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“Something is rotten in the Danish kingdom...” Everything seems to be in order, but something is wrong... Maybe it's time to step back and see the full picture of what is happening? In 2017, your view from the window is no different from usual, and your cup contains the same tea as always, but why do you feel some kind of lump in your throat that prevents you from enjoying life? You won’t admit this to anyone, because everything is always wonderful with Virgos, and some people even envy you. Everyone thinks so - everyone except you! Virgos do not believe in their own happiness, even if they are directly told about it - you always ignore such statements, as if they have nothing to do with you...

Yes, it is difficult for others to understand what is happening to you, especially when the Virgos themselves cannot give a clear answer to this question. The energy of 2017 contrasts so sharply with you that not a single representative of your sign will be able to ignore this fact or not pay attention to it. In 2017 - per year Fire Rooster- Virgos will need an urgent reboot and recharge of batteries! You need a breath of something new, which is like a good sip of hot tea in the cold - the warmth of the drink spreads throughout your body and causes chain reaction, melting the frozen icy knots in your soul, freeing you and changing you from the inside in some magical way! From the outside it may seem that all this is very simple: you just need to change the negative to the positive and revive hope in your wounded soul... but how can you do this?

You find yourself on an untrodden and completely unfamiliar path - it is quite difficult for you to find the only right path, understand what you need to do, and then perform a certain sequence of actions that will lead you to victory. Keep in mind that changing yourself is very difficult, and you, dear Virgos, will be able to successfully complete such a transformation only if you make significant efforts. At some point, Virgo may find that she is left completely alone,... desperately gasping for air in complete darkness. You are so deeply offended that you are simply unable to see the truth. How did this even happen? And is all this fundamentally important to you? Maybe you need to turn your gaze in a different direction? Search perfect formula life can occupy the Virgo mind for a long time... right up to the moment when you feel that a complete transformation has taken place within you... They say that in order to change the mind, we first need to change our heart; they also say that in order to achieve change, our heart needs to “grab” some new feeling; and they also say that to change life one life is not enough - for this we need to meet another life. The forecast for 2017 suggests that this is exactly what should happen to you. In other words, in the horoscope for Virgo for 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster - there is room for hope! A person will appear in your destiny who will completely change your life...

But all this is just one side of the coin... on the other hand, Virgos themselves are not prone to excessive dramatization. In addition, not all representatives of this sign will face significant changes under the influence of the energy of the coming year (it is worth noting that the older the person, the stronger this influence manifests itself). You may not even notice the coming changes. For you personally, 2017 may turn out to be exactly the same as previous years... and all possible “dissonances” may disappear without a trace along with the passing joys of the past New Year's holidays. And that's not a bad thing!

In any case, 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster - will become quite diverse. Now let's look at those aspects of this year that people born under the constellation Virgo should pay attention to. So... in 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign will have to endure a certain amount of interesting moments, however, we can immediately say that, in general, this year will become relatively neutral - during this period of life, Virgos will not face any fundamental changes on the physical level; rather, it will be a reassessment of values, a search for their place in the sun, a search for their own landmarks in society, etc. The symbol of 2017 - the Fire Rooster - is associated with the element of Fire, which is reflected in its name. The sign of Virgo corresponds to the element Earth, and here it is important to remember that Fire and Earth are not direct antagonists or allies. These elements interact indirectly, not directly, and come into contact with each other when necessary - however, this is a very relative and simplified formulation. Of course, there is a certain connection here, but it is carried out indirectly, through other elements. Here we observe a complex chain of energy regeneration in the Taoist system of the first five elements of Yu-Shin. We will not go into details, let’s put it simply: in 2017, people born under the constellation Virgo will, in any case, be faced with many multi-vector nuances that determine both positive and negative events of the coming year.

In the horoscope for 2017 we will try to take into account the most important aspects, and this analysis will at least prepare you for upcoming events and help you neutralize possible negativity. The Fire Rooster will allow Virgo to realize her plans, despite the fact that there are certain reservations here - as mentioned above. First of all, it is worth noting the fact that, at its core, the energy of the coming year 2017 is not in complete harmony with the energy of this zodiac sign. But - and this is very important! - despite the fact that for Virgo 2017 will not be a soft bed strewn with rose petals, this period will not be unfavorable either. It won't even be a break before the next start! Dear Virgos, you should perceive this year as a kind of “lyrical digression”... Most likely, 2017 will not reward you leadership position in some company, but during this period it is quite possible that another promotion and some rise in career ladder. Remember that in 2017, Virgos need to change and adapt to new conditions - this is the only way they can succeed without slipping into depression. Dear Virgo, this year you should act a little more calmly than before, but at the same time the general dynamics characteristic of your zodiac sign will remain. Cunning and the ability to adapt to changing conditions are the qualities that will help Virgos achieve their goals.

The year 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster - can be quite naturally divided into several phases, and each of these phases needs to be characterized separately, especially the first phase, which begins with the onset of the year of the Fire Rooster and ends in the first third of June 2017. It's pretty long period, it lasts almost six months, and this period may turn out to be the most important for Virgo's career - at least compared to the current state of affairs. You will have to concentrate on the many goals and problems that you plan to solve. As for Virgos occupying the position of performers, stars and planets (especially the ruler of your sign - Mercury) recommend that they refrain from taking initiative at the beginning of 2017. A little later, you will be able to slowly and gradually increase your level of influence. Show a little patience, look around, analyze your plans, correlate what you see with what your opponents or colleagues are doing, collect as much information as possible, and start taking action in the spring. At this stage, such a scheme will be the most useful, because with such a sequence of actions, the active position of Mercury completely coincides with your aspirations, enhances any creative impulses, increases your performance and increases your potential benefits. Towards the end of the summer, you yourself will realize that now you need to pay more attention to interpersonal relationships - you may even have to concentrate exclusively on this part of your life. During this period, your career will take a back seat, but these changes should be seen as positive, because this area really will not require your intervention. In the first half of 2017, the Fire Rooster will help leaders and managers take several difficult decisions. In the decision-making process, it is important to focus on own feelings. Consider other people's opinions, but don't put their point of view above yours. personal plans.

The next stage begins approximately from the end of the first third of June and lasts until the end of the year of the Fire Rooster (that is, until February 15, 2018). The work pace will slow down a little, and Virgo will have the opportunity to really deal with family problems. At this stage in your life, several interesting trends may arise that will be distinguished by the ambiguity of their potential. You need to remember one thing: if at this stage you do not know what you need to do, try to be alone with yourself - two or three days of rest in a secluded house in the countryside will help you collect your thoughts and will be very useful for you. Solitude sometimes helps solve such problems - despite the fact that such behavior is not typical for Virgo. And yet, 2017 - the year of the Red (Fire) Rooster - will be a year of obvious changes, so you must change too. Change is inevitable, and you better understand and accept it as soon as possible (and then it will be much easier for you in the future). Be reasonable in your decisions, weigh your every action, don’t blindly get involved in the first adventure you come across that seems exciting to you - figuratively speaking, “throw yourself into the pool headfirst.” Do not rush to get involved in some kind of adventure, even if your best friends advise you to take part in it and assure you of the absolute safety of this event. Listen to your heart - literally. Do not give in to your instincts and frankly greedy impulses.

This phase of 2017, frankly, does not inspire success in your career or business, but this period is great for reviving your relationship with life. In addition, right now you may have a clear idea of ​​how you can change yourself. The apotheosis of this phase will come in mid-November 2017. At this time, Venus will take a descending position in relation to the constellation Virgo, and its influence will be maximum. All this indicates that a serious crisis may be brewing in your relationship, and the outcome of events... of course, depends only on you. Have no doubt that this year there will be significant changes in your life, and judging by the horoscope for Virgo, the most pleasant aspect of this year will be that the stars will provide you with the opportunity to ultimately receive complete satisfaction.

It is quite difficult to clearly characterize the second half of November and December 2017 and the first month and a half of 2018 (which are also part of the Year of the Red Rooster, according to eastern tradition). By the beginning of this stage, everything important events have already occurred in your life, and all significant internal changes have already taken root and taken hold in your consciousness (if they have not yet had time to take hold, everything is in your hands). This period is very important in terms of reflection and the ability to see the future. At the end of 2017, at the junction annual cycles, Virgos may be faced with the need to make particularly important decisions that will have an immediate and direct impact on your future. Don't be afraid to take actions that are uncharacteristic for you. Surprise those around you. In this regard, the Red Rooster will be completely on your side. In the future, at some point, you will understand that it was during this period that you lived what is called life to the fullest. Don't be afraid of your desires, and then you won't have to regret anything in the future! Dear Virgos, 2017 will be a year of transformation for you! Be happy in 2017!

Literally from the very first days, 2017 foretells many surprises for Virgo, unexpected events and new perspectives. Often the situation will be favorable for Virgo, however, unfortunately, in the year of the Rooster, a lack of activity and a business approach will provoke the loss of many attractive chances for Virgo.

In addition, until the beginning of autumn 2017, discipline and self-organization will be very difficult for this zodiac sign, and attempts to concentrate efforts to implement the assigned tasks will be difficult.

Virgo will allow herself to easily get excited about new prospects and plans, and then with the same ease leave the projects she has started without finishing them.

This situation is doubly offensive, since the situation for Virgo in 2017 will be very favorable. The stars predict: if she can overcome herself and focus on achieving the goal, without being distracted by trifles and without wasting energy, then she will have every opportunity to achieve success.

Although for Virgo in 2017 there is another option for the development of events - not to try to implement any grandiose projects, but to live for pleasure and do what is interesting. In this case, the results will not be significant, but the year will be exciting, varied and interesting.

Love horoscope for 2017 Virgo

The horoscope predicts that Virgo’s sufficient frivolity in 2017 will also affect her personal life, more positively than negatively, since organization, accuracy and scrupulousness are only needed in business. Love will give Virgo many unique moments, especially for those who are still single.

With the advent of 2017, Virgo will be able to feel that her desires and dormant instincts are beginning to awaken and occupy the main place in her personal life. Caution and reason will fade into the background - Virgo’s logic will be controlled by feelings, and they will also guide actions.

As a result, the first half of the year will entail a huge number of romantic and other acquaintances for this zodiac sign, as well as a sea of ​​impressions. Single Virgos are more likely to develop sudden, stormy relationships, which may turn out to be quite unexpected. However, already with the beginning of autumn fast paced life will be left behind and recent months years will give Virgo long-awaited stability in relationships and peace of mind.

If Virgo already has a loved one next to her, the Year of the Rooster will bring many stormy and unpredictable strength tests to the relationship, since temptations will await Virgo at every step.

Career 2017 Virgo

In the coming 2017, Virgo should know for sure: all circumstances are favorable to her. If she has a different opinion, then she will not notice the luck floating in her hands.

In fact, the horoscope for this sign of the Zodiac, both in business and financial matters, could safely be considered absolutely successful, except for one “but”: the year of the Rooster will not provide Virgo with such activity and determination that would allow her to achieve significant success.

IN real life this means that in 2017 Virgo will not have the necessary incentive for labor feats throughout the year, which will begin to take up time and effort at a significant rate. It is unlikely that even a tempting opportunity for career growth or an improvement in financial situation will affect the situation. Virgo will be much more interested in spending time outside of work.

Definitely, if Virgo’s attitude towards her affairs continues, then her frivolous attitude in the year of the Rooster will reduce to zero the opportunity to complete many of the projects she has started, as well as improve her career. Although there is a high probability that in the second half of 2017 some lucky chances will float straight into your hands and without her effort.

In addition, personal motivation is a circumstance that Virgo can easily control if desired. If she decides to achieve success in 2017, then she will not encounter any obstacles except personal lack of composure and frivolity.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Virgo

People born under the sign of Virgo will have a rather promising year in terms of finances. Natural thrift and accuracy when handling money will allow this person not only to save money, but also to increase it.

The stars advise such individuals to seriously think about the possibility of transferring money to precious metals or bonds. Many will perceive Virgo's actions as stinginess or greed, but at the end of the year, when these people do one, but very large purchase, the opinion about them will change.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Virgo

The energy potential of representatives of the Virgo sign will be virtually unthreatened in 2017. This is facilitated by the constant concern of these people about their health. The Year of the Rooster will give these individuals confidence in their abilities and make them think about switching to plant foods and giving up meat or the possibility of quitting smoking forever. Older girls can have serious problems with blood pressure, and all because of slagging in the body. In addition, it would not hurt for all people of this zodiac sign to check their condition thyroid gland in order to prevent serious illnesses in future.

Horoscope 2017 Virgo man

The stars say that men born under the sign of Virgo this year will lack organization and a clearly defined goal. These individuals can often work with folded hands and will begin to be lazy because of which summer period they'll miss a lot promising opportunities development. If these people are lazy in their love relationships, serious problems await them, even loneliness. In general, the harder Virgo’s work in 2017, the more this man will be able to achieve in the end.

Horoscope 2017 Virgo woman

Sensual representatives of the fair sex, born under the sign of Virgo, will aim to find their love in the year of the Rooster. For many family women This sign will experience tense relationships with loved ones due to a lack of feelings. The stars do not advise to endure and prolong such relationships; it is better to immediately express your grievances to your loved one or get a divorce before the middle of the year. In this case, Virgos will have a chance to build a new, harmonious couple before the end of the year.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


Personalities of this zodiac sign will demonstrate their resourcefulness in any matter and in any business, which means they will have a chance to lead the team and reach new level development.


With the arrival of 2017, these Virgos should be careful with love relationships, since a person may appear in their soul who is deceitfully trying to gain their trust and use Virgo for his own purposes. Having learned about this, Virgos may be disappointed in love.


The fate of a Virgo born in the year of the Tiger this year will often depend on chance, and therefore it is very important to follow safety measures, refuse, if possible, flying by air, and also not drive a car while drunk.


During this period, Virgos, born in the year of the Rabbit, will have to make a choice between two people who are equally dear to him. In this case, the stars advise making a choice with your heart, so as not to torment yourself in the future.


With the advent of the Year of the Rooster, it is important for these Virgos to control their financial expenses and not get into debt. The stars categorically do not advise taking out loans, since Virgos will soon simply have nothing to pay for them.


Such representatives of the Virgo sign need to think about establishing harmony in own family. Perhaps your partner lacks your sincerity, understanding and care. A vacation on the seashore together will help the couple become a little closer.


The Year of the Rooster promises to be a hectic year for these Virgos as well. Trying to succeed both in work and in the love sphere, these people may not succeed in either matter. It is very important to decide on one thing and put every effort into development.


These Virgos will live a worthy year in terms of development. They can buy a house they have long dreamed of or get a new high-paying job. The only thing that can prevent them from achieving everything is their reluctance to listen to the advice of smart people.


Significant for these individuals will be one of summer months, in which Virgo will meet the love of her life. You have to make a difficult choice between family and own home, as well as love and the unknown.


Representatives of the Virgo sign, who were born in the year of the Rooster, will need to think about the state of their internal organs, namely the liver and stomach, which in the spring will begin to malfunction and provoke various diseases. Surgery is not ruled out.


For individuals born at this intersection of signs, the time comes when they can begin major renovations in their home or decide to change their own life. The main thing is not to take sudden steps, as they may turn out to be premature.


From the beginning of the year, such individuals will be very concerned about the issue of money and the search for ways to enrich themselves. Offers to work abroad or to change your profession should not be ignored, since in reality they will turn out to be very promising.

This year for Virgos will be quite nervous and emotional for all representatives of the sign. Very often you will notice that you are in a state close to hysterical; excessive excitability will only harm your personal and business life. This will affect your performance, communication skills and your mental abilities. Perhaps this behavior will bring more enemies into your life than friends.

Because of this horoscope for Virgos for 2017 strongly recommends not to be led by your own emotions, but to try to restrain your ardor and ardor. Complete relaxation, and even the use of meditation, will help you avoid conflicts.

For dog owners, there is a unique chance to combine business with pleasure - walks in the park not only take pictures nervous tension, but also help you to be alone with your thoughts, to decide some important questions. Well, the four-legged friend will be simply happy that the owner spends extra hours of his time with him. Your behavior model in 2017 should be based on the ability to competently manage your time and opportunities.

If you don’t succeed in something, don’t be upset in advance; maybe with a little effort you’ll see what it will be like. final result. Read more interesting literature on self-development or listen to lectures on similar topics. As soon as you “put everything in its place,” your life will begin to improve for the better.

In 2017, Virgos should listen to their inner voice, because their intuition will be greatly heightened during this period. Every now and then your consciousness will begin to send you practical tips that under no circumstances should you ignore.

You will be surprised, but your body will decide for itself when and how to react to a given situation - all you have to do is catch these signals in time. 2017 is the ideal period to think about your lifestyle and what to do in the future. Try not to waste the time allotted to you - thoroughly review your past mistakes, analyze all the situations that happened to you before, in order to prevent similar scenarios from happening in the future.

Of course, do not forget about your achievements - remember each of your methods that led you to victory. Every person has their own strengths and weak sides and Virgos should try to eradicate the former and strengthen the latter throughout 2017. will be the right time to discover some talent in yourself.

Creative Virgos will be extremely lucky in 2017, because their potential will increase several times. In turn, this will lead to increased performance, which will not go unnoticed by management. Perhaps you will be able to organize a major event for your company - a performance, an exhibition, a corporate event. Even those Virgos who were not touched by the ray of creativity at the beginning of the year will feel an incredible surge of creative energy.

You will want to paint a picture or sing a funny song at the nearest karaoke bar. There is no need to resist your desires, because they are not capable of harming you; on the contrary, they will bring a lot of pleasure and positivity.

Those things that have been started promise to bring good results. If you have been thinking about your transformation for a long time, trying to choose for yourself proper diet and quantity physical activity, know that you will succeed and the result will be stunning. This rule applies not only to appearance, but also to career, apartment, etc. Everything old will be easily forgotten by you, and the new will only lift your spirits and give you confidence for new achievements.

Astrologers warn that Virgos will have to refrain from noisy parties and celebrations this year. Even a birthday is recommended to be celebrated in a narrow family circle. However, even without having a grand celebration, you can enjoy the company of your loved ones and pleasant gifts.

During the Year of the Rooster, you should dream as much as possible. It just seems that “having your head in the clouds” is a useless activity. In fact, our thoughts tend to materialize, so when thinking about something good, we can hope that it will happen soon.


Intuition, which will make itself felt almost every day, will be an excellent addition to the professional industry in 2017 for Virgos. You should not ignore intuitive guesses - you need to pay as much attention to them as possible and then you will definitely see success.

You will be surprised, but your body itself will tell you how to act in different situations, when to take a moment to rest, and when to work hard. A work schedule that you build around your internal needs will miraculously increase your productivity and productivity. useful action your work.

If you have brilliant ideas that you have been silent about for a long time, then 2017 will be best period for their implementation. It is advisable to convey your invented innovations to your superiors and they will certainly appreciate them as quickly as possible. Maybe you'll come up with something innovative technology using an old and unnecessary device, and for this your manager will reward you with a good bonus.

If you have long dreamed of moving up the career ladder, then in the period under review you will easily achieve this desired height. Many representatives of the Virgo sign will feel the effect of transformations already in mid-2017.

Try to be a little more restrained at work and soon you will be able to reap the benefits of this behavior. Humble but smart workers are valued much more than upstarts. Perhaps the authorities will decide to encourage you and send you to interesting business trip, in which you will get acquainted with good people, and a strong friendship will begin between you.


Virgo’s financial situation in the coming year cannot be called precarious, but it certainly won’t be profitable either. You do not have to worry about serious expenses and bankruptcy, although this period is suitable for starting your own business. It is likely that you have not been able to decide to create your own business for a long time, but at the beginning of the year a situation will occur that will force you to change this opinion. For those people who are already leading entrepreneurial activity, the year of the Rooster has prepared, at least not big, but stable profits without any special dangers and risks.

The second half of 2017 will be especially successful. Even taking into account the fact that a serious “catch” may not be expected, Virgos will not give up; on the contrary, they will begin to prepare a springboard for new, larger achievements. We advise you to clearly think through your business strategy, because only a clear plan will help you look into the future with confidence. You probably want to learn some new area, so enroll in relevant courses and explore the unknown.

Virgo love horoscope for 2017

This year, Virgos will have to activate all their family feelings and become an indispensable person for each family member. Close people will more than once turn to you for help, both moral and financial. Try to show maximum attention so as not to disappoint your family, especially since the first half of the year is just right for strengthening family ties.

It is likely that in 2017 you will become the main breadwinner of your family, so do not waste money on trifles, but focus on the needs of each of them. In 2017, a close friend will decide to entertain you a little. He may invite you to go shopping or to an amusement park. Do not refuse this tempting offer, because it will really benefit you. Be delicate and responsive, then you will notice what beautiful people you are surrounded.

This year, your loved one will begin to show maximum attention to you. Try to get as much benefit from this situation as possible for yourself: ask for some interesting thing or service. But don’t forget to thank the giver every time, because only words of gratitude will be the most powerful motivation to continue to please you.

Finally, harmony will reign on the personal front for Virgos - you will delve into all the details of the life of your soulmate, and she will begin to respond in kind. Your couple will only benefit from the responsiveness and loyalty that you must show throughout 2017.

If you come up with the idea of ​​going on vacation together, don’t rush to get rid of it. You will be surprised how much this will strengthen your union. But even if it’s not possible to go on a trip together, try to spend more time with your loved one, go to a cafe together or just arrange for him romantic dinner by candlelight at home.


People born under the sign of Virgo should remember that in 2017 they will face several health-related troubles at once. As stated earlier, your nervous system will be under attack, so it may throw up some unexpected surprises. To avoid this, astrologers advise thinking about preventive measures in advance.

It is not necessary to buy mountains of medicines, you can completely limit yourself to folk remedies: soothing herbal tea, bath with aromatic oils, relaxing massage. Problems may develop in the genitourinary system or visual organs.

In 2017, Virgos may experience worsening chronic diseases, so visit specialized specialists in a timely manner. There is a very high probability that winter time you may encounter trouble such as a fracture or dislocation. Walk the streets very carefully and take your time. Take care of your health in advance so that it does not let you down at the most crucial moments.

Video horoscope

The very beginning of the year will be successful for active and energetic Virgos. They will make useful contacts and receive profitable offer career and earn good money. But you should be careful and not overwork, otherwise you may experience health problems in the spring. Being too busy at work can also lead to conflicts in the family, even serious quarrels. But, if you manage to avoid a breakup until the end of spring, everything will work out.

From the middle of the year, official affairs will again come first, as you will need to establish yourself in a new position. Diligence and qualifications will be properly appreciated. A calm and prosperous end to the year will be a reward for all your efforts.

Virgo Man: Horoscope for 2017

The Virgo man will have a lot of official responsibilities, sometimes it will seem that the whole company rests on him alone. But this is not true, and you should not try to take on too much. This can undermine your health and ruin your relationship with your loved one, but good advice and help from colleagues will only bring good results.

But hard work will help you forget about financial difficulties, because your work will be adequately rewarded.

It is advisable to control emotions and set life priorities correctly, so that you don’t lose track of what’s important in your everyday worries. In this case, all problems will be gradually resolved.

Virgo Woman: Horoscope for 2017

In all matters this year, intuition will be your assistant; you should listen to it. This will be especially useful for single girls waiting to meet their only man. Such a meeting will most likely happen in the summer, but even before that a lot of romantic adventures will happen. Therefore, intuition is required to distinguish the original from the fake.

At the same time, you should also be more careful in the area of ​​intimate health, otherwise there is a risk of getting into trouble.

Married Virgos will have to decide what to pay more attention to (home or work), otherwise they risk being torn in half. Households cannot be neglected. It is better to plan holiday activities in advance and spend it with the whole family.

Born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Virgo-Rats should be tame white mice at home, and wild, toothy rats at work. This will bring benefits on all fronts. The family will strive to surround you with care and even allow you to be a little capricious. Colleagues will understand that they are dealing with serious person, with whom it is better not to quarrel.

Born in the year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Although this sounds strange, in the new year the undertakings of the Virgo-Oxen will meet with understanding and support from government officials. You can contact any support program - there will be benefits.

The best field of activity for such Virgos will be personal business. The companions with whom they meet will turn out to be honest and intelligent, so the business will go well and bring profit, and such that there will be a chance to improve their living conditions.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

In the new year, you need to rely not on claws, but on diplomacy and politeness. Those Virgos who can prove themselves to be masters of intrigue and compromise will definitely receive a promotion.

In the personal sphere there will be peace and quiet. An exception would be Virgos who have teenage children, but nothing can be done about it.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Virgos are, in principle, pedantic, and for Virgo-Cats in the new year this quality can reach the point of absurdity. You can and should be proud of the fact that you always arrive at a business meeting on time, but there is no need to be angry with a partner who is 10 seconds late. The same applies to personal life - a square centimeter of unwiped dust or a shirt hung backwards should not become a reason for a quarrel.

If you do everything in moderation, rewards will surely follow. Monetary – including.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

The year promises to be very successful in everything, and especially in business projects. It doesn’t matter what area it will be - everything will go like clockwork.

At the same time, active work will also help to unite the family, since relatives and friends will unexpectedly turn out to be beneficial companions. distant relatives. They will discover many hitherto unknown talents, and they will learn a lot of interesting things about Virgos. As a result, close people will be able to become truly family, imbued with respect for each other.

Born in the year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

Envious people and competitors will moderate their ardor in the new year, so business affairs will go calmly and successfully. Virgos will find many new partners and enter into very promising deals and agreements. All their projects will be worthy of attention.

The house will become a real fortress, and the family will become reliable defense of the rear. In the new year, Virgos will be pleased to return home, and this is worth a lot.

Born in the year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

There will be a lot of work, but it will bring recognition, career and good money. Particularly promising will be creative activities, which can even lead to real fame.

Reliable help will be faithful friends that they will not be lazy to provide all the achievements of the Virgo-Horses with worthy advertising.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

A very successful year for a career - all competitors are busy with something else. So you can safely apply for a leadership position or a particularly lucrative position - everything should work out.

The sphere of personal life also promises a lot. There will be stunning novels, and real love. You shouldn't lose your head completely in order to be able to distinguish the first from the second.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Education, qualifications and skills will be of particular importance. In order to advance in their careers, it is better for Virgo-Monkeys to show in all their glory their special skills and dexterity in doing business.

Friends will definitely help, and connections with the “right” people won’t hurt either, but this won’t be the main thing. Virgo-Monkeys will finally appreciate exactly what they deserve.

Born in the year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Representative will play a significant role in the new year appearance. It is better for Virgo-Roosters to carefully monitor their hairstyle and outfit both when they go to a business meeting and before a romantic date. It so happened that they will really be “meeted by their clothes”, and only then will their personal qualities be assessed. But it’s not too difficult to do this, and recognition will come.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Virgo-Dogs will be distinguished by their enormous ability to work, and this will bring them money, the desired position, and respect in the team. Their opinion will be listened to.

Personal life also promises pleasant surprises. This is especially true for free Virgos, who have every chance of going down the aisle in the new year.

Born in the year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

IN business sphere Virgo-Pigs will be at the pinnacle of success. Even those who occupy a higher position will listen to their opinion, so promotion is guaranteed.

You have your own to thank for this highly qualified, as well as relatives and friends whose support helped us achieve success. Don't forget about your loved ones while getting carried away with your career.
