A big nose. What character traits does the shape of the nose tell us about?

Direction: hanging tip - nervous, fussy. The rising tip is naive, dreamy. If we are talking about a man, then the nose slopes left side will mean taking care of yourself, brothers, father, male friends, your secrets, and a deviation to the right side, on the contrary: caring for your wife, sisters, mother, daughters, female friends and public secrets.

A positive (bulging forward) bridge of the nose speaks of an active life position and some aggression, a negative (concave) bridge of the nose speaks of passivity.
High bridge of the nose - decisive, stubborn, famous (if the cheekbones and mouth are good).
A low bridge of the nose means a weak-willed, unhealthy person.

If the bridge of the nose is uneven, for example, the nose was broken, this means treachery, betrayal and an unhappy marriage. A round tip of the nose means a good financial situation, kindness. The person uses softer methods to earn money, he is generous. The sharp tip of the nose means arguments over trifles, cruelty and stinginess. Such a person is more prudent; you should always remember how much money you owe him, for example, and pay everything carefully on time and to the penny. Forked tip - loneliness (possibly internal).

– individual characteristics of the ratio of length, width, height of the external nose, in which it looks disproportionate in relation to other parts of the face. Too much a big nose disrupts the harmony of facial features, attracts attention and causes ridicule from others, and contributes to the development of complexes in its owner regarding his appearance. At the same time, the large external nose protects a person to a greater extent from the penetration of airborne pathogens and allergens into the respiratory tract. If an individual is dissatisfied with the size and shape of the nose, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) comes to the rescue.

    The characteristics of a large nose are very individual and depend not only on its length and width, but also on its proportionality and balance with the rest of the facial features. If a person’s face is naturally endowed with small eyes, lips, and thin eyebrows, then even a nose of average anatomical size will seem “giant.”

    The shape of the nose is determined by the ratio of a number of its structural components: base, root, back, tip; size - length, width and height of individual parts of the nose. Endless combinations of these values ​​create a variety of options for the structure of the nose.

    The variability of the size and shape of the nose depends on age: over the years, the shape and relationship of the nose with the facial skeleton become different, and besides, against the background of general ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and sagging skin, the nose looks much larger and larger. On average, the growth and development of the nose continues until the age of 18-21. The shape and size of the nose is also influenced by hereditary and national characteristics. European peoples have tall and thin noses, Mongolian - flat and wide.

    Anthropological parameters of the nose

    The length of an ideal nose is 1/3 of the length of the face, the width does not exceed 1/3 of its length, and the height is approximately 1.5 times its width. With a classic profile, the angle of the nose is 30°; the break at the bridge of the nose should not be too deep.

    The percentage ratio of the width of the nose to its length is the so-called nasal index, which can vary from 60% to 110%. The nasal index is widely used in anthropology and has the following options:

    • leptoria - nasal index up to 69.9% characterizes a high narrow nose;
    • mesorinia - nasal index from 70% to 84.9% is typical for a medium-sized nose;
    • chamarinia - nasal index from 85% to 99.9% is observed with a low, wide, wide nose;
    • hyperchamarinia - a nasal index above 100% occurs in those with a large, large nose.

    According to this classification, leptoria is characteristic of the peoples of European groups and Eskimos; Chamarinia is found among African, Australian peoples, etc. Anthropologists suggest that the size of the nose has adaptive significance for performing the most important respiratory function.

    Physiological features of a large nose

    A large nose often seriously complicates the life of its owner, introducing disharmony into the appearance, becoming the subject of ridicule in childhood and a source of complexes in adulthood. However, the undoubted advantage of a large nose is that it is able to protect its owner from the penetration of infectious pathogens and allergens into the body. American researchers have experimentally confirmed that a large nose represents a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of microorganisms into the nasopharynx, as well as plant pollen, which causes allergic rhinitis (hay fever).

    Those with a large, protruding nose inhale 7% fewer dust particles and bacteria from the air than those with a normal or average nose. Also, a large nose protects the oral cavity from inhaled microorganisms.

    And, nevertheless, not all owners of a large nose are ready to reckon with its advantages. Women especially often resort to nose reduction.

    Plastic correction of the shape and size of the nose

    Surgeries to change the shape and size of the nose are called rhinoplasty. With the help of plastic correction, you can make a wide nose narrower, a long nose short, i.e., recreate the proportions of the nose that are in harmony with the appearance of a person.

    Rhinoplasty, performed to correct a nose that is large in size or disproportionate in shape, involves reducing its osteochondral frame. Access to the nasal frame is made by making incisions on the inner surface of the nostrils. During the operation, “excess” bone and cartilage tissue is removed, the resulting defect is then closed by bringing the nasal bones together. If necessary, part of the skin in the nostril area is removed. With an isolated reduction of the wings of the nose, the nasal septum and bone structures of the nose are not affected.

    If the patient has difficulty breathing through the nose, the position of the nasal septum is simultaneously changed - septorhinoplasty. If the new shape or size of the nose comes into dissonance with the rest of the face (chin, cheeks, etc.), it becomes necessary to change the appearance of these parts of the face, which can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty or separately in the future.

    Rhinoplasty to correct the shape and size of a large nose is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours.

    During the recovery period, it is necessary to protect the surgical area from trauma. With qualified rhinoplasty, the risk of postoperative complications is minimal.

The nose is an organ thanks to which a person is able to breathe and distinguish smells, in addition, nose is individual feature and makes the face unique. A large nose immediately attracts attention, but, unfortunately, often only because it disrupts the proportions of the face and deprives it of harmony and charm. Women, more often than men, worry about the size and shape of the organ of smell, believing that a large nose, if not disfiguring, at least deprives a girl of attractiveness and makes her feel self-conscious about her appearance. Little consolation for the weaker sex is the opinion of experts who believe that people with large noses are better protected from allergens and infectious agents, transmitted by airborne droplets.

In fairness, we note that a large and wide nose does not always “spoil” the owner’s life and, for example, looks good on a wide, high-cheekbone face, and also blends organically with big eyes, wide eyebrows and plump lips. The situation changes radically if a person has small facial features and against their background the nose looks large, having an optimal ratio of length and width. It is no coincidence that one of the most popular plastic surgery For several decades now, rhinoplasty has remained a procedure that involves changing the size and shape of the olfactory organ. Experts say that bones and soft tissues grow up to 18 years of age, and sometimes the formation of the nose continues until 21 years of age, so before this age it is premature to talk about its size, especially since it is not worth correcting an organ that has not yet formed. Interestingly, with age, the nose begins to appear larger due to age-related changes in the face, including muscle ptosis and reduction.

Signs of a large nose

The size of the nose is usually judged by the ratio of the length, height and width of its individual parts - base, back, root, tip and by the correspondence of the organ to the face as a whole. A nose is considered large if its length is more than a third of the length of the face.. In addition, the external perception of the olfactory organ is influenced by its width and height. For example, A girl’s nose will look large and wide if its width exceeds a third of its length. Also looks big nose, if the back is more than 30 degrees with the plane of the face, especially against the background of a sunken (deep) bridge of the nose.

In addition to subjective size criteria based on visual inspection, there is also a scientific method for determining size - this is the so-called nasal index (used in anthropology). The nasal index is found by dividing the width of the nose by its length and expressing it as a percentage. Depending on the result obtained, there are:

  • up to 70% - small nose (leptoria);
  • 70-85% - medium-sized nose (mesorhinia);
  • 85-100% - large nose (chamarinia)
  • Over 100% - very large nose (hyperchamarinia)

Studies show that Europeans have relatively small noses, and large ones are more common among indigenous Africans and Australians, which is associated with the peculiarities of maintaining breathing in different conditions accommodation. It has been proven that the shape and size of the nose are largely hereditary and are determined by national characteristics of this or that people. Thus, Slavs are more likely to have high and thin noses, while Asians are more likely to have wide and flattened noses.

Physiological characteristics of large noses in men and women

Research conducted by American scientists led to the conclusion that people with large noses are less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases thanks to longer nasal passages, in which the air lingers a little longer, which means it has time to warm up and get rid of some pathogenic microbes. According to statistics, seven percent fewer microorganisms enter the body of those with large noses, as well as plant pollen, which provokes allergy attacks.

Video about nose correction methods

Surgical correction of a large nose

A large nose in men rarely becomes a source of discomfort; representatives of the stronger half of humanity, if they resort to rhinoplasty, are mostly in emergency cases, for example, to get rid of the consequences of fractures. But girls often worry about what to do if you have a big nose, because for ladies both the shape and size of the olfactory organ are of great importance! Modern plastic surgery, fortunately, is able to correct almost any defect, including shortening the back and narrowing the wings of the nose.

To give the organ the desired proportions, its osteochondral frame is reduced. “Unnecessary” soft and bone tissue is removed through incisions on the inner surface of the nostrils. Often, during the operation, the curvature of the nasal septum is corrected, that is, it is done.

In the case of correction of a large wide nose in a girl or man, first of all, the nostrils are narrowed: part of the soft tissue is removed, after which the shape of the wings is formed. In addition, quite often during rhinoplasty of a wide nose the bridge of the nose is raised. In the event that the bridge of the nose is too wide (a fairly common physiological feature), part of the segments of nasal cartilage is usually removed, and then those that remain are sewn together. Large nose surgery takes up to two hours and is done under general anesthesia.

Attention! When rhinoplasty of a large nose, often covered with thick skin, it is more difficult to correct the tip of the nose, and not the back, as is commonly believed, and special skill is required in order to smooth the transition from the back to the tip. Some plastic surgeons use open access in such cases, believing that it allows maintaining the anatomical unity of all parts of the nose.

Photos of patients before and after correction of a large nose

How much does it cost to reduce a large nose? Cost of surgery in Moscow

Non-surgical ways to reduce a large nose

Only rhinoplasty can permanently eliminate a large nose. If it is not possible to have surgery, then you should at least try to hide it actual sizes olfactory organ using the following techniques:

Makeup. A girl with a big nose must correctly place “accents”, that is, distract from the nose and switch the attention of the interlocutor to other parts of the face. It is best to highlight the eyebrows - enhance the color and give them a round or curved shape, and also make brighter than the eyes. Makeup artists advise applying dark shadows to the inner corner of the eye and thereby visually narrowing the bridge of the nose - this technique is also good for correcting a wide, large nose. The length of the nose can be visually reduced if the tip is made a little darker (powdered with a dark shade of powder). Interestingly, girls with large noses should not highlight their lips, since the effect of switching attention in this case does not work.

Hairstyle. If a girl has a big nose, then soft, large curls and waves suit her. You should not style your hair in a straight parting (it will look like an extension of the bridge of your nose); it is better to opt for a side parting.

Glasses. Stylists know what to do if a large nose interferes with your life and advise you to choose glasses with original frames. The accessory will not only distract attention from the respiratory organ, but will also make the image complete and stylish; For owners of large noses, dark-colored frames with a narrow lens frame, preferably with pronounced angles, are well suited.

Big nose: interesting

There is an opinion that there is a connection between the size of the nose and male “dignity”. However, experts do not support this idea and claim that a man’s large nose is not a sign of remarkable sexual abilities.

Chinese sages recognized the nose as the ruler of the face and believed that its shape could predict a person’s fate. In their opinion, a large nose is more often found in serious, responsible and hardworking men, who are also generously endowed creative abilities. There is a whole doctrine about noses and their connection with the character of people, called nosology, according to which a person with a large nose has a strong and courageous character.

The fact that the nose has always been considered the main “detail” on the face is confirmed by the names works of art: the story “The Nose” by N.V. Gogol, the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” by V. Gauff and the poem “Red Nose Frost” by N.A. Nekrasov.

Writers had large noses: A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy.

Big noses of steel business cards many popular artists, such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbra Streisand, Uma Thurman, Gerard Depardieu and Jean Belmondo. Moreover, there are cases when, succumbing to the fashion for rhinoplasty, people, along with a large nose, lost their individuality and lost their careers. This happened with Jennifer Gray (the film “Dirty Dancing”) - the big one did not stop the actress from becoming the favorite of millions of viewers. However, after Jennifer shrank her nose and became like millions of pretty girls, the directors stopped filming her - they were not interested in this type.

Among Russian stars There are also many people with big noses. Among the men, we will highlight A. Dzhigarkhanyan and V. Mashkov, and among the women, Lolita Milyavskaya and Alika Smekhova. Until recently, this company included Kristina Orbakaite, but several years ago the singer underwent rhinoplasty (in her words, due to injury): as a result, her nose was no longer large, but remained quite large.

The nose plays a role in a person’s appearance important role, it can have ideal parameters or add zest, or it can cause complexes in its owner. As a rule, a large nose causes dissatisfaction.

A large nose is often not liked by its owner and causes psychological complexes, but there are people who perceive it adequately. As a rule, women perceive large noses very categorically, due to their scrupulousness and exactingness towards their appearance, but there are also men who are dissatisfied with the size of this organ. But at the same time, it has an excellent advantage - large noses provide greater protection from the penetration of allergens and pathogens of airborne infections and microorganisms.

What is a sign of a big nose? According to physiognomy, the science of determining character traits based on facial features, a large nose in a man is a sign of endurance and strong character, masculinity, are most suitable for them leadership positions. Women, on the other hand, are characterized by an independent character, an analytical mind, charisma, responsibility and a wonderful sense of humor.

Each face is very individual, just like noses. For example, if a woman has small facial features: a small mouth and thin lips, small eyes, then in this case even a normal nose for an ordinary face will be too big for this woman.

The size of this organ is such a burning topic that even scientists conducted research on this topic, and were even able to determine what it should be perfect nose. It is considered ideal if its turn is 106 degrees. For example, a nose like this belongs to famous actress Scarlett Johansson.

If you are happy with your appearance and nose, that's great! After all, it is self-confidence that makes a person beautiful and makes him happy, and not complete compliance with modern standards of beauty.

But unfortunately, for some girls, women and even men, a large nose is a real aesthetic problem on a cosmic scale, and they will never be able to accept it as a normal phenomenon. In this case, the question certainly arises: “how to hide a big nose”? You can change, hide or reduce your nose with the help of space tricks, surgery and glasses.

Glasses are no longer just a means of vision correction; now many fashionistas and fashionistas wear glasses exclusively as a stylish accessory, which, by the way, perfectly visually corrects the imbalance of facial features. Glasses with bright frames unusual shape They focus attention on the eyes and make a person more stylish. Dark frames with pronounced angles are suitable for men and women with large noses.

Cosmetic tricks are the most powerful tool for any woman to achieve beauty. Of course, he cannot eliminate it forever, but only visually correct an external defect or flaw. And how to hide a big nose? So, to visually reduce your eyebrows, you can change the shape of your eyebrows, their curve and thickness. Round eyebrows or eyebrows with a pronounced bend balance the appearance of the face and make it more harmonious.

Eye makeup can make it more graceful; to do this, you need to apply dark shadows to the inner corner of the eye, due to which the bridge of the nose will visually narrow.

Using dark and light powder you can narrow a wide nose. To do this, you need to draw 2 vertical lines on the sides from the eyebrow to the nostrils with a dark shade of powder or bronzer, and then shade the border of the lines to make them invisible and soft. A light foundation or powder should be applied to the central part, and the borders should also be carefully shaded.

Plastic surgery is the most effective and radical method of solving the problem. This operation is called rhinoplasty. There are many types of rhinoplasty, such as tip surgery, wide nose correction, and hump removal. The operation allows you to achieve harmonious proportions and beautiful shape.

During the operation, the osteochondral frame is reduced through incisions inside the nostrils. During the procedure, the surgeon removes excess cartilage and bone tissue, and if necessary, part of the skin in the nostril area is removed.

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and lasts 1.5 or 2 hours.

Patients can see final result even before the operation thanks to modern technology three-dimensional modeling of a person’s image after the procedure.

Contraindications to surgery are pregnancy, acute infections, tuberculosis, oncological diseases, diseases, of cardio-vascular system, kidney, diabetes, blood diseases, mental disorders.

On the first day after surgery, the patient is prescribed painkillers and antibiotics. The stitches are removed after a week, and the plaster cast, applied to secure the shape and protection, is removed after 10 days.

A person who has undergone rhinoplasty must limit his visits to the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool for a month, and cannot engage in any activities for a week. physical activity, during the first weeks you should not smoke, take hot or cold food, you cannot wear glasses for 3-4 months. And after the rehabilitation period, you can enjoy new form nose

The cost of rhinoplasty in Moscow can range from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. But since this operation is very complex and requires great professionalism and experience of the surgeon, you should not skimp on choosing a clinic and a doctor, otherwise you may end up with an unsatisfactory aesthetic result or postoperative complications.

It is almost always a psychological problem for the owner. Some peoples who have large noses - a genetic predisposition - have made a kind of cult out of the size of this organ. But what is most interesting is that a good half of the plastic surgeons involved in correcting this organ are representatives of these very nations. That is, not everything is so simple. But we digress.

Features of large nostrils

There are different types of large noses: wide, generally large, and also a nose with large nostrils. The last disproportion is especially unpleasant when the nose itself is not very prominent, but the nostrils are of such a size that through them you can see almost the entire nasal cavity. A logical question arises: if the nostrils are very large, what should you do? No less exciting is the defect when one nostril is larger than the other. This often happens with a deviated septum or deformation of the nose after injury due to improper fusion. Naturally, the question arises: “How to remove huge nostrils?” There is only one way out - it will help eliminate the defect, reduce this part of the nose, make it beautiful and proportional to other parameters and the face as a whole.

How to fix large nostrils

At the first consultation, the plastic surgeon will conduct a thorough examination and decide how to remove large nostrils: whether it is necessary to correct the bridge of the nose, the septum, or to sufficiently reduce the wings. After the diagnosis, a virtual 3D model of the nose will be made, what it will look like after rhinoplasty. This is very important point, because general form A person with a new “nose” is often completely different from what a person imagines it to be. To avoid misunderstandings and dissatisfaction with the results of rhinoplasty later large nostrils and such a preparatory stage is performed.

If huge nostrils (pictured) are associated with a too wide or long bridge of the nose, then rhinoplasty involves removing excess cartilage tissue, which will automatically reduce the size of the nostrils. This intervention is performed only under general anesthesia and most often open type, when an incision is made at the bottom of the nose, the skin and mucous membrane are separated from the cartilage, the excess part of the cartilage is excised, and the mucous membrane and skin are returned to their place. Excess skin, as a rule, returns to normal on its own and shrinks. If there is too much tissue, the excess is also excised in the corners of the organ so that the seams are practically invisible. After surgery, a fixing bandage is applied to the nose while the tissues heal, and tampons are inserted into the nostrils to absorb secretions.

Reduction of the wings of the nose is carried out with the normal size of the entire organ and greatly enlarged nostrils - such a nose is also called wide (Negroid). In this case, excess cartilage and soft tissue of the wings is also removed using open rhinoplasty. Invisible seams disappear within one and a half to two months. The full recovery period lasts 8-10 months, but how much the nostrils have shrunk can be seen after the swelling has subsided.

One nostril is larger than the other - ways to correct the defect

In a situation where one nostril is larger than the other, how to correct the situation - enlarge the one that is smaller, or vice versa - reduce the larger one, the doctor will decide after an examination, depending on the reasons that caused such a defect. Most often, this problem can be eliminated by straightening the curved septum, which causes the disproportion. This operation is called.

A more complex problem is when the different sizes of the nostrils are the result of improper fusion of soft tissues after injury. In this case, reconstructive surgery is performed, which may not affect the cartilage.

If a little time has passed after rhinoplasty surgery and you have one nostril larger than the other, then this situation is quite acceptable. There is even an informal term “the nose plays,” that is, it changes shape, appearance, now on one side, now on the other it seems larger. The nose will take its final shape only after 8-12 months, and only then will it be possible to evaluate how successful the rhinoplasty was. If the problem of nostril disproportion remains, revision rhinoplasty will be prescribed.
