How to write articles about a company. Workshop: how to write a text about a company so that it solves a problem and is interesting to read (with examples)

Whether you're creating your own website or simply looking for information about an organization or individual, the About page is an important part of every website and blog. Why? Because it's usually one of the first links visitors click when they arrive on a site. And if they're not impressed, you can expect users to leave your site without reading your content, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase.

But what makes a compelling About page?

To begin with, the page should be informative. This doesn't always mean it has to tell a whole story, but it should at least convey an idea of ​​who and what you are. In addition, the page should contain social proof, reviews and some personal information, which viewers include education, family, etc. It would also not hurt to make sure that the page displays well on mobile devices because everything more people They go online from them.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. The main purpose of the About page is to help the visitor see the essence of the person or business. If you know who you are and what the purpose of your site is, your About page will feel natural. But if you're still looking for inspiration, you can always turn to the following 25 examples of the best About pages.

1. Yellow Leaf Hammocks

Screenshot of Yellow Leaf Hammocks

Yellow Leaf Hammocks is a company trying to save the world with hammocks. The brand plans to achieve this goal with hammocks hand-woven by artisans in Thailand. The idea alone should be enough to make this brand worthy of your attention (and money), but the story of how founder Joe Demin discovered these hammocks and the poverty statistics found on the About page are equally compelling. Both stories humanized the brand, the company and the product, which should motivate you to buy.

2.I Shot Him

Screenshot of I Shot Him

Don't be surprised by the name. I Shot Him is not a violent or gory site. It's actually a creative studio located in San Francisco. There's a lot going on here, but what's remarkable is how the brand expresses its "unusualness" and has fun on its About page. Here you can easily find more information about the team without clicking or going to other pages.

3. Dashing Dish

Screenshot of Dashing Dish

Dashing Dish aims to provide people with healthy recipes for foods that might otherwise be classified as unhealthy. What makes Katie Farrell's story fascinating is that it is personal. Nothing awkward. Just an honest story about why she started Dashing Dish. There is also an accompanying video and a selection of facts that give visitors even more insight into Katie and her business. By visiting the site you will feel like you know Katie personally and want to support Dashing Dish

4. Gummisig

Screenshot of Gummisig

Gummisig is a web designer who skillfully and humorously uses large text to draw attention to the description of his activities. While he speaks proudly of the companies he has designed for, such as IKEA, he doesn't brag. The page also features customer testimonials, and its tone is equally responsive and friendly, even if you just need a simple website web design for your small business.

5. LessFilms

Screenshot LesserFilms

LessFilms is a video company that decided to show off its wit and sense of humor by building a website around wrestling. Yes, in professional wrestling. One way or another, it works. The result was a unique, original page that added more personality to LessFilms. This, in turn, gives the client a feeling of absolute comfort when he hires a video production company.

6. Moz

Screenshot Moz

Moz decided to provide visitors with a timeline to tell their story. But the site is not full of details. Instead, the SEO consulting company highlights the most important points round images on a track that you can easily scroll through. With this method, Moz can show off your awards and achievements without bragging.

7. I Am Dan

Screenshot of I Am Dan

Dan gives us all the "clichés and stereotypes" you'd expect to find on an About page, but in a simple, interactive way. Instead of showing all the important information related to it graphic work and web design on one page, offers separate links to your resume and contact information. Overall, it's a blank page that follows current trends.

8. Tumblr

Tumblr screenshot

Tumblr has an almost excellent "About" page. It's clean, easy to read, and offers all the important information (like number of blogs or employees) front and center on the page. If you scroll below you will also be spoiled latest messages on blogs, which are usually based on trending topics. It's fun and informative.

9. Jared Christensen

Screenshot by Jared Christensen

Jared Christensen is a graphic and interaction designer and has created many anti-About pages. It provides all the information that potential employer would ask, but does it in a witty and honest way, for example, the “About Us” tab is called “Yawn”. Clearly Jared had fun on this page and it's a breath of fresh air for users.

10. Toby Powell

Screenshot by Tobey Powell

Toby Powell is a website designer who has done an outstanding job with his page. Powell uses large text at the front of the background that resembles a crumpled document. He also makes a portfolio of his work available to anyone interested. Interesting feature pages - empty profile outline. It's so cool!

11. BentleyMotors

Bentley Motors screenshot

Bentleys are some of the most prestigious and luxurious cars on the market. Their About page conveys prestige with a clean, elegant design that features stunning, professional imagery and an interactive way to explore the history of the brand, plant, and latest updates Bentley

12. Andrew Reifman

Screenshot by Andrew Reifman

If you dedicate your life to freelancing, you know how important it is to sell people not only on your talent, skills and resume, but also on who you are. Andrew Reifman has excelled in this area. The designer included all the important information on the About page, but presented it in a comical way and framed it in a video game theme. This certainly gives you an idea of ​​who Andrew Reifman really is.

13. Joseph Payton

Screenshot by Joe Payton

But another web designer, his “About the Company” page is one of the most interesting. Joseph Payton shows off his talent right on the page with a caricature of himself (there's also an animation that you can see if you visit the site). Whether you read his entire story or just his summary, Joseph has already proven how talented he is. But his page is so amazing that it’s worth just being around.

14. FortyOneTwenty Inc.

Screenshot of FortyOneTwenty Inc.

This San Diego-based media company has a clean, flowing About page that showcases the different talents of each team member. Most impressive, however, are the reviews from people like Jason Ehrlich, executive producer at NBCUniversal. Below is a list of companies and organizations that have trusted FortyOneTwenty, such as the San Diego Chargers and BMW. It's a fresh, easy-to-navigate page that also shows that it's a trusted and reputable company.

15. Adidas

Screenshot Adidas Group

In any other case, we would say there is too much information for an About page. But Adidas has done an excellent job of breaking the mold. What information can you find here? Almost any: be it brand history, strategy or various brands under the auspices of Adidas. Despite the abundance of information, there is nothing superfluous on the page.

16. TimFerriss

Screenshot by Tim Ferriss

You may have heard of Tim Feris in connection with his successful projects 4 Hour Work Week and 4 Hour Body. If you read his blog, you can even find all kinds of inspiration to change your lifestyle. But why is its About page included on this list? The most obvious point is the constant use of the third person. This is a change of pace from other pages that feature first person narration. Using third person forms also allows Tim to talk about his accomplishments without bragging.

17. MailChimp

Screenshot of MailChimp

Apparently, over 5 million people use MailChimp to create, send, and track email campaigns. Did anyone know? Not likely, and it's a smart move from MailChimp's About page. A great example of how to use your About page as a pre-sales page. It's simple, fun and effective.

18. The Nerdery

Screenshot of The Nerdery

The Nerdery is an interactive production company created by nerds for nerds. In an effort to fit in with this theme, the company took the opportunity to make the About page look like periodic table characteristics of "nerds". It's funny and totally reflects the company's carefree attitude.

19. National Geographic

National Geographic screenshot

For a publication created in 1888, National Geographic seems to have an amazing understanding of technology. Their website is full beautiful images who made the magazine famous. Their About page is no different. In addition to a very short history, the minimal page design includes subsections of the site that are interesting to users (work, photos, grants, donations, etc.).

20. Chattanooga Renaissance Fund

Screenshot of Chattanooga Renaissance Fund

The top of the Chattanooga Renaissance Fund website should encourage investors and entrepreneurs to consider the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee by mentioning it rich history and companies based in the region, such as Amazon and Volkswagen. As you scroll below, you'll find information about team members, followed by functionality for startups, investors, and third parties to further explore the site.

21. Chappy Barry

Screenshot by Chap Barry

Here is another page created by the developer. Barry Chapman's page is worth noting because it keeps the About section light, simple, and a little "trendy."

22. Apptopia

Screenshot from Apptopia

Want to know our favorite part of Apptopia's About page? This is honesty. Here is a company that cares about making money, not what your friends imagine. Plus, the page is clean and dedicated to the people who make Apptopia exist. Not only information about employees is provided, but also links to their profiles on social networks.

23. MoleCube

MoleCube screenshot

The Quebec game studio uses its homepage as a "destination" for all the information users need without having to search through the entire site. This is a playful and aesthetically pleasing page that captures the essence of the business.

If you want to attract visitors' attention to your company, an "About Us" link in the header is clearly not enough. Research has shown that landing pages that answer users' basic questions are more trusted and explored in greater depth, and having your information on the home page can have a major impact on sales.

Start telling a story about yourself as soon as the visitor lands on your resource - for example, list a few of the most attractive facts. However, you should not spend the entire page telling how many years you have been on the market: this is unlikely to interest anyone. Today we will teach you how to introduce yourself through examples of correct and incorrect design of the “About the Company” page.

Be honest

If you are familiar with current trends usability and design, then you know that forcing visitors to take unnecessary actions to find primary information is bad form. Maximum expressiveness, clarity and openness should be your best friends.


The “About Us” section of the AbbVie website gives a clear picture of the company’s activities: thanks to its design in the form of abstracts, concise paragraphs and interesting facts, visitors have the opportunity to study the information they are interested in without unnecessary stress.

It is also noteworthy to avoid high-flown marketing words and expressions like “revolutionary”, “leader”, etc. Try to be closer to customers, and not look down on them - the days when this worked are long gone.

It is forbidden:

The very low density of content on the “About Abbott” section page does not motivate you to learn more about the company. This design acts as a wall on visitors, preventing them from wanting to get to know you better.

People who are looking for information about you give great importance trust factor. They want to figure out whether they like you or not. Don’t be afraid to be frank: someone who trusts you makes contact much easier. And that's exactly what you need.

Presentation style

However, the style of your text is equally important.


On the Chipotle website, the “Our Company” page is dedicated to the history of the brand and its key features. Due to the easy, understandable writing style, the text arouses interest in the company and its products.

It is forbidden:

Looking at this page, can you guess what CSC does? Although a thematic presentation of information is almost always better than boring text, an “About Us” section without any introduction looks rather unfriendly.

The method of presenting the material has big influence on perception. When users visit your site, they usually already have a list of ready-made questions in your head that you should be able to answer. Websites that are unclear and opaque make visitors suspicious, and if they include bloggers or philanthropists, poor design can be detrimental to your business.

Ease of perception

Help people enjoy exploring your company with intuitive design.


The layout of the GSK website's 'What We Do' page is easy to read, and the section itself contains minimal details about each aspect of the business, allowing users to quickly gain an overview of the company.

It is forbidden:

The result is a halo effect ( Halo Effect) in action: people jump to conclusions based on a limited amount of information and extend their first impression (often wrong) to subsequent relationships. Make a positive impression right away, rather than hiding your face behind seven seals.

The face of the company


Citrix leaves good impression about yourself through photographs of your employees. Agree, it’s nice to see who exactly you are going to communicate with. Pay attention to the order of photographs, which are arranged not according to the importance of the person, but in accordance with compositional requirements: for example, David Henschal and David Friedman are not located next to each other, but so as not to confuse the visitor.

New companies appear every day. And for each of them they prepare their own website, which is filled according to standard scheme:, cards with products, section for reviews, blog, page “About us”. We can talk about all these elements for a long time. Today we will take a closer look at how to write “About the Company” text.

The “About the Company” section is one of the most visited on many resources. Therefore, never fill it out “for show.” It should look so that you want to read it avidly. And in order to achieve this, you need to know some of the subtleties of proper commercial writing, which we will be happy to introduce you to.

How to write “About the company” text for a website

Before you write anything at all, you need to know everything and even more about your object. This is the only way you can adequately present it to readers. In this case, novice copywriters try unsuccessfully to Google some information about the company, and then, when the search does not give desired results, they make up facts on their knees. Under no circumstances should you do this. The correct option is to enter into direct contact with the customer and find out from him everything you need.

To collect maximum amount data, . This is a small questionnaire where all working aspects are clarified. It is advisable to do it not in Word document, but in an online form to make it more convenient for the client to enter answers.

Brief is a very functional and effective thing. Once you've compiled it, you won't have to worry about coming up with different questions for each new person. The finished list can be used for everyone, occasionally making amendments, depending on the specifics of each task.

Here is a list of items that should be added to the brief:

1. Company name, time of its appearance, activity.

2. All about the products provided by the company: characteristics, features, advantages, disadvantages.

3. Target audience. At a minimum, you should know her gender, age and income. Ideally, it is necessary that the customer...

4. Presence of competitors. Ask the client to identify 2-3 competitive firms, indicate their names and provide links to them.

5. Company advantages, compared to others. Let the person you do the work for tell you what they are proud of about their work.

6. Personal wishes.

7. Contact information client for feedback.

Formulate questions so that people understand what you want from them. And then they will give you the maximum full information, which you can then use for your own purposes.

One of the main features of the “About Us” text is that it does not have a clear structure. The experience of many copywriters shows that some unusual solutions work much better than templates. However, there are a few details that are best not to be ignored:

  • greeting and introduction;
  • a short description of what the company does;
  • main advantages;
  • successes and achievements;
  • personal qualities of employees.

In addition, some authors argue that the “About Us” text should also include. Invite the reader to go to the information pages of the site, look at the product catalog, or subscribe to the e-mail newsletter. Just don’t encourage him to make an order or purchase. While you are just introducing your audience to your company, direct demands will inevitably scare them away.

How to make the “About Us” section interesting: examples

Today we will take a practical look at how to make “About the Company” pages readable and attractive to potential clients. You don't have to study a lot of professional literature - just follow a few simple rules.

Communicate with your audience in a lively manner.

In such cases they say: “You are not writing for officials.” And at least for officials - aren’t they people? Even they want to read light texts on the Internet, not to mention businessmen, managers, students and housewives. Refuse officialdom and speech cliches. Talk to the reader as you would a friend. He will appreciate it.

Talk about the client, not yourself.

Even though the section is called “About Us,” the customer should still be the central figure in your story. Of course, you need to describe the company, the product, and the team, but a good author will turn everything around in such a way that even this information will not look like empty boasting, but will once again emphasize the benefits of the customer.

Tell stories and jokes.

Add photos, illustrations and infographics.

Letters are much better perceived when they are diluted with visual materials. In the texts “About Us” - even more so. You can add pictures of your boss or team, scans of certificates, photos of satisfied clients to the page (with their permission, of course). And if your material contains numbers, God himself ordered them to be highlighted clearly.

Record a video.

Dry text is one thing, addressing clients directly is quite another. If you are the owner of a company, know that the latter looks much more advantageous. Firstly, it adds warmth - the client immediately sees that this is a real person in front of him, and not a team of online bots. Secondly, it shows your interest in engaging your audience. Thirdly, the video will demonstrate that you yourself are well versed in the subject of the conversation. By the way, you don’t have to compose the speech yourself. You can order it from, who will write a text specifically for your style of conversation and your language characteristics.

They will always be irrefutable proof of what you say. Text for home page it looks much more convincing if it is diluted with numbers. Not " flexible system discounts”, but “a 25% discount on every third purchase”, not “a dynamically developing company”, but “in six months of work, we managed to conclude 5 deals with leading companies and received more than 200 positive feedback from clients." Do you feel the difference?

If you adopt these principles, your text is guaranteed to be popular with readers. Otherwise it can not be. People feel when someone is trying for them.


The main thing when composing text for the “About the Company” section is knowledge of your topic and the ability to find contact with the audience.

If you have never worked with filling out the “About Us” tab before, it’s worth practicing first - offer your help to some businessman for free or for a symbolic amount. Over time, if you give out quality product They will offer you increasingly generous pay for your work.

All companies are the same, no matter what they sell. Everyone has a young and promising team, the most best product at competitive prices. And of course, everyone has a mission, if not to save the world, then to provide enough of their services and products to keep everyone happy.

These are the types of texts we see on websites in the “About the Company” section. And it seems that these texts are written just for the sake of being written. To fill a blank website page. Best case scenario.

How to correctly write a text about a company, and what its purpose is - read on!

How to write a text about a company

When you write to your clients that you are “a young promising company that ....” you simply shout that you have nothing to say, so you fill out a free page of the site, just to fill it out.

This does not mean at all that the text “about us” should be selling and sell goods and services. His task is to build the company's image in the eyes of potential clients.

Believe me, 95% of clients come to a company having previously received information about it. Where do people get information about the company? Of course, first of all from the original source, on the company’s website. Therefore, use this site page as a separate tool that helps build an image.

Look at your company through the eyes of a client and ask yourself, what do you want to know about the company at the selection stage? And the client who visited the “About the company” page is most likely at the selection stage, otherwise why would he read about you if he has already purchased something from you and is familiar firsthand with you.

So start writing about what the client is thinking. What questions does he ask himself, what worries him in cooperation with you.

To make it easier for you to understand what the text of a page about a company should be, use the following ideas:

1. Storytelling or how to tell legends that people believe. If your audience is creative and creative people, then business style- not your strong point.

Write the history, the legend of your company. Tell us that before you could not find a solution to some problem, and then you tried such a product and found a solution, but you encountered many obstacles, then you came up with the idea of ​​​​developing a product for your audience and making people's lives more effective... People love stories. In addition, through a story you can convey your principles, your views, caring for the client and solving the client’s problems.

You can tell the success story of your client in the text about the company, but this relates more to the results and cases that your clients receive.

2. About yourself in numbers. Do you have anything to be proud of? Write about yourself in numbers! 3000 grateful clients, 2 years successful work on the market, 20 launched client business projects that became successful, 100 houses built, 300 students who passed the exam, and so on.

3. Your principles. You can write a text about the company using your own rules and principles. By doing this, you will show that work is not just a pastime and a hobby for you, that you take your work seriously and work for the client’s results.

4. Cases and results. People don't need goods, services, they don't need a drill or even a hole in the wall. They need something else - to become better in the eyes of their beloved wife by hanging beautiful picture. That is, this is the result for which the client bought the drill.

Use cases from your clients who solved their problems thanks to your product or service. If you have famous clients, use this. After all, who wouldn’t want to use the service that Gazprom uses?

Your customer's success story would be great for a product business. And a case with specific results is for the service sector.

5. Open your face. Show your regalia and certificates - this way you will form the image of the company as a professional in its field. Show the faces of the employees, write about them, who does what in the company and who is responsible for what.

The view from behind the scenes is always mesmerizing. And if you write a text about the company and employees using interesting facts from their biographies, related in general to the company and the professionalism of the employees who solve customer problems, then, firstly, you will distinguish yourself from hundreds of thousands of other companies that have not done this. And secondly, you make full use of all the advantages of this section"text about the company."

How to write a text about a young company

It’s one thing when a company is rich in experience and clients, when there are results that can be boasted, but it’s a completely different thing when there is nothing special. What should I do? And here the same storytelling will help you. A story about why you can be trusted, facts from your biography, a story about your everyday life in business, what you are already doing to improve the lives of clients and how it will help them.

Melt your clients' hearts by creating empathy and being honest about the fact that you may not be the best person. best company in the market because you have just started, and that is why every client is dear to you. By doing this, you will only inspire trust with your honesty and openness. People love transparent people, those who are similar to them, and not those who have gone very far.

Tell us who you are, what you have succeeded in, show your principles on which you rely in life and business.

In any case, no matter what format you choose, when writing a text “about the company”, you stand out from the general background of competitors by showing how you can solve other people’s problems. And this is the most valuable thing that clients need to know about you.


Do you think that your texts are not read because your content is bad? Not at all. Your texts are not read because you do not use catchy headlines.

Try your hand at the 10-day business game “Your Start”, in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

The “About the Company” section is one of the most problematic areas of a business website. There are still pages in the style: “ Highly qualified specialists will always help you understand the huge assortment and make right choice " (Real fragment).

Why is this happening?

There is one global cause: Company owners and copywriters have no idea what to write in this section.

That’s why we had the idea to develop a list of 12 “must have” elements for the “About the Company” page.

Moving along this list, the business manager will set a clear task for the copywriter, and the latter will be able to implement it correctly.

In other words, both yours and ours. Go.

Is the About Page Really Important?

Maybe no one looks there at all, but we will try, pay copywriters money, spend time on it...

Let's look at the facts.

This is a screenshot of a click map from YandexMetrica of the corporate website of Denis Kaplunov Studio.

We see that the sections “Training”, “Our Rules”, “Portfolio”, “Blog” and - attention - “About Us” are especially popular among visitors. Google Analytics data confirms this fact.

It is worth noting that the Studio’s marketers are not engaged in special promotion of the section. The demand is 100% natural.

We think your business resources will be in a similar situation. The importance of the page needs no further comment.

What happens to “About” pages in the most competitive market?

To feel average temperature“for the hospital”, we checked the websites of companies involved in plastic windows. This is one of the most competitive sectors.

A large number of enterprises are represented by the following pages:

Does this text sell? The answer is obvious. What is missing here and how can this section be strengthened? We'll figure it out in the next block.

12 important elements of the text “About the company”

No. 1. Company name

The most big mistake, which is found in the “About the Company” sections - the absence of the company name. This may seem strange, but this is what actually happens.

The text contains a lot of pretentious phrases “team of specialists”, “extensive work experience”, “ individual approach“, but not a word about the name of the super-advanced company.

No. 2. Video message from the company director

A strong move that presents the business through personality. It’s one thing to read a “dry” text, and quite another to watch a competent and professional address from the first person of the enterprise.

By the way, you can generally present the entire style of the “About the Company” page in the form of a direct speech from a TOP person. This is a strong image move that not only increases trust (communication with a specific person), but also sets your business apart from competitors.

No. 3. Description of the company's activities

We continue to answer the question “Who are we?” Tell us about what you do and for whom. Here you need to talk about the problems of visitors that you solve with the help of products and services. Don’t forget to spice up the text with a USP block.

No. 4. Explanation of the company's services

If the site does not have a separate “About Services” page, then you can talk about them on the “About the Company” page.

Briefly communicate what you are willing to do for the visitor by directing them to specific landing pages.

No. 5. Company advantages

After the introduction, you should move on to describing the specific advantages of your company. The “About us in numbers” technique works well. Before writing the text “About the company”, collect all possible figures and present them favorably to your potential clients.

For example: work experience; precise indication of the assortment; duration of the warranty; number of customers; speed of coffee preparation, finally.

No. 9. Mission, legend

If marketing concept your business contains a mission and legend, then include their description in the text “About the company”.

(By the way, if you are interested in learning the specifics of creating a mission and legend, leave a request in the comments. We will write a detailed guide).

No. 10. Photos

The Fatherland wants to see its heroes in person! Don't hide, show potential clients who will work with them.

What may be in the pictures:

  • employees;
  • Building and office;
  • Warehouses;
  • Production;
  • Shop.

By the way, we also use this technique.

No. 11. Customer Reviews

If the site does not provide a separate section for reviews, then they can be placed on the “About the company” page.

This is the most logical and effective place for social proof of enterprise performance.

No. 12. Calls to action

About Page has its own conversion goals. And they depend on the characteristics of the business and your commercial objectives. When creating the text “About the company” you need to keep them in mind.

What purposes can an “About Us” page serve?

  1. Transfer visitors to sales pages;
  2. Encourage placing an order;
  3. Encourage people to make a call or send an email;
  4. Send to view customer reviews, works from the portfolio.

Don't forget this important element.

About Us = About You

The “About the Company” page implies a story about the company, its advantages, guarantees, and services. But the presentation of this information must meet the expectations and aspirations of the visitor.

In other words, we don’t “obsess” with ourselves, but talk about the company in such a way as to answer main question audience: " Why here»?

If you have just opened your “About the Company” page and realized that something is clearly wrong with it, contact the “Studio”. for you a competent section that will fit into the Internet marketing of your company and realize a specific business goal.
