Earth snake girl. Character Weaknesses

Representatives of the zodiac Snake are endowed with considerable intelligence and external beauty. The mind of this zodiac animal is always on the move, because the Snake always tries to find answers to its many questions that life poses to it. They are quite well organized, always collected and thoughtful. People born under the sign of the Snake are beautiful and elegant-looking, and are well versed in the art of seduction.

They will spend their childhood happily, but only if peace and tranquility reign in the family in which they grow up, otherwise it will be a very difficult period for them.

The youth of this person is free from any problems, but mature age brings a number of problems, the Snake will be in the grip of various passions, and its emotional life will be unstable. In old age, the wisdom of the Snake will finally bring her profit and peace, although the flame of love will die gradually, disturbing her for a long time.

The snake prefers to give advice to others, but it does not intend to listen to them. She does not need the help and advice of strangers. Unlike some signs of the eastern horoscope, the Snake, you do not like noisy companies and gatherings. She skillfully hides her true feelings.

Many people consider those born in the year of the Snake to be self-centered people - very often this is so in reality, because she refuses to listen to others, not paying attention to objective information and evidence at all. This person is too self-confident and trusts only herself, the knowledge gained in life and her intuition, which is not always true on her part.

Next Year of the Snake 2025!

Characteristics of the Snake

  • Chinese sign name: Shi
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign: Sixth
  • Time of day: 9:00 – 11:00
  • Western Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Positive traits of the Snake:

These are wise people with increased sensitivity, they are tactful and patient, witty and organized, and they know how to plan well.

Negative traits of the Snake:

People who are overly demanding and like to command, can be very jealous, sometimes lazy, tend to live a closed life, and are too restrained in their emotions.

Years of the Snake with the elements

  • January 27, 1941 - February 14, 1942 (Metal Snake)
  • February 14, 1953 - February 2, 1954 (Water Snake)
  • February 2, 1965 - January 20, 1966 (Wooden Snake)
  • February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978 (Fire Snake)
  • February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990 (Earth Snake)
  • January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002 (Metal Snake)
  • February 10, 2013 - January 30, 2014 (Water Snake)
  • January 29, 2025 - February 16, 2026 (Wooden Snake)
  • February 15, 2037 - February 3, 2038 (Fire Snake)

The snake is attentive to all the little things, it is sensitive and agile, has an excellent sense of control, it has a tendency towards vanity and narcissism. She needs to always remember that it will be much wiser to think about other people, and not just about herself, then the attitude towards you will be different.

A woman born under the sign of the Snake is picky and jealous in life; she loves to feel like the main object in the universe, especially in the eyes of her partner.

The question of fidelity is a different question, it’s not your strong point. This woman has her own concept of female fidelity; in most cases she prefers to maintain maximum freedom and independence, which does not make her a reliable wife.

What are the years of the Snake - which are 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
The mind of this zodiac animal is always on the move, because the Snake always tries to find answers to its many questions...


Year of birth of the Snake sign.

Zodiac sign Snake, by year of birth: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025.

Fire Snake, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1917 - 02/11/1918; from 02/18/1977 - 02/07/1978;
Earth Snake, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/20/1929 - 01/30/1930; from 02/06/1989 - 01/27/1990;
Metal Snake, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1941 - 02/15/1942; from 01/24/2001 - 02/12/2002;
Water Snake, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/14/1953 - 02/03/1954; from 02/10/2013 - 01/31/2014;
Wooden Snake, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/02/1965 - 01/21/1966;

Metal Snake, year of birth: 1941, 2001, 2061.

Despite the fact that people born in these years are inconspicuous and quiet, they are distinguished from their fellows by greater independence. Only a few who are allowed to do so can look into their souls. What they like most individual work. Metal Snakes have a good sense of profitable enterprises, which they immediately undertake with great enthusiasm and determination. In any situation, a representative of this sign will find his way quickly and easily; In financial matters, Snakes are very competent and have the talent to make profitable investments.
Metal Snakes are gourmets; They are well versed in art and are fans of good music, they like to surround themselves with comfort and luxury. Representatives of this type of sign have few friends, but they are proven, faithful people. In relation to those they love, Metal Snakes show great generosity and generosity.

Water snake, the year of birth: 1953, 2013, 2073.

The Water Snake has many interests; She continues to have a thirst for knowledge and self-education until old age. Representatives of this type of sign have excellent research abilities; in this field they can achieve noticeable success. Water Snakes can boast of excellent memory, intelligence, and the ability to understand finance and business. Their behavior and speech are quiet and restrained, but in order to achieve their goal, their character and will turn out to be strong enough.
Water Snakes show great loyalty when we're talking about about their families and friends.

Wood Snake, year of birth: 1905, 1965, 2025.

Wood Snakes are characterized by intelligence, wit, ambition, and good character. They are quite sociable and tolerant of human weaknesses. Most people born under this sign have quite a lot of friends and admirers of their talents. At the same time, they want to live a stable and calm life, avoiding outside interference and an abundance of advisors. The Wood Snake has quite a few interests, but most of all they are attracted to art. Collecting paintings and antiques gives them real pleasure.
People around them seek the Wood Snake's advice, especially of a personal nature, and value it very much.

The snake is the sixth sign of the 12-year cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the energy of “yang”, “yin” and the element “fire”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Virgo.

The snake symbolizes: wisdom, cunning, elegance, determination, exactingness, observation, hard work, caution, prudence, coldness, secrecy, stinginess, selfishness, rigidity

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Snake

The characteristics of representatives of the Snake sign introduces the peculiarities of character, building personal relationships, and professional growth of people born in the year of this animal.

Character traits

Positive. The snake is wise and cunning, so it always gets what it wants. The constancy of her nature is manifested by her determination in any endeavor. This sign achieves a lot in life.

Characteristic positive features:

  • wisdom: The Snake is never in a hurry to make decisions, but thinks about all the pros and cons; together with natural observation, this quality forms the basis of her character;
  • cunning: always sees “loopholes” that help her achieve her goal; can sometimes even subtly use other people to get his way;
  • elegance: the ability to behave in society and look good – distinctive features Snakes; she is always “dressed to the nines” and easily carries on small talk;
  • determination: always strives for a goal, no matter what - mercantile or love; for her, the current goal is the main thing in life, so other areas remain in the background;
  • demanding: demanding of oneself and others; knows how to properly organize the work process and lead the work team towards the set goal;
  • observation: The Snake is a born psychologist: she always notices what is happening around her and is well versed in feelings; therefore, they often turn to her for advice in difficult situations.

Negative. The main negative character traits of the Snake are coldness and secrecy. She is not easy to understand because she hides her feelings and does not reveal her plans. At the same time, as others get to know her, they understand that they can rely on her.

  • prudence: always weighs the possibilities for achieving the goal and uses prohibited techniques, including weak spots competitors, their failures and miscalculations; she always ends up in the right place at the right time;
  • coldness: the Snake’s sense of pity and empathy is poorly developed; she has a strong character, and she demands the same from others; at the same time, she is capable of strong feelings for loved ones;
  • secrecy: often you won’t get a word from representatives of this sign about plans and intentions; The snake is accustomed to keeping all ideas to itself, which does not improve its relationships with others;
  • stinginess: thrifty; All earned funds are distributed monthly for the most necessary needs, and then for everything else.

Love and relationships

The snake looks closely at the object of its interest for a long time. He must have a worthy worldview, behavior in society and intelligence.

When all the “tests” are passed, the Snake begins courtship. Often arranges provocations in order to find out his attitude to a certain situation (for example, makes him jealous).

At home, the Snake is selfish and demands that everything be as it suits it. Due to the complexity of her character, she is often left alone. This does not become a problem for her, because she feels comfortable alone. But if possible, he still strives to link his destiny with his chosen partner.

Career and profession

The snake is hardworking. She meticulously carries out the work assigned to her. Thanks to wisdom and observation, he becomes an invaluable worker. The snake always finds a way out of any difficult situation and never finds itself “backed into a corner.”

Performs well on leadership positions thanks to rigidity and exactingness. This is a stern and fair boss. At the same time, he does not like senior management because of comments and instructions addressed to him.

Recommended professions: The Snake chooses for itself activities where it is required to demonstrate the ability to think and analyze. The positions of a doctor, financial analyst, accountant, lawyer, and diplomat are suitable for her.

Year of the Snake
List of Snake years by eastern calendar. Characteristics of people born in the year of this animal. general description sign, character traits of the Snake, building personal relationships, careers.


Year of the Snake Horoscope, 2025 Year of Which Animal

The Snake ranks sixth in the Chinese Zodiac. The 12 animals of the zodiac are in this order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Every year is associated with Chinese Zodiac animals according to a 12-year cycle.

  • Lucky Colors: black, red, yellow
  • Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 9
  • Lucky Flowers: orchid and cactus
  • Years of birth: . 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025.

Snake: description and characteristics

The order of the years of the Snake according to the elements

  • February 4, 1905 – January 24, 1906
  • January 23, 1917 - February 10, 1918
  • February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930
  • January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942
  • February 14, 1953 - February 2, 1954
  • February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966
  • February 18, 1977 - February 6, 1978
  • February 6, 1989 - January 26, 1990
  • January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002
  • February 10, 2013 - January 30, 2014
  • January 29, 2025 - February 16, 2026
  • February 15, 2037 - February 3, 2038

The snake embodies the female principle of yin and the male principle of yang at the same time, the 2nd triangle (Rooster, Ox and Snake), the element of fire.

The sign of the Snake brings with it wisdom from an early age, excellent intuition, a high level of self-awareness and self-esteem. Therefore, the Snake is considered intractable, and it is difficult to establish superficial contact with it. Prefers thoughtful decisions, relies only on personal experience and sensations. Outwardly, she is elegant, pays attention to her image and collects an expensive wardrobe. In life, the Snake is prone to epicureanism - an expert in pleasures and pleasures. Despite this, she is quite naive at first glance, she can be easily surprised, shocked, and enticed. He may become interested in writing - as a hobby or profession; he gravitates toward art and collecting.

Much depends on the conditions in which the Snake was born. Winter Snakes are prone to fear and have little initiative. If the Snake was born in the hot season, it will not be able to work in a cold climate. If her birth was accompanied by unusual situations, in a thunderstorm, then the Snake will be prone to mysticism, will find herself in incredible situations, and the course of events can sharply change its direction. The Snake will not waste time on trifles and small salaries; the Snake can sacrifice a lot for truly great goals.

Positive aspects of the sign

A thoughtful approach to all areas of life characterizes the Snake as a deep thinker, a wise and mystical discoverer. Prudence helps her achieve success. Caution and responsibility help in partnerships. The snake is a very purposeful and strong nature. Sensual and smart in love, she is constant in her affections. Attractive, has a special magnetism and influence on other people.

People born in the year of the Snake are philosophers and thinkers. Their undoubted advantages are endurance and patience. "Snakes" They are characterized by a craving for well-being and prosperity, which is given to them exclusively after long work. Adventures are contraindicated for “snakes”. The big advantage of “snakes” is their unique ability to renew and recover - after a serious physical illness or after a mental or emotional trauma. Most of the time they prefer to be in the shade. “Snakes” do not commit any actions without first and carefully thinking them through, and they extremely rarely resort to spontaneous actions. As a rule, “snakes” set themselves one single goal and use all their strength and means to achieve it. If it is impossible to go to the goal in a direct way, the “snake” will crawl in a zigzag: for a “snake” all means are good. Sometimes the “snake”, convinced that great goals are destined for it, spends its entire life waiting for the “finest hour”, mediocrely wasting its life on the “great expectation”, instead of living.

The main problem of “snakes” is that they do not listen to anyone’s advice and do not learn from mistakes. “Snakes” endure defeat and failure very hard, mentally returning to their failures for years, experiencing them again and again. “Snakes” think about each step for a long time and, even having developed an action plan, do not immediately begin the actions themselves. It is easier for them to adapt to the changes taking place around them than to try to change something in the current situation, much less change themselves. “Snakes” cannot live without a partner, whom they choose for a long time and meticulously. In the family they prefer to be leaders.

In their youth, “snakes” conquer hearts with their irresistible charm, in maturity – with their intellect and erudition.

Born in the year of the Snake

Stasis Krasauskas (06/01/1929), Mikhail Anikushin (09/30/1917), Jean Sartre (06/21/1905), Alexandra Pakh-mutova (11/09/1929), Lyudmila Zykina (06/10/1929), Andrei Mironov (03/08/1941), Valery Zolotukhin (06/22/1941), John Kennedy (05/29/1917), Indira Gandhi (11/19/1917), Nicolae Ceausescu (01/26/1918), Tigran Petrosyan (06/17/1929).

Hieroglyph Snake: Sy.

Snake's motto:"I am planning".

Sign location: sixth.

Triad: second (Thinkers triangle).

Element (element) of the sign Snake: fire.

Nature of the sign: Yin.

Direction: south-southeast.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Calf.

Time of day under the control of the Snake: 09.00-11.00.

Color: red.

Snake Gem: Opal.

Food traditions: fish, meat, vegetables.

Years of the Snake

  • February 4, 1905 – January 24, 1906 – Year of the Wooden Snake.
  • January 23, 1917 – February 10, 1918, year of the Fire Snake.
  • February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930, year of the Earth Snake.
  • January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942, year of the Metal Snake.
  • February 14, 1953 – February 2, 1954, year of the Water Snake.
  • February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966, Year of the Wooden Snake.
  • February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978, year of the Fire Snake.
  • February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990, year of the Earth Snake.
  • January 24, 2001 – February 11, 2002, year of the Metal Snake.
  • February 10, 2013 – January 30, 2014, year of the Water Snake.
  • January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026, year of the Wood Snake.
  • February 15, 2037 – February 3, 2038 Year of the Fire Snake.

Characteristics of the Snake

The snake is characterized by wisdom, tact, intuition, wit, sensuality, grace, creativity and a somewhat mystical perception of the world. She is purposeful, responsible, careful, organized, smart and balanced. At the same time, she can be demanding, jealous, distrustful and deceitful.

The snake, the sixth sign of the Chinese horoscope, is a symbol of wisdom and insight. The natural element of the Snake is Fire, which has pronounced yang qualities associated with activity, light and creation. At the same time, the sign has a Yin nature. This combination indicates that those born in the year of the Snake have an innate ability for a harmonious balance of the two principles.

Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese horoscope

The direction of the snake corresponds to south-southeast, which in turn is associated with late morning - in China it has been called the “sixth watch” since ancient times. The month of the Snake (according to the Gregorian calendar, this is the period from May 5 to June 5), which in China is considered the beginning of summer, is also associated with the south-southeast direction.
The sign of the Snake in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to the red color (hun), which is associated with the exuberance of life, corresponds to the Sun and the element of Fire (manifestation of maximum vitality and activity), which in turn is the natural element of the sign.

Since the Snake corresponds to the element of Fire-Yin, the sign is associated with a relatively light shade of red. For the Chinese, red is the color of joy, so, for example, the bride and wedding paraphernalia has always been red, conveying the power of the sun and fire, which scare away evil spirits. For the same reason, it was believed that if a red thread was wound around a child’s hand, it would protect him from the evil eye. In astrology, the color red corresponds to Mars (Inhosin) and the red fire spirit Zhu-rong.

Together with the Bull and the Rooster, the Snake enters the second Triangle of Spiritual Relationship (Triangle of Thinkers), the vertices of which are, respectively, the second, sixth and tenth earthly branches. In this trio, the Snake acts as a strategist.

The best partnerships- in marriage, friendship and business, the Snake develops with its brothers in the Kinship Triangle, i.e. with the Ox and the Rooster; alliances with the Dragon and the Dog are successful and favorable. In any area, an alliance with a Pig is strictly contraindicated.

Year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Snake (born in 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025).

02/14/1953 - 02/02/1954 (element of the year - water, color black)
02/02/1965 - 01/20/1966 (element of the year - wood, color blue)
02/18/1977 - 02/06/1978 (element of the year - fire, color red)
02/06/1989 - 01/26/1990 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
01/24/2001 - 02/11/2002 (element of the year - metal, color white)
02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014 (element of the year - water, color black)
01/29/2025 - (element of the year - wood, color blue)

Characteristics of the Year of the Snake.

The sixth sign of the eastern calendar.
In Christian countries, the Snake is usually associated with something unpleasant, but in Asian countries, on the contrary, it is revered for wisdom, insight and will. The Snake man is sentimental, pleasant to talk to and witty. The Snake woman is very beautiful and is popular with men.
In Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they usually say: “My dear, you are... real snake" You understand that in European countries these words could hardly be taken as a compliment.
The snake dresses very elegantly and even somewhat pretentiously. Women have a passion for exquisite accessories. Snake is an intellectual, philosopher. She thinks a lot and deeply and is not talkative at all. She is wise, but could do without this quality, since she has remarkably developed intuition. It happens that the Snake’s intuition even develops into clairvoyance. She trusts impressions, feelings and sympathies more,
rather than facts own experience and the experience of others. The snake does not need anyone's judgment or advice - its sixth sense tells it everything. But oddly enough, she is not much of a player.
The snake always finishes what it starts. She does not even allow the thought of failure. Makes decisions very quickly. He does not like to lend, but if he feels sympathy for a person, he will still come to the rescue. However, before you turn to the Snake for support, think carefully: in an effort to do you a favor, it will become more embarrassing than helpful. That's what she and the Snake do - to wrap themselves around someone who owes it something and strangle them.
The Snake is lucky with money. She will always find them if she needs them. Therefore, he never worries about money. But in old age he can become a miser. The snake can do any work that does not involve risk. Despite the fact that she is quite lazy, if necessary she can overpower herself and work a lot.
In love, she chooses her partner herself. And even when love passes, it remains intolerant and jealous towards him. She wraps herself around the unfortunate person and does not give any freedom - and all this is out of simple whim. This especially applies to Snake men.
The Snake is calm about extramarital affairs, which greatly complicates her life. If she devotes herself to her family, then her life becomes harmonious and serene. But in both cases, the Snake fetters the partner, which, naturally, not everyone will like.
The first phases of the Snake's life will be relatively calm. But in the last phase, her sentimental and passionate character, her taste for adventure can be a disservice. But she could well have a calm old age! It all depends on when the Snake was born - in summer or winter, at night or during the day. Even the weather on her birthday matters. Only warmth suits a snake. She is afraid of the cold, hurricane winds - in a word, any bad weather. A snake will be happier if it was born in a hot climate tropical country, on a hot day than on a cold December night. If there was a storm on the Snake’s birthday, she will be in danger all her life.

Snake and zodiac sign.

Aries: Python Snake. Beware of Aries' blows. Taurus Viper. She will be faithful, but her charm will be irresistible.
Gemini: Mobile Snake. The most fickle.
Cancer: Snake-somnambulist. He won't exhaust himself. She needs to be stirred up.
Leo: Active Snake. A rare species, by far the most balanced.
Virgo: The Snake is too polite to be honest. Be careful not to get caught by her, she can hypnotize.
Scorpio: Lustful Snake. Will always try to make you nibble on the apple of jealousy.
Sagittarius: Determined Snake. Must achieve its goal, but not always in an attractive way.
Capricorn: Snake-philosopher. A lot of intelligence, but somewhat abstract.
Aquarius: The snake is erotic, secretive, mysterious. The future lies in providence, in spiritualism...
Pisces: Water Snake. She will be very cold-blooded.

The snake belongs to the Yang group. IN Eastern horoscope this is the sixth sign. The sign of the Snake rules the time interval from 9 to 11 am. Her season is spring, it brings her good luck in everything, and the peak of this period is May. In the European Zodiac, the Snake corresponds to Taurus. Its element is Fire. The color that brings her prosperity and happiness is green and red. Plants and flowers that bring her luck are thistles, ferns, heathers and all kinds of plants that grow among the stones. Top countries for accommodation Snakes - Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Southern CIS, Peru.

Years of the Snake sign in our century

  • 1905 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1917 January 23 - element of the year fire
  • 1929 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1941 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1953 February 14 - element of the year water
  • 1965 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1977 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 1989 February 6 - element of the year earth
  • 2001 January 24 - element of the year metal
  • 2013 February 10 - element of the year water


Muhammad Ali, Antonio Berni, Heinrich Böll, Pavel Virsky, Jean Vigo, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Indira Gandhi, Vasily Grossman, Vladislav Gomulko, Lyudmila Zykina, Dmitry Zorin, Grigory Kozintsev, John Kennedy, Ferdinand Marcoe, Alexey Kozlovsky, Igor Moiseev, Artem Mikoyan , Vera Panova, Gemal-Abdel, Tigran Petrosyan, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Christian Dior, Maria Smirnova, Bob Hawke, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesse Jackson, Henry Matisse, Mao Tse-Tung, Pablo Picasso, Aristotle Onassis, Greta Garbo, Edgar Allan, Charles Darwin, Giacomo Casanova, Andre Gide, Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Baudelaire, Gustave Flaubert, Johannes Brahms, Audrey Hepburn, Bela Bartok, Anna Pavlova, Gustave Doré, Denis Diderot, Johann Wolfgang, Dmitri Dostoevsky, Heinrich Heine, Nikolai Gogol , Luther King, Louis Philippe.

In Christian culture, the sign of the Snake has a bad reputation, but in the East the complete opposite, the Snake, is revered and loved for its wisdom, benevolence and intelligence. If, for example, in Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they say to her, “You look like a Snake,” then in Western countries this is considered an insult. Flexible and silent, the Snake is a master of grace and subterfuge. It is present in all legends, and evokes conflicting feelings: desire and anxiety, antipathy and sympathy. The snake is a mysterious companion of the unknown. She's the personification highest degree initiation into the great mysteries of knowledge. In Eastern and Indian Yoga, and also in Tibetan Buddhism it symbolizes the flow of Kundalini energy coming from the root of the spine to the crown of the head. This energy unites life path with the spiritual. Liberation and awakening - Kundalini is the main stage of spiritual development and opens parapsychological abilities in a person - clairvoyance, levitation, telepathy and much more.

The snake can show mysterious dreams to a person, directing him to mysterious worlds and also unexpectedly overtake by surprise. The sacred goddess Ophidia was depicted in the form of a snake - this is the god of the sea and earth, an evil demon living in mud, swamps, and water. She came to us from the dark depths of our subconscious, filling our dreams with fantasies. She is associated with culture ancient China as the founding father of the Chinese Emperor.

When the world consisted of chaos, and everything was unorganized between heaven and earth, Pan-Ku was born. Thanks to Pan-Ku, the earth was warmed by the sun, stars and planets were born, and the moon shone. But our planet was empty until Nu-Va appeared. He was very handsome, extremely intelligent, and his body was shaped like a Snake with a human head. Crawling along the ground, Nu-Wa was intoxicated by millions of smells, and he turned them into the aromas of life. With his tail he dug the earth and kneaded this whole mass until he created a creature whose body was like that of a monkey and the head of a man. This is how the very first Chinese emperor was born.

There are many different legends about the Snake in the world. In Tibet there is a symbol of the Snake, it grabs its own tail, this means eternal renewal. In the Book of the Dead in Tibetan mythology it is written: “I am Sata, the Snake living in the distant corners of our planet, I am born, I die, I am renewed and I become younger every day.” In all religions, the Snake means a symbol of wisdom, and is also a source of excitement. Who will not be afraid of the Snake and will not retreat? There are no such brave souls, because the human reaction to a snake is disgust and fear, and if it is also poisonous, then the disgust and fear of it are limitless.

If you put aside superstitious fear and start observing the Snake, then you can see aesthetics and beauty in it. This is a brilliant and thin animal, paralyzing and poisoning, endowed with magical power. In the Bible, the Serpent brought chaos to life by tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden, but let's not forget that this is the appearance in which Satan was. This is all appearance, because of it we condemn the Snake, its appearance is a very heavy burden. The same analogy from the Bible was used in Chinese mythology. She is depicted in it as a Seducing Serpent who has powerful hypnosis that is difficult to resist. The Snake is the only sign of the zodiac that is difficult to resist, it has an inner light that cannot be ignored.


People of the Snake sign are happy if they were born in a hot summer. They love wild and dry spaces under sunny skies. A Snake born on a hot afternoon will be happier than a Snake born on a cold night. If she was born in winter, and even on a night of severe frost, then various dangers will await her in life. She feels great in the heat and does not like rain or cold.

The Snake usually has a happy childhood, but only in a good and warm family. Her youth also passes without problems, but as she grows up, she has various troubles on the emotional plane and various temptations.

In old age, the Snake gains wisdom, but the fire of love always remains, and can bring them a lot of anxiety.


People born under the Snake zodiac sign are well-mannered and elegant people. They look sophisticated and have something exciting about them. They are polite, very communicative and always friendly. Snakes are charming and romantic in society and always attract attention. They have a wonderful sense of humor, excellent conversationalists, and this is how they focus attention on themselves. They know how to talk to people, attracting them with their mystery. These people have a good combination of thoughtful thinking and good looks, which makes them simply irresistible. These are extravagant people who have their own taste and love to dress beautifully.

People under the sign of the Snake have the ability to learn; they grasp everything instantly. These people are intelligent, deep and thoughtful. By nature they are thinkers and philosophers. People under the sign of the Snake love to read and use their knowledge well. These people take great pleasure in exchanging knowledge and thoughts in heated discussions, while they need dialogue like air, and their interlocutors are very pleasant. They have a rare deep mind, they are very smart and always give wise answers. Their judgments cannot be said to be superficial.

Snake people do not like anger and avoid noisy people and vulgarity. They love music very much, they really need applause and adore honors, and when they are deserved, they are very proud of themselves. Snakes will never waste time on gossip.

Snakes at birth have an internal gift of intuition, which borders on clairvoyance. They see through people and penetrate their subconscious. They trust their inner instinct more, pay attention to their own sympathies and feelings, rather than to facts and other people’s opinions. They often learn from their own mistakes, but they rarely make mistakes.

In life, people born under the sign of the Snake behave peacefully, calmly, love stability and harmony. They can easily adapt to any environment and quickly settle down. They have an iron will that protects them without hesitation and makes them fight for their moral and material goals. In this matter, they know how to react instantly, showing their poisonous teeth. Snakes do not really like unnecessary body movements, and therefore, if possible, they doze.

They know how to work very efficiently and quickly; they do not like to put off work until tomorrow what they can do today. They value their time very much, and when they have a free minute, they devote it to their favorite activities. These people's favorite pastimes are: repairing, rearranging things, relaxing outside the city; after finishing their business, they can sleep for a long time. But if they set a goal, they can remove any obstacles. They make decisions instantly, and as a rule they do not change them again.
