What to do to bewitch your beloved girl. Effective ways to cast a love spell on a girl at home

There is a widespread belief that all kinds of love spells are truly feminine activities. Meanwhile, among men there are quite often those who are not averse to sometimes using magical rituals to achieve their goals.

Most often, representatives of the stronger sex turn to love spells on their favorite girls based on photos. They can resort to this method of influencing the consciousness and heart of a girl for certain reasons.

The most popular reasons for bewitching a girl are:

  • unrequited love, causing a desire to achieve the favor of the beloved, to replace her anger with mercy;
  • breaking up with a girl and, as a result, the desire to return an ex-lover or wife.

Today I will tell you the most popular and effective ways charming girls from photographs and what they can be.

One of the most popular love spells for a girl is a magical ritual using a photo of her beloved. There are quite a few varieties of this type of divination. However, among them we can highlight several of the simplest, but no less effective methods that beginners can cope with (after all, it is unlikely that any young person can boast of extensive experience in using bewitchment, unless he is a professional magician).

Performing any love ritual, whether from a photograph or not, requires compliance with certain conditions, without which you should not count on a positive outcome of the love spell.

Moreover, an incorrectly performed ritual can result in negative consequences for both the bewitcher and the bewitched. For a love spell to be effective, No need:

  • Resort to rituals out of curiosity, if you are not sure of your feelings to the victim of a love spell;
  • Use black magic love spells- they are dangerous and fraught with negativity, and can lead to tragedy.
  • Make a love spell if the desired girl loves another. A love spell may turn out to be ineffective, and it is unlikely that you will be able to build your happiness at the cost of other people’s misfortune.
  • Bewitch a girl if more than a year has passed since the date of separation. A long period of separation significantly reduces the effectiveness of the love ritual.
  • Tell someone(even to those closest to you) about your intentions. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

The safest ways to bewitch your beloved girl are the methods of village magic and energy magic. They do not require any special knowledge, equipment or magical gifts.

It is better to carry out love rituals during the waxing moon - its growth will lead to an increase in the feelings of the beloved. It is very advisable to refrain from cemetery rituals - one minor mistake can bring big trouble to both participants in the love spell.

After a love spell has been cast on your beloved girl, there is no need to remain idle and rely only on magic. You need to try to catch the eye of the desired girl as often as possible, try to be close to her in order to awaken her interest and feelings, make her see herself as a potential betrothed.

Three ways to bewitch a girl from a photo

Which photo should I choose?

To cast a love spell on a girl from a photo, you need to choose a suitable photo. Criterias of choice:

  • high quality photography;
  • there is only one girl in the photo, without strangers;
  • Only a printed photo will do;
  • the photo must be taken close-up(face or to the waist), while the eyes should be clearly visible;
  • the photo must be whole - magic does not tolerate cropped photos;
  • the image of the girl should be emotionally neutral (something like a photograph for documents);
  • The photo must be recent (no more than a year old).

Method one - by candles

You will need 9 church tokens and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. With the right heel they step on the photo and say the plot three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It's joyful with me, hard without me. This is the lock, and the key is in the fish's mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is carried out 3 nights in a row.

Method two - look into the eyes

Midnight ritual. The man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As much as I love you, God’s servant (girl’s name), so you cannot live without me, God’s servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the photo must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Method three - at midnight

The ceremony takes place after midnight. A man needs to sit comfortably on a chair or armchair and place a photo of his beloved in front of him. Light a candle, look through its flame at the photo of the girl and read the spell 7 times, looking at the candle light and at the face of your beloved at the same time. It is better to memorize the plot so as not to get confused while reading it:

“The flame burns fervently and hotly, bringing melancholy to God’s servant (the girl’s name). Like golden wax, her heart melts. Let God's servant (your name) into your thoughts. Just as there is no fire without a wick, you cannot live without me. Just as the wax from the fire of a candle is soft, so you can’t survive without me. The heart groans, the soul yearns. Raba (the girl’s name) understands why her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without the warmth of the sun. God's servant (girl's name) should dry out without the body and caress of God's servant (her name). Amen".

After the ritual, you must try to see the desired girl the next morning so that the conspiracy takes effect. If this does not work out, repeat the ritual the next night.

Another strong way discussed in the video:

Consequences of a love spell

It is necessary to bewitch your beloved girl from a photograph only in case of urgent need. A love spell is a magical effect that imposes an unplanned life scenario on its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally difficult to bear.

The consequences of it can be different - illness, loss of appetite, loss of interest in life, etc. You need to think about this before performing the ritual and make the right decision.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Victoria Bonna

Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasensory perception
Education: Professional

Articles written

Not many guys decide to bewitch a girl, and all because the network is replete with various horror stories about this. Situations are different, and sometimes just one step is not enough for two people to be happy. Your decision to bewitch your beloved girl is not a sin, because when loving hearts unite, a miracle happens.

If you feel that a girl also likes you, but neither you nor she is capable of a heroically romantic act - a love spell will help you. He will simply create a favorable situation from which you both will emerge as an already established couple.

It is clear that a love spell is the best remedy in Amur affairs. This term is very close to women, but not every man will take such a step. It's very simple - few of the stronger sex believe in these rituals under the moon. If you nevertheless decide to take such a step, you just need to know some features of the men’s ceremony:

  1. The male energy of the world is Yang. This is what the ancient Eastern sages think, and therefore any ritual performed by a man should take place in the light of the sun. In this case best time- the beginning of sunset.
  2. The optimal days for creating the ritual are Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Give your preference to Friday, as this day is best suited for love rituals.
  3. Find a secluded place where no one can disturb you! Magic is a subtle matter that does not tolerate unnecessary witnesses.
  4. Remember that the spell must always be cast three times to consolidate the result without a single mistake.
  5. The spell can only be pronounced from memory! Under no circumstances should there be another medium or cheat sheets at hand.
  6. Clean clothes are exactly what will help you strengthen your abilities, although this condition not required to be followed.

Safety first! Use only white energy for good - this way you will not harm your loved one. Black magic only causes shrinkage of the sexual chakra and the bewitched person can go crazy, and often the consequences are much worse.

How to choose a suitable ritual?

Soft and at the same time very effective rituals are village magic and energy love spell. Both options do not require deep knowledge or special equipment. You don’t need anything other than a photograph or personal item.

Getting something personal will be problematic, especially if you don’t communicate and are not on friendly terms, but you can get a photo easily today! Moreover, it will be easier for an inexperienced sorcerer to deal with a visual image than with the source of energy that a personal item carries.

Which photo would be best?

For a successful love spell, it is important to choose a suitable photo of your beloved. Choose according to the following criteria:

  1. It doesn’t matter whether you take a photo of this girl yourself on your phone or find it on a social network, the main thing is that the photo is fresh! The photo must be no more than a year old. It is best to find the most recent photograph, since it is in it that the maximum of new energy will be sealed.
  2. Apart from the object of your affection, there should be no one else in the photo, not even animals. It is better not to use a cropped photo for the ceremony., especially if it contains at least part of another person's clothing or body. For example, someone hugs a girl by the shoulder.
  3. In the photo, the person should be looking directly at the camera, as you will need to clearly see the girl's eyes and face.
  4. It's best if the photo is full length, since a photo from the waist up is not always suitable.

Spend as much time as possible preparing the ritual and only after you are ready can you begin performing the ritual over the photograph. The main thing is to follow all the established rules!

Ritual actions

Before you begin performing one of the selected rituals, you should definitely ask yourself one single question: “Do you really have the brightest feelings for this person”? If you are doing this out of envy or pursuing other goals, then you will not get away with this! In such a delicate matter, the message and your friendly attitude are very important, only in this case you will succeed and no one will get hurt.

Burning message on fabric

Need an unused handkerchief in a light shade. On it, write a few phrases that you would like to say to your beloved when you meet. The power of the ritual being performed depends on how sincere the words are. Wrap the handkerchief in a roll and burn it on a porcelain plate. During the combustion process, you need to read a special plot:

“A swift snake crawls through the desert until it reaches the maiden ( full name), will sting her in the heart with a scorching sting. The heart will ache, it will burn with fire. Only I, a good fellow (full name), can extinguish that flame. My will is strong."

All the action is performed at night, in complete silence. Scatter the remaining ashes after the procedure to the wind. Within a few days, wait for the first signs of attention from your beloved.

A simple ritual with a photo

At home, you can organize a love spell on a girl using her photo. The photo must be at least a year old and of good quality. The eyes of your beloved should be clearly visible. Do not try to crop the photo with scissors, in this case the love spell will not work. An entire shot, where the girl you like is captured alone, without strangers or objects, is an ideal option for making the magic of love play entirely in your favor.

The ritual operates at a distance, which gives you undeniable advantages. So, looking at the photograph and thinking only about how you will meet your beloved and be happy together, begin to read this magical prayer:

“Just as I cannot live without you, the servant of God (Name), so you cannot live without me, the servant of God (Your Name). So be it, for my word is law. Amen!"

Hide the photo used during the ceremony in a secluded place. A love spell for a girl's love will take effect within 1-2 weeks.

How to bewitch a girl with an apple

The most powerful love spell on a girl at home is very ancient and requires complete seriousness in its intentions. At home, completely alone, you need to concentrate and tune in to a magical ritual. Love spell on a girl is a very simple but powerful ritual.

Take a sharp knife and cut the apple straight down the middle. Put the knife with the apple aside and write your and your beloved girl’s names on a white piece of paper. Place a note with the names between the halves of the apple and, having connected them, tie the apple with a red ribbon. After the apple is tied with a ribbon, it must be placed on a white saucer and placed behind the icon and a prayer for marriage must be read. note that The apple must not be touched for 7 days(7 days is associated with the magical meaning of the number forming the word family).

A love spell on an apple is strong and fast; within a week, a loved one begins to experience a magical attraction across distances to his other half, but a love spell on a girl does not work if someone touched the apple, moved it from place to place, or learned about a magical ritual.

The most powerful love spell on a girl at home using an apple should be interrupted:

  • If you are cutting apple saw that it turned out to be rotten or wormy, this is a sign that now is not the time to cast a love spell on a girl.
  • If during a magical ritual, someone or something constantly distracts you, which means that bewitching a girl from a distance needs to be stopped and done at another time.
  • If during a love spell on an apple, the tape keeps slipping, confused, this is a bad sign. Higher Powers are preventing you from doing the ritual and the girl you want to bewitch is destined by Heaven for someone else.
  • Within seven days the apple does not dry, but begins to rot., it means the girl’s love spell didn’t work.

Love spell charmed sweetness

For the ritual you will need something sweet - something that your lady love would be crazy about. It could be candy, a chocolate bar, or a cake. Say over the confectionery:

“As this candy is pleasant and sweet, so will you like me. Amen!"

The enchanted delicacy must be presented to an unsuspecting woman. As soon as she eats the sweetness you gave her, she will be overcome by an irresistible desire to see you and be close to you.

How to bewitch your ex-wife

This method will help to return not only your wife, but also your lover with whom long time you lived together.

Prepare two candles from the church. When midnight comes, light them and say the text three times while looking at the light:

“How this flame burns, how hot it is,
so let my wife only breathe love and desire for me!
And this should happen every minute, every hour, every day.

Then go to bed without saying a word. If your spouse has recently left you, the prayer will take effect in about a week. Plan a meeting on the seventh day so that it is casual for the woman.

Conspiracy for cold love

If you notice that the lady of your heart has begun to grow cold towards you, or even has taken on a lover, but you do not give up hope of restoring the relationship, you can use this method.

Find a nest, always with a bird hatching its chicks. With your hands crossed, say three times:

“How this little bird got attached to its nest,
So you, the servant of God (worldly name), refused to party.
To be so from now on and forever and never otherwise.

Having performed a love spell, a man should not relax, since his behavior and further actions determine how strong and successful the relationship between him and the bewitched woman will be.

Only a real strong feeling will help preserve the connecting thread that appeared between lovers through witchcraft.

Easy love spell on a girl

These types of love spells are easy to perform and do not last long, therefore, the young man needs to have time to take advantage of the result and establish a relationship with his beloved in a short time.

Option 1. You need to get your beloved's hair. The easiest way to do this is with her comb. They also take their hair, weave it together and say the words:

“As our hair is intertwined, so may our destinies be intertwined.”

Then the hairs are secured with wax from a red candle and carried with you for 7 days. After this time, a bundle of hair must be thrown into the house of your beloved.

Option 2. You need to take the hair of your chosen one and bury it next to your house with the words:

“Like a hair here, next to me, so be you next to me.”

Option 3. This ritual will help attract the attention of an unfamiliar girl you like. Important condition- You need to get her hair. Reeling it on ring finger left hand, pronounce the spell:

“As your hair (girl’s name) is with me, so will you be with me.”

The enchanted hair must be wrapped around a gold ring and always worn on your hand.

Strong love spell

This ritual is performed by turning to the world of the dead for help, so the consequences can be anything. Before you begin this powerful ritual, you need to think carefully about whether you need this girl to risk your well-being for her?

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • black candle;
  • red candle;
  • two girl hairs;
  • photo of a deceased relative.

At three o'clock in the morning of the full moon, candles are lit with a match, a photograph of the deceased relative is placed in front of them, and the hair of the beloved is placed on it. Read a magic spell:

“The spirit of the now deceased (name) calls on you! Come and hear me! Fulfill my will and do as I want. Let my beloved (name) languish without me, like a wax candle melts. Let him cry and suffer, be sad and freeze. And her affairs will not go well, and her soul will suffer! Let it be as I said!”

One hair is burned on the flame of a red candle, and the other - on a black one. The next day, you should visit the grave of a relative and put a ransom on it (coins, candies, fruits, expensive alcohol, etc.) In your own words, thank the deceased for his help. Go to church and light a candle for his repose.

How to tie a girl to you

You need to take a strand of your hair and the hair of your chosen one. Intertwining them together, they recite the spell:

“Lord, help us unite our hearts, nothing can separate us anymore. May we be together like the moon and stars, like smoke and fire, like grass and earth, like frost and ice. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

The braid of hair is wrapped in a rag and hidden so that no one will find it.

Hair burning

Option 1. To perform the ritual, you need to get three hairs of your chosen one, which are intertwined with your hair with a lit candle, while visualizing the image of your beloved and happy life together. Then the braid is burned in the flame of a candle, while it burns, in your own words ask higher powers to help you win the love of your beloved. Words must be spoken sincerely and from the heart.

When you say your request, say the spell:

“Lord Almighty, burn the hair of your beloved (girl’s name) and mine (your name) with the fire of a holy candle. And after that, bind us with sacred bonds forever, unite our hearts forever, make sure that we are together with my betrothed. Amen!"

After the ceremony, you cannot talk to anyone and go straight to bed.

Option 2. To make a love spell, you will need an odd number of hair, yours and your beloved girl’s (3 and 3, 7 and 7, etc.) At midnight, a candle is lit, and by its light, a braid is braided from your hair and the hair of your beloved, at the same time the spell is read:

“I weave this hair, I intertwine our destinies. Just as the moon and the month walk together, so you and I will now be inseparable and loved by each other. My love spell on anyone’s hair cannot be removed, remade, or betrayed. The candle is burning - he orders you to be with me. I’m burning my hair - I’m calling you (girl’s name) to me (my name). Amen!"

The braid should be burned in the flame of a candle, and the candle should be allowed to burn out. This love spell will work within two weeks.

Ritual to awaken the senses

To awaken the love of the girl you like, you can perform the following ritual, which will require:

  • girl's hair;
  • thick white candle;
  • your photo;
  • small cardboard box.

The girl's hair is wrapped around her ring finger right hand, if you decide to connect your life with your chosen one, if not, then the hair is wound around the ring finger of the left hand. They perform manipulations, repeating the name of their beloved. Place a hair ring on your photo and drip candle wax onto it so that it attaches to the photo. Then they say the conspiracy:

“Like smoke and fire, like frost and ice, like grass and earth, so are you and me. Love is in the balance, a hair in the chest, a chest under seven seals. Do not open it to anyone, do not change my will. Amen!"

The photograph is placed in a box and secured in it with seven drops of wax. The box is hidden so that no one will find it.

Love spell on a wax figurine

Option 1. For the ritual you will need a candle, the wax of which is softened and a female figurine is sculpted from it. The hair of the beloved girl is attached to it. By poking the wax figurine with a needle, they pronounce the spell:

“Let love and passion for me burn in your heart. Let you be consumed by sadness, melancholy and grief without me. Let it be so!"

Option 2. For the waxing moon, you need to take two candles, soften them and make two figures, to which you need to attach your hair and your chosen one. You should write your names and the girls’ names on the figures. Then the figures are tied together with a red thread and the spell is read over them three times:

“Just as I (my name) cannot live without my beloved (the name of my chosen one), so she will not see a day or a night without me.”

Ritual with blood and hair

To carry out the ritual, hair is taken, both your own and your beloved's. After midnight they sit down to round table, light a candle and braid the hair so that it cannot come undone. Using a clean needle, pierce the little finger of the left hand and drop three drops of blood onto the braid of hair with the words:

“Just as this blood was in me (name), so you (name) are with me forever!”

The hair is wrapped in a clean scarf and placed under the pillow for seven days. After this time, the scarf with hair is buried near the beloved’s house so that she will definitely step over this place.

Ritual for the return of a loved one

If your loved one has left you for some reason, then you can try to bring her back using magic. To do this you will need to get at least one of her hairs. In the morning, before sunrise, open window, a candle is lit, three knots are tied on the beloved’s hair, and during this the following words are said:

“I (my name) tie a knot not on the hair of my beloved (name of my beloved), but on her heart. No one can untie him. Everything will be the way I want, and you will return to me from any whirlpool of life. And after that, you won’t be able to live without me.”

“Your hair burns forever and the knots on it will never be untied.”

Men, remember, with the help of love spells you will not achieve the love of your chosen one, no matter what they tell you!

Method with 9 candles

You will need 9 thin church candles and a photograph of your beloved. Before dawn, a circle is made of candles, then the candles are lit and a photograph is placed face up in the center. With the right heel they step on the photo and say the plot three times:

“As my heel presses you hard, so let you be drawn to me. It's joyful with me, hard without me. In this words, the lock, and the key - in the fish's mouth. Amen".

The ceremony is carried out 3 nights in a row.

Let's look you in the eyes

Midnight ritual. The man picks up a photo of his beloved, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the love spell 7 times:

“As much as I love you, God’s servant (girl’s name), so you cannot live without me, God’s servant (your name). So be it. My words are law. Amen".

After the conspiracy, the photo must be hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Midnight love spell

The ceremony takes place after midnight. A man needs to sit comfortably on a chair or armchair and place a photo of his beloved in front of him. Light a candle, look through its flame at the photo of the girl and read the spell 7 times, looking at the candle light and at the face of your beloved at the same time. It is better to memorize the plot so as not to get confused while reading it:

“The flame burns fervently and hotly, bringing melancholy to God’s servant (the girl’s name). Like golden wax, her heart melts. Let God's servant (your name) into your thoughts. Just as there is no fire without a wick, you cannot live without me. Just as the wax from the fire of a candle is soft, so you can’t survive without me. The heart groans, the soul yearns. Raba (the girl’s name) understands why her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without the warmth of the sun. God's servant (girl's name) should dry out without the body and caress of God's servant (her name). Amen".

After the ritual, you must try to see the desired girl the next morning so that the conspiracy takes effect. If this does not work out, repeat the ritual the next night.

Love spell with 12 candles

Below we will describe a simple and safe, but at the same time powerful love spell on a girl, which almost everyone can read.

This love spell works when your love with this girl is possible from the very beginning. That is, she at least likes you. You won’t be able to change your fate with this technique, but you won’t provoke any unwanted effects.

If your situation meets the above requirements, you can proceed.

You will need:

  • 12 candles;
  • piece of paper;
  • pencil;
  • mirror.

It is best to use natural wax candles. A table or a cleanly washed floor is suitable as a place for a love spell.

  1. Candles should be placed in a circle with a diameter of 60-70 cm;
  2. Place a mirror in the center and sit opposite it, facing it;
  3. In front of it, place a piece of paper on which you first write in pencil the name of your beloved and under it your name.

Now read the following plot:

I ask the forces of good, the gods of love, cosmic energy, the light of the entire universe to help me.

I love true love this girl and I want our names to be united forever.

We will do good together, help each other and others.

I promise to love only (girl’s name), I will never offend her.

I swear to be faithful, caring, responsible.

I give up my vices for true love.

I have become a better person because of my love for (girl’s name), and I will continue to become better.

Universe, universe and universal cosmos, help me be together with my beloved forever!

Connect the names (say your name, the girl’s name) in the universe, space, universe forever and ever!”

After this, close your eyes, sit in front of the photographs for a while, imagining something together, for example, how you will meet next time. Then extinguish the candles, wrap them in paper with names and hide them away. After about 3-4 months, you can bury or burn this bundle.

Strong white love spell

White love spells are less effective than black ones, however, they do not harm anyone and are also capable of bringing the desired effect.

You will need: green fabric, preferably shiny, three pink and two white candles, a photo of a girl, a bag, golden or pink, a shiny ribbon.

  1. Lay out the fabric and place the photo in the center;
  2. Place candles around and light them;
  3. Imagine that the candles are at the ends of a large five-pointed star;
  4. Look at the photo without stopping, while imagining that you are together with your beloved girl, gently hugging her, kissing her.

Say this:

I call on all the gods, the energy of light, the energy of the sun, the energy of all the loving hearts of our universe for help.

Let all the forces merge into a single swift stream and burst into the heart of my beloved girl (name).

I pray to the almighty gods that they will chain the heart of my beloved to mine.

May our love live forever, under the stars and the sun, under the moon, under the snow and rain.

I promise to love, protect, appreciate, protect my beloved, I will never harm her and I will sacrifice everything for her. Just unite us into a single whole, into one vessel.

Let it be so forever and ever!”

5 Turn the photo over;

6 Drip wax from each candle along its edges three times. You should get 15 drops;

7 Wait for the wax to dry and place the photograph in the bag;

8 Don't forget to tie it with a ribbon;

The first night after performing a love spell, keep your magic bag under your pillow and think about your beloved. If you also dream of a girl on this significant night, it will be absolutely wonderful. Then hide the bag in your home, preferably in the bedroom. Keep it and don’t tell anyone about the fortune telling.

Muslim love spells

By and large, a Muslim love spell for a girl’s love is no different from a regular love spell. Below we will consider the main points that a Muslim must adhere to when performing a love spell:

  1. Church candles are replaced with red wax candles (they can be easily bought at any esoteric store);
  2. Be sure to translate all the texts of the conspiracies into your native language. Remember, it is the meaning that is important, not the words themselves.
  3. If you want to bewitch a woman belonging to the Muslim religion, you will need to use methods that are specific to that particular culture. Love spells and conspiracies that use Orthodox prayers will not suit you.
  4. The ideal love spell for Muslims is to read certain surahs from the Koran.
  5. If you yourself do not belong to supporters of Islam, but want to enchant a Muslim woman, the love spell in any case will not be so strong. It is ideal if you and the girl adhere to the same principles, the same faith.
  6. If you decide to make such a love spell, be sure to find out when the Muslim fasts are. During the days of fasting, as well as a week before fasting and a week after its end, it is strictly forbidden to engage in divination.

Love spell on a photo card at midnight

This ritual can be performed on any day of the week, but it must be done at midnight. The plot must be memorized in advance. All you need is just a photo. You need to hold it with both hands, and you will need to look straight into the eyes of the image, without looking away from them for a second. The words of the conspiracy must be repeated exactly 7 times. Text:

“Just as I have strong feelings for you, the servant of God (woman’s name), so let the same feelings appear in your soul for the servant of God (your own name). So be it. My word is as strong as a stone. Amen."

Then the photo card should be placed in a place where no one except you can find it. The result of such a love spell will be noticed by you quickly enough. As a rule, the first positive changes will become noticeable after just 7 days. But if your beloved is unfamiliar with you, then in order for her to develop feelings for you, she will need large quantity time.

Love spell on a red candle

To carry out such a ritual, you need to prepare 1 regular red candle, as well as 2 thin church candles. You will also need a photo of your beloved woman of suitable quality.

The ritual should be performed at night during the full moon and best at midnight. Using regular matches, light the red candle. Then take thin candles and support them over the tribe of the lit candle.

After they become soft and pliable, they will need to be woven together in the shape of a spiral. After this, you should light them. Place the photo card on the table next to the red candle and move lit church candles over it. When the wax begins to drip onto the photo card, begin to pronounce the words of the spell (repeat 3 times):

“Just as this pair of candles is intertwined with each other, so let the servant of God (proper name) be firmly connected with the servant of God (woman’s name). Just as these candles melt together from the flame, so let (proper name) and (woman’s name) melt from tender feelings and passion for each other. My word is stronger than stone. Amen."

This ritual should be completed only after the entire surface of the image is covered with wax. This photo card should be placed under your pillow, and it should lie there until the results of the love spell are noticed.

Remember that how strong the result of the ritual you perform depends, for the most part, on you. Believe that everything will work out for you, and that’s exactly how it will be!

With cake

Invite a girl home for tea and treat her to a charmed cake or a piece of cake. The plot is read in advance. Buy desserts, choose the juiciest and sweetest.

  • For the ritual you will need a juicy and sweet peach
  • You will also need three church candles. At home, light candles and place a peach in the center.


“The tree of paradise is blooming in a distant land, and there are ripe fruits on it. Each has two halves. Together they are a golden fruit, apart they are a black fruit. Amen".

Cut the peach in half so that you get 2 equal parts. Take both parts in your hands and simultaneously drip the juice from the two peach halves onto the pastry or cake. Do not throw away the peach pit until the girl eats the cake or piece of cake.

With a scarf

Buy a handkerchief. Write your declaration of love directly on the fabric, all the words that you would like to say to the girl when she is nearby. Roll the scarf into a “sausage” shape and place it on a porcelain plate. Set fire to the fabric and watch how it burns, and repeat this spell:

“A speedy snake crawls through the desert until the girl (full name) and stings her in the heart with a scorching sting. The heart will ache, it will burn with fire. Only I, a good fellow (full name), can extinguish that flame. My will is strong and molded.”

Magic ritual with wine

This ritual is considered very powerful and is suitable for use both at home and at a party. An important condition is the presence of a lover. You can make this love spell during a feast or holiday. To do this, you need to pour a little from your glass into her glass with the words:

“Drink, finish your drink and don’t forget me!

It is advisable to do this with wine. In extreme cases, champagne or beer will do. It is best not to use strong drinks, as there may be no effect on the girl you love.

On flowers and threads

This ritual is not difficult to carry out, you just need to know where your beloved girl lives. It would be nice if the young man picks a bouquet himself, even if it’s just simple wildflowers. But you can also buy them at a flower shop. It is necessary to carry out the love spell ritual before midnight, having previously prepared white silk threads with which to wrap the bouquet, saying:

“The love of a slave (...) is strong, like a silk thread, the love of a slave (...) is pure, like a bright thread. I will tie it tightly, I will tie it to my slave (...) for life. Amen".

You should wrap the flowers as tightly as possible, then the feelings will be strong and long lasting. They cast a love spell until 12 circles are wrapped around the bouquet. After this, you need to pick the petals from the flowers and scatter them in front of the yard, porch or door of the apartment where your beloved lives. It is necessary to choose a time so that she definitely steps over the petals. Stems that are tied with thread should be hung in a secret place. After they dry, hide them away from strangers.

On a pin

If a man falls in love with a girl, and she ignores his advances, then it is not difficult to bewitch her without consequences at home, taking simple pins (you will need 7 of them), a church candle and a photo of the object of the love spell (even more options for a love spell on a pin in this article). On the full moon they close at dark room. A lighted candle is placed on the table, pins and a photo of the beloved are placed. It is advisable to imagine her image as vividly as possible, to remember the moments of joint walks, kisses, hugs or touches. Then take a pin and fasten it to the image, saying the words:

“The first castle is strong and durable. The slave (...) will not recognize anyone’s love, she will only give her love to the slave (...). Forever and ever. Amen".

Then take the second pin and do similar actions, changing the numbering of the pin in the text: “second lock”, “third lock”, etc.

Place the photograph with the pins fastened on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on the image, saying the words:

“Bound by a lunar thread, tied forever. Amen".

When you wake up in the morning, unfasten the last pin and throw it to your girlfriend on a date. It would be even better if it was possible to leave it in the room where the chosen one sleeps, placing it under the mattress or attaching it to the curtain. The remaining pins remain in place, closed; the photograph is hidden in a secret corner. The effect appears after approximately 1-2 weeks.

For a gift

Love is often unrequited. And not everyone knows that it is not so difficult to achieve reciprocal feelings from a loved one simply by giving her a gift. It is important if the victim spends a lot of time with the gift given by the man after reciting the plot. You can choose anything as long as the girl likes it. The words are as follows:

“Just as a dove cannot live without her dove, and a crow cannot live without a raven, so a slave (...) cannot live without the love of a slave (...). Amen".

Say the plot three times, and in the morning present it to your beloved or place it at the door of her house. This white love spell, it is harmless and does not carry bad energy. If the love leaves, it can easily be removed without causing harm to either party.

On saliva

This plot is best suited if you need to bewitch the desired person as soon as possible. With the help of saliva, love-sickness comes over her. To do this, they spit on the floor of the apartment, house, entrance where the girl is and say:

“Just as no earthly creature can live without saliva, so a slave (...) cannot live and cannot be without a slave (...). The saliva dries up, the beloved remembers the slave (...) and misses him. From this hour she will love deeply, lament, without a slave (...) she will not know joy. Amen".

After saliva begins to dry out, a person develops desire see and talk with the one who bewitched him. Over time, feelings become more and more stronger, the girl becomes even more sad and is no longer able to change anything.

For chocolate

Young girls and women love sweets, so attracting them using chocolate will not be difficult. For the ritual, you should take a red candle, you will need a chocolate bar, a dried flower, a leaf or a dry blade of grass. Witchcraft begins at midnight. Place a chocolate bar and dried flowers in front of you, light a candle, and pronounce the love spell text three times (you need to look at the candle flame):

“Salty is the blood, sweet is the chocolate, let the slave (...) love the slave (...), let him into his heart and always be there. Just as a flower dries without water, so it will dry without (...). Just as a dried flower is consumed by flame, so passion takes possession of a slave (...). Amen".

After reading, the plant is burned, the ashes scatter from the window in the wind. The next morning, the young man goes to the girl and treats her to chocolate. It is advisable to do this directly from your hands, so that no one except your beloved will try the treat. The result should appear within a week.

Via phone

If a girl doesn't want to accept young man gifts, go with him to a cafe or on a visit, then you have to look for another option in order to attract the desired person. This method can be communication by phone. An energetic connection with the object of the love spell through the phone is also enough effective method. It’s just better to call from another number or turn on the anti-identifier.

The love spell words are:

“From now on, you will love only (...) and you will never love anyone else.”

You need to say it in a whisper, changing your voice if possible, so it was impossible to find out who was calling. Even if the subscriber does not hear the words, the energy message of someone who loves the girl very much will be deposited in his subconscious.

Magic works even if you send an SMS, which can be of any content. If the woman you love is an employee, it would be logical to ask her a question regarding a common matter. You can ask your classmate for homework assignments. But before sending a message, you should read the spell:

“You read God’s word, you listen to every letter. When you read this message, you will forget the white light. Love the servant (...) as you love the Lord God and his word. Let it be so. Amen".

They also do it so that the girl calls. To do this, buy a small bell in an esoteric or other store, take it in your right hand, ring it and read the spell:

“The slave (...) rings the bell, the slave (...) beckons to him. Let her soul wake up and turn to the slave (...) Amen".

Previously, a church bell was used for this purpose; subsequently it began to be replaced with a small bell or bell.


An easy and effective love spell in a girl’s name will help you win her heart in a short time. A spell is made for the waxing lunar phase or on the full moon:

“I’ll get up in the morning without being blessed, I’ll go out into the yard without crossing myself, not through the gate, not out the window, but into the eye of a needle. Ring, sharp needle, if it enters the heart, blood and body, the soul of the slave (...) for the slave (...) hurts. Amen".

The power of such rituals lies in the repeated repetition of the name of the chosen one. In most cases, it is repeated three times each time:

“Slave (name 3 times), I shout to you, I want to be with you. You, (name 3 times), fly like a white dove, and don’t remember the slave (...). (Name three times), stop yearning without love and fly alone. (Name three times), I am your clear falcon, your betrothed, your love. Don’t resist fate, fly to the slave (...). Amen".

From Natalia Stepanova

The strongest spells offered by a healer from Siberia, Natalya Stepanova, will help you make a girl fall in love with you. For example, such a simple and short love spell on a small pin that you need to wear for 3 days, pin it on your clothes. Then attach it in an inconspicuous place to the girl’s clothes, after saying:

“Carry - don’t lose, slave (...) don’t forget. Amen".

Intertwining two candles

This ritual is considered one of the most effective. To do this you need to prepare:

  • two wax church candles;
  • red candle;
  • photo of your beloved girl.

At midnight, on the full moon, a red candle is lit and church candles are softened over its flame. As soon as they become completely soft, they are intertwined, lit and wax is dripped onto the photo of the chosen one with the words:

“Just as two candles are connected, intertwined with each other, so (name) and (name) will be fastened with each other. Just as two candles simultaneously melt from fire, so (name) and (name) will melt from love for each other. Key. Lock. Language! Amen!"

Such actions are carried out until the girl’s photo is completely covered with wax. The photo is placed under the pillow and remains there until the love spell takes effect.

Sexual affection for a lover

It is necessary to prepare for the ritual in advance. You need to prepare a new soap that no one except you and your chosen one should use. In addition, for the ceremony you will need:

  • candles;
  • a pinch of red pepper;
  • a little of your sweat;
  • plate with water.

In the evening candles are lit. A little pepper and a drop of sweat are added to the water, then a bar of soap is placed there and the spell is said:

“I’ll cool you, I’ll please you, I’ll burn you!” In my hands you will melt so much that you will forget your father, mother, and God. Key and lock!

As you cast the spell, imagine a moment of sexual intimacy with your lover. When a girl comes to your house, let her wash her hands with the charmed soap.

Love spell on the moon

The love spell is read through the open window on full moon. For the ritual you will need:

  • photo of a girl;
  • red candle.

The candle is lit. On back side The photo is written with a short message to the beloved in a gentle form. Then, standing at the window, they turn to the moon for help with the following words:

“Moon, bring back my love and unite our hearts again. As long as blood flows in our veins, preserve our feelings!”

Now, burn the photo over a candle flame and scatter the ashes to the wind. Leave a few silver coins on the window to appease the moon.

To get a girl back, you shouldn’t resort to love spells. Young people, be attentive to your loved ones, take care of them, then you won’t have to bewitch anyone!

Love spell on a love bed

This love spell is done on a love bed. If there has not yet been a relationship between you intimate relationships, then a love spell can be cast at the moment when you kiss your beloved. As soon as this happens, you need to quickly say to yourself three times:

“It is, it will always be!
You won't forget me!
You will only be mine, and no one else's.

Ritual with cloth and candle

Spread a white cloth on the table and place one church candle on each corner. Place a photo of a girl in the center and concentrate on her gaze - this is very important point. Once you feel that you have reached the desired concentration, you will need to cast a spell.

“As a stone drowns in a river, as the moon disappears in the sky, so you slave (girl’s name) will drown in my eyes. Just as grass needs water, so do you need me. Yes, hide, lock!

After you have cast the spell three times, take and drip wax from each candle along the edges of the photo. Extinguish the candles and wrap them in white cloth. Put the package in a long box, and carry the photograph as close to your heart as possible and try not to show it to anyone.

Black love spell “For blood and photos”

In order to make a black love spell for a girl's love, you will need a photo of your chosen one and a few hairs from her head. If you don’t have a photo on hand, print out an image from social networks. The only limitation: the photograph must be as “recent” as possible, for ordinary photographs no older than a year, for those printed from the Internet no older than a month.

  • Light a pre-purchased red candle;
  • Now you have to tune in to a very serious ritual, focus on your actions, don’t go too far in your thoughts, be extremely careful and if you feel some inexplicable danger, stop the love spell immediately.
  • Place her hair on a photo of a girl, pierce the ring finger of your right hand and drop three drops of blood on top of the hair.

At the same time, say the following spell at least three times:

I call on the dark forces to be witnesses!

I unite my blood with your body (name)!

I penetrate your thoughts and feelings (name),

I command you to reciprocate! Let it be so!

After these steps:

  1. In this ritual, similar to the previous one, visualization of the desired girl is required, but in this case you must imagine your intimacy in all sorts of colors.
  2. Then drip red candle wax into the place where the hair with drops of blood is located;
  3. When the wax dries, hide the photo in the most secret place and store it until the girl (or woman) begins to show interest in you. After that you can burn everything.

Black love spell “On the hair”

As was previously said, black rituals require a serious attitude and strict adherence to all requirements. This ritual is no exception, as it is associated with appealing to spirits world of the dead. This love spell on hair is done using two candles, and if performed correctly, you will find the result very soon, literally within a week after it was committed.

  • On the full moon at 3 am, light two candles: black and red;
  • You will need a photograph of your deceased relative or friend;
  • Place it between two candles;
  • Place some of your lover's hair on the photo and read the following words:

The spirit of the now deceased (name) calls on you!

Come and hear me! Fulfill my will and do as I want.

Let the servant of God (name) languish without me like a wax candle melts.

Let him cry and suffer, be sad and freeze.

And her affairs will not go well and her soul will suffer!

Let it be as I said!

1 Then burn one hair over the fire of a red candle, and the second over the fire of a black one.

2 The next day, visit the grave of the relative you approached. Leave some coins and candies on it and thank them in your own words for their help.

3 On the same day, light a candle for the repose of his soul.

Conspiracy on the Four Elements with photo

Exists magic way return the girl's love. This can be done using the powers of the four elements.
For a free magic ritual you will need:

  • incense;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • photo of your beloved girl.

Do magic spell in the open. We need to light a fire. Stand in front of the flame, while behind your back there should be incense, salt on the left, and water on the right. Keep a photo of your beloved in front of your eyes and read the plot to love the woman in the photo 3 times:

“Fire, water, air and earth! I conjure you, bring (name) to me, instill in her a fiery passion for me (name), let burning love flow like rivers through her blood, let her flesh be satisfied irresistible craving to me, and her breathing will only become free when she is with me. Elemental powers! Bring my will to (name) with the sun, rain, wind and earth. Let it be so".

Throw the photo into the fire, followed by incense, salt, and pour water from the bowl. Go home, observing the rules of witchcraft. You can use a strong magical ritual to bewitch a girl using a photo on her phone. Of course, there is no need to throw your phone into the flames; no one demands such sacrifices.


Drinking will make the girl yearn for you. This ritual is also called damage, so you should not use it if your feelings are serious and you are thinking about her well-being. Those who definitely want to dry a girl, despite the consequences, can choose one of these rituals.

With a bouquet of roses

The girls are presented with flowers. But instead of a simple bouquet, give a charmed one. To dry up a girl, buy a bouquet of roses. Before going to bed, select any stem and wrap it with your hair, repeating the spell 3 times:

A charmed bouquet of roses will bring the girl back

“Just as a dove has no life without a dove, or a birdhouse without a birdhouse, so may the servant of God (name) not have a life without me, the good fellow (so-and-so). I lock my mouth and throw away the key.”

All that remains is to bring this bouquet to her house or simply place it under the door.

With photo

Buy 2 candles and a scarlet ribbon in advance, prepare a photo of the girl you want to dry. At night, light candles and sit at the table. Turn the photo over and write your name and the name of your loved one on the reverse side. Place a heart frame around your names. Tie a ribbon around the photo, repeating the words of the spell:

“Let our destinies be tied together like this tied ribbon. May bright and pure love never leave us, but always remain in us. Just as this knot I tied will never be untied, so my beloved will always be with me. Amen".

Hide the photo with the ribbon where no one will find it.

With a thing

Bring home something that belongs to the girl you love. You need to cast a girl's love spell addressing all 4 cardinal directions.

Anything she owns will help restore a relationship with a girl.

While pronouncing the cherished words, imagine your beloved in front of you. At the end, don’t forget to say “Amen” 3 times.

“Just as on the Basurman and Russian plains the lord of the flame dried up all the water sources, so let the servant of God dry up... according to the servant of God (name). Let her not live without me and have health in all her veins and joints. Now I will turn to the black, very black falcon. Fly, black bird, into an open field, into dense forests, between steep mountains, over the blue sea. Ask the prince to help you find the girl (name) and sit on her chest and liver. Let her not eat, drink or live without me, the servant of God (such and such).

Love spell for the night

Option I

Take two photos, yours and the girl’s. Looking at them, say the words:

“(Girl’s name) and (your name) will be together forever, like two hands, like two wings. How heaven and earth are inseparable. So the water will not spill us, the wind will not scatter us, but our love only grows. The heavenly powers held us together, the holy angels blessed us, and it would not be otherwise. Amen"

Leave 4 drops of candle wax in the corners of the photo and connect the pictures, turning the images towards each other. Place under the pillow and keep there until the ritual takes effect.

Option II

Spread the photo of your beloved and yours lightly with honey, repeating the words several times:

“As honey is sweet, so may you, (girl’s name), be sweet with me. Just as butterflies and bees flock to honey, so you, (girl’s name), love me with all your heart. Let it be so according to my word!”

Combine both pictures by turning them to face each other. Wrap in red cloth and place under your pillow for 7 nights. Then put it in a secluded place.

Awaken the feelings of your legal spouse

Not all husbands run away from cold and indifferent wives into the warm arms of their mistresses. The most faithful of them take a more serious step - a love spell on their wife. If you are tormented by the fact that your spouse has stopped showing tender feelings towards you, take note of one tricky way melt her heart. The consequences will only be positive.

The procedure is carried out at home. You will need a dove or crow feather. Wrap the feather in any fabric that your wife touched in last time. Hide the package for three days, let the feather be charged with the energy of the woman being bewitched.

After the specified period has expired, proceed to the next magical stage. Early in the morning, at sunrise, take your wedding ring and pass it through the charged bird feather exactly 9 times. And, without being distracted, in a calm and even voice, read the wife’s love spell:

Expert opinion


In rituals addressed to dark forces, there are no trifles.

It is necessary to cast love spells only on the waxing moon; this is a standard principle, since it is the waxing moon that programs the future. If you want your actions to have a good future, perform them when the moon is waxing. It’s great if the first phase has already passed. The closer to the full moon, the better.

Do you want to give a magical ritual colossal power? Do it 2-3 days before the full moon!

The day of the week also plays a role. The most energetically active days are located in the middle of the week: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It is better to do a black love spell on Friday. If you can choose the moment on Friday the thirteenth, then there is an excellent chance to use a huge energy charge. True, it is quite difficult to guess that the date, day of the week and phase of the moon will match. However, if such a day is foreseen in the near future, do not miss the moment! This will simply be your finest hour.

When the love spell works

If the girl’s love spell was performed independently, then the result may appear a little later than if the ritual was performed by an experienced magician. The degree of attachment of the victim also depends on this. Even a professional sorcerer cannot accurately predict and indicate the time frame at which a love spell will begin to take effect. In most cases, there is a lunar cycle during which the spell will work.

Why do men bewitch women?

There is a common opinion in society that only women are interested in all kinds of magical things, but it is not entirely true. The opposite sex also does not hesitate to turn to the occult sciences in the hope of solving problems that arise in life with the help of witchcraft - in particular, problems of a love nature.

Life without a loved one puts any man who is ready to fight for his happiness at any cost into cruel limits. How many life stories are known related to love spell magic, in which the role of the performer (or customer) of the love spell was played by a young man.

So what can prompt the stronger sex to cast witchcraft spells and search for ways to bewitch the girl you love?

The reasons are common and typical:

  1. When the family breaks up and the woman initiates the divorce, and all the husband’s attempts to save the marriage fail.
  2. When a lady flatly rejects the advances of a gentleman.
  3. When the feelings on the part of the sweetheart have cooled down, and the man understands that very soon she will leave.
  4. If the chosen one is married and cannot break the bonds of marriage. However, a man must understand that attempts to destroy someone else’s family cannot lead to a good result when the marriage is based on mutual love.

Of course, the idea and the very thought of how to bewitch the woman you love, be it an ex-wife, a mistress, or just a girl dear to your heart, is not the first thing that comes to the mind of a guy in love. It begins to acquire plans and demand implementation only when all reasonable, standard mechanisms for getting out of the current impasse have been exhausted and are ineffective. You can find out by the signs of a love spell in a woman.

Are unpredictable results possible?

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


In theory, any love spell on a girl or guy carries with it some consequences. The strength of the result and the severity of the consequences depend on how complex the procedure was, whether a personal photo or blood was used. Rituals carried out at home, with the unquestioning fulfillment of all necessary rules and the maximum possible serious attitude to the process, bring the same strong (if not more) results as in specialized magic salons.

You need to think about the consequences in advance, because their strength depends on how powerful the love spell itself was and what attributes were used in the process. For example, a photograph or a personal item carries a person’s energy, which by default increases the significance of the process. In order to have a small magical effect (to awaken sympathy, for example), it is enough to do a simple ritual at home without using a photo or other personal items of the girl.

Consequences of a love spell

It is necessary to bewitch your beloved girl from a photograph only in case of urgent need. A love spell is a magical effect that imposes an unplanned life scenario on its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally difficult to bear.

The consequences of it can be different - illness, loss of appetite, loss of interest in life, etc. You need to think about this before performing the ritual and make the right decision.

Let's look in detail at how to make a love spell on a girl without consequences at home - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Contrary to the prevailing opinion in society that magic is the prerogative of fair half humanity, men also show considerable interest in this topic. After all, not only girls, but also guys are faced with unrequited love. Although the stronger sex is not as willing to share their experiences as ladies, they are also ready to use any means at home to win the attention and win the heart of the person they like. Therefore, today we will tell you how to bewitch a girl on your own if a guy cannot imagine his future without her.

When faced with magic, it is necessary to know not only the effect it has. It is also advisable to be aware of the consequences of this or that love spell, so as not to ruin the lives of yourself and the victim.

What do you need to know about performing love spells?

Before you use a love spell and perform a ritual to attract your beloved girl (with or without a photo), you need to know the main points. During preparation for performing the ritual and during the execution of the prescribed actions, you need to think only about the good. It is important to imagine a happy future together with the girl you want to bewitch. Even a small doubtful thought or negative attitude will have consequences.

Among the many love rituals, you need to choose the one that is most suitable. If you need to bewitch a girl who does not reciprocate, a strong spell at home will come in handy. In other cases, light energy messages will be enough to attract the girl’s attention.

And remember that a love spell on a girl, the consequences of which will be exactly as you imagine, will work subject to faith. Sincere faith and complete confidentiality are the best accompanying factors of magical love rituals.

Powerful love spell with photo

If you want to know how to bewitch the girl you love, get her photo. The photo should only show the person you are interested in. For the love spell to work quickly and effectively, there should be no distracting objects on the card (nature, home environment, etc.). The photo must be of good quality so that the eyes of your beloved are clearly visible in the photograph.

After waiting until midnight, sit on your bed. Take a photo of your beloved. Looking exactly into the eyes of her image, read the love text:

“Just as I, the servant of God (her name), cannot live without you, so you, the servant of God (her name), love me. So that the world will not be nice to you without me. From now on, let my words come true. Amen".

After reading these words seven times in a row, hide the photo. The photo cannot be shown after the love spell. Otherwise, the magic effect may not work. If you did everything correctly, you can bewitch your loved one at home quite quickly. As a rule, the effect of love spell messages from photographs is noticeable after a couple of weeks.

Powerful love ritual

This ritual also requires the presence of a photograph. However, unlike the previous one, this love spell is more powerful. With its help, you can quickly bewitch the girl you like at home. To do this you will need not only her photo, but also:

First, you need to write the text of the love spell on paper. It should look like this:

“On Russian land, not Busurman, the fiery prince dried up all the springs, stakes, rivers and seas. So let God’s servant (the girl’s name) pine for me. So that in all her joints and veins there are thoughts only about me, the servant of God (her name). In a clean field there is a stone, a black falcon sits on it. I will order him to fly through fields, forests, steep banks to the prince and ask him for help. Let him fly to the tower of the red maiden (her name), sit on her head, heart and liver, instill in her love for the servant of God (his name). Let her not drink, eat, walk or enjoy her without him. Amen".

You should start performing the love spell itself at midnight. You need to take a shower and dress in clean clothes in advance. After this, you need to take a photo of your beloved in one hand. In the other - a leaf with a love spell. Standing in the room facing east, read the words of the magical text once. Turning over your right shoulder to the south, repeat the procedure. Thus, the words will need to be read four times in a row to each cardinal direction. After this, the photo of your beloved must be hidden away so that you can soon win her heart and not cause adverse consequences.

Love spell for wine

Like the photography ritual, the ritual with wine is considered very powerful. It can be performed at home even by men who have not previously encountered magic. To bewitch your beloved using this method, it is enough to treat the girl with wine.

Your beloved should drink from a wine glass into which you add wine from your glass. This action must be performed very carefully and unnoticed by the victim. At the same time you should say the following words:

“Drink and remember me, and when you finish drinking, you will be mine!”

Wine is considered the drink of the gods. And if you are interested in how to bewitch your beloved girl, use wine. On other types of alcohol, the magic may not work or cause adverse effects.

Love gift

A love spell works best if it is transmitted to the victim through some thing. A surprise or gift is perfect for these purposes. By presenting a girl with exactly the thing she dreamed of (previously charmed), you are guaranteed to be able to bewitch her. In this case, the love spell will work through an object endowed with magic. And the more time the victim spends with the gift, the greater the chances of winning her heart forever.

To make the charm of your beloved begin to work, say the words at home over the purchased item:

“Just as a swan cannot live without a swan, so the servant of God (the name of the victim) cannot live without the servant of God (her name). The door and lock are keyed, and the key is in the river. Amen".

After this, you can give the gift to your beloved.


Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to bewitch a girl at home. In ancient times, mistresses, it seems, were only bewitched. But today more and more girls are engaged in love witchcraft. In reality, this is only an appearance. Guys also have a lot of opportunities to independently influence the girl or young woman they like.

I, the magician Sergei Artrgom, will offer you simple ways to bewitch a girl at home, using her photo, as well as other methods of magical influence. All witchcraft rituals proposed in this article work on the personal power of the performer, and do not carry negativity or unwanted side effects.

How to bewitch a girl yourself at home

It happens that in order to bewitch a girl at home on your own, you must first force her to come so that, having contact, you can read love spells on her. This is how they act when they want to perform a witchcraft ritual on food or drink. These magical rituals are simple, in most cases they work even for novice magicians. And they work quite well. And to do this, you first need to make sure that the Forces deliver the right person to you.

For this purpose, there are a lot of witchcraft love spells to call your beloved girl to a guy. You can practice different love spells for a challenge, finding your own, which will work perfectly for you personally and without failures. Much depends on the strength of the performing magician. It is also important who the magic call is made on so that the girl sees the guy. And, in addition, the success of the work is ensured by the method of witchcraft ritual for the love of a girl.

If you want to renew your relationship and intend to read a plot from a photo of your beloved girl to return love, keep in mind, it is very important how much time has passed since the breakup. There is a concept of time frames in black magic, as well as the concept of “nothing to attach a love spell to.” Therefore, there is no point in waiting for the problem to be solved on its own, for the mistress to understand everything and fall in love again.

Most young women, after breaking up with a guy, do not return on their own. To bewitch a girl yourself at a distance, or through contact, and return everything - affection, feelings, relationships, you need real magic, but you need to act quickly, in hot pursuit.

How to bewitch a girl from a photo yourself - a conspiracy based on the Four Elements

There is a magical way to get a girl's love back. This can be done using the powers of the four elements.

For a free magic ritual you will need:

  • incense
  • photo of your girlfriend

They make a magical spell in an open place. We need to light a fire. Stand in front of the flame, while behind your back there should be incense, salt on the left, and water on the right. Keep a photo of your beloved in front of your eyes and read the plot to love the woman in the photo 3 times:

Throw the photo into the fire, followed by incense, salt, and pour water from the bowl. Go home, observing the rules of witchcraft. Can be done with a strong magic ritual bewitch a girl from a photo in phone. Of course, there is no need to throw your phone into the flames; no one demands such sacrifices.

How to bewitch a girl from a photo and the consequences of witchcraft

The expediency of magical rituals and the correct composition of the complex is one of the keys to success. And competent diagnosis, time frames and the current situation are necessarily taken into account. You can bewitch the girl you like in many ways at a distance. If you are not a practicing magician, and you have little experience, it is not at all necessary to take on powerful rituals of black witchcraft - demonic and cemetery rites - in order to influence the situation.

In addition to witchcraft black rituals for a woman’s love, there is such a section practical magic, as natural additives, rituals for harmonizing relationships, magical complementary foods with strong working spells.

Is it possible to bewitch a girl from a distance without the support of the Forces?

With good visualization, this is quite possible. For a beginner in love magic, it is advisable to do a home ritual not for 1 day, but for at least 3 days. Repeat an independent conspiracy at least 3 times, but it’s better, still, more - 7, 9, 12 times. This will help

  • first, tune in to the witchcraft ritual,
  • and secondly, it will enhance the love spell effect.

After all, in love magic the result is important. It's clear. It is also clear that a guy in love will take care not to harm his mistress.

How can you bewitch a girl yourself without consequences?

I will say this: without knowledge and experience, do not make real love spells from the arsenal of Warlock. There is a high probability of harm here. White ones Love spells for your beloved girl There are practically no side effects, however, as well as negativity. But the effect of such love spells on a mistress is unstable and short-lived; magical rituals must be repeated often. If you operate real love spells on personal energy, you also need to work in a complex manner and according to the rules of love magic.

A strong conspiracy for the longing of a beloved woman

A real conspiracy works on the personal strength of the performer. Makes a person think and see a guy in a dream. It is done independently, without calling on the Forces.

This home spell based on a photo for a woman’s love should be read on the waxing moon. And it’s more logical not in the evening, but at dawn, because in a love plot there is an indication of time: "I'll get up early...". A homemade love spell is universal, suitable for binding both a girl and a guy. Read, observing masculine and women's days. To enhance the effect, especially for beginners in love witchcraft, it is recommended to read not 1 day, but 3 or 7 days in a row. Number of repetitions good plot Girls also determine love intuitively. But repeat at least 3 times.

How to bewitch your girlfriend at home

For some, effective love spells work without weakening. But even practicing magicians in certain situations do not neglect methods of weakening the victim. And newbies who are magicians need to weaken their beloved girl even more so. Weakening is done by magical rituals on the waning moon. Whereas, to bewitch a girl on your own, you need a waxing moon.

If your plans are to cast a love spell on a girl’s love remotely, it doesn’t matter where the victim is at that moment. But, if you are planning a black ritual for food or drink, or want to bewitch a girl for a gift, then, it is clear that the direct presence of the object is required. In this case, before bewitching your ex-girlfriend from a distance, you need to force her to come. For this purpose, you can use a call to a burning name.

Take a strip of paper, and from top to bottom 3 times with a gap of 2-3 cm, write the name of your favorite girl.

Then light the paper with a match from above, holding the sheet by the bottom edge.

While the name is burning, you need to have time to read the words of the love plot:

Read a home spell for a girl’s love 3 times, while each name is burning. Throw the ashes on the water. This is a simple plot to call a girl to a guy, it works for many beginners. When a girl appears, or a chance meeting occurs (this challenge can work to bridge the gap), or she otherwise makes contact, you must do everything to ensure a personal meeting, and make a love ritual with food and drink. If you find yourself visiting her, you will also have the opportunity to make a lining.

The magic ritual works well when the girl you love is positive. And if there is resentment or aggression, if the girl does not want to make contact at all and resists challenges, then something stronger is needed. You can always find another way out, for example, to bewitch a girl through a photo from a distance. See the Four Elements love spell given above.

How to bewitch your beloved girl for free - saliva drying

This free DIY way to bewitch a girl belongs to the category old ways magical love connections. Spit on the palm of your hand and read a strong conspiracy for the melancholy of your beloved girl on saliva. Then use this palm to touch or pat the woman in the heart area.

You can use a love spell on a woman in a different way. Read on food or drink, then give it to her to eat or drink, and thus independently bewitch the girl at home.

How to bewitch a woman without consequences?

Men should not be ashamed of the fact that sometimes their hearts are torn by unrequited love. Indeed, despite their physical strength and emotional constriction, human feelings are not alien to them. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with thinking about how to bewitch the woman you love. But not everyone knows how to do this.

Please note that this process does not tolerate frivolity and requires a thorough approach. Therefore, if a guy really wants to win the heart of his chosen one with the help of magic, he must do everything as required by age-old rituals. Otherwise, he will have to face dire consequences that could cripple his life forever.


You can bewitch a woman without consequences for yourself only if the man sincerely loves her. That is, you cannot use magic to get a girl for the night or use her for other unclean purposes. This is the main rule of love spells, since their success requires pure feelings.

It should also be understood that such a relationship will last forever, which means that a man must be ready to take responsibility for his actions. Therefore, before you bewitch a woman, weigh everything carefully. And if there is even a drop of doubt in your heart, stop, otherwise you risk ruining both your own and others’ fate.

Help from wizards and witches

It is wisest to seek help from experienced specialists. For example, to hereditary sorcerers, witches or shamans. This is due to the fact that they are well versed in all possible love rituals, and are able to easily bewitch a woman. They are also not afraid of the consequences, since they know how to deflect them from themselves.

However, this method also has negative sides. Firstly, you will have to properly pay for all the efforts of the sorcerer, which is sometimes extremely expensive. Secondly, there is a certain probability that the spellcaster will turn out to be a simple charlatan. And thirdly, even the most strong love spells they do not give a 100% guarantee, which means that the money spent on the ritual may go to waste.

How to bewitch a woman at home?

If the option of searching for a sorcerer or witch for some reason does not suit a person, he can try to perform a love spell ritual on his own. True, for this you will have to plunge headlong into the world of magic and carefully prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Also, before moving on to the love spells themselves, let us remind you that magic is an extremely dangerous path. Even knowing how to bewitch a woman, a man should not abuse his power over her. It would be most correct to consider this union as a kind of magical contract, which subsequently cannot be broken.

Therefore, you can resort to the help of otherworldly forces only if the guy is ready for such obligations. The main thing is to strictly follow all the instructions written below. Any deviation or improvisation will lead to the failure of the entire ritual, and in the worst case, it will result in illness for the caller.

How objects are needed for the ritual

So, despite the huge number of love rituals, almost all of them require the following three ingredients: a photograph of the girl, her hair and any personal item. In this case, the main thing is the photo, since it is this that will absorb and transmit the energy of the love spell.

As for the hair and things of your beloved, their presence is not necessary. However, having obtained them, the man will significantly enhance the effect of the love spell. Therefore, many sorcerers recommend performing love rituals only after a person has thoroughly prepared for them.

In addition, you need to get a set of white candles, new clothes And moon calendar. You should also take care of the location of the ritual. It should be quiet and calm so that no one can disturb the caster during the sacrament.

A few words about choosing a photo

For love spells, you need to have a photo of the girl as fresh as possible. Moreover, photographs that are more than one year old are not suitable for these purposes. It is also very important that there is only one woman in the photo. In this case, the photo must initially not be cropped or erased.

It is also desirable that the photograph be printed on paper. This is due to the fact that natural materials conduct magical energy well, and therefore are often used in various kinds of sacraments and rituals.

Preparing for the ritual

Before bewitching a woman, a man must take at least one day off from all worldly affairs. This will help accumulate energy that will be used to fuel the ritual. You should also choose the appropriate lunar cycle. In particular, all love spells are read only on a waxing moon, otherwise all the power will come to naught.

Immediately before the ceremony itself, you need to take a shower to cleanse your body of dirt. And only then put on new clothes, which should be prepared in advance. By the way, it is better to buy stylish things, since in the future they can become a powerful means of attracting the attention of your chosen one.

Carrying out the ritual and the words of the conspiracy

The sacrament must be performed at midnight, in a quiet and secluded place. The first step is to create a circle of candles and light them counterclockwise. You should put the woman’s things (if any) inside the circle, and stand so that your face is facing north.

The photo of the girl should be held in your hands; if possible, a strand of hair should be attached to it - this will help strengthen the ritual. After this, you need to focus on the image of your beloved, imagining how your feelings seep through the paper and flow straight to her.

The ritual itself should last at least 10-15 minutes in order to fully convey the power of a love spell. You should also repeat a special spell, trying not to mix up the lines.

“By the will of heaven, I bewitch God’s servant (the girl’s name) to me. Moon, become a witness to my oath, which can change the heart of my beloved. Let him love me like no one else, and let him no longer be able to live without me. Let her body and mind submit to my will, as if she herself wanted it. Just as I love her, let (the girl’s name) pine for me. And until she comes to me, she will have no peace either on earth, or on water, or in any other place.”

When can I expect results?

No one can accurately predict the effectiveness of a love spell. In general, it all depends on how accurately the ceremony was carried out, and the feelings that the man has for the woman. That is, the stronger the love, the faster the magic will work.

There is just one “but”. If another man lives in the heart of the chosen one, the love spell will not work. The thing is that love can only be sown on an empty field. However, if someone has already planted the seeds of feelings before you, then, alas, new ones will no longer be able to sprout.

How to get a girl's love with a love spell

A love spell for a girl's love is somewhat different from a similar spell for a man, so if you decide to do it in practice, you should first find out the necessary information about it. Such knowledge will help you achieve the desired result and avoid negative consequences.

The mechanism of preparation for the ritual

How to cast a love spell on a girl yourself interests many men, but few are familiar with this procedure in practice. Many guys are simply afraid to turn to conspiracies because they do not have the proper knowledge and are afraid of the consequences.

If you have already decided for yourself how to make a love spell on a girl, prepare for it in advance. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • You need to mentally tune in to the love spell. All negative feelings are expelled from consciousness, as they can greatly affect the final result of the conspiracy. You need to think and imagine only the girl whose love you want to win.
  • Choose the right love spell for a girl's love. Such a choice depends on what kind of goal you are pursuing and how serious your relationship is at the moment. If you want to persuade a girl to have sex, then you need to make a love spell to arouse desire in her. If the girl is not yet close to you, then you will be able to get her attention only after you cast a love spell on a girl from a photo.

If you are not yet sure whether you should resort to magic, and are afraid of the consequences of such intervention, then pay attention to the list of situations in which you definitely should not use a love spell on a girl because of the consequences:

  • If you are unsure of the need for such a conspiracy or cannot accurately formulate the purpose of the intervention, then it is best not to resort to it at all. The consequences of such a ritual can cause serious harm to you and your loved ones.
  • Do not resort to strong or dark rituals unless you have special knowledge. You must be completely confident in your abilities to avoid the reverse magic strike.
  • You cannot bewitch a girl if she is sincerely in love with another man. Of course, you can make a strong reversal, but it is too unpredictable and has many consequences for both you and the object of the conspiracy. In this situation, carefully weigh the pros and cons.
  • If you are trying to get your loved one back after a breakup, then pay attention to the statute of limitations: the less time has passed, the more effective the love spell will be. If more than a year has already passed, then there may be no result even from the most powerful ritual.
  • Do not talk about the magical action even among the people closest to you. Such conspiracies cannot be made public, and you may suffer the consequences.

Ritual from photo

If you don’t know a girl very well, but really want to win her love, a love spell on a girl from a photo will suit you. It is quite easy to do at home. To carry it out, you only need a photo of the ritual object. It should have been made relatively recently and the girl should be depicted there alone. It is also very good if her eyes are visible in the photo. Cutting a photo to achieve the required parameters is unacceptable; you will simply have to find another photo.

The ritual itself is best performed exactly at midnight. Take the photo in your hands and, looking at it, say the words of prayer:

“As much as I love you, the servant of God (name), you could not live without me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. My words are law. Amen!".

The words should be spoken seven times and looked directly into the eyes of the photo. Now hide the photo in a hiding place and go to bed.

Such a ritual is designed for a quick effect, however, the time frame may increase if you knew very little about the object of magical intervention.

Ritual for sweets

This love spell on a girl will help you attract attention. Moreover, it will make her miss you very much and yearn for you. You won’t be able to conduct it yourself at home, since the girl should be not far from you.

You will need any item of confectionery art that your beloved really likes. It could be regular candy or a small cake.

Before serving it to the object of your admiration, quietly say the spell words to it:

“Just as candy is sweet and pleasant, so you will like me. Amen!"

This ritual also begins to work very quickly: literally immediately after the girl eats the treat, you will notice changes in yourself.

Ritual for wine

Such a conspiracy can make your girlfriend not only miss you, but also want sex. To carry it out, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You must be in the same room with the object of the ritual.
  • It is necessary that both you and the girl drink alcohol at this time.

Wine is best as a drink, but other weak drinks can be used. But it’s better not to associate this love spell with alcoholic products, such as vodka or whiskey, as you may be disappointed by the consequences.

Learn the magic words in advance:

“Drink, finish your drink and don’t forget me! Amen!"

Conspiracy to return your wife

If the woman you love has left you and you are determined to get her back, you should use this ritual to get your beloved back. All you need are two wax candles purchased from the church.

Exactly at midnight they should be lit and the words of prayer should be said, imagining your beloved and looking straight into the flame:

“As this fire burns and glows with heat, let my wife only breathe desire and love for me! And this will happen every day, hour and every minute. Amen!"

After this, immediately go to bed with firm faith in the success of the magical action. You will see the first results soon if your wife left you not so long ago.

If you can’t attract the attention of the girl or woman you love, you can start a relationship with her using love magic. There are many different rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies that allow you to tie your beloved to you, force her to be nearby and cause her a feeling of affection and attraction to you. You can practice magic on your own, without the involvement of outside specialists. It is enough to strictly follow the instructions and read spells and spells without errors. Attaching another person to yourself and subordinating him to yourself can lead to consequences if special measures are not taken.

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    Basics of Love Magic

    In order to influence a person using magic, it is necessary to choose a method that will create a connection between the magician and the object of influence. It could be:

    • photograph, preferably printed on paper;
    • hair, nail or saliva of the one being bewitched;
    • the ability to feed or give a girl a love potion;

    There are rituals where influence is exerted through the name or mental image of a loved one, but such a connection is weaker than through material objects. The fastest and most powerful influence is through food or drink. Then the most suitable day and time for the witchcraft action is selected:

    • the waxing moon enhances the magic of love, especially on the first, third and seventh days of the lunar cycle;
    • most suitable days weeks for performing a love spell are Wednesday and Friday, Saturday is less suitable, Sunday is not suitable at all;
    • during the day it's better if it's raining, and at night clear weather is preferable;
    • The best time of day for bewitching is early morning, at sunrise and an hour after midnight. Some rituals are held strictly at midnight.

    It should be remembered that the very fact of magical intervention should be kept secret. Strangers who learn about witchcraft can disrupt magical energies with their thoughts and ruin the result. It is especially undesirable for the victim herself to find out about the love spell.

    If the love spell is removed by another magician, the one who did it will have a backlash, affecting the psyche and health.

    We must remember that with the help of magic it is impossible to evoke a real, deep feeling. But you can attract the attention of the woman you like, make her want you, and in the process of communication, it can also arise. real love.

    By photo

    There are many rituals in which the image of a person is used. For the most effective ritual with photography you will need:

    • your photo;
    • photo of your beloved;
    • needle with red silk thread;
    • a drop of honey;
    • candle.

    If the pictures are in the phone's memory, you must first print them. It is necessary to choose photographs in which the subject is captured with his eyes open; it is good if he is looking at the camera, there should be no other people in the frame. At midnight, the table is cleared of foreign objects and a candle is lit. Apply a drop of honey to your face in the photo in the lip area and press it to the photo being bewitched so that the lips match. Read the plot:

    • “Sweet is honey, sticky is honey, is desirable honey. Sweet are my lips for (girl’s name) (girl’s name) is drawn to me, loves only me, desires only me, will come to me alone. As he said, so it will be. Amen.”

    Then they take a needle and cross-stitch one photo to another. The needle should pierce the paper in places where there are no images of people. You need to make nine stitches. During the sewing process, the plot is read:

    • “I put strong bonds on the body, thoughts and soul of the slave (name of the girl), as soon as the slave (name) is sewn to me, as she attaches herself, all thoughts will be only about me, in the soul there is love for me, the body is only in my hands. It will be for me ( name) the faithful slave, and the master is only I (my name). So be it! Amen."

    The photographs are put away in a place where no one else can see them. If in the future, there is a desire to part with the bewitched, the photo will need to be burned with the words:

    • “With the free wind in an open field, I release the slave (name) to freedom. Free.”

    After this, the love spell will completely dissipate within a week. If the need for influence has ceased, you should always cancel your witchcraft, if possible, so as not to increase the amount of suffering in the world.

    Love spell on food

    The most common way to attract a girl you like is to charm food or drink into love. The required product is picked up and charged using a special incantation. All that remains is to treat your beloved to the spoken word. Despite its simplicity, this method is quite powerful, such an effect cannot be removed, and it is done at home very simply. Most often, a ritual is performed for sweetness; it can be just sugar or some kind of dessert. The sweet spell is like this:

    • “How sweet and pleasant it is, so sweet and pleasant (your name) is for the slave (girl’s name), just as I hold sweets in my hands, so I will hold (name) in my hands, just as sugar melts in water, so will (name ) will melt from my caresses. It is said. Done. It will come true."

    If there is a need to use wine, they take it in both hands and slander it, but the conspiracy will be different:

    • “Green wine, it makes your head spin, it casts a spell on your heart, slave (girl’s name) doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink, can’t find a place without (her name), feels sad, all thoughts of slave (girl’s name) are only about the good fellow ( his name), as soon as he touches it, he cleaves forever. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    You need to make sure that the bewitched food and drink do not go to a stranger in order not to bewitch someone you don’t like. If the bewitched woman does not have the opportunity to be close to the one to whom she is tied, she will suffer, may get sick and even die.

    Love gift

    To bewitch a girl, you can charm an object or piece of jewelry and present it as a gift. The more she uses it, the more effective it will be. The thing needs to be new, without imprints of someone else's aura. For such a ritual you will need:

    • five candles;
    • incense;
    • present.

    Candles are placed on the table in the corners. The object to be enchanted is placed in the center. Holding the fifth candle in your left hand, you should look at the gift through its fire and read the plot:

    • “As you (name) accept this gift, a fire will break out in your soul. As a gift you accept it - you will entrust your heart to me (name) and you will never get it back. Mother of God, bless and help! Forever me (name) with (name) tie! So be it. Amen! "

    The gift must be given within 24 hours after the spell is cast. The ritual belongs to white magic, so it will work without side effects, but over time the power of the magic will weaken and will completely dissipate after three months.

    Ritual with threads

    This method allows you to bewitch a friend from a distance; any guy can cope with this ritual, since it is not very difficult to do. You need to prepare in advance:

    • a piece of white cloth;
    • red, black, white threads;
    • candle;
    • a piece of paper with the name of your beloved;
    • incense.

    First, threads of each color are spoken separately:

    • White: “As a thread is white, so white and pure are the thoughts and feelings of the slave (name) towards (his name) without lies, without secret intent, without mistrust.”
    • Red: “As the red sun burns with fire, so the slave (name) will burn with lust for (his name) without restraint.”
    • Black: “Like a thread is black, so is the longing and boredom of the slave (name) for the servant of God (her name) from morning to evening. Amen.”

    They light a candle, place it in front of them, and fumigate all elements of the ritual with incense. The paper with the name is wrapped in fabric and alternately entangled with threads like a ball, 33 turns of each color. While wrapping a ball, they read the plot:

    • “I will entangle the heart of God’s servant (the lady’s name) with red, white and black threads. No matter how he cuts these threads himself, he cannot escape from my love. I kindle ardent love with scarlet. I evoke black melancholy with black, and evoke bright love with white. "The heart of (the lady's name) would burn with a bright flame for me (her name). These threads will be nets for you, these threads will be fetters for you. Amen."

    They put this ball in their pillow, in a pillowcase and sleep on it. When the girl is bewitched, they do not throw away what they have said, but make sure that she does not accidentally find it. It begins to act immediately and allows you to bewitch any woman, even married or strangers.

    Rite of the Four Elements

    The disadvantages of this ritual include the fact that it gains strength gradually. The first result can be expected no earlier than in two weeks, and the love spell will come into full force only after three months. It's quite difficult and time-consuming to do, but it's worth it. There is no need to update it; once carried out, the ritual for the four elements will work for a lifetime. It is almost impossible to remove such an impact. For the ceremony you will need:

    • hair, saliva, blood or nails of a woman who needs to bewitched;
    • melt water basin;
    • clay;
    • red candle;
    • unwashed own sheet.

    Being alone in a room, they sculpt a figurine from clay, making sure to outline female sexual characteristics. The existing biological material of the victim is placed inside the molded figurine. The resulting volt is activated by a spell:

    • “The earth from the earth is in my hands. I give the earthly body (the name of the sacrifice). Let the two bodies become one and accept my will.”

    The figurine is left alone for exactly one day, and the ritual is continued the next day. Dip the volt into a bowl of water for a second and read the following plot:

    • "IN cold water(name) swim, be free from the past, let the water wash away everything you love, swim without the past in the streams.”

    At the end of the ritual of the water element, the figurine is wrapped in its own sheet to dry. Then they unroll and perform fiery initiation. Light a candle and imagine how fire fills the figurine while reciting the spell:

    • “Reborn in a hot fire (name), renounce your past sorrows, kindle the heat of love for me in your heart, burn with passion, burn forever.”

    By touching the candle flame with a volt, the ritual with fire is completed. After this, they go to the field, and raising the figurine above their head, they read the plot:

    • “Just as air is needed for life, so (name) cannot live without me. Let (name) the wind take a deep breath and begin a new life with me.”

    Now you should dig a small hole and bury a figurine there with the words:

    • “Lie down in your native land (name). Slumber sweetly, don’t worry about anything, dream about me, speak to the gentle earth, feed on its tenderness, wake up quickly next to me.”

    Then they return home, let the candle burn out completely, and throw out the water under a dry tree. The love spell is complete. Now you can get rid of it only if you find, dig up and destroy the Volt figurine.

    Runic binding

    A love spell using runes does not require the presence of saliva or hair from the victim, and a male sorcerer does not need a photograph. It is done in several stages:

    • a symbol consisting of the Kanu, Inguz and Berkan runes is carved on a small piece of wood or bone;
    • lines runic stave stained with their own blood;
    • an activating spell is pronounced in any form: “I want (name) to love me forever”;
    • the love amulet is thrown into an inconspicuous place: under the floorboard, in a crack under the baseboard, behind the gas stove in the place where the beloved lives.

    After this, the spell immediately begins to work. It is quite easy to stop its effect if you know where the amulet is hidden. Until this piece of wood or bone is burned, the girl will be tied to the magician.

    By phone

    If you know the number of your chosen one, you can make a love spell using a phone call. Its complexity lies in the fact that during the ritual it is necessary to imagine the image of your beloved as fully as possible. The likelihood of success directly depends on how well your imagination is developed. Secluded in a quiet room, with unknown to the girl They call her phone number, and when she picks up, they whisper in a distorted voice:

    • “From this moment on, you will be with me forever, you will love me forever.”

    Having said these words, the call is interrupted. In the future, it is necessary to imagine how an invisible thread connects the sorcerer and the chosen one and mentally repeat the words of the conspiracy. If everything is done correctly, the binding will work and will attract the girl to the one who bewitched her.

    Fire message on fabric

    You can send your loved one a fiery message on fabric. This is done like this: on Wednesday you need to buy a new handkerchief in a light shade without haggling. On the handkerchief they write the words that they would like to convey to the girl they like; the more sincere they are, the more effective the ritual will work. Having rolled the fabric into a roll, it is placed on a large plate made of porcelain or fireproof glass and set on fire. While the fire is burning, read the plot:

    • “A speedy snake crawls through the desert to the girl (full name), stings her in the heart with a scorching sting. Her heart will ache, it will burn with fire. Only I, a good fellow (full name), can extinguish that flame. My will is strong.”

    This must be done at midnight, this required condition, alone. The remaining ashes are allowed to fly in the wind. The first results will be noticeable within three days.

    Mental divination

    There is a love spell ritual for which you do not need to say or do anything; all actions are performed in the mind. While in the same room with a girl, you need to imagine threads with hooks at the end flying out of your own forehead and digging into your beloved’s head, chest, groin area. There is no need to look closely at her at this moment. When all the mental threads are stretched, you need to catch her gaze and look into her eyes, mentally saying:

    • “By the sun and moon, air and earth, fire and water, I conjure you. May you love me and become mine forever.”

    Next, close your eyes, take a deep breath, followed by a slow exhalation. After this, they try to behave naturally and at ease. The magic will begin to work within 24 hours and will have its effect for a month. Then, if necessary, you can repeat the divination.

    On saliva

    One of the simplest ways is to bewitch with saliva. In order to make such a love spell, you need to spit on the floor in the middle of an empty room and read the following hex:

    • “Just as man and every creature cannot live without saliva, so the slave (name) cannot live without me. Just as saliva dries on the floor, so the slave (name) dries for me, remembers me, misses me. From this very day, dear to love me, to yearn without me, to know no peace without my caresses.”

    All you have to do is wait until the saliva dries naturally. After this, the magic begins to work. The floor cannot be washed in this place for at least three days. The longer the spit remains unwashed, the stronger this witchcraft will work.

    For flowers

    A simple and fast-acting method. It does not apply to black magic, therefore it does not entail any negative consequences. For the ceremony, seven red flowers should be purchased without haggling. Bringing your face closer to the buds, you need to whisper a curse into the very middle of the bouquet:

    • “Whoever gave these flowers to you has captivated your soul with himself. He will be the strongest, most handsome for you, unlike others. You will want to love him immensely, give him body and soul.”

    The bouquet should be presented to your beloved, carefully ensuring that no one else touches it before her. This method will not arouse suspicion in the victim if you give flowers for any holiday: a birthday or the Eighth of March.

    On a pin

    There are rituals whose impact is almost impossible to remove. Such rituals include gypsy love spell on a pin. For it you will need:

    • candle;
    • photograph of your beloved;
    • your picture;
    • new pin.

    Light a candle and run your palms across the flame three times. Take two photographs, apply them to each other and connect them together with a pin. They put it on the table, hold candles over the photographs and read the plot:

    • “I will seal our destinies, I will awaken your feelings (name of the girl). I will attach us to each other, I will bind you (name) to me.”

    After this, the candle should be broken and disposed of. The photo with the pin is placed under your mattress at night, then the pin is removed, but left unfastened. The sorcerer has exactly three days to quietly attach a pin to any clothes of the girl he likes. If it doesn’t work, the ritual is repeated again with new ingredients.

    For a personal item

    If you manage to get or borrow any item that belongs to your loved one, you can make a deposit on it. To do this, they take the thing in their hands, read the “Our Father” prayer three times and immediately upon completion of this they pronounce the conspiracy:

    • “I take the thing I love in my hands and transfer my energy to her. Just as nothing living can live without water, food and sun, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without the servant of God (name). She won't notice others. He will only dream about me. All her thoughts will be only about me. She will see me every night in her dreams. As long as this thing serves her, she will love only me. Amen".

    The item must be returned to the owner before sunset. If you cannot hand it over yourself, you can ask a stranger for a favor by packing the item well and ordering it to be handed over, without unwrapping, in person. This witchcraft begins to work as soon as the victim takes the spoken word in his hands and works until the object is thrown away.

    Consequences of love spells

    Those who are bewitched, regardless of the type of magic, may experience a negative reaction:

    • hysterical state;
    • craving for alcohol;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    This reaction is purely individual and is due to the fact that each person’s energy reacts differently to outside interference. To minimize the risk, after the relationship established thanks to magic gets stronger, the impact must be removed by canceling the love spell.

Many men are trying to find the answer to the question of how they can bewitch their girlfriend so that she will love them forever and become a faithful life partner. How often it happens that a woman leaves, leaving a huge wound and a feeling of emptiness in her soul. Maybe she's tired of sex, or maybe she likes a free lifestyle. Maybe woman's heart busy with feelings for another man and she simply does not want to pay attention to another representative strong half humanity. In any case, it is necessary to return and woo the girl, and in this case the best option would be to resort to the help of otherworldly forces, which since ancient times have been used by magicians and esotericists in order to bewitch the girl on their own and make another person happy.

How to bewitch a girl - common methods

There are a great many answers to the question of how to bewitch a girl. It all depends on how long the guy wants to attract the desired person and what kind of effect he wants to get through magical influence to another person. The simplest ways to quickly and effectively regain the affection of the fair half of humanity are:

  • Love plot (belongs to the category of white magic);
  • Black ritual, using paraphernalia and cemetery items;
  • Fortune telling in the photo at home;
  • The lining of the enchanted item (this can be joint photographs, sweets, needles, scraps of fabric and wax figurines);
  • Preparing a love potion (it can be done from a distance, but you must give it to your loved one when you meet, discreetly mixing it into tea or another drink).

In addition to this, there are other, more complex ways. If a girl has never communicated with you, then in order for her to pay attention and sympathy to grow in her heart, you need not only to read certain spells, but also to make strong magical interventions in her aura. The black magic of the Voodoo tribe is famous for such techniques, however, the consequences after an esoteric ritual can be very different.

How to bewitch your beloved girl yourself - strong conspiracies

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to bewitch your adored girl on your own, then the best option would be to use the help of ancient spells and prayers that our grandparents passed on for centuries from generation to generation. They are relatively harmless and allow you to carefully convince a woman that it is you who are destined for her and determined to be her husband. Bewitchment must be done exclusively at a certain time of day and adhered to simple rules, such as:

  • Only you should know about the ritual;
  • All love spells are cast on the waxing moon;
  • Making a love spell solely out of good intentions. If you want to take revenge and bewitch a girl, think again. This can cause irreparable harm to you and girls will turn away from you forever and will never love you.

Like any exoteric ritual, a love spell has a validity period. You cannot forever bewitch the female mind, because sooner or later the occult curtain will collapse and the lady of your heart will see the light. But before this period, you will have enough time to earn and prove your love to the girl.

Many men who ordered a love spell in Yekaterinburg managed to conquer their chosen one and surround her with care and attention to such an extent that after the expiration of the temporary period of the spell they were official family and they never parted again. But how exactly to bewitch your beloved girl on your own, with minimal consequences and costs? The answer is obvious. Take advantage of the ancient love ritual and enjoy mutual feelings with the woman you love.

Bewitching a girl yourself is a very powerful ritual

If you are serious about getting your ex-wife, mistress, or just want to win over a neighbor, friend or mysterious stranger, then the best option will be a powerful ritual that is known to absolutely all magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers. To do this, you need to go to the occult shop and buy:

  • Two black candles;
  • Amethyst stone;
  • Red thread and needle;
  • White sheet of parchment paper.

In addition, you will need a photo of the woman you are bewitching and her hair (one or two hairs from a comb will do). When all the attributes and objects of a magical nature are in your arsenal, you can safely begin to cast a spell, observing the progressive chronology of actions.

On the night of the new moon, stay completely alone indoors. Lay out the prepared items in front of you, and place the amethyst in the center of the table. He will drive away evil spirits and devilish minions if they decide to interfere with your manipulations. Then write the person’s name on parchment paper and place her photo in the center of the sheet. Carefully sew the image of the woman onto a piece of paper using red thread and a new needle. After this, twist the black candles, saying:

“Whoever loves deeply will wake up God’s servant (the woman’s name). As these candles are twisted, so I will twist myself with God’s servant, my own, and never separate. Amen".

After this, light the charmed candles, place the hair on a photographic image of the lady and secure it to it with molten wax. Take the resulting exoteric blank in your hands and start reading the plot:

“By a hair, by a thread, by a twig, by a pebble. I will go along the dark road, through the forest and into the mountains. I’ll come to a dark cave, an angry and wet cave. Let me knock on the cave and open it too. And in that black cave sits an evil old woman. She imagined misfortune for herself. May I fall at her feet, may I pray mightily. That the old witch (name) bewitched her. Yes, let him sew my sweetheart (name), and let her not be able not to drink, nor eat, nor think. Let him lead me, grieve, suffer, and let him fall in love with me. Let it be so. Language, lock, key, water. Amen".

After this, you need to carefully roll up the parchment with all its contents and burn it over two black candles. Ashes need to be scattered over a road intersection. The love spell is done. Now all that remains is to wait for your sweetheart to show itself and enjoy mutual feelings.
