Leela self-knowledge. Space Game

“Neither the author nor the time of creation of this game, which we today call Lila, are known to us. However, in the Indian written tradition the name of the author has never been considered something significant. The author of the game was only a pen guided by the Divine Hand, an instrument that expressed the Will of the Creator, and his name was not recorded. However, the ideas and concepts on which the game is based indicate an age of at least 2000 years."

Leela. A game of self-discovery.

Life is a Game in which each of us plays our role. This game in India is called Leela, and it is played by our Higher Self, which creates the whole world of names and forms. Before us is a working model of this Game, created in ancient times and coming to us through Harish Johari, an expert and guardian of the Indian mystical tradition. The book describes in detail Lila's numerological philosophy, which is no less deep and complex than the philosophy of the I Ching, Tarot, runes and other famous meditative and divinatory systems.

Yogis who explored labyrinths human consciousness, established the existence of 72 original states of being. These states correspond to the cells of Lila's playing board " periodic table elements of consciousness." Within these states, each player acts in accordance with his karma, and the game ends only when the player fully penetrates into its meaning, having achieved Cosmic Consciousness. The player rolls the die, allowing the forces of karma to determine his next position on the board.

He passes through the various planes of existence, ascending with arrows and descending with serpents, striving to comprehend the intention of his Higher Self wherever he goes.

Field for board game Leela. Click on the picture to enlarge the image:

The game does not require special installation on computer.
Runs directly from the Lila.exe file
A book with a detailed description of the game is in the Lila.doc file

Rules of the game Leela.

The game requires four things: a die, a game board, a commentary for each square of the board, and some item belonging to the player (for example, a ring) that will serve as his symbol throughout the game. The rules are simple: all participants place their symbols on square 68, representing Cosmic Consciousness.

One by one, they roll the die, passing it to the neighbor on the right (this direction corresponds to the upward flow of energy).

In the Lila.exe program, dice are thrown by clicking on the “Play” button. The dice stops when you press the same button again.

Repeated throws of the dice are carried out by subsequent repeated pressing of this button. The player and his position in the game are symbolized by an orange oval on a particular cell. The description of the current cell can be read by clicking on the “Text” button. You can also forcefully go to any cell by typing the cell number in the input window and clicking on the “Go To” button next to it.

In order to enter the game, you need to roll six points, then the player moves to the birth square and from there to the sixth square (illusion). Until a player rolls a six, he remains unborn on the Cosmic Consciousness square. Every time, at any stage of the game, when a player rolls a six, he is given the right to roll the die again. Exception: if a six is ​​rolled three times in a row and the player (after going 18 squares) rolls the die again and gets a different number, he must return to the place where he was before he started rolling sixes, and from there move as many squares as the number of points was in the fourth throw. If, upon entering the game, he rolls three sixes in a row and then another number, he returns to the first square (birth) and counts forward as many squares as the number of points rolled the fourth time. If a player rolls four or more sixes in a row, he continues to throw the die until a number other than six is ​​rolled, and then he moves forward a number of steps equal to the total of all points thrown, after which he passes the die.

We also introduced an additional rule regarding throwing sixes. If a player rolls four sixes in a row, they return to the Birth board. Four sixes in a row indicate that the game is “stuck” or “broken,” that an error has crept in somewhere, the player’s vibrations no longer correspond to the field on which he is located, and a “reboot” is necessary, starting the game over again.

When a player hits the beginning of an arrow, he is automatically lifted along the shaft towards its tip. If the cage where he finds himself contains the head of a snake, he descends down to its tail. Thus, egoism leads to the cage of anger, and spiritual devotion leads to Cosmic Consciousness.

Purpose of the game return to square number 68. If a player reaches the eighth row, but, without getting to the Cosmic Consciousness square, moves on and stops on squares numbered 69, 70 or 71, he must wait until either the exact number of steps separating him from tamoguna (cells 72), or a small number that allows him to move two or one step forward (for 69 1, 2 or 3 are suitable, for 70 1 or 2, for 71 only one).

The game ends when the player lands exactly on square 68, either by an arrow from the spiritual devotion square, or by gradually ascending, for example from square 66, by rolling a two.

As the game progresses, the player may find that they are hit by the same arrows or stung by the same snakes over and over again. The real purpose of the game is to study and understand the comments on each square, explaining the meaning of each field, as well as the snakes and arrows found on the playing board.

If the player stops at square 69 (the plane of the Absolute), he can no longer get to the Cosmic Consciousness square numbered 68. In this case, he must wait until the tamoguna snake brings him back to earth so that he can achieve Cosmic Consciousness either through gradual moving up, or, by throwing a three, through the field of spiritual devotion, from where the arrow leads the player straight to his goal. If he is on cell 71, all numbers except one are useless to him; just like on cell 67, he cannot use the flaming six. If a one is rolled, it lands on field 68 and the game stops, but it will continue if a two, three, four, five or six is ​​rolled.

To obtain maximum benefit from the game, it is good to record the path along which the symbol chosen by the player moves. By comparing similar records, the player may discover some similarities between snakes that come across the path again and again, or arrows that come to the rescue in time. This helps the player find connections between internal and external and understand his inner world. Many saints have used this method to understand their inner structure. This is what makes Leela a game of self-discovery Jnana Chaupada.

Eat different ways listen to yourself, understand yourself better, and the esoteric game Lila, the game of self-knowledge, is one of these ways.

There are such uncertain states in life when you are lost, doubtful, and cannot decide in which direction to move next or whether you are doing something right. Continue or stop. Maintain confidence in yourself in what you have, or because doubts arise because your goals are not entirely correct and you need to change or adjust them.

Get support

At such moments, you want to get outside support. In my youth, I looked at the ceiling or wallpaper with a pattern and counted the figures - loves, doesn’t love, it won’t work out, it won’t come true. But over time, the understanding came that there are more serious ways to not only assess your prospects, but also determine your condition, on which, in fact, these prospects entirely depend, and change it in the way you need. And now I have created my own, which also perfectly serve this purpose, but first there was the game Lila. I've been using it for almost 20 years now, and different periods In life, she helped me make decisions and find the answers I needed.

This is the description of the game in the manual that came with it. And now I’ll share mine own experience using the game Leela.

Game Leela - a brief description of the rules

When starting to work with it, as in all similar practices, it is important to make a request. It is useless and pointless to start the game without knowing what answers you want to get, although if already during the game you realized that you asked the question incorrectly, you can change it.

The game Leela can be played alone. As a figure for yourself, which you will move around the board, you need to take some personal item that you constantly use. It so happened that I use chapstick for this - a really personal, necessary thing that is always with me, and the shape is convenient to use in the game.

To start the game, you need to roll a six. The game may not start - if a “six” does not appear 15 times, then you cannot play. The game cannot be played more than once a day. The game can be completed only by reaching the “Cosmic Consciousness” square - until this happens, you need to continue playing, even if you are already tired and want to quit everything.

If you follow all the rules, the game gives you a lot in terms of awareness of your state, thoughts, and mood. Only at first glance it may seem that the rules in it are too strict and unnecessary, but in reality all existing frameworks encourage you to find in yourself the very thing that makes you walk in circles without achieving the desired result, and to understand what you need do to change it.

This is not just a game

In general, the game is truly mystical, and everything in it, as in life, is no coincidence. As you pass it, you end up on the same squares over and over again (each of them is given detailed description in the manual and each corresponds a certain state spiritual development with your capabilities and limitations), you rise along the same arrows, descend along the same snakes, attract failure when there are doubts about success, and very quickly reach the final goal, when your state is easy, balanced, when you know that , how and why, when you are ready to trust life and yourself and believe that everything will work out as it should.

I have had happy states when I completed the game in a few moves. And it happened the other way around, I went round after round, round after round, and could not reach the end point. And it was always connected with my inner state.

But the game not only diagnoses this condition - if it does not meet the set goals, you must change it already during the game in order to finish it. And so you play, throw the dice, walk along the board and listen to yourself - what is the reason? Not enough energy? Or, on the contrary, too much self-confidence? Or is the goal not the same? Or is the mood not the same? Should you be lighter, relax, or, conversely, make more efforts, be more persistent? Or maybe fears are getting in the way? Or is there not enough love and acceptance?

This is always surprising and incredible, but when you find the right state, apply it to yourself, firstly, you immediately realize that yes, this is it, and secondly, you immediately finish the game.

Game Leela - a game of self-discovery

One thing I want to say is that Lil’s game is definitely not entertainment, not some kind of solitaire. When taking it on, you need to be prepared to do some work on yourself. And this is understandable - after all, no one can tell us what to do, and in order to decide, sometimes we have to search and invent something, and in any case we have to make some efforts. We shouldn’t expect that someone from above will tell us everything about us now – this, of course, won’t happen.

But on the other hand, Lil's game brings considerable satisfaction and again helps you get to the bottom of your problem and understand what will help solve it. And this is what makes her extraordinarily good.

The word "game" can be replaced with the word "life" or "incarnation". Embodied in the game Living being called a player. As we play we realize that our own life- It's a game. Many understandings come from playing this game. We begin to see our life as something that happens on the scale of the entire universe. This improves the quality of our current life; many little things no longer bother us and cause emotional pain. We move out of the realm of suffering associated with our excessive worries over trifles, realizing that everything is a game if we see what is happening as a whole, and do not focus on some small details of the overall picture.

This game is mystical. Don’t think that the numbers falling out and your travels around the playing board (universe) are something random. Everything is full of Signs. The game starts talking to you. And you need to hear this sign language. You will definitely learn this very quickly. Just take note that this game- this is a way to communicate with the universe, with your higher self.

Jagat - translated from Sanskrit - the universe (the whole world), Leela is a game. There is a well-known term: Jagat Guru - i.e. world Guru, Teacher of the world. The game is educational. In it you learn important Vedic concepts, often in Sanskrit. Literally, by playing, you learn. And you do it very quickly and even unnoticed by yourself, as they say - while playing. Just by playing this Game you can learn more about the chakras, astrology, numerology, yoga, pranayama, etc. Be sure to read the description for the game -. Author of the program: Veretennikov Sergey.

Video for the game:

You can continue the game by entering the number of the field you want to start from, or leave the field blank to start a new game.

In reality there is only one a game, a game in which each of us is an actor playing a role. This game - Leela, universal game of cosmic energy, divine game inherent in nature Higher Self. It is to this aspect that the entire phenomenal world—the world of names and forms—owes its existence. Leela - this is life itself, energy, manifested in myriads of thoughts, feelings and events passing before the gaze of the individual.

The essence of a player lies in his ability to accept his role and play. This entity can enter into any role, but as soon as the player enters the game, he begins to identify himself with the assumed role and forgets about his true nature. He forgets the essence of the game, and now his movements are determined by the dice corresponding to karma .

There are times when sunlight suddenly illuminates the whole picture of the waves and streams that make up the flow of the river, in the same way, the pure light of consciousness snatches from the darkness the structure of the player’s life role. At these moments, nature and the flow of life energy come to the fore and liberation occurs. The player rises above the attachment to his role and begins to see his life as part of a larger whole.

The purpose of this game is to help players break free of identifications and become “better” players. This game serves as a microcosm of another, bigger game. The contents of the seventy-two squares of the game board represent the result of hundreds and thousands of years of self-knowledge that forms the heart of Indian tradition. Moving from square to square, as his understanding of the game expands, the player becomes increasingly aware of the structure of his own existence. He sees that every condition is temporary and his attachment weakens. Full awareness of the transitory nature of any situation destroys identifications, and the player goes on a free journey, learning more and more about the miracle of Existence.

Like other games, there is a goal. Since the essence of the player is the ability to identify, his only chance to “win” is to come to an identification with his Source - Cosmic Consciousness, the essence of pure Being, beyond space and time, without boundaries, eternal and unchanging, absolute and all-encompassing, without no qualities, no form, no name. The game ends when the player becomes himself, the essence of the game. This is Lila .

The sages who discovered this game used it to understand their own condition on this moment. By watching themselves move from plane to plane, they could see which snakes were leading them to their downfall and which arrows were leading them, determined by the dice. karma, reflecting the level of evolution of players. They consciously followed the picture created by their movements around the board. As they went through the game over and over again, they carefully observed their reactions when they got to a particular field. By observing their inner space, they developed a state of non-involvement. At the same time, the structure of the game allowed them to become more and more deeply imbued with the divine principles and knowledge underlying the game. It was the study of scriptures and the study of one’s “I”, combined in one process. This is the uniqueness of Lila - games of self-discovery.

  • Request (what the player wants to enter LILA with; the question he wants to get an answer to).
  • A small personal item (a token for playing field).
  • Willingness to be honest with yourself.

Rules of the game LILA:

  • Participants place their symbols on square 68 (Cosmic Consciousness).
  • Sitting around the playing field, participants take turns throwing a die, passing it clockwise to their neighbor.
  • To enter the game, you need to roll six points, then the player moves to cell No. 1 (Gate of Life) and from there, immediately, to cell No. 6 (Misconception).
  • Until a player rolls a six, he remains on the Cosmic Consciousness space (68) and cannot be born into the game.
  • Each time a player rolls a six (except for the first six that resulted in the player being born in the game), they roll the die again. If six is ​​rolled again, the player rolls the die again. In the end, all the numbers are summed up. The player takes as many steps as the total number of points.
  • Exception: if six is ​​rolled three times in a row, they are not summed up, but reset to zero. The player rolls the die again and takes as many steps as there were points in the fourth throw. If a player rolls four or more sixes in a row, he continues to roll the die until a number other than six is ​​rolled, at which point he moves forward a number of steps equal to the total of all points rolled, after which he passes the die.
  • Arrows and Snakes, symbolizing Virtues and Vices along the path, accelerate the player’s movement and strengthen his inner awareness.
  • The arrow moves the player upward. When a player hits the base of the Arrow, he rises up the body of the Arrow - to the cell where its tip is located.
  • The snake lowers the player down. If the head of the Snake is located in the cell where the player finds himself, he moves down along its body to the cell where its tail is located.
  • The game ends when the player lands on space 68 (Cosmic Consciousness) - either by Arrow from the Spiritual Devotion space, or by gradually ascending, for example from space 66, by rolling a two.
  • If a player reaches the eighth row, but does not reach the Cosmic Consciousness square (68), moves on and lands on squares numbered 69, 70 or 71, he must wait until either the exact number of steps separating him from square 72 is rolled up ( Darkness), or a small number that allows him to move two or one step forward (for 69 1, 2 or 3 are suitable, for 70 - 1 or 2, for 71 - only one). In this case, the player needs to go down to square 51 (Earth) with the help of the Snake on square 72 (Darkness).
  • If a player lands on the Absolute square (69), he must wait until the serpent of Darkness (72) brings him back to earth (51) so that he can continue his path to Cosmic Consciousness (68) either by gradually moving upward, or, rolling a three, through the field of Spiritual Devotion, from where the arrow leads the player straight to his goal. On cell 71, all numbers except one are useless for him - just as on cell 67 he can no longer take advantage of the dropped six. If a one is rolled, it lands on field 68 and the game is over, but it will continue if a two, three, four, five or six are rolled.
  • To get the most out of the game, it's good to record your journey. Analyzing the path traveled, the player may discover some similarities between Snakes, meeting again and again on the way, or Arrows, coming to the rescue in time. This helps the player find connections between internal and external and understand his inner world. The real purpose of the game is to realize one’s internal states, transform and find the resource state in which the player’s request is realized. The ancients used this method to understand their internal structure. This is what makes LILA - the Game of self-discovery, the Game of Life.

Rules of conduct for participants:

  1. We're on time

There are time limits for the game. If a break is necessary (in the middle of the game), an exact time is set when everyone returns to their seats.

  1. Be in focus

During the game, a special energy space is created, a healing group field that is worth protecting. During the game, it is important for the participant to be focused not only on himself, but also on other participants, to maintain silence and concentration.

  1. Respect for space

It is important to understand: LILA is not a game at all. This is a complete reflection of life. The more serious the participant's relationship, the more significant the effect of interaction with her will be.

Respect will be valuable. During the game, participants are strongly advised not to eat or smoke; You can only drink water, tea and other drinks during the break. Nothing unnecessary should happen at the table.

  1. A unified form of addressing each other as “you” (by name)

To create a climate of trust in the group, during the game everyone addresses each other on a first-name basis, including the leader. This psychologically equalizes everyone, including the leader, regardless of age, social status, life experience, and contributes to the emancipation of the participants in the game.

  1. Confidentiality of everything that happens

Everything that happens during the game is not disclosed or discussed outside the game under any pretext. This helps participants to be sincere and feel free. Thanks to this rule, participants will be able to trust each other and the group as a whole.

  1. Personification of statements

Impersonal words and expressions such as “Most people believe that...”, “Some of us think...” are replaced with “I believe that...”, “I think...”. In other words, the participant must speak only on his own behalf and only personally to someone.

  1. Rule of Reflections

During the game, participants often look at each other as if in a mirror, find common behavioral manifestations, life situations or they simply “receive” something in the channel regarding other participants and their requests. If during the game a participant feels that he has something to say in relation to one of the participants (a reflection has come), it is necessary to ask him whether this can be done, and, having received an affirmative answer, do it.

The participant who has agreed to accept the reflection calmly listens (without criticizing, without making excuses) and decides for himself whether to accept this reflection, whether it is valuable for him or to leave it without attention.

  1. Stop Rule

A participant can interrupt any process against him if it is not acceptable or desirable for him based on personal subjective decisions. This may concern any of the participants, including the presenter.

  1. Sincerity and Honesty

Willingness to be honest with yourself and others. During the game, the participant should only say what he thinks and feels, i.e. sincerity must replace tactful behavior.

  1. Environmental friendliness

Treat everyone present with respect. Getting personal is not allowed. We should not talk about personalities, any negative qualities person, but about his manifestations during the game. It is prohibited to use words that degrade the dignity of another person or use force.

  1. Everything's in the game

Everyone takes their turn in turn. A participant cannot miss his turn. If a participant leaves, the players wait for his return until he makes his move.
