Horoscope for August from Alexander Litvin. Forecast for August from Alexander Litvin

Forecast for 2016 from the winner of the “Battle of Psychics”

Famous psychic Alexander Litvin, winner of the sixth season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” made a forecast for 2016.

February will be one of the most dangerous months of 2016. This period will be dangerous for partnerships - many couples will break up and quarrel a large number of colleagues. Any lack of agreement will be perceived as a challenge.

In February, you should never lie - a lie can lead to the most disastrous consequences. This month you should either tell the truth or remain silent altogether. Lytvyn called on everyone in February to be more attentive to loved ones - during this period, relatives will be especially prone to offense.

The risk of suicide will also increase. If there are people around you who are prone to depression, you should be vigilant towards them. also in last month In winter, a huge number of children will run away from home.

If you are the parent of a difficult teenager, keep an eye on him in February. February will also bring many illnesses, especially colds. Avoid crowds and take vitamins to strengthen your immune system.

March 2016 will be filled with hypocritical energy. But at the same time it is one of best months to start new relationships - in business and personal life. In March, a large number of marriage proposals will be made. An exception would be people born in October - it is better for them not to make new acquaintances during this period.

In March you need to sleep more - this is the best time to relax. You should also go to the theater, cinema and generally have fun in every possible way. But for extreme tourism and long business trips it is better to find another time.

April 2016 will be difficult. This month you shouldn’t skimp on compliments. Be softer and more tolerant. If you really need something from a person, under no circumstances demand what you want. Address the person like this: “I need your help, I want to ask you for something...” Then it will have an effect.

April will be a busy month for school employees - student discipline will not be at the highest level, and many conflict situations will be created.

In May 2016, the population of Russia expects an influx of scammers. This month you need to carefully monitor your wallet.

There will be a high risk of phone wiretapping. Watch what you say on the phone, or better yet, put off serious questions until a personal meeting.

Hormones will be raging in May, so pay attention to your thyroid gland.

In June 2016, you need to make as few promises as possible. In the first month of summer we will have little control over ourselves. People will quickly burn out and will not be able to keep the promises made in June.

Hormones will go off scale, even the most decent family men will change left and right. Want to avoid this? Already now, plan a joint vacation with your husband for June - direct his sexual energy towards you.

You should also be careful while driving - a huge number of accidents due to speeding are expected in June.

In June, you need to avoid being in the direct rays of the sun at 12 noon - especially if you were born in December, you should take care of yourself. To avoid overheating, drink as much clean water as possible.

July 2016 will be calm. This time family vacation. It is best to spend your holiday on the banks of the Volga. It is better not to visit dry areas - there is a risk of fires.

In July Special attention give it to the children. This is the period when teenagers begin to engage in criminal activity. If you do not want your son to become a swindler, have an educational conversation with him, make sure that he does not watch films about criminal romance - “Gangster Petersburg” or similar ones.

August 2016 will be dangerous due to a sharp decline in the level of intuition. To make up for its deficiency, you should devote as much time as possible to working on the land. This saves you from depression and puts you in a positive mood.

August - good time for concluding real estate transactions. But it is necessary that the signing of contracts takes place under the supervision of your lawyer.

September 2016 will be the month of criticism. Be careful with your words, do not be rude to your colleagues - this is the month when staff rotation is coming and if you are rude, you may be fired.

The first month of autumn - great time For planned operations, including plastic ones.

The second half of the month is good for starting to study.

October 2016 will be the month of the Conservatives. House building will prevail in the family.

Be careful: this month your other half will watch you very carefully and any misfire on your part can lead to a break.

Women will show increased interest in gadgets. I advise men to either change the password on their iPhone or not store unnecessary information on it.

November 2016 will be a surprisingly non-depressive month. This good period for relaxation in Western countries.

November is also a favorable month for weddings. Gifts will have a very positive impact on loved ones.

But besides, November is a time of doubt, you need to strictly follow the plan. For those who are always unsure of themselves, I advise you to eat as much meat as possible.

In December 2016, crooks are expected to rampant. Do not make any transactions this month. Do not deal with dubious banks and people - only a few will win in December, and hundreds of people will lose.

A participant in season 6 of the mystical show “Battle of Psychics” spoke about what 2019 will be like and how to end 2018 correctly. This will help you attract good luck and understand in which direction to move next.

Alexander deals with so-called emotional genetics, that is, he studies the influence of the past on the future. According to him, the emotions we experience at the moment build our future, so we have the power to change it. To find out more about what awaits us in the coming twelve months, you can contact eastern horoscope for 2019.

How to end 2018
The end of 2018 is a kind of foundation for the next segment of twelve months. How strong this foundation will be depends only on you.

People very often spend time analyzing the past, remembering their words and actions. Alexander Litvin advises not to look back, because the past cannot be changed. We need to rush into the future, and not walk backwards. The second extreme is to completely not think about the past. This is also not worth doing, especially at the end of the difficult 2018. Personal story plays special role, so it cannot be rejected.

2018 is somewhat conservative. There is no need to change anything radically in recent months. It is important to end 2018 in such a way that no one influences your life from the outside. If you have power, then under no circumstances should you exceed your authority. Those who break this rule will pay with luck.

Tips for 2019
The expert claims that in each period of time, each of us is assigned something special. Some people come under criticism, while others have an easier life. People change as they move from one point in time to another. 2019 is a completely different year. Alexander Litvin says that this will be a time of great doubt.

There will be a lot of uncertainty. People who try to manipulate others will be punished by the Universe and deprived of luck and success. You should not take advantage of the weaknesses of others for your own benefit. Collective work will help resolve any internal and external conflicts and never return to them.

Not the most in the best possible way those who focus exclusively on material values ​​will feel worse. 2019 is a time of high spirituality and drastic changes. People need to devote more time to planning things in advance.

In 2019, you should avoid greed, self-interest and violation of moral laws. The year is not bad, but it is dangerous for political and financial activities. There is no need to make expensive purchases.

We advise you to keep an eye out for random events in the Year of the Earth Pig. Various small changes in one area will promise big changes in another. Alexander Litvin wishes you a successful completion of 2018 and a happy 2019.

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What rules of life dictate the coming time, full of conservative thoughts and tests of strength? Every New Year has its own characteristics, now we are approaching “Fortress 2018”. This is a city surrounded by walls of rules and regulations, flavored with centuries-old prejudices. On the yellow coat of arms of the fortress, just below the barn lock without keys, there are inscriptions: “Keep and don’t let go!”, “Archaeology is the main science!”, “Don’t reinvent the wheel!”, “Give me antiques!” Yes, this is the conservative energy of the coming year.

But on the other side of the fortress there is internal tension and a desire to protest against the rules, even if they have been tested for years. In 2018, everything tends to shrink, to the center. It will be extremely difficult to stay in their orbits - collisions are inevitable. The year will seem long: time will slow down somewhat, and the waiting will be so unbearable that it will involuntarily give rise to conflict situations.

An important sign of the year is provocation. There are times when people are quick-tempered and are the first to attack. In 2018, defensive reactions prevail; whoever attacks first loses! And the one who is skillfully provoked will attack. Don't give in!

The year will be turbulent for Russia, which is quite natural, because presidential elections are coming and serious changes that have been brewing for many years. The preparatory period is coming to an end, and with it the process of developing bills that should give impetus to positive changes. Although 2018 is more characterized by a defensive position, it will not be without conflicts. It is important to remember that the stars do not favor those who are the first to show aggression during this period. The attacker (most often provoked by a third party) will inevitably lose the battle, and therefore it is better to avoid open conflicts at all costs. For many European countries, according to Litvin, this year will be really difficult, but quite prosperous for China...


The final chord of the outgoing year. A time when all our energy will be focused on correcting mistakes. This is the period after the exam - it becomes clear that you have not studied enough and where you have not worked; one feels bitter annoyance for laziness, for forgetfulness, for waiting for a miracle. January is not the time to travel, especially by sea. It is best to spend this month with loved ones: than stronger family- those better all the coming year. Despite the fact that Egypt will do a lot to ensure that tourists flood its beaches again, I do not recommend visiting southern latitudes, even for a few days!


The first image is of an experienced hunter who has waited in the wings. The traps are set and camouflaged, justice has a dead grip. The second is a strict referee who is happy to announce the winner. Justice has many instruments, it will overtake everyone: good deeds will be rewarded with good, and bad deeds will be rewarded with bad. The task of February is to accept what is happening and not blame the people around you for your problems. And if a strict judge chose you as the winner, then you really deserve it. Patience and honesty in relationships are essential at this time. Intuition, which is heightened at this time, allows you to feel any misunderstanding, but understand it true meaning not given to everyone. Don't make hasty conclusions! This is not the last February when fate makes its verdict.

MARCH 2018

The difficulty of this period lies in the fact that two behavioral reactions come into conflict. It is necessary to determine your attitude towards freedom. Either you are a servant or you are an equal partner. Oscillatory processes from one extreme to another will create the ground for conflicts; alas, an increase in violence against the defenseless and weak is inevitable. Strengthen maximum control over children and the elderly! Periodically look at the heavens; from there, sometimes something also falls to the ground, and not necessarily a meteorite.

APRIL 2018

The imbalance continues. Added to the desire to fight is a passion for undivided rule at all levels. Any boss will demand compliance with etiquette and established curtsies. And the one who is not the boss will strive to get away from the pressure and suddenly decide that he was deceived all the time, and behind the concern was hidden a desire for unobtrusive and unfair control and management. These feelings will provoke conflicts in all areas of life. Those who know how to ask will be in favor. Proud people, don’t be upset, you will also get something, but later.

MAY 2018

Time to test temptations. People may seem naive, rude, and without pity. It would seem that it’s time to recoup and make fair money at the expense of intelligence and erudition, but this is a deception, “cheese in the trap.” In May 2018, any deviation from the agreements could lead to irreparable consequences. Don’t tease others with your easy attitude to agreements, avoid double interpretation of your words, and enter into legally precise contracts. This is a period of activation eastern countries, it's China time. It is necessary to follow the news from the Middle Kingdom. Potential requires development and new initiatives. The energy of May and the first ten days of June will provoke people with unstable psyches to violence against both individuals and groups. Tight and thoughtful control is required personnel services monitoring the behavior of employees or students, this will help avoid tragedy.

JUNE 2018

A month without a goal. Movement at this time becomes of primary importance. Where and why is not important, the main thing is to move - and the faster, the better. So the World Cup will be a very dynamic and exciting spectacle, but the rest is full of problems. June's virtue is the ability to wait. Haste equals an explosion, and in June there will be fires and short circuits, and all this is due to haste, the desire to quickly finish routine work.

JULY 2018

Children's time of year and midsummer. Both adults and kids are almost equal, but only children's pranks are cheaper than adults' games. It is easy to deceive children and the elderly by luring them with a bright wrapper, which will certainly be taken advantage of by those who depend on money. A carriage and a small cart were given promises, but there are even more reasons for their failure to be fulfilled. Be careful and even the most profitable proposition answer with a monosyllable “NO!” This keyword July! Do not explain why you refused; during the debate, it will be easy to convince you, and this will be a mistake in strategic terms. The universe is choosing the best time to begin its reign. Let's see if a person born in summer can say “no” at the right moment in order to gain power...


Acting is not only for professionals, each of us has this talent. Contacts and contracts, negotiations at the highest level and at the level of neighbors on the landing will be successful. It is not a fact that the agreements will be implemented, but the intentions are written in at its best. August's strategy is not far-sighted, and the desire to get immediate results can subsequently lead to a serious conflict. Don't make promises you can't keep!


A difficult month on the eve of serious changes in society. Problem little man will become a headache for big bosses. Every step of guidance is from the teacher to kindergarten to generals in the armed forces - will be inspected by subordinates, and they will only see shortcomings. Every error is recorded and analyzed. Is the person really unsuitable for the position he holds? There is a peak of conflicts in families, which in the future will destroy many partnerships. Alliances created on the basis of deceit are destroyed; but the partnership, taking into account mutual interests, will be strengthened.


Conservative year energy concentration. Inability to forgive betrayal, inability to obey, a total feeling of defense on all fronts. A difficult month for those who are separated from home, from their parents, from their roots. It is necessary to show maximum restraint when making decisions - this will allow you to live this time in relative safety. Best moment get out an old bible and re-read the 10 commandments. They are always relevant, but in October, turning to the wisdom of our ancestors will become salvation for many.


The month will continue the trend of rejection of complex life patterns and will present an account to the cunning, resourceful, and envious. Most people have nothing to fear; November melancholy and sadness are associated only with the change of seasons and nothing more. Everyone needs maximum support and approval, diplomacy and empathy, delicious feasts and intimate conversations. In November, many people will experience emotional lability and mood swings, and this is directly related to the state of the earth's crust. Earthquake-prone areas of the northern hemisphere, especially Southeast Asia, I will experience significant shocks to the surface, which changes its configuration. At this time, landslides, sinkholes, and rockfalls in the mountains are possible. On the territory of our country, this influence falls East Coast Baikal. Remember, November is an indicator month by which you can determine the trends of the coming year.


After a long defense that lasted almost a whole year, December dissolves the energy of conservatism and makes us think about development. Intuition reaches its peak around the 20th of December, and this is the best time to make plans. They will be realized if they coincide with the plans of the universe, and if there are no plans, life is not controlled by you in principle.

January 19th passed new Year's Eve researcher and analyst of the probability of events Alexander Litvin. Hall Central House writers could barely accommodate everyone who wanted to attend the meeting. Also, a huge number of Litvin’s admirers from Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain and other countries watched the psychic’s performance via video broadcast. The meeting began with a video message from Sergei Bezrukov to everyone present in the hall. The actor admitted that he has been friends with Litvin for a long time and often turns to him for advice before making any important decision.

“I remember calling Sasha before filming the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive!” Bezrukov said from the screen. “He didn’t give me a clear answer as to whether I should take on this job.” I was puzzled... As a result, work on the painting was postponed for six months. When I started filming, I called Sasha again and informed him that I was starting to work. He was delighted: “Only now? Great! If you had started filming six months ago, working on the film could have had a negative impact on your health. But now the danger has passed..."

After Sergei Bezrukov’s appeal, Alexander proceeded to the traditional monthly forecast for 2016, which, according to eastern calendar will come in two weeks.

According to the psychic, February will be one of the most aggressive months of the coming year. This period will be dangerous for partnerships - many couples will break up, a large number of colleagues will quarrel. Any lack of agreement will be perceived as a challenge. In February, you should never lie - lying can lead to the most disastrous consequences. This month you should either tell the truth or remain silent altogether. Lytvyn called on everyone in February to be more attentive to loved ones - during this period, relatives will be especially prone to offense.

“The risk of suicide will also increase,” Alexander warned. – If there are people in your environment who are prone to depression, you should be vigilant towards them. Also, in the last month of winter, a huge number of children will run away from home. If you are the parent of a difficult teenager, keep an eye on him in February.” February will also bring many illnesses, especially colds. “Avoid crowds of people and take vitamins to strengthen your immune system,” Litvin advised.

According to Alexander, March will be filled with hypocritical energy. But at the same time, this is one of the best months to start new relationships - in business and personal life. In March, a large number of marriage proposals will be made. An exception will be people born in October - it is better for them not to make new acquaintances during this period.

“In March you need to sleep more - this is the best time to rest,” advises Alexander. - You should also go to the theater, cinema and generally have fun in every possible way. But for extreme tourism and long business trips, it’s better to find another time.”

April, according to Litvin’s forecasts, will be difficult. The psychic advises not to spare compliments this month. “Be softer and more tolerant,” the magician recommends. – If you really need something from a person, under no circumstances demand what you want. Address the person like this: “I need your help, I want to ask you for something...” Then it will have an effect.” Alexander warns that April will be a busy month for school employees - student discipline will not be at the highest level, and many conflict situations will be created.

IN May, as Litvin predicts, the population of Russia expects an influx of swindlers - this month you need to carefully monitor your wallet. “There will be a high risk of phone wiretapping,” says Litvin. – Watch what you say on the phone, or better yet, put off serious questions until a personal meeting. Hormones will be raging in May, so pay attention to the thyroid gland.”

IN June Litvin calls for making as few promises as possible. “In the first month of summer, we will have little control over ourselves,” warns Alexander. – People will quickly “burn out” and will not be able to keep the promises made in June. Hormones will go off scale, even the most decent family men will change left and right. Want to avoid this? Already now, plan a joint vacation with your husband for June - direct his sexual energy towards you. You should also be careful while driving – a huge number of accidents due to speeding are expected in June.” Alexander advises in June to avoid being in the direct rays of the sun at 12 noon - especially if you were born in December, you should take care of yourself. To avoid overheating, the psychic recommends drinking as much clean water as possible.

According to Litvin's forecasts, July It will be calm - this is a time for family relaxation. “It’s best to spend a vacation on the banks of the Volga,” advises the winner of the sixth “Battle of Psychics.” – It is better not to visit dry areas – there is a risk of fires. In July, pay special attention to children. This is the period when teenagers begin to engage in criminal activity. If you don’t want your son to become a swindler, have an educational conversation with him, make sure that he doesn’t watch films about criminal romance - “Gangster Petersburg” or similar ones.”

August will be dangerous due to a sharp decrease in the level of intuition. To make up for its deficiency, Litvin advises devoting as much time as possible to working on the land. “This saves you from depression and puts you in a positive mood,” explains the psychic. – August is a good time to conclude real estate transactions. But it is necessary that the signing of contracts takes place under the supervision of your lawyer - this way you will protect yourself from scammers.”

September will be a month of criticism. “Be careful with your words,” warns Alexander. – Don’t be rude to your colleagues – this is the month when staff rotation is coming and if you are rude on your part, you may be fired. The first month of autumn is an excellent time for planned operations, including plastic ones. The second half of the month is good to start studying.”

October, according to the psychic, will become the month of conservatives. “Domostroy will prevail in the family,” says Litvin. – Be careful: this month your other half will watch you extremely carefully and any misfire on your part can lead to a breakup. Women will show increased interest in gadgets. I advise men to either change the password on their iPhone or not store unnecessary information on it.”

November, as Alexander predicts, will be a surprisingly non-depressive month. “This is a good period for a holiday in Western countries,” says Litvin. – November is also a favorable month for weddings. They will have a very positive impact on your loved ones - don’t skimp on gifts. But besides, November is a time of doubt; you need to strictly follow the plan. For those who are always unsure of themselves, I advise you to eat as much meat as possible.”

IN December rogues are expected to rampant. “Don’t make any transactions this month,” warns Litvin. – Do not deal with dubious banks and people - only a few will win in December, but hundreds of people will lose.

After the forecast for the year, Litvin moved on to the presentation of the book “They will find me themselves,” a continuation of the psychic’s first work “I will not be higher than God.”

“Three months flew by like one day,” says Litvin. – Three months of hard work. Learning on- and off-process. At the beginning of this marathon session, I didn’t have even a quarter of the knowledge that I have now. I am very pleased with myself: these were very difficult exams, but what was beyond the perimeter of the project was even more difficult. And my work outside of filming was, at times, much more important and interesting. It was no coincidence that I ended up in Toulouse, Istanbul and Nessebar, and it seems that it was not at all by chance that I won that sixth “Battle”. And this was precisely the battle, the real one, and it is not over yet. My fight is for the truth."

Time is rushing faster and faster

We live in our time, or rather, in history, which we understand as a movement in time that has some kind of goal, consisting of many of our personal goal-settings. And times, as we remember, we don’t choose, we live in them, and while we are alive, we move along with planet Earth among the other 100 billion stars in our Galaxy, crossing spaces.

Sometimes here, on our territory, we have years that are unremarkable, gray and ordinary - real stagnation - and they are replaced again by an era of change, fireworks years come: bright, sparkling, replete with events. So, the upcoming one 2016 transfers us into a jetliner at supersonic speeds. Time in such a year seems in the sensory perception given to us, as if compressed into an energy clot, the situation changes every second, and we must try to keep up with the given rhythm of life, to coincide with it, in order to achieve what is due to each of us, without leaving the distance prematurely.

The energy of the year will provoke movement at speed - be careful! It’s been a long time since we rode down steep hills at such speeds: it’s not that scary, believe me, and it certainly won’t be boring!

You know the expression: “being in the right place in right time"? So here's mine - your opportunity to plan both in advance. You can order the calendar on my official website.

Color of the future

If we depict the period of space-time coordinates ahead of us 2016 means of painting, then I see bright and orange-red. And I would start painting a picture of the future with blue, gradually adding green shades, then a little ocher and green again, and only then the color I need appears. This is an orange-red Cloud without a shadow: such a colorful, hot and amazing time awaits us...

Energy 2016

Energy of the next year takes effect from February: Until this time, the inertia of the outgoing year is in effect. So, say goodbye to 2015 calmly and with dignity. Now, in the remaining days of December, make plans for the future, strategic ones (at least 3 years in advance) and, I never tire of repeating, do not let anyone in on them: this is your purely personal space. And in January, put everything on the shelves, think through in detail the ways and all available means of implementing the planned: fortunately, it’s time for the second winter month It will allow you, besides, it is active and intended just for this - not for lethargic sleep and overeating, believe me and don’t miss your chances!

And finally, in February, the year of the scene comes, brightly illuminated by powerful spotlights aimed directly at it. The main characters of the play being played will be, respectively, great and not so great schemers, great and different politicians - actors and deceivers, this is their year, which, however, will also test many copper pipes, will test for greed and talent for the game.

There is deception hidden in the very energy of the year, so people with intuition and at the same time an internal sense of justice will have a hard time. And for those who are less sensitive in perception, it will be difficult to understand the true meaning of what is happening, to trace the cause-and-effect relationships that are hidden behind the scenes and are not visible in the direct blinding beam of a spotlight aimed at the stage of life. But I have good news for all of you: there is an antidote or antidote that weakens the effect of destructive selfless lies - this is distrust! Remember about measure seven times, think a hundred times, weigh the pros and cons...

Motto of 2016– DO NOT BELIEVE, but the key word is “NO”, which, by the way, those who do not know how to do so must learn to say to others and to themselves, curbing spontaneous desires that distract from the main affairs and events.

Family as a unit

On the eve of the New Year, I don’t really want to talk about politics, I’ll just say that public initiatives, indicated by exclusively good intentions in May, August, December will actually have particularly selfish interests. However, in society as a whole and in the small units of which it consists - families, in fact, similar processes always occur. Therefore, the picture that I painted for you is relevant regardless of the scale - the Game will be, and the play of life will be performed by both the capital, provincial, and amateur family groups.

Hope, in families the situation will be a little easier, because I believe that many are still based on true feeling and mutual respect, trust, which means they will be able to get through this difficult year. But, I warn you, marriages based on mercantile calculations are guaranteed to crack and many will fall apart. Yes, unfortunately, the number of divorces will increase exponentially - the courts will overwhelm divorce cases, and one cannot expect a civilized approach to property claims. I sincerely advise you all not to rely on chance - not this year! What can be done to prevent the family boat from crashing into everyday life and the sharp pitfalls of lies? For example, on a contractual basis, secure mutual voluntary control: call more often, meet each other, do not deceive even in the most insignificant details...

And very special attention children. This year there is no way to educate on trust - this may involuntarily provoke lies. Moreover, your direct parental concern for safety becomes much more complicated - it is better to exercise unrelenting, literally total, control over all of the child’s contacts. Try to discuss all misunderstandings in the family in advance, listen and try to hear and understand the children in order to reveal any possible deceptions and protect them from mistakes. The busiest months in this regard are May, August, December.

Work: rhythm accompanies the dream

We are on the threshold of the media year: shows, theater, radio, advertising, cinema and television. All means of communication based on electronic signals will receive a powerful charge of energy. However, people who create in these areas of activity will gain not only creative work. This is taking into account the rhythms that the coming year promises - not only a real test, but also an opportunity to achieve professional heights according to your wildest dreams. I warn you, warranties for lighting and other electronic equipment will not be valid; devices will fail, for example, lighting, including ordinary incandescent lamps. Computers will burn out more often, because the voltage in the network will fluctuate in 2016. Therefore, check also carefully electronic systems their cars, especially before long trips. But due to various technical problems - this is such a year! – I predict an increase in the income of manufacturers and sellers of various equipment! And I think it’s worth reminding again: the real estate market is not an area of ​​activity that can bring dividends in the foreseeable future, so the recommendations for workers in it remain the same as last year – change your career guidance.

Health: don't fall before the finish line

In the coming year we will all become more energetic and stronger, but the main thing is to correctly calculate your strength, without succumbing to the euphoria of increased opportunities, so that when making the final push towards achieving a high goal, you do not leave the race prematurely. Will be under attack in 2016 the cardiovascular system our body, unfortunately, this means an increase in heart attacks, strokes, hypertensive crises...

Pay special attention to the health of loved ones born in 1950, especially since they do not tolerate deception or gambling and are accustomed to not complaining about ailments.

Parents, be more attentive to the children of 2010-2011: you need to protect them from direct sun rays. And remember: external sunscreens do not protect them! Also, pay close attention to vaccinations - the immune status of these children will be generally reduced, especially in the summer.

Who was born in...

The energy of each month is individual, which inevitably leaves a general imprint on birthday people born in this period any year.

January: you are just emerging from last year’s crisis, so give yourself time to adapt. Indulge in strategic planning, but take your time - do not take active action before May. And most importantly, do not embark on any adventures, so as not to fall into the trap of scammers who have emerged from the shadows. In addition, you do not take hints well, and this is the year of games and metaphors, so try to get guiding instructions and recommendations from your partners and clearly defined tasks when it comes to work.

February: It will be really difficult because you are intuitive people and will understand a lot by tracing the motives of the game. To ensure that no one uses you for their own purposes, try not to conflict and, in order to remain on the bridgehead you conquered last year, do not leave the fortress again.

March: this dynamic year is generally successful for you - you can move forward, even take a little reasonable risk, just restrain the rhythm that is too high around you. As I already said, the very energy of the year provokes us to extreme speeds, but we must be able to stop in time, maybe even wait it out. And try to keep your desires under control too.

April: The year is energetically suitable for you. Therefore, set high goals and can take risks in achieving them. It doesn't change strategic planning and following your own intuition, of course.

May: This is a special time for you, because you, for all your external photogenicity, do not really like and do not tolerate the show very well - it is too noisy and there are too many people. Perhaps you should shut down so as not to get tired: this will help you achieve your goals.

June and July: to you, born in summer months and those who use the generous explosive energy of the sun sometimes tend to overestimate their own strengths and capabilities. This year you should be more careful not to promise in vain what you cannot deliver. Be careful, don’t get upset by the feeling that the sea is up to your knees.

August: you are in balance with the energy of the coming year, so you can be quite successful in the most different areas, do not doubt. The only thing is, don’t rush to follow your immediate tactical desires, be a strategist in your life.

September: You, who were born this month, are characterized by criticality, and often in a sarcastic form, sharp as a blade. What to do if you see the imperfections of this world. But this year your blade will also be red-hot. Be attentive and careful, if you find shortcomings - do not remain silent, but take at least a thirty-minute pause: think it over, and then bring your comments to your partner.

October: You are quite conservative in the energy of your birth - this is not the worst quality. However, 2016 will spur you on, forcing you to move faster, contrary to your natural restraint. You should not make hasty decisions to avoid possible mistakes. Remember measure twice, cut once.

November: Success awaits you; a dynamic year will level out your sometimes characteristic depression and uncertainty. So leave your traditional doubts and act: the energy of the year will help you at the right time.

December: You, people with naturally quite acute sensory perception, need to listen to yourself - your intuition will not let you down. Just try not to develop extreme speeds this year and do not make dubious acquaintances.
