How to write a conclusion example. How to write conclusions to chapters, sections and paragraphs of the report

General requirements to content and structure course work


The structure of the course work is determined by the individual purpose of the study, the selected object of study and the specific topic of the work. The structure of the work is considered justified if, within its framework, it is logically possible to achieve a full disclosure of the chosen topic.

With a relatively free choice of the structure of the course work, the following structural elements must be included in its composition:

Title page. (Drawn up strictly in accordance with the requirements of NOU VPO VIB)


1. Theoretical and methodological foundations studying the problem.

2. Analysis of the state of the problem being studied using the example of an enterprise (industry, market).


List of used literature.


Review form for course work.

Use is permitted and encouraged additional information in the form of the last structural section - applications (tables, graphs, photographs, sample document forms, etc.). The applications provided must correspond to the topic of the course work.

Each chapter should end with conclusions or at least a statement of results. When formulating conclusions, the following requirements must be observed:

1) the results must be specific judgments of what is said and what is asserted;

2) your own results must be clearly highlighted. At the same time, their difference from the results of other authors is indicated;

3) reasoned and critical assessments justify the novelty of the result in comparison with known solutions on all aspects of the problem under study;

4) the truth of the result is justified (based on the accepted and formulated premises and definitions of concepts introduced into the work on the basis of the rules and laws of formal logic).

Scientific and practical problems that are solved using the results obtained are indicated.

The conclusion for each chapter begins with the words:

This chapter covers theoretical aspects marketing in strategic enterprise management. The concept of marketing is defined - this is a system for organizing all the activities of an enterprise…………

The conclusion of a paragraph can begin with the words: " Thus, …."; “To summarize this paragraph...”; “In conclusion, we note.....”, etc.

In order to improve the quality of coursework and qualification papers of students of the Volgograd Institute of Business, the directorate decided to mandatory check all coursework and qualification papers in the Anti-Plagiarism system. The final assessment of the originality of the work applying for a “Satisfactory” rating must be at least 50%. If the final assessment of the originality of the work is less than 50%, then the work is not allowed to be submitted/defended.

The student independently checks the work on the website The manager is presented not only with the work itself, but also with a report on the Anti-Plagiarism program. If there is no report on the work for checking it using the Anti-Plagiarism program, the work is not allowed to be submitted/defended.

It is not allowed to have same theme two or more students from the same group. If students intend to write a course work on coinciding problems, then appropriate additions and clarifications should be made to the title of the topic.

When writing an essay and term paper, one of the particular problems is writing conclusions for the chapters and a general conclusion in the conclusion.

In practice, I have encountered and use several APPROACHES(ways) to correct writing of conclusions.

Method one (the most correct conclusions)

Conclusions for the chapters are prepared based on knowledge of the topic of the work, and are presented by the author of the work in free form when using scientific vocabulary. In this case, you need a very broad knowledge of the topic in order to make really high-quality conclusions for the work, since without these, you will not be able to “squeeze” out even one sentence, or you will repeat the definition of the subject of the topic.

At the same time, at the conclusion of the work, the conclusions should be grouped and presented in accordance with the logic of the work, but at the same time duplicate previously used formulations by no more than 50%.

Method two (combined conclusions based on external sources)

In order to facilitate the work at the final stage of writing a term paper or essay, it is necessary, in the process of preparing these works, to highlight the main ideas from selected sources, perhaps intermediate conclusions and conclusions available in articles and chapters of textbooks (it is very convenient to use articles from periodicals, since they, as a rule, necessarily contain well-founded conclusions on the topic under consideration), while you should cut off text that does not coincide with the main idea of ​​the work itself and separately highlight parts of the text that partially coincide with the main text of the work and do not contradict the topic and purpose of the work you are preparing.

After the work is completely ready and you have “collected” excerpts “very similar to conclusions”, it is worth working on them, namely, paraphrasing the text that is not very suitable in style, getting rid of contradictions, adding missing thoughts, or redoing existing ones in accordance with the subject and purpose of the study.

After careful processing, the conclusions in your term paper or essay will look well-constructed and correctly presented, since you will take as a basis the statements of scientists who are much better versed in the topic than you.

Method three (using only other people's thoughts in the conclusion of the study)

This method should be used only if you are very lucky and “accidentally” find a text that is 90-100% suitable for the conclusions of your course work. In any other cases, you should not use only “foreign” - borrowed text, since in any case it will differ from the text of the work and, in fact, will not be a conclusion.

To write a conclusion on a topic you need to use the following RULES OUTPUT:

1. Conclusions must necessarily summarize the above thoughts on the paragraph, chapter and work as a whole.

2. Conclusions should not contradict the thoughts of the text of the work, that is, both the text of the work and the conclusions should support the same point of view.

3. Conclusions should be brief, but at the same time they must reflect the essence of the problem. Conclusions on a chapter of a course work are usually no more than 0.3-0.5 pages.

4. Conclusions must be discernible in the text. Typically, conclusions in the text of the work begin with the words “Thus,...”, “Based on the above, the following conclusions should be drawn...”, or they can be separated by the subtitle “Conclusions”, “Conclusions on the 1st chapter”, “Conclusion”, or simply stand alone from the text in one empty line. I would like to note that some teachers do not like highlighting conclusions with a separate subheading, so it is better to ask your supervisor how best to format the conclusion.

5. Conclusions must repeat the logical structure of the text, that is, for the first part - the first conclusion, for the second part - the second conclusion, etc. Sometimes conclusions can be numbered, but again this is a “matter of taste” of your supervisor.

I would also like to note that the conclusion is essentially a “compilation” of conclusions from paragraphs and chapters of the course work. At the same time, sometimes “simple copying” of conclusions into a conclusion without any reformulation is required, that is, the conclusion becomes a combined array of conclusions, but for the most part, the supervisor requires excellent formulations of conclusions and conclusions, as I indicated at the very beginning of the article, in this case the wording of the text of the conclusions and the conclusion of the work should coincide by no more than 40-50%.

I will give 2 example output:

WRONG CONCLUSION (how not to do it)

The economic effect of the implementation of the Program’s activities can be considered in two aspects.

Firstly, this is the effect of budget revenues through the tax system of tourism business entities. This effect increases with the growth of tourist flows, as well as with the improvement of the quality of service for tourists by tourism business entities, which is facilitated by ongoing program activities.

Secondly, this is the effect on the regional economy associated with an increase in trade volume from the increase in tourist flow as a result of program activities.


Thus, the result of the implementation of the Program will be the formation of a highly efficient and competitive tourist and recreational cluster Samara region, providing year-round provision of recreational services for guests and residents of the region in various price categories. The implementation of this Program will make it possible to resolve a number of socially significant issues that exist in the this moment in the Samara region, which will lead to the improvement of the system of interaction of all organizations involved in the process of forming a tourism product, will create new jobs, attractive, first of all, for residents municipal districts Samara region. As a result of the implementation of program activities, by 2015 compared to 2010, the total increase in tax revenues to the budget of all levels will be 45 million rubles, and the tourist flow will be 99.4 thousand people. The number of people employed in the tourism sector by 2015, taking into account the current financial and economic situation, will increase by 2%.

So what's the difference? But the difference is that in an incorrect conclusion there are only unsubstantiated statements, but in a correct conclusion, specific achievements are indicated, which are justified by digital data confirming the conclusion made!

That's all. Have fun writing your conclusions!

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Those who daily write any texts (articles, abstracts, term papers, etc.) are faced with various phrases and phrases that seem to be simple, but only at first glance. For example, the same “in conclusion” or “in conclusion”. It seems that it is spelled correctly both ways. But no. These are two different combinations that have their own meanings and are used differently in the text.

Meaning of the word

As you know, the Russian language is rich in many interesting words, phrases, phrases. Some words even sound similar to each other. They can sometimes be very difficult to use in writing. These include, for example, derivatives from prepositions and nouns:

  • during the day - during the song;
  • in continuation of the conversation - in the continuation of the novel;
  • due to deterioration of health - as a consequence of the case;
  • at the end of the journey - two years in prison.

Those who constantly deal with writing texts can automatically distinguish when it is necessary to use “in conclusion” or “in conclusion”, depending on the context. But those who rarely write anything may use prepositions and word forms incorrectly. That is why it is important to learn to distinguish one from the other. After all, be that as it may, you still need to write correctly.

To begin with, to understand the spelling, you can look at how the endings of a given word change:

  • Nominative case (answers the question who what?) - ending in "-i".
  • Genitive case (answers the question who/what?) - ending in "-iya".
  • Dative case (I give to whom; to what?) - ending in "-yu".
  • Accusative case (I accuse who/what?) - ending in "-i".
  • Instrumental case (I'm interested by whom/what?) - ending in "-yem".
  • Prepositional case (I'll tell you About who about what?) - ending in "-ii".

The word itself has several meanings. So, it could mean:

  1. action (for example, entering into a contract, marriage);
  2. condition (life sentence, imprisonment);
  3. conclusion, result or consequence of something (expert conclusion, conclusion of a work).

What is “in custody”?

This combination is not part of speech. It is just a word form created from a noun and a preposition. Conclusion example:

  • This man has been in prison for five years.
  • In prison you always want to be free.

To make it more clear, this word can be replaced with several synonyms. For example:

  • captive;
  • in captivity;
  • locked up;
  • under supervision (in custody).

That is, if we're talking about, for example, about the end of writing a report, then it will be easy to decide whether to write “in conclusion” or “in conclusion.” After all, while sitting in prison, it is hardly possible to write a report. The proposal will turn out to be very absurd and incomprehensible to the reader. But writing some kind of final thought, an ending to the report - this is quite possible.

What is "in conclusion"?

This combination is a preposition, which is often written separately, with a recognizable ending “-i” and speaks of the completion of something. For example:

  • At the conclusion of the story, she bowed deeply and sat down in her place.
  • At the end of the performance there was a fireworks display.
  • At the end of the holiday, everyone received gifts.

If, after reading the examples, you still do not understand when “in conclusion” or “in conclusion” is used, then you can look at several synonyms. For example:

  • lastly;
  • at the end;
  • at the end.

That is, if we are talking, for example, about a long stay in prison, then it is unlikely that anyone will write “in conclusion.” This will be a completely unreadable sentence. But if you write that someone was imprisoned long time, the sentence will make sense.

Exceptions to the rules

As is already known, the preposition “in” together with a noun that ends in “-i” in the accusative case and the ending of which coincides with the ending of the same noun in the nominative case is written as follows - “in conclusion”. But there are exceptions to the rules. For example:

  • He was interested in making a deal.(Many programs and online editors may mark an error in this sentence, but everything is written correctly.)
  • At the conclusion of the course work, the teacher found an error.(Another example where you might think the sentence is wrong.)

The fact is that in the first and second examples what is written is not a stable combination including the ending “-i”, but a free combination in prepositional case. Therefore, in addition to having knowledge about the rules, it is also necessary to pay attention to the context in which a particular word is used in order to avoid making a mistake.

Additional writing examples

To finally understand when and what kind of “conclusion” is used, you can read a few more simple and not so simple examples:

  • At the end of his enthusiastic speech, the actor decided to express gratitude to his parents.
  • The bandit had two hostages in custody.
  • In conclusion, I would like to note that he was released on bail.
  • He will be in custody and is unlikely to get bail.
  • Fireworks thundered at the end of the festival.
  • They found several errors in the expert's report.
  • At the conclusion of the transaction, all necessary changes were made.
  • All parties were interested in concluding the deal.

Remember: The conclusion is the “answer” to the purpose of the work!

Table 7.1 – Requirements for writing output

What should be in the output

How to write this

What has been done at work

Write what exactly was done in the work.

In that work……

(What has been done? Read the purpose of the work again)

How it's done

Brief description of the experiment:

    what specific quantities are determined using what instruments,

    what values ​​(including errors) are calculated using the formulas

(no need to rewrite formulas!)

What's received

Write down the result (obtained values, their errors - with units of measurement )

Analysis of the result

Analyze the result.

    To do this, compare the experimental value of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion for a given substance a exp

with table value a table

And give your assessment the results obtained.

For example:

...the values ​​agree well,

(either satisfactory or inconsistent).

    Write what is the reason for the discrepancy between the experimental value (obtained in this work) and the tabulated one.

8 Security questions

Answer security questions.


    Rewrite the questions and conditions of the tasks of your own option.

    The tables in Appendix A provide the necessary reference materials.

    Tasks of increased complexity are marked * (rated “4”) and ** (rated “5”)

Option 1

1.1 A railway rail at a temperature of 0 0 C has a length of 50 m. Determine how much the length of the rail will change when heated to 30 0 C.

1.2 Why between the rails railway They leave gaps in the joints, but they don’t do this for tram joints?

1.3* Why do we use a red scale when counting using an indicator? What should you do if there was no red scale?

1.4** Will the result of laboratory work change if the solid metal rod in the device is replaced with a tube made of the same material? Explain.

Option 2

2.1 The length of a steel railway bridge is 1000 m at 0 0 C. Determine the length of the bridge in winter at a temperature of -30 0 C.

2.2 How does the density of a substance change when heated? Explain.

2.3* Why does a steel bolt easily screw into a copper nut if they are both heated?

2.4** Why when sudden change temperature of enamel cookware, do cracks appear in its enamel?

Option 3

3.1 An electric current was passed through a copper wire 6 m long. How many degrees does the wire heat up if it lengthens by 4 mm?

3.2 Explain the thermal expansion of bodies from the point of view of molecular kinetic theory.

3.3*Why are glass vessels heated to high temperatures made of thin glass?

3.4** Why, when heating and cooling reinforced concrete, does the concrete not separate from the iron?

Option 4

4.1 The length of a glass tube at 0 0 C is 120 cm. Find its length at 100 0 C.

4.2 Will the balance of the sensitive scales be disrupted if one arm of the rocker arm is heated?

4.3* What requirements must the material of the electrodes soldered into the glass cylinder of an incandescent lamp satisfy?

4.4** How will the internal diameter of a metal ring change when it is heated? Explain.

If the work is written correctly, drawing up a conclusion will be quite simple. We'll tell you how to do this.

How to Summarize a Written Work

In order to write a conclusion correctly, you must first approach the work thoroughly. Regardless of whether it is a graduation project, coursework or just an abstract or essay, when writing it, you will have to realize your research and educational goals. They will form the basis of the future conclusion.

Moreover, it will be more convenient to summarize after each individual chapter of written work. In this case, you won't actually have to think about how to write the output. You will only combine existing points into one logically connected text.

In general, the sequence of actions when writing the final part of the work will look like this:

  1. Designate main goal work. What needed to be found out, proven, demonstrated. Did you manage to do this? If yes, what result did you come to at the end of the work?
  2. Create a content plan. What issues were considered? What conclusions were drawn from each of them?
  3. Carefully study the mini-conclusions after each chapter of the work. Are they consistent and logical enough?
  4. Start combining the mini-summaries into an overall final conclusion. Here you also need to follow a certain plan.

Conclusion writing plan

  1. Start with what goals were set at the very beginning. Take this information from the introduction to the work. Begin this part of the conclusion with the words “In this work, we considered the question...”, “At the beginning of the work, we set ourselves the goal of finding out...” etc.
  2. Note what you learned while considering the issue, focusing on the results of each chapter/section. This part can be formalized, for example, with the following expression: “During research work we found out that..."
  3. Draw your final conclusions. Here it would be appropriate to write something like: “In conclusion, we can sum up the following result - …”.

Remember that you do not need to rewrite existing text - replace words with synonyms, paraphrase expressions, change the structure of sentences. At the very end, summarize the general conclusion that follows from all the listed results.

As for the length of the conclusion, it would be correct to write a conclusion of approximately one paragraph in size for each chapter of the work. The final conclusion for essays and abstracts can be made in 1-2 pages. For coursework and diploma projects that involve complex in-depth research, more detailed conclusions can be drawn. However, please note that the total volume of the introductory and concluding parts should not exceed 25% of the total volume of the text, otherwise these parts will seem “watery,” which is unacceptable for high-quality research work.

You will also find some tips on how to write conclusions for various written works in the article.
