History of the Chinese mafia - Triads. Chinese organized crime groups - triads

In the south of Moscow, a new rag Cherkizon is being built - Chinatown, which will accommodate up to 80 thousand guests from the Middle Kingdom. According to unofficial data, up to 1 million 200 thousand Chinese live in Russia. Along with the Chinese, customs, ways of life, customs with the Made in China label are also moving to us. Including - the Chinese mafia "Triad", unlike any other mafia in the world.

Pure Chinese murder

"Triad" is considered one of the most ancient and numerous mafias in the world. And the most secret.

Our law enforcement agencies have little information about the Triad, - complained a police expert on ethnic criminal groups in Moscow. - This is a very conspiratorial organization, where only ethnic Chinese can enter and only on the recommendations of other members of the Triad, so it is not possible to infiltrate there. And outside the "Triad" information spills out extremely rarely, and even then for the most part by accident ...

... Zhang Faiqing came to the police with traces of a stranglehold on his neck. There was wild fear in his eyes, he babbled: "Triad" and "they will kill." His uncle refused to share his income with the Triad - the appetites of the eastern racketeers were exorbitant: they demanded that one of the containers be given to Cherkizovsky market. This ugly tin box, where traders both work and live, according to some estimates, can bring up to $ 1 million in profit to its owner. The amount for which the bandits are ready for a lot. The mafiosi kidnapped the nephew of the intractable merchant and were going to kill him. Faikin, one might say, was killed - he was hanged in the forest.

But the rope, you see, was Chinese, the quality was not so hot, it broke, and Faikin was able to get out, - investigators tell the tragicomic details of the incident. - He correctly decided that now the only way for him is to us, all other roads would lead him to the grave - the second time the Triad would not have misfired ...

Noble Rogues

"Triad" originated in China 2.5 thousand years ago. First, the pirates and slave traders united in their "trade union" "Shadow of the Lotus". And the name "Triad" arose in the 17th century. According to legend, three monks returned from a trip to their native Shaolin monastery and found it ruined and burned, and the monks were killed. At that moment, they decided to organize the "Union of Earth, Man and Sky in the name of justice", where the "Shadow of the Lotus" later joined. In the Triads, ancient rituals are still honored, for example, during the initiation, gang brothers drink a cocktail in which drops of the blood of their comrades are mixed with the blood of a chicken. The classic "Triads" still practice tattoos according to the hierarchy - dragon heads, cigarettes on the forearms. For betrayal and apostasy in the "Triad" a difficult and not quick death awaits, and often - along with the family and the destruction of the home.

In Russia, such secrecy is further enhanced by the isolation of the Chinese diaspora - they go to "their" canteens, to "their" hairdressers, keep money only in Chinese underground banks, and send all the proceeds to their homeland. The colossal turnover of border trade almost completely goes abroad and feeds the Chinese economy, - Vitaly Nomokonov, director of the Vladivostok Center for the Study of Organized Crime, told Sobesednik.

"Triads", like any groupings, can be large and small. It is believed that the main "Triads" are Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin. According to operational data, ordinary members of the "Triad" are distinguished by external modesty - to the point of asceticism, strict hierarchy, blind obedience to "bosses", ruthlessness, mutual responsibility and a vow of silence. "Triad", with rare exceptions, leaves practically no material traces.

In the world, the migration services have an expression "Chinese do not die." Their deaths are not recorded anywhere. The Chinese just died - according to his documents, someone else lives and works, - Konstantin Poltoranin, head of the press service of the Federal Migration Service, told the Interlocutor.

East is a profitable business

If within a radius of 1-2 thousand kilometers from Moscow few have heard of the Triads, then for the Far East this phenomenon is not new. AT Law Institute The Far Eastern State University is even studying it, and this year a doctoral dissertation will be defended on the topic “Triads”. And some residents of Siberia and the Far East got acquainted with this phenomenon not theoretically, but practically.

An entrepreneur from Irkutsk became the main prosecutor in the case of one of the Triads. Natalya Guravleva turned to the police after the Chinese demanded that she pay them part of the monthly income, putting a knife to her throat: "Here is our argument." The businesswoman managed to call the guards with an alarm button, and with whom she clashed, she realized only at the court: unsightly-looking, feeble Chinese turned out to be militants powerful clan. True, the court did not get to the main "mafiosi" - the small members of the gang did not extradite them. The leaders of the "Triad" nevertheless managed to be expelled from the country, albeit as relatively decent citizens: for violating the visa regime.

Most often, the crimes of the "Triads" occur among their own compatriots. Racketeering, threats, even murders don't get in Russian statistics- no applicants. Everything remains within the diaspora, - an operational officer shared with the Interlocutor.
Chinese groups in foreign territory often prefer to operate by merging with local gangs of "colleagues in the craft" and bribing the authorities. The Triads use this method all over the world, but in Russia, of course, there is the most favorable environment for this.

The main specialization of the "Triads" in the Far East is timber and smuggling. Some time ago, there were still synthetic drugs, but this direction was strangled in communist China, Vitaly Nomokonov told Interlocutor.
The words of Professor Nomokonov are confirmed by arbitrage practice. There are two scandalous criminal cases in the Far East, in one of which Customs General Ernest Bakhshetsyan was convicted of participating in smuggling, in the other, the former vice-governor and a member of the Federation Council are wanted. At the trial in the Bakhshetsyan case, figures surfaced: the profit of only one group of smugglers was $500,000 per day. And throughout the Far East, losses amounted to $ 4 million per day.

The "smuggler" Bakhshetsyan and his relatives did not find any expensive property at all. There were many publications in the press that the general was framed by real smugglers and the security forces protecting them - because he was trying to stir up this channel. For which he paid, - lawyer Marat Fayzulin expressed his opinion. - Apparently, this channel feeds very high spheres if all appeals, up to Putin, were answered only by silence.

Facts about the Triads

The Chinese mafia is very "loved" by Hollywood - several blockbusters with Bruce Lee and Van Damme have been shot about it. AT famous movie Kill Bill The Triad is led by a woman. It is possible in China.

Mao Zedong is the only ruler who went on the warpath with the Triads, ordering to shoot all the criminal leaders. The children of the dead immediately took their place - the post of leader in the "Triads" is inherited. Another leader of China - Chiang Kai Shek did not get involved with the invincible mafia. When his wife was kidnapped, he paid the requested ransom without discussion.

The Triad is one of the most patriotic mafias. During international events militants guarantee the safety of foreigners, and during the outbreak of SARS even announced a $1 million bonus to a doctor who finds a cure for this disease.

The Chinese mafia is considered one of the oldest in the world. It is traditionally referred to as the "Triad" and the number of its headquarters is incalculable. The history of creation begins more than 2500 years ago and exists to this day. There is a legend that its creators were monks who, having returned from their wanderings, found ashes on the site of their temple. In order to take revenge on their offenders and restore justice, an association of "Earth, Man and Heaven" was created. After that, the organization "Shadow of the Lotus" joined them. All these events date back to the seventeenth century. Since then, which aspects in the way of the "Triad" have remained unchanged. The Triad has strict discipline and attitude towards those who stumble.

The history of the name is connected with the magic of numbers - in China, stories about numbers are taken very seriously. So, the number "3" denoted success and happiness. Individual members of the group also have their own designations, which they show using body language and facial expressions.

Modern activities of the Chinese mafia

The triads of modernity still honor their traditions. Tattoos and the punishment of the offender remain unchanged. Their activity extends to criminal activity and association with business. The triads are involved in the illegal drug trade and human trafficking. The criminal list of groupings' possibilities is not limited to one dozen.

Each grouping has its own "boss", who gives orders to his "brigadiers". Those, in turn, are engaged in "fighters" - people who unconditionally fulfill all the requirements. Most often, young people join the ranks, who do not see a future for themselves, are on the social bottom. Also, there may be girls who are later forced to engage in prostitution.

Those who do not complete tasks from the “boss” or fail to pay a share of their business on time are tortured or simply killed. The triads have a very strict discipline, which requires absolutely all participants - complete obedience.

Tattoos and their variations in the triad

The triad have their own distinguishing marks, such as tattoos. The “recruit” is given a drawing with a certain meaning. Only members of the organization know what exactly is depicted. Most often, the sign of the dragon is used. In Chinese mythology, the dragon denotes strength and power, and also has some other interpretations. Triads use this sign as a distinction between groupings.

Modern participants try to make tattoos as small as possible. This is required for conspiracy. Despite the popularity and notoriety of the Triad, its members never leave traces of crime and are indistinguishable from ordinary person. It is very rare to see on the news that a member of the triad has been detained somewhere. Distinguish by appearance they cannot. Members of the organization use special slang and sign language that only they understand. The triad applies absolutely every precaution that does not reveal itself. Only the chosen ones who were able to pass a serious selection and will continue to act within the rules of the Triad get into the ranks of participants.

Features and handwriting of the Chinese mafia

The members of the triad do all their work in such a way that there is no evidence left. If this is a murder, almost everything that was connected with a person is destroyed. Up to setting fire to the house. But despite its cruel punishments, the organization makes a great contribution to the country's economy. Absolutely all the money received is sent to the bank at home. The triad takes a tax from each entrepreneur, but also deals with maintaining the business. That is, if a businessman has problems that he cannot deal with on his own, he can report to the main “boss” who will solve the problem.

On the streets of China you can meet young people, athletic build - they watch the order in the city. It is believed that some mafia members work in concert with the government and law enforcement agencies. That is why no one is actively looking for members of the organization.

To get into the ranks of the "fighters" of the Triad is very difficult. This requires recommendations from other members and learn all the rules of the community. Also, to prove commitment to the Triad, you need to commit a crime - most often murder. Thus, the new member proves that he is capable of absolutely anything. Can be carried out additional tests, which will show the readiness of the "recruit" to join the Triad.

Triad weapons

Like any other faction, the triad has a favorite weapon - traditional Chinese flexible weapons and a variety of swords. With the help of such weapons, you can quickly and silently attack and kill. For larger crimes - the course is firearms. But most often used edged weapons.

The mafia makes large fees from businessmen for the purchase of provisions and weapons. So, their main sponsors are ordinary people who must give a certain percentage of their sales. With the help of acquired weapons, the Triad carry out even the most difficult crimes, as well as protect the locals from attacks.

The organization always operates in secret. This can be seen from the signs that they almost always do their "work" without problems and additional destruction.

Various factions of the Chinese mafia

The triad has organizations in various countries peace. Even in Russia there is a triad grouping that operates in secret and cannot be punished. The current legislation does not apply to members of the group. There is a division not only in Asia, but in the USA, Taiwan, Japan and other countries. The speed with which new members of the organization appear does not allow tracking down the main managers.

The most popular grouping today is "14K". It is not known what is hidden behind this laconic name, except for the name of the founder and gold. We can say only one thing - the group gained its popularity in the nineties and is still accepting new members into its ranks. The activities of other groups are not so well known and almost nothing is known about their activities. No wonder, because the Triad takes absolutely every security measure so as not to reveal itself.

A special feature that is inherent in all the leaders of the Triad is the competent conduct of business and the quick weeding out of those who are not worthy of being a member of the organization. Action is quickly taken by management if one of the participants is seen doing something inappropriate or goes against the rules. The bosses have their own connections in various bodies and can quickly resolve any issue, even if it is related to the murder. common man or a member of the organization.

Places of activity

The Triad, like any other organization, has its own headquarters and meeting places. Mafia members are even credited with participating in rituals and other occult things. Meetings help determine next steps and plan ahead. The main rule is to think and then act. That is why, with the Triad, everything is calculated in advance and they seem simply elusive.

They keep their establishments in various cities and countries, but all the money must be transferred to their homeland. The Triad have their own gathering places that are hidden from the eyes of others. If a member of the organization accidentally says any secret information, the immediate death of both the one who said it and those who heard it follows. Community secrets are kept under big secret for several centuries now.

The inaction of the authorities is explained by the fact that even in the government the Triad has its own agents. There was no confirmation of these data either from government officials or from the group itself.

Mafia relations with residents

Paying attention to all the cruelty and tax collection, the members of the organization are very attentive to all the inhabitants of the country. At a time when diseases raged in the country - the bosses of the Triad offered their help. It consisted in paying for antiviruses for residents, as well as the development of new drugs.

The “fighters” treat tourists and visitors calmly. They are forbidden to demand anything from tourists or exert any pressure. The activity of the “patrolling” members of the group is to monitor order on the streets, as well as to provide comfortable working conditions for the businessmen with whom they cooperate

Of all the existing criminal communities, national groups are the most organized, cohesive and invincible. On hearing the Italian Japanese yakuza, the Chinese triad. Grown into local traditions, they become an almost ineradicable element in their homeland. public life. And having gone beyond the borders of the country of origin, they seize the living space thanks to strict discipline, deep secrecy and special cruelty.

The emergence of triads

The Triad is perhaps the oldest criminal organization in the world. Some researchers trace its history back to legendary times - to the third century BC. Then the pirates and robbers with east coast China created a kind of trade union - "Shadow of the Lotus". Shortly after the emergence of the triads, Shadow of the Lotus merged into the newly formed organization.

When the word "triad" was first used, the mafia had not yet appeared in Italy. It is authentically known about the existence of groups with this name already in the 17th century. However, at that time, the triads were not bandit organizations, but part of the Chinese national liberation movement against the Manchu invaders.

According to legend, the first triad was founded by three monks from the Shaolin monastery destroyed by the invaders. In the view of the founders, the triad is "the union of the Earth, Man and Heaven in the name of justice." These symbols were understood by every Chinese.

Initially, the triad militants were financed by ordinary Chinese, dissatisfied with foreign oppression. However, in a poor country, it was difficult for peasants and shopkeepers to maintain a secret partisan army. Triads began to look in criminal trades: robbery, piracy, slave trade. Gradually, noble goals faded into the background, and banditry became the essence of the activities of the triads.

Coexistence with the Chinese Communist Party

During the triad, they supported Sun Yat-sen. This political mistake led to serious persecution of the triads after Mao's victory. The Chinese communists were worried not so much by the fact that the triad is a mafia engaged in all kinds of criminal activities, but by attempts to destroy the monopoly of the Communist Party, the only political organization in the country.

Although little is known about the fate of the triads in communist China, it is safe to say that the repression of leaders underworld did not weaken the influence of the triads. The militants of the organization still collect tribute from business and maintain order on the streets, have informants in the police and their own people among party functionaries in the field.

The leaders of the modern CPC are not worried about this activity: as long as they do not get into politics, do not compete with the communists for influence, do not try to promote their people to leading positions in the country. The triad does not do this - the desire to grab larger piece than you can swallow, the Chinese mafia is not peculiar.

Hong Kong triads

After Sun Yat-sen fled to Taiwan, many triad leaders followed him or settled in Hong Kong's rapid post-war economic growth provided many sources of wealth for the local criminal gangs. The Chinese triad exacted tribute from small business, "supervised" smuggling, drug trafficking, prostitution. Therefore, it was here that the most influential and famous gangs, such as "14 K", grew up.

During the British Raj, the power of the triads in Hong Kong was undivided. With the transition of the territory under the rule of China, many leaders of the underworld fled abroad. Probably, now the position of the Hong Kong triads has become equal to the "status" of their "colleagues" from the PRC.

The structure of Chinese organized crime groups

Let's try to understand what a triad is, from the inside. First of all, you need to understand that this is a very secret organization, so there is not much reliable information about its structure.

It is known that individual triads are rather isolated organizations. There is no person who could be called the leader of all triads. But within each gang, the hierarchy is very rigid. At the head of the triad is the leader (we will not give all the flowery names of this position), his post is inherited. The ringleader has two deputies for areas of activity. They are subordinate to the security services, intelligence, recruitment.

In a large triad between leaders and ordinary fighters - "monks" - there can be up to four links of leaders. Although all members of the gang implicitly obey their superiors, each link is quite autonomous in carrying out the tasks that the triad has assigned to it. This provides mobility and flexibility, which is very important for a large organization.

Each state has its own dark side and the local mafia is one of them. We all know Cosa Nostra and the Yakuza well, but we don't know much about the Chinese mafia. But even so, the Chinese "Triad" one of the largest criminal organizations in the world. The number of her followers is about 1,200,000 people. And this is only in China itself, and how many more there are all over the world!

The Chinese mafia has an interesting and ancient history. Its origin began 2500 years ago, when the Ming dynasty was overthrown by barbaric methods, and the Qing dynasty became dominant. Manchu troops burned cities, killed men, women and children. But once again, leaving the ashes at the site of the settlement, the soldiers did not expect that a few monks would remain alive and decide to avenge their relatives and friends. In 1644, the monks swore on blood to overthrow the Qing dynasty, thus creating the first "Triad", or rather the Union of Earth, Sky and Man (also known as "Hong Mun" or "Heishehui" - a black society). The triangle became their symbol. Its sides symbolized the main components of the Chinese universe: Earth, Sky and Man. And also, according to numerology, the number 3 has special properties and impact on the criminal world.

The activity of the Union was aimed at the underground struggle against the imperial power. The source of finance was the tribute, which was imposed on the merchants. Everyone who refused to pay died on the spot. With the funds received, the monks bought weapons and provisions. But the guerrilla war against the ruling dynasty ended when all the founders of the organization died. Their followers took their place, but they already had completely different interests: the slave trade, piracy and other illegal fishing.

Later, the Chinese mafia tried to fight the foreign colonists of Great Britain, the United States and France. The Boxer Rebellion was organized, but it did not bring the desired results. And the triads switched from impact to external factors to regulate the internal situation. It was thanks to the Chinese mafia that the imperial dynasty was overthrown and a republican system of government was established. Although it was not possible to resist the communists in the collapse of the Chinese Republic.

In the second half of the 20th century, Hong Kong became the epicenter of mafia activity. It was there that the sensational criminal organization "14 K" was founded (the name is associated with their address and the name of the founder - Kot Siuvong). The organization has branches in Canada, the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands, and is also one of the largest suppliers of heroin. However, according to the police, "14 K" is related to absolutely all types of crime that makes a profit.

Charter and structure

The structure of triads is quite simple. As in any organization, there is a leader and subordinates. Triad participants use numerology to designate their “position”. For example, the number "489" denotes the leader of the clan, "438" - the manager or deputy leader, "426" - the chief of security operations, and "49" - the usual militant. The number "25" denotes a traitor or spy.

Each member of the organization does his job: the leader of the clan has the most big influence and manages the strategy of the triad, his deputy is responsible for general and financial matters, the one responsible for security operations is obliged to prepare the militants for the upcoming missions and develop their plan, and the task of the militant is to carry out the assigned task and obey the commander.

It is almost impossible to get into the triad from the street (although there are plenty of people who want to, because, alas, there are not enough jobs for all the inhabitants of China). In order to become a member of the organization, it is necessary to get the recommendations of two current members. But that's not all. Every newcomer must go through "initiation". In each of the triads, the ritual of initiation is different: someone is tested with sword blows, and someone passes under knives precariously fixed in the ceiling. But the following actions remain unchanged: each recruit must take 36 oaths, study all the signals and secret ciphers of the Triad, and also receive the first task. Most often, this is the massacre of a policeman who refuses to take a bribe. After such operations, the newcomer is connected with the clans by blood. And a newcomer can move to a higher level in the structure of the Triad only after three years, if he is an exemplary action movie.

Tattoos are of great importance for members of the Chinese mafia, with which almost their entire body is “clogged”. Each drawing has its own meaning, and applying it just like that is even life-threatening (such tattoos are cut off along with the skin of their owner). For example, the dragon symbolizes power and nobility, spruce means patience, turtle - long life, plum - endurance and detachment, peony - luck and male power, plantain - self-development.

Modern Triad

But, despite its danger and cruelty, the Chinese mafia can be called the most patriotic mafia in the world. For the Chinese mafia, the well-being and financial stability of their country is of great importance. All the money earned on the black markets, selling drugs and other "dirty" deeds, the Chinese mafiosi return to China. They are not in the habit of keeping their savings in Swiss banks. After all, the main law of any Chinese Triad: "The richer our country, the richer we ourselves." And this does not mean that the Chinese mafia works under government circles, no, it still constitutes the opposite force. There are certain conditions and interests that evoke this patriotism...

Also, the main rule of any Triad is not to touch the visiting tourists. Since foreign travelers bring a lot of finance to China, and this greatly affects the country's economy. For the robbery or murder of a tourist, a member of the Triad faces a severe punishment - death. Although meeting militants on the street, and even more so the leader of the clan, is a huge rarity. In most cases, it is difficult to distinguish them from the general population, except for tattoos.

Almost every person in his country knows what the concept of “Mafia” is. Mafia is primarily a system created by a group of individuals. As one person said: "Mafia is immortal." And this is indeed the case. The criminal world will live forever, it has its own laws and orders, concepts. Today we will talk about the Chinese mafia, or as it is also called the “Triad”. The Chinese mafia is in many ways different from our Russian chaps. Strict rules and traditions have been in force here for more than 2500 years. The triad is traditional form a criminal community that has officially existed since the 17th century BC. In 1644, the nomadic horsemen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty captured China in a barbaric way. Men and small children were killed, and women were raped. At the same time, the Chinese Shaulin Monastery, which was famous for its martial arts, was destroyed. Only three monks survived, who went in search of provisions for their comrades. When they returned to the temple, they saw that all their brothers were dead. They decided to avenge their comrades and founded the first "Triad". Union of Earth, Sky and Man in the name of justice. All merchants were taxed. If someone refuses to pay secret society money, died in terrible agony and his entire family was slaughtered. The proceeds were used to buy weapons and ammunition. The monks at the head of their society waged a guerrilla war against the invaders of China. This continued until the monks died and new leaders took their place. The new leaders had a completely different policy, instead of guerrilla warfare, they preferred to engage in the slave trade, piracy, illegal gold mining, and racketeering. That's when the "Triad" became a mafia to oppose the Chinese imperial dynasty.

Nowadays, the Chinese mafia "Triad" is all over the world. Their leaders are well established in Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan. In addition, they are in Europe, USA, UK and Australia. But most of all, the eye is laid on Far East Russia. The Chinese mafia deals with literally everything, the criminal list is very large. These are extortion, drug trafficking, prostitution, illegal migration, gambling, racketeering and “protection of businessmen”. Accounting in the "Triad" is very severe. At the end of each month, the tax inspectors of the Chinese mafia come to the Chinese merchants and businessmen to collect the due 15 percent of the profits. It is undesirable to deceive the “Triad”, you should immediately cruel punishment. On the same day or night, a businessman and his family, relatives, relatives, friends are killed, and then the store or shop is burned down. All living and non-living things associated with this person are destroyed. So, if you don't pay, you'll turn to dust. The Triad has strict rules and regulations. Everyone unquestioningly performs their tasks. At the head of each family there is a boss, the brigadiers are subordinate to the boss, the brigadiers control the fighters.

To work for the Triad, you need to earn respect and be useful person. If a person is useless, he is just a piece of walking meat. Not everyone is accepted into the family. This is primarily a business, there is no friendship here, there is only devotion to one's work and one's family.

So, for example, if a brigadier or a fighter “has messed up”, simply speaking, did not follow the instructions of the boss, a severe punishment follows.

There is only one punishment - death. Forgiveness can be earned by presenting a severed finger to the barefoot. Some do so, but such members of the group lose credibility. Someone may say that the author has seen enough films and writes all sorts of nonsense. So here it is the purest truth like a child's tear. In 2006, there was a “Triad” war in China, in Beijing alone, a group of people hacked to death more than ten people with machetes in one night. Among these people was a young guy who went on a date to propose to his girlfriend. When they met in the park, a minibus suddenly drove up and people in masks ran out. They began to cut the guy with machetes, and he fought back and defended the girl. In the end, the girl was not touched, and he was cut up in a matter of seconds. Dying on the lap of his beloved, he nevertheless gave her the ring. As the police found out, it was a foreman from one of the Triads. When there is a redistribution of power, the police never intervene, in their interests to kill as many members of the criminal community as possible. When Mao Zedong was in power in China. The Chinese Communists have decreed that the Chinese factions must be eradicated in the bud. Criminal leaders were shot in batches, but their sons and brothers came to their place. It turned out that you can’t shoot the whole mafia. Thus, over the hundreds of years of their existence, the Triads have accumulated a unique experience of confronting law enforcement agencies. According to many veterans of the Chinese police, even if all their leaders are jailed, not a single screw in the Triad mechanism will ever fail. One of the life principles of the Chinese says: "Take your time, sit down and think." The Chinese "Triad" thinks through everything and plans for many years to come, it does not live for today. This is what distinguishes the Chinese mafia from ours. They are not in a hurry to make huge profits right away. Why rush somewhere if the work you have started is right. And no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the Chinese mafia is trying to strengthen the Chinese economy every year. Unlike the Russian “Solntsevskiye” or “Podolskiye” OCGs that launder money offshore in Cyprus or Switzerland, Chinese mafiosi even transfer the currency “earned” in the United States from the sale of heroin back to China. Thus, they want their country to be richer and more independent. The Chinese mafia has its eyes and ears everywhere. There are people in the police state structures. They bribe judges and officials. In a word, they have a road everywhere. The only thing is that this path is bloody and not for everyone. Today, having visited China, you can easily meet the participants of the Triad. But it's not exactly like in the movies.

In China, buff and tattooed Chinese do not go everywhere in groups. In this form, you can only meet fighters who are just starting their criminal career and like to spend gatherings in a restaurant or sauna. Youngsters most often try to prove that they are worth something.

But to meet real bosses is a rarity, and no one will let them in at a distance of a kilometer. Only by tattoos can you understand who is in front of you.

In China, it is customary to be responsible for your tattoos.

If a simple person from the street sticks similar tattoos to himself, then they will simply be cut off along with the skin. Also in China, Triad members have an unwritten rule never to touch foreign tourists. They themselves maintain and control order in their streets. Bespredelschikov severely punished if they decide to rob or kill a tourist.That's actually all I wanted to tell you about the criminal world of China. The Chinese "Triad" is a criminal tradition that will live forever, passed down from father to son. Watch an interesting video!

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