Troy ounce of gold in grams. Troy ounce - how many grams? Weight of an ounce of gold in grams and changes in its price

Many of you, of course, have heard the word “ounce”. But does everyone know what it means? It's outdated and more. By the way, this concept rich story. And in some sectors of the economy you can’t do without it. So 1 ounce how many grams weighs?


Without a doubt, this is a term of Latin origin. In ancient Rome, this was the name given to one twelfth of the libra, the main measure of weight. However, not only mass was measured with it. In general, it may seem that the Romans were very fond of this word.

They often said: “I walked four ounces of the way to...” or “I read three ounces of the book.” What did this mean? Is it really possible to measure distance using scales? Of course not. An ounce is another twelfth of something. Well, either one tenth or thirteenth - depending on the country and time. So what else was measured for her? And How? Also in Ancient Rome, an ounce was called a coin. When minting, one dot was placed on it. The coin, of course, had a small denomination. It was made from an alloy of tin, copper and lead. Some Spanish (doubloons) and Chinese gold coins were also called this way.


So, an ounce is, of course, not only it is also two units and one is force. In general, to find out the mass, there are several ounces. The Romans, as mentioned above, also used it to measure length, area, capacity and even the size of an inheritance. Thus, 1 ounce of length in Ancient Rome was equal to 0.0246 meters. And the surface (area) there was measured using jugers. Accordingly, one twelfth of it - 1 ounce - is equal to 209.91 meters.


The ancient Roman measure of weight - 1 ounce (one twelfth of a libra) was equal to 28.34 g. It seems quite a bit. But it was also divided into lobes: semuntia, sicilicus, scrupula and siliqua. The latter were as many as 144 in an ounce.

Before the metric system of measures, the ounce was widespread in Europe. It is still in use today. However, not all weights with this name are the same. Let's take a closer look at the most famous ones.

Troy ounce

Probably the most can be said about this unit of measurement. Currently it is used for weighing precious metals. It is also a unit when trading the latter on special exchanges.

There, prices for gold and other precious metals are determined precisely on the basis of one troy ounce. Its weight in metric terms is approximately 31.103 grams. As you can see, it is different from a regular ounce. It is also used in jewelry and banking. It is also used to measure the weight of valuable ingredients in cosmetology. But how did it come about?

The origin of this term can be dated back to the thirteenth century AD. Some may find it surprising, but this measure has nothing to do with the legendary city of Troy. And she appeared in the French city of Troyes. There, at that time (12-13 centuries, and according to some sources - from the 5th century), three-month fairs became very popular, which attracted people from many European countries. The abundance of different currencies (in France at that time almost every city had its own money) and weights (each product had its own) created confusion in trade, and therefore after some time it was decided to take the French livre, which contained a pound of silver, as the standard.

1 troy ounce, respectively, is one twelfth of this weight measure. There is an opinion that this could not have happened without the participation of the French crown. In any case, the unit seemed very convenient. After all, this coin weighed exactly a pound. And at that time, money was valued precisely for its weight. It was later that the precious metal in them began to be replaced with nickel or copper. However, kings came and went. And control over the minters, of whom there were quite a lot, was not always in place. sufficient level. So silver became less and less. Very often, precious coins were cut off altogether in order to extract silver or gold. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce standard coinage with a clear boundary. Over time, gold and silver, of course, have significantly increased in value and the value of all world coins. And they practically stopped adding them there.


Currently, banks in many countries around the world continue to issue gold coins. Moreover, they are purchased not only for private collections. This way people can invest and store money in gold. In this sense, it is equivalent to gold bars. Most of these coins contain just a troy ounce of gold:

1. Australian gold bar (coin).

2. Austrian Philharmonic.

3. American golden buffalo.

5. Canadian golden maple leaf.

6. Chinese panda.

7. South African Krugerrand.

They all have the corresponding inscription. Moreover, of course, not all of them weigh exactly a troy ounce. They may also contain other metals. But a troy ounce of gold, silver or platinum must be in them. By the way, when buying precious metals online, be careful: in what units of measurement the weight is indicated. After all, an ounce of avoirdupois (it is now most often used in trade) is lighter than a troy ounce. As you can see, this seemingly outdated measure of weight has no intention of losing its position in this area to grams and kilograms. Perhaps this is because such a significant commodity as gold, for example, must also be measured in significant quantities. And it’s easier to produce ingots weighing 31 g than one-gram ones. In general, using the example of a coin, you can perfectly and easily answer the question: “An ounce is how many grams of gold?”

American system of measures

In the United States, pounds are still used to measure weight. And along with them, therefore, ounces. But again, not the same as everywhere else.

Avoirdupois or the so-called trading ounce. Used for selling goods by weight. In the metric system its value is 28.349 g.

The US fluid ounce is used to measure volumes. It is approximately 29.537 ml. When indicating the volume on food packages, for convenience, it is equated to 30 milliliters. The British, by the way, have their own fluid ounce. Its volume is 28.413 ml.

European weights

Like many other things, the ounce was borrowed from the Roman Empire by almost all the peoples of Europe. And it was used everywhere until the introduction of the metric system in the eighteenth century. So, for example, in Germany it was considered one sixteenth of a trade pound. It was also used in medicine, where it was equal to 1/12 of the small pharmaceutical weight. It was used to measure weight when preparing medicines. The so-called apothecary ounce has survived to this day. Russia also adopted this system from the Germans. It weighed from 25 to 35 g, depending on the country where it was used. It is sometimes used today. Therefore, when buying any foreign medicine at a pharmacy, it is important to know how many grams are in 1 ounce. Neither you nor the doctor need an overdose.

In the Netherlands they also used the ounce. And even when in 1820 they switched to new system, retained their Dutch ounce to denote its weight of one hundred grams.

Other European countries were not far behind. In Italy there were 12 Roman ounces in the pound, and in Spain and Portugal there were 16 in the Castilian libre and artel respectively.

In England, there were the above-mentioned troy ounce, apothecary and commercial. They were fractions of pounds of the same name. But if troy and apothecary are 1/12, then a trade ounce was equal to one sixteenth.

And once again about coins. In Sicily, until 1860, the ounce was in use. It was equal to two and a half scudi, three ducats. And it was equivalent to one hundred and twenty-three Italian lire of modern times.

On other continents

In addition to America, where the ounce has taken root in the United States, it has also found its use in Africa. In the north of this continent it was called ukkiya. So, in Algeria it corresponded to 34.13 grams, in Tunisia - 31.68, in Egypt - 37.068, and in Tripoli 1 ounce weighed 30.02 g.


So we found out what 1 ounce is equal to. And that it appeared in Ancient Rome. There it was used to measure not only weight, it was more of a mathematical symbol. From there she set off to conquer the world. In many ways, the ounce anticipated the metric system in Europe. Only instead of one tenth, 1/12 appeared in Ancient Rome. This probably happened due to mythology. In people's lives back then, the number twelve was quite symbolic.

Then the ounce boldly walked across Europe, changing slightly depending on the country. Then it was replaced by more convenient kilograms and grams. But in the form of the troy and avoirdupois ounce, it has survived to this day. Probably because good things are hard to forget. After all, it became the first standard measure of weight in developing Europe. And largely thanks to her, the economies of the countries were able to develop correctly. It facilitated trade and became a measure of the most valuable commodity at that time - gold.

The word ounce is translated from Latin as “trifle” or “little.” This term began to be used in Ancient Rome, when it denoted a measure of weight, namely the twelfth of an assa, a coin weighing 27.3 grams. Soon the entire European part of the world knew what an ounce of gold was and it began to be used as a generally accepted measure of weight. Many countries, however, abandoned it in favor of the metric system. However, the ancient measure is still used today by jewelers and bankers. So what is 1 ounce of gold, a troy ounce, how many grams of gold is in it?

Unit of measurement at different times

Since the 13th century, one ounce was equal to 1/16 of a pound, and even then they knew how many grams were in an ounce of gold. Since that time, the concept of the troy ounce arose. The French town of Troyes traditionally held fairs with worldwide fame. The huge number of varieties of banknotes has led to the need to exchange them for a single one. A standard for mixing each monetary unit to the French livre. The exchange system assumed that it was equal to the troy pound of silver. Troy ounce in grams was taken as the equivalent when exchanging precious metals. It was equal to a dozen of a troy pound. The English gold coin pound corresponded to 373.2 grams (it is different from the English pound), and the troy ounce of gold in grams was 31.1.

Troy grain – 1/480 of the weight of a troy ounce. Its weight is equal to the weight of the apothecary and trade gran. There is also a troy ounce, silver, platinum and palladium.

In ancient times, division of this measure was also assumed. Half of it was semuntium, a quarter was sicilicus, a sixth was sextulus, 24 was scrupula and 144 was silicqua ( silver coin Rome).

It was also generally accepted to designate this measure - a dot, a horizontal line, signs or a convex hemisphere on coins.

Ounces were used to determine the measurements of surfaces, lengths, and capacities; they denoted the amount of inheritance and banknotes. The latter were minted from copper and contained 23.6 percent lead and 7 percent tin. One side of the coin contained an image of the city's coat of arms, the other - the head of Minevra.

Today, the ancient unit of measurement is used in trading precious metals and in countries where pounds are used to measure weight - the USA.

Cost per ounce

An ounce of gold is a sign of quality, its value is a symbol of purity. Its value is determined in US dollars. The metric system is more common, but it is still not widely used.

The price of gold is determined by the London fixing. It took place for the first time on September 12, 1919. It is conducted by the main players in precious metals trading, including the five leading banks in the world. The price is not constant, it is fixed twice a day, the first time at 10-30 London time.

Over the years, the value of precious metals has increased almost 2.5 times, and this is not the limit. Leading financiers foretell a protracted rise in the value of precious metals.

One modern measure of gold is equivalent to what it was two centuries earlier. For example, in the 18th century, a good men's suit was valued at an ounce. Now its cost remains the same. This confirms the benefits of investing savings in gold, reliably protecting them from depreciation.

Measure in different countries

An ounce of gold is how many grams are understood, and what other units of weight are there, because not all countries followed the generally accepted unit of measurement.

  1. In Germany, it was equated to 16 parts of a trade pound or 8 parts of a mark, as well as 12 parts of a small pharmaceutical weight. By the way, this measure came to our pharmacies from Germany.
  2. In Italy it was equivalent to 12 parts of a pound.
  3. In Spain and Portugal it was 16th of the trade pound.
  4. An ounce in Sicily was a coin unit, namely 2.5 scudi and 3 ducats.
  5. In Spain it was a doubloon, as in Latin America.
  6. A shekel of Hebrew origin is equal to 11.4 grams, and a fourth of it is 2.9. Used extremely rarely.
  7. There is a tola in Luxembourg, it weighs 11.7 grams. It is used more often in implementation.
  8. In Taiwan, a bass of 15.2 grams is used.
  9. In Thailand, they focus on a tael, equivalent to 37.5 grams.
  10. Tael in China or Hong Kong is 37.4 grams.

Types of units of measurement

In addition to the troy weight measure, there were and are other variations of it.

  • What is the pharmaceutical ounce that was used in Russia in the last century? Its weight is 29.9 grams. This is an outdated term.
  • 1 ounce of Maria Teresa contains 31.1 grams.
  • Liquid (abbreviated fl oz) is used when determining the volume of a liquid substance. There are American and English. American is 29.6 ml, and English is 28.4 ml. In the USA, a liquid measure is equal to 30 ml.
  • The avoirdupois measure (abbreviated oz at) consists of 28.3 grams and is used today in the United States and other countries.
  • In the Netherlands, since 1820, an ounce has meant 100 grams. Then the country switched to the metric measurement system.

IN different periods Since then, coins have been minted weighing exactly one ounce. Among them are the American golden eagle and golden buffalo, chinese panda, golden maple leaf comes from Canada, Philharmonic from Austria, from Australia, Krugerrand from South Africa.

The high accuracy of this measure of the weight of precious metals has been a standard of quality for centuries, a guarantee of stability in the world economy and international trading. It remains unshakable and a priority.

How many grams per ounce of gold can be calculated using special online converters.

Historically, gold has different weights. When conducting trading operations with gold, completely different quantities are used. For example, the concept of “ounce of gold in grams” is used. Initially, it is not clear exactly what weight the precious metal has.

Gold weight measures are converted into customary units. But this can initially cause confusion when buying or selling metal. For example, in the countries of the former Soviet Union rarely used such units of measurement as pound, ounce. And accordingly, people need time to understand the nuances of weighing.

Ounce of gold

How did the troy ounce come about?

To figure out when the troy ounce came into being, you should delve into history. monetary transactions in the Middle Ages. The thing is that the French town of Troyes has long hosted fairs, which were attended by merchants from all over the world. Since coins were used as money, sellers and buyers had to agree on the value of this coin. Then it was customary to weigh the ingot and compare its weight with the troy pound of silver - the main coin of France at that time.

This measure of weight passed to England and has been preserved to this day in relation to precious metals. And since fixing and daily price setting take place in London, according to tradition, they decided not to change the weight measure. Therefore, it is beneficial for many banks to use the troy type of measurement, because it is by this type that quotes are established.

The rate is updated daily at 10.30 and 15.00 London time. And this is done by the five largest banks in the world: Deutsche Bank, Société Générale, HSBC, Scotia Mocatta and Barclays Capital. Individual brokers are not involved in the process. Banks take into account supply and demand for precious metals and draw conclusions based on economic indicators.

When calculating quotes, analysts and bank representatives use three currencies: the US dollar, the euro and the British pound sterling. A troy ounce of gold in grams is equal to 31.103. Therefore, if you calculate the cost of a product or ingot in grams, do not forget to convert the weight measures to see the cost.

The indicator is also used in the following areas:

  • banking - it most influences the cost of the precious metal, since all purchase and sale transactions take place through banks;
  • The jewelry industry uses this weight to calculate the amount of gold needed for a piece;
  • pharmacology counts not gold, but medicinal substances, which is quite rare these days.

It is in these areas that the exact weight of any product is used. But besides the troy ounce, there are other types of this unit of measurement. For example:

  • An ounce of avoirdupois, which corresponds to 28.34 grams of metal.
  • A pharmacy ounce, which is equal to 29.86 grams. Used for weighing medicines. Now the indicator is used for the manufacture of homeopathic substances.
  • The ancient Roman ounce is the very first type of weight measure. It was also used for antique coins and other goods. Since this is a historical figure, it is not entirely accurate and is approximately 27.4 grams.
  • An ounce of Maria Teresa is equal to 31.125 grams.

You need to know this in order to calculate the cost of the precious metal. Therefore, it is impossible to give a definite answer to how much 1 ounce of gold weighs. When performing trading operations, especially if they are in large sizes, look at the weight measure of the precious metal and convert it into familiar values.

The governments of some countries, for example, the USA, China, Canada, have introduced investment and collectible ones, which weigh one ounce. Among them are the following examples:

  1. Canadian maple leaf.
  2. American Eagle.
  3. Chinese panda.
  4. Austrian Philharmonic.

It is enough to pick up a coin and weigh it to find out how many grams are in an ounce of gold. This was done for convenience, but payments are not made with such coins. Moreover, not everyone can afford such products. In the meantime, the troy ounce remains the standard measure of weight, which means the significant contribution of traditions to the development of the economy in the world.

The word ounce from the Latin “uncia” arose back in times Ancient Rome. Residents used huge bronze coins as money, after cutting them into pieces. Thus, one twelfth of this coin became known as an ounce and had a weight of 27.288 grams.

Collectible One Ounce Coin

Naturally, this differs from the weight value of a modern ounce. After a short time it became very common as a unit of weight throughout Europe. Subsequently, many countries around the world began to use the metric system in measuring weight. But an ounce oldest unit still in use in jewelry and banking.

History of origin

Since the 13th century, 1 ounce has been equal to 1/16 of a pound. As a rule, if we're talking about When talking about the concept of an ounce of gold, they usually mean a troy ounce. The story of its origin is interesting. In French city Troyes, which is located in the province of Champagne, in the 12-13th century, world-famous fairs were held, where, due to the need for the exchange of money (of which there were many types, since traders from all over the world came there), a unified standard system began to be developed measurements.

The basis was the French livre, which was equal to a troy pound of silver. When exchanging precious metals, gold was measured in troy ounces. Since then, it has become a measure that determines the weight of precious metals in many modern countries. A weight equal to a twelfth of a troy pound is the weight of an ounce. The troy pound, or otherwise the gold coin pound, existed as the main weight unit in England from 1824 to 1858 and was equal to 373.2417 grams. Thus, one troy ounce of gold in grams has a weight of 31.1035 grams.

City of Troyes in France.


Many people are interested in the gold rate, or?

Around the world, the yellow metal has a value expressed in United States dollars per ounce. Despite the fact that nowadays it is more common metric system, an ounce of gold is a symbol of centuries-old traditions, and its price is determined by a standard of quality and purity.

The London fixing, which is carried out by the main players in the precious metals market (they are representatives of the five largest world-class banks), determines how much 1 ounce of gold will cost.

The fixed price is set twice a day: 10:30 and 15:00 London time or 13:30 and 18:00 Moscow time. Thus, the price of the precious metal in troy ounces is constantly changing.

IN last years the price of the yellow metal increased from 520 to 1250 US dollars. According to many financial analysts, one should expect a constant but smooth increase in value. And this gives a good reason to invest in its purchase to protect them from inflation. Today, for 1 ounce of precious metal you can buy the same benefits as two centuries ago. For example, in the 18th century, one ounce of gold could buy an excellent men's suit, and now its price is at the same level.

London fixing online

Units of measurement in different countries

Shekel. It is of Hebrew origin. Not used often and equals 11.4 grams. A quarter of a shekel is 2.85 grams.

Some countries use their own units of measurement.

For example, a tola unit equal to 11.6638 grams is used in Luxembourg. It is measured when buying or selling scrap gold and other types of gold.

One bass in Taiwan will be 15.244 grams. In Thailand, a thael is used equal to 37.5 grams, and in China and Hong Kong one thael weighs a little less - 37.429 grams.


Usually, when making a transaction to buy or sell an item, a person asks not only what an ounce of gold is and what its price is in grams, but is also interested in the fineness and weight of the item. It is also necessary to know that in addition to Troy, there are several other varieties in circulation:

  • The pharmacy, in which 1 ounce equals 29.860 grams, was common in Russia until the end of 1930;
  • Maria Teresa, containing 31.1025 grams;
  • Ancient Roman, the most widespread in history ancient world, and when asked how much 1 ounce is a gram, at that time they said that it was 27.3.

Historically, many coins weigh exactly one ounce.

Thus, you need to know how much a troy ounce of gold weighs before you buy or sell an ingot or coins or scrap.

This designation came from Ancient Rome. This was the name for the measure of weight, which was equal to one twelfth of a libra. A libra is equal to 327.45 grams, so an ounce weighs 28.34 grams. The empire of the ancient Romans covered the entire known world at that time. And through the exchange of goods, cultural influence, especially the elements of trade, which included weights, spread throughout Eurasia. From the Roman Empire the term spread throughout the world. Now an ounce stands for:

  • Weight measure.
  • Measure of volume.
  • Measure of area.
  • Currency units of some countries.
  • Parts of the inheritance.

One ounce is how many grams? Answer: An ancient Roman ounce is 28.34 grams.

All this is somehow connected with the division of the whole into twelve parts.

An ounce, how much does it weigh in grams?

But the times of Ancient Rome are long gone. Therefore, people encounter different interpretations of the concept of “ounce”

  • An ounce of avoirdupois is 28.35 g - almost the same weight that was adopted in the Roman Empire.
  • A troy ounce is 31.1 g. Gold is measured in these units.
  • Pharmaceutical ounce per this moment outdated and, depending on the country and application, ranged from 25 to 35 g.
  • In the Netherlands, an ounce currently refers to 100 g of weight.

So you can understand which ounce we are talking about only from the context. Often in a variety of culinary and pharmacy prescriptions An ounce meant something approximately like a tablespoon in Russia: one person pours it incompletely, the other with a heap, the third one shakes everything off at the level of the edge of the spoon.

An ounce is how many grams and how can this knowledge be applied?

The first question was answered a little earlier, but what about the second? Despite its old-fashioned sound, the ounce is widely used. This is a unit of weight verified and documented in a unified system of measurements - SI. Where is the ounce used?

  • In the measurement of precious metals. On exchanges European countries: prices for gold, silver, platinum are indicated per ounce of the substance.
  • In the USA and Great Britain, bulk and viscous products are often sold and measured in ounces, just as distances are measured in miles and volumes are measured in gallons.

If you encounter this term in the text, do not be alarmed. Read carefully which ounce is meant. Check what is being said and you can imagine the weight of the goods or substances described.
