You can maintain your health with foot massage - one of the best manual practices. Technique for foot massage at home

After a busy day at work, you want to relax, feel your muscles begin to relax, relieve emotional stress. You can influence many organs by performing a foot massage on yourself. This is not a complicated procedure, and if done correctly, you can achieve a remarkable effect.

The effect of foot massage

If you know how to properly massage your feet, then with the help of the procedure you can get quality rest. Foot massage has the following effects:

  • blood flow in the legs is normalized, due to which the lower extremities stop freezing. Massage sessions are especially useful for people whose feet are always cold, regardless of the ambient temperature;
  • with a targeted effect on certain areas of the feet and internal organs, metabolic processes are normalized and muscle spasms go away;
  • Fatigue goes away completely. With the help of massage you can overcome stress.

Thanks to a properly performed massage session, pain goes away of various nature, you feel relaxation throughout your whole body.

When is a foot massage indicated?

Various lower limb massage techniques are indicated for the following problems:

  • depressive states;
  • renal pathologies;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • indigestion;
  • sleep problems;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache.

Massaging the feet will help if you have problems with the spine, with arrhythmia, and relieve nausea. For preventive purposes, you can perform the procedure to prevent colds that occur in an acute form.


Any procedure has contraindications for implementation. So, foot massage should not be done under the following circumstances:

  • acute course of any disease;
  • fungal infection on the lower extremities;
  • oncology;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy period;
  • diabetes;
  • joint pathologies.

In any case, even if there are no contraindications listed above, you should obtain medical advice before performing the procedure yourself.

The nuances of performing a massage of the lower extremities

To get the desired result from the procedure, you need to know how to properly massage your feet. First you need to study massage techniques, which are used during sessions:

  • pressing movements with fingers on certain points;
  • stroking with simultaneous light pressure;
  • spiral rubbing manipulations;
  • finger touching with simultaneous deep rubbing;
  • pats.

Like many types of massage, the procedure begins and ends with light strokes.

Active points of the foot

To do a quality foot massage, you need to know the location of the active points on the foot that are affected during the session:

  • By massaging the central part of the heel, the ovaries are affected. If pressing on this area causes a painful sensation, it means inflammation is developing in the female organs. The same area of ​​the foot is massaged to maintain men's health;
  • The arch of the foot is responsible for the quality of sleep;
  • to eliminate problems with the functioning of the stomach and kidneys, the deep arch of the foot is massaged;
  • impact on ears, throat and lungs it is possible by treating the lateral part of the foot;
  • the pads of the toes are massaged with runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • thumbs are responsible for brain activity;
  • the heart muscle is connected to the front of the foot and the left leg in the arch area. To normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, you can also influence the convex place under thumb;
  • the area of ​​the foot at the point of flexion of the 2nd and 3rd fingers is responsible for the eyes;
  • headache goes away when massaging the tips of the toes;
  • The central part of the sole is massaged during asthma attacks and shortness of breath, if there are problems with the lungs.

If you move to the center of the buttocks during a foot massage, you can improve the condition of hemorrhoids and radiculitis.

Depending on the existing problem, you can pick certain type massage of the lower extremities. There are the following types of techniques for performing the procedure at home:

  • classic version used to normalize metabolic processes, remove chronic fatigue, general improvement well-being;
  • acupressure technique is used to influence certain organs in which pathological processes are present;
  • a technique that helps with flat feet. In this case, massage movements affect not only the feet, but reach the lower leg;
  • reflex technique has a general strengthening effect, eliminates nervous disorders;
  • baby massage, which is recommended for congenital flat feet and club feet, and is performed when the baby reaches the age of 2 months. All manipulations are stroking in nature and are aimed at normalizing blood flow and further strengthening the legs. If the foot problems are serious, the procedure should only be performed by a doctor.

You can perform a classic version of massage, combining it with other techniques.

To properly perform massage movements, it is advisable to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better to use your fingertips during the procedure;
  2. Before the massage, you need to wash your feet well, then apply a nourishing product;
  3. massage is performed in turn on both legs;
  4. during massage manipulations, for convenience, you need to bend your middle finger;
  5. During the procedure, it is necessary that the muscles are in a relaxed state;
  6. Do not perform massage manipulations too quickly;
  7. You should not perform pressure manipulations at the location of thin wreaths to prevent injury;
  8. acupressure technique is recommended for constantly cold feet;
  9. During the massage it is necessary to eliminate pain.

To avoid injuries and negative effects during and after foot massage, you need to be responsible and attentive to the independent technique of performing the procedure.

Foot massage can be performed not only by a specialist, but also at home, knowing a few rules and technique. Contraindications to massage of the lower extremities are dilation of superficial veins, acute arthritis or arthrosis. Massage should definitely be performed by people who are in the recovery stage after surgery or fractures of the leg bones. For anti-cellulite massage you will need a special massager or brush.

Foot massage at home

The benefits of foot massage are that the trophism of soft tissues improves, muscle growth is stimulated, the vein wall is strengthened and useful acupuncture points are activated.

Before performing a massage, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory procedures:

  • Sit the patient on a couch or soft bed so that the legs are lower than the head.
  • Warm your hands with baths with hot water or warming creams.
  • Gradually warm the patient's extremities, starting from the fingertips to the thighs. It is recommended to do this using gentle patting movements.
  • It is important to remember that the movements should be smooth, with the arms moving in opposite directions. Every part of the lower extremities should be warmed up.

Foot massage should be carried out in the following parts:

  1. Toes, after which you should proceed to the entire foot;
  2. Ankle and smoothly move to the lower leg muscles.
  3. Knee joint, anterior, posterior and side surfaces hips;
  4. Buttocks.

Feet must be clean before the procedure; it is also recommended to remove clothing and, if any, compression bandages. For convenience, you can use emollient creams and ointments, but many specialists prefer to do without them.

Foot massage

Foot massage should begin with the toes. The main movements for foot massage are rubbing and stroking. It is necessary to first act on the toes, sole and rear in turn. After warming up, you need to clasp your foot with your palms on both sides and walk along the side surfaces with pressing movements. Then you should knead the thick skin of the heel: for this it is recommended to tap your fingers for 2-3 minutes. There are several types:

  1. Classic foot massage. It is performed in the prone position, with a soft cushion placed under the knee joints. Most often, classical massage is prescribed to a child. early age to prevent the development of flat feet. Next, for 3-4 minutes, it is necessary to alternate rubbing and stroking movements in the fingers, starting from the nail phalanx to the distal one. After this, you should knead the foot, using rougher rubbing movements. It is also necessary to remember that the thickness of the skin is different throughout the entire length of the foot, so the intensity of rubbing should vary: more rough movements should be used on the heel, and less intense in the area of ​​the toes. The foot must be massaged for 8-9 minutes, at the very end you should switch back to soft stroking and finish with a classic massage.
  2. Medicinalmassage. It is performed for men and women with diseases of the osteoarticular system: arthritis, gout, arthrosis. Treatment procedures should only be performed by a doctor with appropriate skills. Therapeutic massage is used in the recovery period after surgical interventions, therefore excellent knowledge of the anatomy of the foot and the concept of possible complications. The technique of the procedure depends on the type of disease and injury.
  3. Relaxing massage. Before starting the procedure, you should place your feet in a warm bath with a solution of chamomile, calendula, roses, etc. You can also treat your feet with a warming cream or essential oil, after which you should begin soft stroking, rubbing cream or oil into the skin of the foot. For 15-20 minutes, it is necessary to knead and squeeze the fingers, gradually moving to the skin of the heels and the back of the foot.
Acupuncture massage points

Chiropractors perform a special reflex massage, activating specific organ points on the feet. These places are formed by a cluster of nerve endings coming from internal organs. There are many points on the foot, as you press on them different strengths there is an effect on the heart, stomach, lungs, bladder and so on. It can be carried out at home using a map of the location of points.

Massaging the shin

Calf massage is recommended for girls who wear their heels all day long. Also, the shin should be kneaded for people with complaints of convulsive contractions in the calves, to enhance regeneration processes after a fracture and with the development of edema. You cannot massage if you have varicose veins of the lower extremities. Before the procedure, you should lie on your stomach, fix your free leg, and lift it with a friend, bending your knee to an obtuse angle. The massage therapist should fix the foot with his left hand, and with his right hand he should stretch the back surface of the shin well. After this, proceed to the following steps:

Reception technique Duration
First, the palms must be placed across the shin 5 cm above the ankle joint, apply pressure and insert the top in a circular motion (see image below). When returning to the starting position, do not put pressure on the muscles For 1-2 minutes on each leg
Rubbing the limb using circular oval movements. The palms should be placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other at the level of the ankle joint. Next, in a circular motion, you need to rise up to the level of your knees. 1 minute each
Place your thumbs on the sides of your calf muscles. Pressing circular movements should be used to rise to the knee, stretching the calf muscles. During the massage you need to press with force, as if separating the heads of the calf muscles 1 minute
In the popliteal fossa, you cannot press or compress anything, since this is the place where the greatest concentration of nerves and blood vessels. Going down the shin, you need to massage with jerky movements using the base of your palm. 2 minutes

At the very end of the procedure, you should gently tap the skin of the calf muscles, rubbing the back surface of the shin with gentle movements.

To knead the ankle joint, it is recommended to gymnastic exercises, only after that start the massage. The leg needs to be bent knee joint and fix your foot with your left hand, and right hand grab your leg in the area calf muscle. With your left hand you need to gently pinch in the ankle area from bottom to top.

Thigh massage

The subcutaneous fatty tissue in the thigh area is very well developed, so it is more than 1.5 cm thick. Some women develop cellulite - this is an inflammation of the skin tissue. The reasons for this are: lack of physical activity, eating disorders, weight gain and others.

The procedure is as follows: the jar is squeezed, thus removing air and creating vacuum conditions. After this, it is applied to the skin and they begin to “draw” a line in such a way that the skin is drawn into the jar. At the end of the line, the can is removed and a new one is applied. You cannot hold it in one place for more than 10 seconds, as this may cause bruising. The first vacuum massage should not last more than 5 minutes. After the procedure, areas of hyperemia should appear on the skin, which must be lubricated with a soothing cream.

Buttocks massage

Massage gluteal muscles increases their elasticity, helps get rid of cellulite and makes the buttocks toned. The buttocks can be massaged using special equipment and manually. There are classic self-massage, oriental, anti-cellulite.

Before performing a massage at home, it is necessary to prepare the skin. It should be cleaned of keratinized epithelium; to do this, you need to take a bath and treat the desired area with an exfoliating scrub. After a shower, the skin of the buttocks should be thoroughly rubbed. terry towel and apply cream. Next you should start using massage techniques.

First of all, the muscles are warmed up. To do this, you need to place the tips of both hands above the buttocks and press your palms tightly. Using pressing movements, it is necessary to perform circular rubbing until a feeling of warmth is felt. After this, you should begin energetically patting the buttocks to enhance microcirculation in the thickness of the skin.

Anti-cellulite massage brush

Lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite massage is used to improve blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. The procedure will require a brush, a special massager and cream, and the technique is no different from that described above. For the convenience of massage at home, you will need a mirror to visually assess the volume of cellulite and correctly install the brush.

Oriental massage soothes the skin, enhances collagen synthesis and makes the buttocks more elastic. Unlike other types of massage, in oriental massage a wrap is performed before the procedure, which intensively steams the skin and softens the surface layer. The directions of massage movements do not correspond to the flow of blood vessels, but are associated with the direction of energy meridians - that is, they are performed from the center to the periphery. For massage, not only palms are used, but also elbows, as well as special bags: with herbs, bamboo branches, pebbles and coins.

Legs, legs, would you like a drink or lighter shoes? So, or approximately so, I would like to turn in the evening to my legs, which receive a significant portion of stress both during our work and during rest.

Regardless of whether we sit at work all day at the office desk, and in the evening in a chair in front of the TV or computer, whether we stand behind the counter, rush around with reports or teach the good stuff at the blackboard, our legs have a hard time.

Because of this, in the evenings they seem to be shackled in iron shackles, they swell and flatly “refuse” to perform their duties with the required speed.

Moreover, over time they “delight” with an extensive network of swollen veins, which not only worsen the attractiveness of the legs, but also threaten big troubles with health in general.

A home or salon foot massage will help you avoid this ending. How to massage your feet at home? Taking into account such nuances as: weight, age, health status and personal attitude to all these pats, pinches and strokes.

How to massage your feet?

To do acupressure legs, it is important to master the technique and basics of this procedure. It is highly desirable that during the procedure, the person receiving it does not sit, but sits comfortably on a couch, sofa or bed.

The impact on the leg muscles activates blood and lymph flow, so you need to provide them free movement over the body.

This is very well facilitated by the procedure. They do not go well together and can be carried out in parallel. The effect will definitely be higher.

It is also better to remove tight accessories, as well as very tight clothes and socks. We are not talking about cleanliness of feet - everyone should know and observe this.

Preparatory techniques

Are your hands cold? You need to warm them up by intensively rubbing your palms together. Touching the “ice” to the body will not only cause discomfort, but will also stimulate compression of the blood vessels in the skin, which is extremely undesirable.

The next stage is a gradual warming up of the surface of each leg with the help of stroking performed with light pressure.

Movements should be smooth, directed from the ankle to the knee, from the knee to the pelvis. By warming up the thigh muscles on the inside, the pressure and intensity of movements are reduced; on the outside, they are activated, but in moderation.

At the same time, the rule of counter movement is observed: the hands on the leg should slide in the opposite direction.

Moving downwards, the effect on the skin is weakened, carefully working only with your fingers. Moving upward, the entire surface of the palms is also involved in the work.

Finger massage

Especially appreciated by women who prefer to wear shoes on high heels. Over time, this leads to deformation of the joint at the base of the big toe and the formation of a so-called “bone”.

Several sessions of finger massage, if not completely getting rid of this “acquisition,” will significantly reduce its size.

During one procedure, each toe is first kneaded from the ball of the foot to the base, then each phalanx is carefully rotated separately, moving clockwise and counterclockwise.

As an additional load, you can use flexion-extension of the fingers.

Foot massage

How to massage your feet? It is best to do this while the person is lying on their stomach. In this position, the muscles on the legs are most relaxed, so it is much easier to exert the desired effect on the dense skin of the inside of the foot.

  1. To warm up and relax the muscles of the foot, first stroke it, then, clasping it with your hands, stretch it between your palms 5 times, moving from the toes to the heel - if the person is lying on his back, and vice versa - if he is on his stomach.
  2. Then knead the outer edge of the foot with your fingers, perform pressing movements with the edge of a bent fist or elbow in the instep area, tap your fingers in the heel area, and then press down its edge.
  3. After this, fixing the leg with one hand, gently twist the heel with the other. Holding the lower joints of the fingers, they stretch the muscles around them, making a movement to “separate” the bases of the fingers from each other.
  4. Along the line of their placement in the foot, the edge of the fist is passed several times. The impact on the outer side of the foot (tapping, pinching, pressing) should be much more delicate, since the skin here is sensitive and delicate. The direction of movement is from the fingers to the shin.

When massaging your feet, do not forget about the points indicated above. You can walk through them several times, the effect will only be positive.

Calf massage

Movement of the hands (gentle kneading, straight rubbing, rotation of the palms) is performed from the ankle to the hollow under the knee.

Moderately energetic, smooth manipulations are performed with the middle part of tightly closed fingers, fists, and the lower part of the palms. The number of repetitions for one leg is up to 7 times.

The calf muscle - if it is not stiff after excessive loads, is intensively pinched with a wide grip, without making movements to the tear.

Then they perform a series of chopping gestures, moving from bottom to top. The final stage is a squeeze towards the knee, followed by a series of light pats and strokes.

When the muscle becomes stiff, the warm-up should be done longer.

Foot massage

A protruding bunion on the foot is a problem for many. To reduce pain inside the inflamed joint and try to return it to its previous condition, it is recommended to complete a full course, including the following procedures:

  • A relaxing general massage of the foot will increase blood circulation inside it, and therefore stimulate metabolic processes in each joint.
  • Then thumb carefully move it slightly to the side and make numerous circular movements. First in one direction, then in the other. After this, the finger is moved towards and away from itself several times and twitched.

Achilles tendon and ankle massage

We work with this area with the leg placed on a support. Method of work: pinching and stroking, alternating with rubbing movements.

Direction from joint to knee. When working on the joint, perform gentle rubbing and tapping with your fingertips.

After warming up, fixing the leg in one hand, grab the foot with the other and make 7 rotational movements in both directions.

Thigh massage

The procedure is two-stage and consists of working out the back and upper surface of the thigh. Start is optional. The complex of movements includes stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibrating actions directed from the knee to the hip joint.

After repeating each element seven times, perform a squeeze with the palms, performing it towards the pelvis.

The final stage is vibrating movements with the entire palm pressed to the surface of the thigh, light tapping.

The set of exercises includes: delicate and then increasing stroking, pressing, light chopping movements on the muscle area, pinching and spiral fingering.

Performing these movements correctly, foot massage can have a strong effect on weight loss. Since the upper fat layer is intensively kneaded. In addition, you get an additional anti-cellulite effect.

This procedure is carried out both on the whole body and locally, so you can focus directly on the legs.

Movements are performed with fingers, palms, and the side of a clenched fist. Direction: from the sacrum to the lower back, from the sacrum towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

Foot massage at home

With the right approach, a foot massage at home differs from a professional one only in the coordination of movements - if the procedure is performed independently or by someone in the household.

If there is no one to help, and you can’t do self-massage of your feet, or you want to completely relax during the procedure, then you can invite a specialist to your home.

Do you want to stretch your muscles, but there is no way to pay for the services of a specialist? A video on how to properly massage your feet will help you quickly master all the basic steps of the procedure.

Foot massage for flat feet

The procedure, performed on children in infancy, will prevent the development of flat feet. For adults, the complex will relieve discomfort in the feet.

First, the lumbar spine is warmed up, which stimulates the nerve endings in the legs.

If you are faced with a similar illness in young children, then you need to immediately, without delay, deal with this problem.

The effectiveness of treatment depends very much on the stage of the disease at which it is treated. Performing it gives a strong effect in combination with massage procedures.

Then they warm up the muscles in the lower legs and feet, increasing the time spent working on the fingers, their lower phalanges and the Achilles tendon. Light tickling of the inner surface of the foot is helpful.

Leg massage after a fracture

Until the moment of complete fusion of the damaged bone, in the absence of tissue breaks and violations of the integrity of the main elements over the damaged area circulatory system, the skin near the cast is lightly stroked, pinched and tapped with your fingertips.

Even such light movements lead to activation of blood and lymph flow, which will provide support for muscle tissue in the diseased area and its speedy healing.

After removing the plaster and receiving confirmation that the fracture has healed successfully, muscle tone is restored with the help of gentle rubbing and spiral fingering.

The impact is performed both over the site of injury and in the areas adjacent to it, using light kneading techniques with gripping the muscles with the fingers, vibrating actions (if they do not cause discomfort).

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that foot massage is a useful and pleasant procedure, you should resort to it with an eye to your health condition.

Active warm-up of the feet and lower limbs should not be done by pregnant women, people with serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, or patients with thrombophlebitis complicated by dermatitis.

You cannot perform active manipulations with a person who has elevated temperature body or diseased joints in the acute stage.

For everyone else, a foot massage, especially taking into account the location of vital points, will not only allow you to pamper your body with a pleasant procedure and relax, but also significantly improve your health.

The modern rhythm of life is very busy. To be on time everywhere, you have to walk a lot, and if you also walk in heels, then in the evening you feel like a marathon runner after a race. It’s also not always possible to sit down and relax at home. You can’t do all the household chores, and your legs, instead of resting, get even more tired.

When you have a free minute among a bunch of important and urgent tasks, pay attention to your feet. Get a massage yourself or go to a professional massage therapist. Believe me, your legs will thank you with an easy gait and no problems with their health. Let's figure out what it is proper massage legs

In the evening, my feet hurt and sometimes swell. To relieve fatigue, you need to get a massage. And the following recommendations will tell you how to massage your feet correctly. In just ten minutes your legs will be as good as new.

The complex is performed while sitting; for convenience, you can lean on the back of a sofa or chair. You can also place a pillow under the lumbar area to feel as comfortable as possible during the massage.

We bend the leg at the knee joint, place it on the heel and clasp the arch of the foot with both palms. The thumbs should rest on top of the metatarsal surface. With smooth, kneading movements we rise to the ankle joint and return to the toes again. Conditionally divide top part feet into three lines, and we move up and down each line several times. Massage for at least a minute. You will feel that blood flow has increased, warmth will appear in the tissues, and the consequences of using tight shoes will be eliminated. We do the same on the second leg.

Without changing the position of the hands, we begin to massage the fingers from the base to the tips. Circular movements We work on each finger separately. Thus, we increase blood flow, activate biologically active points and nerve endings that are located on the toes. When performing this exercise, do not forget to massage the bone near your big toe.

Bend your leg and place your foot on the knee of the opposite leg. With both hands, vigorously rub your foot up and down, you should feel a warm feeling. Then we move the phalanges of the fingers in a circular motion with light pressure along the foot. We work on the heel area and move towards the toes. Pay special attention to the pads under your toes; this area is most affected by high heels.

Let's move on to the articular bones. Using the pads of four fingers, we perform circular movements around them. The joints will be better washed with blood and will receive more nutrients and oxygen, will remain mobile longer. We perform movements towards the little fingers. If everything is done correctly, you will feel warmth and the feeling of “goosebumps” running under the skin.

Foot massage is contraindicated when infectious diseases, serious venous diseases, complications during pregnancy and cancer.

Therapeutic foot massage

Therapeutic massage is used to speed up the body's recovery. It is indicated for diseases of the lower extremities such as gout, arthritis, arthrosis, flat feet, and for rehabilitation after injuries to the spine and lower extremities.

The massage is performed from the ankles to the popliteal hollows, then to the subgluteal fold. The buttock is massaged towards the sacrum.

First, you should “warm up” your leg before the procedure. To do this, we apply light pressure on the muscles until we feel warmth. Apply massage oil to the surface of the skin; you should not use too much. For the entire procedure we will need only 3-5 milliliters. We begin to perform general stroking, rolling the palm from the fingers to the wrist. This is how it is done primary diagnosis places where there is muscle strain.

Having completed the general stroking, we begin to rub the peri-ankle and Achilles tendons, the lower leg, skip the popliteal lymph nodes, work on the thigh, and gluteal region. Thorough rubbing will help soften the tissues, reduce pain and warm up those places that have maximum resistance, and help identify inflammatory processes.

We distribute the buttock from the attachment line into 5 kneading lines. The fingers are positioned so that the manipulation is carried out along the ascent of the buttock line, and we perform pulling movements. We knead all five lines in turn at least five times. Next we work on the central trigger, making rotational movements with the phalanges of the fingers towards ourselves.

By stroking we move down to the hip line. Massage on inside deep massage movements are not performed on the thighs. This is due to the fact that there are venous beds and lymphatic capillaries, which are easily injured. You can work this place only with straight fingers, pressing lightly. Central line We treat the thighs with bent phalanges for deeper penetration and lead to the sacrum. The side part is also massaged by the phalanges.

Next, we perform a spiral kneading with the base of the palm along the most accessible line of the sciatic nerve. Then we do labile vibration, moving upward from the popliteal cavity.

The surface of the lower leg is always treated from the back, since the periosteum is in front, and massage is not performed along the bone. We start, as always, with stroking, rubbing the Achilles tendon with spiral movements. Then we perform a wave-like rubbing, opposing the muscles in one wide movement. Next we do stroking and vibration, which can be done with tension in the case when there is no injury to the hip joint.

When massaging the foot, we begin by disinfecting the surface that we will massage. We stroke the surface of the ankle with our palms, then rub it with the phalanges of our fingers and stroke again. Using circular movements, massage the leg in the joint area. Next, we pull the toes towards ourselves and perform a “fork” - with our fingers we massage the surface between the phalanges.

After this, press the thumb along the inner side surface of the leg to the ankle. From the base of the heel we go clockwise and do spiral kneading. Using bent phalanges, we rub the edge of the foot and do C-shaped folds. Using spiral movements, knead the base of the heel.

Hydromassage feet

It's no secret that the main thing for a woman is beauty. If you need to choose between an elegant stiletto heel and comfortable boots, then the choice will be made in favor of a heel. But if you don’t take care of the health of your feet, then over time you will be able to move freely only in slippers and with a walking stick. To avoid this, relieve tension and fatigue after intense working day, do hydromassage of your feet. You don’t have to visit a salon to do this; you can treat yourself to this procedure at home.

There are biologically active points on the feet, the stimulation of which with hydromassage can affect the functioning of the entire body. This strengthens the immune system and can even relieve some chronic diseases. The procedure relieves pain in the legs, relaxes muscles, reduces swelling, and improves blood circulation.

To be able to make hydromassage yourself, you can buy a special bath. The choice of models is large, each manufacturer tries to make their product more convenient and functional. As a rule, all options have a body made of strong and lightweight plastic, water heating, and an aerator that saturates the water with air. At the bottom there are special nozzles, from which a stream of water is supplied under pressure, thanks to which the feet are directly massaged.

The bath is easy to use, just pour water, turn it on, put your feet in and enjoy the procedure. For a better effect, you can use sandalwood, geranium, lavender, the aroma of which has a relaxing effect on nervous system. It will help disinfect cracks that may have appeared on the skin of the feet during the day.

You should not do hydromassage if your skin has open wounds, ulcers, fungal infections, or eczema. The procedure is contraindicated for benign or malignant tumors, colds when the body temperature rises above normal and heart disease.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Whether we like it or not, harmful and harmful substances enter the body with foods and drinks. toxic substances polluting it. Lymphatic drainage foot massage is a kind of cleaning of the body by stimulating and accelerating the outflow of lymph, which removes toxins and stagnant fluid.

There are manual and hardware ways to perform lymphatic drainage. In the manual version, the massage therapist moves from one lymph node to the next, lightly massaging with his palms in the area where they are located. The muscles surrounding the lymphatic vessels relax, then the lymph flows into the lymph nodes. There it is cleared of the formed toxins much faster.

During the hardware procedure, vacuum, low-frequency current pulses, pressure changes and ultrasound are used. This type of massage improves metabolic processes in the skin and increases lymphatic drainage.

Before the massage begins, the body is warmed up to open the pores on the body. So during the procedure part excess liquid will be excreted through sweat. Lymphatic drainage of the legs begins with the launch of three lymph nodes: the gluteal, popliteal and lymphatic, which is located in the rheostatic joint.

The large gluteal node is massaged first; kneading is done not with the fingers, but with the base of the palm. The next one will be the popliteal one, on which there is no strong pressure. In order to warm it up, you need to iron it using a light surface touch. Movements are carried out from bottom to top. We warm up the ankle joint using tong-shaped sawing and sawing with the edges of the palms.

Light massage touches warm up the skin. Then, with continuous, slow movements from bottom to top, the lymphatic drainage procedure itself is carried out. The hand clasps the leg as much as possible. When the effort on one hand disappears, the second one picks it up and continues moving to the popliteal lymph node. Then, at the same slow speed, we reach the gluteal fold and drive the lymph into the gluteal lymph node.

The lymphatic drainage procedure should not be performed by people with cancer or problems with cardiovascular system, thyroid diseases, inflammation of the lymph nodes. If there are infections on the skin and fungal infections, and there is also pregnancy, this type of massage is contraindicated.


Whatever type of massage you choose, you need to do it correctly, following the basics of massage procedures. It is also very important to choose the right cream or oil: the consistency of these substances should not be too greasy, because with greasy lubrication, your hands will only glide over the surface of the skin, and it will be difficult to massage the muscles and activate blood flow in the legs. A significant amount of oil can only be used for certain types of relaxing foot massage.

Remember that when massaging “dry” the upper layer epidermis, microtraumas appear due to rubbing of the skin, which can later become infected and then an inflammatory rash will appear. Be sure to take into account how long the hair on your legs has been shaved - in the places where it grows after recent shaving there are already small wounds that are easily irritated, so apply moisturizing oils with light massaging movements.

Foot massage is done according to the lymph flow, i.e. For the main massaging movements, choose the direction from the feet to the groin. Following the right direction will help you quickly get rid of swelling by activating blood flow and, therefore, improving metabolic processes in tissues. Opposite movements can only be used with light massaging and stroking. Transverse deep movements will help strengthen the leg muscles, and superficial light “stroke-shaped” movements will lead to muscle relaxation.

During massage, 4 types of actions are used - stroking, rubbing, kneading and movements that lead to tissue vibration. Stroking allows a person to relax and prepare for the massage. When you massage your legs, stroke in the direction of the lymph flow with more confident movements, pressing a little with your palm, and in the opposite direction - only lightly.

At the next stage of the massage, warm up the skin and muscles by rubbing. Try to use a little moisturizer, then the process of activating blood flow in the lower extremities will soon become noticeable. Its sign is slight redness of the skin, which becomes warmer to the touch. After rubbing, make several stroking movements. For a relaxing massage, alternate rubbing and stroking several times.

In therapeutic massage, kneading is used more, i.e. deeper impact on muscles. To knead, use movements that compress the skin with the underlying tissues; these movements are reminiscent of pinching with the whole hand or kneading dough. Kneading must alternate with deep stroking in the direction from the feet upward, because massage activates tissue metabolism, and stroking improves peripheral blood flow, which saturates cells nutrients. In this case, decay products are expelled from the interstitial fluid more quickly.
