How to cook pancakes - delicious and proven recipes! How to cook pancakes: step-by-step recipes with photos.

Good afternoon dear friends!

I have no doubt that every experienced housewife has her own recipes and skills for baking pancakes, but let's not forget about the young housewives who also want to learn how to properly bake delicious, mouth-watering pancakes.
I have already written about some tricks for baking pancakes, but I think you will also find something new for yourself in this article.

Maslenitsa week continues, which means that every family is simply obliged to bake pancakes and eat them to their fill, and in order for the pancakes to come out thin and melt in your mouth, you must know the golden rules of their preparation.

In fact, baking pancakes is not at all difficult, but preparing thin, smooth and tasty pancakes requires a certain skill and knowledge. So that even the first pancake doesn’t turn out lumpy, read simple but very useful tips that will help you become a guru in this matter.

Which frying pan should you choose?

The cast-iron frying pan, tested by our grandmothers and having seen more than one Maslenitsa, the best option for baking pancakes. It heats up evenly and stays warm for a long time. Its thick bottom helps the dough bake well. Thanks to the porous cast iron surface, a protective oil layer is formed, which prevents the pancakes from sticking to the bottom and burning.

To save beneficial features cast iron frying pan, it is not recommended to wash it, just clean it: pour in sunflower oil and sprinkle a tablespoon of coarse salt, heat it, and after cooling, wipe it thoroughly with a paper towel or dry cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

A significant disadvantage of a cast iron frying pan is its weight. Modern products with a non-stick coating are more practical in this regard. But the main thing is that the edges of the pancake pan are low, the bottom is thick, and the handle is long and comfortable.

How to prepare the right dough?

There are many recipes for making pancakes. It doesn’t matter which one you prefer, any of them will have flour among the main ingredients. Don’t be lazy to sift it: this way you will not only clear it of lumps and impurities, but also saturate it with oxygen. With this flour the dough becomes light and fluffy.

For the best pancake mix, it is advisable for the milk and eggs to be at room temperature. They should be taken out of the refrigerator in advance or warmed a little before use. Ideally, it is better to beat the yolks and whites separately.

Proteins, brought to a fluffy foam, must be added at the very end to make the dough lacy. Flour is introduced gradually and carefully, constantly stirring the dough. But this should be done after you have thoroughly mixed the liquid ingredients.

Don't forget to add at least a pinch of salt to the dough, even if you are planning dessert pancakes. Salt gives the dish an interesting and rich taste. Another important touch - a little sunflower oil: with it, the dough will stick less to the pan, and you will have to grease it less often. A sign of a good freshly kneaded dough is small bubbles on its surface. Over time they disappear.

What consistency should the dough be?

The golden mean is important here: the dough should not be too thick or too thin. Its ideal consistency is a bit like liquid sour cream or heavy cream. The dough should not spread in the pan too quickly or too slowly.

In the first case, you need to add a little more flour to it, and in the second, dilute it warm water: it improves not only the consistency of the dough, but also has a positive effect on the taste and fluffiness of the pancakes.

How and with what to grease a frying pan?

Suitable lubricants for frying pancakes are: vegetable, butter or ghee, lard or any animal fat.

To ensure that the surface of the pan is evenly greased, you can use half an onion or raw potatoes, placed on a fork. Our grandmothers also used this “brush”. You can replace it with a regular silicone culinary brush. You need to grease not only the bottom of the pan with oil, but also its entire inner surface.

How much and how to pour the dough?

The thickness and taste of the pancakes depends on the amount of dough in the pan. The capacity of the ladle needs to be measured against the size of the frying pan and the ideal ratio must be found.

For example, for a frying pan average size(with a bottom diameter of 20 centimeters) one standard ladle (about 0.14 milliliters) of dough will be quite enough.
There are two best known ways of pouring dough: into the middle of the dish and from one of the raised sides. In any case, it is necessary to achieve uniform distribution of the dough over the bottom of the pan. To do this, you need to quickly and carefully pour the dough, slightly tilting and rotating the bowl clockwise.

How to heat a frying pan correctly?

The main reason for lumps in pancakes is an insufficiently heated frying pan. Please note that a cast iron frying pan takes longer to heat up than a regular Teflon frying pan. The size of the burner is selected according to the size of the frying pan. The smaller the burner, the stronger the flame should be, but do not bring it to maximum.

The best option is a medium burner with medium heat intensity. On a wide burner there is a risk that the core of the pancake will not cook well. You can speed up the cooking process by using 2 or 3 pans at once.

When and how to flip pancakes?

When frying pancakes, it is important not to dry them out. The condition that signals the pancake needs to be flipped is a smooth, bubbly, slightly golden surface with no remaining batter. There is no need to wait until the bottom of the cake turns chocolate brown. Although some people really like these crispy pancakes.

Before flipping the pancake, run a spatula along the edges, gently peeling them away from the surface of the pan. Then, sliding the spatula to the middle of the pancake, quickly turn it over. It is best to use a thin wooden spatula for these purposes. Metal utensils can damage the coating of the pan and tear the thin pancake circle.

How to transfer pancakes from a frying pan to a plate?

There are at least 3 ways to do this: using a wooden spatula, a fork and a masterly release with an accurate calculation of the trajectory of its flight onto the plate.

The first option is the most convenient and simple: from an inclined frying pan, a pancake, held with a spatula, slowly slides onto a plate.
The second method is more risky: using a fork can damage the pancake, but with its help you can easily find out about the degree of readiness of the dish.

Third, spectacular option difficult to implement without proper training and skills.

How to serve pancakes?

It is worth considering in advance the number of people you are going to treat with pancakes. On average, there are 3-4 pancakes per serving. But during Maslenitsa, 5 pancakes per guest “fly away”.

On this holiday, pancakes can be served as a main course, and not just as a pastry for tea. A plate with a stack of pancakes, several bowls with sauces are placed in the center of the table, and guests are given personal plates with forks and teaspoons. And don't forget about napkins - there should be enough for everyone.

How to store pancakes?

Traditionally, pancakes are stacked, carefully greasing each layer with butter.

At the end of cooking, cover the pancakes with a plate and a towel so that they stay hot longer and do not dry out.
You can heat up the pancakes in microwave oven, warm (about 50 degrees) oven or in a bowl placed in a pan of boiling water for a few minutes.

On average, fresh pancakes are stored in the refrigerator under cling film or in a container for about 2-3 days, and in the freezer for a whole month.

I hope that in this selection you have found something new for yourself and your skill in baking pancakes will increase, and the pancakes will be even tastier.

Oh, I love pancakes!
How delicious they are!
My grandmother bakes them for me.
Here he is again calling them to eat.
I bake brownies
Russian pancakes
According to an ancient recipe
Ancestors of antiquity
Knows his secret
My grandmother,
By inheritance - mother,
And of course I
Sweet, honey,
With honey, with milk
Sweet flavors
Filling the house
Three huge dishes
I'll bake pancakes -
Come to visit -
The tea is ready!

Very soon the day will come when people will solemnly burn the effigy of Maslenitsa, saying goodbye to the winter and giving way to spring. Today we will talk about how to make pancakes from dough with milk, which will certainly cause great delight among your family and friends. We hope that this simple recipe will mark the beginning of a new family tradition and will be passed on from generation to generation.

Traditional Russian pancakes were baked from buckwheat flour with the addition of fatty sour cream or cream, resulting in rather dense and thick “rounds”. Today, thin and airy products in which you can wrap various kinds filling.

There are many variations on the theme of how to cook pancakes with milk: some add vanillin to the dough, others prefer not to add sugar, some leave the mixture to “rest” for a while.

But there is a basic composition that is worth using, at least until you master the basics of the recipe.

Recipe for thin pancakes with milk “You will lick your fingers!”


  • — 500 ml + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1/4 tsp. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • Premium wheat flour200 g (approximately one glass by volume) + -

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with milk

The recipe is easy to follow, and the result is incredibly tasty pancakes!

Now comes the most crucial moment: you need to add the egg-milk mixture to the flour. We will pour it in several stages, constantly stirring the mass to avoid the formation of lumps.

  • Add milk into the container without stopping stirring.
  • Mix eggs, salt and sugar in a deep bowl. Whisk the resulting mixture thoroughly until smooth.
  • Sift the flour into a suitable bowl.
  • At the final stage, add vegetable oil to the dough. We do this so that our pancakes turn over easier when frying and do not wrinkle.
  • If the first samples, according to the popular proverb, still come out crumpled, then add another spoonful of oil - and then everything will be fine!

If we did everything correctly, then in the end we will have a homogeneous mass in the bowl without lumps, and in consistency it will resemble liquid sour cream. It should spread easily over the pan, but not be too liquid.

To get the perfect dough for pancakes with milk, the pancake milk mixture is added to a container with sifted flour, and not vice versa. Then a minimum of lumps are formed, and they “break” more easily.

You can serve pancakes piping hot beautiful plate, greased with butter. As an option, wrap them beautifully or stuff them with a variety of fillings.

Thin pancakes made from sour milk are tender and especially soft, and taste reminiscent of yeast. Once you try to cook pancakes with sour milk, you will become an admirer of them for life! let's consider classic recipe, and recipes for pancakes without eggs and without soda.

  • Sour milk - 2 cups;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 0.5 cups or to taste;
  • Wheat flour, high grade – 1.5 cups;
  • Refined vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – a couple of pinches;
  • Vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet.

  1. To completely dissolve the sugar, mix it with the eggs in a mixer bowl at low speed.
  2. Pour sour milk into the egg mixture, add sugar and vanilla and mix with mixer blades.
  3. Now stir in the flour in portions until the dough is homogeneous, reminiscent of liquid sour cream.
  4. Mix the oil into the already smooth liquid mixture.
  5. Fry the first pancake in a frying pan heated with butter. We prepare the next pancakes without additional oil - it is already present in the dough!

We soak each pancake fried on both sides with butter, roll it either into a triangle, or into a tube, or stuff it with something tasty. Or you can simply enjoy it with condensed milk and tea.

Pancakes with sour milk, recipe without soda

Baking soda is added to the dough for perfect airiness of the products. By combining with the acid of sour milk, soda helps saturate the dough with carbon dioxide, and it begins to bubble. How can you replace soda to make flour products fluffy? That's right - proteins!

For our fantastically tasty and thin pancakes we will need:

  • 2 glasses of sour milk;
  • 2 cups of flour; 5 eggs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • quarter tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp each melted butter and vegetable oils.

The peculiarity of kneading the dough for these excellent pancakes is the presence of whipped proteins in it chicken eggs. They are the very last to interfere with the dough - using spoon movements from bottom to top.

  • At the first stage of kneading the dough, combine the yolks, beaten with sugar, with melted (warm) butter. Pour 3 tablespoons of flour into this mixture and achieve uniformity of the composition.

  • At the second stage, pour sour milk into the yolk mixture and fluff with a mixer whisk. Add the rest of the flour and whisk everything until smooth. Lastly, mix in vegetable oil.
  • Separately, beat the whites, but not to a stable dense foam, but to form a soft cap. Using a spoon, fold the whites into the dough from bottom to top. We achieve homogeneity of the pancake mixture.
  • fry the first pancake in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil or a piece of unsalted lard on both sides. Next, do not grease the bottom of the pan.

Serve with sour cream. Dessert sauce is even better! The simplest dessert sauce is a mixture of sour cream with condensed milk or jam.

Thin pancakes with sour milk, recipe without eggs


  • Sour milk - 600 ml
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil, deodorized, odorless - a couple of spoons.
  • Wheat flour - as needed.

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with sour milk

This recipe is suitable for people who are allergic to eggs, as well as for convinced vegetarians. main feature This recipe involves heating the milk. The liquid should be heated over low heat.

  • We put a deep saucepan with sour milk on the fire, wait for it to warm up slightly, add soda and dissolve it in the milk.
  • We see a violent reaction, add sugar and salt. Combine all components with vigorous stirring and remove from heat.
  • Do not overheat milk Maximum temperature should not exceed 35-40 degrees.
  • Pour sifted flour into warm milk and beat with a whisk until complete disappearance lumps, achieving a uniform consistency. The fluidity of the mixture should resemble liquid sour cream - the dough should spread freely along the bottom of the pan.

Heat up the frying pan, pour in a little butter, spread it over the surface and start baking our pancakes with sour milk. Keep the pan very hot and bake the products quickly.

Serve with tea with sour cream, honey or jam.

The secrets of delicious pancakes with sour milk

Secret I

Before adding flour to the liquid component, be sure to sift it, holding the sieve high above the bowl. Oxygen-enriched flour gives fluffiness and airiness to products.

Secret II

Heat the sour milk slightly over the fire, and use eggs only at room temperature. If you add whipped egg whites instead of baking soda, you don't need to refrigerate them either!

Secret III

The best frying pan for baking thin pancakes is cast iron. It warms up evenly and cools down slowly! The pan should be heated over low heat, so put it on the fire in advance.

Secret IV

Use a wide spatula to turn the pancakes, helping yourself with your hand. Protect your skin from burns with a special oven mitt.

Secret V

With each pancake, the pan warms up more and more, and therefore the cooking time for the next one is reduced. Take this nuance into account and do not leave the frying pan. All you have to do is wait for the golden color of one side to immediately turn the pancake over to the other!

A pile of thin pancakes on a platter is a sign of a warm and friendly home. Pancakes with sour milk, the recipe for which is so easy to implement, will fill your home with the familiar aroma of childhood - because pancakes smell so great!

How to make thin corn pancakes with milk

Many people underestimate corn flour, but in vain - it not only has excellent taste qualities, but is also considered a healthy dietary product.

We are sharing with you a simple recipe on how to make pancakes from cornmeal with milk, so that you can see for yourself their benefits and incredible taste.
Corn flour is lower in calories than wheat flour, it is easier to digest by the stomach and contains many elements valuable for the body.

Because of low content calories, baking from this product is ideal for those who adhere to proper nutrition or is on a diet to lose weight.

And articles that discuss the calorie content of pancakes in detail.

This flour also gives the dough fluffiness, lightness and a peculiar corn flavor. When baking pancakes, it is advisable to use corn flour as finely ground as possible.

Corn pancakes with sour milk: classic recipe


  • Corn flour - 1 cup
  • Sour milk (can be replaced with kefir) - 1 glass
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar for extinguishing soda - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. for test
  • Butter - 50-70 g (for greasing pancakes)

How to make pancakes from corn flour with kefir

  • Pour sour milk into a convenient deep bowl, add soda, quenched with vinegar.
  • Beat eggs into milk, add sugar, salt and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Add corn flour little by little, stirring the dough constantly. It is advisable to use a whisk for kneading.
  • Then add vegetable oil and mix everything again until smooth.
  • Heat the frying pan over the fire and pour the dough onto the hot bottom so that it spreads in an even, thin layer over the entire surface. To do this, hold the dish in your hand and twist it in all directions (in a circle).

Bake each pancake for a couple of minutes on both sides.

The secrets of successful corn pancakes with sour milk

  • Keep in mind that cornmeal is grainy and will continually sink to the bottom. Therefore, before scooping a portion for a new pancake into the scoop, you need to stir the dough each time.

Also keep in mind that pancakes made from corn flour with sour milk will not be very thin, but you shouldn’t make them too thick, otherwise they won’t cook well.

  • For baking, it is recommended to use a non-stick pan.
  • Pour a little oil for frying, or better just coat the dishes with a brush (dip it in the oil first) so that the pancakes do not turn out greasy. If the pan does not stick at all, then you can bake without oil at all.
  • Immediately, while it is hot, grease each finished “cake” with butter. Stack the pancakes so they soak better.

Appetizing pancakes made from corn flour with sour milk can be served with sour cream, jams, preserves and other delicacies. If you do not add sugar to the pancake dough, you can wrap meat or vegetable fillings in them.

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our site - with milk and kefir

Povarenok has many proven pancake recipes, which you can find in the video or on our website.

Pancakes with milk: secrets of a successful experiment

But there are some technological subtleties this process, which has been tested by many generations of homemakers.

  • The experience accumulated by many generations of culinary experts proves that baking should be done in dishes with low sides. If the edges of the container are too high, you may accidentally tear the pancake when turning it over.
  • We take the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before baking, so that by this moment they are not cold, but at a temperature close to room temperature;
  • We do not pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, but apply a thin layer with a clean sponge or silicone brush;
  • We hold the sieve with flour as high as possible when adding it to the dough - it should be properly saturated with oxygen;
  • We thoroughly heat the baking container before starting the process;
  • To turn over, use a spatula with a flexible handle - this way there is a much greater chance that the pancakes will not wrinkle.

You see, everything turned out to be not as difficult as it looked at first glance! A little practice - and pancakes with milk will certainly become your signature dish! They can be served as a separate dish or “play around” with the fillings: the rather neutral taste of pancakes allows for an unlimited number of options.

An ingredient you can't buy in the store

Have you noticed that one housewife’s pancakes prepared according to the same recipe turn out to be just a feast for the eyes, while another’s are not at all so appetizing?

It seems that the composition is the same, and they were fried in the same way, but the result was exactly the opposite? All because one of our cooks was in a good mood, but the second day was not going well.

One cooked with love, and the other was somewhere far away in her thoughts. Therefore, if you don’t feel inspired today to perform feats at the stove, then you shouldn’t start - it’s okay, you’ll please your loved ones with pancakes another time! After all good dish It turns out only when, in addition to the components required by technology, it is seasoned with a pinch of love for those for whom it is intended!

Now you know how to cook pancakes with milk quickly and easily. This simple recipe, combined with a variety of fillings, will help you out more than once and allow you to delight your family and guests with your culinary ideas.

Every more or less experienced housewife knows how to make pancakes, and Russian grandmothers can present so many options for preparing this delicacy that you can implement them all your life.

In each region, pancakes are prepared differently and served with completely different fillings and dressings.

Thin, thick, delicate, with or without traditional filling - any pancakes will turn out delicious if you put a little of your warmth into their preparation.

Regular pancakes without filling are served still hot, generously seasoned with butter or sour cream. These pancakes are special make them curvy using yeast to prepare them.

The traditional Russian recipe for Maslenitsa or any other occasion for which homemade thick pancakes are made is kept in almost every family and passed on from the older generation to the younger.

Pancakes intended to serve with filling, must be elastic and very thin. The fillings for pancakes can be varied: caviar, lightly salted salmon, herbs, mushrooms, cottage cheese.

After all, this famous Russian dish is served not only for dessert, but also as a hearty and very nutritious snack. Sweet pancakes are usually seasoned with honey, condensed milk, jam, nuts, and raisins.

Making perfect pancakes isn't that difficult. You can always find your own version of the recipe according to which you will bake pancakes. Next, you will learn how to make dough for pancakes, you will be able to study several recipes and get acquainted with photo and video materials.

Each housewife prepares the dough in her own way, but there is certain ingredients, which must necessarily be included in pancakes:

  • flour (wheat, corn or buckwheat, always sifted);
  • liquid (milk, water, kefir, low-fat sour cream or even beer);
  • salt, sugar;
  • vegetable oil (add directly to the dough to make it elastic);
  • eggs, as a binding element, give your dough density, but they are not necessary to add.

To make pancake dough, you can use the following universal recipe.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients in advance:

  • 2 glasses of liquid (water, milk or a 1:1 mixture of both);
  • 1.5-2 cups flour;
  • 1-3 eggs;
  • 1-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of plant oils
  1. Take a container, in which you will stir your dough. Best fit large saucepan or deep bowl.
  2. Sift flour into the bottom of the container, make a small funnel in it and pour lightly beaten eggs into it. You can vary the number of eggs yourself; as mentioned earlier, they serve to thicken the dough and form a crispy crust. Therefore, if you want to bake soft, spongy pancakes, you can add fewer eggs or do without them altogether.
  3. Following the eggs add half of the liquid to a container with flour, preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  4. Gently beat the ingredients with a mixer or using a whisk, trying to get a homogeneous mass.
  5. Next add the remaining liquid, sugar, salt and vegetable oil.

Also you can use the second option.

  1. First of all, you need to beat half the liquid in a mixer along with the eggs, add flour (it should be stirred to avoid lumps).
  2. Then add the remaining amount of liquid, controlling the consistency. This way you will monitor the thickness of your future pancakes.
  3. If you like thin ones - add fluids just enough so that you get the consistency of very liquid sour cream. The dough for baking thicker pancakes simply resembles liquid sour cream.

We have revealed only 2 ways to prepare pancake dough. You can try each of them and choose the best option for yourself. Once you've got your hands full, you'll learn how to quickly cook pancakes and, perhaps, create your own unique recipe.

How to cook pancakes with milk: recipe, photo instructions, useful tips

Traditional pancakes are made with milk. You can also use liquid sour cream, as our ancestors did, but such a snack will turn out to be very fatty, which will not be entirely healthy for a resident of a modern metropolis. Therefore, we will tell you in detail how to make pancakes with milk, because final product it turns out unusually soft, thin, tender and tasty.

To prepare a serving of 15-20 pancakes, you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 ml milk;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 3 tbsp. Spoons grow. oils;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

And now let's go straight to the recipe, thanks to which you can quickly prepare pancakes with milk.

  1. Prepare the ingredients: the flour must be sifted, and the milk and eggs must be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. Take a dry and clean bowl. Beat 2 eggs together with required quantity salt and sugar. Helpful advice : to prepare sweet pancakes, take 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, then they will be airy.
  3. Gradually adding milk, beat the mixture with a whisk or with a mixer.
  4. Add flour little by little, after sifting it through a sieve. This will saturate your dough with oxygen, making it light and airy.
    Helpful advice: add flour and stir the resulting mass until your dough begins to resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.
  5. Last but not least pour vegetable oil into the dough.
    Helpful advice: Stir your dough well, so the oil is evenly distributed and the pancakes will not burn.
  6. Let's move on to the baking process. So that your first pancake doesn’t come out lumpy, heat the pan well. For these purposes, it is best to take a cast iron pan with a flat bottom or a special pancake frying pan.
    Helpful advice: grease a hot frying pan with vegetable oil using a napkin or a special silicone brush.
  7. Pour a small amount of batter into the pan using a large wooden spoon or ladle. Hold the handle of the pan with your other hand, spreading the batter evenly.
    Helpful advice: Bake the pancake for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  8. Carefully turn the pancake over using a wooden or silicone spatula. Bake for another 3 minutes.
  9. Place the finished pancakes on a large plate.. Helpful advice: Brush hot pancakes with butter to keep them soft.

How to make pancakes on water?

A very simple dish, it seems, well, who still doesn’t know how to bake pancakes, but there are many recipes for dough and fillings, each housewife can boast of her favorite branded, proven recipe. Of course, pancakes are dangerous for your figure, although there are dietary, low-calorie ones.

Everyone in my family loves baking. I love it. That’s why I bake often, a lot and with pleasure. You have to dose out portions of all kinds of goodies in order to stay slim.

I constantly come across new recipes on the topic of how to bake pancakes, I want to try them right away, especially unusual ones - with fillings or colored ones, for example. The latter actually struck my imagination - how can you bake red, yellow or green pancakes without dyes?

I also liked the lace pancakes - unusual, tasty and beautiful, and they are not difficult to bake. The most important thing is a good pancake frying pan, then you can safely look for recipes, try to cook new baked goods or dishes based on pancakes. I often bake pancakes, so a special frying pan is very helpful. I recommend purchasing one, there are a lot of different ones on sale now, choosing won’t be difficult. Pancakes prepared according to any of the recipes can be served simply with sour cream, empty, or wrapped with any filling.

How to bake traditional pancakes with milk

Traditional pancakes are a good option for breakfast or the basis for lunch if you cook them with suitable delicious fillings. Sometimes it can be difficult to bake pancakes even this way simple recipe, you may end up with tasteless, lumpy or burnt baked goods.

This recipe makes it possible to bake very good, tasty, beautiful pancakes; they come out thin, soft, and not tough.

Ingredients (to make about a dozen pancakes):

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 eggs
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 1 pinch each of salt and sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. sunflower (or any vegetable) oil
  • vegetable oil to grease the frying pan (but if you have a good pancake frying pan with a non-stick coating, you don’t need extra fat, what’s already in the dough is enough; I don’t add any fat to the pan when baking).
  1. In a saucepan, combine eggs, milk, water, butter, salt and sugar, stir. Add flour, mix so that there are no lumps (I beat with a blender).
  2. Following are two points that may be worth paying attention to. Decide for yourself whether to implement them or not. I tried excluding them and still managed to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, so I didn’t notice much of a difference.

These are the points:

* pour the dough through a sieve to make sure there are no lumps (after the blender the dough turns out very homogeneous, there are no lumps)

* leave the dough for a quarter of an hour so that it acquires the desired consistency (sometimes there is simply no time or patience to wait)

As experts advise, check the correct consistency of the dough: it should flow smoothly from the spoon back into the pan; if it flows quickly, add flour; if it flows too slowly, add milk.

Bake as usual in a well-heated pancake pan for 1-2 minutes on each side. Good with any baked goods, filling, sauce, or jam.

How to bake pancakes so that they have holes and are spongy? The recipe for traditional pancakes contains water, so you need to mix all the ingredients, leave half a glass of water, heat it high and pour it in a thin stream into the main mass of the pancake dough so that it brews but does not curl. Small bubble holes will form during baking. I also recommend the article ““, in which various fillings are wrapped and eaten instead of bread.

How to bake yeast pancakes

These pancakes taste very similar to traditional ones, but they are much looser and fluffier. It takes more time to prepare, but the result is worth it.

The taste of the dough is neutral, so the filling can be anything - sweet or not. If you want to bake pancakes according to this recipe, keep in mind that you will get about 20-25 pancakes (in a frying pan 21 cm in diameter).

What to cook from:

  • 3 glasses of milk
  • 3 teaspoons dry yeast (or 25 g if fresh)
  • pinch of sugar
  • 400 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons soft butter
  • salt to taste

How to bake: the cooking process

  1. Pour milk into a bowl and heat slightly.
  2. Add yeast and sugar, stir until dissolved.
  3. Add half the amount of flour according to the recipe and mix well.
  4. Keep the dough warm (wrap it up or leave it next to a hot pan). You can dial hot water in a bowl bigger size and lower the dough into the saucepan (bubbles should appear on the surface over time).
  5. Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with butter and add to the dough, mix.
  6. Add salt and the rest of the flour. The dough should be as thick as good homemade sour cream.
  7. Leave the dough in a warm place for another hour to rise again.
  8. Beat the egg whites and carefully fold into the dough (if it turns out too thick, you can dilute it a little with warm milk).
  9. Heat a little butter in a frying pan, pour a spoonful of pancake batter into the middle, distribute it evenly over the entire surface, bake one side first, when it is browned, turn it over to the other.

How to bake pancakes with kefir

Pancakes made with kefir are softer than traditional pancakes made with milk, but they are a little more difficult to bake. The amount of flour may vary depending on the consistency of kefir; it is better to choose kefir that is not thick and not greasy. In the case of thick kefir, you will have to add more flour so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan; in this case, you will end up with pancakes rather than pancakes, since it will not be possible to stretch the dough over the entire pan or the baked goods will be too thick.


  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 1 level teaspoon of baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • about 2 cups flour
  • vanilla sugar to taste
  • 2 tablespoons butter

How to bake pancakes according to this recipe:

  1. In a bowl, combine eggs, salt and sugar, stir until the bulk products dissolve. Add half a cup of flour, soda and other ingredients according to the recipe.
  2. Stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. The density of the pancake dough should resemble kefir itself, but not too thick. If you can’t tell by looking at it, try baking a test pancake - drop a very small portion of the dough onto a heated frying pan, evaluate the thickness and the ability to flip it.
  3. You will get a liquid, unbaked lump - add a little flour, a thick pancake - 1-2 tablespoons of water.
  4. If everything is in order with the dough, then bake the pancakes as usual - in a pancake frying pan over medium heat on both sides (a minute or two per side).

How to bake diet pancakes

It seems to me that the definition of " dietary baking“It’s a very conditional concept; you can’t bake something just from water and air. But still, you can try to remove it from regular recipes some products or replace them with others that are lower in calories, which will ultimately slightly reduce the total calorie content of the prepared dish.

Diet pancakes without eggs, fat and flour in Lately my favorite breakfast. I would like to think that (as nutritionists say everywhere now) my body receives a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates in the morning. The pancakes turn out tender, slightly darker than those made with regular white flour and thicker. Equally delicious hot and cold.

I struggled with these pancakes while I learned how to cook them. The improvised dough stuck to the pan every time, regularly. Honestly, after several failures, I began to think that this was some kind of cruel joke and it was impossible to bake pancakes according to this recipe. And just when I was ready to give up trying, I succeeded!

You need to heat the frying pan well, as usual, and then fry over low heat. Even medium heat is too much, you won’t be able to turn it over, it won’t turn out to be a pancake, but a fried porridge. Over low heat, the pancake dough has time to bake evenly and can be turned over, like pancakes made from wheat flour.


  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons flax seed
  • 1 glass of milk
  • a small pinch of salt and soda (or baking powder for baking)

Cooking process:

  1. Flakes, flax-seed grind into flour.
  2. Add milk, salt, baking soda or baking powder and stir until smooth. Set aside for 5 minutes until slightly thickened.
  3. Fry pancakes in a pancake pan without fat until golden brown on each side.
  4. The filling can be cottage cheese, hummus, or vegetable pate.

How to bake lace pancakes

Not boring pancakes - lace. The dough recipe can be taken as for traditional pancakes with milk. The whole secret is in a simple but unusual baking technique.


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 egg
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • sugar - to your taste if you are going to bake pancakes for dessert

How to cook:

  1. Mix all the ingredients for the recipe and mix thoroughly or beat with a blender so that there are no lumps.
  2. Pour the dough into a bottle with a narrow spout (like ketchup, for example), heat the frying pan and pour the dough, forming a pancake from fancy patterns.
  3. You can put the filling in a denser lace, and serve the most delicate one with sauce, jam or cream.

How to bake colored pancakes

This is truly fantastic for me! The idea is not new, I understand that such pastries have been prepared for a long time, the point is that I didn’t know about it, this is my personal recent discovery. The taste with natural dyes from vegetables and spices is unusual, it’s not for everyone, but I recommend trying to bake colored pancakes at least once, it’s more than original!

I've come across recipes with chemical food dyes, the baked goods there are even more fabulous, you can't achieve such colors with natural colors, but for now I'm trying to do without unnecessary chemicals. Try cooking spinach, carrots or pumpkin, the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Dough ingredients:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil
  • 1 pinch each of salt and soda

How to cook:

  1. Mix all the ingredients as for preparing regular pancakes, divide the dough into 3 parts.
  2. The pink dough will require baked beets (50-100 g) or beet juice - 2-3 tablespoons. Mix the dough with beets more thoroughly using a blender.
  3. For the green dough you will need 3-4 tablespoons of spinach juice, or a handful of fresh or frozen spinach (then you need to defrost it first and put it on a sieve). Also, carefully blend the greens along with the dough until smooth in a blender.
  4. Yellow pancakes can be prepared by adding carrot juice, fresh, baked or boiled carrots, and there are also recipes with turmeric. I liked the option with half a spoon of turmeric and 3 tablespoons of carrot juice. The result is a wonderful bright, rich color and pleasant taste.
  5. Bake colored pancakes in a preheated frying pan as usual, adding vegetable oil or without it if necessary.

Happy culinary experiments and bon appetit!

The first thing you need to complete pancake practice is the right frying pan. It is best to use cast iron with a thick bottom so that your hand can feel that you are holding the Thing. Yes, grandma's. Yes, not shiny and not colorful. Yes, it heats up slowly. But when it gets hot, you can’t stop it and it seems that the frying pan itself is already settling in your hand. How delicious the ruddy pancakes look against its black background! Plus, such a frying pan does not need to be washed. It is enough to cool and wipe with a soft cloth or paper napkin.

Nuance: Over time, the habit of baking pancakes in a cast iron frying pan will develop into the ability to “listen” to pancakes: a sharp and loud hissing - the frying pan is very hot, barely audible - there is still room for heat.

If the dough sticks to a cast iron frying pan, it needs to be ignited with salt and cleaned with a soft cloth (do not wash it!). And if you still succumbed to fashion trends and used Teflon, try “brewing” ready dough, adding a little boiling water or milk to it helps. Checked!

And, by the way, if it’s not cast iron, pay attention to frying pans without sides - now there are those on sale. They make it easier to lift pancakes and turn them over.

Pancakes in a cast iron frying pan

Step two. Pancake dough

“Pancakes” - that’s what we’ll call it thin pancakes prepared from without yeast dough . The most simple circuit their preparation: "6 by 1" . One glass of wheat flour, one large pinch of potato starch, one large pinch of baking powder, one egg, one glass of milk, one tablespoon of granulated sugar and one small pinch of fine salt. In a large bowl, whisk the egg and salt, add milk and sugar. Sift flour, starch and baking powder into the mixture. Whisk the dough until smooth. Leave on the table for 15 minutes and fry to your satisfaction, stirring the dough from time to time. Six ingredients - six medium-sized pancakes. Be sure to serve warm with sour cream and/or honey.

This is a basic recipe, and like any base, it can grow indefinitely, for example, turn into a recipe from Vladimir Mukhin (White Rabbit restaurant) , one of the most famous chefs in Russia:

“For 1 liter of milk you need to take 5 large eggs, sugar and salt to taste, add flour to the desired consistency. Mix with a whisk. Usually, for fluffiness, kefir or mineral water. They can be prepared with whey, or with milk. When there is sugar and flour, fermentation will still occur. This dough is also kneaded to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Let it sit for 20 minutes and you’re ready to bake.” Do you feel the difference?! To make the pancakes extra thin, the chef recommends adding more eggs: 6 eggs per 1 liter of milk. And you don’t need a lot of flour, the dough should be liquid, then the pancakes will turn out thin.

  • For better turning of pancakes (and with this many beginning pancake makers have the most problems), you can add 2 tbsp to the dough (per 1 liter of liquid). l. vegetable oil plus a little oil add to the pan when frying.
  • If the pancakes are tearing, then you need to thicken the dough a little - in small portions, without fanaticism - with sifted flour or heat the pan more. If the pancake breaks in the frying pan, does not hold its shape and is unsightly browned, it means there is not enough sugar and eggs. Beat 1-2 eggs well with a whisk with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, add to the dough and everything will work out.

Nuance: The most popular are pancakes with milk. You can develop a dairy theme using a mixture of condensed milk and water (dilute 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk with water to the required amount of liquid), milk and cream (milk up to 6% fat and cream 10% in a 1:1 ratio), milk and water (1:1 ratio). You can take sour or baked milk.

Pancakes with milk

Step three. Pancake batter

Let's talk about pancakes made from yeast dough. Since we strive for ideality, our choice is pancakes on sourdough.

Take fresh pressed yeast at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 liter of liquid. If you want, replace fresh with dry (1 g dry = 3 g fresh), but you don’t need to do this on Maslenitsa - after all, it’s a pancake holiday.

For the dough, heat milk with minimal fat content to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Pour into a bowl and dilute the yeast in it, stir with a whisk. To activate the yeast, add a little sugar and flour and leave to rise for 30-45 minutes, covering the dishes with a towel. Do not add eggs, they interfere with the rise. When the dough rises, add the rest of the ingredients.

For 1 liter of milk - 3 eggs, sugar and salt to taste, and add sifted flour to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks until white with sugar. Beat the egg whites separately with a pinch of salt to make the pancakes fluffy. Add flour and mix gently, let the dough stand for another 1-1.5 hours in a warm place. To speed up the rise, place the pan in a large container and fill it hot water. Has the dough risen almost 2 times? Without stirring, bake pancakes.

Nuance: make the dough, let it rise for 40 minutes, and then immediately put it in the refrigerator, preserving the rise of the dough. Then you can take out the dough and add milk, whipped yolks and whites, and the remaining flour. This dough can be used many times. It lasts for 2-3 days.

Yeast pancakes

Step four. Baking pancakes

To make fluffy pancakes easier to flip:

1. Don't make them too big.

2. Heat the frying pan thoroughly, and then reduce the heat slightly - there should be no smoke throughout the kitchen. How to check the readiness of a frying pan: a teaspoon of vegetable oil poured into a frying pan instantly heats up, spreads easily, but does not smoke yet.

3. Grease the bottom of the frying pan with half a raw potato or onion, dipping it in vegetable oil. This way there will definitely be no excess oil.

Nuance: experienced comrades scoop the required amount of dough into a ladle before baking out of habit - by eye. This is difficult for beginners. If the ladle is a classic one - the size of a large apple, fill it to about two-thirds of its volume. This amount of dough will be enough to bake pancakes in a frying pan with a diameter of approximately 22 cm.

Leave the pancakes and pancakes on the heated frying pan alone for a while. Fry them on the bottom side until the top side dries out.

Baking pancakes

Step five. Serving and toppings

Well, here comes the fifth step. And the finish is near.

Stack the finished pancakes and coat them with melted butter, dipping a brush into it. This important operation can be entrusted to one of the family members - it is especially good for children.

Nuance: If you want to complete the cooking process, heat the plate on which you will place the pancakes.

It is wiser to use seasonal filling for pancakes on Maslenitsa: honey, jam, sugar, sour cream, caviar, lightly salted trout, herring, baked apples or pears. Carrots, turnips, pumpkin - it’s better to take them for baking. For it, pour the dough into a frying pan, bake it on it, turn the pancake over and fry a little on the other side. Some craftsmen do not turn the pancake over, but achieve its readiness by frying only one side. Classic bake - green onions And boiled eggs or mushrooms fried with onions.

Fruit and berry sauces and almost sauces go well with pancakes, for example, freshly frozen berries quickly boiled with a small amount of sugar or honey: lingonberries and cranberries, pureed through a sieve with powdered sugar.

Brush pancakes with melted butter
