Fortune telling for love on sticks 111. Fortune telling on sticks - the secrets of love divination and the meaning of combinations

People have always sought to know the future. Girls often use variations of love spells. Fortune telling by lines is a technique that allows you to find out about the thoughts and feelings of the guy you like. Love fortune telling on sticks has 3 variations.

Fortune telling on paper

Complex fortune telling with sticks on paper gives true information if done in the evening from Thursday to Friday. They take White list paper and pen. They meditate a little, focus on the chosen one, imagine the guy’s appearance, pronounce his name in their mind.

Write vertical lines in a row. They stop abruptly when the subconscious says “stop.” Move to the next row. There should be 4 of them in total. 3 lines are crossed out in all of them.

They look to see if there are any sticks left or not. Connect the value into a power code. For example:

  • there were 16 sticks in the first row, after crossing out there was 1 left;
  • in the second there were 3, 0 remained;
  • in the third 5, 2 left;
  • in the fourth 7, 1 left;
  • numeric code - 1021.

Interpretation of meanings in a positive aspect

Positive meaning of fortune telling with sticks:

  • 2100 - love confession, interesting and unexpected;
  • 1001 - you will be together soon, he can’t wait to become your gentleman;
  • 2211 - you will see him tomorrow;
  • 0022 - thinks positively about you;
  • 2021 - burning with love, looking forward to the next meeting;
  • 0201 - doesn’t want to live without you;
  • 0221 - will present an interesting present;
  • 1000 - wants to meet and chat;
  • 0101 - burns with the desire to kiss, hug;
  • 0100 - hesitates for a long time to approach, but loves with all her soul, needs a figurative push;
  • 1121 - experiences tender tremulous feelings, is romantic. Also 1121 indicates shyness and can be interpreted as waiting for the first step from the girl;
  • 1021 - looking for a reason to meet;
  • 0102 - is in sadness without your tender eyes;
  • 2112 - doesn’t know where to start a conversation, is waiting for support in this matter;
  • 0101 - goes for walks only with you, protects himself from communicating with other girls;
  • 1220 - your pen will soon have a ring;
  • 2212 - his love has no boundaries or barriers, he is ready to win your heart;
  • 1122 - prepare an outfit for a date, your loved one is in a good mood;
  • 0200 - go to the cinema with him;
  • 2001 - goes crazy with your lips;
  • 2201 - does not want to part;
  • 0210 - ready to spend all my time with you;
  • 1222 - declares his love tomorrow;
  • 2210 - will touch your tender hand with his lips;
  • 2200 - upset by your coldness;
  • 2121 - awaits reconciliation;
  • 0012 - reciprocates;
  • 1002 - a pleasant surprise awaits you;
  • 2221 - get ready for a trip together;
  • 1222 or 2000 is a sign: fate has prepared a fairy tale for the two of you, the guy dreams of you becoming his wife.

Interpretation in a negative way

Negative meaning of fortune telling with sticks on paper:

  • 2221 - attitude during the trip will change not for the better;
  • 0220 - you are too annoying, capricious and behave poorly with him;
  • 2222 - considers you ugly, sloppy;
  • 1100 - in a relationship and crazy about her;
  • 2002 - hates you with all my heart;
  • 2120 - feels disgusted, it is unpleasant for him to approach you;
  • 2022 - thinks you are easy prey;
  • 0020 - don’t burden him with your problems;
  • 2220 - the boy is not in the mood to communicate with you;
  • 1011 - stop fussing: you are annoying him;
  • 2202 - do not humiliate yourself in front of him, he is not worthy of you;
  • 1120 - wants to disgrace you by telling tall tales behind your back;
  • 2111 - is friends with you out of self-interest;
  • 1110 - his attitude is acutely negative;
  • 0002 - doesn’t know how to talk about breaking up;
  • 0011 - he has another;
  • 1022 - love triangle;
  • 0111 - love confession to laugh;
  • 1212 - your feelings are unrequited, stop wasting them;
  • 1111 - says nasty things about you behind your back; decided to take revenge for the insult; also the value 1111 is interpreted as a false accusation of treason;
  • 0122 - cheats, but is in no hurry to part with you.
  • 2020 - doesn’t want to see you;
  • 1101 - very offended, the situation is incorrigible;
  • 2102 - doesn’t want to meet;
  • 1221 - cheating on you with your best friend;
  • 1211 - wants to get rid of it as soon as possible;
  • 1202 - waiting for your departure;
  • 0121 - soon there will be a loud showdown;
  • 2010 - a strong quarrel without a chance of reconciliation.

Interpretation in a neutral direction

There are also a number of meanings without a clearly defined negative or positive connotation:

  • 1112 - his attitude is neutral;
  • 0021 - your loved one is not interested in your conversations;
  • 0212 - fortune telling for love with sticks advises: work on your appearance, the guy thinks that you have become worse in appearance;
  • 0112 - unable to decide on his feelings for you;
  • 1010 - still offended;
  • 2012 - wants to kiss, but is offended;
  • 2122 - can’t communicate with you now, too busy;
  • 1201 - waiting for a business call, so he doesn’t pay attention to you;
  • 2110 - decided to take a couple of weeks off from everything;
  • 0000 - feels broken and humiliated because of the information I learned from your ex-boyfriends;
  • 1102 - he has no time for girls now;
  • 2101 - your decision to separate mutually;
  • 2101 - wants to make peace, but is still in painful thoughts;
  • 2011 - too busy to build relationships;
  • 1200 - exhausted all his strength, wants to rest - help him relax;
  • 1020 - wants to be friends, but is a little shy, will make an attempt to approach in the coming days;
  • 0202 - he needs help, sympathy;
  • 0001 - will offer friendship;
  • 0010 - wants to spend time with friends without you, do not take this fact with hostility;
  • 0120 - wants to spend more time communicating with his childhood friend, but you prevent him;
  • 1210 - he is interested in the deeper side of the relationship, but you do not allow him to prove it;
  • 0110 - wants attention from you.

Chinese ritual for the future

In addition to fortune telling on paper, there is a simple Buddhist fortune telling for a guy on sticks - Lun. To do this you will need 100 Chinese bamboo sticks, which are called Guan Yin. Before guessing, prepare the place and mind.

During the fortune telling, no one should disturb the fortuneteller. You should imagine what you have planned, ask a question. Then the fortune teller shakes the glass of sticks so that one of them falls onto the table. The interpretation is similar to the meanings from fortune telling on the lines.

Simplified fortune telling on paper

You can guess with sticks on paper using a simplified version. Display dashes in vertical position, just as he describes complex love fortune telling on sticks. The only difference is that they write 6 rows instead of 4. Then they cross out sticks of 3.

For example, it turns out 1022211. This digital code transferred to single digit number. 1+0+2+2+2+1+1 = 9.

The meaning of fortune telling by lines:

  • 0 - a measured series of events without unnecessary nerves, worries, passions, everything goes on as usual.
  • 1 - fortune telling foretells 3 pleasant surprises this week.
  • 2 - your partner or significant other has their own plans directed against you - be vigilant.
  • 3 - answers to exciting questions will appear: they will sound to you in a positive context.
  • 4 - don’t be afraid to break the rules: this will help you achieve your goal.
  • 5 - time for dramatic changes: you will be offered new job, because of which you will have to move to a new place, but this will have a positive effect on personal relationships.
  • 6 - sea positive emotions after the trip.
  • 7 - you will soon meet your ideal.
  • 8 - receive a notification, the nature of the context is unknown.
  • 9 - soon your mind will stop working: on life path you will meet a passionate, reverent nature that will take you with you into the world of pleasures and love.

Online fortune telling with sticks is a new trend. Now it is not necessary to look for suitable attributes for the ceremony and meaning on a scribbled piece of paper. You just need to click on the lines of each row to stop writing them. In the end, fortune telling itself will give the result. The advantage of this method is that it is available at any time of the day.

At all times, girls turned to in different ways fortune telling to find out whether there is a spark of love in a guy’s heart or not. Magic rituals gave answers to questions of interest to the weaker half of humanity. Love fortune telling on sticks is one of the methods that allows you to understand whether there is reciprocity on the part of the guy, whether he likes the girl. There are three methods of such fortune telling by which you can find out your future, as well as how your loved one treats the fortune teller.

To tell fortunes on sticks, you need to arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen. Before you start casting a spell, you need to think about the name of your chosen one . Then place lines horizontally- one next to the other, an involuntary number of times. Stop when your heart tells you. This action must be repeated three more times.

After you have four rows of sticks, you need to cross out three lines in each of them. Then you need to pay attention to whether there are any sticks left. There may be none at all or only one or two left. We connect them into a number, starting from the top row. The result is a four-digit number, which will predict fate.

The meaning of fortune telling with sticks on paper is as follows.

  • 0000. The chosen one experiences the warmest and most tender feelings towards the girl.
  • 0001. Don't rush things and don't bother with questions.
  • 0002. Expects a small gift from the chosen one.
  • 0010. Your love is mutual.
  • 0011. The chosen one belongs to very proud people, so it is difficult for him to admit his own feelings.
  • 0012. A frank conversation with this person could end badly.
  • 0020. A girl’s love for a guy resonates in his heart.
  • 0021. The chosen one feels the desire to see you.
  • 0022. Your romance, with mutual work on yourself, can be long.
  • 0100. Show your affection to your chosen one more love and care, he needs it,
  • 0101. He has had tender feelings towards you for a long time.
  • 0102. The chosen one may soon invite you to the cinema or somewhere else.
  • 0110. The young man is angry with you.
  • 0111. It’s a pity, but you are only his friend, because another love lives in his heart.
  • 0112. He doesn't understand you.
  • 0120. This man cannot be trusted, he laughs at you.
  • 0121. The chosen one can be entrusted with the secrets of the heart and reveal the soul.
  • 0122. There will be a date soon.
  • 0200. Your chosen one likes your character.
  • 0201. Your gait is mesmerizing young man.
  • 0202. Don’t push away your beloved guy, be more kind to him.
  • 0210. Soon your chosen one will unexpectedly kiss you.
  • 0211. There is no result of fortune telling, repeat later.
  • 0212. The young man likes your name.
  • 0220. Someone you don’t think about has serious feelings for you.
  • 0221. The guy doesn't like your friends.
  • 0222. A quarrel may happen between you.
  • 1000. Love is unlikely, but strong friendship is possible.
  • 1001. Waiting for a date.
  • 1002. You are only a friend to your chosen one, since his thoughts are directed to another.
  • 1010. He often thinks about you.
  • 1011. He will open his arms and you will hug.
  • 1012. The chosen one of your love is ready to pursue you.
  • 1020. There will be no love between you, only friendship.
  • 1021. The chosen one believes that you do not take him seriously.
  • 1022. You are destined to get married.
  • 1100. Loves another very much.
  • 1101. Remembers you with a smile on his lips.
  • 1102. He has a desire, which is expressed in hugs with you.
  • 1110. The long-awaited kiss is coming soon.
  • 1111. He is indifferent towards you and there will be no reciprocal feelings.
  • 1112. Be more gentle.
  • 1120. Waiting for a meeting with the chosen one.
  • 1121. Your girlfriend is interested.
  • 1122. The feeling flared up at first sight.
  • 1200. Appreciates you for your kindness and honesty.
  • 1201. Thinks about you constantly.
  • 1210. The young man likes your face.
  • 1211. I like your friendly character.
  • 1212. Will not be able to come to your birthday.
  • 1220. Wants to come visit you.
  • 1221. The chosen one yearns and cannot live without you.
  • 1222. You have no future different characters and goals in life.
  • 2000. He is sad because of your fault.
  • 2001. The young man is indifferent to you.
  • 2002. He is in love with someone else.
  • 2010. Getting ready to confess his feelings.
  • 2011. Loves from the heart.
  • 2012. I like you very much, I forgot about myself.
  • 2020. Experiences tender feelings, but is afraid to admit them.
  • 2021. Your paths will cross more than once.
  • 2022. Wait for news from him.
  • 2100. I like your lips.
  • 2101. I like the figure.
  • 2102. Waiting happy news from his friend.
  • 2110. There will be a relationship, but not for long.
  • 2111. Feels tenderness towards you, but now he has problems.
  • 2112. He will ask about how you feel towards him.
  • 2120. The chosen one loves you.
  • 2121. I like talking to you.
  • 2122. You are causing him mental pain.
  • 2200. The chosen one likes you.
  • 2201. Jealous of his friend.
  • 2202. You are required to remain yourself and not lose your head.
  • 2210. Waiting for a date.
  • 2211. There is a risk of rupture.
  • 2212. Ready to fight for you so that you stay with him.
  • 2220. Trying to forget you.
  • 2221. He only wants friendship with you.
  • 2222. He thinks about you often.

Predicting the future

This method requires two people to guess. Start putting lines in the first row, continue until the second person says the word “stop”. After that, go to the second row and wait until they stop you. Then do the same with the third one., fourth, fifth and sixth row. Cross out the sticks, combining them in threes. Do this until the sticks are completely crossed out or the number of them that cannot be crossed out remains, that is, one or two.

What remains is a set of six digits, for example 000112. The resulting numbers must be added together. In our case, the result was the number 4. If, when adding, you get a two-digit number, then the numbers that make it up need to be added together again. If, say, only twos came up, then when added, the number 12 was obtained. Add 1 and 2, we get 3 . Now let’s look at the interpretation of the fortune telling result.

The value of the numbers drawn

English fortune telling "Queen"

It is believed that this method was passed on to people by the Druids. For this fortune-telling, paper is not needed, but you will need seven wooden sticks or twigs. The length of four of them should match the length index finger, the other three are the little fingers. They should be the same in thickness, with the exception of one - the “Queen”, the diameter of which should be slightly larger. It is placed on the floor, near the feet, while the rest must be held in the left hand.

Close your eyes, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, focus on one question that interests you. this moment interested. Mix all the sticks in your hand, then transfer them to your right hand.

Without opening your eyes, squeeze one stick with your left hand, right palm Unclench. There were five branches on the floor. Open your eyes and carefully look at how they lie.

If you don’t have any suitable twigs at hand, but want to find out what the boy you like thinks about you right now, you can try fortune telling on sticks on VKontakte, it is no different from what is presented here.

Fortune telling with sticks is very interesting and allows you to find out what awaits you in the future, as well as what feelings your loved one has for you. The result may not be what you expected, but you should not treat it as final. After all, fate can be changed - everything is in your hands . Or you can try other fortune tellers - perhaps they will predict something better.

Attention, TODAY only!

When this fortune telling appeared, no one will say for sure, but the fact that it is very popular all over the world has been for a long time known fact. It achieved such popularity due to its simplicity and accessibility.

All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Note that this is female fortune telling and with its help, you can find out about your relationship with your loved one.

Before you start making a prediction, remember that the main thing for you is a sense of proportion and your feminine intuition, which will help you not to draw extra sticks.

In the first line, start placing the sticks vertically until you realize that it is enough. So you have to draw three rows of sticks. Now we proceed to the second stage: cross out 3 sticks with one horizontal line. In any of the three rows, you may have “extra” sticks left or no sticks left at all, which we will use to guess. For example, in the first row you have 1 stick left, in the second row you have 0 sticks, and in the third row you have 2 sticks. As a result, you have the number 102.

Let's look at the combinations, i.e. fortune telling with sticks meaning:

000 – the young man wants a relationship with you

001 - wants to see you

002 – he has a genuine interest in you

010 - you have strong love

011 – he loves, he just doesn’t know how to show his feelings

012 - there is no love, but there is friendship

020 - he has no feelings for you

021 - wants to meet you

022 - he hopes for friendship

100 - he has warm feelings for you

101 – he’s just a womanizer and his feelings are not real

102 - he has a lot of people like you

110 - wants a kiss

111 – his love is sincere, but he is silent about it because he is afraid of losing you

112 – doesn’t want to live without you

120 - wants to marry you

121 – expect a beautiful bouquet

122 - there will be news from him

200 – you are very attractive to him

202 - you like him very much

210 – he’s only thinking about you now

211 - you have mutual love

212 - jealous, loves very much

220 - expect a date

221 – change your behavior, otherwise you will break up

222 - separation awaits you.

There is another fortune telling with sticks, but here you will need seven wooden or plastic sticks. One of the sticks should be longer than the others and painted in a different color - this stick symbolizes you and has great importance in this fortune telling.

Sit down on a chair, place your wand (which is longer) near your right leg on the floor, take the rest in your hands and move them, closing your eyes and mentally asking your question. Now lower your hand with the chopsticks and open your palm so that the chopsticks fall to the floor.

Open your eyes and look at the fortune telling on sticks meaning:

If the sticks fell far from the one that was lying– the answer to the question is “no”, if nearby – yes.

If one stick lies across your– there will be obstacles, but they will be easy, you will overcome everything perfectly.

If two sticks lie across your- It will be difficult to solve the issue, but you can handle it.

If three sticks lie across– you shouldn’t take on this matter, nothing good awaits you, it’s better to switch your attention to something else.

All the sticks fell scattered around your– your thoughts and plans correspond to reality, you are simply “with your head in the clouds”, it’s time to look at everything from a different perspective.

The sticks lie in a neat pile- expect good news, news, perhaps financial affairs will improve.

Sometimes you can carry out this fortune-telling in another way: if you carry your sticks with you in your bag, then mentally ask a question and take out the first stick you come across from the bag. If you got yours, the answer is positive, but if you got one of the same ones, then the answer is negative. This can be done three times.

Have you ever tried fortune telling with sticks on paper, the meaning of which in most cases turns out to be quite accurate? If not, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the three most popular types. All you need is paper and a pen. You can guess about desire, about the future, and, of course, about love!

Simple fortune telling with sticks on paper

The easiest way to find out if your wish will come true is to test it with pen and paper. You need to take a blank piece of paper, think about what you want, and then start drawing ordinary sticks in a line - vertical lines.

You need to stop when you intuitively feel that it is time. In order to find out the meaning of fortune telling on sticks on paper for a wish, simply cross out the drawn lines two at a time and see how many remain in the end. If there is only one touch left, rejoice, because your plans will definitely come true, and if not a single one, alas, your dreams are not destined to come true.

This method of prediction is probably familiar to many of you from childhood. Back at school, during breaks between lessons, the girls covered notebook sheets, and then enthusiastically discussed the meaning of fortune telling with sticks on paper - for girls it was a very interesting pastime, allowing them to find out whether there would be any relationship with the guy they were interested in and his feelings.

If you want to return to your carefree childhood years, try telling fortunes the way we did a long time ago. You need to think about the young man for whom you have sympathy, and then begin to draw vertical lines on a piece of paper, as in the previous fortune-telling, only do it not in one row, but in four, each time mentally saying to yourself “stop” when your intuition will tell you and move on to the next row.

When you're done, start crossing out three sticks in each row. As a result, in each horizontal line you will have either two, or one, or no lines left - write down the resulting number for each row, and then look at what the combination of these four numbers means.

  • 0000 - the guy has no feelings
  • 0001 - do not be persistent - there is a high risk of scaring off a potential gentleman
  • 0002 - expect a surprise
  • 0010 - your feelings are mutual, but there is no need to rush things yet, let everything take its course
  • 0011 - your chosen one is too shy, so he is afraid to approach
  • 0012 - obsession - the worst thing you can think of in this situation
  • 0020 - be more decisive
  • 0021 - the young man can’t believe that you’re in love with him
  • 0022 - soon the guy will introduce you to his friends - be prepared!
  • 0100 - you are thinking about the same thing
  • 0101 - he is a deceiver, you should not deal with him
  • 0102 - joint meetings will soon become more frequent - who knows what this will lead to?
  • 0110 - the guy is offended for something
  • 0111 - he is beside himself with anger
  • 0112 - meaning 0112 when fortune telling with sticks on paper - the imminent appearance of a rival
  • 0120 - you can’t find a common language
  • 0121 - tell him your secret
  • 0122 - get ready to be asked on a date
  • 0200 - have a heart-to-heart talk
  • 0201 - a guy only values ​​your appearance
  • 0202 - be more gentle with him
  • 0210 - there will be a passionate kiss soon
  • 0211 - the wrong day was chosen for fortune telling, information is closed
  • 0212 - he values ​​your friendship
  • 0220 - complete admiration on his part!
  • 0221 - someone does not approve of your choice
  • 0222 - a quarrel is coming
  • 1000 - you will be disappointed in this young man
  • 1001 - arrange a date yourself
  • 1002 - he enjoys communicating with you
  • 1010 - all the guy’s thoughts are about you!
  • 1011 - unfortunately, he will cheat or deceive
  • 1012 - now is not the time to make decisions
  • 1020 - you will talk seriously
  • 1021 - your jokes at his expense may cause offense
  • 1022 - you will get married
  • 1100 - the heart of a young man yearns for another girl
  • 1101 - don’t try to find out all its secrets
  • 1102 - no future together
  • 1110 - you shouldn’t approach
  • 1111 - wait for a love note or SMS
  • 1112 - Are you too focused on yourself?
  • 1120 - romantic meeting
  • 1121 - relationships will not work out due to the interference of your friends
  • 1122 - the guy’s feelings are more serious than yours
  • 1200 - he considers you fair
  • 1201 is destiny!
  • 1202 - he values ​​appearance more than your character
  • 1210 - beware of deception
  • 1211 - give him a gift
  • 1212 - make an appointment yourself
  • 1220 - he will come to visit soon
  • 1221 - bored
  • 1222 - you are too different
  • 2000 - has a grudge against you
  • 2001 - support will come from friends
  • 2002 - “African passions”
  • 2010 - feelings will soon cool down
  • 2011 - sincerely loves
  • 2012 - misunderstanding
  • 2020 - conversation required
  • 2021 - get him interested in something
  • 2022 - the main thing is common interests!
  • 2100 - be careful
  • 2101 - possible conflict, quarrel
  • 2102 - pleasant surprise
  • 2110 - you will break up
  • 2111 - you will deceive your gentleman yourself
  • 2112 - don’t chatter all over the place about your feelings!
  • 2120 - you will be brought together by common sadness, failure, grief
  • 2121 - the guy has nervous stress because of you!
  • 2122 - jealous
  • 2200 - perfect pair
  • 2201 - feelings are worth talking about out loud
  • 2202 - make mutual friends to get closer
  • 2210 - there will be a date, but how it will end is still unknown
  • 2211 - most likely, separation awaits
  • 2212 - wants a relationship
  • 2220 - the couple needs a break from each other
  • 2221 - share with him what’s going on in your soul
  • 2222 - often remembers your meetings

Another simple fortune telling with sticks on paper, which will allow you to look into the events of the near future. There is no need to make a wish for a person, just formulate general question, for example, “What awaits me tomorrow?” or “What will be the main event of this month?”

The principle of fortune telling is absolutely the same as in the method love prediction, the only difference is that we draw lines not in four, but in six rows. And at the end we don’t just write down the number, but count its sum. For example, in horizontal rows you have the following number of sticks: 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1.

We add the numbers together and get the sum 7 - use it and look at the interpretation. If the sum turns out to be more than nine, i.e. 10, 11 or 12, simply add the numbers together again. As a result, 10 will be the same as 1 (1 + 0 = 1), 11 will be the same as 2 (1 + 1 = 2), and 12 will be interpreted as 3 (1 + 2 = 3).

Interpretation of meanings:

  • 0 - nothing special will happen, life flows calmly and smoothly without particularly joyful and, conversely, sad events
  • 1 - something not very pleasant awaits
  • 2 - be careful in your relationship with your romantic partner or colleague - he is up to something bad
  • 3 - a very pleasant surprise
  • 4 - to achieve what you want, you will have to break some rules
  • 5 - a change of job or place of residence is expected
  • 6 - an interesting trip or a pleasant journey that gives positive emotions
  • 7 - a fateful meeting is coming
  • 8 - wait for important news
  • 9 - love, feelings, passions - all this will occupy your thoughts soon!

Fortune telling with sticks on paper, of course, is not one hundred percent accurate, like predictions on Tarot cards or oracles, but with its help you can get useful information.

As a child, my friends and I often wondered about boys. in a simple way which I want to highlight in this article. Take a pen, a piece of paper, and wish for the boy you like. Fortune telling will help you find out his attitude towards you! You put the sticks in a row on paper, and then you say to yourself: “Stop.” And so - four rows of sticks. Then you start crossing out three sticks horizontally. At the end of each row you will be left with: either all three are crossed out - that means zero, or one, or two. We have four rows, each with a number left. For example, zero, zero - one, one (dash - for ease of reproduction). We look at the meaning of the numbers below (in the table of numbers), there we find out the final number, by which (in the final value) we find out the attitude towards us of the person we are interested in. If you want, rewrite this fortune telling in your notebook, and color the table of numbers in different colors. For example, color the values ​​that you like (loves, adores, etc.) red, and those you don’t like (will change, leave) - green.
    Table of numbers:
    00-00 = 5
    00-01 = 45
    00-02 = 11
    00-10 = 69
    00-11 = 75
    00-12 = 19
    00-20 = 22
    00-21 = 17
    00-22 = 46

    01-00 = 73
    01-01 = 64
    01-02 = 63
    01-10 = 38
    01-11 = 39
    01-12 =30
    01-20 = 6
    01-21 = 82
    01-22 = 59

    02-00 = 81
    02-01 = 70
    02-02 = 51
    02-10 = 41
    02-11 = 53
    02-12 = 71
    02-20 = 76
    02-21 = 16
    02-22 = 8

    10-00 = 24
    10-01 = 36
    10-02 = 60
    10-10 = 66
    10-11 = 52
    10-12 = 4
    10-20 = 7
    10-21 = 76
    10-22 = 14

    11-00 = 31
    11-01 = 54
    11-02 = 67
    11-10 = 71
    11-11 = 13
    11-12 = 42
    11-20 = 20
    11-21 = 15
    11-22 = 25

    12-00 = 78
    12-01 = 45
    12-02 = 50
    12-10 = 39
    12-11 = 36
    12-12 = 57
    12-20 = 2
    12-21 = 3
    12-22 = 62

    20-00 = 40
    20-01 = 61
    20-02 = 32
    20-10 = 80
    20-11 = 68
    20-12 = 41
    20-20 = 34
    20-21 = 35
    20-22 = 24

    21-00 = 55
    21-01 = 18
    21-02 = 21
    21-10 = 22
    21-11 = 37
    21-12 = 28
    21-20 = 58
    21-21 = 77
    21-22 = 56

    22-00 = 10
    22-01 = 9
    22-02 = 29
    22-10 = 44
    22-11 = 12
    22-12 = 48
    22-20 = 2
    22-21 = 1
    22-22 = 5

    Total value:

    1. Loves
    2. Doesn't like
    3. Despises
    4. Infatuated with you
    5. Can't live without you
    6. You will be friends
    7. Loves, but doesn't talk
    8. Forgot you
    9. You are the best for him
    10. He likes you
    11. Will never forget you
    12. Plays with your heart
    13. In love with your girlfriend
    14. The love between you is strong
    15. You are happiness for him
    16. Misses you
    17. He likes someone else
    18. Wait for a letter from him
    19. Will give his heart
    20. He likes your attitude
    21. Angry at you
    22. Day is mosque, night is suffering
    23. Wait for a date
    24. He thinks you're the best
    25. Always keeps your image in memory
    26. He loved you forever
    27. Wait for a response to the letter
    28. Enjoys your love
    29. Will soon forget
    30. Trust him and be calm
    31. Tests your love
    32. Wants to kiss
    33. Loves you more than anyone
    34. Jealous of another
    35. Everything will be as you think
    36. He trusts you
    37. Loves you more than himself
    38. You will be friends with him
    39. He wants to be with you always
    40. Loves you madly
    41. Suffering for you
    42. Waiting for a meeting
    43. Will be your best friend
    44. Respects you
    45. Considers you a friend
    46. ​​You will quarrel soon
    47. he will offer friendship, wait
    48. I’m ready to do anything for you
    49. He likes your personality
    50. Courts you quietly
    51. He's crazy about you
    52. Will soon fall out of love
    53. Loves another
    54. Loves a lot
    55. Today - one, and tomorrow - another
    56. Thinks only about you
    57. Invite you to the cinema
    58. Will love you forever
    59. Can't express his opinion about you
    60. Doesn't notice your love
    61. Will never forget you
    62. His heart is only yours
    63. Try to forget him
    64. Despises your love
    65. Loves very much
    66. Hates you
    67. He doesn’t need your love
    68. He will die, but will not forget
    69. When we meet, I’m ready to kiss
    70. Doesn’t find anything normal about you
    71. You are a beauty for him
    72. Feels sorry for you
    73. He likes your smile
    74. Pays a lot of attention to you
    75. In love with your eyes
    76. Never be with him
    77. You will be friends
    78. Loves for modesty
    79. Will go to the cinema without you
    80. Laughs at you
    81. Loves you more than life itself
    82. Will you marry him
