Zaitsev fashion designer personal biography. Vyacheslav Zaitsev - biography

In 2018, on one of the federal channels, fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev openly spoke about his illness and shared his plans for the near future. It must be said that rumors about the couturier’s serious condition have been circulating for a long time. Zaitsev left his post as host of the program" Fashionable verdict"precisely because it was difficult for him to withstand hours of filming. Viewers also often complained about the presenter’s poor diction, the stiffness of his movements, which in fact turned out to be symptoms of a serious illness. What disease prevents Vyacheslav Zaitsev from continuing to create normally for many years, how does he feel now, and what do the doctors say? More on all this further!


He was born in 1938 in the “city of brides” - Ivanovo, which was then famous for its textile academy, which attracted girls from all over the country. Despite the fact that in Soviet years There was no concept of “high fashion”; the couturier was able to develop this industry to unprecedented proportions, earning the respect of the West, and then the Soviet people.

For many years the master created collections, but received only disapproving reviews of his work. Only 30 years later, when he was already very popular among Western fashion connoisseurs, his talent was noticed. He worked as an artistic director at a garment factory in the city of Babushkin, but the public was not ready for colored padded jackets and painted felt boots (by the way, Zaitsev personally painted them with gouache before the show). Then he performed the same position, but in the experimental workshop of the all-Union fashion house.

Finally, the master was able to create exclusive outfits for figure skaters’ performances. In the biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, illness once became a motivating factor. In 1971, something happened in his life terrible accident, after which he had to undergo a long rehabilitation. At this time he thought a lot about the future. Zaitsev did not stop and with renewed vigor approached the improvement of the fashion industry, turning a small atelier into a Moscow Fashion House. Already in 1988, the first “Russian seasons” took place in Paris, represented by the collection of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, thanks to which he acquired the status of an honorary resident of this French city.

Then the master won the “Best Five Fashion Designers of the World” festival, and in the early nineties he developed a collection that was unusual for a couturier of this level - police uniforms. Over the course of half a century dedicated to fashion, Zaitsev has become a style icon and a favorite fashion designer of many stars. Russian stage, and also received the title "Honorary Artist of the Russian Federation".

Creative plans

Despite his illness, fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, at 80 years old, is still planning to release new collections. Relatives say that he constantly comes up with models of his beautiful dresses and thinks through ideas for the show. Journalists managed to find out that the “autumn-spring 2018” collection is being prepared for release, but the master himself has not yet given any comments on this matter. Last year, the maestro, according to tradition, opened the Russian Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, but this year he transferred his powers to other people.

Illness in the biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev: what ails the great couturier

For many years, Vyacheslav Zaitsev has been struggling with Parkinson’s disease, and also has difficulty moving due to sore joints. In a recent interview, he shared with journalists that in order to maintain his fragile health, for the first time in his life he visited a sanatorium in Karlovy Vary. This was especially necessary for sore legs. It is becoming more and more difficult for Zaitsev to cope with his illness every year. Doctors are trying to slow down the development of Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s disease, but it is not yet possible to completely cure it. The master himself believes that he will live to see the moment when scientists can find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

Certificate of disease

Parkinson's disease is a serious disease that affects the central nervous system. As the disease progresses, it becomes difficult for a person to control his arms and legs, and frequent trembling appears in them. Also, people suffering from this disease are characterized by impaired facial expressions. In the vast majority of cases, Parkinson's disease leads to disability and mobility in a chair. Many people who are faced with this disease fall into a depressed state and also complain of a constant loss of energy and sleep disturbances.

Status for 2018

The condition of the world-famous fashion designer is very serious: in 2018, he already had surgery on his joints. Doctors fitted him with a titanium prosthesis to reduce pain while walking. He is also now preparing for a second knee surgery. For his birthday, he wished himself well. “Everything that happens to me depresses me,” fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev says sadly about the disease that brings him so much pain.

The master is supported by his close relatives during this difficult time: his son, granddaughter and ex-wife. By the way, he maintained an excellent relationship with the latter after the divorce, despite the fact that they broke up when they common child was only nine years old. Ex-wife states that doctors are very optimistic and say that such a strong-willed person as Vyacheslav Zaitsev will cope with the disease easily.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a Soviet and Russian fashion designer who rightfully holds the lead in Soviet and Russian fashion. Vyacheslav Zaitsev, without having a corresponding industry, managed to create the very concepts of “high fashion” and “fashion design” in the Soviet Union. Today Zaitsev is perceived as a great master of worldwide significance. But something else is surprising - Western designers and couturiers saw a unique talent in Slava Zaitsev 30 years before their compatriots did.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav was born in Ivanovo. It is unknown whether the atmosphere of the city of brides influenced the decision of the future star to create fashionable clothes for women, but with the direction of the future professional activity the young man made up his mind quickly. The profession of a designer has imposed a romantic flair on the life of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, but it is impossible to call a simple biography of the fashion designer.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev was born into a poor family. The boy knew that his parents were forced into marriage, “by accident,” and that his mother was unhappy in her marriage. The boy’s childhood was during the war years, and the life of the future designer became even worse. My father went to the front, was captured, escaped and reached Berlin, and after the war he ended up in a camp as a former prisoner of war.

There was no food in the family, mother and son picked berries in the forest. When Vyacheslav and his mother were visiting their father, the family was robbed, the woman was taken to the hospital, and the boy began begging and singing outside the store to get food.

Young designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Nevertheless, Vyacheslav went to school, traveled to collective farms with the school group and sang, helping teachers draw posters. After graduating from seven-year school, he entered the Ivanovo Chemical-Technological College, where he studied to become a textile artist.

Then - moving to Moscow and student years at the famous Moscow Textile Institute. According to the assignment, Vyacheslav Zaitsev was sent to the town of Babushkin near Moscow, where the experimental technical garment factory of the Moscow Regional Economic Council was located. There, the young man created his first collection - workwear for rural workers, which was practical and comfortable, but at the same time feminine. Of course, the collection did not pass the inspection of the Soviet methodological department.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev and sketches of his collections

This line of workwear attracted the attention of the Western press to the aspiring couturier. The collection was published by the French magazine Paris Match, and representatives of Pierre Cardin and Christian Dior, later talking with a colleague from Moscow, unanimously recognized Vyacheslav Zaitsev as their equal. And although until the end of the 80s the Soviet designer was unable to leave the country, in Europe Zaitsev has long been considered one of the world's leading designers.

Fashion and design

At the factory in Babushkino, Vyacheslav Zaitsev managed to prove himself more than convincingly, regularly offering new solutions in clothing design. As a result, he was invited to Kuznetsky Most, where the famous All-Union House of Models was located. Vyacheslav Zaitsev worked there for 13 years and collaborated with the best fashion models, including Regina Zbarskaya, Leka Mironova and Mila Romanovskaya.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev and his son EgorThe first result of Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s work at the House of Models was the “Russian Series” collection, created based on folk motifs. It also included the “Russia” dress, which was demonstrated by Zbarskaya at the World Fashion Festival and received the Grand Prix. After this dress, the Western press calls Zaitsev nothing less than “Red Dior”.

There were many other successful developments, but by the mid-70s, Vyacheslav Zaitsev was extremely dissatisfied with the work. He is depressing that, due to the principles of the Soviet system, sketches reach the factory too late, and by the time the consumer sees the product in the store, it is already hopelessly outdated. Vyacheslav comes to the conclusion that the work of a fashion designer in the USSR is ineffective and meaningless, and eventually quits.

After the Fashion House, the designer works at a custom tailoring factory for the Fashion House, and later moves to this very House, where he becomes the artistic director. It was there that, starting in 1982, Vyacheslav Zaitsev created his world-famous author's collections. The designer is distinguished by a constant search for style and giving the shapes and lines of clothing his own unique touch.

In 1992, Vyacheslav Zaitsev created his own “Fashion Laboratory”, a design academy at the Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion House, and five years later the talent forge also had an official website.

Among the most recent images created by Zaitsev, especially memorable to the public, is the luxurious evening dress made of cream lace and a snow-white dress, as if it came out of Vrubel’s painting “The Swan Princess”. Both outfits were demonstrated by Mrs. Russia Alisa Krylova at Fashion Week in Moscow.

Along with fashion, painting and drawing play a significant role in the work of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. His paintings have nothing to do with clothing design. They convey the author’s emotions and feelings, even his philosophical perception of life. Vyacheslav's works are decorative and always bright and original.

Personal exhibitions of Vyacheslav Zaitsev's artistic works were repeatedly held in cities of the United States, Belgium, France, and Estonia. Five of his paintings, both pictorial and graphic, are permanently exhibited in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery, and several canvases from the series “How Young We Will Be” can be seen in the Museum of the History of Moscow.

Another side of the famous fashion designer’s creativity is stage costumes for theater and stage. Vyacheslav Zaitsev designed clothes for the Satire Theater, Moscow Art Theater, Mossovet Theater, Sovremennik and many others. Most often, he was invited to add unusualness and uniqueness to the standard styles of classical plays.

Moreover, not only domestic directors wanted to collaborate with the famous fashion designer. He also performed commissions for several Broadway theaters. The most famous production where the actors appear in outfits from Zaitsev is the Duke Ellington musical “Sophisticated Ladies.”

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is working on the costume of the world champion in figure skating Natalia Bestemyanova

He also made couturier costumes for cinema, pop stars, and athletes. It was Zaitsev who “dressed” the Soviet sports delegation at the Moscow Olympics-80. He also developed the appearance of Bari Alibasov’s show group “Na-Na” and the rock group “Integral”.

But Zaitsev did not limit himself to clothes alone. For example, for the play “The Cherry Orchard,” which was staged on the German and Hungarian stages, Vyacheslav, in addition to costumes, designed stage posters and other scenery.

Personal life

At the age of 24, the still aspiring and little-known couturier married a girl from a wealthy and high-ranking family. The chosen one's name was Marina. The girls I knew were shocked that Marina chose Vyacheslav Zaitsev rather than the famous diplomat or pilot, who constantly courted the wealthy heiress. The Zaitsev couple lived together for three years and gave birth to a son, Yegor, who, by the way, would later follow in his father’s footsteps.

The designer learned that his wife was leaving after returning from Hungary, where he created costumes for the film. I divorced my wife strong impression on Vyacheslav, since the designer sincerely treated Marina and loved ex-wife more for a long time after a breakup. The fashion designer also sought the right to see his son. At first, the child did not know that his mother was not giving Vyacheslav the opportunity to meet him, and believed that his father had abandoned him and was worried about this.

Problems in the family crippled the designer. Vyacheslav even began to experience depression because of this. One of the employees of the House of Models named Inna, who had long been in love with the fashion designer, helped to get out of this state.

The lovers lived for some time in civil marriage, after which they separated. But when Zaitsev was in a serious car accident and was in the hospital for a long time, Inna looked after him and helped him in every possible way. Vyacheslav Zaitsev spent nine days in intensive care, then spent six months on rehabilitation.

The designer was seriously injured in a car accident, the worst was on his right leg, the doctors have already begun to mentally prepare Vyacheslav and talk to the patient about amputating his leg.

According to the designer, during this terrible period, Vyacheslav Zaitsev even managed to come to terms with the thought of losing his leg. The fashion designer came up with a new one fashionable image, which will fit the new condition: Vyacheslav Zaitsev imagined how he would walk along the Kuznetsky Bridge in a black hat, black glasses, a white shirt and with a cane. But at the same time, Zaitsev did not stop training and rehabilitation, and forbade himself to give up. As a result, doctors still saved the fashion designer’s leg.

Later, Vyacheslav and Inna tried to renew their relationship, but new union lasted only a year, and this time the separation was final. Vyacheslav Zaitsev did not try to start a family anymore.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev now

On March 2, 2016, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich celebrated his 78th birthday. After the party, the couturier admitted to reporters that he had been suffering from a serious illness - Parkinson's disease - for several years now.

Due to illness, the designer developed problems with his joints. Doctors even insisted on a titanium prosthesis. On the eve of the holiday, the designer underwent surgery knee joint and underwent a rehabilitation course in Karlovy Vary.

Health problems do not interfere with the designer’s creativity. In 2017, Vyacheslav Zaitsev traditionally opened the show for the spring-summer 2018 season at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia. The collection of Slava Zaitsev came out in scarlet tones and in retro shock style. The designer rethought Dior's classic silhouettes, diluting French trends with kitsch a la Russe: kokoshniks, Pavlovo Posad shawls, folk ornaments.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is a famous Soviet and Russian couturier, artist, teacher. Zaitsev is also People's Artist of Russia (2006) and winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996). TV viewers are most familiar with him as the first presenter of the show “Fashionable Sentence” on Channel One.

Childhood and adolescence

The future famous couturier had a difficult childhood during the war and post-war years. His father, Mikhail Yakovlevich, was captured at the front, was among many convicted for this, and after the end of the war was sent to a camp as an “anti-Soviet.”

Maria Ivanovna, Vyacheslav's mother, had to raise herself youngest son and his older brother. The woman worked continuously to put her sons on their feet - she washed floors in the hallways and washed clothes. The boys, in turn, tried their best to help their mother with the housework, did well at school and tried not to cause her unnecessary trouble.

Despite difficult living conditions, Slava grew up as a cheerful, cheerful child, charming and charismatic. He is with early years dreamed of becoming an artist and enjoyed performing at impromptu concerts, singing, dancing, reading poetry, and drawing posters. At the age of seven, he sang in the choir and even won a creative competition.

The young man failed to enter the music school - the shameful stigma of “the son of an enemy of the people” prevented him. For this unfortunate reason, Zaitsev decided to take the documents to the textile technical school, which usually had a shortage. Moreover, he had to study in the “textile capital” of the country - Ivanovo, where Vyacheslav was from.

Studying was easy for him, and after graduating from technical school with honors, Zaitsev decided to continue his education in Moscow. He felt he had chosen the right one life path and was eager to realize the countless creative ideas that were born in his head.

Couturier career: “Red Dior”

After defending his diploma at the Moscow Textile Institute in 1962, an excellent student and Lenin scholarship recipient, Zaitsev was forced to work for three years at a workwear factory in Babushkino, near Moscow, where he was assigned after graduating from the capital’s Textile Institute. But even there he did not sit idly by and created an original collection, turning ordinary quilted jackets and padded jackets into masterpieces of design art.

Included with them were felt boots, painted in bright colors. Soon information about the unusual Soviet fashion designer leaked to the West, and Zaitsev was written about in the French Paris-Match. The foreign press began to take an interest in him, some journalists even came to Babushkino to see the talented designer, Pierre Cardin himself showed personal interest in the young couturier.

At the same time, Vyacheslav was summoned to the Lubyanka several times and repeatedly “sandwiched” at Komsomol meetings, but he could no longer be stopped. After working at the factory for three years, Zaitsev became the artistic director of the experimental workshop at the House of Models on Kuznetsky Most, where he was able to truly demonstrate his talent. And although at first his models were released in single copies, and many of them were rejected by management, the fame of the “red Dior” spread throughout the world.

In the late 80s, the Soviet couturier managed to travel to Paris for the first time, where his collection created a deafening sensation. Leading French designers considered it an honor to shake hands with the inventive Soviet fashion designer and invite him to visit, and the authorities of Paris made Vyacheslav Zaitsev an honorary citizen.

However, in Moscow, Zaitsev was still faced with the remnants of the stagnant Soviet system, which did not allow him to fully realize his creative ideas. After leaving the House of Models, he worked for several years at a custom tailoring factory, on the basis of which he opened new house Fashion. It was here that the maestro created his best collections, which became business card his signature style.

In 1992, the couturier supplemented the clothing line with the signature fragrance “Marusya,” named after his beloved mother. In the same year, he created the Fashion Laboratory, where he began sharing knowledge and experience with young designers.

10 minutes in live with... Vyacheslav Zaitsev (1999)

In addition to development fashionable clothes Zaitsev is well known for his paintings and original photographs, which are successfully exhibited in the world's leading galleries. He devoted a lot of time to creating stage images for film and theater artists, not only domestic, but also foreign.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich participated in the development of uniforms for police officers and Soviet athletes at the 1980 Olympics, and dressed pop stars. His clients were, for example, Muslim Magomayev, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Joseph Kobzon, Edita Piekha, Alexander Strelchenko, Alla Pugacheva, Lyudmila Zykina, Philip Kirkorov, the groups “Time Machine”, “Na-na” and others.

From his pen two books were published on the history and theory of fashion, and in 2007 he became the host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program on Channel One, where he worked until 2009.

Personal life of Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Zaitsev met his wife Marina at the institute - she was his classmate. Slava captivated the native Muscovite from a good family with his irrepressible energy, enthusiasm and creativity, and after just a few months they became husband and wife.

A year later, the young couple had a baby, Yegor. Is it true, family idyll did not last long, and after nine years their marriage broke up. For a long time, his wife did not allow Vyacheslav to see his son, which in the best possible way affected their future relationship.

Now all disagreements are a thing of the past, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich often sees Yegor and Marina and dotes on his granddaughter Marusa, in whom he sees his successor.

“Revealing the secrets of the stars”: Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Vyacheslav Zaitsev now

Several years ago, Vyacheslav Zaitsev decided to build a cozy mansion in a picturesque corner of the Moscow region and create his own Fashion Museum in it, which would house all his collections. It took a couple of years to implement the plan, and now the famous couturier enjoys the silence and fresh air doing what you love.

Fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, whose biography is complete bright events and creative achievements, celebrated his 80th birthday. The illness does not allow him to work as usual, but the trendsetter hopes to do a lot more in his work.


The future fashion artist was born in the city of Ivanovo in 1938. The mother raised the child alone, since the father was at the front. Mom Maria Ivanovna was a creative and gifted person. She dreamed of the stage, but it didn’t work out. Therefore, she carefully instilled a love of art and beauty in little Slava.

He always studied diligently first in high school, and then at the Chemical Technology College. Four years later, in 1952, Zaitsev was awarded a diploma with honors for the specialty “Textile Artist”. This profession was very important in the “calico capital” of Ivanovo; one could easily find a job with it.

In 1956, in the biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, new round, namely, moving to Moscow, where his ascent to the top of the fashion Olympus begins.

Vyacheslav did not settle down in hometown, but decided to go to Moscow to improve my knowledge at the Textile Institute. The young man immediately entered the faculty applied arts, where he began to learn how to design clothes. The young man was accepted for study without hesitation, because he had a great understanding of art, life and people - in a word, he was a very comprehensively developed person, which distinguished him favorably from other applicants.

In a foreign city, he had to rely only on his own strength, so the student began to combine study with work. Slava spent his rare free minutes on trips to museums, theaters, and self-education.

While studying at the institute, Zaitsev comprehends all the intricacies of graphics, calligraphy and drawing. In his first drawings of future clothing models, he used antique patterns and Persian miniatures, and studied with Russian and Western masters. Soon he became very interested in Russian folk art. I began to travel around cities and villages, studying the combination of colors, shapes and colorful style.

For his many years of creative activity, he was awarded many prestigious awards in the field of art. He has published several original books on fashion.

Creative achievements

Zaitsev's first collection was workwear for working women in cities and villages. The teaching council was not enthusiastic about this collection and rejected it. One of the magazines published an article on this topic entitled “He dictates fashion to Moscow.” Three years later, the author of this rejected collection was found by Pierre Cardin and Dior himself through a magazine article. After the unsuccessful collection, Zaitsev had already managed to create new clothing samples and become the artistic director in the workshop of the All-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most. Three years after the publication of the article about the failed collection, French couturiers approached him and recognized his professionalism and unconventional approach. After this meeting, an article entitled “Kings of Fashion” was published, where Zaitsev’s talent was highly appreciated.

The fashion designer worked at the House of Models on Kuznetsky Most for 13 years, becoming deputy director. Here he presented his collections based on Ivanovo calicoes, as well as his famous “Russian series”. At a fashion festival in Moscow in 1967, he received the Grand Prix for his presented dress under the motto “Russia”.

Since the late 60s, Zaitsev’s authority has been highly appreciated in the West. The leader of Soviet fashion in foreign press was awarded the title "Red Dior". Many publications mentioned the name of the Russian fashion designer next to the name of the legendary Dior.

Many of Vyacheslav’s projects found support abroad. For example, in 1976, his personal exhibitions with sketches of costume jewelry and future collections were held in many Czech cities.

Exhibitions of Vyacheslav Zaitsev were also held in cities in the USA, Belgium and Estonia, where he acted as an artist of graphic and painting works. Five of his works were acquired by the Moscow History Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich participated a lot in the development of costumes for Soviet cinema at Mosfilm and the Gorky Film Studio. He also designed costumes for Broadway theater soloists. The fashion designer devoted a lot of time and theatrical productions, where he participated as a costume designer. He also acted as the creator stage costumes for many domestic pop stars.

As a media person, he became known as the first host of the “Fashionable Sentence” program.

Personal life

The personal life and biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev is associated with one official marriage. In 1959, he married Marina Vladimirovna Zaitseva, whom he met at the institute. Soon a son, Yegor, was born into the family. After 9 years, the wife preferred another man and left her husband. Vyacheslav was very painful about the breakup.

After some time, our hero began a relationship with a girl named Inna. She was with Vyacheslav for two years, helping him survive the consequences of the accident. Zaitsev was even going to marry his chosen one, but at some point he realized that they were completely different people, and broke off the relationship.

Already in his old age, the fashion designer managed to restore friendly relations with my ex-wife Marina. She and her granddaughter are very supportive of Zaitsev and help him in the fight against diseases. Marina Vladimirovna shared in an interview that she regularly pampers Vyacheslav Mikhailovich with her own prepared raspberry pie, which her former mother-in-law once prepared for him.

The latest news reports that Vyacheslav Zaitsev is now optimistic about the future. Although illness prevents him from working fully, he is still full of creative plans and hopes. He remains elegant and stylish in any situation. The fashion designer prefers to relax in his beloved Moscow region, at his picturesque dacha. She also often travels to Paris, where he has a small studio, which he purchased with royalties from cooperation with a cosmetics company.

Son Yegor Vyacheslavovich decided to continue his father’s activities and began to create his own clothing designs. The son gave Zaitsev a beautiful granddaughter named Marusya. She also continued the dynasty and connected her life with design art. Marusya is also a talented model. Grandfather will entrust her with the management of his fashion house.


The press repeatedly talks not only about the biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, but also about his health. Last year he was hospitalized in a hospital with suspected pneumonia. Fans became worried, but they didn’t have to worry for long; soon the fashion trendsetter was already back at work.

The master periodically experiences pain in his legs. Two years ago he discovered problems with his joints. To reduce pain, doctors installed a titanium prosthesis for Zaitsev.

Two years ago it also became known that Vyacheslav Mikhailovich suffers from a serious illness - Parkinson's disease. The disease is accompanied by disturbances in the central nervous system, there are difficulties with speech and coordination. The fashion designer underwent a rehabilitation course in Karlovy Vary. He admits that he is still ready to work and is full of creative plans to create his new collections. The disease, of course, reminds itself of itself and sometimes depression appears, but Zaitsev tries to drive away bad thoughts.

It must be said that Vyacheslav suffered serious damage to his health back in 1971, when he was in a serious car accident. At 33, the fashion designer ended up in intensive care, where doctors spent nine days bringing him back to life. Then there was a long recovery course, crutches, etc. The consequences of the accident, one way or another, greatly influenced the health and entire subsequent biography of fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

Now he is no longer so cheerful, he walks with a cane, but he does not despair. The fashion designer admitted that he will no longer organize a show of his collections, but there are still many other creative ideas to come. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich recently celebrated his 80th birthday. A grand evening was held in his honor at the Russian Song Theater. During the holidays, the hero of the day received many gifts from stage and film stars, as well as millions of applause for his outstanding contribution to the history of Russian fashion.

Have you seen the clothing collections of Vyacheslav Zaitsev?

Zaitsev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Russian fashion designer, theatrical costume designer.
He is interested in painting, his works have been exhibited in many art galleries around the world. Author of several books on fashion and style.

Color graphics by Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Painting by Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Zaitsev himself said about his easel work: “My painting is impulsive, full of faces, images and symbols that were unexpected for me, replete with exits to the astral world, an unreal world, in which I find answers to questions that torment me, unspoken grievances, disappointments, anxieties , emotional shocks, unexpected actions; sometimes these are dreams realized in drawings, poems, sometimes visions in the night."

"It was 1990. Then my life began new era- the formation of the Fashion House took place, a stable life began. Since then, I have given all my pain to paintings. That's why all the faces on my canvases are strange, suffering? For me, painting is the liberation of the soul."

I'm entering loneliness.
I open the door and hurry
Light the heat-emitting lantern.
The stream of its rays is in a hurry
To warm me and calm me down.
But I alone know how hard it is.
It’s hard for me, and apparently it’s the same for others.
But that other one is the loneliness of my soul
He can only understand from the outside.
If he leaves, I'll be left alone again -
And all over again.
But it’s clear that God has destined this path for me.
I will humble myself and live

Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Experts call Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s paintings psychedelic. It must be said that Zaitsev’s paintings are valued by connoisseurs and have a high market value. There was even such an unpleasant episode in the life of the artist and his paintings: Zaitsev’s country house was robbed, and it was the paintings that were stolen. Fortunately, everything was found later, but the most unpleasant thing about all this was that the robbery was organized by a person from Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s inner circle - a person with whom he collaborated and whom he trusted very much.

Psychedelia (psychedelics) is the culture of liberated consciousness. Initially, psychedelics were strongly associated with psychotropic substances; now they can be consumed in their pure form, without doping. As art theorist Pavel Pepperstein said: “Psychedelics should not be reduced only to psychotropic drugs. There are psychedelics of everyday life, this is easy to see. There are psychedelics of mass media, psychedelics of consumption, psychedelics of cinema, psychedelics of fatigue, psychedelics of survival. All these circumstances “highlight” "highlight" various zones of the psyche, creating the effects of asymmetrical enlightenment and illuminations." Thus, we see that drugs (cocaine, heroin, alcohol, etc.), contrary to popular belief, are not welcome in the psychedelic movement.
Psychedelics, as an art, was born in the 60s of the last century, with the advent of the famous drug LSD. At that time, the new hallucinogen was extremely popular and was considered a harmless guide to the world of one’s own expanded consciousness. The development of psychedelic art was influenced by surrealism, dadaism, and the subcultures of hippies, punks, and ravers.
The epithet "psychedelic" is now applied to all forms of art, for example, cinema, art, music, literature, even sculpture and design can be psychedelic.

Behind you famous designer clothing and artist personal exhibitions in Russia, USA, Belgium, Estonia...
His artwork are in the collections of major museums, galleries and private collections, and the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation and full member Russian Academy art speaks for itself.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev was born on March 2, 1938 in Ivanovo, into a working-class family.
In 1945 he entered the Ivanovo secondary school.
In 1952 he entered the Ivanovo Chemical-Technological College.
In 1956 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts of this technical school with honors.
In 1956 he came to Moscow and entered the Moscow Textile Institute.
In 1962, he graduated with honors from the institute with a degree in fashion designer and, according to the distribution, was sent to the city of Babushkin to the “Experimental Technical Garment Factory of the Moscow Regional Economic Council” as artistic director.
Since 1962, he has worked at the experimental garment factory of the Mossovnarkhoz, and heads the experimental group at the all-Union House of Models on Kuznetsky Most.
Ten years later, Zaitsev starts all over again in a small atelier, which later grows into the Moscow Fashion House.

His first collection of workwear for village workers amazed everyone with its brightness and boldness - Zaitsev offered colored padded jackets, skirts made from colorful Pavlovo Posad shawls, even felt boots he personally painted with gouache before the show.
The collection was not accepted, but foreign publications published a photo report about it (including Paris Match magazine). This is how the name of the Russian fashion designer became known to famous French couturiers and the whole world.

In 1965, world fashion leaders Pierre Cardin, Marc Bohan and Guy Laroche called Vyacheslav Zaitsev “an equal among equals,” and later the French press would dub him “Red Dior” in recognition of his talent.
Since then, Vyacheslav Zaitsev has been the undisputed leader of Russian fashion.

In 1980, two books by Zaitsev were published: “Such a changeable fashion” and “This many-sided world of fashion.” In the same year, Vyacheslav Zaitsev created costumes for participants in the Moscow Olympics, for which he was awarded the order Badge of honor.

In 1982, he was the first to open his own Fashion House, and in 1988 he became its elected President.

Zaitsev the first and long time He was the only Russian fashion designer to put a personal label on his clothes.

Simultaneously with the opening of the Fashion House of Slava Zaitsev, the dream of the fashion designer to create a Fashion Theater was realized. The artist strove to spectacular form as the most convincing in promoting his creative credo, as well as the goal that Slava Zaitsev set for himself: in direct communication talk about beauty with visitors to clothing demonstrations, good taste, the ability to find your own style, about the rules of behavior in society.

In 1988, Madame Carvin, the head of the famous Fashion House, invited Zaitsev to show the “Russian Seasons in Paris” collection in the fashion capital. The master was waiting for triumph and, as a result, Jacques Chirac awarded the Gold Medal of the city of Paris and the title honorary citizen Paris.
IN next year Vyacheslav Zaitsev was named “man of the year in the fashion world.”
Then, at the “Best Five Fashion Designers in the World” festival taking place in Japan, he was recognized as the winner.

In 1992, Vyacheslav Zaitsev was the first of his colleagues to release, together with the French company L'Oreal, his own perfumes "Maroussia" and "Authentic Maroussia", which are extremely popular in the West.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich named the perfume in honor of his mother, whom he loved very much.

“During the war, my father was drafted into the army, and all the hardships of life fell on the mother, a simple and hardworking woman. In her youth, my mother dreamed of the stage and was a gifted, sensitive and receptive person. That is why she was very supportive big influence on me, awakening from childhood an interest in the world around me, in the beauty of nature, reading and folk songs. I always sang, danced, was a lively boy, at school and in college I took part in amateur performances and spent evenings. People around me called me "sunny boy."

Egor Zaitsev

And in 1993, he only son Egor, by the way, is also a fashion designer, and his daughter Masha was born. As the happy grandfather said: “She was born with her own perfume.”

My Marusechka - music and lyrics by Gerd (Gerard) Vilnov
Sings - Pyotr Leshchenko

In 1994, for the first time, Vyacheslav Zaitsev held the “Contest of Young Fashion Designers named after Nadezhda Lamanova.” (Nadezhda Petrovna Lamanova (1861-1941) - a famous Russian and Soviet fashion designer, theatrical costume designer. She had the title "Supplier of the Court of Her Imperial Majesty." She stood at the origins of Russian and Soviet fashion of the 20th century).

Zaitsev heads the Competitions "Exercise" (teachers and students of sewing colleges and lyceums), "Golden Needle", festival " Velvet seasons" in Sochi.

Despite his enormous busyness, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich leads a multifaceted creative work with young artists, fashion designers and designers. His work is truly ascetic work.

Throughout its entire creative activity Vyacheslav Zaitsev reveals himself as an extraordinary, multifaceted person who loves his native land, its nature and folk art, in which folk costume is not in last place

From 2007 to July 13, 2009 - host of the television show "Fashionable Verdict" on Channel One.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, People's Artist Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. And this is all one person!)))

In addition to everything previously listed, Vyacheslav Zaitsev writes poetry, is engaged in artistic photography - a talented person is talented in all his manifestations.

The models are somewhat unexpected - I would say so.)))
In these works there is clearly oriental theme with its bright colors and bliss.

Fantasy on the theme of "Polovtsian Dances" from Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin's opera "Prince Igor"
Performed by Paul Mauriat and his orchestra

Photo painting by Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Collection Autumn-Winter 2009-2010

A collection of dresses made from Russian linen - all the fabrics from which the collection’s products are made are made in Russia

Evening dresses, coats and, especially, hats demonstrate the signature style of the great fashion master

Vyacheslav Zaitsev's collections are replete with accessories, so it is not surprising that the master turned his attention to scarves and scarves. Shawls from Zaitsev are flowing silk with bright patterns, mostly geometric shapes.
But scarves can not only be an addition to an outfit, they can become the material from which these outfits are sewn. An example of this is the models given below and the collection of folk-style costumes designed by Zaitsev for the Russian Song ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina.
Fashion designer Zaitsev loves Pavlovo Posad scarves - this can be seen from his products, which are addressed not only to artists.

Do you think all this will be worn?
I believe that all this should be sewn!

Sergei Nikitin to the words of Yuri Levitansky - Dialogue at Christmas tree(waltz from the music for the film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears")
Singing - Tatiana and Sergei Nikitin

Valenki - Russian folk song
Sings - Lidiya Ruslanova
