When to expect spring in the year. According to weather forecasters, spring will be late and cold.

After a long time cold winter each of us really wants to quickly feel the first breath of a warm breeze, take off heavy winter clothes and change into loose, comfortable shoes... But the weather in spring is sometimes so unstable that such decisions can at least lead to a cold. And in order to understand well what spring 2018 is expected in Russia, it will be enough to carefully read long-term weather forecasts from weather forecasters for each spring month. Let us immediately note that all forecasts posted below relate to the Central region of Russia.

Weather forecast for spring 2018 for Russia

Long-range forecasts have never been a definitive measure of the weather. After all, there is no such thing yet exact way predicting weather conditions to make plans months in advance. Nature often throws surprises at us, but some of them can still be predicted. And for especially inquisitive people who care about their future, we present the weather forecast for spring 2018 for the Central region of Russia.
Generally weather in spring 2018, for Russians, it will become somewhat colder and rainier than in previous periods. It is likely that the heat will linger, and the real good spring weather will arrive a few weeks later than usual. March will traditionally remain the coldest month, but in April and even May there can be serious drops in temperatures. Therefore, you should not hide warm things until real spring comes, which will manifest itself primarily in real, strengthened warmth.

What will March 2018 be like?

The first half of March will seem completely indistinguishable from winter to Russians. Of course, the sun will warm up noticeably more, but average temperatures in the first part of March will not exceed zero degrees even during the day. In addition, you should prepare that this month there may be a significant amount of precipitation in the form of sleet and rain. That is why it is worth stocking up on waterproof shoes for this period and do not forget about taking vitamins (see exact).

What will April 2018 be like?

April will be a warmer and drier month. It will start with a confident plus: up to 3-5 degrees above zero during the day and from -1 to +1 at night. There will be noticeably less precipitation than in March. April ends the following temperatures: up to +14-16 degrees during the day and up to +5-7 at night (see exact).

What will May 2018 be like?

May will be very warm, but also the most unpredictable month. In the early days there will be a noticeable cooling, down to +5-7 in some regions of the country. But starting from the middle of the month, the weather will improve, and after the 20th, real warmth will come to the country: about +20 during the day and +12-14 at night (see exact).

Folk signs about spring

Our ancestors loved to observe nature, because they were close to it and very dependent on it. Many existing folk signs are based on the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers, who have stood the test of time. It is believed that you can predict the weather in spring by watching birds. For example, if larks return from warm regions, then warming will soon come. The first flowers can also be a harbinger of warm days: if the snowdrops are open, then spring will be warm and dry, and if they close their heads, this means cold weather and rain. If thunder comes before mid-April, then winter cold will soon return.

What kind of summer it will be like in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018 is a question that worries and worries not only the residents themselves, but also the guests of our capital who plan to spend a weekend or vacation here. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to give a maximum and 100% accurate answer, although you can familiarize yourself with preliminary information right now.

Regarding the weather on summer time in Moscow, the forecast is not the most comforting and joyful, since in one month hot, sweltering weather will be observed and established, but another, on the contrary, will bring autumn coolness, that is, there will hardly be stability and relatively comfortable and acceptable weather for summer.

But we can talk about this in more detail if you look at the forecast for each individual summer month.

Weather forecasts for June.

As for the first summer month, we should immediately upset everyone a little, since precipitation in the form of rain and cloudless weather will most likely prevail. What do weather forecasters say in more detail?

From everything we can conclude that it is unlikely that the first month of summer, that is, June, will be quite comfortable, even despite the warm weather and high temperatures. But, on June 22, the day on which the night is shortest will become a turning point, after which real summer heat will set in throughout the capital and region.

Weather in July.

In July, the weather will delight you with its inconstancy and changeability, so immediately after the relatively cold first month of summer, hot weather, with high temperatures. What are the most important and significant facts of this month?

  1. 1.The daytime temperature will rise and settle at +25 to +27 degrees. The temperature at night will not drop below +17 degrees.
  2. 2. Precipitation in the form of rain will be quite rare, and if it occurs, it will be very short-lived and light in the form of a light drizzle.
  3. 3. By the end of the month, you should expect muggy weather, which will most likely last until the very end of summer.
  4. 4.The water temperature in reservoirs will reach +22 – 23 degrees, or even higher.

As you can see, July is rightfully considered one of the most comfortable summer months, since the air is already well warmed up to its optimal state, but despite this it is still quite comfortable to be outside.

What will August be like?

From time immemorial, it is generally accepted that it is the last month of summer that is famous for its hot, dry, sweltering weather. Will this be the case this year as well, or should we still expect some natural surprises?

  • Firstly, the temperature in the capital and region will be set at +28 degrees. But it’s already towards the end of the month. The temperature will begin to drop little by little and will reach 22 degrees Celsius. daytime, and 12 degrees at night.
  • Secondly, the wind speed will fluctuate from 3 to 8 m.s. At the same time, winds such as the north and northwest will become a real rarity for this month, as they will be replaced by strong southern wind gusts.
  • Thirdly, air humidity will be one of the highest, even despite the fact that rains are very rare and completely uncharacteristic this time for this month. In other words, a real drought is coming.
  • Fourthly, the water will warm up to a level of 24 degrees, and in some places even higher. Although, closer to the middle of the month, it will begin to bloom, which will be the final point in the swimming season.

As a result, August will turn out to be one of the hot summer months with high temperatures and indicators, which is most likely due to a sharp decrease in precipitation, which actually will not occur this month.

weather in summer months in Moscow has been different for several years and is characterized by its stability. But, despite this, weather forecasters still recommend familiarizing yourself with the weather 3-5 days in advance, then the forecast will be more truthful and accurate.

The Hydrometeorological Center, represented by its director R. Vilfand, gave a report on preliminary weather forecasts for the entire 2018 for all regions of Russia. The general trend that is emerging in all territories is the continuation of warming that began in 2015, which will continue during the current period.

Traditionally, the preliminary forecast is based on data from hydrometeorological stations, but weather forecasters do not deny that folk signs developed over many years of observations can be no less accurate. Experts remind that the accuracy of long-term forecasts does not exceed 68%, so they should be considered only as indicative data.

General warming will not affect temperature conditions two winter months. During them, the norm or a slight excess will be observed. temperature minimums. This picture will not affect only the regions Far North(Chukotka, Magadan and Yakutia). Abnormal frosts will occur here.

Severe cooling will occur in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Udmurtia, Barnaul and Kemerovo region. Nature will become kinder to its inhabitants Khabarovsk Territory, Amur region and Yakutia, where the weather will not be so harsh.

February will be marked by unstable weather events, heavy snowfalls will be replaced by sharp frosts, and then by periodic thaws. Only in Taimyr will January and February bring less frost than usual.

The snow cover that fell in the first half of February may significantly exceed the level of the previous two years. In the European part of the country, all these phenomena will not be expressed so sharply, but they will also be felt.

Residents of the southern regions are promised that the last winter month will be more reminiscent of the beginning of spring: on central territory Russia will celebrate strong winds which will bring warming. The last two weeks of February will be especially warm with significant thaws in major cities. But a couple of days before the end of winter, farewell frosts with temperatures down to -10°C are possible.

In the western part of European territory there will be precipitation heavy rainfall not only in the form of snow, but also in the form of rain. This will cause the so-called “ freezing rain"and extreme ice conditions on the country's roads. The amount of fog will remain average. In St. Petersburg, February will be very harsh and capricious, which will cause strong hurricane winds, cold weather and snowstorms.

IN eastern regions the cold will be below standard for this time of year, but the weather will change sharply and frequently, varying from temperatures of +8°C - +13°C to -11°C. This picture will most clearly manifest itself in the Sakhalin region and Primorsky Krai.

Meteorologists warn that high geomagnetic activity is expected to occur at the beginning of 2018, so many flights at airports may be delayed or cancelled, which must be taken into account when purchasing tickets.


Spring 2018, according to forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center, will arrive much earlier than usual, and in most of Russia the weather during this period will be pleasantly warm. In March, there will be a sharp melting of snow, which will cause a rapid convergence of meltwater. Particularly dangerous floods are predicted in Kuban.

In the Urals at the same time full mistress There will be winter, which will not rush to leave until mid-April. There will be periodic snowfalls here, and the snow will not melt until mid-spring. Significant difficulties in the movement of transport are predicted at the end of March in Vladivostok, this will be caused by heavy fogs, impairing visibility. In Siberia, the arrival of spring will last until the end of May, and only after that will temperatures begin to rise above zero.

It will become warmer in northwestern Russia after Easter, which will take place in early April. During this period the thermometer will reach +11°С - +14°С, after which the heat will gradually increase. In the east in April, slight frosts are possible, the level of which will correspond to the values ​​typical for this time of year. Spring weather will not be strong negative influence for agriculture.

In Moscow, the arrival of spring will become noticeable only from mid-April; before that, weather surprises will surprise you almost every day. Often the rain will give way to sleet, and sometimes the sun will appear in the middle of the day. Spring will come to the residents of St. Petersburg a couple of weeks later.

Widespread significant warming is expected from the beginning of May. In the south of Russia during this period the air will warm up so much that in the early days it will be possible to swim in the sea. Further warm weather will proceed to the central regions. Severe frosts at this moment risk appearing in the Sakhalin region, which is due to increased seismic activity in the Sea of ​​Japan, which has been affecting the climate of this area for the second year in a row.

The general spring forecast for Russia promises that winter will not recede for a long time, and spring will become protracted. Anomalies and excessive precipitation are not expected, but northern, eastern and southern anticyclones The weather will change several times for 2-3 days.


According to forecasters, the weather during the first ten days of June will not be at all like summer: it will be cool, especially before sunset and in the mornings. Only in the south of Russia at this time will residents be able to enjoy real summer with thirty-degree heat. In the central zone, these indicators will be much more modest: during the day the thermometer will rarely reach +20°C, and at night it can drop to +9°C. Since during this period there will be little wind, the temperature drop will be quite comfortable.

From the second half of April the weather will become very rainy. This will be especially felt by residents of the center and east of Russia, to whom the cyclones will bring heavy, incessant downpours.

In the northern regions at this time a smooth transition to summer will begin with periodic warmth. Heat and heat in last days months will be observed in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don and Volgograd. The sea coast in the southern resorts will warm up enough to receive vacationers. In other areas, prolonged rains will last until July.

July is considered the hottest summer period, but in 2018 most of it will not be hot. In areas with continental climate The average daily temperature will not rise above 23°C, and in the northern regions it will be +12°C - +14°C. The weather will change at the end of July: the real weather will come summer heat, the thermometer will reach +38°C, and in southern parts countries – and up to +40°С. On some days it is possible so much heatwave that exposure to the sun may be unsafe for people.

During the same period, the first summer drought will occur. The lack of rain is forecast to be significant for at least a month. This will be bad for crops grown in dry regions. Such weather will create a high risk of fires both in fields and forests.

Cold weather in July can only be observed in St. Petersburg, since a sharp cyclone is possible here, bringing with it wind, rain and cool weather.

In mid-August there will be a second peak of heat, which will no longer be so widespread: it will affect only the southern regions. Residents of the Black Sea coast will feel this most of all.

The end of summer will pass without anomalous phenomena, only in Kuban are very possible severe thunderstorms with strong winds. In general, the end of August will be marked by mild, warm weather.


September will be last month an anomalous natural cycle that has lasted for the last 10 years. This will make the beginning of autumn very warm and hot like summer. In 2018, this month is ideal for a seaside holiday for those who did not have time to go there in the summer. In the south at this time the heat will still reach +30°, but in the middle zone it will begin to gradually decrease. At this time, the first frosts will come to the north of Russia, which may become more pronounced than in the previous year.

In October, a stable decrease in temperature will continue; in many regions, towards the end of the month, Russians will be able to observe prolonged periods of heavy rains, and in the north and northeast by this time a persistent snow cover will already appear, which will last until next spring. Frosts at the end of October in these regions will reach -13°C - 16°C.

IN middle lane In Russia, the first serious frosts will come in the second half of November, but they will not bring snow with them. The first snowfalls are possible only by mid-December.

Summarizing the results, the Hydrometeorological Center predicts that 2018 will be quite warm for Russia, annual indicators will not deviate significantly from the statistical average, but the widespread trend towards climate softening will continue.

Forecast for 2018: video

Winter has not yet set in, and many are already wondering: what kind of spring awaits us in 2019? As you know, the weather is a very capricious and unpredictable lady, and what it will be like in a week, neither experienced weather forecasters nor experts can say for sure folk signs. However, there are still some assumptions.

What kind of spring awaits us in 2019 according to weather forecasters?

According to Anatoly Prokopenko, deputy head of the Hydrometeorological Center, spring in 2019 will come into its own without delay, that is, according to the calendar. As for any anomalous phenomena, they are unlikely. At least, there are no prerequisites for them yet. Spring will be warm, but in March, somewhere in the middle of the month, frosts are possible.

According to the forecasts of some forecasters, spring in 2019 will please us with positive dynamics of temperature growth compared to last spring and even compared to the long-term norm. However, this will be observed only in the North Caucasus District, Southern and Southern Ural Districts. As for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, on the contrary, in the spring there will be significant drops in temperature indicators observed by meteorologists for many years.

Despite the fact that spring in 2019 will be early, according to meteorologists, it will be protracted. There is a fairly high probability of a repeat of last spring, when warm, sunny weather established in most of our country at the beginning of March, which persisted throughout the spring, until the beginning of summer. However, there are suggestions that May 2019 will not be as warm as in 2018. This is due to the seismic activity that has been observed in the Sea of ​​Japan over the past few years. It is this phenomenon that will greatly affect the deterioration of the climate in Russia and the world as a whole.

What kind of spring awaits us in 2019 according to signs

Some folk weather forecasters, which give a forecast based on folk signs, portend a slightly different picture. Although they, as well as professional meteorologists, claim that spring will come in early March, still, in their opinion, the weather in the first month of spring will be very dank and unpleasant.

Active melting of snow and ice, according to experts in folk wisdom, will occur only in early April. Then the cold will return to the central and northern zones of our country, although not for long. However, already in the first ten days of May 2019, the weather will change dramatically - real summer weather will set in, the air will warm up from 25 to 28 degrees during the day.

Of course, these are only speculative forecasts. Which one is more accurate - only time will tell. Do not forget that the weather in the spring of 2019 will depend on many factors and, above all, on the upcoming winter, its temperature and the amount of precipitation that will fall during this time of year.

The more snow falls in winter and the longer the frosts last, the later the blooming time will come. It is worth noting that the regions of our country, due to different geographical location and climate, will feel the arrival of spring differently. In some places the snow will melt away in March, and in others the grass will turn green only by the beginning of summer.

According to experts, the first month of spring 2018 will be more like January in terms of weather conditions. Outdoor temperatures will remain extremely unstable, with a high probability of precipitation in the form of snow and rain. But, closer to the second half of March, sudden changes are possible: anticyclones will retreat, and cyclones will replace them.

In the last weeks of March, the amount of precipitation may even exceed the monthly norm. Muscovites should not count on a quick and sudden arrival of heat. Spring will be protracted, similar to last year. So, from the article we will find out when the long-awaited spring will come in 2018, what weather weather forecasters promise in Moscow in the next month.

When will spring come in 2018 in Moscow: weather forecasters' forecast.

Forecasters' forecast for spring 2018 is encouraging. It is assumed that there will be no sharp temperature fluctuations and the heat will arrive without delay. The northern regions of the country will be affected low temperatures until mid-May, and in central regions and in the North-West of Russia, the arrival of spring should be expected only after Happy Easter when the air warms up to +12 °C. As for the south of the country, after May holidays Enthusiasts will probably already open the swimming season.

When will spring come in Moscow in 2018

when it gets warmer in Moscow and the long-awaited spring comes, it’s difficult to answer: “It’s likely that the entire first ten days of the month, the thermometer will be at low levels,” the specialist concluded.

When will spring come in 2018 in Moscow? Long-term forecast for all spring months in 2018 in Moscow

Of course, everyone is already tired of winter. I would like to quickly get rid of heavy coats and fur hats. I want spring to come as soon as possible, with the onset of warmer weather. By clear skies and both adults and children managed to miss the sun. The Hydrometeorological Center makes positive forecasts, but warns about the capricious nature of the first spring months. Therefore, the likelihood of “unpleasant” surprises remains quite high.

According to experts, almost the entire month of March will be cold. During the daytime, the thermometer can rarely rise above 0 °C, and at night it will fluctuate around -6 °C -9 °C. There may be snow turning to rain and icy conditions. Only closer to the last ten days of March, weather conditions can change noticeably. Anticyclones will give way to their positions under the influence of permanent cyclones. But the amount of precipitation in the form of snow will not decrease significantly. So, for residents of the capital, the forecast for the first ten days of March is not very comforting - the warmth will come, but a little later.

According to weather forecasters, the month of March will be cold.

Only in April will spring be able to more or less establish itself in its domain. The thermometer will steadily, albeit slowly, begin to creep up, and the weather will begin to please with sunshine.

However, not very often, as precipitation is expected. In the last ten days of April, the air can warm up to +20 °C.

But in the last month of spring, weather forecasters do not expect any big surprises from the weather. In the first ten days of May, the temperature will deviate from the norm by a maximum of 3 °C - 5 °C. Rain is possible, but not frequent, it will be warm and clear. In the last week of May the temperature will deviate from monthly norm maximum 5°C - 7°C.

After reading the spring forecast, residents of the capital still ask the question: “When will spring will come in 2018 in Moscow?”, but there is less hope for early warmth, which is also evident from the signs described below.

What Muscovites can expect from the weather in spring 2018: folk signs

If fog often occurs in the first month of spring, you should expect a rainy summer.
When there is little rainfall in March, this means a rich harvest, and when it rains too often, this increases the likelihood that crop shortages are expected.
If warm winds blow in March, the summer will be dry, with clear and sunny weather.
If the first thunder can be heard in March, then we can expect that the crops will fail, but in general, the year will not be warm.
You can tell whether spring will last for a long time or whether it will be quick and warm by the length of the icicles: long ones indicate that it will be cold and its arrival will be extended over time, and short ones promise a rapid spring and a quick onset of summer.
If clouds are passing too quickly across the sky, the weather should soon improve noticeably.
If the snow melts faster on the northern side of the anthill, you should expect a warm and long summer, and if the snow melts faster on its southern side, you should prepare for a fleeting, short summer.

When will spring come in 2018 in Moscow? Summarizing

On the first day of “spring” the thermometer in the capital will drop to 19 °C at night, and during the day it will be within - 10 °C. Light snowfall is forecast and it will be very windy. In the next 2-3 days, the weather will not change noticeably.

And in the short term, forecasters' models are also not particularly encouraging: at night the temperature will drop to -15 °C, and in the daytime to -8 °C.

By temperature indicators, winter in our latitudes lasts until the last ten days of March. So, as the director of the Roshydrometcenter, Roman Vilfand, advises, Muscovites need to rely more on warmth than on sudden pleasant gifts from the weather.
