respect it. If it doesn’t add up, I won’t respect it, it’s stupid advice.”

No. All advice is the grace of God. This is help that comes to us, perhaps now, but we cannot understand them. We can’t understand why this is being said to us, we can’t figure out how to become worldly wise from this? But when we then give advice ourselves, we will understand that there are different levels adviсe. Let's start to realize this. And we will see that no one will listen to our advice either. All our activities will be useless. Parents are faced with this. They didn't listen to their parents, then their children don't listen to them. And if we want to maintain our sanity and not fall into insanity, we must not be offended by fools. Yes, a person says some stupid idea, you can’t be offended by him. He also wants to help us. Thank him.

We shouldn't be offended by stupidity. Worldly wisdom is interestingly explained in sacred treatises. One of its explanations is the ability to draw conclusions without logic, without using logical connections or evidence. Wisdom is needed primarily in relationships. This is the most important use of worldly wisdom. It is very difficult to establish, establish relationships, regulate between big amount of people. We need worldly wisdom. How can everyone get along and be together? It's hard to be together and be happy. Relationships are not built on the principles of logic. Wisdom is the ability to do without logic, to build one’s thinking on the principles of culture. But culture is not very logical. But she is practical.

Worldly wisdom presupposes knowledge of what is good and what is bad.

One day a granddaughter asked her grandmother: “Grandmother, why do people get married?” It's so old-fashioned. Now you can live like this, without any stamps in your passport. And if something doesn’t work out, you can try again. I don’t want to get married because it’s a limitation of my freedom, and I don’t want any boundaries. And in general, I am able to take care of myself.

“Then, granddaughter, you can’t get married,” answered the grandmother. - Because as long as you think so, you have nothing in your possession. family life will not work. Yes, marriage is a boundary. But it does not limit your personal freedom, but protects and protects what is truly important and priceless - your family. And if you are going to get married in order to be cared for and loved, then bitterness and disappointment await you. You only have a chance at happiness when you enter into marriage with the desire to make the other person happy. And it’s still early for you, very early.

One psychologist writes: “Worldly wisdom, in my understanding, is wisdom ordinary person, which does not have five higher education and a doctorate in philosophy, but is already self-aware enough to understand in advance the consequences of his actions. In fact, all people to some extent have worldly wisdom, since they roughly imagine what will happen from one or another of their actions. But the more this wisdom and ability to foresee you have, the better and better things will go in your life. That is, what is real worldly wisdom? Before saying anything, we first lay out in our heads all the arguments for and against, and that’s it. possible consequences from our words. Yes, of course it’s not easy, but that’s what this wisdom is, in fact, this is awareness, because if you want to learn how to predict consequences, you need to learn to analyze a lot of information.”

Worldly wisdom clearly knows what in life really has a price. That is, the owner of worldly wisdom knows how to become happy for himself, and how to make others happy, how to help them in this.

The Vedas say that if you have the opportunity to communicate with a person who has worldly wisdom, it should be appreciated. Because he can give one piece of advice and you can change your life for the better in one second. At first it may seem very strange, what he says is incomprehensible, generally some kind of nonsense, but if we give ourselves a reason to think, we will understand that behind this lies enormous worldly wisdom.

What is the difference between worldly wisdom and learning? The first one you tried on personal experience, tested in practice, and learning came from books and often has nothing to do with practice.

A little humor.

Worldly wisdom says:
1. If a man goes left four times, then, according to the laws of geometry, he will return home.
2. Healthy sleep not only prolongs life, but also reduces working hours.
3. A woman is almost helpless until her painted nails are dry...
4. Doing nonsense in the workplace develops peripheral vision, hearing and vigilance in general!
5. People lie most often before elections, sex and after fishing.
6. There are two ways to control a woman, but no one knows them.
7. You shouldn’t run from a sniper - you’ll die tired...
8. If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead.
9. One head is good, but two is already ugly!
10. If an apple falls on you, run away as quickly as possible: the apple tree does not fall far from the apple.
11. Where the losing streak ends, the cemetery territory begins.
12. If your hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they come from.

Be prepared to get your ass kicked in life, but don't give it too often.
Winston Groom

Love humanity as much as you like, but do not demand reciprocity.
Don Aminado

Don't do to others what you would like them to do for you. You may have different tastes.
George Bernard Shaw

Don't spit in the well: there's no one there!
Konstantin Melikhan

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.
Coco Chanel

If you don't know what to do, act decently.

If you are considered a camel, spit on everyone.
Vladimir Goloborodko

Golden Rule says that there are no golden rules.
George Bernard Shaw

If you starve with a tiger, the last one to die will not be the tiger.
Unknown author

If you want to keep a diary, you have to live.
Gennady Malkin

Every exit is an entrance somewhere else.
Tom Stoppard

Anyone who bows low may hit below the belt.
Alexander Kumor

It's much easier to take the cat out of the bag than to put it back in the bag.
Will Rogers

Peter Kovalev

From generation to generation, customs, signs, and traditions are passed on, using which a person can help himself improve his health, financial condition, and strengthen harmony in the family. And the most important thing is that these remedies work!

When the word “magic” is uttered, our consciousness often gives us a stereotypical image: people in black robes with candles in their hands, casting spells. Naturally, such actions are available only to initiates - magicians, healers, witches. However, there is another magic - everyday magic, which is present in our lives every day, but we are not used to calling it that. This includes folk signs, beliefs, conspiracies. Before the revolution, when the connection between generations in the family was preserved and experience was passed on along with beliefs, traditions and rituals, people lived according to these rules. After the revolution, many traditions and beliefs, as well as religion, were declared a relic of illiteracy, savagery and lack of education among the people. Fortunately, these days we are little by little returning to the experience that our ancestors have preserved for centuries.

In our modern consciousness, this experience of everyday magic amazingly combines ancient Slavic culture, Christian customs, Western psychological recommendations, elements of the Eastern worldview, which in general are one and the same. It's like a house with a lot of doors and a bunch of keys to the door locks: there is one house, but there are many doors. And we also manage to mix these doors with each other, and successfully.

There are many “home” customs and signs, and they are true, because they combine the wisdom of more than one generation. In addition, most signs and beliefs can be explained from the point of view of psychology, parapsychology and bioenergy. Let's consider simple examples. The man on the steps remembers that he forgot something at home, comes back for it, and then things don’t go well for him all day. “Wow,” he laments, “how I knew I couldn’t come back! And so it happened - there was no luck!” Or a friend chooses a set of beautiful kitchen knives, gives it to the birthday girl, and a few days later he quarrels strongly with her. “But I knew,” he thinks, “that it was impossible to give spicy food - there is such a sign among the people” ...

Now let’s try to explain these signs from the point of view of psychology and bioenergy. The person who had to return for a forgotten item initially went out with the intention of doing something (for example, going shopping). His intention is confirmed by the energy (desire) to do something. When he remembered the forgotten thing and returned, he put the energy of intention into returning. Thus, he left the energy of intention at home, so regarding the originally planned matter desired result didn't reach. This also includes cases when a person begins to speak, but is interrupted, and then he cannot continue the thought: there is the energy of intention, but if it is weak, it can easily be “drowned out” by another person, and as a result, “the thought does not flow.”

Let's consider the second example: it is undesirable to give sharp and cutting things. From the point of view of bioenergy, the pointed ends accumulate negative energy, this also explains the ban unmarried girls sit at the edge (corner) of the table, where all the negative energy accumulated when eating also flows. Therefore, knives presented as a gift will not bring anything good to the giver or the recipient. And from the point of view of psychology, piercing and cutting means can be considered as symbols of murder, and in the subconscious of both parties in this case there remains a very bad program aimed at “cuts” and “injections”, which can immediately manifest itself in communication.

Let's look at a few more samples folk magic. People consider the Christmas season to be a special period. At Christmas, ugly and poor people should not be allowed into the house: they believe that such people bring misfortune for the whole year. Let's try to find an explanation for this belief. The period of Christmas holidays in our country, where the egregor* of Christianity is highly developed, is special. The strong energy flows of this period, as well as a certain vulnerability of family members associated with excessive passion for food and drinks during the New Year celebration, lead to the fact that the family’s biofield is really easy to disturb: you can “join” it, as if joining it, and eat there is a possibility that all the positive energy accumulated these days can be taken away.
You can't lend anything New Year. Both bioenergetically and psychologically, a person entering the New Year with debts programs himself to be in a state of “debt” for the whole year. By the way, lending is also not recommended: everything accumulated over the year, all the energy (“is given away”). There is another side of the coin here: a person who has serious troubles in life can lend money to another and thereby (“clean up”).
* Egregor is a certain high power. defining the relationship between people united common goals. Number of people. included in one egregor, is one of the determining factors in the strength of the egregor as a structure influencing processes in the surrounding world. In turn, the egregor gives a person support, strength, and self-confidence (Encyclopedia of Modern Esoterics).

In addition to a huge number of signs and beliefs, home magic consists of a number of rules from the series (“help yourself”). Below I tried to systematize this wisdom and derive a single ambulance algorithm for myself.

These rules can be used daily, conjuring yourself good mood, good luck and energy for the whole day

1. Waking up in the morning, charge yourself with positivity. You can say to yourself: “What a good day today! Everything will be fine today, everything will succeed and work out!”

2. Be in harmony with the Sun in the morning. The sun is a source of light and vital energy. In many religions, the Sun acts as a god; it is not for nothing that our ancestors worshiped the Sun and even called Prince Vladimir “the clear sun.” Therefore, it is very advisable to start your day by standing in sun rays, feel their warmth and recharge your batteries for the whole day.

3. Morning meditation is very useful. IN different systems this technique is called differently, common name- "Smile with organs." You immerse yourself in meditation and imagine how your organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, heart, lungs, spine) smile at you, and in return you give them your smile. Some authors recommend adding the skin and the female system to the list of smiling organs - this is a personal choice of the performer. Such positive attitude gives strength and joy, and the energy clinging to the organ ensures its improved functioning throughout the day.

4. You can “smile with your soul.” In addition to the smile produced by all organs, it is very useful to smile with your soul in the morning. A person can do this in different ways: someone visualizes their soul in meditation as a peer, someone sees fantastic images. The question here is rather whether the practitioner knows how to see his soul and how he imagines it.

5. Start the day with joy and remain in it constantly. In general, this recommendation is a continuation of the previous ones: see
joy in everything around you in the morning. It can be outer beauty flowers, trees, beautiful landscape, beloved baby, joy from the comfort of home, from the fragrant smell of food, from beautiful music, from the clap of thunder or the morning birdsong, in the end, from the very fact of life. You can find joy in both a cloudy, dull morning and a stormy day. This is how children know how to rejoice: they don’t care what’s around them, and every new situation gives them the opportunity to learn something new: let it rain like buckets, but what beautiful bubbles run through the puddles!

6. Take any situations in life as lessons. You should not evaluate situations according to the “good or bad” criterion. Both “bad” and “good” are relative criteria; what now seems to us the greatest evil, tomorrow we can remember as the greatest good. Life puts us in different situations not at all for us to evaluate them. Often, any situation can be corrected, and if something cannot be corrected, then it does not need to be corrected.

7. Love yourself and be able to forgive yourself for your mistakes. There is no thing in life that a person can do that cannot be forgiven. The best thing a person can do for himself is to love and accept himself as he is, and if some part of himself is not satisfactory, it must be corrected. Only one who loves and accepts himself can love and accept another: a partner, a child, a parent.

These are not all the rules that could be discussed, but at least those that are very good to use every day, “conjuring” yourself a good mood, good luck and a boost of energy for the whole day.

Lesya Lymar

Worldly wisdom, what is it and does it exist at all, is it possible to become wise in everyday life, or is wisdom only the lot of philosophers, mathematicians, ascetics and religious figures. In the last, first article of the big city, we began an interesting confrontation between the business wisdom of modern companies, and the everyday wisdom of an ordinary, thinking and, of course, conscious person.

Who will win in the end of the confrontation, no, I will not reveal the cards in advance, you will learn about this and much more by reading this article to the end.

In the first publication we already saw, albeit briefly, the inside out modern technologies business, and now we will look at this same process of modern business, only through the eyes of a potential consumer and not a manufacturer. And at the same time we will learn how you can protect yourself, your family and children from using low-quality, too expensive, and even sometimes dangerous products.

I hope you don’t live in a fairy-tale world, and it’s no secret to you that almost always a shopping trip to big city turns into an open confrontation between intellect, buyers and firms producing various goods. The former want to buy something cheaper, tastier and healthier, while the latter want to sell something cheap and unnecessary at a higher price.

So, is it possible to survive in modern world to the wise consumer...

What is worldly wisdom

Worldly wisdom in my mind - this is the wisdom of an ordinary person who does not have five higher educations and a doctorate in philosophy, but is already conscious enough to understand in advance the consequences of his actions.

In fact, all people to some extent have worldly wisdom, since they roughly imagine what will happen from one or another of their actions. But the more you have this wisdom and the ability to foresee, the things in your life will go better and better.

Wisdom of self-education

And if you are preparing to have children, then you simply must become a wise father or mother. Because your children are your most important investment in this world, and you need to raise them as wisely and carefully as possible, so that you don’t later regret the consequences of your incorrect upbringing.

And today worldly wisdom will help us in properly raising ourselves and our children, so read carefully, because Before raising children, you yourself need to gain at least a little of this useful worldly wisdom.

After all, believe me, proper upbringing of children is not so simple task, and today I will try to give some advice on reasonable upbringing, and wisely explaining rather complex but necessary truths to children for a future wise life.

How can you not confuse and intimidate a child so that he does not do some stupid things, because sooner or later he will come to his senses and do the opposite. And then, to How to instill in a child the right wise thoughts already in childhood, so that he later grows up to be a wise young man, and not a failed loser.

An example of worldly wisdom

In order not to be unfounded, we will begin to analyze the situation immediately with an example from life. A woman walking past McDonald's with a child, the child is naturally hungry or he is just interested in seeing what is happening there, because he saw that in the advertisement there are happy children and eternal holiday. And in general, children are interested in everything new, because they are just learning about this world.

Therefore, the child will of course ask his mother to go there. Children, of course, do not naturally possess intellectual wisdom, because they still have little life experience and knowledge, and for a child this will be a justified and correct desire. But a wise mother, of course, already has experience and understands that you can’t eat at McDonald’s, because this will lead to negative consequences for good health.

Moreover, the situation is further complicated by the fact that a child tastes modern civilization will not be able to understand that this food is dangerous to eat, since McDonald's chemists did a great job, and now even most adults cannot do this.

And then the mother faces a very difficult an easy task, How to explain to a child that you can’t eat at McDonald’s. And so that the child himself is sincerely convinced of this, and not just suppressed his desire to go there.

But how to do this in practice? Why, in the end, 99% of the possible monosyllabic actions or objections of an unwise mother will only worsen the situation, and the child will want to go there even more. And when he grows up, he will definitely have a blast at it if you stupidly forbid him, rather than explain something today.

The wisdom of education

And so, if his mother takes him there, he will understand that the food there is delicious, because they have learned to use the appropriate technologies for this. The child will quickly like it, and your child has a chance to get hooked on this far from cheap and not healthy food.

IN As a result, not only the risk of all common diseases and early death, but also naturally, a low position in society and lack of developed intelligence. After all "we are what we eat" that's what the sages of all times said, and I hope you will not argue with this statement, because kings never ate slaves' food.

Further, if the mother says that they have no money, this will make McDonald's products even more desirable, and if necessary, of course, the child will be happy to spend his money on it. No, this is clearly not worldly wisdom, we need to come up with something else.

If the mother says that going there often is harmful or impossible, then again the child will associate this place with the holiday, and he will look forward to it. rare day when you can still go there. A if you take your child to McDonald's only on his birthday, then he will have an even stronger association with the holiday and happiness.

Well, here is your last possible argument, of course you will tell the child that this is harmful. But believe it or not, the latest McDonald's advertisement is already beginning to justify the fact that McDonald's is now becoming much more useful, so the child will start arguing with you.

And of course he already has his own experience. He knows dozens of children at school who often go there, and they all seem to be healthy and everything is fine, so of course he will rightly assume that you just don’t want to take him there because it’s not cheap, and you’re just lazy. Well, or you just want to deprive him of holiday and happiness, which is the worst option.

Of course, sometimes it happens that your child is smart enough from childhood or his intuition is so developed that he simply does not want to go there. But I hope you understand that this happens extremely rarely. Therefore, the mother has only one real chance, a wise attack on all fronts against McDonald’s arguments and increasing the child’s awareness of this issue.

Worldly wisdom

That is, what is real worldly wisdom, Before we say anything, we first make plans for ourselves in our headsV We accept all the arguments for and against, and all the possible consequences of our words. Yes, of course it’s not easy, but that’s what this wisdom is, in fact it is, because if you want to learn how to predict consequences, you need to learn to analyze a lot of information.

After you have thought through your position, and with enough knowledge you can do this in almost a few minutes, you still have to present it correctly to the child. After all, it is not only what you say that matters, but also how you say it.

And the hardest thing is that Each child needs a different approach, well, let’s hope you know yours and can find the right strategy to show your worldly wisdom on your own. But the main recommendation is simply not to be very serious, as if this is the most important issue in life, since this will create unnecessary significance for the company being discussed.

Discuss rather than prove that you are right

It's more likely should resemble a discussion of a topic between two friends with mutual arguments and conclusions. Your task is essentially simple explain your position and try to win your child over to your side, although you can do not only your own. By and large this good algorithm a wise approach to the issue and a good template for explaining anything to anyone.

And so, in practice, what might an example of a comprehensive discussion with a child of this issue look like? You will learn about this worldly wisdom very soon, from the second part, this second part) In the article.

The word “sofia”, as we have seen, had in its language, among other meanings, such meanings as “worldly wisdom”, “practical mind”, and the adjective “sofos” meant both “prudent” and “judicious” . Ordinary worldview consciousness is a worldview reduced to the main concern. In this sense, the philosophy of the German existentialist Martin Heidegger is an exaggerated and obphilosophized everyday worldview. There is a lot of useful information in worldly wisdom. You can't live without her. But it can only give ordinary happiness. One of the oldest treasures of worldly wisdom is Hesiod’s poem “Works and Days,” where line 694 was translated by V.V. Veresaev as “observe moderation in everything and do your deeds on time,” which is better than the original, where this advice is not so clearly expressed . Other everyday advice from a hardworking peasant to his dissolute brother Perse is also good.

Condemned by Pythagoras for immodesty, the “wise men” are the authors of many, mainly worldly, pieces of advice: “You must respect your father,” “Be restrained in your tongue,” “Do not do anything by force,” “Do not be arrogant in abundance, do not be humbled in need” (Cleobulus ), “Avoid pleasure that gives rise to suffering”, “Do not associate with the bad” (Solon); “Have a cheap wedding,” “If you have been harmed, reconcile; if you have been insulted, take revenge” (Chilon); “Do not get rich by dishonest means”, “When in power, govern yourself” (Thales); “[What] is insatiable [?] - greed.” What angers you in your neighbor, do not do it yourself” (Pittacus); “Most people are bad”, “Acquire: in youth - prosperity, in old age - wisdom” (Biant); “Pleasures are mortal, virtues are immortal,” “Be moderate in good fortune, prudent in trouble” (Periander). Some instructions of the “wise men” went beyond the limits of worldly wisdom into a more sublime wisdom: “Guess about the secret by the obvious” (Solon) - the source and basis of knowledge; “Know yourself” (Hiloi), “The best measure” (Cleobulus). Thales, the first sage, the first scientist and the first philosopher in Europe, has the most such sayings (although he lived in Asia, however, in Malaya, but there were Greek colonies there at that time, the western coast of the Asia Minor peninsula was Greek - Ionia, Zolida): “ Time is the wisest thing, for it reveals everything,” etc. Returning to worldly wisdom, let’s say that when they say that “wisdom” is a deep mind based on life experience (for example, folk wisdom),” they mean it is precisely this, namely worldly wisdom, and not all wisdom. Arthur Schopenhauer in his “Aphorisms of Worldly Wisdom” said that “I attach a strictly immanent meaning to the concept of worldly wisdom: by this I mean the art of living life as happily and easily as possible.” However, worldly wisdom is not only about this and for this. It is in the ability to get along with other people, in justice and in compliance (therefore, a true worldly sage is sometimes a master of compromise, he reunites the seemingly irreconcilable, reconciles the seemingly irreconcilable, such was, for example, the cynic Crates of Thebes, who “came into houses torn apart by quarrels, and resolved disputes with words about peace,” but in compliance to a certain limit, otherwise “you will lose your face.” Worldly wisdom is the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood (which is very difficult. Kong Fuzi said that he only learned this at sixty years old) and from half-truths (the only thing worse than a lie is a half-truth).

Worldly wisdom in the understanding that everyday life is deeply simple (“What is complex is false, the truth is simple!”), and its complexity and confusion come from self-deception and mutual deception. Yes, life is difficult for those who have set themselves put oneself in a false position, or allowed others to put oneself in a false position.

Worldly wisdom is in calmness (a philosopher is “a person who is reasonable, judicious and calm about all the phenomena of life, its adversities”), in readiness for changes for the worse. In the understanding of the Cynic Diogenes of Sinope, the purpose of philosophy is to temper our souls and make us ready “for every turn of fate.” A treasure trove of worldly wisdom is the Confucian book “Lun Yu” (“Conversations and Sayings”), which, among many moral and everyday instructions, contains the basic, fundamental, which should lie at the basis of all countless relationships between people: “Do not do to others what you do not want yourself” 39 (however, in the case of a suicide and a “self-eater” this rule does not apply). The prescriptions of genuine worldly wisdom have a universal human character. This also includes the “commandments of Moses,” but not all, but the last six, which relate not to people’s relationship to God, but to their relationship: “Honor your father and mother,” “Do not kill,” “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not steal.” ", "Do not bear false witness", "Do not covet your neighbor's house...". However, it should be noted that historically all these commandments applied only to intra-Jewish relations and did not apply to goyim, pagans who do not know the true God.

The commandment “Thou shalt not kill” did not prevent the stoning of violators of any of the ten commandments, for example, “whoever hits his father or his mother must be put to death” 41 .

There is a lot of worldly wisdom in the anonymous “Pythagorean Laws and Moral Rules”; “If you are asked: what is silence? answer: the first stone of the temple of wisdom"; “What is wisdom? knowledge of order...", "Don't chase happiness: it is always within you", "If you are asked: what does well-being consist of? answer: be in agreement with yourself,” “Wise! If you want to proclaim to people any important truth, clothe it in the clothing of general opinion,” “Wise! Obliged to live among the common people, be like oil floating on top of water, but not mixing with it” 42...

The pinnacle of worldly wisdom is knowledge of moderation! Yes, the basis of worldly wisdom is measure, knowledge of measure, the ability to find measure in everything, including measure itself. The measure itself is not an end in itself. Measure is not for the sake of measure. Measure is only a means, a means of man’s harmoniousness with nature, with other people and, what is especially difficult, with himself. Measure is a means of preventing the transformation of good into evil: nutrition into gluttony, obedience into slavery. Good should not and cannot be immeasurable. Therefore, they must have their own measure and moral requirements. And this means that to all moral precepts one should mentally add: “In moderation!” For example, “Honor your father! But in moderation! In fact, did not that Chinese man exceed the limit who wore short pants all his life so that his parents would think that he was still small and they were still young? Did Antigone also violate the rules in her love for her brother? Is it the harsh fact that her brother led to the walls hometown enemy army, should not have moderated its brotherly love in favor of love for fellow citizens? Of course, her truth is in mercy. But the truth is worth something! Likewise: “Love your neighbor. But in moderation! etc.

However, our moral consciousness tells us that something is wrong here. And that's true! Moral precepts do not need to be limited. The measure will be imposed by the selfish nature of man. Therefore, all moral prescriptions and demands must be absolute, unconditional, immeasurable - counting on the amendment that our healthy egoism will make. Rare cases of moral immensity: either eccentricities (Don Quixote) or exploits (Danko). They are so episodic that they are often preserved in the memory of posterity, as, for example, it was with an adult Chinese man in short pants.


You can't hit the same pant leg twice.
Sergey Ostashko
Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.
Coco Chanel
All bad things come too early, all good things come too late.
Krzysztof Konkolewski
God bless everyone, but not everyone.
Y. Gimberis
Ninety percent of everything is complete nonsense.
Theodore Sturgeon
If you don't know what to do, act decently. If you are considered a camel, spit on everyone.
Vladimir Goloborodko
If a person says that he does not want to think about something, then he can only think about it.
John Steinbeck
If a person greets you several times a day, it means that he does not notice you.
Alexander Botvinnikov
The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.
George Bernard Shaw
He who has both feet firmly on the ground will never take off his pants.
Carlton Pearson
The affectionate calf of two queens sucks - and then a double chop comes out of it.
Wlodzimierz Scislowski
Elbows bite when arms are short.
A. Khalilova
The people we need are always busier than us.
Sergey Skotnikov
Having bitten into an apple, it is always more pleasant to see a whole worm in it than a half.
Martti Larni
Don't fight yourself - you'll lose anyway.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec
Not every kick should be answered with a bow.
Andrzej Urbanczyk
Not everyone's feet reach the ground.
Yanina Ipohorskaya
There are no unbearable people - there are narrow doors.
S. Alt
It’s not enough to crawl through the eye of a needle; after that you also have to prove that you are not a camel.
Geliy Aronov
The norm is something that occurs only occasionally.
Somerset Maugham
One extra finger spoils the whole hand.
You can't hatch the same egg twice!
Kozma Prutkov
Standing on your head is no use if you can't stand on your feet.
Marian Karczmarczyk
It hasn’t happened yet, so it won’t happen.
Jaroslav Hasek
When you lose your head, don’t at least lose your face.
Leszek Kumor
Only the unsaid is worth remembering.
Don Aminado
A drowning person usually muddies the waters.
Andrzej Stock
To start life over, you need to return to the place from which you were sent.
Boris Krutier

(Source: " Big Book aphorisms." Dushenko K.V. Ed. 5th, corrected. - M.: Publishing house EKSMO-Press, 2001.)

. Academician 2011.

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